HomeMy WebLinkAboutBUDGET & FINANCE AGENDA 06-16-08 Central Contra Costa Sanitary District 5019 1Ill110ff Place, Maltlllez, CA 94553-4392 (925) 228-9500 . wwwcentlalsan olg BUDGET AND FINANCE COMMITTEE Chair McGill Member Nejedly Monday, June 16, 2008 3:00 p.m. Executive Conference Room 5019 Imhoff Place Martinez, California 1. CALL MEETING TO ORDER 2. PUBLIC COMMENTS 3. OLD BUSINESS *a. One question regarding Spectrum Consultants Inc. *4. CLAIMS MANAGEMENT 5. REPORTS/ANNOUNCEMENTS *a. Review draft Investment Policies and revised charts with Andrew Brown b. Review Budget Process *c. Review Position Paper on Board Conference and Meeting Attendance (Item 7.a. on Board Agenda) d. Review Position Paper to adopt all budgets (Item 3.i. on Board Agenda) 6. REVIEW EXPENDITURES (Item 3.a. on Board Binder) 7. ADJOURNMENT * Attachment A t.;>> Recycled Paper ?>.a. Central Contra Costa Sanitary District June 13, 2008 TO: FROM: BOARD BUDGET AND FINANCE COMMITTEE RANDALL MUSGRAVES fJJ.M. DEBBIE RATCLIFF ~~ SUBJECT: June 2, 2008 Finance Committee Meeting There was one outstanding question from the last Board Budget and Finance Committee meeting which required additional staff research. The question and answer is provided below: 1. 170845 - Spectrum Consultants Inc. - What service is Spectrum Consultants Inc. providing to the District? Spectrum Consultants Inc. has been hired to perform a review of the District's fleet management practices. The scope of work includes three main tasks with multiple subtasks in each. The three main task areas include reviewing the competitiveness of the District fleet in terms of costs and operations, the fleet management practices of the District, and to provide a report that includes recommendations and an implementation plan. The report is being finalized and should be received in the next couple of weeks. The total contract is for $25,000. co o o N I N .,.. 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Central Contra Costa Sanitary District June 16, 2008 TO: BUDGET AND FINANCE COMMITTEE VIA: JAMES KELLY, GENERAL MANAGER DEBBIE RATCLIFF LfVL RANDALL MUSGRAVES /?It'" SUBJECT: GASB 45 TRUST INVESTMENT POLICY M FROM: At the May 12, 2008 Budget and Finance Committee meeting, Andrew Brown, Investment Advisor with HighMark Capital, presented various investment strategies for the District to consider for monies that will be deposited into a GASB 45 trust. Four investment strategies were discussed: conservative, moderately conservative, moderate, and moderately aggressive. The Committee asked that an investment guideline document be drafted for both the moderate and moderately aggressive strategy and brought back for Committee review. These documents were reviewed at the June 2, 2008 Finance Committee meeting. The Committee asked that the charts that were provided be revised for easier comparisons. The revised charts and the investment guideline document for each of the two strategies are attached. Andrew Brown will be attending the June 16, 2008 Budget and Finance Committee meeting to review the attached documents in detail and answer any questions the Committee members may have. After the Committee review is completed, staff has been asked to schedule a special workshop with the full Board to discuss the two investment strategies and to provide staff with direction. H:\GASB 45 Investment Guidelines- #2.doc (/) (]J u -- > I- (]J (/) I- ~ Cl c .- -C c :J I.J... QJ L L 0 ro"l- ~E ~ro (f)' ro L O:::QJOl <(Ie o...&-Jo.. c.&-J QJ Ul E 2 QJI- L - co (/) o c.. o l- e.. .- .&-J QJ 0::: .&-J Ul o 0.. > l- RS ...., .- e RS U) RS ...., (.ft...., o.~ u... ...., RS (.ft ....- ""'0 e o U (J')~ ~~ w.~ ~I ..... ~ nn f <~1l5 ~~ :::x:=:: c.,:::)c:e ~ I- =::r=~ - ~ . fa ... ...., e cu u -:.. ,'" /111\' o - ...J o LL ~ a: o D.. 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I@ ~~ ~i :::I:=::E c:;j~ ~= ~~ ~ Ii) ~ ~~ ~i ~::!i (.=J~ ~I- ~~ ~ INVESTMENT GUIDELINES DOCUMENT Central Contra Costa Sanitary District Central Contra Costa Sanitary District Investment Guidelines May 2008 1 Central Contra Costa Sanitary District Investment Guidelines Document In response to the Government Accounting Standards Board (GAS B) Statement Number 45 disclosure requirements for Other Post-Employment Benefit (OPEB) Plans, the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District has adopted a Section 115 Trust and Plan that seeks to satisfy these liabilities for certain eligible employees Executive Summary Client Name: Central Contra Costa Sanitary District Investment Authority: Full Investment Authority Account Number(s): To be determined Current Assets: $ 10 million (est. May 2008) Risk Tolerance: Moderate Objective Time Horizon: Long-Term Investment Objective: The primary objective is to maximize