HomeMy WebLinkAboutBUDGET & FINANCE AGENDA 12-01-08 Central Contra Costa Sanitary District (975) 228-9500 . wwwcen ra san OIg 5019 Imhoff Place, Martlllez, CA 94553-4392 _ BUDGET AND FINANCE COMMITTEE Chair McGill Member Nejedly Monday, December 1, 2008 3:00 p.m. Executive Conference Room 5019 Imhoff Place Martinez, California INFORMATION FOR THE PUBLIC ADDRESSING THE COMMITTEE ON AN ITEM ON THE AGENDA Anyone wishing to address the Committee on an item listed on the agenda will be heard when the Committee Chair calls for comments from the audience. The Chair may specify the number of minutes each person will be permitted to speak based on the number of persons wishing to speak and the time available. After the public has commented, the item is closed to further public comment and brought to the Committee for discussion. There is no further comment permitted from the audience unless invited by the Committee. ADDRESSING THE COMMITTEE ON AN ITEM NOT ON THE AGENDA In accordance with state law, the Committee is prohibited from discussing items not calendared on the agenda. You may address the Committee on any items not listed on the agenda, and which are within their jurisdiction, under PUBLIC COMMENTS. Matters brought up which are not on the agenda may be referred to staff for action or calendared on a future agenda. AGENDA REPORTS Supporting materials on Committee agenda items are available for public review at the Reception, 5019 Imhoff Place, Martinez. Reports or information relating to agenda items distributed within 72 hours of the meeting to a m~ority of the Committee are also available for public inspection at the Reception. During the meeting, information and supporting materials are available in the Conference Room. AMERICANS WITH DISABILITIES ACT In accordance with the Americans With Disabilities Act and California Law, it is the policy of the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District to offer its public meetings in a manner that is readily accessible to everyone, including those with disabilities. If you are disabled and require special accommodations to participate, please contact the Secretary of the District at least 48 hours in advance of the meeting at (925) 229-7303. A ,., Recyded Paper Budget and Finance Committee December 1, 2008 Page 2 1. CALL MEETING TO ORDER 2. PUBLIC COMMENTS 3. OLD BUSINESS a. Tracking of Legal Fees 4. CLAIMS MANAGEMENT *a. Review Outstanding Claims 5. REPORTS/ANNOUNCEMENTS *a. Update on AIG b. GASB 45 Trust *c. Ten Year Plan Assumptions 6. REVIEW EXPENDITURES (Item 5.a. in Board Binder) 7. REVIEW OCTOBER FINANCIAL STATEMENTS (Item 5.b. in Board Binder) 8. 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World Mlrkets Economy DealBook Madia & Smlll Your BUllna.. Ad.erUllng Bualn,," Money !'JeW$, 3rvcll:s, f::Uilds ':ompanies I.P.O.! OFFERINGS PRfV ATE EQll1"\Y HEDGE FUNDS JOBS China Investment Fund Leads Talks for A.I.G. Unit, Report Says NOVEMBER 21. 2008. 6:25 AM Link to This E-mail this TOPICS INDUSTRIES Private Equity Financial Services A consortium led by the China Investment Corporation is in talks to buy a stake of up to 49 percent in the American Life Insurance Company, a unit of U.s. insurance company American International Group, the Nikkei financial daily reported. Nikkei, citing sources familiar with the matter, reported that A.I.G. was holding preferential talks with the C.I.C.