HomeMy WebLinkAbout03-01-01 AGENDA BACKUP Central Contra Costa Sanitary District BOARD OF DIRECTORS POSITION PAPER Date: February 22, 2001 No.: 4.a. CONSENT CALENDAR Type of Action: AUTHORIZE COST OVERRUNS Board Meeting Date: March 1, 2001 Subject: ADVISE THE BOARD OF THE CLOSE OUT OF 21 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS AND AUTHORIZE COST OVERRUNS FOR DP 6084 AND DP 6072 Submitted By: Randy Schmidt, Senior Engineer Initiating Dept./Div. : Engineering/Environmental Services REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACt'i/1L_ (]fE ~~h ~ ISSUE: Work has been completed on 21 capital improvement projects. When projects have been completed it is our practice to report financial results to the Board prior to closing the projects' accounts. Two of the 21 projects, DP 6084 - Harmonics & Power Coordination and DP 6072 - Plant Data Acquisition Improvements, incurred cost overruns which should have been authorized by the Board of Directors but were not. RECOMMENDATION: Authorize cost overruns of $41,512 for DP 6084 - Harmonics & Power Coordination and $11,686 for DP 6072 - Plant Data Acquisition Improvements. No action is necessary on the other 19 projects. FINANCIAL IMPACTS: Even with the cost overruns in DP 6084 - Harmonics & Power Coordination and DP 6072 - Plant Data Acquisition Improvements, the close out of these 21 projects will return $662,226 to the Sewer Construction Fund. AL TERN A TIVE/CONSIDERA TIONS: No alternatives were considered since this is primarily an informational position paper. BACKGROUND: The 21 capital improvement projects listed on Attachment 1 have been completed, and staff is closing out the project accounts. A summary of the total authorized budgets and expenditures for the projects to be closed is presented by program in the following table: Authorized Underrun Program Budget Expenditures (Overruns) Treatment Plant $988,300 $726,638 $261,662 Collection System $17,208,400 $16,808,635 $398,870 General Improvements $168,000 $162,002 $5,998 Totals $18,036,700 $17,374,474 $662,226 C:\windows\temp\closeo - 1 . wpd Page 1 of 9 POSITION PAPER Board Meeting Date: March 1, 2001 Subject: ADVISE THE BOARD OF THE CLOSE OUT OF 21 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS AND AUTHORIZE COST OVERRUNS FOR DP 6084 AND DP 6072 The total authorized budget for the 21 projects is $18,036,700. Total project expenditures are $17,374,474. A net underrun of $662,226 (4% of the total authorized budgets) will result in $261,662 being returned to the Treatment Plant Program, $398,870 being returned to the Collection System Program and $5,998 being returned to the General Improvements Program. A description of each project follows on Attachment 2. RECOMMENDED BOARD ACTION: Authorize cost overruns of $41,512 for DP 6084 _ Harmonics & Power Coordination and $11,686 for DP 6072 - Plant Data Acquisition Improvements. No action is necessary on the other 19 projects. C:lwindowsltemplcloseo - 1 . wpd Page 2 of 9 ATTACHMENT 1 DP NO. PROJECT TITLE AUTHORIZED EXPENSES UNDERRUN BUDGET (OVERRUNS) 6010 Plant Security Projects $131,300 $91,763 $39,537 6072 Plant Data Acquis Imp $113,000 $124,686 ($11,686) 6084 Harmonics & Power Coord $180,000 $221,512 ($41,512) 6081 Final Effluent Sample Station $25,000 $13,449 $11,551 6097 Utility Water System Upgrade $25,000 $19,309 $5,691 6109 Energy Management Plan $200,000 $166,406 $33,594 6139 Treatment Plant Year 2000 $375,000 $235,671 $139,329 Compliancy 6143 Treatment Plant Roof $64,000 $69,777 ($5,777) Replacement - Phase 3 6146 Pre-Aeration Odor Control $100,000 $66,567 $33,433 7175 Treatment Plant Flood Protect $68,000 $63,696 $4,304 Program Totals $988,300 $726,638 $261,662 CAPITAL PROJECTS TO BE CLOSED OUT TREATMENT PLANT PROGRAM COLLECTION SYSTEM PROGRAM DP UNDERRUN NO. PROJECT TITLE AUTHORIZED EXPENSES (OVERRUN) BUDGET 4928 South Orinda Sewer Improve $15,050,400 $15,003,00 $47,400 0 4957 1-680/SR24 Sew Relocation $110,000 $53,000 $57,000 5328 Martinez Transmission Sewer $1,062,000 $823,500 $238,500 5352 Rossmoor Sewer Imp - Ph 5 $421,000 $417,400 $3,600 5418 Overlook Dr Sewer Replace $7,000 $5,830 $1, 1 70 5450 St Marys Rd Slide Repair $273,000 $214,000 $59,000 5463 Coli System Renovation - Ph 2 $25,000 $32,000 ($7,000) 5908 Walnut Creek Fac Plan $260,000 $259,905 $95 Program Totals $17,208,400 $16,808,635 $398,365 Page 3 of 9 ATTACHMENT 1 (Continued) DP NO. PROJ ECT TITLE AUTHORIZED EXPENSES UNDERRUN BUDGET (OVERRUNS) 8169 4737 Imhoff Re-roofing $140,000 $135,534 $4,466 8174 CSO Department Fleet 14,000 11,876 2,124 Management System 8186 HR Work Area Remodel 14,000 14,592 (592) Program Totals $168,000 $162,002 $5,998 CAPITAL PROJECTS TO BE CLOSED OUT GENERAL IMPROVEMENTS PROGRAM Page 4 of 9 ATTACHMENT 2 CAPITAL PROJECTS TO BE CLOSED OUT SUMMARIES Treatment Plant Program · Plant Security Projects DP 6010, this project installed additional security gates, outdoor lighting, and replaced security cameras. · Data Acquisitions Improvements DP 6072 was created ten years ago to provide a way to store and retrieve Treatment Plant data from the ModComp process control computer on an offline PC-based system accessible on our MIS network. The General Manager approved an additional $25,000 in contingency in the spring of 2000. Yet, Phase /, which is now complete, required an additional $11,686 in District labor. A subsequent project will replace the ModComp based reports and plots with PC-based equivalents. · Final Effluent Sample Station, DP 6081, installed the original, automatic pumped sample system during the 5A design which never functioned adequately. This project furnished and installed two final effluent samplers, one at the discharge of the UV basins and the other adjacent to the flow-thru bioassay trailer. · The Harmonics and Power Coordination Project, DP 6084, was initiated in 1991 to analyze and evaluate the current electrical system prior to the start of the Headworks project. The Headworks project installed five large variable frequency drives. These drives could potentially reflect harmonics or static back into the plant grid causing overheating, instrumentation and control problems. The results of the initial work provided the critical design input to accurately indicate the required level of harmonic correction required on the Headworks project. The second phase of this project evaluated the harmonics generated by the UV project lamp ballasts. The results of this study provided the valuable data to correctly size the harmonic filters installed in each cabinet. The third phase funded the power coordination study that correctly sized and coordinated the protective devices on the redesigned power distribution system developed by the Seismic Project. Due to an oversight, the funding for this last phase of the project was not completed in the requisite year and therefore reflects the budget overrun. · The Utility Water System Upgrade, DP 6097, corrected deficiencies in the existing system including installing two additional pumps, a utility water pump at the filter plant and a 1 W pump both for redundancy and capacity requirements. · Energy Management Plan, DP 6109, updated previous energy studies to reflect current plant configurations, monitored existing energy usage throughout the treatment plant and evaluated potential energy savings. It also developed strategies to incorporate into future capital improvement projects for cost savings. Page 5 of 9 ATTACHMENT 2 (cant.) CAPITAL PROJECTS TO BE CLOSED OUT SUMMARIES Treatment Plant Program While this project is being closed out, the need for continuing energy management in today's market is clear. A new project will be commissioned in this year's budget. · In order to avoid potential operational problems at both the treatment plant and the pumping stations, Central Contra Costa Sanitary District's equipment was made year 2000 compliant. Treatment Plant Year 2000 Compliancy, DP 6139, developed a seven-phase action plan that brought the treatment plant and pumping stations into compliance. The treatment plant and pumping station operations rely extensively on modern microprocessors (PLC's) for correct operations. Among the hundreds of devices, there are some date-sensitive microprocessors that use a two- digit code to represent the year. The microprocessors could have become confused or malfunctioned with the rollover to the Year 2000. · Treatment Plant Roof Replacement - Phase 3, DP 6143, rehabilitated the prematurely worn metal roof on the MMB/MCB. This rehabilitation will reduce future maintenance cost and eliminate the rain infiltration that was occurring. · UV Accommodations - Phase 2, DP 6146, was identified during the Year 2000 contingency planning effort as a mission critical system that is highly dependent on frequent chemical deliveries. A 1,1 OO-gallon hypochlorite tank serviced the pre- aeration odor control unit with a capacity of less than one week. There was a surplus 5,000-gallon tank available that was installed at the odor control unit, which increased the service of the hypochlorite system to at least one month. This enhances the ability to continue providing hypochlorite to the pre-aeration control unit in case of delivery delays. Also, there is a cost savings for reduced service trips · In the Treatment Plant Flooding Evaluation, DP 7175, engineering studies were conducted to determine the level of storm flow protection provided by the levees on Walnut and Grayson Creeks which abut the Treatment Plant. These hydrologic calculations and associated storm flow modeling were performed using current information for 25-, 50-, 100-, and 500-year storm events. Additional hydrologic analysis was performed to evaluate the quantity and flow direction of local precipitation which would result from the 25-, 50-, and 100-year storm events. Page 6 of 9 ATTACHMENT 2 (cont.) CAPITAL PROJECTS TO BE CLOSED OUT SUMMARIES Collection System Program · The Overlook Drive Sewer Replacement Project, DP 5418, involved the installation of 8 inch ductile iron pipe and a rodding inlet to replace a damaged 6 inch vitrified clay line. This work necessitated a quick design and construction turnaround so it could be installed prior to the completion of a new subdivision in Walnut Creek. This new installation was located in an existing easement that was part of the side yard of a newly constructed residential unit. Having this replacement line installed prior to building construction was beneficial to all parties involved. · The South Orinda Sewer Improvement Project, DP 4928, was implemented to eliminate dry and wet weather overflows in the area. The project included the installation of 8,250 feet of 36-inch sewer along Moraga Way and 11,500 feet of 8 to 12 inch sewer in various locations. · The 1-680/SR-24 Sewer Relocation Project, Phase 4B, DP 4957, was required in order to accommodate the freeway interchange improvements by Caltrans. This phase of the Project included work at Trinity Avenue and Oakland Boulevard in Walnut Creek. The expenditure on this project of $53,8000 has been reimbursed by Caltrans. · The Martinez Transmission Sewer Project, DP 5328, consisted of the rehabilitation of a portion of the Martinez transmission sewer system. The first phase of the project included chemical treatment of the gravity sewer by spraying an alkaline slurry on the crown of the pipeline. The second phase included the rehabilitation of structures and pipeline within the MRC (formally Shell Petroleum Company) property. The third phase of this project included the replacement of 180 feet of 36-inch sewer and providing corrosion resistant epoxy coating to the interior of three junction structures and sixteen manholes. · The Rossmoor Sewer Improvements Project, Phase 5, DP 5352, consisted of installing 54 manholes, 5 rodding inlets and approximately 325 feet of new pipe. · The Saint Mary's Road Slide Repair Project, DP 5450 consisted of constructing a retaining wall supported by concrete encased H-piles and a portion of the Las Trampas Creek bank and a site drainage system. · The Collection System Renovation Project, Phase 2, DP 5463, consisted of the investigating, design, and right-of-way acquisition of several sites requiring pipeline repair. The contractor work will be included pipeline repair. The contractor work will be included as part of a larger project. · The Downtown Walnut Creek Facilities Plan, DP 5908, evaluated the sewer network to determine the appropriate projects which would prevent overflows and minimize pipe maintenance. Reducing operation and maintenance (O&M) costs will reduce the overall collection system costs. Pipe segments requiring O&M more than once a year do not meet the minimum level of service. Restaurants contributing to Page 7 of 9 ATTACHMENT 2 (cant.) CAPITAL PROJECTS TO BE CLOSED OUT SUMMARIES Collection System Program the grease problem were identified. An economic analysis was done, showing the options of either rehabilitation/ replacement, or continued maintenance with spot repairs. Sewer improvement projects are listed in the schedule in order of their cost effectiveness ratios and scheduled based on planned City redevelopment projects to coordinate with major street work. Page 8 of 9 ATTACHMENT 2 (cont.) CAPITAL PROJECTS TO BE CLOSED OUT General Improvements Program · The 4737 Imhoff Re-roofing project, DP 8169, provided for the repair of the roof structure, removed the old roofing material, and installed a new roofing system on the District's light industrial building at 4737 Imhoff Place. The building which was built in 1981 had not had any major work performed on it, and a technical roofing study completed in 1995 stated that the existing roof system was deteriorated and should be replaced. · The Collection System Operations Department Vehicle Fleet Management System, DP 8174, provided for the purchase of fleet management software. The program which was chosen, FLEETMAX, allows schedule services and tracking of parts, repairs and maintenance on all district vehicles, as well as labor costs to perform routine and non-routine repairs. · The Human Resources (HR) Work Area Remodel project, DP 8186, removed built-in cabinetry and counter and replaced it with a narrower counter, additional work space and storage using modular furniture systems. A space planning consultant designed a plan which enhanced the available space for increased productivity and efficiency. The remodel addressed and corrected ergonomic, storage and space issues associated with the previous furniture and office arrangement. Page 9 of 9 Central Contra Costa Sanitary District BOARD OF DIRECTORS POSITION PAPER Board Meeting Date: March 1, 2001 No.: 4 .b. CONSENT CALENDAR Type of Action: ACCEPT CONTRACT WORK Subject: ACCEPT THE CONTRACT WORK FOR THE NO. 11 LOST VALLEY SLIDE REPAIR, DISTRICT PROJECT NO. 5453, IN ORINDA, AND AUTHORIZE THE FILING OF THE NOTICE OF COMPLETION Submitted By: Alex Rozul, Associate Engineer Initiating