HomeMy WebLinkAboutBUDGET & FINANCE AGENDA 03-31-08 Central Contra Costa Sanitary District (925) 228-9500 . wwwcentlalsanora 5019 Imhoff Place, Martinez, CA 94553-4392 b BUDGET AND FINANCE COMMITTEE Chair McGill Member Lucey (Alternate) Monday, March 31,2008 3:00 p.m. Executive Conference Room 5019 Imhoff Place Martinez, California 1. CALL MEETING TO ORDER 2. PUBLIC COMMENTS 3. OLD BUSINESS * a. Question regarding Calpo Hom and Dong Architects 4. CLAIMS MANAGEMENT 5. REPORTS/ANNOUNCEMENTS * a. Review proposed 2008-09 increase for Capacity Fees and revision of Environmental and Development-Related Rates and Charges (held over from 3/17/08 Committee meeting) b. Review February 2008 Financial Statements (Item 4.b. in Board Binder) * c. Review GASS 45 trust options 6. REVIEW EXPENDITURES 7. ADJOURNMENT * Attachment A ", Recycled Paper 3.a... Central Contra Costa Sanitary District March 27, 2008 TO: BOARD BUDGET AND FINANCE COMMITTEE VIA: JAMES KELLY, GENERAL MANAGER M FROM: ANN FARRELL, DIRECTOR OF ENGINEERING ~ SUBJECT: CONTRACTS WITH CALPO HOM AND DONG (CHD) ARCHITECTS Introduction The Budget and Finance Committee recently requested an update on the contracts with Calpo Hom and Dong (CHD) Architects for the CSO Project. This memorandum provides an overview of CHD's scope of services for the CSO project and an updated budget status. In addition staff has included some information on other work Calpo Hom and Dong is performing for the District. CSO Contracts with Caloo Horn and Dona (CHD) Architects In April 2004, the Board approved a contract for $150,000 with CHD to prepare a Master Plan for the CSO corporation yard facilities (Attachment 1). As part of this work, CHD completed a detailed evaluation of alternatives that included the preparation of a number of reports that were used by the District to select a design alternative. In August 2006, the Board approved a design services contract with CHD for $650,000 (Attachment 2). This contract includes the costs for engineering sub consultants (civil, structural, mechanical, and electrical engineering) that are assisting CHD with the preparation of the detailed plans and specifications. A contract for architectural review services during construction will be negotiated after the design is complete and the Board will be requested to authorize a contract amendment for these services at the time of award of the construction contract, as is typically done with District projects. In June 2007, staff approved a $30,000 amendment to the CHD design services contract for costs associated with evaluating additional alternatives requested by the Board. This work included preparing alternative site plans and layouts for Board consideration and developing cost estimates for each alternative. C:\Documents and Settings\afarrell\Desktop\Calpo HOM Memo.doc Board Budget and Finance Committee March 27, 2008 CSO Contract Budaet Status Master Planninq Contract Master Plan Contract (April 2004) = Expenditures to Date = Balance Remaining = $150,000 <$138.792> $11,2081 1 Remaining balance to be used by architect to prepare a Green Building Certification Study not included in the original scope. Desiqn Services Contract Design Contract (August 2006) = $650,000 Staff Amendment (June 2007) = $30,000 Total Design Contract = $680,000 Expenditures thru Feb 2008 = ~$119,679> Balance Remaining = $560,321 CSO Proiect Status and Schedule Calpo Hom and Dong (CHD) Architects is currently working on preparing the necessary documentation to obtain a Conditional Use Permit for the proposed new facilities from the City of Walnut Creek. After the District obtains the Conditional Use Permit (estimated August 2008), then CHD will prepare the detailed plans and specifications for bidding. CHD has been very helpful and responsive to the District throughout the entire planning and design process, and they did not bill the District for architectural work done to resolve the building height issue with the City of Walnut Creek (this is no longer an issue). District staff are confident that CHD will continue to provide excellent service to the District as they complete the design services contract. District staff will be asking for a contract amendment at time of award of the construction contract such that Calpo Hom and Dong can provide architectural review services during construction. Staff did hire RBF Consulting on a separate contract, partially in response to a Board suggestion, to assist with the City of Walnut Creek Conditional Use Permit process and prepare additional documents requested by the City related to the site work and landscaping. RBF staff included the former Walnut Creek City Engineer, who met with Walnut Creek planning staff and assisted with resolving the height issue. RBF has a good relationship with the City of Walnut Creek and will continue to advise and assist with matters related to the City review process. C:\Documents and Settings\afarrell\Desktop\Calpo HOM Memo.doc Board Budget and Finance Committee March 27, 2008 Other Proiect Work bv Calpo Hom and Dona An evaluation of the improvements needed to comply with the American Disabilities Act was completed in 2007. A number of improvements were recommended both outside of the Headquarters Office Building (HOB) site and inside HOB. Staff contacted several architectural firms and asked for their availability and a cost estimate for designing the necessary improvements. Calpo Hom and Dong responded immediately with a reasonable price and schedule. Other firms contacted were not interested in this small project. Staff felt it was important to expedite this work and moved forward with a contract with CHD for $49,500. The scope included design of the parking improvements to accommodate handicap parking at HOB, HHW and the Laboratory as well as other outside improvements related to curb cuts, railings and other ADA requirements. The HOB interior scope included design of modified restrooms on the first floor, and modified permit and reception counters. In a position paper on the April 3, 2008 Board Meeting agenda, staff has recommended an addition to the CHD contract of $10,000 to provide architectural review services during the HOB Site Improvements Project. A similar contract amendment will be requested at the time of award of the HOB Interior ADA improvements project. As on the CSO Improvements Project, CHD has been extremely responsive and provided excellent quality work products for a reasonable price. Staff is also using Calpo, Hom and Dong to prepare the design for the 2nd floor lighting and ceiling tile replacement project. During the construction of