total Plan return, subject to the risk and quality constraints set forth below. The Plan's targeted rate of return is 7.0%. The Investment objective the District has selected is the Moderate Objective. The asset allocation ranges for this objective are listed below: Strategic Ranges: o - 20% Cash 40 - 60% Fixed Income 40 - 60% Equity Communication Schedule: Committee meetings quarterly. Monthly statements. HCM Portfolio Manager: Andrew Brown, CFA 415-705-7605 Andrew. Brown(Q>.U boc.com UBOC Administrative Officer: Delbert Chang CFA 415-705-7603 Delbert. ChanQ(Q>.Uboc.com John Fulton, 415-273-2508 John. Fulton(Q>.U boc.com HCM Back up .Portfolio Manager: The managing director for HighMark Capital Management is Kevin Rogers, he can be reached at 949-553-2580 Central Contra Costa Sanitary District Investment Guidelines May 2008 2 Portfolio Constraints Income Needs/Cash Flow Required: Annual cost estimated to be at $2.2 million. Unique Needs and Circumstances: None Client(s) Signature: Date: HCM Portfolio Manager: Date: UBOC Administrative Officer: Date: Detailed Information for Central Contra Costa Sanitary District May 2008 Investment Guidelines 3 Investment Guidelines Document Overview The purpose of this Investment Guidelines document (IGO) is to assist you and your Portfolio Manager in effectively supervising, monitoring and evaluating the investment of your portfolio. Your investment program is defined in the various sections of the IGO by: 1. Stating in a written document your attitudes, expectations, objectives and guidelines for the investment of all assets. 2. Setting forth an investment structure for managing your portfolio. This structure includes various asset classes, investment management styles, asset allocation and acceptable ranges that, in total, are expected to produce an appropriate level of overall diversification and total investment return over the investment time horizon. 3. Encouraging effective communications between you and your Portfolio Manager. 4. Complying with all applicable fiduciary, prudence and due diligence requirements experienced investment professionals would utilize, and with all applicable laws, rules and regulations from various local, state, and federal entities that may impact your assets Diversification Your Portfolio Manager is responsible for maintaining the balance between fixed income and equity securities based on the asset allocation. The following parameters shall be adhered to in managing the portfolio: Fixed Income · The long-term fixed income investments (greater than seven-years in maturity) shall constitute no more than 25%, and as little as 0% of the total Plan assets. · The intermediate-term fixed income investments (between three-seven years in maturity) shall constitute no more than 60%, nor less than 25% of the total Plan assets. · The high-yield portion of the Plan shall constitute no more than 10%, and as little as 0% of the total Plan assets. · The convertible bond exposure shall constitute no more than 10%, and as little as 0% of the total Plan assets. · The short-term fixed income investments (between one-three years in maturity) shall constitute no more than 25%, and as little as 0% of the total Plan assets. Equity · The domestic large cap equity investments of the Plan shall constitute no more than 45% nor less than 15% of the total Plan assets. · The domestic mid-capitalization equity investments of the Plan shall constitute no more than 10%, and as little as 0% of the total Plan assets. · The domestic small capitalization equity investments of the Plan shall constitute no more than 15% nor less than 0% of the total Plan assets. · The international equity investments of the Plan shall constitute no more than 15% and as little as 0% of the total Plan assets. Central Contra Costa Sanitary District Investment Guidelines May 2008 4 · The real estate investments of the Plan shall constitute no more than 10% and as little as 0% of the total Plan assets. Permitted Asset Classes and Security Tvpes The following asset classes and security types have been approved by HighMark for use in client portfolios: Asset Classes . Fixed Income o Domestic Bonds o Non-U.S. Bonds . Equities o Domestic o Non-U.S. o Emerging Markets o Real Estate Investment Trust (REITs) . Cash and Cash Equivalents Security Types . Equity Securities o Domestic listed and unlisted securities o Equity and equity-related securities of non-US corporations, in the form of American Depository Receipts ("ADRs") · Equity Mutual Funds o Large Cap Growth and Value o Mid Cap Core o Small Cap Growth and Value o International and Emerging Markets o REITs · Exchange Traded Funds (ETFs) . Fixed Income Securities o Government/Agencies o Mortgage Backed Bonds o Corporate Bonds and