HomeMy WebLinkAboutBOARD MINUTES 09-01-05 I I I 11 MINUTES OF THE REGULAR BOARD MEETING OF THE DISTRICT BOARD OF THE CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT HELD ON SEPTEMBER 1, 2005 The District Board of the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District convened in a regular session at its regular place of meeting, 5019 Imhoff Place, Martinez, County of Contra Costa, State of California, at 2:00 p.m. on Thursday, September 1, 2005. President Hockett called the meeting to order and requested that the Secretary call roll. 1. ROLL CALL PRESENT: Members: Boneysteele, Lucey, Nejedly, Hockett ABSENT: Members: Menesini a. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE TO THE FLAG Board and staff joined in the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. b. INTRODUCTIONS/PROMOTIONS The Board of Directors congratulated Don Comstock on his promotion to Maintenance Crew Member I. 2. PUBLIC COMMENTS There were no public comments. 3. CONSENT CALENDAR It was moved by Member Lucey and seconded by Member Nejedly to approve the Consent Calendar, consisting of Items a. through k., as recommended, to adopt resolutions as appropriate, and to authorize recordings. Motion passed by the following vote of the Board: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Members: Members: Members: Boneysteele, Lucey, Nejedly, Hockett None Menesini a. Adopt Resolutions 2005-073. 2005-074, 2005-075. 2005-076 and 2005-077 accepting in part and rejecting in part offers of dedication and Public Sewer Improvements in the Town of Danville, Job 5278 - Parcels 3, 5, 6A, 6B, 7, 8, and authorize staff to record documents with the Contra Costa County Recorder. b. Adopt Resolution 2005-078 accepting public sewer improvements and an offer of dedication from Trident Associates, LLC for an easement shown on the recorded final map of Subdivision No. 7762 in the Alamo area, Job 5306 and authorize staff to record documents with the Contra Costa County Recorder. c. Adopt Resolution 2005-079 accepting public sewer improvements and an offer of dedication from Braddock and Logan Group, LP for an easement shown on the recorded final map of Subdivision No. 8113 in the City of San Ramon (Job 5312) and authorize staff to record documents with the Contra Costa County Recorder. 9-1-05 12 d. Adopt Resolutions 2005-080 and 2005-081 accepting public sewer improvements and offers of dedication in the Town of Danville, Job 5633 - Parcels 2 and 3, and authorizing staff to record documents with the Contra Costa County Recorder. e. Adopt Resolutions 2005-082. 2005-083. 2005-084. 2005-085. and 2005-086 accepting five grants of easement for sewer purposes for the North Orinda Sewer Renovation - Phase 1 Project, Project No. 5759 and authorize staff to record documents with the Contra Costa County Recorder. f. Adopt Resolution 2005-087 accepting a grant of easement for sewer purposes from Jan L. Hewitt and Herbert L. Goldblum for the Alhambra Valley Sewer - Phase 1 Project, Project No. 5919 and authorize staff to record documents with the Contra Costa County Recorder. I g. Adopt Resolution 2005-088 accepting a grant of easement for sewer purposes from Gayle E. Thomas for the Walnut Creek Sewer Renovation - Phase 3 Project, Project No. 5929 and authorize staff to record documents with the Contra Costa County Recorder. h. Adopt Resolution 2005-089 amending Exhibit A, Designated Positions and Disclosure Categories of the District Conflict of Interest Code. i. Authorize extension of Medical Leave of Absence without pay for Mark Lafferty, Maintenance Technician III, Mechanical, through November 3,2005. j. Reclassify Engineering Assistant III Thomas Phillips to Assistant Land Surveyor, as recommended by the Personnel Committee. k. Delete one Contract Administrator position (S72, $5,754.63 - $6,966.53) and replace with one Assistant Engineer position (S72, $5,754.63 - $6,966.53), as recommended by the Personnel Committee. 4. CALL FOR REQUESTS TO CONSIDER ITEMS OUT OF ORDER I Items 6.d. and 7.a. were taken out of order. 