HomeMy WebLinkAboutBOARD MINUTES 02-21-08
The District Board of the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District convened in a regular
meeting at its regular place of meeting, 5019 Imhoff Place, Martinez, County of Contra
Costa, State of California, at 2:00 p.m. on Thursday, February 21, 2008.
President Lucey called the meeting to order and requested that the Secretary call roll.
PRESENT: Members: Hockett, McGill, Menesini, Nejedly (arrived 2:25 p.m.), Lucey
ABSENT: Membeffi: None
Board and staff joined in the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.
There were no public comments.
It was moved by Member Hockett and seconded by Member Menesini to adopt the
Consent Calendar with the exception of Item 3.k.. Motion passed by the following vote
of the Board:
Hockett, McGill, Menesini, Lucey
a. Approve expenditures dated February 21,2008. Reviewed by Budget and
Finance Committee.
b. Receive December 2007 Financial Statements. Reviewed by Budget and
Finance Committee.
c. Approve minutes of January 31,2008 Board Meeting.
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Board Minutes of February 21,2008
d. Adopt Resolution 2008-035 accepting an offer of dedication and public sewer
improvements from Raymond D. Boyer, North Gate Road, Walnut Creek area,
Job 5676 - Parcel 1, and authorize staff to record documents with the Contra
Costa County Recorder.
e. Adopt Resolution 2008-036 accepting an offer of dedication and public sewer
improvements from Nelda F. Champion, North Gate' Road, Walnut Creek area,
Job 5676 - Parcel 3, and authorize staff to record documents with the Contra
Costa County Recorder.
f. Adopt Resolution 2008-037 accepting an offer of dedication from Ashley V.
Partners for an easement shown on the recorded final map of Subdivision 7647
in the Walnut Creek area, accepting Job 5676 - Parcel 4, public sewer
improvements, and authorize staff to record documents with the Contra Costa
County Recorder.
g. Adopt Resolution 2008-038 accepting an offer of dedication from Greystone
Homes, Inc. for an easement shown on the recorded final map of Subdivision
8717 in the unincorporated Dougherty Valley area of San Ramon, accepting Job
5685 - Parcel 2, public sewer improvements, and authorize staff to record
documents with the Contra Costa County Recorder.
h. Accept the contract work for the Alhambra Valley Trunk Sewer, Phase 2, District
Project 5919, constructed by Marques Pipeline, Inc., and authorize the filing of
the Notice of Completion.
i. Accept the contract work for the Martinez Sewer Renovations, Phase 1, District
Project 5975, constructed by California Trenchless, Inc., and authorize the filing
of the Notice of Completion.
j. Request approval of registration differential salary merit increase for Nathaniel
Morales, Assistant Engineer, effective January 25, 2008. Reviewed by Human
Resources Committee.
k. Direct staff secure the services of an arbitrator in accordance with the disciplinary
This item was removed from the Consent Calendar by Charles Egbert, Public
Employees Union Local One. He stated that, in his opinion, the investigation into
the disciplinary action was less than satisfactory and that his organization will be
monitoring the payment of any claims which he felt were being wrongfully settled.
It was moved by Member Lucey and seconded by Member Hockett to approve
Item 3.k. as recommended. Motion passed by the following vote of the Board:
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Hockett, McGill, Menesini, Lucey
I. Authorize extension of medical leave of absence without pay for Utility Worker
Felix Espinosa through March 17,2008.
m. Authorize extension of medical leave of absence without pay for Utility Worker
Marlee Davi through June 5, 2008.
n. Adopt revised classification descriptions for Director of Engineering and
Environmental Services Division Manager. Recommended by Human
Resources Committee.
Item 6.a. was taken out of order.
a. General ManaQer
1) 2007 Pollution Prevention Report and 2008 Pollution Prevention Plan
General Manager James Kelly stated that the District's NPDES permit requires
the District to submit an annual report of the District's Pollution Prevention
activities for the previous calendar year.
Assistant Engineer Melody LaBella gave an update on the District's Pollution
Prevention Program, including highlights from the 2007 Pollution Prevention
Annual Report and the 2008 Pollution Prevention Plan. The Pollution Prevention
Program consists of the Household Hazardous Waste Collection Facility, the
Source Control Program, community outreach and collaborative partnerships,
both local and regional.
Priority pollutants include mercury, cyanide, dioxin, copper, acrylonitrile, lead,
and fats, oils and grease. Emerging pollutants are PCBs and selenium.