the HV AC project it became apparent that the existing lighting support system over the Engineering Support Mapping Area is failing and needed to be replaced. To accommodate new lighting fixtures, the reflective ceiling tile would also need to be replaced. This work is being fast tracked to coordinate with the HOB carpet and painting project. An agreement with a cost ceiling of $6100 was negotiated with Calpo Hom Dong for this work. C:\Documents and Setlings\afarrell\Desktop\Calpo HOM Memo.doc Central Contra Costa San...dry District BOARD OF DIRECTORS POSITION PAPER Boetd IINtlng De.: April 1, 2004 No.: 9.a. COLLECTION SYSTEM Type of AcfIon: AUTHORIZE AGREEMENT Sub,/<<:f. AUTHORIZE THE GENERAL MANAGER TO EXECUTE AN AGREEMENT WITH CALPO HOM AND DONG ARCHITECTS TO PROVIDE PROFESSIONAL ARCHITECTURAL SERVICES FOR THE MASTER PLANNING OF THE COLLECTION SYSTEM OPERATIONS DIVISION CORPORATION YARD, DISTRICT PROJECT 8208 Submltled By: tnllla"ng DeptIDlv.: Ann E. Farrell, Director of Engineering Engineering I Capital Projects REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION: ~ W. Brennan ~~ ISSUE: Board of Directors' authorization is required for the General Manager to execute professional services contracts for amounts greater than $50,000. RECOMMENDATION: Authorize the General Manager to execute an agreement with Calpo Horn and Dong Architects to provide architectural services for the Collection System Operations Division (CSOD), Corporation Yard Master Plan, District Project 8208, in the amount of $150,000. FINANCIAL IMPACTS: The estimated planning cost for this project, including District staff. is $200,000. A detailed estimate of the design and construction cost will be completed after the Master Planning phase; the total project cost will depend on the scope of the final project. AL TERNATIV~S/CONSIDERATIONS: An . alternative would be to use another firm or design the project using in-house staff. This project requires specialized architectural expertise, which is not available at the District at this time. A selection process was conducted and Calpo Horn and Dong had superior experience and references to the other architects considered. BACKGROUND: The District operates and maintains approximately 1,500 miles of sewer pipeline, ranging in size from 4 inches to 120 inches in diameter, with staff and equipment stationed at its Corporation Yard at 1250 Springbrook Road in Walnut Creek. In addition, the District operates and maintains 22 sewage pumping stations with staff currently stationed at the Plant Operations Division building (POD) and the Martinez Pumping Station, both located in Martinez. U:\PoIIlIon Papera\FanelI\CSOArcNtec:tPcs1tIonPaper.doc Page 1 of 5 POSITION PAPER Board "..tJng Date: April 1, 2004 Subject: AUTHORIZE THE GENERAL MANAGER TO exECUTE AN AGREEMENT WITH CALPO HOM AND DONG ARCHITECTS TO PROVIDE PROFESSIONAL ARCHITECTURAL SERVICES FOR THE MASTER PLANNING OF THE COLLECTION SYSTEM OPERATIONS DIVISION CORPORATION YARD, DISTRICT PROJECT 8208 The location of the CSOD Corporation Yard is strategically important as it is in the geographical center of the District service area. This allows for improved response time for emergencies, as well as reduced time each moming to get crews to their daily assigned work sites. The majority of our older pipe and pipe at risk for overflows is significantly closer to the yard in Walnut Creek than to our Martinez facility. Therefore, the District is committed to maintaining a CSOD facility at the Springbrook Road location. A site plan of the existing property at 1250 Springbrook Road is shown on Attachment 1. The area is partially surrounded by office buildings and is immediately adjacent to the 1-68011-24 interchange in Walnut Creek. Currently, there are four buildings on the site with an approximate square footage as follows: Main Office Building Lower Floor Main Office Building Upper Floor Vehicle Maintenance Shop/Office/Storage Building Small Office Building (Ducca House) StoragelWarehouse Building 4,200 square feet 5,400 square feet 5,400 square feet 1,100 square feet 1,900 square feet These buildings are old and several were not constructed for the current use. They have been remodeled several times and are not meeting the current needs or current building standards. The Master Plan will need to consider if the most cost-effective plan is continued remodeling or rebuilding and how the facility will be kept operational during the project construction. The Master Plan must also consider the requirements of the City of Walnut Creek for plan review and how this will impact the use of the site. Some of the contemplated steps in the development of the Corporation Yard Master Plan for CSO are as follows: . Survey the existing CSOD Yard uses; . Consider other uses which could locate at CSOD (e.g., Pumping Station Operations, Engineering pipeline construction management staff, Purchasing staff, Safety staff); · Consider changing regulations, zoning requirements, site and building security improvements and other variables: . Develop a 20-year projection of CSOD space needs; · Analyze existing structures for future utility and cost to bring up to code for seismic, electrical, ADA, as well as cost of deferred maintenance; U:\Posilion Papers\FarreU\cSOArchitectPosilionPaper,doe Page 2 of 5 POSITION PAPER Board ....tIng Date: April 1, 2004 Subject AUTHORIZE THE GENERAL MANAGER TO EXECUTE AN AGREEMENT WITH CALPO HOM AND DONG ARCHITECTS TO PROVIDE PROFESSIONAL ARCHITECTURAL SERVICES FOR THE MASTER PLANNING OF THE COLLECTION SYSTEM OPERATIONS DIVISION CORPORATION YARD, DISTRICT PROJECT 8208 . Develop a site Master Plan to meet the future needs both with and without added functions; . Coordinate with the City of Walnut Creek for plan approval; . Develop a facilities plan for the recommended facilities; . Develop construction phasing to manage cost impacts and maintain operations. It is the District's intent to redesign, reconfigure, or replace the existing structures and areas in the most cost-effective way to achieve a highly efficient facility adequate to meet District needs for a term of at least 20 years. The design architect selection process started in December 2003. Staff identified four architectural firms that had solid experience with corporation yard master planning and design. The four firms, Burks Toma Architects; Dreyfus and Blackford; Hardison, Komatsu, Ivelich and Tucker, and Calpo Horn and Dong Architects submitted proposals on February 5, 2004. A Consultant Selection Committee consisting of Engineering and Operations staff reviewed the written proposals and conducted