HomeMy WebLinkAboutBOARD MINUTES 06-17-65 1-00 HINUTES OF AN ADJOURNED REGULAR MEETING OF THE DISTRICT BOARD CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT HELD Jffi-JE 17, 1965 The District Board of Central Contra Costa Sanitary District convened in an Adjourned Regular Session at its regular place of meeting located at 1250 Springbrook Road, Walnut Creek, County of Contra Costa, State of California, on June 17,1965, at 8:00 o'clock P.M. The meeting was called to order by President Mitchell. I. ROLL CALL PRESENT: Members: Gibbs, Howard, Roemer and Mitchell ABSENT: Member: Rustigian II. APPROVAL OF MINUTES The rlinutes of the meeting of June 2,1965, were approved as presented. Member llilstigian arrived at 8:05 o'clock P.M. III. APPROVAL OF EXPENDITURES None. IV. BIDS None. V. OLD BUSINESS None. VI. NEvI BUS INESS PROTEST OF P. E. WHITTEN RE SE1'>1ER USE CHARGE Letter from Mr. P. E. lihitten was read, protesting no credit allowed for sewer use charge on the balance of connection charges due. Mr. ~~itten's son stated that Mr. ~mitten thought a portion of the servi..ce charge was to retire the connection charge balance due. Mr. vvhitten was informed that at-the time of connection his father had the option of paying the connection charge in full or paying 10% and a service charge of 1% a month with no credit toward the unpaid balance. Mr. Whitten was informed that his father signed the District form for the service charge option. EXECUTION OF AGREEMENT WITH SOUTHERN PACIFIC Cm1PANY FOR CROSSING NEAR RAMONA WAY, ALAMO, LOCAL IMPROVEHENT DISTRICT NO. uu-3 It was moved by Member Roemer, seconded by Member Rustigian, that the ?resident and Secretary be authorized to execute the crossing agreement with the Southern Pacific Company for crossing near Ramona Way, Alamo, for Local Improvement District No. 44-3. Carried by the following vote: A l'ES : NŒS: ABSENT: Members: Hembers: Members: Gibbs, Rustigian, Howard, Roemer and Mitchell None None 06 1i1 65 ~O1 P.ESOLUTION NO. 1505, APPOINTING STERLING HTI,LER, UTILITY MAN (TECHNICAL) The a9pointment is to replace Michael Winter who left the District. It was moved by Member Rustigian, seconded by Member Howard, that Resolution No. 1505 be adopted. Carried by the following vote: AYF:S: NOES: ABSENT: Members: Members: Members: Gibbs, Rustigian, Howard, Roemer and Mitchell None None EXECUTION OF CONSENT TO DEDICATION OF PUBLIC ROADS, SUBDIVISION 3376 Members of the District Board expressed their concern with the execution of the "Consent to Dedication of Public Roads" agreements. It was moved by Member Howard, seconded by Member Gibbs, that the President and Secretary be authorized to execute the IIConsent to Dedication of Public Roadsll agreement for Subdivision 3376. Carried by the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Members: Members: Members: Gibbs, Rustigian and Howard Roemer and Mitchell None President Mitchell requested that Mr. Bohn, Counsel for the District, prepare a letter for his signature to the County of Contra Costa expressing the concern of the District for having to execute the "Consent to dedication of Public Roads" agreements. SETTLEMENT OF EASEJ'1ENT PARCEL 44-7-1, LEIBER After staff recommendation to settle, it was moved by 1~mber Gibbs, seconded by Member Rustigian, that easement Parcel lt4-7-1 be settled for $300.00. Carried by the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Hembers : :'lember s : Hembers: Gibbs, Rustigian, Howard, Roemer and Mitchell No:le None SETTLENENT OF EASEMENT PARCEL 4t~-2-u After staff recommendation, it was moved by Member Roemer, seconded by Member