Dept./Div. : Engineering/Capital Projects ~,I 11:- tIzt~13 REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION: ISSUE: Construction has been completed on the No. 11 Lost Valley Slide Repair Project, District Project (DP) 5453 in Orinda, and the work is now ready for acceptance. RECOMMENDATION: Accept the contract work for the No. 11 Lost Valley Slide Repair Project, and authorize the filing of the Notice of Completion. FINANCIAL IMPACTS: None related to this action. ALTERNATIVES/CONSIDERATIONS: Not applicable. Filing the Notice of Completion is advisable under the California Civil Code, Section 3093. BACKGROUND: The District initially became aware of land movement at No. 11 Lost Valley Drive, Orinda, in early 1995, and became aware of additional movement during the winter of 1997-1998 (see Attachment 1 for location). Early in 1998 the District retained a geotechnical engineer, Woodward Clyde Consultants (now URS Corporation), to evaluate the landslide and to provide recommendations. Although Woodward Clyde Consultants did not find any evidence that the District's facilities caused or contributed to the landslide condition, the consultant did recommend that a repair be undertaken to protect the long-term integrity of the District's sewer and sewer manhole. This project entailed excavating the soil in the slide area and constructing a reinforced soil buttress to replace the excavated material (see Attachment 2). In addition, a deteriorated 24-inch storm drain line, which runs from the street through the slide area, was lined and extended to the creek in order to prevent water damage to the soil buttress repair. On July 20, 2000, the Board of Directors (Board) authorized the award of a contract for the construction of the project to McGuire and Hester Construction of Oakland. The 2/21/01 CPD-GL-I:\Design\Position Papers\5453\Accept Contract Work.wpd Page 1 of 4 POSITION PAPER Board Meeting Date: March 1, 2001 Subject: ACCEPT THE CONTRACT WORK FOR THE NO. 11 LOST VALLEY SLIDE REPAIR, DISTRICT PROJECT NO. 5453, IN ORINDA, AND AUTHORIZE THE FILING OF THE NOTICE OF COMPLETION Notice to Proceed was issued on September 6, 2000. The work was substantially completed on February 9, 2001. The total authorized budget for the project is $279,000. The budget includes the cost of engineering design, District forces, testing services, geotechnical services, contractor services, etc. An accounting of the project costs will be provided to the Board at the time of project close-out. Although there is a litigation ongoing with the property owner of 11 Lost Valley, it has no bearing on the contractual obligation between the District and the Contractor. It is appropriate to accept the contract work at this time. RECOMMENDED BOARD ACTION: Accept the contract work for the No. 11 Lost Valley Slide Repair Project, and authorize the filing of the Notice of Completion. 2/21/01 CPD-GL-I:\Design\Position Papers\5453\Accept Contract Work.wpd Page 2 of 4 ~ N ~ C \J \J m :D :r: )> \J -0 -< ~ r- r- ~ PROJECT AREA c: '" ~ .. C) o .,., C) N .,., -- .r:; u 2 0 3000 c ~ I . ~ FEET .,., -;;; .. "0 u :: Central Contra Costa Sanitary District LOST VALLEY DR SLIDE REPAIR C) .,., C::: 5 C) N cb u.J '7- N Attachment 1 ~~ ~ .-4.t' ~4- \,) ....~ EX 119 (7JBJl ., '{' ~ N ~ \" '.\ '.\ ".\ "\ '\ \ \ " \ /" \ \ \ \ \ ~ \ ~\ \ d of-SO .., " \ /\ "- ~ \(" ~ \ ~ \ 1. \ o c 10 FEET 20 . EXCAVATION PLAN J / " S40 670 660 &SO 6JO o II 20 30 40 SO FINAL GRADE SECTION A 60 70 Central Contra Costa Sanitary District Attachment LOST VALLEY PROPOSED SLIDE REPAIR 2 -~;,-."'''- ~~ Page 4 of 4 . ::/.i ( ~ Central Contra Costa Sanitary District BOARD OF DIRECTORS POSITION PAPER Board Meeting Date: March 1, 2001 NO':4 .c. CONSENT CALENDAR Type of Action: ACCEPT CONTRACT WORK Subject: ACCEPT THE CONTRACT WORK FOR THE ROSSMOOR SEWER IMPROVEMENTS PROJECT, PHASE 6, DISTRICT PROJECT 5423, AND AUTHORIZE THE FILING OF THE NOTICE OF COMPLETION Submitted By: David Baldi, Sr. Engineering Assistant Initiating Dept./Div. : Engineering/Capital Projects c?j:~ #r H. Thorn t4;r/:"~ @?<b A. Farrell REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION: ISSUE: Construction has been completed on the Rossmoor Sewer Improvements Project, Phase 6, District Project 5423, and the work is now ready for acceptance. RECOMMENDATION: Accept the contract work for the Rossmoor Sewer Improvements Project, Phase 6, and authorize the filing of the Notice of Completion. FINANCIAL IMPACTS: None related to this action. AL TERNATIVES/CONSIDERATIONS: Not applicable. Filing the Notice of Completion is advisable under the California Civil Code Section 3093. BACKGROUND: An agreement regarding the District taking over maintenance of private sewer mains within the Rossmoor community was approved by the Board of Directors in 1995. Under terms of this agreement, new manholes, rodding inlets, and necessary repairs were made to the existing private sewers so they could be accepted by the District. The first six phases of construction have been completed each year from 1995 through 2001. There are four remaining phases that should be completed in 2005. The sixth phase of construction consisted of the installation of 200 feet of 8-inch PVC pipe, 15 manholes, 2 rodding inlets, and 3 spot repairs in four separate areas of Rossmoor. On August 17, 2000, the Board of Directors authorized the Award of Contract for construction of the project to TGH Pipelines, Inc. The Notice to Proceed was issued on October 4, 2000. The work was substantially completed on February 9, 2001. The remaining items of work consist of minor punchlist items, which do not affect the project acceptance. 2/21/01 CPD-G L _I :\Construction\District Projects\5423\NtcofComplnPPMarch. wpd Page 1 of 3 POSITION PAPER Board Meeting Date: March 1, 2001 Subject: AUTHORIZE AWARD OF CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT TO TGH PIPELINES, INC. FOR THE ROSSMOOR SEWER IMPROVEMENTS PROJECT, PHASE 6, DISTRICT PROJECT NO. 5423 The total authorized budget for the project is $224,000. The budget includes the cost of engineering design, District forces, testing services, geotechnical services, contractor services, etc. An accounting of the project costs will be provided to the Board at the time of project closeout. It is appropriate to accept the contract work at this time. RECOMMENDED BOARD ACTION: Accept the contract work for the Rossmoor Sewer Improvements Project, Phase 6, and authorize the filing of the Notice of Completion. 2/21/01 CPD-G L -I: \Construction\District Projects\5423\NtcofComplnPPMarch. wpd Page 2 of 3 ..., . 52 g o .~~ 15. ~N ~ Rd. ~ N ~ ;0 0- 0 3 I I MILES .., N .J ~ N '" ..., '" , s= u .E "0 , N '" ,.., '" , .. > ? u 15 , ... Central Contra Costa Sanitary District Attachment ROSSMOOR SEWER IMPROVEMENTS PROJECT PHASE 6 1 Central Contra Costa Sanitary District BOARD OF DIRECTORS POSITION PAPER Board Meeting Date: March 1, 2001 No.: 4.d. CONSENT CALENDAR Type of Action: AUTHORIZE TECHNICAL TRAINING Subject: AUTHORIZE ATTENDANCE OF ALAN R. GRIEB, PROCESS CONTROL ENGINEER, AT A PROCESS CONTROL SEMINAR BY NATIONAL TECHNOLOGY TRANSFER, INC., IN SAN DIEGO, APRIL 5-6, 2001, AT A COST NOT- TO-EXCEED $1,500 Submitted By: Douglas J. Craig, Plant Operations Division Manager Initiating Dept./Div. : Plant Operations/Operations REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION: lJ-/e- D. Craig ift!!r ISSUE: Approval by the Board of Directors is required for unbudgeted travel if the e will exceed $1,000. RECOMMENDATION: Authorize attendance of Alan R. (Randy) Grieb at a process control seminar sponsored by National Technology Transfer, Inc. FINANCIAL IMPACTS: Randy Grieb is currently budgeted to attend the California Water Environment Association (CWEA) conference in Palm Springs in April 2001, at a cost of $1,500. Due to a scheduling conflict, he is unable to attend the CWEA conference. This process control training would be in lieu of the CWEA conference. There would be no net impact to the budget. AL TERNATIVES/CONSIDERATIONS: Do not authorize Randy Grieb's attendance at this conference. BACKGROUND: National Technology Transfer, Inc., is presenting a two-day seminar on Tuning Direct Digital Control (DDC)/Process Control Loops in San Diego on April 5-6, 2001. Randy Grieb's job involves the responsibility for the programmable logic controllers (PLCs), which are utilized throughout the treatment plant. Proper tuning of PLC control loops is required for process stability and efficiency, which results in better control and lower costs. This seminar covers common process characteristics and the different methods for tuning DOC controllers. Participation at this training session was not anticipated at the time the training budget was completed. However, adequate funds are available in the budget due to a shifting of training priorities. 2/21/01 S :\Correspondence\POSPAPR\200 1 \SanDiego.ARG. wpd Page 1 of 2 POSITION PAPER Board M68ting Date: March 1, 2001 Subject: AUTHORIZE ATTENDANCE OF ALAN R. GRIEB, PROCESS CONTROL ENGINEER, AT A PROCESS CONTROL SEMINAR BY NATIONAL TECHNOLOGY TRANSFER, INC., IN SAN DIEGO, APRIL 5-6, 2001, AT A COST NOT-TO- EXCEED $1,500 RECOMMENDED BOARD ACTION: Authorize the attendance of Alan R. Grieb, Process Control Engineer, at "Tuning DDC/Process Control Loops" seminar in San Diego, April 5-6, 2001, at a cost not-to-exceed $1,500. 2/21/01 S:\Correspondence\POSPAPR\200 1 \SanDiego.ARG. wpd Page 2 of 2 Central Contra Costa Sanitary District BOARD OF DIRECTORS POSITION PAPER Board Meeting Date: March 1, 2001 No.: 4.e. CONSENT CALENDAR TyPB of Action: CONFIRM PUBLICATION Subject: ADOPT A RESOLUTION CONFIRMING PUBLICATION OF DISTRICT ORDINANCE NO. 215 ADJUSTING COMPENSATION FOR THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT Submitted By: Joyce E. Murphy Secretary of the District REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION: Initiating DeptJDiv. : Administrative Department ISSUE: Section 6490 of the Health and Safety Code of the State of California provides that District ordinances shall be published once in a newspaper of general circulation within the District, and provides that an Order of the Board of Directors of the District to the effect that the ordinance has been published shall constitute conclusive evidence that publication has been properly made. RECOMMENDATION: Adopt a resolution confirming the publication of District Ordinance No. 215. FINANCIAL IMPACTS: None related to this issue. At TERNATIVES/CONSIDERATIONS: Establishes presumption that the ordinance was correctly published and therefore would be deemed procedurally valid by a court. BACKGROUND: District Ordinance No. 21 5 which was adopted by the Board at the meeting of December 21, 2000, and which Adjusts Compensation for the Board of Directors of the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District, was published in the Contra Costa Times on January 8, 2001. RECOMMENDED BOARD ACTION: Adopt a resolution confirming the publication of District Ordinance No. 215. 2/1 6/01 S:\ADMIN\MURPHY\Resolutions\POSITION PAPER.CONF PUB.wpd Page 1 of 2 PROOF OF PUBLICATION (2015.5 C.C.P.) STATE OF CALIFORNIA County of Contra Costa I am a citizen of the United States and a resident of the County aforesaid; I am over the age of eighteen years, and not a party to or interested in the above-entitled matter. I am the Principal Legal Clerk of the Contra Costa Times, a newspaper of general circulation, printed and published at 2640 Shadelands Drive in the City of Walnut Creek, County of Contra Costa, 94598. And which newspaper has been adjudged a newspaper of general circulation by the Superior Court of the County of Contra Costa, State of California, under the date of October 22, 1934. Case Number 19764. The notice, of which the annexed is a printed copy (set in type not smaller than nonpareil), has been published in each regular and entire issue of said newspaper and not in any supplement thereof on the following dates, to-wit: Januarv 8 all in the year of 2001 I certify (or declare) under penalty foregoing is true and correct. E:ted at Walnut Creek, California. ~...~ t!U!$L~~. . 51 ature of perjury that the Contra Costa Times POBox 4147 Walnut Creek, CA 94596 (925) 935-2525 ......~ Proof of Publication of: (attached is a 'copy of the legal advertisement that published) ORDINANCE NO. 215 AN ORDINANCE ADJUSllNG COMPENSATION FOR THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISmlCT WHEREAS, on July 5, 2000, ~hneac~~if're'~~te LeeRIFI~1"5~ (Chapter 86, Statutes of 2000); and WHEREAS, this bill amend- ed Section 6489 of the Cali- fomia Health and Safety Code, authOrizing sanita!)' district boards to, by Ordi- nance, increase board member compensation in an amount greater than the current maximum of one hundred dollars ($100) per day by an addilionar rIVe percent (5%) for each cal- endar year following the operative date of the last adjustment; and WHEREAS, the last adjust- [g~nb~nnt~~m&;~;~ti~o~?~ Sanitary District was in 1987; and WHEREAS, Califomia Wa- ter Code Sections 20200 et seq., which have been in- corporated into the Sani- tary District Act, require that any such increase be ~c~~~tfecar~e Shf~~ n~i least sixty (60) days from the date of final passage. ~~:d orI~~e~~r~Eof i~~ Central Contra Costa Sani- tary District does ordain as follows: SECTION 1: DIRECTOR COMPENSATION a. That Section 2.04.030] Compensation of Boaro Members, pf the District ~~e t~~t h:re,;>lw reJ':~:;~ 2.04.030 is hereby adopted as foliows. b. Beginning on March 1 2001, and continuing until this ordinance is modified ~~ti'ci',f"f~~e~ir~~~oiso'{;n~; Central Contra Costa Sani- tary District is hereby in- creased from the current one hundred dollar ($100) level in accordance with Senate Bill 1559, as set ~?o~h 2~M~~ic;,~03.?tlfg~f~ Water Code. compensation shali not be for more than a total of six (6) days of any calendar month. c. The amount of Directors' compensation established for March 2001 and there- after until furth",r action of the Board shall be 5170.00. SECTION 2: EFFECTIVE DATE Upon adoption, this Ordi- nance shall be entered in : the minutes of the Central . Contra Costa Sanitary Dis- trict, shall be published once in a newspaper in general circulation within the District, and shall take effect on March 1, 2001. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 21st day of Decemberl 2000, on tne following rol call vote: AYES: Members: Boneysteele, Hockett, Menesini, Lucey NOES: Members, Neiedly ABSENT: Members: None G. Lucey President of the Board of Directors Central Contra Costa Sanitary District County of Contra Costa, State of California COUNTERSIGNED: Joyce E. Murphy Secretary'i,{,of the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District, County of C0ntl":::t, Co~t:-:',. - J State of California Approved as to Form: Kenton L. Aim District Counsel L al CCT 1109 P~lish January 8, 2001 --------- Page 2 of 2 Central Contra Costa Sanitary District BOARD OF DIRECTORS POSITION PAPER Board Meeting Date: March 1, 2001 No.: 7.a. ENGINEERING Type of Action: ADOPT RESOLUTION Subject: ADOPT RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING GENERAL MANAGER TO ACT AS DESIGNEE OF THE DISTRICT FOR FACILITY PLAN GRANT FUNDING FOR THE INDUSTRIAL RECYCLED WATER PROJECT Submitted By: Joe Pomroy Initiating Dept./Div. : Engineering/Environmental Services Division R. Schmidt -tr:b, ~ REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION: ~ " ill_ ISSUE: The Water Recycling Facilities Planning Grant Program administered by the State Water Resources Control Board provides grants to public agencies for facilities planning studies for water recycling. The District Board of Directors must adopt a resolution authorizing the General Manager as its designee in submitting the Grant Program Application. RECOMMENDATION: Adopt a resolution authorizing the General Manager to act as designee of the District to sign and file a Water Recycling Facilities Planning Grant Application for the Industrial Recycled Water Project. FINANCIAL IMPACTS: If the Grant application is approved, it will provide a grant that will cover 50% of eligible facility planning costs up to a maximum grant of $75,000. ALTERNATIVES/CONSIDERATIONS: The District can choose not to submit the application and fund the whole Facility Plan with monies from the Sewer Construction Fund. BACKGROUND: The Recycled Water Industrial Demonstration project is a high priority project in the Recycled Water Capital Improvement Budget. The Industrial Demonstration project has the potential to provide a significant amount of recycled water to a nearby industry while generating a positive revenue stream. This project will first prepare a facilities plan that will detail the industrial recycled water client needs, the facilities needed to meet water quality objectives for supplying recycled water, an economic analysis of the project and a business plan to present to CCWD as part of the requirements in the General Agreement for Recycled Water. 2/21/01 U:\PPr\SW\7201 JP.wpd Page 1 of 4 POSITION PAPER Board Meeting Date: March 1, 2001 Subject: ADOPT RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING GENERAL MANAGER TO ACT AS DESIGNEE OF THE DISTRICT FOR FACILITY PLAN GRANT FUNDING REQUIREMENTS FOR THE INDUSTRIAL RECYCLED WATER PROJECT The State Water Resources Control Board administers grant funding to agencies to complete facility plans. This grant will help reduce costs to the District in completing the facility plan phase of the work. A facility plan that has been completed and submitted to the State for approval is also the first step for obtaining State Loans and Grants for construction of recycled water projects. The District intends to pursue these state loans and grants for construction if the facility plan is successful and a project specific agreement is negotiated with Contra Costa Water District to supply recycled water to the industry. RECOMMENDED BOARD ACTION: Adopt a resolution authorizing the General Manager to act as designee of the District to sign and file a Water Recycling Facilities Planning Grant Application for the Industrial Recycled Water Project. 2/21/01 U:\PPr\SW\7201 JP.wpd Page 2 of 4 RESOLUTION NO. RESOLUTION DESIGNATING GM TO SIGN AND FILE A WATER RECYCLING FACILITIES PLANNING GRANT APPLICATION WHEREAS, Central Contra Costa Sanitary District believes prudent water management in California requires effective water conservation and reuse to meet diverse water needs; and WHEREAS, it is sound public policy to develop recycled water resources through economically, financially, and environmentally sound projects; and WHEREAS, the use of existing facilities benefits the ratepayers by enabling the productive use of existing facilities; and WHEREAS, the State of California has authorized the Office of Water Recycling of the State Water Resources Control Board to provide grants to public agencies for facilities planning studies for water recycling. BE IT RESOLVED by the District Board of the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District that the General Manager or his/her designee is hereby authorized and directed to sign and file, for and on behalf of the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District, a Water Recycling Facilities Planning Grant Application for a grant from the State Water Resources Control Board in the amount not to exceed $75,000 for a facilities planning study of the Industrial Recycled Water Project, and BE IT RESOLVED that the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District hereby agrees and further does authorize the aforementioned representative or his/her designee to certify that the Agency has and will comply with all applicable state statutory and regulatory requirements related to any state grant funds received, and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the General Manager or his/her designee of the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District is hereby authorized to negotiate and execute a grant contract and any amendments or change orders thereto on behalf of the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District. Page 3 of 4 .--.---T----~~-.~-----.----.-.--~ PASSED AND ADOPTED this 15t day of March, 2001 by the Board of Directors of the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District by the following votes: AYES: Members: NOES: Members: ABSENT: Members: Barbara D. Hockett President of the Board of Directors, Central Contra Costa Sanitary District, County of Contra Costa, State of California COUNTERSIGNED: Joyce E. Murphy Secretary, Central Contra Costa Sanitary District, County of Contra Costa, State of California APPROVED AS TO FORM: Kenton L. Aim, District Counsel Page 4 of 4 1---- - ---- -- -~------------------ Central Contra Costa Sanitary District BOARD OF DIRECTORS POSITION PAPER Board Meeting Date: March 1, 2001 No.: 7.b. ENGINEERING Type of Action: AUTHORIZE AGREEMENT Subject: AUTHORIZE PRESIDENT OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS TO EXECUTE AN AGREEMENT WITH CONTRA COSTA COUNTY FOR JOINT PURCHASE AND USE OF DIGITAL ORTHOPHOTOGRAPHY Submitted By: BILL CLEMENT, ENGINEERING SUPPORT SUPERVISOR Initiating Dept./Div. : ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT PLANT ENGINEERING DIVISION twc:- B CLEMENT I/J; W BRENNAN ~LL REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION: ISSUE: Authorization of the Board of Directors is required for the Board President to execute an agreement with another public agency. RECOMMENDATION: Authorize the President of the Board of Directors to execute an agreement with Contra Costa County for joint purchase and use of digital orthophotography FINANCIAL IMPACTS: This agreement involves a one time expenditure of $25,847. The funds were budgeted in the 2000-2001 CIP, page GI-14. AL TERNA TIVES/CONSIDERA TIONS: The four agencies involved in the agreement each realize a significant cost savings over separately contracting for the product. BACKGROUND: Digital orthophotography is a significant enhancement to the data available to District employees working in the collection system area. Objects as small as 1/2 foot diameter may be detected on the digital images. This data will be integrated with the District's collection system maps to help locate district facilities, encroachments on District easements, and access for maintenance operations. The agreement has been reviewed by District counsel. RECOMMENDED BOARD ACTION: Authorize the President of the Board of Directors to execute an agreement with Contra Costa County for joint purchase and use of digital orthophotography 2/20/01 D :\MyFiles\BI LL \Ortho\pospap. wpd Page 1 of 1 .' ... Agreement for Joint Purchase And Use of Digital Orthophotography 1. Parties The parties to this Agreement are the CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT, a special district of the State of California (hereafter "DISTRICT"), the COUNTY OF CONTRA COSTA, a political subdivision of the State of California (hereafter "COUNTY"), the IRONHOUSE SANITARY DISTRICT, a special district of the State of California (hereafter "IRONHOUSE") and the Contra Costa County Flood Control and Water Conservation District on behalf of the Contra Costa Clean Water Program, a joint agreement entered into between Contra Costa County, its nineteen incorporated cities and the Contra Costa County Flood Control Water Conservation District (hereafter "CLEAN WATER") (collectively Participants). 2. Purpose The purpose of this Agreement is to obtain accurate aerial photography and other associated mapping products as set forth in the Scope of Work attached hereto as Exhibit "A" and incorporated herein (hereafter "PROJECT"). The COUNTY has executed a contract with Hammon, Jenson, Wallen, & Associates, Inc., (hereafter "CONSULTANT") to perform the services set forth in Exhibit "A". 3. Proiect Manaqement The COUNTY shall be responsible for all project management. Any and all issues pertaining to this Agreement or the work of the CONSULTANT shall be communicated solely through the County's project manager. 4. Cost Sharinq The following is the cost sharing for the Project hereby agreed to by the Participants: COUNTY .. ....... .......... ............. ..... ................ ....................... $214, 161 460/0 CENTRAL SANITARY DISTRICT ........................................$25,847 6% CLEAN WATER.. ....... ............ ............... ...... ............. ...... ..... $214, 161 460/0 IRON HOUSE ..... .~... ...... ........ ........... ........................ ........ .~7 .804 20/0 Total Project Cost............ ....... ....................... $462,000 100% These costs do not include costs for hard copy products, which are optional items to be obtained from the COUNTY or its designated representative independent of this Agreement; and, paid by the requesting participant. 5. Payment for Services The COUNTY shall be responsible for making all payments to the CONSULTANT for the products and services set forth in Exhibit "A". The COUNTY will bill the participants for 1 ~ their share of the cost as indicated in Section 4 (four). Each participant shall pay the COUNTY within 30 days of receipt of billing. 6. Completion Schedule The project schedule is attached hereto as Exhibit "B," and incorporated herein. 7. Map Products The map products referred to in this Agreement are: A. 200 and 400 scale digital orthophoto imagery, scale depending on location B. Countywide 10 foot contours in digital MicroStation .dgn format C. Digital Terrain Model in digital MicroStation .dgn format For other formats please contact the Contra Costa County Public Works Department Computer Services Manager to discuss. One copy of each of the above will be provided to CLEAN WATER for the entire County Area, to DISTRICT and IRONHOUSE for the area within their respective boundaries. 8. Ownership of Map Products All rights, titles, royalties, and interests to all map products of the CONSULTANT resulting from its performance under this Agreement shall be jointly owned by the Participants; and, they agree it is the intent of this Agreement that digital map products shall be distributed to other parties, only as provided hereunder, or as required by law. Participants shall have the full right to use, duplicate, and distribute products within their respective agencies. This right shall extend to Participant's contractors, only as it pertains to the jurisdictions contracted work. This limitation shall be included in all Participants agreements with their contractors. 9. Sale of Map Products It is hereby agreed by the Participants that all products have been obtained at considerable cost, and every effort shall be made to recover costs by charging appropriate fees for the use of map products resulting from this Agreement. Under this Agreement, only the COUNTY or designated representative shall administer sale of digital map products. All revenues received from sales of digital map products, to customers after deducting the COUNTY or designated representative's administrative costs, shall be proportionally distributed to Participants based on the percentages shown in Section 4 (four) of this Agreement. Administrative cost for distribution of digital data shall be mutually agreed upon between County and Contractor and reported back to Participants. Restrictions for sale of products shall not apply to the Participants' sale of paper, diazo prints (bluelines), mylar, or other non-digital hardcopy products. 2 The COUNTY or designated representative shall manage all ordering, production, and administrative duties for providing digital map products to the Participants, cities, and customers. Procedures for ordering, delivering, archiving, and accounting for sales of map products produced under this Agreement shall be detailed in the attached operation handbook attached hereto as Exhibit "C," and incorporated herein. . 1 O. No Third-Partv Beneficiaries Nothing in this Agreement, expressed or implied, is intended to confer on any person, other than the parties to this Agreement and their respective successors-in-interest, any rights or remedies under or by reason of this Agreement. 11. Successors-in-Interest This Agreement shall be binding on any successors-in-interest of any of the Participants. 12. Indemnification Each Participant shall indemnify and hold harmless all other Participants and their officers and employees from Participant's share of all liabilities, losses, costs, or expenses, including attorneys' fees, arising out of the negligent acts, errors, or omissions of that Participant or its officers or employees, arising out of or connected with this Agreement. 13. Notices All notices necessary under this Agreement shall be in writing and shall be delivered by deposit in the United States mail, postage prepaid. The effective date of notice shall be the date of deposit in the mail. Notice to COUNTY shall be addressed to: Public Works Department Computer Services Manager 255 Glacier Drive Martinez, CA 94553 Notice to DISTRICT shall be addressed to: GIS Project Manager 5019 Imhoff Place Martinez, CA 94553 Notice to IRON HOUSE shall be addressed to: District Engineer 450 Walnut Meadows Drive P.O. Box 1105 Oakley, CA 94561 Notice to CLEAN WATER shall be addressed to: Program Manager 255 Glacier Drive 3 Martinez, CA 94553. 14. Modification This Agreement shall be modified only by a written document approved by all Participants. 15. Termination Any Participant may terminate participation in this Agreement by giving written notification to Participant County and upon fully meeting that Participant's obligations set forth in this Agreement. 16. Entire AQreement . This Agreement contains all the terms agreed to by the Participants on the subject matter of this Agreement. No other understanding, oral or otherwise, regarding the subject matter of this Agreement shall be deemed to exist or to bind any of the Participants. Contra Costa County n By c.t-' '" ~. ~...