a formal interview with all four consultants on February 18, 2004. Following the formal interview, one firm was eliminated. The Selection Committee then visited corporation yard facilities designed by each of the three remaining contenders and called references. Based on this rigorous selection process, the Committee selected Calpo Hom and Dong Architects for master planning this project due to their experience with planning similar facilities, the features of the sites they designed, as well as their excellent references. The planning for the project will start immediately and will be completed by fall 2004. The planning will be conducted in phases, beginning with a programming study (architectural term for needs assessment) to define the Collection System Operations Division facility needs. In parallel with the programming study, an assessment of existing structures will be conducted to estimate the cost of bringing existing structures up to code and conducting any deferred maintenance, such as roof replacement. In addition, preliminary discussions with the City of Walnut Creek will be initiated. Following the completion of these tasks, the development of altematives will be conducted. When a range of alternatives has been developed and costs estimated, staff will report to the Board and seek their input. Based on staff and Board input, a preferred alternative will be selected and a more detailed facilities plan developed. This plan will then be presented to the City of Walnut Creek through their plan review process and possibly modified to incorporate City requirements. When District staff and U:\Pos1llon Papers\FarreIl\CSOArchltectPoslllonPaper.cIoc Page 3 of 5 POSITION PAPER Board Meeting 0.18: April 1, 2004 Subject AUTHORIZE THE GENERAL MANAGER TO EXECUTE AN AGREEMENT WITH CALPO HOM AND DONG ARCHITECTS TO PROVIDE PROFESSIONAL ARCHITECTURAL SERVICES FOR THE MASTER PLANNING OF THE COLLECTION SYSTEM OPERATIONS DIVISION CORPORATION YARD, DISTRICT PROJECT 8208 Board and the City of Walnut Creek have agreed to a plan, the design and construction costs of the proposed facilities will be estimated ~nd a design contract with Calpo Hom and Dong brought back to the Board for approval. Funds for this project are budgeted in the General Improvements Program in the current CIS on pages G117. GI 20, and GI 23. RECOMMENDED BOARD ACTION: Authorize the General Manager to execute a professional architectural services agreement with Calpo Horn and Dong Architects in the amount of $150,000 for the Master Planning of the Collection System Operations Division Corporation Yard, DP 8208. U:\PoIIlIon Papers\FaneII\CSOArchltac:lPosltlonPaper.doc Page 4 of 5 Central Contra Costa Sanitary Distri~'l""'\ BOARD OF DIRECTORS', POSITION PAPER .. Board MHtlng Date: August 3, 2006 No.: 8. e . Type of Action: AUTHORIZE AGREEMENTS .' ENGINEERING Subject: AUTHORIZE THE GENERAL MANAGER TO EXECUTE AN AGREEMENT WITH CALPO HOM & DONG ARCHITECTS FOR DESIGN OF THE CSOD ADMINSTRATION, CREW, AND WAREHOUSE FACILITY IMPROVEMENTS PROJECT (DP 8208) AND WITH SWINERTON MANAGEMENT AND CONSUL TNG FOR VALUE ENGINEERING AND CONSTRUCTIBILlTY REVIEW OF THIS PROJECT Submitted By: Don Berger, Associate Engineer Initiating Dept./Dlv.: Engineering J Environmental Services REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION: ~ c~'J ~(~ L ~ LJ,,~ ~\~ ~ ISSUE: Board of Director's authorizatiol'J is required for the General Manager to execute professional services agreements for amounts greater than $50,000. RECOMMENDATION: Authorize the General Manager to execute an agreement for $650,000 with Calpo Hom & Dong Architects for design of the CSOD Administration, Crew, and Warehouse Facility Improvements Project (DP 8208) and an agreement for $50,000 with Swinerton Management and Consulting for value engineering and constructability review of this project. FINANCIAL IMPACTS: The total estimated cost to complete the design is $890,000 including outside consultants, District staff, and City of Walnut Creek permitting. Additional funds will be required in the future to construct the project after the Board approves the final design and bids the project. AL TERNA TIVES/CONSIDERA TIONS: The Board could decide not to move forward with the proposed conceptual design and continue to evaluate alternatives. However, the District has spent considerable effort over the last several years carefully evaluating alternatives and has developed a conceptual plan that appears to meet the District's needs now and into the foreseeable future. Staff believes that it would be prudent to move forward with the proposed design at this time. BACKGROUND: Board and staff have been collaborating on the development of a plan for the Collection System Operations (CSO) facility improvements for the last several years. In January of 2006 an Ad Hoc Board Committee was formed to 'work more closely with staff on this issue. Committee meetings were held on February 15 and April 25, and a report to the full Board was made on May 4. Since that time, staff has incorporated the Board's additional comments and prepared revised conceptual N:\ENVRSEC\Position Papers\Berger\PP Design and VE Services 8-3-06.doc Page 1 of3 POSITION PAPER ( Board MBflting Date: August 3, 2006 Subj<<:t: AUTHORIZE THE GENERAL MANAGER TO EXECUTE AN AGREEMENT WITH CALPO HOM & DONG ARCHITECTS FOR DESIGN OF THE CSOD ADMINSTRATION, CREW, AND WAREHOUSE FACILITY IMPROVEMENTS PROJECT (DP 8208) AND WITH SWINERTON MANAGEMENT AND CONSUL TNG FOR VALUE ENGINEERING AND CONSTRUCTIBILlTY REVIEW OF THIS PROJECT building and site plans. A memorandum detailing the refinements to the plans has been included in the packet for this Board meeting. At this time, staff recommends that the District move forward with the development of the current design concept. The design would be completed in phases beginning with the schematic design, which would include preparing exterior building elevations and renderings for Board consideration and input. Following Board concurrence on the schematic design, plans would then be submitted to the City of Walnut Creek for approvals followed by preparation of final plans and specifications for bidding. Staff estimates that it will take about 36 months to design, permit, and construct the project (including obtaining City of Walnut Creek approvals), and the new facilities could be completed and ready for occupancy by fall 2009. Staff recommends that Calpo Hom & Dong Architects provide the design services for the project based on their performance during the planning and pre-design phases and their understanding of the project requirements. Calpo