HomeMy WebLinkAboutBOARD MINUTES 11-19-64 18 HINUTES OF AN ADJOURNED REGULAR HEETING OF THE DISTRICT BOARD CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT HELD NOVElvlBER 19, 1964 The District Board of Central Contra Costa Sanitary District convened in an Adjourned Regular Session at its regular place of meeting located at 1250 Springbrook Road, Walnut Creek, County of Contra Costa, State of California, on November 19,1964, at 8:00 o'clock P.M. The meeting was called to order by President Mitchell. 1. ROLL CALL PRESENT: Members: Howard, Roemer and Mitchell ABSENT: Members: Gibbs, and Rustigian II. APPROVAL OF MINUTES It was moved by Member Roemer, seconded by Member Howard, that the Minutes of the meeting of November 5,1964, be approved subject to the following additions under "VI. NEW BUS INESS, STATE HIGHWAY SEWER RELOCA- TION IX" presented by President Nitchell: Prior to the motion shal] be added: "}'resident Hitchell asked if this completed District financing commitments for Line G construction. "lvœ. Hors tkot te s ta ted this did so unless later commitments are made by the District Board, it being anticipated that all further development would be by private financing through direct construction or watershed charges." Motion approving and amending Minutes carried by the following vote: AYES : NOES: ABSENT: Hembers: l'Iembers: Members: Howard, Roemer and Mitchell None Gibbs and Rustigian III. APPROVAL OF EXPENDITURES None. IV. BIDS None. V. OLD BUSINESS P.EQUEST OF ROSSMOOR CORPORATION FOR BOARD DETERHlNATION OF INTENT OF CONTRACT RELATING TO CERTAIN CHARGES President Mitchel1 stated that he had checked and found nothing that would disagree with the statement of Rossmoor Corporation in their letter to the District Board dated November 4,1964. After discussion, it was moved by Nember Roemer, seconded by 111ember Howard, that charges for laundry outlets in the Rossmoor project be $135.00, the charge in effect at the time the agreement was made, and any necessary charges in the agreement and District Code be made. Carried by the following vote: AYES : NOES: ABSENT: Members: lViembers: Hembers: Howard, Roemer and Mitchell None Gibbs and Rustigian 11 19 64 . ~j Member Rustigian arrived at 8:15 o'clock P.M. V1. NElrJ BUS lNESS REBATE RIGHTS TO BE CHARGED TO LOCAL H1PROVEMENT DISTRICTS Mr. Horstkotte, District Manager-Engineer, referred to the memorandum to the District Board dated November 16,1964, setting forth certain rebate accounts to be paid from Assessment District funds as these lines will now serve the Local Improvement Districts. Mr. Horstkotte stated that the District was obtaining two easements from Mr. Garibaldi in Tract 2793 who installed a rebate line, and requested that Mr. Garibaldi be paid his rebate rights in the sum of $438.96 as the properties that will be responsible for the pa~nents will now be a part of proposed Local Improvement District No. 44. It was moved by Member Howard, seconded by Member Rustigian, that Mr. Garibaldi be paid his rebate funds in the amount of $438.96 due from Tract 2793 at the time the two easements requested of him are obtained. Carried by the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Membe rs : Members: Hember: Rustigian, Howard, Roemer and Mitchell None Gibbs It was moved by Member Howard, seconded by Member Rustigian, that the following rebate amounts set forth in the memorandum to the District Board dated November 16,1964, be charged to Local Improvement District No. 43 and paid when bonds to cover the assessments have been sold: Local Improvement District No. 43-1 Job 116, Foothill Park Job 665, Foothill Park Extension $3,703.38 806.00 local Improvement District No. L3-5 Job 746, Stone Valley Road 9,310.00 Carried by the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Hembers: Nembers: Nember: Rustigian, Howard, Roemer and Mitchell None Gibbs It was moved by Nember Howard, seconded by Hember Rustigian, that the following rebate accounts be charged to Local Improvement District No. 44 when the final amounts have been determined: Estimated Amount Local Improvement District No. 44 (PSA 6) Job 570 (1), Quinterra $ 870.00 Local Improvement District No. 44 (PSA 11) Job 660, Laurenita Job 680, Ramona Ì/Jay Job 7h9, Francisca 1,¡lay $ 932.00 1,406.00 1,332.00 $ 565.00 Local Improvement District No. 44 (PSA 13) Job 447, Valle Vista Heights Local Improvement District No. 44 (PSA 16) Job 792, Happy Valley Road Job 1.rSr:'" Happy Valley Road 11 19 64 20 Local Improvement District No. 4!1 (PSA 31.1) Job 746, Stone Valley Road $1,330.00 Carried by the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: , Members: Members: Member: Rustigian, Howard, Roemer and Hitchel] None Gibbs REQUEST OF t1.G.M. CONSTRUCTION CO. FOR EXTENSION OF TIME ON LOCAL IMPROVENENT DISTRICT NO. u;-5 CONTRACT Letter dated November 12,1964, from M.G.M. Construction Co., requesting extension of time on Local Improvement District No. 43-5 contract, presented. The District Board ordered the