5. REPORTS a. GENERAL MANAGER 1) Lower Orinda Pumpinq Station Construction Update General Manager Charles Batts stated that the Lower Orinda Pumping Station is the District's oldest active pumping station and is being completely renovated in its existing location. The renovation includes extensive instrumentation, mechanical, structural, and architectural improvements. Phase 1 included construction of a new dry weather pumping station and was completed in April 2005. Phase 2 is now in progress. He stated that, while the progress on the civil, mechanical and electrical work is going I well, there are a few areas of concern. Staff is working on development of a contingency plan to make sure that an operational pumping station is available before the wet weather season. Senior Engineer Andrew Antkowiak stated that the total project cost is $8,048,000 and the scheduled completion date is December, 2005. He described the phases of construction and showed slides of the work in progress. He stated that there are some delays in delivery of equipment that will delay the project schedule. He stated that the civil, mechanical and electrical components of the project are going well and are on schedule. He added that there are, however, two major areas 9-1-05 13 I of concern. With regard to the standby generator, the generator originally proposed by the contractor was not scheduled to be provided until next year. Staff directed the contractor to procure a different generator, one listed in the specifications, which is now scheduled to arrive in early December 2005. In the meantime, the contractor will provide a temporary generator to provide wet weather back up power. The second area of concern involves instrumentation and control. The installation of the control panel and programming portions of the project are behind schedule. Staff has developed a contingency plan to attempt to meet wet weather contingencies in the case that the contractor fails to meet the contract schedule. Mr. Antkowiak stated that there are possible additional costs associated with both issues, whether they are the responsibility of the contractor or the District. Another impact of the delays is increased consultant costs and staff may need to ask the Board to extend and increase the consultant contracts. Mr. Antkowiak described the contingency plans developed by staff to have an operational station by the wet weather season. He stated that the original construction contract amount was $5,696,000, with work completed to date of $3,855,000 and change orders in the amount of $130,327. Mr. Antkowiak responded to questions from Board Members regarding the consultants involved, unavailability of recommended equipment, and anticipated additional costs. District Counsel Kent Aim stated that no Closed Session on the matter is warranted at this time. 2) Update on Conco Development I General Manager Charles Batts stated that staff is expecting to start negotiations with Conco Cement of Concord and U.S. Development (Texas) who are continuing with industrial developments on the former IT Baker property to the north of the District's treatment plant. Access to the property is via a road easement across District property. Both developments need additional road and utility easements from the District. Environmental Services Manager Curt Swanson presented a report, stating that Conco Cement and U.S. Development have received land use permits from the County. Over the next 6-12 months both may come to the District for additional property rights/easements. Staff will negotiate with them and seek guidance from the Board as needed in closed session. He described the I.T. Baker site, comprised of 124 acres located just north of the District. It was formerly used as a hazardous waste treatment and disposal facility, and is zoned for heavy industrial use. Conco Cement owns 28 acres, and U.S. Development owns 26 acres. He described access to the site and traffic impact. He stated that a wider access road easement will be necessary, possibly as wide as 40 feet. A sub-surface easement for a water main, as well as a quitclaim of some easements and new road maintenance agreement, will be needed by Conco and U.S. Development. I Mr. Swanson listed the easements and property rights the District would like to obtain, including general access rights across Conco property and compensation for the added traffic burden. 3) Report of Annual Sewer Service Charoe Revenue General Manager Charles Batts stated that, on August 1, 2005, staff sent data to the County for the 2004-2005 Sewer Service Charge billings. Sewer Service Charge revenue increased due to the increase in the number of parcels added to the sewer service charge rolls. Also, there was a significant increase in the levy for Contractual 9-1-05 14 Assessment Districts (CADs) as the District is now being reimbursed for 23 CADs in the amount of $369,660. Engineering Assistant III Molly Mullin presented a report on this year's billings. She stated that the sewer service charge for 2005-06 is $44,308,022, compared with $43,851,456 for 2004-05. Total new parcels for 2005-06 are 1450, and 1121 for 2004-05. These increased figures are primarily the result of the Dougherty Valley connections. 