\ Pub .c rks Director Date: () }./OS,/6 I / / Contra Costa County Flood Control conserva. tion D. is trict .. i2. '~ iJ " " By (.-fl l.~, i..V /.c.~ chieP gineer "). '? Il'~/ ' ( ...... t ,) (> I ! / and Water Date: Central Contra Costa Sanitary District i ! Central Contra Costa Sanitary District By ~4/1/A4J~~~~ Board President Date: 3 It! 0 I [ ( By: ~~~ ~--{ li 1) ( Date: Approved as to form only: Silvano B Marchesi, County Counsel Iron house Sanitary District By By: General Manager Date: Date: Deputy PM:gpp:mw:fp;ek eklute~. \Digital OrthophotolProject managementlContract Ooalmenls\ Agreement for Joint Purchase-Digital Orthopholograph1.doc ~ 4 .. , CONTRA COSTA COUNTY EQUIPMENT, SOFTWARE & SERVICES PROCUREMENT AGREEMENT Name of Project: Diqital Orthophotoqraphv Proiect Contractor: Hammon. Jensen & Wallen Effective Date 4/18/2000 This Agreement is entered into by and between the Contra Costa County and the above named Contractor, and is effective as of the date given above. A. Contractor will provide the County with the Services and Products described in Exhibit A and B in accordance with the Project milestones contained in Exhibit C, as such exhibits may be modified as provided herein. The Project will be evaluated and accepted by the County pursuant to the tests, procedures, and criteria set forth in Exhibit D. B. The attached Terms and Conditions are incorporated into and made a part of this Agreement. C. The following provisions shall apply to the attached Terms and Conditions: (1) Authorized Representatives (Section 4.2,6.2,6.3): For Contractor: Bill Zeman Telephone: (510) 638-6122 Telephone: (925) 313-2307 For County: John Huie (2) Addresses and Fax Numbers for Notices (Section 20.0): ~. Contra Costa County Hammom, Jensen, Wallen & Associates Public Works Department. 8407 Edgewater Dr. 255 Glacier Dr. Oakland, CA 94621 Martinez, CA 94553 FAX: (925) 313-2333 FAX: (510) 638-5628 (3) Fixed Price or Other Pricing Basis (Section 3.1): $ 555,000.00 (4) Reserve Amount for Minor Changes (Section 6.3): $0.00 (5) Minimum Amount for Minor Changes (Section 6.3): $0.00 (6) Contractor Federal 10 # 94-2186-961 "COUNTY" ::N:;:;g~ Public Works Director "CONTRACTOR" By: ~~ Mark Safran, Vice President Date: 4/'1 fJ/ftTJ , BY:~ . Joh GIll, Vice PresIdent Note to Contractor: For corporations (profit or non-profit), the Agreement must be signed by two officers. Signature A must be that of the President or Vice- President and Signature 8 must be that of the Secretary or Assistant Secretary (Civil Code Sec. 1190.1 and Corporation Code Sec. 313). ....0 CONTRA COSTA COUNTY EQUIPMENT, SOFTWARE, AND SERVICES PROCUREMENT AGREEMENT TERMS AND CONDITIONS SECTION 1 - DEFINITIONS 1 .1 The following general definitions shall apply for the purposes of this Agreement: "Agreement" shall mean this agreement. "Business Day" shall mean Monday through Thursday, excluding holidays observed by the County. "Contractor" shall mean the person or entity identified as Contractor on the first page of this Agreement. "County" shall mean the Contra Costa County. "Four Digit Year Format" shall mean a format that allows entry or processing of a four-digit-year date, where the first two digits will designate the century and the second two digits will designate the year within the century. "Documentation" shall have the meaning set forth in Exhibit A - Project Assumptions and Understandings. "Leap Year" shall mean the year during which an extra day is added to February (February 29). Leap Year occurs in all years evenly divisible by the number four (4), except that a year that is divisible by 100 is not a Leap Year, unless it is also divisible by 400. "Minor Changes" shall have the meaning set forth in Section 6.3. "Products" shall mean the deliverables listed in Exhibit A - Scope of Work and all 'Other equipment and software to be provided by Contractor pursuant to this Agreement. .Project" shall mean Jhe task(s) described in Exhibit A - Scope of Work.' .Section" shall mean a section of this Agreement. "Services" shall mean all labor to be provided by Contractor or its subcontractors pursuant to this Agreement. "Year 2'000 Compliant" shall mean dates outside the range of 1900-1998, including the years 1999, 2000 and thereafter, encountered and/or processed by the sottware/firmware/hardware/equipment/system will be correctly recognized, calculate, sorted, stored, displayed and/or otherwise processed in any level of computer hardware or software, including, but not limited to, microcode, firmware, application programs, system software, utilities, files database and network infrastructure devices. 1 SECTION 2 - EXHIBITS The following Exhibits hereto are incorporated into and made a part of this Agreement: Exhibit A - Scope of Work Exhibit B - Project Rates and Pricing for Additional Deliverable Items Exhibit C - Project Milestones, and Special Payment Provisions Exhibit D - Performance, and Acceptance Criteria Exhibit E - Indemnification and Insurance Provisions SECTION 3 - PRICING AND PAYMENT 3.1 The County will pay Contractor for the Services and the Products in accordance with the pricing set forth in item C(3) of this Agreement, except as otherwise provided in this Agreement. 3.2 Except as otherwise provided in this Agreement, Contractor will invoice the County and will be paid in accordance with the provisions of Exhibit C(3) of page 1 hereof. 3.3 All invoices from Contractor will be in a format approved in advance by the County. 3.4 Invoices are payable within 30 days after receipt. 3.5 If this Agreement is designated as a firm fixed-price contract in item C(3) of page 1 hereof, such price shall include all sales, use, and value-added taxes, freight charges, insurance, licenses, and any other charges related to the sale or licensing of the Products and the providing of the Services to the County; the total amount invoiced to the County for the Project shall not exceed the amount set forth in.Jtem C(3) on page 1 hereof, unless changes are approved pursuant to Section 6.0. 3.6 Should the County require additional Products for the Project, they will be provided under the pricing structure set forth in Exhibit B and shall be considered changes pursuant to Section 6.0. SECTION 4 - PERSONNEL AND SUBCONTRACTORS 4.1 Contractor shall provide qualified personnel to supply the Services for the Project. 4.2 The authorized Representative of Contractor designated on page 1 of this Agreement shall be the County's normal point of contact at Contractor on matters related to Contractor's performance of the Services hereunder. Likewise, the County has designated its Authorized Representative who will be the normal point of contact at the County for Contractor concerning the County's duties and responsibilities hereunder and any interpretation or proposed modification of this Agreement. The Authorized Representatives for a party may be changed upon 2 " written notice from the party changing the Authorized Representative to the other party. Upon written request by the County, Contractor will replace Contractor's Authorized Representative. 4.3 Contractor may use the subcontractors designated in Exhibit A - Scope of Work to perform that portion of the Services designated therein for such subcontractors. If Contractor proposes to use any additional or different subcontractors on the Project, it must receive the County's advance written consent, which will not be unreasonably withheld or delayed. 4.4 Contractor acknowledges that it will be responsible for the performance or non- performance by its subcontractors of the tasks set forth by the Contractor in Exhibit A - Scope of Work. Contractor shall contractually require all subcontractors performing work on the Project to abide by the following provisions of this Agreement: Sections 4.5- 4.9, 5.3, 7.7-7.4, 11.0, 17.1, 19.0, and 20.0. 4.5 Contractor agrees that the Contractor and subcontractor employees designated as key personnel. in Exhibit A will be assigned to the Project and will be available as necessary to meet the milestones in Exhibit C. Contractor shall not withdraw or replace such key personnel, and will contractually prohibit its subcontractors from withdrawing or replacing their key personnel, without the prior written consent of .. the County, except for the termination of employment, illness, death, disability, or other similar personal reasons. 4.6 Immediately upon receipt of written notice from the County that any Contractor employee, or employee of a subcontractor to Contractor, is not performing work on the Project in a satisfactory manner, Contractor will remove such employee and, within a reasonable period of time, replace such employee with a qualified employee. 4.7 Contractor and its employees, subcontractors, and subcontractors' employees are not and shall not be deemed to be, employees of the County. Contractor and its subcontractors will be solely responsible for the payment of their respective employees' compensation, including employee taxes, workers' compensation, and any similar taxes associated with their employment. 4.8 This Agreement shall not create any partnership or joint venture between the parties. Nothing contained in this Agreement shall constitute either party as the agent or legal representative of the other for any purpose. No provision of this Agreement grants either party any express or implied right of authority to assume or create any obligation or responsibility on behalf of or in the name of the other party, or to bind the other party in any manner or thing whatsoever. 4.9 Neither party will, directly or indirectly, solicit or offer employment to any employee of the other party during the work on the Project by said employee and for one year thereafter. 3 SECTION 5 - ASSISTANCE FROM COUNTY AND RULES OF ACCESS 5.1 The County will be providing the level of assistance on the Project as indicated in Exhibit A. 5.2 While on County's premises in connection with the performance of this Agreement, Contractor personnel will comply with the County's applicable rules with respect to security, conduct and other matters concerning access to County's premises. Such rules may require in some cases background checks and escorts for Contractor and subcontractor personnel. On notice from the County, Contractor will remove immediately any of its personnel assigned to perform work under this Agreement who do not comply with such rules. 5.3 Unless otherwise requested in writing by the County, that portion of the Project work to be done on County premises by Contractor and its subcontractors will be performed between the hours of 7 a.m. and 6 p.m. on Business Days. SECTION 6 - CHANGES 6.1 The parties acknowledge that additions, deletions, and modifications to the Products and Services specified under this Agreement may be required in the manner set forth in this Section. 6.2 No such change, whether major or minor, shall be binding, and Contractor shall not proceed with any change, unless the change is confirmed in writing and formally executed by the Authorized Representatives of both Contractor and the County as set forth on page 1 of this Agreement. 6.3 Minor Changes may be made by the mutual written agreement of the Authorized Representatives of Contractor and the County without the necessity of a formal propos.al and estimates. Minor Changes are those having a price less than the maximum amount for Minor Changes as specified in item C(5) of page 1 of this Agreement, generally involve the adding of Products or Services which were not included in Exhibits A or B, and require immediate implementation to ensure that the Project is not delayed. Minor Changes will be funded from a pool reserve in the amount specified in item C(4) of page 1 of this Agreement. Once that fund is depleted, this Minor Change procedure will no longer be available. If the reserve is not entirely depleted during the Project, the balance- will, at the County's option following completion or termination of the Project, either be credited to other work Contractor"is performing for the County or be returned to the County. 6.4 For any change which does not qualify as a Minor Change, the party seeking the change shall inform the other in writing of the details of the contemplated change and any requested terms concerning the change. For a change of this type requested by Contractor and involving additional or deleted Services, Contractor shall include a written proposal containing the cost of the additional or deleted Services involved in the change, and any impacts upon price, delivery schedule, or other terms. For a change of this type requested by the County, Contractor shall 4 respond with such a proposal within five Business Days after receipt of a written request for the change. Changes involving only the addition or deletion of Products can be made pursuant to the provisions of Section 6.2 without the necessity of a formal proposal and shall result in an adjustment of the Project price in item C(3) of page 1 hereof according to the pricing set forth in Exhibits Band C. SECTION 7 - RIGHTS IN SOFTWARE AND DOCUMENTATION 7.1 All software from third parties to be provided by Contractor hereunder will be licensed to the County pursuant to the terms and conditions of the license agreements provided by the publishers of such software. 7.2 Custom software, if any, developed for the County hereunder will be subject to the requirements in Exhibit A. 7.3 All documentation required to be developed for the County pursuant to Exhibit A (Documentation) will not be based on Contractor Confidential Information, unless there is a compelling need and the County agrees in writing. The County shall own all such Documentation delivered hereunder except for (a) Documentation Contractor can demonstrate was previously developed by or for Contractor and is not in the public domain; or (b) Documentation identified in writing by Contractor and proved to the County's reasonable satisfaction as being developed solely with Contractor resources. 