letter filed with no action at this time. ACCEPTANCE OF EASEMENTS It was moved by Member Roemer, seconded by Hember Howard, that easements from Russell J. Bruzzone, Gilbert H. Young and Fahridin Nushi be accepted and their recording ordered. Carried by the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Hembers: Members: Hember: Rustigian, Howard, Roemer and Mitchell None Gibbs APPLICATION FOR RATE INCREASE BY GARBAGE COLIECTORS FRANCHISED BY THE DISTRICT Mr. Edward S. Ageno presented an application dated November 15,1964, on behalf of the garbage collectors, requesting an interim rate adjustment subject to adjustment at the end of the calendar year 1965 based on quarterly operating reports to be submitted by each contractor in accordance with uniform accounting procedures developed by Mr. Ewert, District Auditor, and Mr. Edward S. Ageno, after discussions with the staff of the District. After presentation by Mr. A~eno and discussion by Members of the District Board, it was determined to hold a public hearing on December 17,1964, the hearing to be given publicity by press release and paid advertisements. President Mitchell suggested that Mr. Ewert, Auditor for the District, be completely familiarized with the problem. VIr. REPORTS DISTRICT MANAGER-ENGINEER REH1BUHSENENT FOR COST OF REVERSING HOUSE PIlJMBING Mr. Horstkotte, District Manager-Engineer, reported that Mr. J. M. Campbell \vas assessed in Local Improvement District No. 43 and when it came time to connect he could not obtain gravity service without reversing the plumbing in his home; this was done at a cost of $352.20. Mr. Hostkotte recommended that Mr. Campbell be paid this amount as he had received a full assessment; the $352.20 to be charged to Local Improvement District No. 43. It was moved by Hember Rustigian, seconded by Member Roemer, that Hr. J. M. Campbell be paid $352.20 for the expense of having his house plumbing reversed in order to obtain gravity service to the sewer for which he had been assessed a full unit. Carried by the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT : Members: Members: Nember: Rustigian, Howard, Roemer and Mitchell None Gibbs ).1 19 64 21 STATUS OF JOBS Mr. Horstkotte reported that District Sewering Project 1137 was completed, Treatment Plant Enlargement - 1964 work was progressing satisfactorily, and Local Improvement District No. 43-5 should be com- cleted in about one week. WATERSHED TRU~1J\ SE';JER, LOCAL IMPROVEVLENT DISTRICT NO. tiLL, PSA 16 . Mr. Horstkotte stateð that in order to proceed with PSA 16, Local Improvement District No. hh Assessment District, it would be necessary to establish Happy Valley as a secondary ,..¡atershed trunk area (W.S. 22) and to extend the e:Üsting trunk sewer through certain properties that will not participate in the Assessment District. The estimated cost is $63,000.00; watershed charges from Local Improvement District No. LIt Assessment District will return a portion of this sum. The Board approved the Watershed 22 plan with a unit charge of $100.00 per site or unit. Mr. Horstkotte reported that the staff had been unable to come to agreements for sewer easements for Parcel 5, Curran, and Parcel 10, Duling, of Line E and requested authorization to file condemnation action. RESOLUTION NO. 1459, AUTHORIZING CQlIjIJEJV..NATION OF EASE¥ŒNT PARCEIS 5 AND 10 OF LINE E It was moved by Member Roemer, seconded by Member Howard, that Resolution No. 1459 be adopted. Carried by the following vote: AYES: NOES : ABSENT: l'1embers : Members: Hembers: Rustigian, Howard, Roemer and Mitchell None Gibbs EXPENSES FOR ATTE~'DANCE AT CALIFORNIA SANITARY & SANITATION DISTRICTS' ASSOCIATION EXCUTIVE COHHITTEE MEETING Hr. Horstyotte reQuested $30.00 plus transportation costs for Ivir. BonD. Counsel for the District, for his attendance at the California 3anitary 8, Sanitation Districts' Association Executive Committee meeting at Monterey on October 31,1964. It vJas moved by hember Howard, seconded by Hember Rustigian, that Nr. Hohn, Counsel for the District, be paid $.30.00 plus transportation costs for his attendance at the California Sanitary & Sanitation Districts I Association Executive Committee meeting at Nonterey on October 31, 1964. Carried by the following vote: AYES : NOES: ABSENT: l"lembers : Nembers : Hember: Rustigian, Howard, Roemer and Mitchell None Gibbs COUNSEL FOR THE DISTRICT FINAL REPORT RE RELOCATION OF FACIlITmS Mr. Boh~, Counsel for the District, stated that the final report relative to the relocation of District facilities would be ready in December. VIII. ADJOURNHENT At 10:25 o'clock P.M., the meeting was adjourned by President Mitchell to December 3,1964. COD NTEHSIGNEIT:::-.;.- --;. .~ ;;;.;;;:;;;; '~~.. ~- Sec~;}r of the District Board 0 the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District of Contra Costa County, State of California Pres dent t e istrict Board of the ~--'-- Central Co ra Costa Sanitary District of Contra Costa County, State of California 11 19 64