-Ied consortium, which includes Chinese insurance companies, with a year-end deadline. The report said a deal could open the way for China to become a major player in the global insurance market. It said American Life Insurance Co. has operations in more than 55 countries, including Japan. The report said A.I.G. was said to be considering a sale on condition that it keeps more than 50 percent of voting rights in the unit. Based on American Life's business value, the acquisition of a 49 percent stake would likely cost the Chinese investors between 500 billion yen ($5.24 billion) and 1 trillion yen, Nikkei reportlxl. A1ico Japan, a branch of Ameri('an Life Insurance, accounts for 60 percent to 70 percent of the company's insurance premium revenue, the report said, noting that A.I.G. had said in October that it would sell.Japanese subsidiaries AIG Edison Life Insurance Co. and AIG Star Life Insurance Co. along with Alico Japan. A.l.G. has recently received billions of dollars in financial assistance from the u.s. government. gQJJ.:u\rtid(,' fmmJkllte.rs vi!iThJ:..N~w York J'jm~~L'!. Go to Article from BloombergNl'Ws>> Add your comments... Name Required E-mail Required (will not be published) Comment SEARCH DEALBOOK VENTURE CAPITAL Sponsored by 00 LEGAL LA TEST DEALBOOK HEADLINES MERGERS & ACQUISITIONS. How the Stock Market Is Squashing Deals Is a Sale on Citigroup's Mind? Analyst Pans Murdoch's Dow.lones Deal INVESTMENT BANKING. Deutsche Analvst Stands by $9 Price Target for Citi SelloffContinues in Citigroup Stock Tech Bankers Turn Bearish in Survey I.P.O.IOFFERINGS. Stocks Drop Sharply and Credit Markets Seize Up Asian Markets Recover, Erasing Earl)' Decline Drought Breaks, But \.P .0. Market Is Still Alid PRIVATE EQUITY. Guy Hands Sees No Sunshine Ahead China Investment Fund Leads Talks for A.I.G. Unit, Report Says $25 Billion Investment Fund Is Formed to Protect French Industry DEALBOOK NEWS BY INDUSTRY HEDGE FUNDS. Hedge Fund I ndustry Shrank 996 in October Paulson Calls for More Hedge Fund Oversight Treasury to Support a Frozen Money Fund VENTURE CAPITAL. A Bay Area Plan for Electric Cars Sezmi. a TV 2.0 Start-Up, Cuts 20 Percent of Staff Banks Show Confidt'nee in Solar as SunRun Nabs $105 Million LEGAl. Video: Sorkin on Rescuing the Automakers I Hlary Rosen to ,Join Ilnmswick Group New York Backtracks on Regulating Swaps http://dealbook.blogs.nytimes.com/2008/11/21/china-investment-fund-leads-talks- for-aig-... 11/21/2008 Pressure Grows for Bank Execs to Give Up Bonuses - NYTimes.com Page 1 of3 f!J,t Nrwllork limt$ nytimes.com PJUNTER".fflIENOlY FCUtMAl' . SPtJ'WS;O:A-E!l at - .. .........".mmmm~"_____...____m__.~~._.~mmw__~...__~m_~~___m.mmmm..m.. ............_m.~m_~_..........__~~..m ._....._...m"~__.~_.....w.._.__m ........__.... om . 'mm'.'_'.~_m November 17,2008 Pressure Grows for Bank Execs to Give Up Bonuses By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Filed at 6:59 p.m. ET NEW YO RK CAP) -- Better to be a broker than a baron on Wall Street if you're expecting a big bonus this year. The decision by top Goldman Sachs executives to forgo bonuses in 2008 is forcing other investment bank bosses to consider following suit. But thousands of lower-tier brokers will still collect hefty bonuses as firms try to keep their top talent from bolting for boutique firms or other industries. Wall Street employees often receive up to 80 percent of their total compensation from year-end bonuses. Now those payments are attracting more scrutiny from lawmakers and consumer groups because taxpayers are footing the bill for the government's $700 billion financial bailout. "Nobody is going to be stupid enough to pay their CEO an outlandish amount of money in this climate," said Alan Johnson, managing director of New York-based compensation consulting firm Johnson Associates. He estimates Wall Street CEOs will see their bonuses reduced by up to 70 percent this year. Goldman Sachs Group Inc. announced Sunday that seven executives, including Chief Executive Uoyd Blankfein, would get no cash or stock bonuses for 