HomeMy WebLinkAboutBOARD MINUTES 04-14-05
HELD ON APRIL 14, 2005
The District Board of the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District convened in an
adjourned regular session in the Board Room at the District Offices at 5019 Imhoff
Place, Martinez, County of Contra Costa, State of California, at 2:02 p.m. on April 14,
President Hockett called the meeting to order and requested that the Secretary call roll.
PRESENT: Members:
Boneysteele, Lucey, Menesini, Nejedly, Hockett
Mr. Batts introduced Ms. Ann E. Farrell, Director of Engineering, who stated that she will
present a budget overview, including revenue and expenditures and the sewer
construction fund balance; a summary of the expenditures by program, focusing on the
major projects; discussion of Joint Powers Agreements with cities and counties; and a
preview of the Collection System Operations Division yard improvements.
Ms. Farrell stated that, since 2000, spending had slowed down because of concerns
regarding loss of the ad valorem tax. This year, due to an increase in reserves,
spending has been increased in order to accomplish projects, and is projected to be
approximately $27.5 million. The estimated FY 2004-05 revenue is projected to be
approximately $5 million more than budgeted at $27.5 million, due to increased
connections in the Dougherty Valley. Therefore, the Sewer Construction Fund balance
is projected to remain at approximately $55 million at the end of fiscal year 2004-05.
She stated that the expenditures recommended for this year are $27.7 million. The
majority of those funds will be spent on the Collection System, where renovations are
necessary to control and reduce overflows. The total revenue projected is somewhat
lower, primarily due to the fact that the District will lose its ad valorem tax this year,
about $6 million of which will come out of the capital program, resulting in spending
down the Sewer Construction Fund by approximately $7 million in FY 2005-06. The
connection fee revenue is based on 1800 connections in the Dougherty Valley, which is
a fairly aggressive number.
She discussed the question of what is an appropriate Sewer Construction Fund
balance, stating that the fiscal year 2005-06 end balance is projected to be $48 million.
$33 million is needed to meet cash flow needs, which means the available balance for
projects at the end of fiscal year 2005-06 will be approximately $15 million. The Capital
Improvement Plan recommends spending $250 million over the next ten years.
Unfunded projects of up to $374 million, and large projects outside the ten-year window
of approximately $90 million, are not included in the planned $250 million expenditures.
She described unfunded projects, including mercury removal at the treatment plant, or
possibly effluent filtration if side stream mercury removal is not successful. Projects
outside the ten-year window include the future A-line Interceptor and Lamorinda
Interceptor projects.
Ms. Farrell reviewed the collection system program and specifically the eight collection
system projects budgeted to spend more than $500,000 in fiscal year 2005-06. The
total Collection System Program expenditures are budgeted at $16,123,0000
She said that the Lower Orinda Pumping Station is an ongoing project, planned to be
completed in FY 06-07. $2.6 million has been budgeted for the project this fiscal year,
and upon completion the District will have spent approximately $8 million.
The remainder of the large Collection System Program projects should be completed
this year, including Vessing Road Renovation, South Orinda Sewer Improvements, and
Walnut Creek Renovations. The M4-A Force Main Replacement project is a one-year
project, the cost of which has been reduced by approximately $0.5 million.
She briefly described the many issues in addition to design and construction that impact
the schedule and costs of collection system projects including: public relations, property
rights, permits, and partnering agreements. Ms. Farrell then discussed partnering
agreements in some detail and asked for Board direction.
Partnering agreements take two forms, agreements with private parties and agreements
with other public entities, such as cities and counties (Joint Powers Agreements or
JPAs). Within these two forms of agreements there are routine issues, such as
pavement restoration, and non-routine issues, such as the JPA we will be negotiating
with the County on the Treat Bridge Sewer Relocation and the agreement we recently
negotiated with private parties on the St. Stephens slide. She stated that, currently, all
non-routine agreements and JPAs with cities or the County are presented to the Board
for approval. Routine agreements, such as for restoration of pavement, mailboxes and
or landscaping damaged by District projects on private property are currently negotiated
by staff and, as with claims, approved administratively if less than $25,000. This
process has worked well, she stated.