Highlights of the 2007 program include a 10 percent increase in participants at
the Household Hazardous Waste facility; almost 1.9 million pounds of hazardous
waste were collected; and 1,480 mercury thermometers were collected. Over
170 Ibs of mercury-containing waste were collected and kept out of the
wastewater stream.
She described the ongoing public outreach and collaborative partnerships, and
outlined the plans for the 2008 program.
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2) Pipeline Newsletter
General Manager James Kelly reported that the Board received copies of
the latest edition of the Pipeline Newsletter at the last Board meeting.
Comments were received from the Board and staff, and these comments
were incorporated. Unless there are additional changes or corrections,
staff will publish the newsletter as presented.
Member Menesini suggested adding information about District projects
conducted in Martinez and Orinda.
Member McGill suggested making part of the Pipeline a pull-out that could
be posted on refrigerator doors or cupboards in homes reminding people
of how to properly dispose of different types of waste.
3) General Manager James Kelly announced that Advertisement of the
Control Room Modifications, DP 7253, consists of the remodel of the main
Control Room in the Plant Operations Department Building and
replacement of a computer console in the Solids Condition Building
Control Room. The remodel includes demolition of existing walls;
installation of a fire-rated wall and ceiling; installation of an HVAC system;
built-in desks and cabinets; and replacement of the fire suppression
system and ceiling tile.
The project will be advertised on February 22, 2008, and February 29,
2008. The bids are scheduled to open on March 18, 2008. The estimated
construction cost is approximately $400,000. More information will be
presented when the Board is asked to approve the construction contract
on April 3, 2008.
4) General Manager Jim Kelly announced that he is conducting his Annual
Group Talks with staff from each Department. During the talks, he will
update employees on the state of the District and answer questions that
employees may have.
5) General Manager James Kelly announced that AT&T has notified the
District that they will no longer be offering payphone service. The District
has two payphones, one located in the HOB facility lobby and the other at
the CSO facility. The cost to convert the payphones to the new company
is $50 with a monthly charge of $75. Staff has reviewed the usage and
concluded that it would be significantly cheaper for the District to remove
the phones and allow the public to use a District phone if needed.
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General Manager James Kelly announced that the Pumping Stations staff,
with the assistance of the Plant Operations Department Buildings and
Grounds section, began the process of moving into the Annex area during
the week of February 11, 2008. A project to renovate the existing locker
room areas in the Annex will get underway following this next construction
General Manager James Kelly announced that Mt. View Sanitary District
(MVSD) will be celebrating its 85th anniversary on Saturday, May 17,
2008. Along with its anniversary, MVSD will be marking its enhancement
projects in McNabney Marsh, its new public viewing platform, and
unveiling a memorial plaque in honor of the late Dr. Teng-Chung Wu. The
District will have a display booth focusing on the Household Hazardous
Waste Collection Facility at the event. The time of the event will be
released by MVSD in mid-March.
General Manager James Kelly announced that, at the January 17, 2008
Board meeting, staff informed the Board about the Local Agency
Formation Commission's (LAFCO) Municipal Service Review (MSR) of the
District and other water and wastewater service providers in Contra Costa
County. One of the draft recommendations of MSR was to revise the
District Sphere of Influence (SOl) to exclude properties outside the County
Urban Limit Line (ULL). The District requested that LAFCO not revise the
SOl. LAFCO staff considered the District's request and recommended
that only minor changes be made to the District SOl. The proposed
changes are near the edges of Clyde, Danville, and Clayton. Clayton is
considered in the SOl because the District treats their wastewater.
At the LAFCO meeting on February 13, 2008, LAFCO deferred action on
the District MSR and SOl changes. LAFCO requested additional
information about the minor changes proposed for the District SOl as well
as proposed changes to Contra Costa Water District's SOl in eastern
Contra Costa County. The majority of the properties proposed to be
excluded from the District SOl are open space or State Park lands.
LAFCO Commissioners were concerned that sewer service may be
needed for existing or future park visitor facilities. LAFCO will consider
approval of the MSR and SOl changes on March 12, 2008.
9) General Manager James Kelly announced that, on February 7, 2008, the
Bay Area Air Quality Management District (BAAQMD) issued a Notice of
Violation to the District for operating an auxiliary boiler below 770 degrees
Fahrenheit while firing on landfill gas. The low temperature (7550
Fahrenheit) occurred during a wet-weather event on January 26, 2008.