Hom & Dong Architects was initially selected for this project based on a formal consultant selection process completed in May 2004. Requests for proposals were sent to qualified architects, and Calpo Hom & Dong was selected after evaluating written proposals and conducting interviews with the top firms. An agreement has been negotiated with Calpo Hom & Dong Architects for $650,000 to provide design services (including preparation of building elevations and renderings) and to prepare contract documents for bidding. Staff also recommends retaining the services of Swinerton Management and Consulting to provide value engineering and constructability review of the project. This firm is experienced at reviewing proposed construction projects to eliminate unnecessary costs and help assure that the design, materials, and methods of construction provide the best value and cost benefit to the owner. Staff has negotiated an agreement with Swinerton Management and Consulting for $50,000 to provide value engineering and constructability review of this project. Staff has concluded that the agreements with Calpo Hom & Dong Architects and Swinerton Management and Consulting are exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act (CECA) under District CECA Guidelines Section 15262 since they involve design tasks for possible future actions which the District has not approved, adopted or funded, and the outcome of these tasks will not have a legally binding effect on later activities. The District will conduct an environmental evaluation of any capital project that is proposed in the future as a result of this design effort to determine the appropriate CECA compliance documentation. N:\ENVRSEC\Position Papers\Berger\PP Design and VE Services 8-3-06.doc Page 2 of 3 POSITION PAPER ( Board MtJfJting Date: August 3, 2006 Subject: AUTHORIZE THE GENERAL MANAGER TO EXECUTE AN AGREEMENT WITH CALPO HOM & DONG ARCHITECTS FOR DESIGN OF THE CSOD ADMINSTRATION, CREW, AND WAREHOUSE FACILITY IMPROVEMENTS PROJECT (DP 8208) AND WITH SWINERTON MANAGEMENT AND CONSUL TNG FOR VALUE ENGINEERING AND CONSTRUCTtBrLlTY REV1EW OF THtS PROJECT This project is included in the 2006-07 Capital Improvement Budget (CIB) beginning on page GI-15 in the General Improvements Program. Staff has conducted a cash flow analysis of the General Improvements Program authorization and concluded that adequate funds are available for this project. RECOMMENDED BOARD ACTlQN: Authorize the General Manager to execute an agreement for $650,000 with Calpo Horn & Dong Architects for design of the CSOD Administration, Crew, and Warehouse Facility Improvements Project (DP 8208) and an agreement for $50,000 with Swinerton Management and Consulting for value engineering and constructability review of this project. ( '- N:\ENVRSEC\Position Papers\Berger\PP Design and VE Services 8-3..()6.doc Page 3 of 3 5. a.. Central Contra Costa Sanitary District 5019 Imhoff Place, Martinez, CA 94553-4392 (925) 228-9500 . www.centralsan org FAX: (925) 228-4624 JAMES M. KELLY General Manager KENTON L. ALM Counsellor the District (5/0) 808-2000 March 28, 2008 Elaine Boehme Secretary olthe District Dear Interested Customer: PROPOSED INCREASE FOR CAPACITY FEES, AND REVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL AND DEVELOPMENT-RELATED RATES AND CHARGES Central Contra Costa Sanitary District (CCCSD) staff has recommended to its Board of Directors that capacity fees be increased, and that development-related rates and charges be revised to be current with our present cost of doing business. These fees were last increased on July 1, 2007. Reports discussing each of the two proposals are enclosed for your information. If approved, the new capacity fees, and development-related rates and charges will be effecthle on July 1, 2008. Capacity Fees: The proposed capacity fees have been calculated so that new customers "buy in" to the current value of all CCCSD assets. This approach was first adopted in 2001, and was used in 2007, when the fees were last increased. Using this approach, each new customers' share in the current value of District facilities, equipment, land and fund balances is "equalized" with existing District customers at the time of connection. This is done by dividing the current value of all CCCSD assets by the current number of connections and charging this amount for new connections. The current and proposed capacity fees for each new residential unit and "Residential Unit Equival~nt (RUE)" are: Current Fee (before Julv 1. 2008) Proposed (effective Julv 1. 2008) Increase Pumped Service $5,990 per RUE $4,923 per RUE 8.8% $6,509 per RUE 8.7% Gravity Service $4,524 per RUE The proposed capacity fee increases are principally due to CCCSD's 2006-07 investment of nearly $40 million in additions, upgrades, renovation, and replacement of capital facilities. Capacity fees for nonresidential (commercial, industrial and institutional) projects are also based on "Residential Unit Equivalents," so they will also increase by the same percentages if the proposal is adopted. A ";J Recycled Paper Capacity Fees, and Environmental and Development-Related Rates and Charges March 28, 2008 Page 2 Environmental and Development-Related Rates and Charaes: Chapter 6.30 of the CCCSD Code establishes environmental rates and charges to recover the costs for permitting of industrial users and for regulating septage/grease hauling and disposal, and development-related rates and charges to recover costs to provide services including: . Permit Issuance · Plan and easement review for main sewer extension projects · Inspection of main sewer extensions and side sewers · Processing of quitclaims and real property agreements · Administering the reimbursement and capacity use charge programs · Surveying and review ofgeotechnical engineering · Preparing development-related record drawings and adding new development information to the District's maps After a review of the rates and charges in effect since July 1,2007, CCCSD staff recommended to the Board of Directors that most environmental and development-related rates and charges be increased. However, District staff has recommended that environmental rates and charges for industrial user permits and septage/grease disposal remain unchanged. Outreach Proaram: District staff will hold two informal meetings to discuss the proposed increases in capacity fees, as well as revision of the rates and charges, with interested customers on Tuesday, April 8, 2008 at 7:00 p.m., and Wednesday, April 9, 2008 at 10:00 a.m. Both meetings will be held in the District Board Meeting Room at 