7.4 With respect to Documentation, which is deemed to belong to Contractor, Contractor grants the County a non-exclusive, royalty-free license to use and copy any such Documentation for its own internal use. The County shall have the right to disclose such Documentation to successor vendors, contractors, or computer hardware or software maintenance organizations, provided such entities (a) have a need to know such information for the purposes of modifying, maintaining, or enhancing the County's equipment or software, and (b) agree not to use such information except with respect to work for the County. Such Documentation will not otherwise be disclosed outside County government without the advance written consent of Contractor, which shall not be unreasonably withheld or delayed. SECTION 8 - RISK OF LOSS Risk of loss or damage for the Products shall pass to the County when the Project is accepted by the County pursuant to the provisions of Exhibit D. SECTION 9 .. INFRINGEMENT PROTECTION 9.1 All royalties or other charges for any patent, copyright, trademark, trade secret, or other proprietary right to be used in the Project shall be considered as included in the price for the Project. Contractor shall defend, indemnify, and hold the County harmless against any and all liabilities, judgments, costs, damages, and expenses including reasonable attorney's fees resulting from a claim or suit against the 5 County for alleged infringement of any patent, copyright, trademark, trade secret, royalty or license agreement, or other proprietary right arising out of the use by the County of the Products or Documentation for the purposes intended hereunder. As a condition of such indemnification, the County shall promptly inform Contractor of any such claim or suit, allow Contractor or its suppliers to control the defense against such suit, and cooperate, at Contractor's expense, in the defense against such suit, provided however, that in no event shall Contractor make any admission of guilt or liability on behalf of County without County's prior written consent. 9.2 If the County's use of any portion of the Products or Documentation is enjoined by a court of competent jurisdiction, Contractor shall at its option and expense and within 60 days of the enjoinment: 9.2.1 (a)Procure for the County the right to use such infringing portion; 9.2.2 (b) Replace such infringing portion with a non-infringing portion providing equivalent functionality; or 9.2.3 (c) Modify the infringing portion so as to eliminate the infringement while providing equivalent functionality. 9.3 Contractor may delegate its responsibilities under Sections 9.1 and 9.2 to the manufacturer of the allegedly infringing Product, provided Contractor has received the advance written consent of the County. Such consent will not be unreasonably withheld or delayed. SECTION 10 - INDEMNIFICATION AND INSURANCE Contractor shall comply with, and require its subcontractors to comply with, the terms and conditions of Exhibit G related to indemnity and insurance. SECTION 11 - WARRANTIES AND MAINTENANCE .... 11.1 Products to be provided by Contractor hereunder will be subject to the warranties, if any of the manufacturers or suppliers of such Products. Contractor will en,sure that such warranties are transferred to the County. 11.2 Contractor represents and warrants to the County that, upon payment of the purchase price specified in this Agreement, the County will have good title to each of the Products, free and clear of all liens, encumbrances, and claims. 11.3 Contractor represents and warrants to the County, that at the time of installation, the software Products will be free of programming that is intentionally and specifically constructed for the purpose of destroying, interrupting, or otherwise adversely affecting the software Product's code or other code or data in a computer, such as by replicating itself or another program many times without any useful purpose. 6 11.4 Contractor warrants to the County that the Services to be performed by it and its subcontractors hereunder (a) will be performed in a competent manner by qualified personnel in conformance with industry standards, and (b) will conform to the performance and acceptance criteria set forth in Exhibit D. This warranty shall remain in effect during the time the Project is being worked on by Contractor and shall continue in force until 180 days after final acceptance of the Project. In order to qualify for remedial action under this warranty, the County must report a warranty failure to Contractor in writing within the warranty period. Contractor shall not be responsible for remedial action under this warranty to the extent the failure to meet the warranty is caused by modification to the Products by the County or anyone other than Contractor or its subcontractors, unless under Contractor's or its subcontractors' direction. 11.5 As Contractor's sole obligation, and the County's exclusive remedy, for failure to meet the warranty in Section 11.4, Contractor will use commercially reasonable efforts to correct the failure, provided the County makes available to Contractor information concerning the failure. If Contractor is unable, by using reasonable efforts, to correct the failure within a reasonable period of time, Contractor will refund to the County an equitable portion of the amounts paid by the County based on the proportion of the Project affected by the failure and the severity of the failure with respect to the objectives of the Project. 11.6 NO OTHER WARRANTIES, EXPRESS, IMPLIED, OR STATUTORY, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION ANY WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, WILL APPLY. SECTION 12 - DELAYS 12.1 Contractor acknowledges that, should completion of the Project be delayed beyond the date for attainment of the final milestone stated in Exhibit C, the County will suffer damages equal to the amount set forth in item C(6) of page I of this Agreement. Accordingly, except to the extent such delay is excused under Section" 12.2, Contractor shall pay to the County the amount of damages set forth in item C(6) for delay of attainment of such final milestone. 12.2 Except for the failure to make payments when due; neither party will be liable to the other party by reason of any failure in performance of this Agreement if the failure arises out of acts of God, acts of the other party, acts of non-County governmental authority, fires, strikes, delays in transportation, riots or war, or any cause beyond the reasonable control of that party. If any such event delays performance, the time allowed for such performance will be extended an amount of time equal to the period of such delay. 12.3 If performance under this Agreement is postponed or extended pursuant to Section 12.2 for longer than 60 days for a reason other than the acts of the County, then the County may, upon written notice to Contractor given during the postponement or extension, terminate this Agreement. In such case, Contractor shall be paid in accordance with Section 15.2. 7 SECTION 13 - TERMINATION FOR CONVENIENCE 13.1 The County may terminate this Agreement for convenience by providing Contractor 30 days advance written notice of such termination. Such notice may direct Contractor to stop work immediately on some portion or the entire Project and may direct Contractor to continue work until the termination date on other portions of the Project. 13.2 In the event of termination under this Section 13.0, the County's total payment to Contractor shall be determined in accordance with Section 15.2. SECTION 14 - TERMINATION FOR CAUSE 14.1 It is expressly agreed that this Agreement shall be fully discharged only by the . completion of all work and obligations contracted for, or with the written consent of the County. 14.2 If Contractor fails -to begin work on the Project in a timely manner, fails to meet a milestone in Exhibit C by 15 or more days, or fails to carry out or breaches its obligations hereunder (and such failure or breach is not excused by Section 12.2), the County may terminate this Agreement by giving written notice of intent to terminate to Contractor. If Contractor has not completely cured its breach within 30 days of the receipt of such notice, then the County may terminate this Agreement upon the delivery of a written notice of termination to Contractor. 14.3 In the event of termination under this Section, the County may, at its option, return any or all copies of Documentation to Contractor which was the subject of the breach. The County's total payment to Contractor subsequent to termination shall be determined in accordance with Sections 15.2 and 15.3. SECTION 1-5 - EFFECT OF TERMINATION 15.1 After receipt of notice of termination, Contractor shall (a) comply with the . instructions of the County with respect to stopping or continuing work until the termination date; (b) place no further orders or subcontracts for Products or third- party Services, except as otherwise directed by the County; (c) terminate all orders for Products and subcontracts to the extent they relate to the performance of work terminated by the notice of termination; (d) return Products to their suppliers, if requested py the County and permitted by such suppliers, (e) deliver the Documentation and any custom software to the County in the form it is then in and not subject to the delivery acceptance criteria in Exhibit D, and (f) return to the County all County Confidential Information, along with all copies and notes made therefrom and a certificate signed by Contractor's Authorized Representative evidencing compliance with this provision. 15.2 After termination pursuant to Section 13 or 14, the County shall pay Contractor an amount equal to the sum of the following, less any amounts previously paid to Contractor and any additional amounts which the County is entitled to withhold 8 pursuant to Section 15.3: 15.2.1 (a) The amount due Contractor for completion by Contractor of the latest Project milestone set forth on Exhibit C, as such amount may be adjusted as provided herein due to the addition or deletion of Products or Services. 15.2.2 (b) An amount for Contractor's and its subcontractors' labor utilized on the Project since completion of that last completed milestone, billed at Contractor's and its subcontractors' rates as set forth in Exhibit B. Contractor shall submit a claim for such amount and shall permit the County access to all backup documents which relate to such claim. The County shall have the right to disallow from such claim any unauthorized, excessive, or defective labor. 15.2.3 (c) The unpaid balance due for unreturned Products delivered to the County and fees for noncancellable (or noncancelled by the County) third-party Services authorized by the County prior to the effective date of termination. to the extent such Products and Services are not covered by Section 15.2(a). 15.2.4 (d) The price to the County permitted under Exhibit B for Products in Contractor's possession which were delivered to Contractor for the Project in the ordinary course of performance of this Agreement and which are not returnable to the supplier (or which the County indicates in writing that it wants); any costs that Contractor must pay due to Project cancellation as a result of loss of quantity discounts for Products used solely in the Project. 15.3 If this Agreement is terminated for cause pursuant to Section 14. then the County shall be entitled to deduct the following amounts from any monies to be paid Contractor pursuant to Section 15.2: .... 15.3.1 (a) A credit for Documentation returned to Contractor pursuant to Section 14.3. with such credit equal to the amount paid to Contractor for such Documentation prior to termination. 15.3.2 (b) An amount equal to the direct damages the County can prove it suffered as a result of breach of this Agreement by Contractor. such as the reasonable costs of having problems created by Contractor corrected by a third party. 15.4 Sections 7. 8, 9. 10, 11, 11.1, 11.3. 11.4, 16, and 17.1 shall survive termination of this Agreement. SECTION 16 - LIMITATION OF LIABILITY 16.1 EXCEPT FOR THE COUNTY'S PAYMENT OBLIGATIONS HEREUNDER. THE COUNTY SHALL HAVE NO LIABILITY TO CONTRACTOR OR ITS 9 ...._~____n, SUBCONTRACTOR'S FOR ANY BREACH OR TERMINATION OF THIS AGREEMENT. 16.2 EXCEPT FOR WILLFUL AND INTENTIONAL ACTS, AND EXCEPT AS OTHERWISE PROVIDED IN THIS AGREEMENT, NEITHER PARTY SHALL BE LIABLE TO THE OTHER PARTY FOR SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (EVEN IF SUCH PARTY HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES), INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, LOST PROFITS OR SAVINGS, LOSS OF USE OF SERVICES, COST OF CAPITAL, COST OF SUBSTITUTE SERVICES, DOWNTIME COSTS, OR DAMAGES AND EXPENSES ARISING OUT OF THIRD PARTY CLAIMS. SECTION 17 - DISPUTES 17.1 Any dispute arising out of or relating to this Agreement, or breach thereof, shall be first submitted to the senior management of each party for resolution. If the dispute cannot be resolved within 30 days after such matter is referred to senior management, then the dispute shall be submitted to binding arbitration in Contra Costa County, California in accordance with the Commercial Arbitration Rules of the American Arbitration Association ("AAA") then in effect and section 1283.05 of the California Code of Civil Procedure. All discovery must be concluded within 60 days after the submission to arbitration. The decision of the arbitrator shall be final and may be entered as judgment in any court of competent jurisdiction. The losing party, as determined by the arbitrator, shall pay the administrative costs of arbitration. Each party shall bear the cost of its own attorneys' fees, except that the arbitrator shall have the discretion in appropriate circumstances to require the losing party to pay all or a portion of the prevailing party's reasonable attorneys' fees. 17.2 Except as provided in the Termination provisions herein, Contractor or its Subcontractors shall not stop work on the Project, due to a dispute. .... SECTION 18 - PUBLICITY Prior to i.ssuing any press release concerning the Project or otherwise making a public statement about the Project, Contractor shall obtain the County's written approval of the content of such press release or statement. Such approval will not be unreasonably withheld or delayed. Contractor shall .impose this same requirement on its subcontractors. SECTION 19 - NOTICES Any notice under this Agreement will be in writing delivered by hand, by certified mail (return receipt requested), or by other competent and reliable courier service (delivery receipt retained), to the other party at the address indicated in item C(2) of page 1 of this Agreement or to such other address as may be substituted by notice. Notice will be effective on the date of receipt. 10 SECTION 20 - GENERAL PROVISIONS 20.1 In the performance of duties hereunder, Contractor shall comply, and shall require its subcontractors to comply, with all applicable federal, state, and local laws, rules, and regulations. 20.2 Neither party may assign this Agreement without the prior written consent of the other party, which consent will not be unreasonably withheld; provided, however, that Contractor may assign this Agreement without consent to a successor in interest to all or substantially all of its stock or assets, provided such successor in interest assumes all of Contractor's obligations under this Agreement. 20.3 If any part or parts of this Agreement are held to be invalid, the remaining parts of this Agreement will continue to be valid and enforceable. 20.4 The headings in this Agreement are for reference purposes only; they will not affect the meaning or construction of the terms of this Agreement. 