2008. Blankfein received total compensation of $54 million last year, according to calculations by The Associated Press, making him the sixth-highest-paid CEO of a Standard & Poor's 500 company in 2007. It's the first time top Goldman executives have not received bonuses since the 139-year-old investment bank went public in 1999. The executives decided to forgo the payments this time "because they believe it's the right thing to do," Goldman spokesman Michael DuVally said. The move wasn't entirely unexpected. Goldman's earnings have been hammered during the economic crisis, cutting into its compensation pool. Last month, it received a $10 billion capital injection from the government. That money is part of $125 billion being given to nine major banks in exchange for federal ownership stakes. The huge payouts have raised questions among officials on Capitol Hill and in New York state about whether any bailout money will be used to pay employees. Banks say that won't happen -- even though the terms of the bailout do not expressly prohibit it. Other banks are feeling pressure to follow Goldman's lead. New York Attorney General ,bndre:w..c!lomQ on http://www.nytimes.com/aponline/us/AP-Meltdown- Bonus- Backlash.html ?sq==aig&st=ny... 11/18/2008 Pressure Grows for Bank Execs to Give Up Bonuses - NYTimes.com Page 2 of3 Monday urged Citigroup Inc. executives to forgo their bonuses this year -- hours after the company announced it would layoff 50,000 workers. "It would send exactly the wrong message for Citigroup's top brass to collect bonuses while investors, taxpayers, and now Citigroup's own employees suffer," said Cuomo, who is probing the use of bailout money by New York-based firms. Citigroup officials did not immediately comment. But speaking to the AP earlier in the day, Citigroup Chairman Win Bischoff did not rule out the idea that Citigroup's leaders would forgo bonuses this year. "Watch this space," Bischoff said at a conference in Dubai, United Arab Emirates. Bank of America said last week that its bonus-compensation pool for senior managers is expected to be reduced by more than 50 percent, though final decisions on pay have not been made. Though it's unusual for Wall Street executives to turn down bonuses, it has happened before. Morgan Stanley CEO John Mack took no bonus last year. A company spokesman said no decision has been made for this year. Even if top executives give up bonuses, that won't mean the end of eye-popping Wall Street paydays this year or next. Though some top executives may "humble themselves" and take little or no bonus, Johnson said "thousands of other people will get paid millions." "There won't be a lot eight-figure bonuses, but there's going to be lots of sevens," Johnson said. A major reason is that firms that don't pay bonuses risk losing high-performing workers. These workers count on their bonuses to pay mortgage bills and other expenses. Despite the credit crisis, "you're going to find pockets of these companies that are doing very well, and those people are going to get a bonus," said David Schmidt, a senior consultant on ~~~Cytiv~pay at James F. Reda & Associates in New York. "If they don't get paid, they're going to be angry, and they're going to leave" for smaller, more specialized firms or other professions entirely. Still, Norton acknowledged, there's "nothing" to stop employees from taking the money and then quitting. Fear oflosing top employees goes beyond Wall Street. Troubled insurer American International Group Inc., which is receiving around $150 billion in bailout money, said Friday it will pay about $500 million in deferred compensation to employees and independent agents. The money represents earned income, not bonuses, and is intended