The District's BAAQMD permit requires operating the boiler at or above
the 7700 Fahrenheit limit to ensure 98 percent destruction of total
hydrocarbon in the landfill gas. The Control Room received a low
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Board Minutes of February 21, 2008
temperature alarm, along with several other alarms associated with the
wet-weather event. The low temperature alarm was discovered while the
operator was reviewing the alarm log, and the low temperature was
immediately corrected. Staff has set the low temperature stops on both
auxiliary boilers to prevent them from operating below 7700 Fahrenheit.
BAAQMD could impose a fine after further evaluation of the data.
10) General Manager James Kelly announced that Julie Linford of Outcast Cat
Help, who spoke at the January 17, 2008 Board Meeting on the feral cat
item, phoned the Secretary of the District on Thursday, February 14, 2008.
She requested to place an item on the February 21,2008 Board agenda
regarding a service contract for assisting with the cats. She was informed
that she should put her request in writing to the General Manager or speak
at the Public Comment period. She said she would like the Board to
consider approving a service contract with her organization to trap, neuter
and adopt out the adoptable feral cats. She was informed that the cats
have already been neutered/spayed, but she said she believes that more
are arriving. This announcement serves to notify the Board in the event
that she makes an appearance at the March 6, 2008 Board Meeting to
speak during the Public Comment period. She also may ask the Board to
agendize this item at a future date. Staff will be requesting more
information from her in order to address her request.
Announcements 3-10 were provided as written announcements.
11) General Manager James Kelly announced that Collection Systems
Operations employees Don Rhoads, Nick Wright, and Paul Louis, will be
traveling to the VACTOR factory in Streeter, Illinois to inspect a new
Vactor prior to delivery. They will leave on Monday, February 25, 2008,
and will return on Tuesday, February 26, 2008. The cost of the trip is paid
by the vendor as part of the purchase costs.
12) General Manager James Kelly announced that someone had tampered
with the outfall and removed the manhole cover. There was some
wastewater spillage that will be reported to the Regional Water Quality
Control Board.
13) General Manager James Kelly reported on the California Association of
Sanitation Agencies (CASA) Legislative Analyst Report regarding
Proposition 1A and methods being explored to obtain property tax monies
from special districts.
No reports.
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No reports.
1) Member Nejedly reported on the February 19, 2008 Budget and Finance
Committee meeting and summarized the Action Summary. There were no
comments from Board Members.
2) President Lucey reported on the February 14, 2008 Outreach Committee
meeting and summarized the Action Summary. He asked that staff look
into a way of recognizing Bill's Ace Hardware for their assistance in
promoting pollution prevention.
3) Member McGill reported on the February 14, 2008 Ad Hoc Code Review
Committee meeting and summarized the Action Summary.
He stated that the February 14 meeting was the last scheduled meeting of
the Committee. The material will be presented to the full Board in three
separate sections and feedback is invited.
He stated that the Committee is recommending that the Code be revised
to delegate authority to the General Manager to accept easements and
other similar routine matters.
He stated that the Committee felt consistency to be important in describing
overflow protection devices, and that overflow protection device was the
preferred name rather than overflow prevention device (OPD).
President Lucey said he would not be supporting the recommendation of
the Committee to make it mandatory to have older homes install OPDs.
4) President Lucey reported on the February 15, 2008 Human Resources
Committee and summarized the Action Summary.
5) Reports on miscellaneous business meetings attended by Board
Member McGill reported on his attendance at the Mayors' Conference, the
Contra Costa Council Water Task Force Committee, and the Home
Builders Association of Northern California meeting.
Member Hockett reported on her attendance at the Pipe Users Group
meeting and commended staff on their presentations at that meeting.
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General Manager James Kelly stated that the District has annexed 243 properties in the
Alhambra Valley. Another 19 properties that could receive sewer service from the
District are located outside the County Urban Limit Line (ULL). Of the 19 properties,
owners of 7 properties are actively interested in connecting to the public sewer system
(3 of the properties are currently developed and 4 undeveloped). These 7 owners have
submitted annexation petitions to the District. LAFCO must approve any annexation to
the District. Generally the District applies for annexations, although individual property
owners could apply for annexations on their own.
Environmental Services Division Manager Curt Swanson presented the staff report on
the policy issues and possible options.
He stated that the 19 properties outside the ULL total 121 acres. Eleven of the 19
properties are developed and 8 are undeveloped. He showed a map of the area in
question. He stated that the properties are within the CCCSD Sphere of Influence
(SOl). County policy is to discourage extension of urban services beyond the ULL.
Property owners could use on-site wastewater systems rather than extend the public
sewer system.