20.5 The provisions of this Agreement are for the sole benefit of the parties, and not for the benefit of any other persons or legal entities. 20.6 This Agreement may be executed by the parties in one or more counterparts, each of which when so executed shall be an original. All such counterparts shall constitute one and the same instrument. 20.7 Each of the parties to this Agreement represents and warrants that it has the power and authority to enter into this Agreement and perform the action contemplated hereunder, and this Agreement has been duly authorized and is the valid binding and enforceable obligation of such parties. 20.8 This Agreement, including its referenced exhibits, contains the complete and exclusive understanding of the parties with respect to the subject matter hereof. Except for any terms or conditions of a Request for Quotes or Request for Proposal that are included by reference in this Agreement, this Agreement ' supersedes and cancels the terms and conditions contained in any previous Request for Quotes or Request for Proposals of the County, any prior Contractor negotiations, proposals, or other submissions to the County by Contractor, and any prior oral or written agreements or representations between County and Contractor concerning the Project. No waiver, alteration, or modification of any of the provisions hereof will be binding unless in writing and signed by a duly authorized representative of the party to be bound. Neither the course of conduct between the parties nor trade usage will act to modify or alter the provisions of this Agreement. 20.9 This Agreement is entered into and to be performed in the State of California and shall be governed and construed under the laws of the State of California. 11 Exhibit A Statement of Work A.1 Understanding of Contra Costa County is leading a consortium of public Project agencies and departments in a program to procure various digital map layers. These layers will cover the full extent of the county, an area of approximately 750 square miles. Orthophoto imagery, topographic contour lines and point elevations, and terrain models are the primary data layers to be produced. The collection of street centerline data is as an option for this project and is listed as an additional cost Optional Task within this Scope of Work. The project is designed to meet two levels of accuracy. Data in the urban areas defined in Appendix C, will be developed at a scale of 1 "=200' scale accuracy with 10' contours and ~' pixels. The area defined in Appendix C as outside the Urban Limit Line will have a scale of 1"=400' scale accuracy with 10' contours and l' pixels. All photography will be in black and white. Preparation of these data layers will be designed to produce general use bas~ mapping and provide a geographic framework for a wide variety of individual GIS projects including, but not limited to, watershed mOdeling & analysis, environmental & resource studies, capital improvements inventories, emergency services, facilities management and others. A.2 Management and HJW will provide dedicated and experienced management, Project Approach administration, and support staff to ensure successful completion of the Project. HJW support shall include the following functions and services: Administrative Control HJW will maintain schedule, budget, and cost information appropriate to the successful management of the contract on program status and planned activities. This information includes an ongoing analysis of cost and schedule A-1 variances. Implementation Schedule HJW and the County shall perform their duties and responsibilities hereunder in accordance with the schedule provided in Appendix A - Project Schedule. HJW and the County acknowledge that prompt performance of all services hereunder is required. Each party will use its best efforts to meet such deadlines and shall give the other party prompt notice of any anticipated delays in meeting such deadlines. Reviews, Reports, and During the term of the Project, HJW will conduct a project Meetings status review with the County approximately every two weeks or as otherwise agreed. These reviews will include a discussion on the status of the Project, including details on technical issues, schedules, problems and potential problems, and recommended solutions to such problems. In connection with such meetings, HJW will draft a report covering the foregoing topics and give it to the County in advance of the meeting. In addition, HJW will attend (not to exceed five )such other technical and programming meetings and produce such reports concerning the Project as requested by the County. Project Task Overview Brief descriptions of project tasks are given below. They point to the execution of a series of tasks tailored to the Counties requirements, with options for additional support. The tasks are organized by major milestone such as Project Kickoff, Ground Control, Aerial Photograpt)y, and Pilot Project. The first task will be a one-day Project Kickoff and Coordination Meeting. At the meeting, the County and the project team will jointly identify any missing information or clarifications need to plan and schedule the ground control and flight. Special attention will be paid to reviewing the project plan, schedule, and pilot deliverables. Placing Ground Control will come next. HJW survey crews will place ground control using GPS surveying techniques to place control in the field for the aerial flight. This ground control will be supplemented with Picture 10's. A-2 . , .. Upon completion of the ground control effort, Aerial Photography Collection can proceed. Special care will be take to assure appropriate flight times and the weather window for completion of the collection of photography during a single window of time. Aerotriangulation will come next. HJW will perform a routine Photogrammetric procedure called analytical aerotriangulation to establish additional control points to density the targeted ground control and check ground control measurements. Upon completion of the Aerotriangulation effort, Compilation can proceed. This task involves two processes; the generation of the DTM and Contours, and then the editing and the data for clarification, accuracy, indexing, and labeling. Upon completion of the Compilation effort, Orthophoto Production can begin. If softcopy photogrammetry has not been used for the data collection, scanning of the aerial film will now take place. Following scanning, all of the data will then be compiled and digital orthophotos will be produced. The contours, map editing, and resultant orthophotos will be developed first for a Pilot Project area before total project area production begins. HJW will work with the County to develop a Testing and Acceptance Letter, which will be used to verity the completeness and accuracy of the Pilot Project Area data before total project production begins. This letter will also be used for acceptance of the completed project. The County would like the option of street centerline data being captured during the Compilation task. This data capture is defined in Optional Task 1 - Additional Planimetric Data Capture, and should be listed as an additional cost, optional task in this Scope of Work. Each of the tasks defined here is detailed in greater length in Section A.3. A-3 A.2 Project Assumptions To develop this Scope of Work, a number of assumptions and Understandings have been made. If any of these assumptions are incorrect, or if the County decides to include any options mentioned, a modification to project cost estimates and schedule projection may be required. What follows is a list of HJW's assumptions: · The County has performed an initial needs assessment and defined the scope of the Countywide Digital Orthophotography (DOP) project. · The County will work with HJW to coordinate and facilitate the DOP project · The County will work with HJW to define the Pilot Project Area, review the. flight plan, and perform testing and acceptance on a timely basis. · The County uses MicroStation GeoGraphies as their GIS and Oracle RDBMS as the GIS database. What follows is a list of the Counties understandings: · The anticipated schedule calls for aerial photography to be flown in May 2000 with project completion by the end of the year. · A pilot database area has been tentatively defined as the City of Martinez and an area to include at least 4 complete tiles. The term "pilof is applied only to conveniently refer to a geographic area for which all data sources will be initially available, tested, documented, evaluated and used to approve the final project specification. · The County will supply MicroStation (.dgn) seed files establishing the Global Origin and Working Units for the project. A-4 · All data layers are to meet or exceed National Map Accuracy Standards as defined by the Federal Highway Administration. · Survey Datum Horizontal: California Coordinate System, Zone 3, NAD83 (HPGN 1992) Vertical: North American Vertical Datum of 1988 (NA VD88) · All units are to be based upon the U.S. Survey Foot. · HJW will provide the County with an Orthophoto Project Status Grid updated on a weekly basis. · HJW will market and deliver County Data on the web through GeoXplorer, an HJW partner firm, as outlined in A.3 Delivery Format, Media & Distribution. · HJW is responsible for the orderly management of all County documents and data resources provided to HJW for this project, and for the safe return of all County documents and data resources at the completion of the project. · HJW shall produce and deliver to the County for review and approval complete, metadata for each layer of information in accordance with FGQC/ISO standards. The standards are available at the following web address: http://www.fgdc.gov/metadata/metadata.html. Metadata shall be provided in digital format along with all data deliveries as well as in hard copy form to each project participant. · All project documentation will be provided to the County in digital Microsoft Word 97 format, as well hard copy format. · All database and attribute information will be provided to the County in .dbf format, as well hard copy format. A-5 · All spreadsheet information will be provided to the County in digital Microsoft Excel format, as well hard copy format. · All project documentation deliverables will include an Acceptance Letter for the County to approve the deliverable · All map products are to be delivered on CD-ROM. HJW will administer the distribution of data to members of the consortium. Hardcopy map sheets are not required as final products for the County, but should be included as part of the pilot project deliverables. A.3 Delivery Format, Media & Distribution ~QYrQ~'. Digital Ortho hotos Planameteric Data :;(=Qrmal GeoTIFF DGN Sca.le 1 "=200 1"=400 1"=200 1 "=400 M.edia CD-ROM Content$ Orthophoto Notes None CD-ROM Elevation points, DTM, contour lines Ground survey & AT control oints None Su rvey Control DGN 1 "=200 1 "=400 None Table 1 - Table of Deliverables CAD Files All CAD files must be based on the SEED FILE provided to HJW by the County. This file defines the Global Origin and Working Units for the County and the project. Image Flies All Digital Orthophotography will be in the A-6 '. GeoTIFF format with industry standard compression. Image viewers must be compatible with MicroStation, MapGuide, and Inter/Intranet browsers. CD-ROM All CD-ROMs must be created using the Joliet ISO 9660 Format. DVD format should be available, as an option for data distribution, but is not a requirement for the County. Sample Plots Sample contact prints, plots of the planameteric data, and of the digital orthophotos should be provided as part of the pilot project only , not the entire county project. This data will be used to help verify compliance with the Technical Specification and provide a set of working documents for the County and HJW to finalize the specification for the completion of the project. All hard copy plots shall, as a minimum, contain the following information: · Date of Photography · Scale of Photography · Scale of hard copy plot · UTM grid Zone · Mapping Datum ego North American Datum 1988 · Pixel size used to generate the plot · Sheet or Area name or number · Key map showing a three by three matrix of the current sheet and its surrounding sheet names · Logo and name of the County Data Distribution Orthophotography shall be provided on CD-ROM in GeoTIFF or MrSID format. Imagery shall be tiled according to a mutually agreed upon tiling scheme. A-7 Planimetric data shall be provided on CD-ROM in MicroStation DGN format, Autocad DWG, or ArcView shapefile format as requested. Metadata shall be provided on the delivered media in Adobe Acrobat format along with the appropriate Acrobat reader software. A free raster image viewer shall also be provided with the media to support the recommended MrSID format. The Integration Services group at GlobeXplorer will provide web-based hosting of Contra Costa Counties large spatially-referenced image and vector databases, and also develop custom client applications to access and analyze the data. Potential applications may include: . Simple web-based browsing of imagery . Overlay of vector data including street centerlines and parcel boundaries . Integration of raster imagery with assessor parcel databases for parcel location . Generation of buffers around parcels and mailing lists of affected parcels . Selection of image content for distribution and sale Access to the data and the applications will be internal (Intranet) or external (Internet). The Integration Services team will work with a variety of technology, including ESRI's ArclMS and the GlobeXplorer Image Server. This distribution process will be developed under a separate project and will involve a requirements definition phase, development of a prototype, followed by full-scale development, implementation, and training. A.4 Task Descriptions Digital Orthophoto specifications have been formulated and outlined to promote a consistent A-a digital image product. Any and all alternative processes that are not outlined in the following specifications, and would promote a higher quality orthophoto product, are encouraged. All Tasks and deliverable products at a minimum must comply with the following standards. HJW recommends formatting and managing the OOP project through a series of specific tasks. Each is central to the creation of an dataset that will benefit the various users it is designed to serve. The tasks for this project are: 1. Project Kickoff and Coordination Meeting 2. Placing Ground Control 3. Aerial Photography Collection 4. Aerotriangulation 5. Compilation 6. Orthophoto Production 7. Pilot Project 8. Optional Task 1 - Additional Planameteric Layer The work program for each of these tasks is described below, with a brief description of the task, definition of HJW and the County responsibilities, and identification of the resulting deliverables. Task 1: Project Kickoff and The goal of the Project Kickoff and Coordination Coordination Meeting Meeting is for the County and the HJW project team to jointly identify any missing information or clarifications needed initiate the work plan starting with scheduling the ground control and flight. Special attention will be paid to reviewing the project plan, schedule, and pilot and project deliverables. This is also an opportunity for the County to identify if they wish to include the additional layer defined in Optional Task 1. County Responsibilities . Participation of the representatives of the A-9 County Mapping, Computer Services, Surveying, and other participating departments in a Project Kickoff Meeting at the County Public Works office. . Facilities for meeting. HJW Deliverables . Participation of the key project personnel in a Project Kickoff Meeting at the County Public Works office. . Agenda and final Scope of Work Document for the meeting attendees Provide County with comments and notes from meeting documenting any concerns or issues with planned data set, pilot area or schedule. . Task 2: Placing Ground Control Horizontal ground control for the project will leverage existing control and comply with any established GPS method. Any additional ground control necessary to complete the digital orthos must have as a basis the State Plane Coordinate System, NAD 83 datum. Vertical control will be derived from GPS methodology. ,. Softcopy aerotriangulation can be used, if necessary, to density ground control. It should only be used in areas where existing remonumented GPS values do not exist. Auto-correlation cannot be used to generate the DTM. All ground control must incorporate photo identifiable locations or be targeted. The County and HJW will determine any additional ground control jointly. Geodetic Control and Monumentation A-10 . . Photoscale HN VOnlv Existinq Total Urban I A) 1-12000 30 N/A ? 