HomeMy WebLinkAboutACTION SUMMARY 04-20-00 Central Contra Costa Sanitary District 5019 Imhoff Place, Martinez, Ca 94553 (925) 228-9500 . www.centralsan.org BOARD OF DIRECTORS: BOARD MEETING GERAW R. LVCEr PresIdent ACTION SUMMARY BARBARA D. HOCKETT President Pro Tern PARKE L. BONEYSTEELE MARlO M. MENESINI JAMES A. NEJEDLY April 20, 2000 2:00 p.m. 1. ROLL CALL: PRESENT: ABSENT: Members: Members: Nejedly, Menesini, Hockett, Boneysteele, Lucey None a. Introduce New Employee . Mark Vasquez, Household Hazardous Waste Technician I BOARD ACTION: Mr. Vasquez was introduced and welcomed to the District 2. PUBLIC COMMENTS: BOARD ACTION: Ms. Christa Freihofner, San Ramon resident, and Mr. Dave Hudson, San Ramon Councilmember, addressed the Board relative to the Dougherty Tunnel and Trunk Sewer Project 3. CONSENT CALENDAR: Staff recommends the following: a. Set public hearing on June 1, 2000 to consider establishment of the 2000-01 Sewer Service Charge Rates and the collection of Sewer Service Charges and prior year delinquent charges by placing them on the County tax roll b. Accept contract work for the Recycled Water Project-High Turbidity Water Diversion, District Project No. 7162A, and authorize the filing of the Notice of Completion BOARD ACTION: Consent Items a. and b. approved as recommended and recording duly authorized @ Recycled Paper 4. CALL FOR REQUESTS TO CONSIDER ITEMS OUT OF ORDER: BOARD ACTION: None 5. BIDS AND AWARDS: a. Authorize award of construction contract to McNamara and Smallman Construction Incorporated for the Lafayette Sewer Renovation Project, Phase 1, District Project No. 5166; authorize the President of the Board of Directors and the Secretary of the District to execute an agreement with the City of Lafayette for paving BOARD ACTION: Approved as recommended 6. REPORTS: a. General Manager 1) Discussion of Proposed Change to Sewer Service Direct Billing Method 2) Update on Dougherty Tunnel and Trunk Sewer Project 3) Announcement concerning Draft Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) for Mercury 4) Announcement concerning Earth Day, April 30, 2000 5) Bring Your Kids to Work Day will be observed April 27, 2000 6) Announcement concerning a sewer overflow in Canyon Lakes area and another on Glenn Drive in Lafayette 7) Announcement concerning Fix-It Ticket Pilot Program 8) Household Hazardous Waste Collection Facility will be Closed Easter Sunday, April 23, 2000 9) Announcement that Mr. Bob Hinkson, retired Collection System Operations Department Manager, passed away on April '9, 2000 b. Counsel for the District NONE 2 c. Secretary of the District 1) Announcement concerning distribution of March 2, 2000 Board Minutes d. Board Members 1 ) Announcement concerning dedication of Martinez Flood Control Project for Relining Alhambra Creek 2) Report of April 17, 2000, Contra Costa Special Districts Association Meeting 7. ENGINEERING: a. Authorize the General Manager to execute an agreement with Electrical & Control Systems Engineering, Inc. for the design of the Pumping Stations Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition Project, District Project No. 6127 BOARD ACTION: Approved as recommended; President Lucey requested a listing of all Treatment Plant and Pumping Station open contracts including a brief description of the work and costs for each b. Contract between Central Contra Costa Sanitary District, West County Wastewater District, and Contra Costa Flood Control and Water Conservation District (on behalf of the Contra Costa Clean Water Program) for the Storm water Inspection Program BOARD ACTION: Approved as recommended 8. TREATMENT PLANT: a. Authorize the General Manager to execute an agreement with NPG Engineering, Inc., for professional engineering services for Plant Operations Department Projects BOARD ACTION: Approved as recommended 9. CORRESPONDENCE: a. Receive correspondence regarding District Pipeline Newsletter BOARD ACTION: Noted receipt 3 10. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: a. Minutes of March 16, 2000 BOARD ACTION: Approved as presented 11. APPROVAL OF EXPENDITURES: a. Expenditure List dated April 20, 2000 BOARD ACTION: Approved as recommended 12. BUDGET AND FINANCE: a. Review the financial status and budget of the Self-Insurance Fund and approve the allocation of $175,000 to the fund from the 2000-2001 O&M Budget BOARD ACTION: Reviewed status and approved allocation 13. EMERGENCY SITUATIONS REQUIRING BOARD ACTION: BOARD ACTION: None 14. ANNOUNCEMENTS/SUGGESTIONS FOR FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS: BOARD ACTION: Member Menesini requested that a discussion of Public Outreach be calendared on a future agenda BREAK BOARD ACTION: Recessed from 3:55 p.m. to 4:10 p.m. 15. CLOSED SESSION: a. Instruct labor negotiators pursuant to Government Code Section 54957.6 Instruct Negotiators: Labor Counsel Allison Woodall, Human Resources Manager Cathryn Freitas, and Plant Operations Division Manager Doug Craig. Employee organization: Central Contra Costa Sanitary District Employees Association Local 1 b. Conference with Legal Counsel on anticipated litigation - Initiation of litigation pursuant to Subdivision (c) of Section 54956.9 of the Government Code - One potential matter 4 BOARD ACTION: Held closed session from 4:10 p.m. to 5:20 p.m. to discuss labor negotiations and anticipated litigation as noted above 16. REPORT OF DISCUSSIONS IN CLOSED SESSION: BOARD ACTION: No decisions were made or votes taken in closed session which require reporting at this time 17. ADJOURNMENT: BOARD ACTION: Adjourned at 5:20 p.m. 5