Rustigian, that easement Parcel 44-2-4 be settled for $75.00. Carried by the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Hembers : Hembers: Members: ACCEPTANCE OF EASEMENTS Gibbs, Rustigian, Howard, Roemer and Mitchell None None It was moved by Member Rustigian, seconded by Member Gibbs, that ease- me:lts from Pearl Elizabeth Herron, ~villiam F. Peterson, Hillia.m B. Freemen, Ray H. Montagne, Thomas C. 11illiamson, Georgia B. Andreasen, Joan Van Ness, Edith Spaulding Garrett, Milo G. Neldam, and Marion L. Sheehan be accepted and their recording ordered. Carried by the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Members: Hembers : Members: Gibbs, Rustigian, Howard, Roemer and Mitchell None None E:ŒCUTION OF EAST PAY MUNICIPAL UTILITY DISTRICT EASE}1ENT AGREE~~NT, T:"tACT 2901 It w"'.s I'lov-ed by NemlJer Rustigian, seconded by Hember Howard, that the President and Secretary be authorized to execute the agreement with East Bay 1funicipa1 Utility District for easement to se~ffi Tract 2901. Carried by the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Members: Hembers: Members: Gibbs, Rust:i.gian, HoHard, Roemer and Hi tche 11 None None 06 17 65 1( ):¿ PAYJ'1BNT OF .JUùGEt1ENT TO CONTRA cæ TA COUNTY FOR ORINDA SE;JER RELOCATION Letter from the County of Contra Costa, requesting payment for OrindA sewer reloca.tion work in the sum:lf $7,728.78 including interest at the rate af 7% from date of original judgement, was presented. The original judgement was in the amount of $7,193.69. It was moved by Member Howard, seconded by Member Gibbs, that the Orinda sewer relocation judgement be paid from Sewer Construction Funds to the County of Contra Costa after checking the accuracy of the interest and approval of Mr. Bohn, Counsel for the District. Carried by the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Mem1:Jers: Members: ~1embers : Gibbs, Rustigian, Howard, Roemer and !fitchel1 None None QUIT CLA ll'1 DEED TO T. M. HOLCOMBE Upon staff recommendation, it was moved by Member Howard, seconded by ~~mber Rustigian, that the President and Secretary be authorized to execute the Quit Claim Deed to T. M. Holcombe for Parcel 29, Local Improvement District No. 44-6. Carried by the follo"ffing vote: AYES: NOES: AmENT: Members: Members: Members: Gibbs, Rustigian, Hm.vard, Roemer and Ì,:itchell None None 3~TTLEJ'11ETJT OF EAS~HENT PARCEL 45-1-2, ROCCO UpO1! staff recommendation, it was moved by Member Gibbs, seconded by r-1ember Howard, that easement Parcel 16-1-2 be settled for $160.00. Carried by the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Members: Members: Members: Gibbs, Rustigian, Howard, Roemer and lfitchel1 None None S1~TTIEMF-,NT OF EASEMENT PARCEL 45-1-8 Upon staff reco;nmendation, it was moved by Nember Gibbs, seconded by J:Iember Howard, that easement Parcel L5-1-e 1::e settled for $130.00. Carried by the following vote. A y¡;'..B : NŒS: ABSENT: Members: Hembers: Hembers: HATTERS FRm~ THE FLOOR Gibbs, Rustigian, Howard, Roemer and 11i tchell None None FæSEARC~I AND DEVELOPMENT PROGRAr: ON SEh'ER PROCESSING PHODLE::S Hr. Dalton, rf'-presenting Hr. Horstkotte, District Manager-Engineer, introduced Dr. Bishop and Hr. Carter from Engineering Scier:ce Co., a private concern doing research and development work on sewer processing proble!1:s under Federal Government grants. IiIr. Carter explained that they had been doiEg this ~Tork in the Bay araB for the past two years and would like to have the District make application fo!' funds and retain them to carryon thiE lrlOrk at the Treatment Plant. l1embers of the District Board discussed the 'Program vn t:1 ~'Tr. Carter at length. NI'. Carter' stated that the applicatior: must be made by July 1, 1965, wtth a final agreement ta be entered into at a later date. 06 17 65 JJt.s !'