Recently several JPAs brought to the Board for routine pavement restoration have
resulted in significant discussion at the Board level. By the time such agreements
reach the Board, staff as often reached an understanding with County or City staff on a
recommended course of action. If the Board chooses not to approve the JPA, it results
in significant rework on the part of both staffs. Staff is looking for direction from the
Board on how to negotiate the routine agreements, such as the paving agreements, so
that the Board will be comfortable approving these agreements when they reach the
Board level. Currently, staff attempts to negotiate a lump sum payment equal to what it
would cost the District to do the work. The benefits of this method include that the city
or county assumes future risk and undertakes any necessary public interface.
Alternatives include negotiating to pay for the work in the future when it is to be
completed, but that may expose the District to the risk of inflation or changes in the
scope of the work. She requested input from the Board.
Member Lucey reiterated his objection to the District being assessed the negotiated
cost of repaving, for example, several blocks of a street, when the actual cost of
repaving of the street when constructed in the future would be shared by other entities,
which could potentially reduce the District's portion of the cost.
Member Nejedly stated that, while a repaving project is underway, signage indicated
that the project is being funded by the City. This does not give sufficient credit to the
District for its participation in the repaving project.
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Member Menesini stated that, in his opinion, a blanket approach may not be possible.
Ms. Farrell stated that staff currently has authority to approve up to $50,000 in change
orders, encroachment permit fees and construction contracts. She recommended that
staff be given authority to approve jPAs for up to $50,000 without Board approval.
General Counsel Kent Aim said that a resolution authorizing such delegation would be
Members Menesini and Nejedly expressed a preference that all jPAs be brought to the
Board for approval, perhaps on the Consent Calendar, since there are not that many
per year.
President Hockett and Member Boneysteele supported the recommendation of staff,
including the negotiation philosophy, with the $50,000 approval limit.
Following discussion, staff was directed to bring the matter back for Board consideration
as a Position Paper.
Ms. Farrell reviewed the treatment plant program for 2005-06. The total Treatment
Plant Program expenditures are budgeted at $7,493,000. She described the six
treatment plant program projects expected to spend more than $300,000 in 2005-06.
The largest of these projects is the Ultraviolet Disinfection Expansion which is
anticipated to take approximately 2 years at a total cost of $2.5 million and will expend
approximately $1.5 million in the next fiscal year. Other large projects include the
Treatment Plant Protective Coating, Phase 3 at approximately $1 million and the
POD/HVAC Improvements which are projected to cost approximately $900,000. The
Plant Control System Improvements were discussed with the Board at the April 7, 2005
Board meeting. This project is significant and is projected to cost up to $4 million total
project cost, somewhat more than the $2.6 million currently contained in the CIB
document. There is also a significant project planned to improve the HV AC and Roof
for the POD buildings that have reached the end of their useful life. She went on to
describe projects in the Recycled Water Program and the General Improvements
The primary activity in the recycled water program will be the continued expansion of
the Pleasant Hill Zone 1 Project. New users will continue to be added as they are found
to be cost effective. A budget of $406,000 is recommended for 2005-06 and then about
$300,000 per year for the remainder of the ten-year plan for this purpose.
The General Improvements Program budget has been increased significantly for the
next several years to fund a number of important and needed projects. In addition, it
will continue to fund the Equipment Budget, which includes District vehicles, and the
MIS Plan. District building assets have not received significant investment for many
years. There is a significant project needed to improve the Headquarters Office
Building HV AC, Roof and Electrical system. These improvements are expected to cost
over $2 million.
With regard to Collection System Operations Division Facility Improvements, Ms. Farrell
stated that the District has budgeted $500,000 this year to continue the study and a total
of approximately $8 million for the complete project, although this figure is just a
planning level estimate. She described the history of the facility, stating that a
consultant contract was approved in April 2004 to develop a needs analysis and
conceptual plans.
