HomeMy WebLinkAboutACTION SUMMARY 05-07-98 Central Contra Costa Sanitary District 5019 Imhoff Place, Martinez, CA 94553-4392 . (510) 228-9500 BOARD OF DIRECTORS: BOARD MEETING JAMES A. NEfEDLY President ACTION SUMMARY GERALD R LUCEY President Pro rem PARKE L BONEYSTEELE BARBARA D. HOCKETT MARlO M. MENESINJ May 7, 1998 2:00 p.m. 1 . ROLL CALL: PRESENT: ABSENT: Members: Members: Lucey, Menesini, Boneysteele, Nejedly Hockett 2. PUBLIC COMMENTS: BOARD ACTION: None 3. AWARDS AND COMMENDATIONS: a. Receive nomination for California Water Environment Association Research Achievement of the Year Award for outstanding professional accomplishments for the Multiple Hearth Furnace Cyanide Generation Assessment BOARD ACTION: Noted receipt of nomination and commended Mr. Randy, Schmidt, Associate Engineer, for his work on this project b. Acknowledge Association of Metropolitan Sewerage Agencies 1998 National Environmental Achievement Award for excellence in public information and education BOARD ACTION: Received award and commended the Communication Services staff for their efforts 4. CONSENT CALENDAR: Staff recommends the following: a. Adopt Resolution No. 98-038 accepting an easement at no cost to the District from Hillary A. Swiggett, Job No. 5240, Parcel No.1, Leona Court, Danville area, and authorize recording @ Recycled Paper b. Adopt Resolution No. 98-039 accepting work and Offers of Dedication from Homeowners Association for the Bogue Ranch Development, Job No. 5057, Parcel No.1, Alamo area, and authorize recording c. Adopt Resolution No. 98-040 accepting work and Offers of Dedication from Greenbriar Stonebridge Partners, L.P., Job No. 5057, Parcel No.2, Alamo area, and authorize recording d. Adopt Resolution No. 98-041 accepting work and Offers of Dedication from Greenbriar Stonebridge Partners, L.P., Job No. 5057, Parcel No.3, Alamo area, and authorize recording e. Adopt Resolution No. 98-042 accepting work and Offers of Dedication from Martin L. Sherman, Jr. Trustee, Job No. 5057, Parcel No.4, Alamo area, and authorize recording f. Adopt Resolution No. 98-043 accepting work and Offers of Dedication from Greenbriar Stonebridge Partners, L.P., Job No. 5057, Parcel No.5, Alamo area, and authorize recording g. Adopt Resolution No. 98-044 accepting work and Offers of Dedication from Greenbriar Stonebridge Partners, L.P., Job No. 5057, Parcel No.6, Alamo area, and authorize recording h. Adopt Resolution No. 98-045 accepting work and Offers of Dedication from Gentle Creek Properties, L.L.C., Job No. 5149, Parcel No.2, Alamo area, and authorize recording I. Accept a grant of easement from Contra Costa County for a sanitary sewer easement on Parcel 48 of the former Southern Pacific Railroad right of way through the Town of Danville, DP 4224 (Resolution No. 98-046) J. Authorization for P.A. 98-5 (Danville) and 98-6 (Alamo) to be included in a future formal annexation to the District k. Advise Board of the close out of the M2-A Forcemain Rehabilitation Project, District Project 5225 I. Advise Board of the close out of the Headworks Facilities Enhancements Project, District Project 7177 m. Confirm final assessments for the Leona Court Contractual Assessment District No. 97-2 (Resolution No. 98-047) 2 n. Set June 9, 1998 as the date for holding a public hearing to establish reimbursement fees for the Leona Court Contractual Assessment District No. 97-2 o. Set June 9, 1998 as the date for a public hearing to consider authorizing the collection of 1998-99 Sewer Service Charges on the County tax roll p. Adopt class descriptions as part of the fiscal year 1998-1999 Personnel Budget BOARD ACTION: Consent Items a. through p. approved as recommended, resolutions adopted as appropriate, and recordings duly authorized 5. HEARINGS: a. Conduct a public hearing on the proposed changes to the current schedule of rates and charges and adopt an ordinance approving the fee schedule effective July 1, 1998 BOARD ACTION: Conducted public hearing; received no comments; adopted Ordinance No. 204 as recommended b. Conduct the continued public hearing to receive comments on proposed revisions to the District Code regarding the District's Rebate Program, and adopt an ordinance repealing Chapters 6.20 Rebate Fees and 9.12 Rebate Sewage Facilities, amending Section 1 .04.100 Definitions, and adopting a new Chapter 6.20 F:eimbursement Fees BOARD ACTION: Conducted public hearing; received public comments; adopted Ordinance No. 205 as recommended 6. CALL FOR REQUESTS TO CONSIDER ITEMS OUT OF ORDER: BOARD ACTION: None 7. REPORTS: a. General Manager-Chief Engineer 1) Tanglewood Drive, Lafayette Sewer Easements Update 2) South Orinda Sewer Improvements Project Update 3 3) Scheduled Field Trip to Moraga Way Construction Project and Pumping Station Tour for May 14, 1998 at 1 :00 p.m.; Board and staff will meet at Collection Systems Operations Department Offices at 1250 Springbrook Board in Walnut Creek 4) Report of Impact of storm related land movement on District facilities 5) Reviewed Results of Meet and Confer with Management Support/Confidential Group on Personnel Budget 6) Report on District's participation in Earth Day 7) Announcement concerning joint failure in M4-A Pipeline 8) Announced the District is advertising for a Project Abandoning the Bollinger Canyon leachline 9) Announcement concerning very successful "Bring Your Kids to Work" Day 1 0) Mr. Dolan announced he will be attending the AMSA Federal legislative Meeting in Washington, D.C. from May 16 to 20, 1998 11 ) Announcement concerning request of lamorinda School Bus Authority to locate a natural gas fueling station at the District's Spring brook Road location b. Counsel for the District NONE c. Secretary of the District 1) Rescheduled first Board Meeting in June for Tuesday, June 9, 1998 to allow Board and staff attendance at Water Reuse Research Conference in Monterey on June 4 and 5, 1998 d. Board Members 1) Report of April 20, 1998 Contra Costa Special Districts Association Meeting 4 2) Report of April 30 - May 2, 1998 California Association of Sanitation Agencies (CASA) Conference 3) Report of April 30, 1998 Central Contra Costa Solid Waste Authority Meeting 4) Discussion of General Manager-Chief Engineer Replacement BREAK: BOARD ACTION: Recessed from 4:37 p.m. to 4:47 p.m. 8. ENGINEERING: a. Adopt a resolution informing ratepayers regarding the District's position on Proposition 224: The Government Cost Savings and Taxpayer Protection Amendment BOARD ACTION: Following discussion, continued matter to May 21, 1998 to allow Board to review arguments in favor of and in opposition to Proposition 224 b. Authorize the execution of an agreement with the City of Lafayette for sewer replacement in Glenside Drive, District Project No. 5166, as part of the City's Rohrer Drive and Glenside Drive Improvements Project BOARD ACTION: Approved as recommended c. Authorize the General Manager-Chief Engineer to execute an agreement with G. S. Dodson and Associates for the San Ramon Pumping Station Facilities Plan, DP 5910; authorize $100,000 from the Collection System Program Contingency Account for the San Ramon Pumping Station Facilities Plan, DP 5910 BOARD ACTION: Approved as recommended 9. HUMAN RESOURCES: a. Adopt employee recognition program known as "Success Sharing" BOARD ACTION: Approved as recommended 5 b. Adopt resolution appointing David J. Clovis to the position of Safety and Risk Manager, M-33 ($5,946-$7,228/Mo.) effective approximately June 1, 1998 BOARD ACTION: The above item was added to the Board agenda in accordance with the Brown Act; following discussion, Resolution No. 98- ~ was adopted as recommended 10. LEGAL/LITIGATION: a. Authorize staff to file suit in small claims court against Michael Gonce regarding nonpayment of connection fees for 55 Longridge Road in Orinda, California BOARD ACTION: Approved as recommended 11. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: a. Minutes of Regular Board Meeting of April 2, 1998 BOARD ACTION: Approved as presented b. Minutes of Adjourned Regular Board Meeting of April 9, 1998 BOARD ACTION: Approved as presented c. Minutes of Adjourned Regular Board Meeting of April 13, 1998 BOARD ACTION: Approved as presented 12. APPROVAL OF EXPENDITURES: a. Expenditure List dated May 7, 1998 BOARD ACTION: Approved as recommended 13. BUDGET AND FINANCE: a. Approve the 1998-1999 Equipment Budget for inclusion in the 1998-1999 District Budget BOARD ACTION: Approved as recommended b. Receive March 1998 Financial Statements 6 BOARD ACTION: Receiv~d March 1998 Financial Statements and reports of Running Expense Fund and temporary investments 14. EMERGENCY SITUATIONS REQUIRING BOARD ACTION: BOARD ACTION: None 15. ANNOUNCEMENTS/SUGGESTIONS FOR FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS: BOARD ACTION: None 16. ADJOURNMENT: BOARD ACTION: Adjourned at 5:44 p.m. to reconvene at 1 :00 p.m. on Thursday. May 14. 1998 at 1250 Springbrook Road. Walnut Creek. for a field inspection of the South Orinda Sewer Improvements Project and Pumping Stations tour 7