Notes . Fixed Income Mutual Funds o Corporate o Government o High Yield o International and Emerging Market o Convertible o Preferred . Closed end funds . Cash and Cash Equivalents o Money Market Mutual Fund o Commercial Paper o CDs and Bankers Acceptance Prohibited assets . Precious metals . Venture Capital . Short sales Central Contra Costa Sanitary District Investment Guidelines May 2008 5 . · Purchases of Letter Stock, Private Placements, or direct payments . Leveraged Transactions · Commodities Transactions Puts, calls, straddles, or other option strategies, · Purchases of real estate, with the exception of REITs . Derivatives, with exception of ETFs Rebalancina Procedures From time to time, market conditions may cause your asset allocation to vary from the established target. To remain consistent with the asset allocation guidelines established by this Investment Guidelines document, your Portfolio Manager will rebalance the portfolio on a quarterly basis. Duties of Responsibilities of Portfolio Manaaer Your portfolio manager is expected to manage your portfolio in a manner consistent with this Investment Guidelines document and in accordance with State and Federal law and the Uniform Prudent Investor Act. HighMark Capital Management is a registered investment advisor and shall act as such until you decide otherwise. Your portfolio manager shall be responsible for: 1. Designing, recommending and implementing an appropriate asset allocation consistent with the investment objectives, time horizon, risk profile, guidelines and constraints outlined in this statement. 2. Advising the committee about the selection of and the allocation of asset categories. 3. Identifying specific assets and investment managers within each asset category. 4. Monitoring the performance of all selected assets. 5. Recommending changes to any of the above. 6. Periodically reviewing the suitability of the investments, being available to meet with the committee at least once each year, and being available at such other times within reason at your request. 7. Preparing and presenting appropriate reports. 8. Informing the committee if changes occur in personnel that are responsible for portfolio management or research. You shall be responsible for: 1. The oversight of the investment portfolio. 2. Providing your portfolio manager with all relevant information on the Plan, and shall notify him or her promptly of any changes to this information. 3. Advising your portfolio manager of any change in the Plan's circumstances, such as a change in the actuarial assumptions, which could possibly necessitate a change to your overall risk tolerance, time horizon or liquidity requirements; and thus would dictate a change to your overall investment objective and goals for the portfolio. 4. Monitoring performance by means of regular reviews to assure that objectives are being met and that the policy and guidelines are being followed. Communication As a matter of course, your portfolio manager shall keep you apprised of any material changes in HighMark Capital's outlook, recommended investment policy and tactics. In addition, your Central Contra Costa Sanitary District Investment Guidelines May 2008 6 portfolio manager shall meet with you no less than annually to review and explain the portfolio's investment results and any related issues. Your portfolio manager shall also be available on a reasonable basis for telephone communication when needed. Any material event that affects the ownership of HighMark Capital Management or the management of the portfolio must be reported immediately to you. Disclosures Union Bank of California, NA and HighMark Capital Management, Inc. are wholly owned subsidiaries of UnionBanCal Corporation. Investments are not deposits or bank obligations, are not guaranteed by any government agency, and involve risk, including loss of principal. Central Contra Costa Sanitary District Investment Guidelines May 2008 7 INVESTMENT GUIDELINES DOCUMENT Central Contra Costa Sanitary District Central Contra Costa Sanitary District Investment Guidelines May 2008 Central Contra Costa Sanitary District Investment Guidelines Document In response to the Government Accounting Standards Board (GAS B) Statement Number 45 disclosure requirements for Other Post-Employment Benefit (OPEB) Plans, the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District has adopted a Section 115 Trust and Plan that seeks to satisfy these liabilities for certain eligible employees Executive Summary Client Name: Central Contra Costa Sanitary District Investment Authority: Full Investment Authority Account Number(s): To be determined Current Assets: $ 10 million (est. May 2008) Risk Tolerance: Moderately Aggressive Objective Time Horizon: Long-Term Investment Objective: The primary objective is to maximize total Plan return, subject to the risk and quality constraints set forth below. The Plan's targeted rate of return is 8.0%. The Investment objective the District has selected is the Moderately Aggressive Objective. The asset allocation ranges for this objective are listed below: Strategic Ranges: o - 20% Cash 30 - 50% Fixed Income 50 - 70% Equity Communication Schedule: Committee meetings quarterly. Monthly statements. HCM Portfolio Manager: Andrew Brown, CFA 415-705-7605 Andrew.Brown@Uboc.com HCM Back up .Portfolio Manager: Delbert Chang CFA 415-705-7603 Delbert. Chano@Uboc.com UBOC Administrative Officer: John Fulton, 415-273-2508 John. Fulton@Uboc.com The managing director for HighMark Capital Management is Kevin Rogers, he can be reached at 949.553.2580 Central Contra Costa Sanitary District Investment Guidelines May 2008 2 Portfolio Constraints Income Needs/Cash Flow Required: Annual cost estimated to be at $2.2 million. Unique Needs and Circumstances: None Client(s) Signature: Date: HCM Portfolio Manager: Date: UBOC Administrative Officer: Date: Central Contra Costa Sanitary District Investment Guidelines May 2008 3 Detailed Information for Investment Guidelines Document Overview The purpose of this Investment Guidelines document (IGO) is to assist you and your Portfolio Manager in effectively supervising, monitoring and evaluating the investment of your portfolio. Your investment program is defined in the various sections of the IGO by: 1. Stating in a written document your attitudes, expectations, objectives and guidelines for the investment of all assets. 2. Setting forth an investment structure for managing your portfolio. This structure includes various asset classes, investment management styles. asset allocation and acceptable ranges that, in total, are expected to produce an appropriate level of overall diversification and total investment return over the investment time horizon. 3. Encouraging effective communications between you and your Portfolio Manager. 4. Complying with all applicable fiduciary, prudence and due diligence requirements experienced investment professionals would utilize. and with all applicable laws, rules and regulations from various local, state. and federal entities that may impact your assets Diversification Your Portfolio Manager is responsible for maintaining the balance between fixed income and equity securities based on the asset allocation. The following parameters shall be adhered to in managing the portfolio: Fixed Income · The long-term fixed income investments (greater than seven-years in maturity) shall constitute no more than 20%. and as little as 0% of the total Plan assets. · The intermediate-term fixed income investments (between three-seven years in maturity) shall constitute no more than 50%. nor less than 15% of the total Plan assets. · The high-yield portion of the Plan shall constitute no more than 10%, and as little as 0% of the total Plan assets. · The convertible bond exposure shall constitute no more than 10%. and as little as 0% of the total Plan assets. · The short-term fixed income investments (between one-three years in maturity) shall constitute no more than 20%, and as little as 0% of the total Plan assets. Equity · The domestic large cap equity investments of the Plan shall constitute no more than 50% nor less than 30% of the total Plan assets. · The domestic mid-capitalization equity investments of the Plan shall constitute no more than 15%, and as little as 0% of the total Plan assets. Central Contra Costa Sanitary District Investment Guidelines May 2008 4 · The domestic small capitalization equity investments of the Plan shall constitute no more than 20% nor less than 0% of the total Plan assets. · The international equity investments of the Plan shall constitute no more than 20% and as little as 0% of the total Plan assets. · The real estate investments of the Plan shall constitute no more than 10% and as little as 0% of the total Plan assets. Permitted Asset Classes and Security Tvpes The following asset classes and security types have been approved by HighMark for use in client portfolios: Asset Classes . Fixed Income o Domestic Bonds o Non-U.S. Bonds . Equities o Domestic o Non-U.S. o Emerging Markets o Real Estate Investment Trust (REITs) . Cash and Cash Equivalents Security Types . Equity Securities o Domestic listed and unlisted securities o Equity and equity-related securities of non-US corporations, in the form of American Depository Receipts ("ADRs") . Equity Mutual Funds o Large Cap Growth and Value o Mid Cap Core o Small Cap Growth and Value o International and Emerging Markets o REITs . Exchange Traded Funds (ETFs) . Fixed Income Securities