30 Rural ( B) 1-24000 15 N/A ? 15 Pre Survey Meeting HJW will provide at the Project Kickoff Meeting, an outline for the survey. This will constitute as pre surveying meeting to discuss the various aspects of the GPS and ground survey. Monument Setting or Recovery HJW will assign Temporary Control Monuments and Ground Control Numbers and prepare a map for the County showing the numbering system. HJW will also prepare a GPS Obstruction Diagram and Monument Recovery Record to describe the monument location, This record should also include a sketch of the location. GPS Survey Based on the outlined GSP survey plan and the project schedule, HJW will to the best of their ability perform a calibrated GSP survey for ground control. HJW surveyors will prepare a field data worksheet for each GPS observation. Data Processing HJW will perform baseline processing and check the accuracy of the baseline measurements. If accuracy requirements are not met, it will be re-measured. County Responsibilities . Participation of the representatives of the County Mapping, Computer Services, Surveying, and other participating departments in a Project Kickoff Meeti~g at the County public Works office to review the survey outline pan and discuss the survey process for A-11 any clarifications. HJW Deliverables . Survey Filed Notebooks and Computations. . Control Diagram on Photo Index . Monument Field Data Sheets Task 3: Aerial Photography The key to the accuracy of a digital Collection orthophotography project is creating the highest quality aerial photographs, a process entailing the strictest attention to details about everything from weather to flight plans, cameras to film. The Aerial Photography will conform to the following standards: . Flight Planning: Aerial camera specifications and an accepted flight plan must be submitted before acquisition of the aerial photography. New, black and white aerial photography must be obtained on consecutive clear calendar days, under favorable weather conditions when the sun angle is 30 degrees or greater, in the spring of 2000. At no time can the angle of the sun exceed 45 degrees. . Weather Monitoring: The aerial photography must be taken when the sky is clear; the ground and water bodies are free of fog, snow, ice, haze, smoke, dust and cloud shadows; and if possible, deciduous trees are barren. . Altitude: All photography must be taken from a maximum altitude of approximately 12,000 feet. . Aerial Film Capture: The resulting photo scale must be 1"=1200' and 1"=2000' or as agreed between the County and HJW. A-12 · Crab: A not-to-exceed amount of three degrees · Endlap: 60 percent · Sidelap: 30 percent · Tilt: A not-to-exceed amount of three degrees · Aerial film inspection: All film will be inspected for dust, hair, and other foreign bodies before scanning or further processing. Orthophoto Requirements Photoscale Mapscale Pixel Contour scale interval Urban TA) 1-12000 1-200 %' 10' Rural TS) 1-24000 1-400 l' 10' QAlQC · Any aerial photography that does not meet the defined specifications must be corrected at no cost to the County. · All reflights must coincide with accepted specifications and flight plans. County Responsibilities . Review the flight plan and provide comments if required. HJW Deliverables . Digital Index mosaic of entire project at the end of the project . Flight line plan. . Aerial film negative. . Scanning diapositives . Negatives & diapositives will be stored at HJW for safekeeping. A-13 Task 4: Aerotriangulation HJW will perform a routine photogrammeteric procedure called analytical aerotriangulation to establish additional control points to density the targeted ground control and check ground control measurements. HJW Deliverable . Aerotriangulation reports . Diapositives used in preparation of the analytical Aerotriangulation will be stored at HJW for safekeeping. Task 5: Compilation Terrain models are to be designed for use as source data to various terrain modeling software packages. The terrain models are to be used for analytical studies such as slope analysis, watershed delineation, viewshed studies, and others applications Digital Terrain Model (DTM) Terrain models will be comprised of three dimensionallinework representing slope breaks, ridgelines, drains, ground profiles, vertical faultlines and other topographic features and mass point elevations. The terrain model features shall support generating new contours, which closely follow the topographic contours allowing for variation due to specific digital terrain modeling software, and minor cartographic editing performed on the conto~rs. . Terrain model source data of high quality: . Intersecting lines should be avoided where possible or shall cross at exactly the same elevation and have nodes at the point of intersection . The DTM must contain a combination of break lines and spot elevations. Elevations must be collected at all high spots, low spots, topographic saddles and large flat surfaces. . Break lines must be captured on road centerlines, hydrology features and abrupt changes in terrain. A-14 · The DTM, with an appropriate software tool, must support the generation of a 1 a-foot contour interval. · Contour files compiled from the DTM, are a deliverable under this project. Topographic Contours and Point Elevations Contours and point elevations are to be designed for plotting map sheets and other means of visually interpreting the terrain. Contours are to be provided tiled into individual files as per the County and HJW titling scheme. The elevation of index contours are to be annotated. Point elevations are to be placed on the map where contours are further than two inches apart and at appropriate depressions and crowns. The appearance of topographic contour lines, index contour annotation and point elevations are to conform to standard cartographic standards. The topographic data layers should be of high quality: · Perfect edgematch of contours crossing tile boundaries. · Portions of index contours crossing through "" elevation annotation are to be clipped and moved to a reserved layer. · Contours shall e ~d ~ap scale beyond the ~ the county boun~ · Spot Elevation points HJW Deliverables . Breaklines and mass points will be delivered in MicroStation format as 3D Iinestrings, points, and polylines. A-15 . No plots will be delivered as a part of this task. Task 6: Orthophoto In this task, following scanning, HJW will compile all of Production the data and digital orthophotos will be produced. . A digital scanner will be used to create the orthophoto image files. . All photographic scanning will be done at a rate of no greater than 10 microns (2400 dots per inch) and support a pixel resolution of ~'. . The orthophotos will be separated into tiles and supplied in a standard GeoTIFF format. . Positional accuracy will be verified with any and all ground control information. . Each digital orthophoto will be checked for consistent gray tones, density, contrast, and brightness qualities. . The orthos will be "edge matched" and "feathered" to support a consistent seamless countywide image. . The join line between the images in use shall be defined as a polyline. This line shall be chosen so as to minimize the obtrusiveness of the join itself. If feathering is used along the join line, it shall not result in any noticeable image degradation such as image blurring or double imagery. . Any digital ortho that does not meet these criteria will be rejected and corrected at no cost to the County. . All images shall be accompanied by an ASCII report file, see Appendix B for example, indicating the coordinates of the four corners of the raster file, the pixel size in ground units, and the rotation matrix A-16 values used to orient the image to allow for geo- referencing of the image in other image processing, CAD, or GIS programs. · HJW will follow the level numbering scheme provided previously by the County and utilize levels 42,46, 51,52, 53, 59, 60, 61, and 62 only for this effort. Quality Control Standards · Seam lines or edge matches will not be visible when viewed or plotted at scales up to 1"-100' · Bridges, elevated roadways, freeway overpasses/underpasses, railways, and other dramatic grade separations will maintain their natural shape · Exhibit good grayscale tone balance within an individual image and good tone match between adjacent images and throughout the study area · Smears and other blemishes will not be visible when viewed or plotted at scales up to 1"-100' · Images including portions which extend beyond the county boundary will be a full tile · County staff will randomly sample selected products to ensure that the deliverables are in compliance with any and all specifications. · Digital ortho photos will be joined during mosaicking using the "seam-lines, mosaic-lines, or ground- stitching method at ground level. This is to eliminate issues where tiles cut through a building or structure such that they leave a distortion of any significance HJW Deliverables . Digital Ortho Raster Image Files. A-17 . Task 7: Pilot Project The County desires to conduct a pilot study to insure the consultant's proposed technical approach will produce map products that meet the County's expectations. The consultant will be authorized to establish the necessary survey ground control, conduct the aerial photo mission, and process the contact prints. The County will select a pilot study area and the consultant will produce all deliverables for this area only. The County will evaluate the deliverables before further work -is authorized. All pilot deliverables must be provided in a format acceptable to and usable by, the County. The pilot project is meant to meet the following objectives: . Execute and validate all procedures . Evaluate and choose from varied alternatives . Evaluate and improve required deliverables . Evaluate and improve layouts, features, etc. HJW Deliverables Pilot Project Deliverables will include, at a minimum, the following items: . The digital orthophoto files in GeoTIFF format on CD-ROM . The digital terrain models used to generate the orthophotos . The spot elevation files in MicroStation format . Flight line plan. . Scanning diapositives . Aerial film negative and diapositives will be stored at HJW for safekeeping. . HJW will provide an acceptance letter to proceed based on pilot acceptance A-18 .' Task 9: Optional Task 1 - For this task, HJW will provide the County with an Additional Planameteric estimate and project impact schedule for the collection Layer of street centerline data either during compilation or following project completion. It is not the desire of the County to impact the Countywide Digital Orthophoto Project, for the collection of this additional data. A digital road centerline vector file generated from each digital terrain model · All road centerline features must be captured during stereo compilation and can not be digitized from the completed digital orthos · Centerlines collected in the Urban Area will be 200 scale accuracy( + or - 5') and those in the Undeveloped Area would be 400 scale accuracy(+ or - 10'). The only attribute will be the street name HJW Deliverable . The cost for this task is $93,000.00. A-19 ... .8 E ~ z . .--.......~... - CQ i} l!l 0 au -SO . 1:) CD 0' ~ a.. ~ .c Q. o ~ o ~ c ::s o () S en o () f! - c o () ~ ., 10 S .. . ~ III :E -- ~ oj Q III 1 f I 2- j ... l5 i 0 lJ ... 0 t -= c: '3 c. j t 0 ~ 0 8' I! I -= :S t 1: i i 0:::: g' ~ 410 F :s j 8 4) 't:I t J f o! w ~ i~ :IE ~ Q. B ! A. i III III 8 ~ z c:: ~ '6. a: :E i C/) ~ = f S :2 ~8 Ji ~ :.:: (l) 0 a: om m 1m 1m 1m I!l m 1m m I!l m e.... N C') . II) co .... co CJ) 0 .... N CO') . II) co .... co CJ) ~ ..... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... . 12 ~ l!? Q ~ III 2 E n. II) E Q. ~ :;, ::> ~ C/) 't:I ~ .9! 0 ~ 0- ... a:: n. - <> ~ i!!! i III if! Q. = en :E 4) Q ~ Q. Q. Q. III III ~ ~ ~ n. E ~ ] 't:I E '8 ~ :;, 0 0 C/) a:: a:: a:: - . ~ ~ ! j ! ~ ~ ~ s~ ~~ ~ ~ .. l~ ~ Appendix B Exhibit A-Statement of Work Sample ASCII Report Format IMAGE REPORT FOR FILE: 0507.92H XY Based on Design File Centroid of : 2143483.648 7443483.648 ORIGIN (Upper Left corner of Pixel): 702528.625 5487566.375 ORIGIN (Centre of Pixel) : 702529.000 5487565.000 NUMBER OF ROWS: 16095 NUMBER OF COLUMNS: 20427 NUMBER OF PIXELS: 328772565 PIXEL SIZE: 0.75000000 SCANLINE ORIENTATION: Row-Major Upper Left Origin ROTATION (Degrees counter-clockwise positive X-axis): 0.000000000 IMAGE EXTENTS UPPER LEFT (X Y) UPPER RIGHT (X Y) 702528.625 5487566.375 ----- Edge of Pixels ----- 717848.875 5487566.375 702529.000 5487566.000 ---- Centre of Pixels ---- 717848.500 5487566.000 LOWER LEFT (X Y) LOWER RIGHT (X Y) 702529.000 5475495.500 ----- Centre of Pixels ----717848.500 5475495.500 702528.6255475495.125 ----- Edge of Pixels ----- 717848.8755475495.125 ~. Appendix B -1 .. . ~ .c:~ ~o ii:3: '- - .E 0 - ~ai == E CD ~ u ca c:(j) e I ~< ~:6 CD .- ......s:::. C\:I x uW CI) )- .J Z o W t- U<I: ~ xl-l ....J- 0(1) ZW W...I G.