to encourage employees whose savings were wiped out from abandoning the firm, AIG spokesman Joe Norton said. "It's a risk we're willing to take. It's their money," he said. Companies usually make decisions about bonuses in December and make payments in January. Workers who do get bonuses will almost certainly receive much less than they did last year. http://www.nytimes.com/aponline/us/AP-Meltdown- Bonus- Backlash.html ?sq=aig&st=ny... 11/18/2008 Pressure Grows for Bank Execs to Give Up Bonuses - NYTimes.com Page 3 of3 No decision has been made on the size of bonuses to be paid to Goldman employees, DuVally said. That will depend on the company's year-end performance and on how much money is allocated to the employee- compensation pool, he said. Whatever companies pay to midlevel employees, much of it will be distributed under the radar. Unlike bonuses for top executives, those paid to midlevel employees don't have to be disclosed in public filings. "It's only the people at the very top who have to say what they're getting" in bonuses, said Mark Borges, a principal with Compensia Inc., a Northern California compensation consulting firm. "The real largesse of these arrangements has really gone unnoticed." AP Business Writer Adam Schreck in Dubai, United Arab Emirates, contributed to this report. Copyright 2008 The Associated Press Privacv Policv I Search I Corrections I First Look I!:!IDQ I Contact Us I Work for Us I ~ http://www.nytimes.com/aponline/us/ AP- Meltdown-Bonus-Backlash.html ?sq=aig&st=ny... 11/18/2008 S.c.. Central Contra Costa Sanitary District November 26, 2008 FROM: HONORABLE MEMBERS OF THE BOARD JAMES KELLY, GENERAL MANAGER r 10-YEAR FINANCIAL PLAN INFORMATION FOR THE 12/1/08 BOARD BUDGET AND FINANCE COMMITTEE MEETING TO: SUBJECT: The Budget and Finance Committee requested 10-Year Plan assumptions and related data prior to the submission of the final binder to the Board in January, 2009. Staff considers items such as economic conditions, financial condition of the State, and regulatory requirements. This year proves to be challenging due to the current unprecedented economic events. The 1 O-year plan model will include the moderate CIB spending alternative presented at the November 13, 2008 Board Workshop; which included retaining property tax income. Staff is currently considering asking for a two- year rate ordinance. The 1 O-year financial plan will provide the following scenarios: . Prior January 2008 Workshop Recommended Scenario . January 2009 Recommended Scenario . Quick Economic Recovery . Slower Economic Recovery with deflation Provided with this memo are the following items: . Rate-Setting Rules of Thumb . January 2009 assumptions to be used in the Recommended financial plan model . January 2009 compared to January 2008 Recommended Scenario assumptions . January 2009 alternative assumptions for quick versus slow economic recovery . Expense Trend spreadsheet looking back at 10 years of actual expense, and looking forward 10 years using current assumptions. . Drop in funds available chart RATE SETTING "RULES OF THUMB" Updated November 20, 2008 · A $1 per year rate increase to the SSC equals about $168,400 for the 2009-10 fiscal year. The amount increases as our connections increase. · Every $1.0 million dollars of change (up or down) to revenue or expense equates to approximately $6 per year on the SSC. · There are exceptions to the above rule due to reimbursement from Concord. An increase in treatment plant projects costs and/or an increase to treatment plant O&M expenses nets to only 70% of the total expense since Concord reimburses us the other 30% based on their flow into our plant. Increases to Administrative expense are also reimbursed by Concord, but