HomeMy WebLinkAboutBOARD MINUTES 01-17-08
The District Board of the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District convened in a special
joint meeting of the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District and Central Contra Costa
Sanitary District Facilities Financing Authority at its regular place of meeting, 5019
Imhoff Place, Martinez, County of Contra Costa, State of California, at 2:00 p.m. on
Thursday, January 17, 2008.
President Pro Tem Hockett called the meeting to order and requested that the Secretary
call roll.
PRESENT: Members: Menesini, Nejedly, Hockett
ABSENT: Members: Lucey, McGill
Board and staff joined in the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.
Board Members welcomed newly-hired Safety Officer Diane Hinson.
There were no public comments.
President Pro Tem Hockett thanked Member Nejedly for his service as President during
2007. It was moved by Member Menesini and seconded by President Pro Tem Hockett
to adopt Resolution 2008-001 memorializing his accomplishments as President. Motion
passed by the following vote of the Board:
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Board Minutes of January 17, 2008
AYES: Members: Menesini, Nejedly, Hockett
NOES: Members: None
ABSENT: Members: Lucey, McGill
General Manager James Kelly announced that the District has received the following
awards. The District and two employees were recognized at the San Francisco Bay
Section Awards Banquet on January 4, 2008.
Collection System of the Year (Over 500 miles) - Central Contra
Costa Sanitary District
Mr. Kelly stated that the Collection Systems Operations Department
received the California Water Environment Association's Collection
System of the Year Award for 2007. Field Operations Superintendent Bill
Echols presented the award to the Board. The District will now be entered
in the State-wide awards competition.
Plant Control System Improvements Central Contra Costa Sanitary
District - Engineering Achievement Award
Mr. Kelly stated that the Board of Directors authorized hardware
purchases and software development for the new Plant Control System in
September of 2005. The system performed remarkably well during the
storm of January 4, 2008. The District has received the 2007 Engineering
Achievement Award for this project. Capital Projects Division Manager
Tad Pilecki presented the award to the Board.
Mechanical Technician of the Year - DeWayne Derrick
Board Members recognized Maintenance Technician III DeWayne Derrick,
who was chosen as the California Water Environment Association (SFBS-
CWEA) Mechanical Technician Person of the Year for 2007.
Certificate of Recognition for Outstanding Leadership Contributions
to the CWEA Safety Committee - Leo Gonzalez
Board Members recognized Leo Gonzalez, who was unable to attend.
It was moved by Member Nejedly and seconded by Member Menesini to adopt the
Consent Calendar as recommended. Motion passed by the following vote of the Board:
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AYES: Members: Menesini, Nejedly, Hockett
NOES: Members: None
ABSENT: Members: Lucey, McGill
a. Approve expenditures dated January 17, 2008. Reviewed by Budget and
Finance Committee.
b. Receive November 2007 Financial Statements. Reviewed by Budget and
Finance Committee.
Member Nejedly, Member of the Budget and Finance Committee, stated that the
Committee requested that that this item be deferred as the Committee has not
yet reviewed the Financial Statements. Board Members concurred with the
c. Approve minutes of November 29, 2007, December 6, 2007 and December 20,
2007 Board Meeting.
d. Adopt Resolution 2008-02 accepting an offer of dedication from Oak Treat Court,
LLC for an easement shown on the recorded final map of Subdivision 8606 in the
Walnut Creek area, accepting Job 5631 - Parcel 1, public sewer improvements,
and authorize staff to record documents with the Contra Costa County Recorder.
e. Adopt Resolution 2008-03 accepting an offer of dedication and public sewer
improvements from Mitchell L. and Anne E. Struthers, South Avenue, Alamo, Job
5635 - Parcel 1, and authorize staff to record documents with the Contra Costa
County Recorder.
f. Adopt Resolution 2008-04 accepting an offer of dedication and public sewer
improvements from Kevin L. and Shannon L. Anderson, South Avenue, Alamo,
Job 5635 - Parcel 2, and authorize staff to record documents with the Contra
Costa County Recorder.
g. Adopt Resolution 2008-05 accepting an offer of dedication and public sewer
improvements from Lee B. and Robin T. Eisan, South Avenue, Alamo, Job 5635
- Parcel 3, and authorize staff to record documents with the Contra Costa County
h. Adopt Resolution 2008-06 accepting an offer of dedication and public sewer
improvements from Jeffrey P. and Holly V. Hollings, South Avenue, Alamo, Job
5635 - Parcel 4, and authorize staff to record documents with the Contra Costa
County Recorder.