o GovernmenUAgencies o Mortgage Backed Bonds o Corporate Bonds and Notes . Fixed Income Mutual Funds o Corporate o Government o High Yield o International and Emerging Market o Convertible o Preferred . Closed end funds . Cash and Cash Equivalents o Money Market Mutual Fund o Commercial Paper o CDs and Bankers Acceptance Central Contra Costa Sanitary District Investment Guidelines May 2008 5 Prohibited assets . Precious metals . Venture Capital . Short sales · Purchases of Letter Stock, Private Placements, or direct payments . Leveraged Transactions . Commodities Transactions Puts, calls, straddles, or other option strategies, . Purchases of real estate, with the exception of REITs . Derivatives, with exception of ETFs Rebalancina Procedures From time to time, market conditions may cause your asset allocation to vary from the established target. To remain consistent with the asset allocation guidelines established by this Investment Guidelines document, your Portfolio Manager will rebalance the portfolio on a quarterly basis. Duties of Responsibilities of Portfolio Manaaer Your portfolio manager is expected to manage your portfolio in a manner consistent with this Investment Guidelines document and in accordance with State and Federal law and the Uniform Prudent Investor Act. HighMark Capital Management is a registered investment advisor and shall act as such until you decide otherwise. Your portfolio manager shall be responsible for: 1. Designing, recommending and implementing an appropriate asset allocation consistent with the investment objectives, time horizon, risk profile, guidelines and constraints outlined in this statement. 2. Advising the committee about the selection of and the allocation of asset categories. 3. Identifying specific assets and investment managers within each asset category. 4. Monitoring the performance of all selected assets. 5. Recommending changes to any of the above. 6. Periodically reviewing the suitability of the investments, being available to meet with the committee at least once each year, and being available at such other times within reason at your request. 7. Preparing and presenting appropriate reports. 8. Informing the committee if changes occur in personnel that are responsible for portfolio management or research. You shall be responsible for: 1. The oversight of the investment portfolio. 2. Providing your portfolio manager with all relevant information on the Plan, and shall notify him or her promptly of any changes to this information. 3. Advising your portfolio manager of any change in the Plan's circumstances, such as a change in the actuarial assumptions, which could possibly necessitate a change to your overall risk tolerance, time horizon or liquidity requirements; and thus would dictate a change to your overall investment objective and goals for the portfolio. 4. Monitoring performance by means of regular reviews to assure that objectives are being met and that the policy and guidelines are being followed. Central Contra Costa Sanitary District Investment Guidelines May 2008 6 Communication As a matter of course, your portfolio manager shall keep you apprised of any material changes in HighMark Capital's outlook, recommended investment policy and tactics. In addition, your portfolio manager shall meet with you no less than annually to review and explain the portfolio's investment results and any related issues. Your portfolio manager shall also be available on a reasonable basis for telephone communication when needed. Any material event that affects the ownership of HighMark Capital Management or the management of the portfolio must be reported immediately to you. Disclosures Union Bank of California, N.A. and HighMark Capital Management, Inc. are wholly owned subsidiaries of UnionBanCal Corporation. Investments are not deposits or bank obligations, are not guaranteed by any government agency, and involve risk, including loss of principal. Central Contra Costa Sanitary District Investment Guidelines May 2008 7 ~ Central Contra Costa Sanitary District BOARD OF DIRECTORS 6 ~ POSITION PAPER " Board Meeting Date: June 19, 2008 No.: 7.a. Administrative Type of Action: Subject: BOARD MEMBER CONFERENCE AND MEETING ATTENDANCE APPROVAL PROCESS Submitted By: Initiating Dept./Div.: REWEWEDANDRECOMMENDEDFORBOARDAcno~ ~.elA.