5019 Imhoff Place, Martinez. Public Hearings to receive comments on the capacity fee and rates and charges proposals are scheduled for Thursday, April 17, 2008, at 2 p.m., in the CCCSD Board of Directors Meeting Room. The draft ordinances to be considered by the Board, and the data and documents on which the fee proposal is based will be available for review ten (10) days prior to the public hearing, as required. If you have questions or would like any additional information, please telephone me at (925) 229- 7335 or Kurt Darner at (925) 229-7338, or send an e-mail messagetojm2@centralsan.dst.ca.us. ~::t~-tB;- Jarred Miyamoto-Mills Principal Engineer JM2:KD/ms Enclosures C:\Documents and Settings\RSC\Desktop\2008 Stakeholder's Notice.doc CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT Report Regarding the Capacity Fee Proposal March 2008 INTRODUCTION In September 1998, the state enacted S81760 that requires sewer connection fees to be based on one of two methods: 1) a buy-in to existing assets, or 2) the cost of future facilities expansion. This bill was enthusiastically endorsed and supported by home builders' associations statewide. In 2001, Central Contra Costa Sanitary District's method for determination of Capacity Fees was changed to a "buy-in-to-all assets" approach. This was done to provide a rational, practical, equitable and defensible method to calculate the financial burden of new connections. The buy-in-to-all-assets approach is preferred primarily due to the "facilities-mature" status of the District. In this context, facilities-mature means that the value of existing assets (about $1.54 billion) is many times the value of future facilities expansion needed to accommodate future customers. Stated differently, most of the facilities needed to serve new customers have already been built and paid for by current customers. As a consequence, most of the work envisioned in the District's Capital Improvement Plan is for renovation, replacement or upgrading of facilities to maintain capacity for both current and prospective customers. Charging a Capacity Fee based on a buy-in-to-all- assets at the time of connection to the public sewer system equalizes the unit investment of each customer as they move from being a "future" to being a "current" customer. The following sections present a discussion of the District's Capacity Fee approach, staff-proposed increases, and a planned customer/public outreach program. THE DISTRICT'S APPROACH TO CALCULATING CAPACITY FEES The District's current method of calculation for Capacity Fees is based on a buy-in-to- all-assets approach. The calculation estimates the "current value" of real property (land), facilities, equipment and the balances in the Sewer Construction, Running Expense and Self Insurance Funds. In the calculation, the current value of each asset category is determined as follows: o Land: The "current value" of investments in real property is estimated based on the opportunity value of like cash investments deposited in the District's temporary investments at the time of each purchase and held at interest to the present, rather than by attempting to determine actual market value. Capacity Fee Proposal March 2008 Page 2 o Facilities: The current value of investments in physical facilities is estimated by both escalating each year's facilities expenditures based on the change in the Enoineerino News Record Construction Cost Index for the San Francisco Bay Area (ENR-CCI-SF), and applying straight-line depreciation using the following life cycles with no salvage value. Please note that a category for "Mains (Renovation Program)" has been included for the first time this year in the current value of facilities for determination of Capacity Fees. This category accounts for the District's significant investment since 1988 in life-cycle replacement and renovation of sewers 10-inches in diameter and smaller. This work renews capacity in these smaller sewers for the benefit of both existing and new connectors and reduces future maintenance costs. Averaoe Useful Life: Gravity Sewers Interceptors Trunks Mains (Renovated by District) 150 years 100 years 75 years Treatment Plant & Pumping Station Facilities Tanks/Foundations Buildings Mechanical, Electrical & Control Equipment 100 years 75 years 30 years Recycled Water Facilities Pipelines Mechanical, Electrical & Control Equipment 50 years 30 years General Improvements Buildings Mechanical/Electrical Equipment and Furnishings Vehicles and other Equipment 50 years 25 years 10 years Major Repairs/Replacements 10 years Capacity Fee Proposal March 2008 Page 3 D Fund Balances: Prior fiscal year-end balances for the Sewer Construction, Running Expense, and Self Insurance Funds are used. The Sewer Construction Fund Balance is reduced by the principal value of the District's outstanding debt. After estimating the "current value" for an asset category, the component of the Capacity Fee attributable to that category is calculated by dividing current value by the current number of customers (number of Residential Unit Equivalents: "RUE"): Value of Assets Buy-in Fee = ---------------------------------------- Number of Customers (RUE) RECOMMENDED CAPACITY FEE INCREASES Staff recommends that the Board consider adopting Capacity Fees for the 2008-09 fiscal year by applying the valuation approach and facilities life cycles described above. The proposed fees are: Fee Cateaorv Current Proposed % chanae Pumping Service $4,524 per RUE $5,990 per RUE $4,923 per RUE $6,509 per RUE 8.8% Gravity Service 8.7% The calculation of these proposed fees is shown in Table 1. If the staff recommendation to increase Capacity Fees is adopted by the Board of Directors, it is projected that approximately $630,000 in additional annual revenue will be generated in fiscal year 2008-09, based on connection of 600 Residential Unit Equivalents (RUE) in the gravity zone and 750 RUE in the pumped zone. The proposed capacity fee increases are principally due to CCCSD's 2006-07 investment of nearly $40 million in additions, upgrades, renovation, and replacement of capital facilities. The fee calculation approach is a rational, practical, equitable and defensible method to determine the financial burden of new connections. A comparison of the proposed Capacity Fees to the fees charged by neighboring agencies is presented in Table 2. JM2:ms co o ~ .... M o N :E .., ;::::- o o N o O)~ 90 CO.t: OCl o ::l N e >;; LL :c I ::l r::::iV .2 ~ ... C III QI - ... ~ ~ _0 Ill' 0111 III a; Gl lZ Gle( LL= .... :>. e( w:!::.s ..J CJ C m ~.