80.2 per cent of revenue is residential, 18.4 per cent commerciallindustrial, and 1.4 per cent direct billings. She stated that the capacity I use program has 26 customers, generating $133,934 annually in fees. The 23 CADs comprise 195 parcels, with total fees of $369,660. 4) Uodate on Clarifier Issue General Manager Charles Batts stated that staff is working on short-term and long- term solutions for the South-No.4 Clarifier. As previously reported to the Board, some structural and mechanical damages to this clarifier were experienced during the construction of the Treatment Plant Protective Coating Project. A structural engineering firm and the equipment manufacturer's representative are investigating the current conditions. Staff is looking at the structural conditions of the concrete floor, mechanical components, and the clearance between the rotating assemblies and concrete structures. The structural and mechanical investigation is continuing and the outcome of these investigations will be reported to the Board in the near future. 5) Purchasina Manaaer Recruitment General Manager Charles Batts reported that Purchasing Manager Diane Wagner resigned recently to be closer to her family. Filling the Purchasing Manager position will be considered by the Personnel Committee on September 8. In anticipation of I the Committee's approval, staff is working on this recruitment so that this recruitment can be completed as quickly as possible. 6) Attendance of Mark Cavallero at Power Quality Trainina General Manager Charles Batts announced that Electrical Maintenance Planner Mark Cavallero will be attending a training seminar in Dallas, Texas, on October 18-21, 2005. The title of the training is " Power Quality and Harmonics." This seminar will disctlss control measures for equipment that generates harmonics, or "dirty power" such as the UV system, which can affect more sensitive equipment such as computers. 7) Attendance of Don Beraer and Melodv LaBella at Recvcled Water Conference General Manager Charles Batts announced that Associate Engineer Don Berger and Assistant Engineer Melody LaBella will be attending the WateReuse Association Annual Conference in Denver, Colorado. The conference is being held September 18 through 21, 2005. Mr. Berger and Ms. LaBella will be making a presentation about the recent District project to install a dual plumbing system and use of recycled water at the nearby County Animal Services Center. 8) Truck Uodate I General Manager Charles Batts stated that, at a previous Board meeting, staff was authorized to replace a District pickup truck which was struck by a falling o~k tree while at Lower Orinda Pumping Station. This pumping station is located on Orinda Country Club property and is currently undergoing major reconstruction. The Orinda Country Club insurance has denied the claim, and staff has proceeded to have the truck repaired. The truck has been repaired at an approximate cost of $8,500, and has been returned to service. 9-1-05 I I I b. None. 15 9) Collection Svstem Ooerations (CSOl Shine and Show General Manager Charles Batts stated that CSO will be holding its second annual car show with and for District employees again this fall. This event will be held in the CSO Lower Yard, on Saturday, October 1, 2005, from 11 :00 am to 2:00 p.m. There will be food and music and all Board Members are invited. 10) Los Vaqueros Tour General Manager Charles Batts announced that the Sanitation and Water Agencies is sponsoring a tour of the Los Vaqueros reservoir on Thursday, September 22, 2005, at 2:00 p.m. The event will include a pontoon boat tour, a program, and a box lunch. If you wish to take the tour, please inform Secretary of the District Elaine Boehme. COUNSEL FOR THE DISTRICT c. SECRETARY OF THE DISTRICT None. d. BOARD OF DIRECTORS 1) Member Lucey, Chair of the Budget and Finance Committee, reported that the Committee reviewed the expenditures and took no exception. . It was moved by Member Lucey and seconded by President Hockett to approve the Expenditure List dated September 1, 2005, including Self Insurance Check Nos. 102252 to 102253, Running Expense Check Nos. 156940 to 157189, and Sewer Construction Fund Check Nos. 27879 to 27955 as recommended. Motion passed by the following vote of the Board: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Members: Members: Members: Boneysteele, Lucey, Nejedly, Hockett None Menesini 2) General Manager Charles Batts presented a report on the August 17-20, 2005 CASA Conference, including the celebration of CASA's 50th anniversary. President Hockett presented Member Boneysteele with an engraved clock from CASA in recognition of his service as President in 1986-87. 