have minimal impact. (Example: $1.0 million more in treatment plant utility expense nets to only $700,000 due to the Concord reimbursement.) · The funds required amount we calculate is the amount needed, without any short-term borrowing, on July 1 of any given year to pay for all District expenditures until the first installment of our SSC and property tax is posted to our account by the County in mid- December. Based on cash flow analyses, the calculation is 32% of the following year's O&M expenses plus 30% of the following year's Capital costs plus 100% of debt service. · A small contingency amount is automatically built into this calculation since we only make the first installment of debt service in September, but we use 100% of debt service in the calculation. · Currently, each year we are using our reserves to "subsidize" our rate increases. When funds available meet funds required. there will no lonqer be any rate subsidy and annual rate increases will be hiaher. all other thinas beina equal. · Regular annual increases will allow for smoothing of rates so long as funds available stay above funds required. · Due to the time value of money, larger increases in current years take advantage of increased interest earnings. Using the 10-year plan scenarios, when we display small increases in current years, we need larger increases in the future. Overall, if you total the rate increases in the 10-year period, generally, the second option (larger increases in the future) has collectively larger rate increases when comparing the two methods. - DRAFT CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT JANUARY, 2009 BOARD FINANCIAL WORKSHOP SCENARIO ASSUMPTIONS January 2008 Workshop to January 2009 Preliminary Staff Recommendation 11/26/2008 January 2008 WorkshOp Recommended lo-year plan Scenario Revenue: Sustainability - Moderate Rate Increases $11-$12 Rate Increases/Year PROPERTY TAX REVENUE ear thereafter. " ~ ~ ,\ \\\~ 1~\:~0 , \ h " Moderate Rate Increases DUring EconomIc Uncertalnty- PrelImInary Staff RecommendatIon . , -., "'4: ,~\ ~/ ~ $12.35 million in 2008-09 through 2009-10. Then return to 4% er ear inflation. End of Year Actual Connections 2005-2006 New Connections each year 2005-2006 2006-2007 2007-2008 2008-2009 2009-2010 2010-2011 2011-2012 2012-2013 2013-2014 2014-2015 2015-2016 2016-2017 2017-2018 2018-2019 162,500 162,500 Connections below do not include Naval Weapons Station Jan 09 to Jan 08 Notes Interest Income 2005-2006 2006-2007 2007-2008 2008-2009 2009-2010 2010-2011 2011-2012 2012-2013 2013-2014 2014-2015 2015-2016 2016-2017 2017-2018 2018-2019 District 19-year Average LAIF rate $5.50% (1988-2007) 3.85% 5.00% 5.25% 5.00% 5.25% 5.25% 5.50% 5.50% 5.75% 5.75% 5.75% 5.75% 5.75% N/A 2,095 1,748 1,600 1,350 1,300 1,300 1,300 1,300 1,250 1,025 900 700 700 N/A 2,095 1,748 1,647 1,250 1,250 1,250 1,200 1,200 1,100 900 800 700 700 700 Higher fees offset loss in # of connections - Total change= District 20-yeer Average LAIF rate $5.2% (1988-2008) 3.85% (Actual) 5.11 % (Actual) 4.38% (actual) 2.50% 3.50% 4.50% 5.00% 5.50% 5.75% 5.75% 6.00% 6.00% 6.00% 6.00% 47 (100) (50) (50) (100) (100) (150) (125) (100) 700 28 Jan 09 to Jan 08 0.00% 0.11% -0.87% -2.50% -1.75% -0.75% -0.50% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.25% 0.25% 0.25% 6.00% COnnection Fee Increases New BOnd Financin 1.6%-2.3% annual increases $27.5 million in 2017-18 enditures: General Group Salaty Survey Included & Merit Increases Combined 4.50% New: In-depth detailed review and impact of possible retirements in the 10- ear window 4.50% Detailed review and impact of possible retirements and new hires in the 10- ear window Benefits: Workers' Com ensation Medical Dental Benefit cost