~ <{ Ill::l ~oe. "'Gl r:::: Cl Gl r:::: ~ III Gl.r:::: 0.0 Gl 'E ~E~ III 0 ~ .r::::~~ 0"'0 W ::J 0::: - ~ Gl Gl LL Gl ~ III > 'E <{ ~ ~ ~ o ~ o Cl Gl ... III o ... Gl III III <{ .. m < II o ~ o o N It) ~ .... ..... N ~ """ co CD o ..... CD 1 ~ 1J r:::: III ..J J!! '5 o .. C Cll a:: c III QI Gl E :2-;; '0 ~ III I- LL ~ o o o o ~ CD CD Ol. .... ~ It) en ..... M """ CD M N M ~ ~ >- o M @) ';ft. It) M + III ... >- It) ..... @) ';ft. o N + III ... >- o o .... @) ';ft. It) ::!. ~ o o o ~ o o cO N ~ "0 QI ~~l!3~ ~(JM..... ,: ~~ '0 C .... CD ~ CD N III .... ~ M N CD o o .... o .... ~ .....00)0 It) 0"'" en 1t)0MCD ONcO'N MOlt)..... ....Olll:tt-- -r= to-" cD ~ It)lt)co..... NCD~~ ~~ Ul ... >- o M @) ';ft. It) N + III ... >- o It) @) ';ft. It) t::. III ~ 'u Cll u.. ... .l!! Cll ~ "0 QI U >- U QI D:: Ul ... >- o M Ul @) ~ ';/!. >- Nit) g QI M .... 0+ "'" Z l!! ~.... CD >. ';/!..!CI)&n 00(1)..... ..... Z .:..."", + QI III ~ I!! 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QI Cll ::l D:: ::l :@ u iV C .~ > o 1ii QI P p;; _ _ E o 0 e QI QI- ::l ::l"O iV iV QI > >:::: ,: ,: 'E QlQIo III 1Il~ = : c tit;CD ,: ,: i 'C-E; Cll Cll ~ .: 'c ~ ClQl '(jj ~ QI - .t: Cll 1-;; - C Cll U lj: 'c Cl '(jj QI .t: JI: N TABLE 2 COMPARISON OF CAPACITY FEES Aaencv* Dublin San Ramon Service District Mountain View Sanitary District Proposed CCCSD Pumped Zone Pittsburg (Delta Diablo Sanitation District for Treatment) Antioch (Delta Diablo Sanitation District for Treatment) Current CCCSD Pumped Zone Proposed CCCSD Gravity Zone Current CCCSD Gravity Zone Bay Point (Delta Diablo Sanitation District for Treatment) City of Concord West County Wastewater District *Other Agencies' fees are for 2007-2008 C:\Documents and Settings\RSC\Desktop\2007-2008 CapacityFee 3-08.doc Capacity Fee $11,367 $8,289 $6,509 $6,298 $6,167 $5,990 $4,923 $4,524 $4,444 $4,542 $2,357 CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT Report Regarding Environmental and Development-Related Rates and Charges Proposal March 2008 OVERVIEW The Central Contra Costa Sanitary District (District) Board of Directors will soon consider adopting an ordinance to revise Chapter 6.30, Schedule of Rates and Charges, for various environmental and development-related services. If adopted, these increases in 2008-09 would total approximately $60,000 to $80,000 in additional District revenue. BACKGROUND Chapter 6.30 of the District Code includes a schedule of rates and charges for environmental and development-related services provided to contractors, developers, septic and grease waste haulers, and permitted industrial users. These services include permit counter assistance, plan review, inspection of construction for laterals and main line extensions, addition of new sewers, parcels, and permit information to District maps, source control permits and inspections, and septic and grease hauler sampling and treatment. These rates and charges are intended to recover the District's direct and indirect labor costs, other operating expenses, and administrative overhead incurred in providing each service. These rates and charges were last reviewed in 2007. District staff annually reviews the rates and charges to assess whether changes are appropriate. This year, as in the past, the District has re-evaluated the rates and charges for the categories of Development Plan Review, Construction Inspection, Collection System Services, Right- of-Way, and Miscellaneous. The recommended rates and charges are explained in the following pages. District staff has proposed that environmental rates and charges for industrial user permits and septage/grease disposal remain unchanged. PROPOSED RATES AND CHARGES The State of California mandates that revenues from these sources not exceed the cost of providing services. Following its review, District staff recommended that rates and charges be revised to include: 1) adjustment for increased salaries, benefits and overhead; 2) adjustment of the mileage rate for those charges that include a mileage factor; 3) an additional television inspection of new mainline projects at the one-year warranty inspection. Table 1 presents a comparison of the current and proposed rates and charges. Proposal to Revise Development-Related Rates and Charges March 2008 Page 2 Increases of 7.5% are recommended for most of the rates and charges to account for higher salaries, benefits, and overhead. The District's Administrative Overhead rate is calculated to go up in 2008-09 to 190% of salary, largely due to the new OPEB (Other Post-Employment Benefits) expense of $3.0 million. Staff proposes that certain inspection charges that include a mileage factor be adjusted so that vehicle depreciation costs are not included in the mileage rate. Vehicle depreciation is already included in Administrative Overhead. An additional television inspection of new mainline projects is recommended at the time of the one-year warranty inspection in order to check the integrity of the installation and the accumulation of any construction debris. This additional television inspection will increase the mainline inspection fees by $0.67 per foot. TABLE 1 CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT COMPARISON OF CURRENT & PROPOSED RATES & CHARGES (2008-09) Fee Category 2007 -08 Fee Proposed % Change 2008-09 Fee (A) DEVELOPMENT AND PLAN REVIEW Review of new sewer plans and related documents; review of plans for and processing of residential and commercial permit applications; installer reimbursement of sewer construction costs from subsequent connectors; identification of right-of-way conflicts; and interest rates for District programs. (A-1 ) Development Review: Mainline Plan Review (2 preliminary + 1 final plan reviews): Base Fee $441 $474 7.50% Per Foot Charge (in street) $3.40 $3.66 7.50% Per Foot Charge (in undeveloped land) $2.72 $2.92 7.50% Each additional plan review: Base Fee $147 $158 7.50% Per Foot Charge $1.13 $1.21 7.50% Special Cut Sheet Review $186 $200 7.50% Manhole only design & plan review $653 $702 7.50% Right of Way Document Review - 100 I Sub Map (each): $539 $579 7.50% Right of Way Document Review - No Changes Required $350 $376 7.50% Right of Way document review - Appurtenance (initial): $501 $539 7.50% Appurtenance (each additional) $185 $199 7.50% Commercial development plan check (new connections) $174 $187 7.50% (A-2) Application Fees Basic Application (side sewer work, easement staking) $83 $89 7.50% Existing parcel - new sewer service $113 $121 7.50% New parcel - new sewer service $182 $196 7.50% Commercial Application $186 $200 7.50% Capacity Use Program $166 $178 7.50% (A-3) Reimbursement Accounts: Set-up fee $685 $736 7.50% Transaction