3) Member Lucey reported on the August 24, 2005 Real Estate Committee meeting. 4) Member Nejedly reported on the August 25, 2005 Outreach Committee meeting. 5) Announcements Member Lucey commended staff on their work on Glorietta Blvd., Orinda, in light of increasing delays from other construction projects. 6. ENGINEERING a. AUTHORIZE THE GENERAL MANAGER TO EXECUTE A PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT WITH ATI ARCHITECTS AND ENGINEERS FOR THE DESIGN OF THE STANDBY POWER FACILITY IMPROVEMENTS, DISTRICT PROJECT 7248 9-1-05 16 General Manager Charles Batts stated that the Standby Power Facility Improvements Project was initiated in response to the new diesel engine air emissions regulations. This project will replace two existing diesel engine generators with two new clean-burn diesel engine generators. The proposed agreement will be complete design for the replacement diesel engine installations. It was moved by Member Lucey and seconded by Member Boneysteele to authorize the General Manager to execute a professional services agreement with ATI Architects and Engineers as recommended. Motion passed by the following vote of the Board: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Members: Members: Members: Boneysteele, Lucey, Nejedly, Hockett None Menesini I b. AUTHORIZE THE GENERAL MANAGER TO EXECUTE A PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT WITH AEPC GROUP FOR THE DESIGN OF HVAC IMPROVEMENTS FOR THE HEADQUARTERS OFFICE BUILDING (HOB) AND THE PLANT OPERATIONS ADMINISTRATION BUILDING (POB). DISTRICT PROJECT 8205 General Manager Charles Batts stated that the Headquarters Office Building (HOB) and the Plant Operations Administration Building (POB) Improvements Project will replace the existing HVAC equipment with a new central chiller system and will modify the delivery system components. The proposed agreement will complete design for the equipment replacement and system modifications. Associate Engineer Tom Godsey presented a report, stating that the HOB HVAC system is 22 years old and the POB system is 33 years old. Both systems have experienced frequent problems, poor distribution of air, and increased maintenance costs. The south side of the HOB overheats and the existing system does not cool the buildings efficiently. Maintenance costs have increased from $8,800 for 1998-2002 to $59,000 for 2003-05. Recommmend- I ations for the HOB include replacing the roof top units with new central chiller facilities, adding variable air volume boxes, and replacing the HOB roof. Recommendations for the POB include replacing the existing steam chiller, and extending the chiller loop to problem areas in the building. He stated that the project will be designed in September, bid in January/February 2006, and constructed between March and August 2006. He stated that system evaluation is projected to cost $49,000, design cost $200,000, and construction $2,000,000. Member Nejedly stated that $200,000 for design of the project seems high. In response to questions from Member Lucey, Mr. Godsey explained the proposed timeline for the project. It was moved by Member Nejedly and seconded by Member Lucey to authorize the General Manager to execute a professional services agreement with AEPC Group as recommended. Motion passed by the following vote of the Board: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Members: Members: Members: Boneysteele, Lucey, Nejedly, Hockett None Menesini c. AUTHORIZE THE GENERAL MANAGER TO EXECUTE AN AGREEMENT WITH ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING AND CONTRACTING. INC. (EEC) TO CONDUCT THE FATS. OILS. AND GREASE (FOG) SOURCE CHARACTERIZATION. DISTRICT PROJECT 5912 I General Manager Charles Batts stated that the build-up of fats, oils, and grease is a significant cause of sewage overflows in all sewer collection systems. As part of the District's Sewage System Management Plan, the CSO and the Environmental Services Divisions are undertaking a comprehensive approach to dealing with grease-related problems and grease-caused overflows. Under the proposed agreement, Environmental 9-1-05 I I I 17 Engineering & Contracting will televise and inspect certain sewers with known grease problems to determine appropriate control measures. Such solutions may include sewer replacement, point repairs, different maintenance measures or installation of, or use of, grease control measures