~ E. Boehme Secretary of the District 4(W K.Alm District Counsel ISSUE: Board Members requested that the current process for Board approval of Board Member conference attendance and attendance at other meetings be reviewed to ensure transparency for the public and to comply with AB 1234, and to determine if revisions are appropriate. The Budget and Finance Committee reviewed the process on May 12, 2008 and made recommendations for Board consideration. RECOMMENDATION: Consider the current process and adopt the attached resolution and policy which sets forth the process for approval and reporting of Board Member conference/meeting attendance. FINANCIAL IMPACTS: $44,000 has been budgeted for fiscal year 2008-09 for Board Member conference attendance at California Association of Sanitation Agencies (CASA), California Special Districts Association (CSDA), Water Environment Federation Technical Conference (WEFTEC), and other miscellaneous conferences that may be requested and approved throughout the year. It also includes reimbursement for attendance at local meetings. Reimbursement will be in accordance with adopted Board policies. AL TERNATIVES/CONSIDERATIONS: Do not revise the current practice, or consider a greater degree of advance notification prior to attendance. BACKGROUND: It has been suggested that, to improve transparency, a more visible process be established for approval of Board Member conference and meeting attendance. The Board Budget and Finance Committee (McGill/Nejedly) reviewed the current process on May 12,2008 with that in mind. Currently, Board Member conference attendance is included and approved in the District budget, and Board Members report out at a Board Meeting upon their return from the conference, in compliance with AB 1234. They also report out at a Board Meeting following their attendance at other local meetings for which they receive a stipend or reimbursement. POSITION PAPER Board Meeting Date: June 19, 2008 Subject: BOARD MEMBER CONFERENCE AND MEETING ATTENDANCE APPROVAL PROCESS $44,000 has been budgeted for Board Member conference and meeting attendance for fiscal year 2008-09. Each conference can cost up to approximately $2,000. Following a review of the current policy and consideration of various options provided by staff, the Budget and Finance Committee recommended that two changes be made to the current process: (1) In addition to inclusion in the budget, Board Member conference/meeting attendance and the dollar amount budgeted will be highlighted as part of the budget process and presentation. (2) Board Members will announce at a Board Meeting, in advance, their attendance at any upcoming conferences that have been approved in the budget. Any additional conferences a Board Member may wish to attend that were not listed in the budget will need separate Board approval in advance. Board Members will also, when timing permits, announce in advance their attendance at local business meetings, including but not limited to Contra Costa Mayors' Conference meetings and Contra Costa Council events. Each Board Member will continue providing reports at a Board Meeting following the event on his or her conference/meeting attendance, in compliance with AB 1234. For fiscal year 2008-09, Board Members indicated interest in attending the following conferences: August 20-23, 2008, Monterey CASA Barbara Hockett (stipend for 2 Exec Board meetings) Mike McGill January 7-10,2009, Indian Wells Barbara Hockett (stipend for 2 Exec Board meetings) Mike McGill March 2009, Washington, DC Barbara Hockett April 29 - May 2,2009, Napa Jerry Lucey Barbara Hockett (stipend for 2 Exec Board meetings) Mike McGill POSITION PAPER Board Meeting Date: June 19,2008 Subject: BOARD MEMBER CONFERENCE AND MEETING ATTENDANCE APPROVAL PROCESS California Special Districts Association September 22-25, 2008, Irvine Mike McGill (stipend for each day attended) Water Environment Federation Technical Conference October 18-22, 2008, Chicago Barbara Hockett Mike McGill This totals 11 individual conference attendances, each of which can cost up to approximately $2,000. Additional money has been budgeted in the event that Board Members may ask to attend other conferences throughout the year. RECOMMENDED BOARD ACTION: Approve the revisions to the current process for Board Member conference/meeting attendance, as recommended by the Budget and Finance Committee. Adopt the Resolution and Exhibit A. RESOLUTION NO. 2008-XXX A RESOLUTION SETTING FORTH PROCEDURES FOR APPOINTMENT TO AND ESTABLISHMENT OF BOARD COMMITTEES AND MEETING COMPENSATION REQUIREMENTS FOR BOARD MEMBERS WHEREAS, Section 6489 of the California Health and Safety Code provides that compensation be paid to Board Members for each day's attendance at meetings of the Board or for each day's service rendered as a Director by request of the Board; and WHEREAS, in accordance with the Health and Safety Code and the California Water Code Sections 20200 et seq., Ordinance 241 was adopted on February 15, 2006, setting the Board compensation at $221 per approved meeting, not to exceed more than one meeting per day and six meetings per calendar month; and WHEREAS, in accordance with