fee $154 $166 7.50% (A-4) Commercial Business Plan Review (added square footage, food service) Added Square Footage, Food Service $114 $123 7.50% Special Studies (minimum) $469 $504 7.50% Source Control Review $177 $190 7.50% Grease Variance Review (includes site visit) $266 $286 7.50% (A-5) Private pumping system plan check Pump with Outside Force Main $347 $373 7.50% Pump Only $194 $209 7.50% Additional Review $143 $154 7.50% Pre-apporved Pump Systems $143 $154 7.50% (A-6) Annexation Fee $534 $574 7.50% (A-7) Special Approvals $192 $206 7.50% 2008-09 Rates & Charges Comparison (no links) Page 1 TABLE 1 CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT COMPARISON OF CURRENT & PROPOSED RATES & CHARGES (2008-09) Fee Category 2007 -08 Fee Proposed % Change 2008-09 Fee (B) CONSTRUCTION INSPECTION Inspection of new sewer main construction and new connections and other sewer work on private property (includes TV inspection when appropriate). (B-1 ) Mainline Inspection: Base Fee $631 $678 7.50% Per Foot Charge (in street)(incl additional TV insp @ 1 yr final) $7.93 $9.19 15.90% Per Foot Charge (undeveloped landlincl additional TV insp @ 1 yr final) $5.29 $6.35 20.10% (B-2) Inspections by type: Side Sewer Installation / Repair per 100 feet: $130 $137 5.28% Single Inspection Charge (e.g. sewer connection; encroachment verification; side sewer cap on property; tap and lateral (new or replacement); side sewer $130 $137 5.28% wye (new or replacement); air test; reinspection; trash enclosure wlo trap); side sewer TV inspection Manhole tap; lateral abandonment (main or manhole); pipe bursting $260 $274 5.28% Manhole Alteration; Side Sewer CIPP repair; interceptor abandonment $390 $411 5.28% New Manhole; New Rodding Inlet; Outside Pump Installation $520 $547 5.28% Grease I Sand / Oil Interceptor / Trap; Trash Enclosure wi trap $780 $821 5.28% (B-3) Overtime inspection: First Hour $86 $90 4.15% Every hour thereafter $56 $60 7.50% Weekend/Holiday (New Year's Day, Martin Luther King, President's Day, Memorial Day, July 4th, Labor Day, Veteran's Day, Thanksgiving, Christmas)- $254 $273 7.50% hr. minimum (B-4) Inspection of non-permitted work (+ avoided charge) $390 $419 7.50% 2008-09 Rates & Charges Comparison (no links) Page 2 TABLE 1 CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SAN IT ARY DISTRICT COMPARISON OF CURRENT & PROPOSED RATES & CHARGES (2008-09) Fee Category 2007-08 Fee Proposed % Change 2008-09 Fee (C) COLLECTION SYSTEM SERVICES TV inspection of sewers conducted separate from a construction inspection activity; verification of sewer location and sewer service connection. (C-1 ) TV Inspection: Weekday, hourly rate $177 $187 5.87% Minimum Charge (2 hr min) $355 $376 5.88% Overtime - First Hour $125 $131 5.20% Overtime - Each Additional Hour $102 $110 7.50% Overtime - Weekend / Holiday (4 hr min) $433 $465 7.50% (C-2) Dye test $302 $322 6.55% (C-3) Collection system repair Actual Expense Actual Expense (C-4) Cancelled TV Inspection without prior notice $308 $331 7.50% (C-5) Sewer locating and marking $258 $274 6.38% (D) RIGHT-OF-WAY Establishing right-of-way agreements and resolving conflicts. (0-1) Process Quitclaim Deeds $844 $907 7.50% Process Quitclaim Deed - plat and legal by others $513 $551 7.50% (0-2) Process Real Property Agreement, License, or Easement Base Fee (2 hours) $694 $746 7.50% Each Additional Hour $108 $116 7.50% (0-3) Right-ot-way Research / Encroachment Resolution Fee Actual Expense Actual Expense (0-4) Right ot Entry / Encroachment Permit Fee $95 $102 7.50% (E) MISCELLANEOUS District services provided for private sewer projects. (E-1 ) Engineering - private sewer projects Actual Expense Actual Expense (E-2) Soil evaluation - private sewer projects Actual Expense Actual Expense (E-3) Surveying Actual Expense Actual Expense (E-4) Minimum annual interest rate tor CADs and Capacity Use Program 6.00% 6.00% no change Document / Plan Copying Fees 81/2" x 11"; 81/2" x 14"; 11" x 17" (per sheet) $0.15 $0.15 no change 24" x 36" Plan (per sheet) $3.00 $3.00 no change CCCSD Standard Specifications $20.00 $20.00 no change 2008-09 Rates & Charges Comparison (no links) Page 3 - --~---",-~.'_.'--'---"'-~"""'-".'-"~~-----''''--~-'-'---_._-~_.'-,.+_.~.._....._.._----,.._-~---,~.__.-._._--_.--.,,----. _._--"_._--_.__.__...._,.,+_.-..._..._~_._-- TABLE 1 CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT COMPARISON OF CURRENT & PROPOSED RATES & CHARGES (2008-09) Fee Category 2007-08 Fee Proposed % Change 2008-09 Fee (F) INDUSTRIAL PERMIT FEES Permiting and inspection of industries and other commercial dischargers to ensure availability and use of pretreatment processes. Base permit fee 0 Base permit fee (F-1 ) Class I Fees $3,256 + cost of of $3,256 + cost no change District's lab of District's lab analysis analysis Base permit fee 01 Base permit fee (F-2) Class II Fees $3,256 + cost of of $3,256 + cost no change District's lab of District's lab analysis analysis (F-3) Class III Fees 0 $0 no change (F-4) Industrial user permit application fee 0 $0 no change (F-5) Special discharge permit application fee (*) No on-site inspection $65 each $65 each no change On-site inspection Base fee of $345 Base fee of $345 no change (G) SEPTAGE DISPOSAL(**) Sampling and disposal of septic waste and grease. (G-1) Annual permit fee $1,650 $1,650 no change (G-2) Residential septic/toilet waste < 2,000 gallons $18 + $0.14/gal $18 + $0.14/gal no change > 2,000 gallons $58 + $0.14/gal $58 + $0.14/gal no change (G-3) Restaurant grease waste < 2,000 gallons $18 + $0.02/gal $18 + $0.02/gal no change > 2,000 gallons $58 + $0.02/gal $58 + $0.02/gal no change (*) Additional charges to be billed separately if staff time incurred is above that included in the base fee. (**) Other approved waste will be charged at the residential septic and portable toilet waste rate unless actual strength characterist are provided. 