i. Adopt a Resolution 2008-07 accepting an offer of dedication and public sewer
improvements from Michael G. Mullery, South Avenue, Alamo, Job 5635 - Parcel
5, and authorize staff to record documents with the Contra Costa County
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j. Adopt a Resolution 2008-08 accepting an offer of dedication and public sewer
improvements from Chetcuti Associates, South Avenue, Alamo, Job 5635 -
Parcel 6, and authorize staff to record documents with the Contra Costa County
k. Adopt Resolution 2008-09 accepting an offer of dedication from Richmond
American Homes of California, Inc. for an easement shown on the recorded final
map of Subdivision 8797 in the City of San Ramon, accepting Job 5829 - Parcel
1, public sewer improvements, and authorize staff to record documents with the
Contra Costa County Recorder.
l. Adopt Resolution 2008-10 accepting an offer of dedication from Shapell
Industries, Inc. for an easement shown on the recorded final map of Subdivision
9005 in the Danville area, accepting Job 5848 - Parcel 2, public sewer
improvements, and authorize staff to record documents with the Contra Costa
County Recorder.
m. Adopt Resolution 2008-11 accepting an offer of dedication and public sewer
improvements from Michael and Gale Macrusky, Alhambra Valley Road,
Martinez, Job 5892 - Parcel 2, and authorize staff to record documents with the
Contra Costa County Recorder.
n. Adopt Resolution 2008-12 accepting an offer of dedication and public sewer
improvements from Gil and Stephanie Brasher, Alhambra Valley Road, Martinez,
Job 5892 - Parcel 3, and authorize staff to record documents with the Contra
Costa County Recorder.
o. Adopt Resolution 2008-13 accepting an offer of dedication and public sewer
improvements from Gil and Stephanie Brasher, Alhambra Valley Road, Martinez,
Job 5892 - Parcel 4, and authorize staff to record documents with the Contra
Costa County Recorder.
p. Adopt Resolution 2008-14 accepting a grant of easement from Lewis T. and
Jeanette M. Brown, Trustees of the Brown Family Trust, District Project 5929 -
Parcel 8, and authorize staff to record documents with the Contra Costa County
q. Adopt Resolution 2008-15 accepting a grant of easement from Sarah Child,
Project 5929 - Parcel 14, and authorize staff to record documents with the Contra
Costa County Recorder.
r. Approve the formation of an Alhambra Valley Assessment District (AVAD) for
properties on Via Vaqueros and Alhambra Valley Road in unincorporated
Martinez for installation of sewer improvements; adopt Resolution of Intention
2008-16 to create Via Vaqueros AVAD No. 2008-7; adopt Resolution 2008-17
approving the boundary of the AVAD; and adopt Resolution 2008-18 requesting
the consent of Contra Costa County for CCCSD to conduct proceedings for the
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s. Adopt Resolution of Application 2008-19 requesting that Contra Costa County
LAFCO initiate proceedings to annex six annexation areas to the District -
Annexation No. 166.
t. Accept the contract work performed by Aztec Consultants, Inc. for the Treatment
Plant Safety Enhancements, Phase 3, District Project 7263, and authorize the
filing of the Notice of Completion.
u. Authorize extension of medical leave of absence without pay for Utility Worker
Maralee Davi through February 14, 2008.
v. Authorize extension of medical leave of absence without pay for Plant Operator II
Ken Hobbs through May 1, 2008.
w. Approve a request for emergency withdrawal of funds from the Deferred
Compensation Plan.
Item 7.a. was taken out of order and heard at this time.
General Manager James Kelly stated that, on December 5, 2007, a feral cat near the
front door of the Headquarters Office Building scratched an employee. The employee
had a severe reaction, requiring medical attention. District management reviewed the
situation and concluded that the feral cats pose a health and safety risk to the public
and employees when entering or leaving the facilities. Relocation of the feral cats was
determined to be the appropriate action.
Director of Administration Randy Musgraves and Communication Services Manager
Michael Scahill agreed to work with two groups, Community Concern for Cats and the
Feral Cat Foundation, to try to resolve the issue. However, the two groups cannot
provide relief for the District’s liability. Management agreed to work with them to
relocate the cats.