<r 0.0:: <rW Z W 0,,_ n: o lL ~~ all !iU a. U! ,,"': ",t:; ... i. M' .. "" . ~ I () x :a c: Q) a.. a.. < ,.. .' EXHIBIT B PRICING FOR ADDITIONAL DELIVERABLE ITEMS Labor Charges This section will provide a labor estimate for each milestone identified in Exhibit C1. Other- Costs Other costs must be identified, itemized, and submitted for approval by the Contractor to the County before accrual. The County will not be held liable for costs not approved as a part of the project. For example: Should HJW have a need to purchase additional and specialized software specifically for the County project, these costs must be accessed and approved by the County before the purchase of the software. Said software would then become a deliverable component of the project. Best Pricing Contractor represents and warrants that the license, maintenance, training, consulting, data-conversion, and other fees listed herein and the prices charged for the hardware are the most favorable fees and prices Contractor offers to its customers. The best pricing provisions of this Section shall also apply to future purchases of software licenses, maintenance, training, data-conversion services, hardware and other services and products purchased by the County from Contractor. Expenses Contractor's costs and expenses of telephone, travel to the County's office, and other offices, per dium, and travel expenses are to be included in the rates listed above and are not reimbursable. Exhibit 8 - 1 . , . EXHIBIT C PROJECT MILESTONES AND SPECIAL PAYMENT PROVISIONS DRAFT The primary project schedule is to be defined and maintained by the Contractor as a part of the Scope of Work. What follows are a list of County defined Project Milestones, which will identify benchmarks for testing, deliverables, and approvals for payment. Milestone Project Kickoff Milestone 1 Milestone 2 Milestone 3 Milestone 4 Milestone 5 Milestone 6 Task Completion Date 4/25/00 Panel Targets 5/3/00 Aerial Photography 5/10/00 GPS Survey 5/26/00 Aerotriangulation 6/30/00 Delivery of Pilot 6/19/00 Compilation 10/2100 DTM Collection 10/2100 Map Editing 10/16/00 Ortho Production 11/6/00 Scanning 7/10/00 Ortho Photo Processing 11/6100 Acceptance Testing 11/6/00 Centerline Collection 11/17/00 Project Completion 11/17/00 Budget $30,000.00 $15,000.00 $28,000.00 $11,000.00 $100,000.00 $100,000.00 $33,000.00 $50,000.00 $20,000.00 $20,000.00 $93,000.00 $55,000.00 Exhibit C - 1 . " EXHIBIT D PERFORMANCE AND ACCEPTANCE CRITERIA Testinq and Acceptance. The Contractor is required to provide, as part of the Contractors Scope of Work, a Test and Acceptance Letter. This document will be provided to the County Project Manager for signature by a County Administrator to signify acceptance of the pilot and final project area. This letter is to be signed by both the County and the Contractor. The Contractor's acceptance-testing letter must include the following subjects at a minimum: Section 1.0, Introduction, describes the purpose and contents of the process. Section 2.0, Testing Overview, contains a description of each requirement. Section 3.0, Section outlining any errors or revisions required to proceed with the final orthophoto process. At the conclusion of each of the tests described above, the County must fill out the Observation Report and promptly inform Contractor in writing if the Project has passed, or failed to pass, the acceptance testing process. If the Project does not pass all aspects of the test, the County shall provide the Contractor detailed information with documented examples concerning the failure to pass the test. If within 15 days after receipt of such written notice, Contractor is not able to remedy the cause of the failure to pass the test, then the County shall have the right to return the Project to Contractor, within 90 days after the date of such written notice to Contractor, for a full refund of the price paid by the County for the Project. Exhibit E - 1 .~ EXHIBIT E INDEMNITY AND INSURANCE CONTRA COSTA COUNTY CONTRACTUAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS 1 Indemnity The Contractor shall indemnify, defend, save and hold harmless the Contra Costa County (hereinafter "County") its officers, agents and employees from any and all claims, costs and liability for any damages, sickness, death, or injury to person(s) or property, including without limitation all consequential damages, from any negligent cause whatsoever arising directly or indirectly from or connected with the operations or services of the Contractor or its agents, servants, employees or subcontractors, hereunder, save and except claims or litigation arising through the sole negligence or sole willful misconduct of the County or its officers or employees. Contractor will reimburse the County for any expenditures, including reasonable attorneys' fees, the County may make by reason of the matters that are the subject of this indemnification, and if requested by the County will defend any claims or litigation to which this indemnification provision applies at the sole cost and expense of the Contractor. 2 Insurance During the entire term of this Contract and any extension or modification thereof, the Contractor shall keep in effect insurance policies meeting the folloyving insurance requirements unless otherwise expressed in the Special Conditions. a. Liability Insurance. The Contractor shall provide comprehensive liability insurance, including coverage for owned and non-owned automobiles, with a minimum combined single limit coverage if $500,000 for all dam~ges, including consequential damages, due to bodily injury, sickness, or disease, or death to any person or damage to or destruction of property, including the loss use thereof, arising form each occurrence. Such insurance should be endorsed to include the County and its offices and employees as additional insureds as to all services performed by Contractor under this Agreement. Said policies shall constitute primary insurance as to the County, the State and Federal Governments, and their officers, agents, and employees, so that other insurance policies held by Exhibit E - 2 ". them or their self-insurance program(s) shall not be required to contribute to any loss covered under the Contractor's insurance policy or policies. b. Workers Compensation. The Contractor shall provide workers' compensation insurance coverage for its employees. c. Certificate of Insurance. The Contractor shall provide the County with (a) certificate(s) of insurance evidencing liability and worker's compensation insurance as required herein no later than the effective date of this Contract. If the Contractor should renew the insurance policy(ies) or acquire either a new insurance policy(ies) or amend the coverage afforded through an endorsement to the policy at any time during the term of this Contract, the Contractor shall provide (a) current certificate(s) of insurance. d. Additional Insurance Provisions. The insurance policies provided by the Contractor shall include a provision for thirty (30) days written notice to County before cancellation or material changes of the above-specified coverage. G:IGrpData\Coo1lSvcIAOMIN\2000\03\Orthocontract Exhibits.doc Exhibit E - 3 .. .... Q) .0 ~ E Q) > 0 z ~ ~ CD CD t:: .0 l'll 0 ~ :J 0 a 0 .J:: ~ ~ I-- - - - .... Q) .0 E Q) C. Q) en - Ui :J Ol :J <( - - ~ (.) >. G) l'll "S '- :J ...., 0 a .... "E I a. C') 0 - - en I .... - (0 0 s::. Q) . c.. C 0 :J ...., s::. ~ :::::::::: 0 - .... ~ ~ ~ ~ :!.0: Q) Ol :!.0: :::::::::: ~ .::::::::; l'll l: >. ll. ::J l'll ~ iE: I0l. ~ ;;0 0 :E 0 ..... ..... [ill ~ it; it; [ co . EJ ..... I - - ~ l/J ..... EJ ..... 0 ~ ~ 0 :c . c:::J ..... l'll co :J C. .... a <( - "0 l: C 0 N 0 0 a; 0) Ol l'll C -~ '0 .n Q) C 't: .!l C ~ C Ol C Ol C C '" 0 c 'iij 0 c Iii Q 'U 0 (/) u 0 B ..... ~ ~ Q >. ~ ~ >. ~ ..c C 0 C 0 e c.. "0 .J:: C 0 ::l e ~ "0 .l!l .J:: C 0 ::l 3l a. .!2 t5 () '0 ll. Q) >. a. .2 ~ () '0 ll. Q f! Ol 0 Q) Q) e Q) f! Ol e ..c u Iii ~ u C ... .9 .~ () ~ Q) Iii ~ u :S .9 Cl :s a.. ~ Cl 'C a.. ..... e 0 ;:l Cl 0 Qj 0 - l'll 0 Qj Cl 0 J. 0 >. :i c: CIl '0 0 c: .J:: ... c: I- :J 0 :i c: '0 0 c: .J:: CIl 0 a.. - CIl 0 () E 'c 0 a.. 0 en - 0 () E 'c 0 Cl W - c. 0 Cl w '0 c. E 0 s::. ~ c: ;:: :E 'c a. 0 c: 0 - ~ (.) Qi C/) s::. c: ;:: :E 'c c. c: 0 ... ~ s::. ~ .!2 c: 111 ~ s::. ~ of: l'll ..... - a.. ::l 111 I- 111 l'll a. of: "0 111 ll. a.. I- l'll l'll a. z CIl fI) 1: a. a: ii: CIl c: 1: a. a: 0 c u c;; - 0 :E 0 C/) 0 .E ::l ll. (!) c;; - 0 :E 0 C/) -" = fI) e E s::. 0 E s::. (/) Q ~ 'c a.. 1:: '0 e 'c ... 1:: l'll ~ ~ 0 ~ ~ 0 I- U Z C) (.) 0 z C) (.) 0 Q ..... N C') "<t" Il) CD ..... co 0> 0 ..... N C') "<t" Il) CD ..... 00 0> 0 ..... N C') "<t" Il) CD ..... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... .... ...... ...... ...... N N N N N N N .. .. j.., EXHIBIT C OPERATIONS HANDBOOK - Product Sales - Contra Costa County Aerial Photography Project Hammon, Jensen, Wallen & Associates will administer the commercial sale of various products consisting of aerial photography, computerized maps, and other geographic data owned by the Participants. The ordering, sale, archiving, and accounting of products sold under the Agreement is done according to this operations Handbook. Consultant maintains no ownership in the data used to produce the products and acts only as an agent to the Participants. Ordering: Orders for products will be made by use of order forms prepared by Consultant, as approved by the Participants. Order forms will list set costs for all data products such as controlled aerial photography, orthophotos, and contour maps, and associated standard pricing, terms, and conditions. A tile index will be provided and all products will be sold based on a per sheet basis. Per tile prices will include a charge that is proportional to the original cost of the project, plus an administrative cost for production of the deliverable media. Customers will specify the tile(s) desired and which mapping products they would like to acquire. Consultant will keep an archive of all data and film products on site. When an order is received, the appropriate data sets will be transferred to delivery media and/or the hardcopy products will be generated. The products will be delivered to the customer, along with an invoice. A copy of the invoice and delivery transmittal, along with the appropriate revenues received from the order will be sent to the County and be proportionately distributed to each Participant quarterly by the County. Orders will be received by Consultant by mail, fax, or in person. Telephone orders will not be accepted. Orders will be given a tracking number and a copy of the order will be sent to the County within five (5) working days. The order form will be signed by a representative of the purchaser stating acceptance of all terms and conditions of the sale. Restrictions: Resales will carry the same conditions as those governing the Participants. Purchaser may use the product only within their company or agency. They may not sell or otherwise distribute the product to third parties except to third parties who, in their capacity of consultant to the purchaser, require the product in the commission of work for the purchaser. ... .. Product will carry a release of responsibility by purchaser to Consultant and Participants to warranties and suitability of the product for use. Archives: At no additional cost to Participants, Consultant will maintain a product archive of all negatives and electronic data from which products will be generated. Consultant will maintain an inventory of products. In the event of termination of the Agreement, Consultant shall deliver the archival material to the Contra Costa County on behalf of the Participants. Production: All products will be produced in a professional manner and to quality standards consistent with the industry. Electronic data will be delivered on media and in formats as defined in the Scope of Work. Consultant may, but is not required to, produce custom products from the archive. Custom products include, but are not limited to, special formats or media. Consultant will endeavor to fill all orders in five (5) working days. It is understood some operations necessary for completing an order may require the services of one or more su bcontractors. Orders requiring more than five (5) working days to ship will be acknowledged in writing and by telephone or email to the County or Customer, and the County customer will receive an estimated delivery date. Orders will carry the notation "Prepared for Contra Costa County Aerial Photography Project by Hammon, Jensen, Wallen & Associates." Orders will be sent directly to the customer. Shipment will be by UPS standard unless otherwise requested by customer. Promotion: Consultant will have no responsibility for promoting the products or providing information other than that contained in the order form. However, Consultant may, from time to time, promote or otherwise advertise the availability of the products for commercial sale. Promotions shall carry the names of the Participants. Printed materials promoting the commercial sale of the products will be submitted to the Participants for approval prior to distribution. Refunds: Refunds will be made at the sole discretion of the Consultant based on satisfaction that the request is legitimate and the product had not been used or copied. Refunds must be requested within fifteen (15) working days from shipment. ",. .. Pricing, Payment, and Accounting: A pricing schedule of all products will be provided to the Participants for approval. The pricing will include the Consultant's production and administrative costs which will include an agreed upon profit. The remainder of the pricing will belong to the Participants, and upon sale of product will be distributed in accordance with the terms of the Agreement. Cities that are participants in the Clean Water Program can receive digital data products within their city limits for the cost of the consultant's production and administrative costs. There will be no additional charge for the data. Shipping and handling costs will be added to all orders. Applicable sales tax will be added to all orders. Payment will be made within forty-five (45) days. Accounting will be on a cash basis upon collection of account. Each Participant will receive a monthly statement of activity by the 15th of the following month accompanied by their share of the revenue earned. Accounting will list purchaser name, products ordered, schedule price, shipping, handling, sales tax, additional administrative costs, and any other fees. Packaging: Products shall bear the notation "prepared for the Contra Costa County Aerial Photography Project by Hammon, Jensen, Wallen & Associates". Consultant may use unique corporate (e.g. Hammon, Jense, Wallen & Asociates, Inc.; HJW, Pacific Aerial surveys; et. al.) identification on packaging, correspondence, and related materials. 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