increases b SO/C ear 10% in 08-09; 9% 09-10; 8% 10-11; 7% thereafter per actue 4% ear per actue Now sala driven calc, inflated b 2O/c ear assumed rate increase 9% in 09-10; 8% in 10-11; 7% in 11-12; 6% thereafter er actue 09-1012% actual rate; 40/01 ear thereafter er actue Retirement Deferred Com ensation/Medicare All Other Benefits Benefit Vacanc Retirees: Medical Dental Life Combined with all other above -1 % in 2008-09 based on rate decrease; 8o/oIyear thereafter (8% increase to benefit assumes approx 2% rate increase.) Benefit cost increases b 6%/ ear 5%/ ear <4%>/ ear Assumes separate trust is established: $5.0 in 2007-08, $5.2 miillon in 2008-09, $5.0 million In 2009-10; $5.5 million in 2010-11 and $6.0 million Assumes separate trust is established: $5.0 -$6.5 million per year (includes per year in all future years. (Includes retiree costs above plus amount retiree costs above plus amount needed to fund future costs) needed to fund future costs) 3%/ ear 3%1 ear Vacancy lowered to <1%> because we budgeted a <3%> salary vacancy in 2007-08 that is the basis for future projections <1%> Jan 09 to Jan 08 $ 52,000 $ 52,000 $ 55,900 55,200 $ (700) 57,900 58,800 $ 900 60,000 60,800 $ 800 63,100 64,000 $ 900 65,600 67,700 $ 2,100 69,100 70,800 $ 1,700 72,100 73,900 $ 1,800 76,100 77,700 $ 1,600 79,900 81,200 $ 1,300 84,300 85,100 $ 800 88,200 88,900 $ 700 N/A 93,700 $ 93,700 Total below is 2008-09 - 2017-18 Total below is 2009-10 - 2018-19 $ 716,300 $ 763,800 $ 47,500 $ 39,700 $ 39,700 $ 41,600 33,400 $ (8,200) 38,300 42,800 $ 4,500 41,900 42,500 $ 600 49,700 42,700 $ (7,000) 30,000 31,300 $ 1,300 29,600 28,500 $ (1,100) 30,000 29,800 $ (200) 31,100 31,600 $ 500 32,700 32,400 $ (300) 45,000 44,600 $ (400) 52,900 52,700 $ (200) NIA 35,900 $ 35,900 Total below is 2008-09 - 2017-18 Total below is 2009-10 - 2018-19 $ 381,200 $ 372,000 $ 9,200 modified O&M discount factor O&M Expenses (In millions) 2006-2007 2007-2008 2008-2009 . 2009-2010 2010-2011 2011-2012 2012-2013 2013-2014 2014-2015 2015-2016 2016-2017 2017-2018 2018-2019 Capital Expenditures (In millions) 2006-2007 2007-2008 2008-2009 2009-2010 2010-2011 2011-2012 2012-2013 2013-2014 2014-2015 2015-2016 2016-2017 2017-2018 2018-2019 FUNDS REQUIRED ASSUMPTION 32% of next year's O&M + 30% of next year's Capital costs + 32% of next year's O&M + 30% of next year's Capital costs + 100% of debt service 100% of debt service 3 - DRAFT CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT JANUARY, 2009 BOARD FINANCIAL WORKSHOP SCENARIO ASSUMPTIONS - ALTERNATIVE SCENARIOS 11/2612008 January 2009 Workshop '1\ '<i *\\* ~~\I Board Budget & Finance Committee Meetlllg \ ",,~ QUick Recovery Slower Economic Recovery Revenue: To Be Delernllned \ \\f!<'" , ,\ \'!il HOLD FLAT ONE YEAR - $12.35 million in 2008-09 ONLY. HOLD FLAT 3 YEARS - $12.35 million in 2008-09, 2009-10 PROPERTY TAX REVENUE Then return to 4% oer year inflation. and 2010-11. Then return to 4% per year inflation. Notes End of Year Actual Connections 2005-2006 162,500 162,500 New Connections each year Used January 2008 Assumptions Below Jan 09 10 Jan 08 2005-2006 2,095 2,095 - 2006-2007 1,748 1,748 - 2007-2008 1,600 1,647 47 2008-2009 1,350 1,250 (100) 2009-2010 1,300 1,250 (50) 2010-2011 1,300 1,250 (50) 2011-2012 1,300 1,200 (100) 2012-2013 1,300 1,200 (100) 2013-2014 1,250 1,100 (150) 2014-2015 1,025 900 (125) 2015-2016 900 800 (100) 2016-2017 700 700 - 2017-2018 700 700 - 2018-2019 700 700 - (728 Interest Income District 20-year Average LAIF rate $5.4% (1988-2008) District 20-year Average LAIF rate $5.2% (1988-2008) Jan 09 to Jan 08 2005-2006 3.85% (Actual) 3.85% (Actual) 0.00% 2006-2007 5.11 % (Actual) 5.11 % (Actual) 0.11% 2007-2008 4.38% (actual) 4.38% (actual) -0.87% 2008-2009 