Director of Administration Randy Musgraves stated that the staff member lost work time
and filed a Workers Compensation claim as a result of the infected cat scratch. The
plan to relocate the feral cats was announced on December 12, 2007. On December
13, 2007 the Director of Administration and the Communication Services Manager met
with Presidents of Community Concern for Cats (CC4C) and the Feral Cat Foundation
and agreed to work with the Community Concern for Cats to trap, reacclimate and
relocate the cats. So far, one District employee has volunteered for the reacclimation
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On December 20, 2007 Ms. Osendorf of CC4C called the Director of Administration
expressing concern that trapping was taking place. She was assured that that was not
the case. District staff was, however, in the process of retaining a licensed trapping
service but insurance requirements had not been met.
Mr. Musgraves explained that the District has 200 employees, and has approximately
60 daily visitors to the District. There are over 100 evening and weekend students
visiting the facility each week, and several hundred attend plant tours annually. There
are also tenants at the District’s warehouse bays at 4737 Imhoff Place.
Mr. Musgraves concluded his report, stating that the staff recommendation is to
continue working with CC4C, control the location and time of feeding of the feral cats,
move them away from the Headquarters Office Building, and ultimately remove them
from District facilities.
In response to a question from Member Menesini, Mr. Musgraves stated that there is
some fluctuation in the size of the colony, depending upon how many additional cats are
dropped off and how many die from diseases. He stated that he believes there are
approximately three new cats dropped off each year.
President Pro Tem Hockett stated that she has received five speaker cards and asked
that speakers keep their comments to no more than three minutes each.
President of Community Concern for Cats Gemma Osendorf addressed the Board, and
described the role of her organization, which is to spay, neuter, and then return feral
cats to their feeding area. She stated that District employees have had the cats spayed
and neutered, and have found homes for about 40 cats in the past. She urged the
Board to protect the cat colony, stating that her organization will do what they can to
assist and already have a few homes lined up. She asked the Board to vote not to have
the cats trapped and taken to the Shelter.
Estelle Breytmayer, Feral Cat Foundation, addressed the Board in support of the feral
cat colony. She stated that her group will do all they can to help find homes for the cats.
She stated that she would like to see the colony protected and allowed to remain at the
Verlene Leonardo, President of H.A.L.O., stated that the employee who was scratched
must have had an allergic reaction. She urged the Board not to displace the colony,
stating that more cats will come and an ongoing problem will exist.
Julie Linford, Outcast Cat Help, stated that she has personally trapped, spayed and
neutered and returned cats to this colony. She agreed that moving the feeding stations
away from the building would be a good step. She also stated that, due to the District’s
proximity to the Animal Shelter, there will be an unending supply of cats to backfill the
colony. She stated that it is very difficult to relocate feral cats. She urged the Board not
to use a trapper to remove the cats and offered her assistance to address the problem.
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Patricia Sokolski spoke on behalf of Sally Morgan Welch of Friends of the Formerly
Friendless Animal Rescue Network. She read a letter written by Ms. Welch. At the
conclusion of the letter, she asked how an appeal could be filed if she disagreed with
the Board’s action.
District Counsel Kent Alm responded that there is no basis for appeal and the matter will
not appear on a ballot.
Secretary of the District Elaine Boehme reported that the Board received three phone
calls in support of leaving the cats where they are.
Member Nejedly stated that the District has been dealing with the feral cats for a long
time. He expressed his disappointment that the perception appeared to be that the
District was not interested in working to resolve the problem, since this was not true. He
stated that he did not support trapping the cats and taking them to the Shelter, but the
situation had to be addressed for the safety of the public and employees. He stated that
he supports working with the feral cat groups to see what can be done, such as finding
homes for the cats and moving them away from the building.
Ms. Osendorf stated that she understood the District was looking into hiring a trapper.
Member Nejedly responded that the District had to explore and obtain information on all
options but there is no plan to trap the cats.
Member Menesini stated that, while he too has a colony of feral cats in his
neighborhood that he cares for, the District is a government agency that serves the
public and receives many visitors during business hours. He would not want to see any
visitor or employee hurt by a feral cat. He stated that staff has been working to address
the problem.