Section 2.04.020 of the District Code, when the Board considers it necessary for the efficient transaction of business, it may approve the creation of a committee for the purpose of reviewing, investigating, and recommending with reference to a particular matter; and the President shall appoint the members of said committee and shall have the authority to appoint an ad hoc committee or representative to similarly act pending a Board Meeting; and WHEREAS, the President may name an alternate to serve in the absence of an appointed Committee Member or District representative, and such alternate shall receive the compensation previously set forth; and WHEREAS, the Board has deemed it necessary for the efficient operation of the District to appoint Board Members to represent the District on various commissions, committees and joint powers authorities, and to act as liaisons to cities and the County; and WHEREAS, in accordance with AB 1234, the Board hereby adopts the attached policy (Exhibit A) which sets forth meeting compensation, reimbursement and reporting requirements and approval process for Board Member attendance at meetings and conferences; and WHEREAS, in accordance with AB 1234 and to encourage participation and attendance at conferences and organizations which serve the interests of and provide benefit to the District, the Board has determined that Board Members may be compensated for each day's attendance at conferences and meetings listed in Exhibit A, Section 2; and WHEREAS, compensation may be approved for attendance at a meeting or conference not covered in Exhibit A to this Resolution if approved in advance by the Board; and WHEREAS, travel days to and from meetings or conferences are not compensable. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the President of the Board of Directors adopts Exhibit A as the Board Member conference and meeting attendance policy, and shall appoint Board Members to the standing committees and other appointments as listed in Exhibit A, Section 2. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that meeting attendance slips for Board Members for the meetings listed above and for regular Board Meetings shall be approved by the Board President or, in his or her absence, the President Pro Tem. Meeting attendance slips for the Board President shall be approved by the President Pro Tem, or, in his or her absence, a Board Member designee. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 19th day of June, 2008, by the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSTAIN: Members: Members: Members: Gerald R. Lucey President of the District Board of the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District, County of Contra Costa, State of California COUNTERSIGNED: Elaine R. Boehme Secretary of the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District, County of Contra Costa, State of California Approved as to Form: Kenton L. Aim District Counsel ( ~~ AIM!s ) l re"vIsicY\5 EXHIBIT A . This policy sets forth the requirements and approvals for conference and meeting attendance, and reporting requirements, in compliance with AB 1234 (Gov. Code S S 53232-53232.4.) "0 1. Definitions Stipend (aAlso referred to as compensation). --tThis is the compensation Board Members receive for attendance at meetings and ovontsconferences approved by the Board. The amount of the stipend is set fGf::tR-by District ordinance in accordance with tAe Health and Safety Code Section 6489 and-#le California Water Code Sections 20200 et seq. Ordinance 241 was adopted on February 15, 2006, setting the Board compensation at $221 per approved meeting, not to exceed more than one meeting per day and six meetings per calendar month. This amount may be increased in future years as allowed by statute. Reimbursement. - t This is where the District either reimburses Board members after the fact or may-pays in advance directly for Board Member expenses incurred due to attendance at approved conferences, 9f-business meetings, or certain other- events. #-Reimbursement is separate from payment of the stipend. Reimbursement covers SHGR-costs suchitems as mileage, registration, meals and other travel-related expenses incurred to attend the meeting, 9f-conference, or event in accordance with the District's Travel Policy. For certain meetings and conferences, Board Members may receive both the stipend and roooi~./o reimbursement for travel and other expenses. Meeting. In addition to the definition of "meeting" in the Brown Act (Gov. Code S 54952.2), for purposes of this policy, "meeting" sRaII-also includes, for example, in-person conferences with public officials or staff of other governmental agencies, attendance at the public meetings of other governmental agencies, attendance at private entity meetings at which some issue of importance to the District is discussed, and attendance at training workshops, if related to District business. "Meeting" sRaIIdoes not include, for example, phone calls, attendance at -social events, dedications or receptions, or informal discussion of District issues. The definition of "meeting" for this policy is further limited to only those occasions where the Board member will be performing The definition of "mooting" is intendod to bo .'imitod to thoso occasions at which somo businoss of oonoom to tho Dist....iot is oonduoted or disoussed.some official business of the District. 