by customers. It was moved by Member Boneysteele and seconded by President Hockett to authorize the General Manager to execute an agreement with EEC as recommended. Motion passed by the following vote of the Board: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Members: Members: Members: Boneysteele, Lucey, Nejedly, Hockett None Menesini d. APPROVE ADDENDUM TO CONTRA COSTA COUNTY'S 2004 ALHAMBRA VALLEY E$TATES FINAL ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT AND APPROVE THE ALHAMBRA VALLEY TRUNK SEWER PROJECT FOR CEQAlPERMITTING PURPOSES. DISTRICT PROJECT 5919 General Manager Charles Batts stated that, as staff presented at the last Board meeting, the design of the Alhambra Valley Trunk Sewer project has progressed sufficiently so that the Board may consider whether to allow the project to proceed to final design and construction. Staff has prepared an addendum to Contra Costa County's 2004 Alhambra Valley Estates Subdivision Final EIR to update that document with the District's decision to proceed with a gravity trunk sewer altemative to serve that subdivision and other properties tributary to the proposed trunk sewer alignment. Board approval of the addendum and the Alhambra Valley Trunk Sewer Project, as recommended by staff, will allow for completion of the CEQA process and initiation of the permit process. If approved, staff will complete the design and return to the Board in early 2006 with a recommendation to award a construction contract. Elaine Frank expressed support for the project and requested that the areas of Millthwait Drive and Gordon Way and along Alhambra Valley Road be included in the design. Marie Olson stated that she still opposes the project, but commended Environmental Services Division Manager Curt Swanson for his courtesy and assistance. Michael Lucas expressed opposition to the project and concerns regarding the development of the remainder of the Alhambra Valley area. Thomas Greerty stated that he has mixed feelings about the project, adding that, while he acknowledged the need for sewer service, he had concerns regarding its impact on the future development of the Alhambra Valley area. Member Nejedly stated that it was a difficult decision but felt that it was the appropriate course of action for the area, particularly in light of failing septic tanks. Member Boneysteele commended speakers for their courtesy and decorum despite the contentiousness of the matter. He stated that he would support adoption of the addendum as recommended by staff. In response to questions, Environmental Services Division Manager Curt Swanson responded that, with regard to Millthwait and Gordon, the District is only able to build trunk sewers and not sewer mains. Deep sewers will be installed, which will have the capacity to serve the entire valley in the future. Residents of neighborhoods not contiguous to the trunk sewer will need to put together a neighborhood project to construct the sewer main and connect to the trunk sewer. Staff will be setting up neighborhood meetings and informing them how this may be accomplished. It was moved by Member Boneysteele and seconded by Member Lucey to approve the addendum to the 2004 Alhambra Valley Estates EIR, approve Alhambra Valley Trunk Sewer Project, and to direct staff to file a Notice of Determination as recommended. Motion passed by the following vote of the Board: 9-1-05 18 AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Members: Members: Members: Boneysteele, Lucey, Nejedly, Hockett None Menesini 7. COLLECTION SYSTEM a. REGIONAL WATER QUALITY CONTROL BOARD ADMINISTRATIVE CIVIL LIABILITY COMPLAINT NO. 42-2004-0098: PROPOSED SUPPLEMENTAL ENVIRONMENTAL PROJECTS I General Manager Charles Batts stated that staff is recommending that two proposals be sent forward to the Regional Water Quality Control Board for approval. One proposal is for $80,000 for projects in San Ramon, and the other is for $65,700 for the Alhambra Valley Creek Corridor Study. Both proposals are for projects that would be completed in 2006. The Regional Water Board has given preliminary approval to both of these proposals. After the Water Board approves the proposals, staff will finalize arrangements with the City of San Ramon and the Contra Costa Resource Conservation District. He stated that it is staffs intent to have the project proponents fully manage the SEPs to the extent allowed by the Water Board. Joye Fukuda, City of San Ramon, thanked the Board for its support and stated that the City of San Ramon supports the staff recommendation. She stated that the City of San Ramon anticipates