President Pro Tem Hockett stated that the staff recommendation is to continue to work
with CC4C and any other organization that would like to participate, to move the feeding
away from the building, and ultimately remove the cats from the District. Staff
recommends reevaluating the situation in 2-3 months to see if the approach is working.
Member Nejedly suggested that the feral cat organizations select a lead person to work
with the District. He encouraged them to return to the Board at a future meeting to
provide an update during the Public Comment Period.
Ms. Osendorf confirmed that she will continue working to remove some of the cats.
President Pro Tem Hockett requested that the Board receive the information regarding
actual numbers so that the success of the approach can be measured.
Member Menesini invited the groups to be guest speakers at an upcoming
Environmental Alliance meeting.
It was moved by Member Nejedly and seconded by Member Menesini to direct staff to
continue working with the feral cat organizations to reduce the size of the feral cat
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colony and move the cats away from the Headquarters Office Building, to protect the
safety of the public and employees. Motion passed by the following vote of the Board:
AYES: Members: Menesini, Nejedly, Hockett
NOES: Members: None
ABSENT: Members: Lucey, McGill
The Board took a ten minute recess at 2:57 p.m. and reconvened at 3:07 p.m.
a. General Manager
1) Wet Weather Report.
Director of Collection Systems Operations Director Bill Brennan provided a report
on the January 4, 2008 storm. He stated that many calls were received relating
to storm drains, and six overflows occurred, totaling 980 gallons, two of which
resulted in property damage. Staff checked creek crossings and slides.
Pumping Stations North had no call outs after hours and all major pumping
stations worked as designed. Concord Industrial pumping station had very high
flows, and one pump was plugged by a section of ABS pipe and rags. Pumping
Stations North removed the plug and a diesel-driven pump was delivered to the
site. He described situations at the other pumping stations and stated that
Source Control will be following up on the cause of clogs.
Pumping Stations West had two call outs, and a power failure occurred at
Acacia. There was also a power failure at Bates Boulevard which was
addressed by use of a portable engine generator until power was restored.
Mr. Brennan stated that, overall, the pumping station system responded well to
the rains of January 4, 2008 and the pipeline system kept sewage inside the
pipes, apart from six overflows. CSO staff responded quickly and efficiently to
problems that arose. Staff will continue to review the event to see how
improvements can be made.
Director of Plant Operations Doug Craig reported on the January 4, 2008 storm
event, stating that 3.24 inches of rain fell, which is a 5-10 year event. Rainfall on
January 5, 2008 was 0.56 inches. Gusting winds in some areas reached 100
miles per hour and PG&E suffered multiple power failures in the Bay Area.
Treatment Plant peak wet weather flow was 207 mgd, peak secondary flow was
120 mgd and the peak flow to the basins was 90 mgd. The PG&E power to the
Treatment Plant was lost at 8:04 a.m. but operations continued using
cogeneration. Standby generators were started immediately, and available in-
plant power was approximately 5.2 mw. Power was restored at 2:14 p.m.
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He described in detail the operational difficulties and restrictions caused by the
storm and options for addressing such problems in the future.
In conclusion, there were no air or water violations and staff displayed excellent
teamwork in addressing problems that arose. Roof leaks need to be addressed
and grinders repaired.
2) Update on Plant Control System Improvements and Control Rooms
General Manager James Kelly stated that Senior Engineer Ba Than was unable
to attend the meeting due to a family emergency and the update will be
scheduled on a future agenda.
3) Report on draft letter to LAFCO regarding Municipal Service Review
General Manager James Kelly stated that one of the responsibilities of the
Contra Costa County Local Agency Formation Commission (LAFCO) is to
conduct Municipal Service Reviews every five years. LAFCO recently completed
a draft service review for wastewater service providers in central Contra Costa
County. Staff has reviewed this draft report and has prepared a draft comment
letter to LAFCO that was included in the agenda packet.
Environmental Services Division Manager Curt Swanson described the staff
comments and LAFCO's schedule for completing the service review. He referred
to his memorandum included in the agenda packet, highlighting the main points
of the municipal service review. These include the proposal that CCCSD should
extend service to Sanitation District No. 6 (Stonehurst) of approximately 50
homes; the fact that CCCSD is serving properties that are not currently annexed;
and the proposal to consider amending the CCCSD sphere of influence to
exclude properties outside the County Urban Limit Line.