The current ULL was approved by voters in 2006, and will be reviewed by the County
for minor changes in 2011. A comprehensive review will be conducted in 2016. In the
interim, residents can petition the County to change the ULL. Changes of more than 30
acres require voter approval.
He stated that LAFCO has the authority to approve annexations to the District even if
the properties are outside of the ULL. LAFCO will require an environmental review prior
to considering any annexation request. Options are to prepare a negative declaration or
an Environmental Impact Report (EIR). Staff believes that an EIR will be needed to
comply with the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) for annexations that are
outside of the ULL. The cost of an EIR and annexation application would be $10,000-
$30,000 or more.
An alternative to annexation is to request LACO to approve an out-of-agency service
agreement. Out of agency service agreements allow the District to provide sewer
service to properties before formal annexation. The cost of out of agency service
agreements is $3,400 per property.
Mr. Swanson addressed how the costs of the annexation process for the properties
outside of the ULL could be handled. The District could pay these costs initially and
recover the costs from the property owners upon connection to the sewer system.
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Alternatively, CCCSD could require advance payment of some or all of the costs from
the property owners. For individual properties, the District would typically recover
annexation and other costs at the time of sewer connection. He pointed out that there is
no guarantee of LAFCO approval of the annexation request.
Staff is seeking direction on how to proceed with annexation requests. Policy
alternatives include: not taking action until the County changes the ULL; letting the
property owners pursue annexation; pursue annexation of all 19 properties; or pursue
an incremental approach for providing service and annexation. He described a tentative
schedule for preparing an EIR and processing annexation on out of agency service
agreement requests.
General Manager James Kelly stated that moving forward with the out of agency service
agreement may give an indication of LAFCO's future reaction to the annexation request.
Mr. Swanson concluded his report, stating that the suggested approach is to seek out of
agency service agreements for interested, developed properties; to prepare an EIR for
annexation of all 19 properties outside the ULL; and then, once completed, proceeding
with the annexation of properties outside the ULL that desire sewer service. Mr.
Swanson said that the EIR will take 13 months to complete. He stated that there are
three developed properties for which out of agency service agreements could be
pursued now.
He added that properties in question are currently receiving water service from the City
of Martinez.
Ken Andronis, resident of Gordon Way, stated that he is planning on building a house
on his property and asked if he would be eligible for an out of agency service agreement
to allow him to connect to the sewer system.
District Counsel Kent Aim stated that the Board may wish to consider including Mr.
Andronis' request in moving forward with the existing properties.
Art Rolandelli stated that he too is preparing to build on his property, which is being split
in half. He also requested to be included in the application.
In response to a question from Member McGill, District Counsel Kent Aim responded
that out of agency service agreements with undeveloped properties are legally
Mr. Swanson confirmed that agreements go before LAFCO as individual requests. He
also stated that LAFCO generally discourages out of agency service agreements, and
prefers annexation requests.
Member Hockett asked whether, if the zoning allows subdivision of property into 5-acre
parcels, that should be taken into consideration.
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District Counsel Aim responded that, if the Board votes to proceed with an EIR, the
maximum allowable growth will be addressed.
Member Nejedly expressed frustration that the process is not moving along more
quickly and stated that a lot of staff time has been spent on the matter. He stressed that
the District's goal is to provide sewer service, but stated that the residents need to
pursue the annexation individually.
President Lucey stated that, in his opinion, LAFCO is the problem - the District is in
favor of moving ahead. His question is who is going to pay. He stated that the property
owners, rather than ratepayers should pay the price.
In response to question from Member Hockett, Mr. Swanson responded that the District
usually applies to LAFCO for out of agency service agreements instead of individual
property owners. The approximate cost is $3,400 per property. He estimated the total
cost to apply for out of agency service agreements for three developed and two
undeveloped properties to be approximately $14,000. He confirmed that the property
owners themselves could apply for the out of agency service agreement.
President Lucey and Member Nejedly agreed that the estimated cost of $14,000 would
be agreeable.
It was moved by Member Hockett to direct staff to seek LAFCO approval of out of
agency service agreements for the three developed and the two undeveloped properties
with pending development, and advance the fee of approximately $3,400 per property,
which would be reimbursed later through connection and other fees if approved by
In response to a question from Member Menesini regarding the authority of LAFCO,
District Counsel Aim responded that LAFCO has a statutory right to determine which
public agencies can provide service in which areas. Member Menesini stated that he is
concerned that LAFCO has the ability to prevent the District from providing service.
President Lucey seconded the motion. Motion passed by unanimous vote of the Board.