completion of the projects by 2006, and will take responsibility for the completion with respect to the Regional Board's requirements. It was moved by Member Boneysteele and seconded by Member Lucey to approve the staff recommendation to submit to the Regional Water Quality Control Board projects developed by the City of San Ramon, and the Alhambra Valley Creek Corridor Study (sponsored by Contra Costa Resource Conservation District and the Alhambra Valley Creek Coalition). Motion passed by the following vote of the Board: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Members: Members: Members: Boneysteele, Lucey, Nejedly, Hockett None Menesini I 8. REAL PROPERTY a. AUTHORIZE THE GENERAL MANAGER TO NEGOTIATE A LEASE AGREEMENT WITH COUNTY QUARRY FOR THE USE OF THE KIEWIT PROPERTY FOR A CLEAN FILL OPERATION General Manager Charles Batts stated that the District solicited proposals for a clean fill operation lease for the Kiewit property. The lease will allow a private party the use of the parcel as a clean fill receiving site for the purpose of generating revenue and to improve the site for possible future leases. Proposals were received from Evans Brothers, Ghilotti Brothers and County Quarry. A public hearing occurred at the August 11, 2005 Board Meeting declaring the leasing of the property compatible with District operations and adopting a Mitigated Negative Declaration and Monitoring and Reporting Program. The Real Estate Committee reviewed the proposals and directed staff to obtain additional information from County Quarry regarding testing and costs. Staff obtained the information requested and included the material in the Board's agenda binder. He stated that both the Real Estate Committee and staff are recommending the Board direct the General Manager to negotiate a lease with County Quarry. Director of Administration Randy Musgraves summarized the three proposals. He stated that the proposals were broken down into two types - large generators (Evans Brothers and Ghilotti Brothers), and small generators (County Quarry). He stated that the large generators will fill the site in three years, have lower estimated revenue and revenue split, and were unclear on the charges for their own projects. The small generator will fill the site in five years, with a higher estimated revenue and split. He stated that there is a possible I 9-1-05 I I I 19 risk for contaminated soil from the small generator since more truckloads of dirt are processed. Mr. Musgraves compared the three proposals as set forth in the Position Paper. He concluded that the County Quarry proposal appears to be the most attractive, with a total estimated revenue of $3,168,000: total expenses of $1 ,622,640, with a net revenue to the District of $1 ,004,484. There would be a 35% (County Quarry)/65% (District) split. He stated that County Quarry has also acknowledged that the District controls the lease for their recycling facility and they have a strong interest in maintaining a good relationship with the District. He concluded that staff and the Real Estate Committee recommend that the Board authorize the General Manager to negotiate a lease agreement with County Quarry, which will come back to the Board for final approval at a later date. It was moved by Member Lucey and seconded by Member Nejedly to authorize the General Manager to negotiate a Clean Fill Lease Agreement with County Quarry for the Kiewit property, to be brought back to the Board for approval at a later date. Motion passed by the following vote of the Board: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Members: Members: Members: Boneysteele, Lucey, Nejedly, Hockett None Menesini 9. APPROVAL OF MINUTES It was moved by Member Lucey and seconded by Member Boneysteele to approve the minutes of July 21, 2005. Motion passed by the following vote of the Board: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Members: Members: Members: Boneysteele, Lucey, Nejedly, Hockett None Menesini 10. EMERGENCY SITUATIONS REQUIRING BOARD ACTION None. 11. ANNOUNCEMENTS/SUGGESTIONS FOR FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS Member Lucey requested an update on the Shell Pipeline. 12. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business to come before the Board, President Hockett adjourned the meeting at 3:55 p.m. COUNTERSIGNED: resident of the Board of Direct rs, Central Contra Costa Sanitary District, County of Contra Costa, State of California b2 f;;p~~~ Secretary of the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District, County of Contra Costa, State of California 9-1-05