2.50% 1.75% -0.75% 2009-2010 4.00% 1.00% -3.00% 2010-2011 5.00% 1.00% -4.00% 2011-2012 5.50% 5.00% -0.50% 2012-2013 5.75% 5.50% -0.25% 2013-2014 6.00% 5.75% -0.25% 2014-2015 6.00% 5.75% -0.25% 2015-2016 6.25% 6.00% -0.25% 2016-2017 6.25% 6.00% -0.25% 2017-2018 6.50% 6.00% -0.50% 2018-2019 6.50% 6.00% 6.00% Connection Fee Increases 8.8% annual increase in 2008-09; 1.4-1.9% in future years 8.8% annual increase in 2008-09; 1.4-1.9% in future years New Bond Financina $35.5 million ($32 million nell in 2017-18 $35.5 million ($32 million net) in 2017-18 ExpensesJExpenditures: Salaries: General Group SalalY Survey Included General Group SalalY Survey Included Cost of Livino & Merit Increases Combined 4.50% 4.50% Detailed review and impact of possible retirements and new Detailed review and impact of possible retirements and new Benefits: hires in the 10-vear window hires in the 1 O-year window Workers' Compensation Now salarv driven calc, inflated by 2%/vear assumed rate Increase Now salary driven calc, inflated by 2o/oIyeer assumed rate Increase Medical 9% in 09-10; 8% in 10-11; 7% in 11-12; 6% thereafter per actual"! 9% in 09-10; 8% in 1 0-11 ; 7% in 11-12; 6% thereafter per actual"! Dental 09-1012% actual rate; 4%/year thereafter per actualY 09-1012% actual rate; 4o/oIyear thereafter per actualY Rate times assumed salalY. 2009-1037%; 2010-1139%; 2011-12 43%; Rate times assumed salary. 2009-1037%; 2010-1139%; 2011-12 41%; 2012-1349%; 2013-14 55%, out years to be determined based on Retirement 2012-1343%; added 1% per year rate increase in all future years. CCCERA info. Deferred Comoensation/Medicare No rate increase; inflated salarv times rate No rate increase; inflated salarv times rate All Other Benefits 4%/year 4 %/year Benefit Vacancv <4%>/vear <4%>/vear Retirees: Medical 9% in 09-10; 8% in 10-11; 7% in 11-12: 6% thereafter per actuary 9% in 09-10; 8% in 10-11; 7% in 11-12: 6% thereafter per actuE!rY Dental 09-1012% actual rate; 4%/yearthereafter per actuary 09-10 12% actual rate; 4%/year thereafter per actualY Life (Combined with all other above) 4%/vear 4%/vear Assumes separate trust is established: $5.0 in 2007-08, $5.2 million in 2008 Assumes separate trust is established: $5.0 in 2007-08, $5.2 million in 09, $5.0 million in 2009-10; $5.5 million in 2010-1 1 and $6.0 million per 2008-09, $5.0 million in 2009-10; $5.5 million in 2010-11 and $6.0 million Trust Account Contribution for Retiree Costs year in all future years. (Includes retiree costs above plus amount needed to per year in aU future years. (Includes retiree costs above plus amount IIOPEB) fund future costs) needed to fund future costs) O&M inflation uniess soecificallv modified 3%/year 3%/vear O&M discount factor <1%> <1%> O&M Expenses (In millions) Jan 09 to Jan 08 2006-2007 $ 52,000 $ 52,000 $ - 2007-2008 55,200 $ 55,200 $ - 2008-2009 58,700 To be determined 2009-2010 60,700 To be determined 2010-2011 64,000 To be determined 2011-2012 67,100 To be determined 2012-2013 70,100 To be determined 2013-2014 73,200 To be determined 2014-2015 76,900 To be determined 2015-2016 80,400 To be determined 2016-2017 84,300 To be determined 2017-2018 88,000 To be determined 2018-2019 92,700 To be determined Total below is 2009-10 - 2018-19 Total 10 year period (2008-09 - 2017-18) $ 757,400 $ - Capital Expenditures (In millions) 2006-2007 $ 39,700 $ 39,700 $ - 2007-2008 33,400 33,400 $ - 2008-2009 42,800 42,800 $ - 2009-2010 42,500 42,500 $ - 2010-2011 42,700 41,387 $ (1,313) 2011-2012 31,300 29,438 $ (1,862) 2012-2013 28,500 26,783 $ (1,717) 2013-2014 29,800 28,062 $ (1,738) 2014-2015 31,600 29,740 $ (1,860) 2015-2016 32.400 30,478 $ (1,922) 2016-2017 44,600 41,974 $ (2,626) 2017-2018 52,700 49,649 $ (3,051) 2018-2019 35,900 