2. Meetinas for which both the Stipend (Compensation) and Reimbursement is received Board Members are hereby authorized to receive the stipend and appropriate reimbursement (such as for mileage) for attending tho following all Board of Director meetings and, workshops, as well aSRfl Board Committee meetings when attending as a Committee member. Repre~entative~ are appointed each year by the Board President. The Board Committees include: . Budget and Finance Committee . Capital Projects Committee . Human Resources Committee . Outreach Committee . Recycled Water Committee . Household Hazardous Waste Committee . Real Estate Committee; and . Ad Hoc Committees appointed by Board Chair or established by Board Board Liaison to Cities and County California Special District~ ^~~ociation Contra Costa Chapter Friend~ of the San Franci~co Estuary Sanitation and '.^.'ater Agencies of Contra Costa County In addition, the stipend and appropriate reimbursement will be paid to Board Members for each day's attendance as a representative of the District at the following meetings or ov.ontsconferences: . Board Liaison meetings with Cities and County . California Special Districts Association meetings - Contra Costa Chapter . Friends of the San Francisco Estuary meetings . Sanitation and Water Agencies of Contra Costa County meetings Executive Board Meetings of the California Association of Sanitation Agencies (CASA), i . Executi'.'e Board, ilf serving as a member of the Executive Board; and . California Special Districts Association Conferences (.^.ppropriate reimbursement for attendance at Board moot.i.ngs, and ovonts othor than thoso requiring out of ama attondanoo refers to the reimbursement of mileage, parking, registration, meals, etc.) 3. Meetinas for which Reimbursement on Iv is received Board Members will also receive aIJIJroIJriate reimbursement for attending meetings at which their attendance is as a representative of the District, or attending -meetings which are -i5-related to District business and are of ef-benefit to the District. These meetings include, but are not limited to, Contra Costa Mayors' Conference meetings, Contra Costa Council oventsmeetings, local Chamber of Commerce events meetings within the District (other than as Board Liaison), attendance at local public official informational breakfasts or similar gatherings, meetings with Cities within the District, and other meetings where the topic or purpose is of benefit or intorest to the Districtis to;-Gf promotes inter- agency co-operation and partnerships between the District and other public entities. Appropriate reimbursement for attendance at Board meetings and events, other than those requiring out of area attendance, refers to the reimbursement of expenses for only mileage, parking, registration, meals, and other actual and necessary expensesetG. 4. Approval Process Meetinas for which Stipend is received Approval Payment of stipend for Aattendance at these meetings,-4s conferences and events listed above in Section 2 above is preapproved. Payment of stipend for attendance at any other meetings or events requires prior Board approval. Conferences Board Members will indicate which conferences they wish to attend in advance of each fiscal year. These will be included and highlighted clearly during the budget process and approved as part of the budget. Any conferences not included and approved in the budget must be approved by the Board in advance, as required by AB 1234. Meetinas for which Reimbursement is received This polioySections 2 and 3 above sets forth the approval meetings that Board Members may attend meetings as desoribed above and receive a stipond and/or reimbursement, without additional specific Board preapproval. 5. ReportinQ Process Board Members will announce, in advance, when timing permits, their attendance at upcoming conferences or other meetings for which they seek to receive the stipend and/or reimbursement. Board Members will also provide a brief report at the meeting following their return on their meeting or conference attendance, in compliance with AB 1234. 1107379.1