He stated that the District’s response is that staff had already planned to
eventually serve County Sanitation District No. 6 and facilities have been sized
accordingly. He acknowledged that there was a backlog of annexations during
2008, CCCSD will process annexations of properties not currently annexed.
Staff will seek Board approval of a contract with an engineering firm to assist with
preparing legal descriptions and maps to complete these annexations.
With regard to the proposed sphere of influence revision, he stated that CCCSD
is considering whether to annex up to 19 properties in the Alhambra Valley
outside the Urban Limit Line. These properties are currently within the District’s
sphere of influence, and the District will be asking LAFCO not to amend the
District’s sphere of influence because it would adversely impact these projects.
General Manager James Kelly stated that, with the concurrence of the Board, the
letter will be sent out as written.
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4) General Manager James Kelly announced that, on October 4, 2007, the
Board approved a plan to provide up to three mobile HHW collection
events in 2008 to interested communities in the District’s direct service
area. A letter was sent to City and Solid Waste Managers of the nine
jurisdictions to determine interest for partnering a mobile event in their
community. On December 21, 2007, staff received a request for a mobile
event from the City of San Ramon. The San Ramon event has been
scheduled for Saturday, June 7, 2008. This is the only mobile event
currently scheduled for fiscal year 2007-08. However, there are more
cities that have expressed interest, so one event could be scheduled in
the fall and two more in the spring of fiscal year 2008-09. Staff is
continuing to work with the other cities.
5) General Manager James Kelly announced that a recent advertising
campaign by Kohler Toilet Company demonstrated the flushing power of
their Class 5 Flushing System by promoting the flushing of various items
such as flowers, a rubber duck, dog food, clothing, etc. All of these items
are capable of causing downstream plugs in the sewer lateral and sewer
mains, which could result in sewer overflows.
Assistant Engineer Melody LaBella, Chair of the Bay Area Pollution
Prevention Group, which is a Committee of Bay Area Clean Water
Agencies (BACWA), took the lead in composing a letter to Kohler for
BACWA's signature. The letter requests that Kohler halt their campaign.
BACWA’s Executive Director Michele Pla raised the issue to the State
Summit Partners. The State Summit Partners are comprised of BACWA,
California Association of Sanitation Agencies (CASA), Clean Water
Environmental Agencies (CWEA), Central Valley Clean Water Association
(CVCWA) and Southern California Alliance of Publicly Owned Treatment
Works (SCAP). The State Summit Partners all agreed to be signatories
on the letter.
6) General Manager James Kelly announced that the District was recently
notified that all four of the Plant Operators (Garland Harris, Johnnie
Levingston, Robert Maroon, and Jennifer Muir) who took the State Water
Resources Control Board (SWRCB) Grade II Operator Certification
Examination passed it. Also, Plant Operator III Dave Clayton and Shift
Supervisor Frank Favalora passed the SWRCB Grade IV Examination. In
addition, Utility Worker David Martinez passed the SWRCB Grade I
Examination, and Assistant Engineer Alan Weer passed the Grade V
Examination. In the past two years, 13 Plant Operations Department
(POD) employees have taken and passed 19 certification examinations.
7) General Manager James Kelly announced that Associate Engineer Don
Berger will be traveling to Atlanta, Georgia to attend the Water
Environment Federation (WEF) Membrane Technology Specialty
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Conference from January 27, 2008 through January 30, 2008. The
conference will present the latest research and experience in the design
and operation of membrane treatment systems for wastewater treatment
and water recycling. Attendance at WEF Specialty Conferences is
included in the 2007-08 Engineering Department Training and
Conferences Budget.
Announcements 4-7 were provided as written announcements in the Board
agenda packet.
8) General Manager James Kelly announced that he will be out of the office
January 24-29, 2008 on vacation.
9) General Manager James Kelly announced that the Regional Water Quality
Control Board recently completed the Pretreatment Compliance Audit
(PCA) of the District’s source control program. The PCA is a
comprehensive review to ensure that the District’s source control program
meets all Federal standards. The audit team was complimentary of the
District’s program and will be submitting their findings in two to three
10) General Manager James Kelly announced the upcoming Wellness event
to be held on January 30 and 31, 2008. Spouses of employees and Board
Members are invited to attend.
No reports.