Janet Andronis stated that she feels that some LAFCO members support the proposal
and questioned why they properties were not included in the last ULL change.
President Lucey announced that the Board would take a brief recess.
It was moved by Member Nejedly and seconded by Member Hockett to direct staff to
prepare an EIR for annexation of all 19 properties outside the Urban Limit Line. Motion
passed by the following vote of the Board:
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Hockett, Menesini, Nejedly, Lucey
General Manager James Kelly stated that the Regional Water Quality Control Board
requires an annual report of sanitary sewer system overflows of all agencies in this
Director of Collection System Operations Bill Brennan presented a brief overview,
stating that this is the third year of electronic reporting. He presented comparisons
between the size and number of spills for 2006 and 2007. In 2007, 15 billion gallons of
wastewater was treated and discharged, and 9,508 gallons of untreated wastewater
was not contained. The main cause of overflows, both in 2006 and 2007, was roots,
followed by debris (rags, rocks, paper), grease, and other causes. Orinda had the most
overflows, followed by Walnut Creek and Lafayette.
In summary, overflows in 2007 were up 11 percent from 2006, Mr. Brennan believes
that there is no apparent trend seen for an increase. There were no capacity overflows
in wet weather and no pumping station overflows. Activities undertaken in 2007 include
bringing all but 48 sewer lines to the minimum five-year cleaning cycle, reducing the
backlog from 1,742. the Collection System Operations Department also moved away
from chemical foam root treatment, which produced questionable results. A concerted
effort was made to clean difficult-access lines, the CSO folder backlog was reduced
from 270 to 195 folders, and engineers continue projects to rehabilitate the sewers.
General Manager James Kelly stated that the Board agreed to have two formal reviews
of the monthly financial statements each year, along with receiving the monthly financial
statements in the Board binders on a monthly basis.
Controller Debbie Ratcliff presented the District's financial status for Operations and
Maintenance (O&M).
She described the O&M revenues and expenses for the six months ended December
2007, stating that revenue over expenses amounted to $1,412,136. Actual expenses
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Board Minutes of February 21, 2008
were $24,608,274, compared to the budgeted expenses of $25,831,757. Total
revenues were $21,809,241, compared to budgeted revenues of $21 ,620,588.
For the full 2007-08 fiscal year, projected revenues are $53,336,602, compared to
budgeted revenues of $52,997,900. Projected total revenues are $55,825,126
compared with budgeted revenues of $55,227,035.
She stated that salaries and wages are under budget due to filling open positions in the
second half of the year. Repairs and Maintenance are under budget due to not
implementing an expanded chemical root control program. Outside Services are under
budget because of fewer temporary employees and consulting services used. Hauling
and Disposal is also under budget due to a less expensive disposal site, less grit
removal, and savings from the janitorial contract.
Unfavorable variances include benefits being over budget due to an increase in accrued
compensated absence expense based on last year's trend. Self-insurance expense
was over budget due to an unanticipated substantial claim.
Director of Engineering Ann Farrell presented the mid year status of the Capital
Improvement Program.
She described the projected 2007-08 Capital Program activity, stating that $43.1 million
of expenditures were budgeted and are projected to be $42.0 million. Revenues were
budgeted at $40.5 million, and are expected to be $39.0 million. She reviewed the
Capital Budget by program, and described major projects in the Treatment Plant,
Collection System, General Improvements and the Recycled Water Program.
Member Nejedly requested that staff look into protecting the outfall by installing fencing
or warning notices.
Member McGill announced upcoming meetings and conferences he plans on attending.
The Board recessed at 4:12 p.m. to reconvene in the Caucus Room in Closed Session
a. To confer with Legal Counsel pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9(a):
CCCSD, Plaintiff; vs. Gus Kramer, et aI., Defendants; Case No. C07-02402.
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Board Minutes of February 21, 2008
b. To confer with labor negotiators pursuant to Government Code Section 54957.6.
District Negotiators: Director of Administration Randall Musgraves, Human
Resources Manager Cathryn Freitas
Employee Organization: Public Employees Union Local One
Following the Closed S~ssion, the Board reconvened in the Board Room in open
session at 4:33 p.m.'
No reports.
There being no further business to come before the Board, President Lucey adjourned
the meeting at 4:34 p.m.
' A
Gerald R. L cey
President of the Board of Directors,.
Central Contra Costa Sanitary District,
County of Contra Costa, State of California
Elaine R. Boehme
Secretary of the Central Contra Costa
Sanitary District, County of Contra Costa,
State of California
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