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She stated that the identified 20-year requirements include a building 20,000 square
feet in size that would house approximately 77 staff. She stated that the projected cost
of $400 per square foot is high because of the need to address the three different levels
of the corporation yard. The cost to build a new facility would be approximately $10
million. To refurbish what currently exists, with no increase in square footage, would
cost approximately $3 million. To add on to the existing building would add 3,000
square feet, for a total of approximately 13,000 square feet, at a cost of $6 million.
Ms. Farrell showed three site plans and circulation options, and stated that the City of
Walnut Creek has expressed a preference for Option 2. She stated that staff had
looked at selling the property and moving the facility to Martinez, but it was prohibitive
and not a central location to the service area. In response to a question from Member
Boneysteele regarding potential interest from Caltrans in the property, Ms. Farrell
concurred that it would be a good idea to contact them before building anything close to
the right-of-way.
She described recent District projects of similar cost, stating that $10 million appears to
be a reasonable estimate.
Member Nejedly inquired why no fuel island is shown on the plans. Ms. Farrell
responded that staff is still considering whether a fuel system is needed, or perhaps just
small diesel and gasoline tanks for emergencies instead and continuing with the
contract fueling of the diesel vehicles in the evening.
Ms Farrell stated that there is $500,000 in the Capital Improvement Budget for this
project, $100,000 of which has been spent on architectural services to date. She asked
for Board direction on how to proceed.
Member Nejedly stated that his preference is to proceed no further, adding that he
would not support the $7 million price tag. Member Menesini requested that a project
workshop be held at the CSO facility. Member Boneysteele asked about the possibility
of moving the vehicles to some other location. He stated that, in his opinion, staff is on
track and the project could be financed out of the Sewer Construction Fund. Member
Boneysteele stated that the District should not have a deteriorating yard. He confirmed
the need for the District to maintain a presence in the central part of the County.
Member Lucey stated that he will not support the $7 million project. He asked what it
would cost the District to lease flat space for the vehicles.
President Hockett expressed concern about the Boardmembers' reluctance to spend
District reserves, when the high level of reserves had previously bßen cited as a
problem by several of the Board members. She stated that this pjresents an
opportunity to invest in the District. President Hockett stated this iß a needed facility
and that is what the reserves are meant to be used for.
Motion was made by Member Menesini to direct staff to schedule a workshop on the
matter at the CSO facility.
President Hockett and Member Boneysteele concurred that staff should schedule a
workshop on the CSO facility.
Ms. Farrell concluded that staff will return to the Board in June and ask for authorization
for the $41.9 million for the FY 2005-06 Capital Improvement Budget, which includes
the total project cost for multi-year projects.
BUDGET FOR 2005-2006
Mark Greenawalt, MIS Administrator, provided an overview of the Information
Technology (IT) Development Budget, which is broken into four sections - Current
2004-05; Proposed 2005-06 Budget; Future Projects; and 2001-04 Accomplishments.
He stated that, for the 2004-05 budget, it is projected that $416,000 will have been
spent for the yearly PC replacement program. He stated that completed projects
include installation of a Board Room audio recording system, as well as an e-mail
spamming system and network equipment upgrades. The upgrade of the laboratory
information management system and the Groupwise e-mail upgrade are almost
He stated that the proposed 2005-06 budget of approximately $580,000 includes the PC
replacement program, expansion of the computer network in remote areas of plant,
upgrade of the mainsaver software, purchase of GDI field laptops, and replacement of
the internet firewall.
Ms. Farrell stated that staff will bring back in June the request for ~oard authorization of
the Capital Improvement Budget funds for the coming fiscal year, 2005-06. She stated
that a position paper on the JPA approval staff authority limits will be scheduled for
Board consideration on an upcoming agenda, and a Board workshop will be scheduled
on the CSO Facility project at CSOD in Walnut Creek in the May time frame.
No additional information was requested.
Member Menesini announced the meeting of the Environmental Alliance scheduled for
Monday, April 18, 2005.
There being no further business to come before the Board, President Hockett adjourned
the meeting at the hour of 3:18 p.m.
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President of the Board of Directors,
Central Contra Costa Sanitary District,
County of Contra Costa, !State of California
Secretary of the Central Contra Costa
Sanitary District, County of Contra Costa,
State of California