Secretary of the District Elaine Boehme announced that Board Members have received
the semi-annual campaign statements, which are due by January 31, 2008.
1) Member Nejedly reported on the January 14, 2008 Budget and Finance
Committee meeting and summarized the Action Summary.
2) President Pro Tem Hockett reported on the January 4, 2008 Recycled
Water Committee meeting and summarized the Action Summary.
3) President Pro Tem Hockett reported on the January 8, 2008 Ad Hoc Code
Review Committee meeting and summarized the Action Summary.
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4) Member Menesini announced the upcoming Environmental Alliance
meeting to be held on January 28, 2008. Former CCCSD General
Manager Charles Batts will speak on the History of the San Francisco
Estuary Project.
5) President Pro Tem Hockett announced that due to a brief absence from
the Board Room at the December 20, 2007 meeting she was absent for
the vote on the CSO facility project. She stated that she would like the
record to reflect that she supports the project and, had she been present,
would have voted affirmatively.
General Manager James Kelly stated that Board authorization is required for the
General Manager to execute a construction change order in the additive amount of
$116,000 on the North Orinda Sewer Renovations Phase 2.1 Project. There are
adequate funds in the project budget for this change order.
The project drawings required installation of 2,305 lineal feet of 8-inch pipe using the
open cut method. The District bid form, however, provided for payment of only 2,073
lineal feet of pipe. Compensation is required for the additional 232 lineal feet pipe at the
unit bid price of $500 per lineal foot, for a total additional price of $116,000.
It was moved by Member Nejedly and seconded by Member Hockett to authorize the
General Manager to execute a construction contract change order in the amount of
$116,000 with Ranger Pipelines, Inc. on the North Orinda Sewer Renovations, Phase
2.1, District Project 5968. Motion passed by the following vote of the Board:
AYES: Members: Menesini, Nejedly, Hockett
NOES: Members: None
ABSENT: Members: Lucey, McGill
General Manager James Kelly stated that the District’s 2007 National Pollutant
Discharge Elimination System Annual Report has been prepared and is ready for
submission to the California Regional Water Quality Control Board.
Plant Operations Division Manager Randy Grieb presented some highlights of the
report. He stated that the laboratory completed over 15,000 analytical tests in 2007,
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which comprised over 11,000 hours of lab work. The District achieved 100 percent
compliance with the NPDES permit requirements.
Board Members congratulated the laboratory staff on their outstanding work. Member
Menesini requested that a letter be sent to the lab staff expressing the Board’s
It was moved by Member Nejedly and seconded by President Pro Tem Hockett to
accept the 2007 National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System Report. Motion
passed by the following vote of the Board:
AYES: Members: Menesini, Nejedly, Hockett
NOES: Members: None
ABSENT: Members: Lucey, McGill
The Board of Directors of the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District adjourned at 3:57
p.m. to reconvene immediately as the Board of Directors of the Central Contra Costa
Sanitary District Facilities Financing Authority to conduct its Annual Meeting.
Thereafter, the Board reconvened as Central Contra Costa Sanitary District Board of
Directors at 4:00 p.m.
Member Nejedly requested that staff provide an update regarding the County resident
who is trying to obtain sewer service from the City of Concord.
The Board recessed at 4:00 p.m. to reconvene in the Caucus Room in Closed Session
to confer with Legal Counsel pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9(a) –
Existing Litigation – Georgiana McClease, Claim Nos. 2005030670 and 2006047367.
The Closed Session on Item a. on the agenda was not held.
Following the Closed Session, the Board reconvened in the Board Room at 4:05 p.m.
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District Counsel reported that, in the preceding closed session, the Board authorized
settlement, subject by approval by the Workers Compensation Board, of the Workers
Compensation claim by Administrative Secretary Georgiana McClease. The settlement
is in the amount of $25,000; additional payment of a lien by EDD in the amount of
$3,780, and limited future medical liability of $3-6,000, all of which will be paid by
There being no further business to come before the Board, President Pro Tern Hockett
adjourned the meeting at 4:06 p.m.
Gerald R. Lucey
President of the Board of Directors,
Central Contra Costa Sanitary District,
County of Contra Costa, State of California
c:::P ~.fJj Ap..-.e,
Elaine R. Boehme
Secretary of the Central Contra Costa
Sanitary District, County of Contra Costa,
State of California
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