~r. Bohn, Counsel for the District, stated he saw no objection to making application since any agreer::ents must be considered at a later date if the staff felt it was a worthwhile program. After discussion, it "ras mailed 1::r ~1ember Roemer, seconded by }1em1;er Howard, that the District make application for a grant from the Federal Gov-ernment for a research and development project at the Treatment Plant, subject to the approval of the District staff and District Counsel. Carried by the follov.Ting vote: AYES: ITJES : r1embers: Members: Hembers: Gibbs, Rus1;:.igian, Howard, Roemer and Mitchell None rJone ABSENT: VII. REPORT3 D IS TRIC T f,1ANAGER-ErJG UJEER AUTHORIZATION TO PAY REBATS TO JACK';!. ,sCHROETER Er. Dalton, District Administrative Engineer, representing ~'1r. ~rorstkotte, District Manager-Engineer, referred to his memorandum of June Ô, 1965, recorrùìlending rebate payment of $612.00 to r-fr. Jack ~I. Schroeter for Job 1158 from District funds, due to inequities. I-II'. Dalton explained on the blackboard the two main line extensi ens and the resulting inequity. After discussion, it was moved by Hember Roemer, seconded by Member Gibès, that Hr. Jack 1.rJ. Schroeter be paid $612.00 from Sewer Construction funds ÐS a rebate for Job 1158. Carried by the following vote: AYES: rIœs: Hembers: Members: }1embers : Gibbs, Rustigian, Howard, Roemer and Mitchell None None ABSENT: EERSONNEL STATUS REPORT Mr. Dalton presented a personnel chart requested by the District Board shovring employees as of June 30, 196Lt, and at present ir: all departments along with proposed changes for the fiscal year 1965-66. Mr. Dalton reviewed each department and changes with the District Board. Hr. Dalton stated that charts shov.ring future ,-¡ork anticipated and financial status would be prepared fOl' l'1embers of the Board. STATUS OF TRUNK SE.VERS C AND E }~. Dalton reported that Trunk Sewer E was approximately 60% con~leted. Er. Dalton explained the grade problems in the Trunk Sewer E t,mnel section. Hr. Dalton stated that. relocations as the result of Bay Area Ra-oid Transit District work will require a tunnel in the Orinda area, and the experience ..:ri th the Trunk Sev.rer E tunnel has pointed up the need for a tunnel consultant on this work. r~. Dalton reported that Trunk Sewer C was approximately 60% coT~leted. CITY OF CLAYTON SK\\ŒRTI'JG STUDY Hr. Dalton explained that the City of Clayton studies have 1::een delayed until 1966 as a result of the City of Clayton asking the City of Concord for a report on se,.¡er service from them, which Hr. Dalton stated the management suggested they QO. CITY OF MARTINEZ SE'JER SE:RVICE Hr. Da 1 ton reviewed the study nO1rJ going on to furnish the City of 06 17 65 1_(}4 Hartinez with sewer service costs, ~vhich he stated should include the Ht. View Sanitary District. COUNSEL FOR THE DIS'rRICT STATE LEGISLATION r~. Bohn, Counsel for the District, reported on the State Legislation which was just being concluded. He reported that all the California 3a.nitary 8, Sanitation Districts Association sponsored bills had passed and he expected them to be signed. VIII. ADJOURNMENT At 10:40 o'clock P.M., the meeting was adjourned by President Mitchell to July 1,1965. ----. COUNTER'3IG~lW : ---._-------~::> /- J ~---:;:._----_._' \ /<. . ~ - ,~ry of the District Board of the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District of Contra Costa County, State of California 06 1'1 65