2008-09 Rates & Charges Comparison (no links) Page 4 s.c. Central Contra Costa Sanitary District March 31, 2008 TO: FROM: BUDGET AND FINANCE COMMITTEE JAMES M. KELLY. GENERAL MANAGER ~~ iff' RANDALL M. MUSGRAVES, DIRECTOR OF ADMINISTRATION ~~\ r \J VIA: SUBJECT: GASB 45 TRUST ANALYSIS At the March 17,2008 Budget and Finance Committee meeting, the Committee was provided with additional information on Wells Fargo and Mechanics Banks, and their ability to provide GASB 45 Trust administrative services. Based on this information, the Committee appeared to favor establishing a GASB 45 Trust, have the trust administered by a public sector group (PARS) or US Bank, and have a trustee who is not affiliated with the District. A summary of the pros and cons of establishing a GASB 45 Trust, analysis of Providers, and GASB 45 trust options are attached. The Committee requested and received Board concurrence to evaluate the benefit of establishing a GASB 45 Trust and to evaluate the options for a GASB 45 Trust. Based upon the Committee's discussion to date, staff recommends forwarding the following for Board consideration: . Establish a GASB 45 Trust. . Once the trust is established, place $6,000,000 in the trust for FY 2006-07 and FY 2007-08. . Implement AON's recommendation to place $5 million into the trust and pay the retirees' annual medical premiums from the trust at the end of FY 2008-09. Determine future payments to the trust through the budget process each fiscal year. . Contract with: o (1) PARS for the administration, consulting, legal compliance, record keeping and client liason; o (2) Union Bank of California as the Trustee; and o (3) HighMark Capital Management as the investment manager. · Authorize the Budget and Finance Committee to provide quarterly review with staff and an annual report to the Board. Staff will be available to answer any additional questions the Committee might have. Once the Committee has decided on the trust and the appropriate oversight, a Position Paper will be developed and sent to the full Board for final action. ~DRAFT GASB 45 TRUST PROS · Allows for more diverse investments and potentially a higher rate of return . Protects funds from confiscation by others · Bond rating agencies look more favorably if funds are set aside · Higher rate of return would reduce outstanding unfunded liability and future annual costs . Funds are not included in District's reserves · If healthcare becomes nationalized, money can be returned · If District benefit levels change, can stop making contributions and reduce balance in Trust . Avoid a growing liability on District balance sheet . Funding could be viewed as goodwill by employees CONS . Funds can only be used for post-retirement benefit payments · Fees associated with Administration and Trustee services · Potential negative impact on negotiations whereby Union seeks guaranteed funding for all benefits at a high level N:'ADMINSUP'ADMIN\RATCLlFF\GASB 45 TRUST.doc GASB 45 Trust Analysis of Providers Public Agency Retirement Services (PARS) Staff is recommending the establishment of a GASB 45 Trust with PARS. PARS has specialized exclusively in governmental plan consulting and administration since 1983, and administers over 700 retirement programs. PARS utilizes Union Bank of California as Trustee, which has the second largest trust division in the state, providing security. The program is flexible with different asset allocation strategies to pick from as well as a complete tailoring of an investment approach should the District wish to design one. The fees for administration, consulting, investment management and custodial services are very reasonable. Also, there are no restrictions on leaving the trust and can be transferred to a new Trustee should the District choose. CALPERS Staff does not recommend using CALPERS for several reasons. CALPERS has just recently approved the establishment of a Trust, which will be managed by appointed staff members. The fees that will be charged (.4% to .6% plus fund fees) are currently just an estimate and they reserve the right to adjust these fees if needed. Very strict and inflexible rules apply that determine actuarial assumptions. This would require the District to have its actuarial study recalculated. CALPERS also requires a three-year commitment before transferring to another Trustee if not satisfied with the trust. US BANK Staff does not recommend using US Bank even though the fees are attractive (.35% to .15% plus fund fees). The reason for this recommendation is based on past experience with banks for escrow services, which was slow and frustrating and bank staff did not seem knowledgeable. It appears that banks in general do not have the level of investment expertise that an Investment Manager with an investment firm could provide. Also, US Bank was not as responsive as staff would have expected, requiring several requests for information. The fund fees vary depending on investments chosen. Staff is concerned that actual costs could be greater than the other options. Wells Fargo Wells Fargo charges custodial fees of approximately .8% of the asset balance. Additionally, there are fund fees that vary depending on the fund. The bank would assign a Portfolio Manager to oversee the District's investments. Staff does not recommend using Wells Fargo for the same reasons sited above for US Bank. ICMA ICMA is a more employer-directed program where the District chooses among established model portfolio funds with differing risk levels. An employee, Board member, or a combination serves as Trustee(s). It is not recommended that staff or Board members serve as Trustees due to lack of expertise in this area, the significant increase in workload and the potential liability involved. It is preferable that a professional Investment Advisor and Custodian take on this role. Independent Trust An independent trust appears to be the most costly in terms of legal fees to draw up documents, staff time to develop a program from scratch, higher fees than some of the other options, and no guarantee that investment yield will be that much greater. Staff believes that more time would be required to administer and manage an independent trust. Staff also believes that they do not possess the level of expertise required. County The County was included for informational purposes only. A trust is scheduled for establishment in March. Monthly meetings are anticipated for the first year and instead of staff directing the investments, the County plans on hiring an Investment Manager. A Request for Proposal (RFP) will be going out in the next few months. zl- 00 _ct ~~ zz -0 ::EO 1I:u.. ~O CI'J i:u w I.L ~ 0:: 0 0. W 0:: (/) I- Z W ::E w en II: ::::> en m (/) Z 0 0 i= II: Q. w(/) 0 >1- OZ I- ...IW en O::E ::) II: I- I-(/) a: zW I- 0> it) o~ ~ m (/) I- en zw W...l <C ::Em " I-ct (/)...1 w- >ct ~~ en I- z w ::E ::EClW ::::>zII: ::Eo 5 -zO ~::::>w ::Eu..1I: w w .... CI'J :) 0:: .... LL 0.... wCI'J 0.:) >0:: ........ c .... o Q) - c en .Q ~ 12.8~ ~Q)Q) ~2~ .... en en 0:J:J Z.=.= 0.... -.... -0 ~ID~ C ~ ~ 0- mOen ~Uo Q)~o ~~-5 00Q) o Co ET"""o . O=..lIl:: OcE _ cooo-U; '00-000= Co O~I.O:J- oCO ~I.O>- 0 ~1.O>-_o~EE OMenen ~~0~Q)Q)>-0~Q)~00 o~enQ) 1.0 1.0 > 0 1.0 > 0.... - o.c - Q) C\J-Q)~~~e~~~~C\Jool.O~ T"""~~~ . C U - U') cu. 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