33,822 $ 33,822 Total below is 2009-10 - 2018-19 Total below is 2009-10 - 2018-19 Total 10 year oeriod (2008-09 - 2017-18) $ 372 000 $ 353,833 $ 118,167 32% of next year's O&M + 30% of next year's Capital costs + 32% of next year's O&M + 30% of next year's Capital costs + FUNDS REQUIRED ASSUMPTION 100% of debt service 100% of debt service ,I CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT JANUARY 2009 BOARD FINANCIAL WORKSHOP PRELIMINARY SCENARIO ASSUMPTIONS FOR RECOMMENDED SCENARIO November 26, 2008 Scenario Premise: · Project assumptions use the moderate scenario for the Capital Soard workshop. Most current economic assumptions are embedded. Smooth rate increases with the goal of staying above funds required. Revenue/Rates: · The beginning rates are higher than last year's recommended 10-year plan scenario, but are close to what was used in last year's CIS. · $35.5 million ($32 million net) debt issuance in 2017-18 for the Plant Sedimentation project. · New connection data: the number of connections was reduced, but connection fees are higher than last year - minimal difference between this year and last. · Assumptions for interest rates were lowered based on current economics; they are lower than what was used in CIS scenarios for the November 13, 2008 Workshop. · Property tax is held flat for 2 years (2008-09 and 2009-10) and then returns to 4%/year escalation. . Alhambra Valley Revenue estimates included Expense/Expend itu res/Debt: . New Capital Spending estimates from Engineering - Moderate scenario with no additional spending on recycled water. . Includes detailed staffing and retirement changes from Directors' review, and expense account assumption changes if significant. . Includes General Group Salary Survey increase, including changes to MSCG employees · The O&M discount factor remains at 1 %. GASS 45: · The beginning Funds Available amount does not include the $6.0 million booked as an OPES/GASS 45 liability in 2006-07 and 2007-08, as if cash has been set aside. . The OPES/GASS 45 contribution, including retiree premiums, in future years is based on the estimates provided in the AON actuarial report for 2008-09; 2009-10 is $5.0 million, 2010-11 is $5.5 million and is then inflated to $6.0 in all future years. Funds Required/Available: · The Funds Required calculation remains the same: 32% of next year's O&M + 30% of next year's Capital costs + 100% of Debt Service. o FILENAME \p N:\ACCOUNTING\GMTEMPl\2009-20IO Projections\Budget & Finance Comm Mtg\Assumptions.docD .1,., l- LL <( ~ c o '-= Cll C CIl U UJ '0 CIl .. 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'<I" ;; cD (') lO cD C\J ~ 0; I'- <0 (') " co <0. co "'" t\i o I'- ai lO C\J C\J o cD I'- I'- "'" (') ~ cD <0 ~ t\i (') l/) w l/) Z W 11. >< W II: W J: I- o l/) w l/) Z W 11. >< W ...J <C I- o I- co o o ~ lO ~ ~ ~ 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 (Est.) $0 -$5,000,000 -$10,000,000 -$15,000,000 -$20,000,000 -$25,000,000 -$30,000,000 -$35,000,000 -$40,000,000 July 1 to November 30 24,710,019 21,575,757 22,067,722 21,609,051 21,123,998 27,639,060 22,744,726 32,381,716 CCCSD Change in Funds Available June 30 to Mid-December Estimate 11/30 - 12/15 2,471,002 2,157,576 2,206,772 2,160,905 2,112,400 2,763,906 2,274,473 3,238,172 Average $ July 1- Dee 15 Spendin9 $ (27,181,021) $ (23,733,333) $ (24,274,494) $ (23,769,956) $ (23,236,398) $ (30,402,966) $ (25,019,199) $ (35,619,887) (25,533,847) 10-Year Plan Funds Required 29,600,000 29,100,000 29,200,000 27,100,000 30,400,000 33,500,000 34,100,000 36,025,000 Total Reduction in Funds Available - June 30 to Mid-December Average drop is $25.5 million ?' Gap 2,418,979 5,366,667 4,925,506 3,330,044 7,163,602 3,097,034 9,080,801 405,113 ~ iP 4'~