HomeMy WebLinkAboutBOARD MINUTES 11-05-64 .., 9. MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE DISTRICT BOARD CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT fŒLD NOVEMBER 5, 19611 The District Board of Central Contra Costa Sanitary District convened in a Regular Session at its regular place of rooeting located at 1250 Springbrook Road, Walnut Creek, County of Contra Costa, State of Ca1iîor'!Üa, on November 5, 1964, at 8:00 o'cloc}: P.H. The meeting was called to order by President Mitchell. 1. ROLL CALL PRESENT : I1embers: Gibbs, Rustigian, Howard, Roemer and Mitchell ABSENT: lVlembers : None II. APPROVAL OF IvIINUTES The Minutes of the meeting of October 15,1964, were approved as prese~t€d. III. APPROVAL OF EXPENDITURES It was moved by M'?'1'!her Rustigian, seconded by Hember Roemer, that the expenditures, as audited by the Auditing Committee and as submitted by the District Manager-Engineer, be approved, reference being specifically made to Sewer Construction Vouchers Numbers 1834 to 1851, inclusive, and Running Expense Vouchers Numbers 5132 to 5333, inclusive. Carried by the fo1Joi-JÌng vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: !1embers : Members: Members: Gibbs, Rustigian, Howard, Roemer and Mitchell None None IV. BIDS Gi'.SOLIlili POvlERED CRAWIER TRACTŒì "lITH ACCESSORIES Bid opened at 2:00 o'clock P.M. November 11,19611, was presented as follows: Hill Tractor, Inc. $7,878.16 Mr. Horstkotte reported that only one bid had been received and reco~~ended acceptance. The amount provided in the 1964-65 Budget was $10,500.00. It was moved by Member Gibbs, seconded by Member Howard, that the bid of Hill Tractor, Inc. be accepted for the John Deere Gasoline Po\-Tered Crawler Tractor with accessories on their low bid of $7,878.16 after an allowance of $2,500.00 for trade in. Carried by the following vote: AYES : Members: Gibbs, Rustigian, Howard, Roemer and Mitchell NOES: Members: None AB'3ENT: Nembers: None v. OLD BUSINESS MODIFICATION OF BOUrIDARY FOR DISTRICT ANNEY~TION #10 Mr. Horstkotte, District Manager-Engineer, presented a map showing the nF>I,T houndaries for District. Annexation #10 and stated that the modifjr:'~t;,,'1 had been approved by the Boundary CorIDlission and the Local Agency Formation Commission. A letter from Fred L. Donahue and Ruth 11. Donahue, protesting inclusion of 12 acres in District Annexation if10, was presented. 11 05 64 1'~ Mr. Horstkotte stated that the Donahue property was included in the annexation by the modification but would be receiving service along 1>JÌth other properties requesting inclusion and, for this reason, would benefit and could not be left out of the annexation. Hr. Horstkotte stated that the legal tir.1e for protests is at the Hearing to be held and nol noìÑ. It was moved by JvIember Roemer, seconded by Hember Howard, that the modifi- cation of District Annexation #10 boundaries be approved as submitted. Carried by the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: l'lembers: l"lembers: l'ilembers : Gibbs, Rustigian, Howard, Roemer and Mitchell None None VI. NE\J BU S II-JESS DISCUSSION fiE REDUCED ASSESSIvlENTS IN LOCAL I1'1PROVEl'ÆNT DISTRICT NO. 44 Mr. Horstkotte, District Manager-Engineer, stated that information pertinent to the discussion of reduced assessments in Local Improvement District No. 44 was sent to each Board Member. President Hitchel1 and þ-lember Gibbs stated that the Board Ehould deter- mine a general policy for assessing in assessment districts and not on an individual basis. Member Roemer stated that he had visited the properties and had dis- cussed the problem with Mr. Horstkotte and the property owners and felt the District .muld be establishing a precedent in going along with the proposed reduced assessment plan. He further stated that he did not feel that District funds could be used for the benefit of a few. After discussion with the property owners in the audience, President Mitchell stated that from the conclusions reached the staff should proceed to assess Iocal Improvement District No. 44 in the normal manner. COREllibPOND.c.NCE FROE SMillEL L. HOUJES HE EASEIvlENT CONDEMNATION, JOB 1119 Corr'espondence from Samuel L. Holmes re easement condemnation, Job lll9, was presented. Mr. Horstkotte, District Manager-Engineer, explained that Milton and Russell Bruzzone were demanding $250.00 for the easement requested and the District staff felt this was reasonable. Mr. Holmes agreed to the payment of $250.00 and, with the help of the District staff, will proceed to acquire the easement. PROTEST BY OwNER OF LOCATION OF EAS~lTNT PARCEL 10, LINE E r~. Horstkotte, District Manager-Engineer, presented maps showing the location of easement ParcellO of Line E owned by Mr. Duling. Hr. Horstkotte explained the original location and the present location showing why it could not be moved off of the Duling parcel to his neighbor's. Mr. Duling protested the location because of the trees that would have to be destroyed. Mr. Horstkotte presented pictures of the two apricot trees, several popular trees, pear tree and oleander plants that ~ould be destroyed. . After rliscussion, it was moved by Member Roemer, seconded by Member Ho~ard, that the ease~ent Parcel 10, Line E, matter be referred to the District st~f~ to work out an agreernentv.fÌth Hr. Duling as to present location on the onglnally planned location. Carried b;JT the fo2.1ovdng vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Hembers: Members: Members: Gibbs, Hus tigiar;, Ìio1ríarè, Roe me I' and Nitchell None None 11 05 64 -14 SETTLEMENT OF EASEMENT PARCEL 4, JOB 1139 Mr. Horstkotte, District Manager-EngiDeer, stated that easement Parcel 4 of Job 1139 can be settled for $75.00. The $75.00 is for small trees and shrubs that will be destroyed with no cost for the easement itself. Mr. Horstkotte further stated that Job 1139 is a contract the District has to do the engineering, acquire the rights of way and award the contract for the San Ramon Valley High School District which is paying all costs. It was moved by Member Roemer, seconded by Hember Howard, that the easement from Thomas Chattock be accepted, its recording be ordered, and the payment of $75.00 be authorized. Carried by the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Members: Hembers: Nembers: Gibbs, Rustigian, Howard, Roemer and IVlitchell None None REQUEST OF TITLE INSURANCE & TRUST CO. FOR QUIT CLAIM DEED TO CONTRA COSTA COUNTY ìlALNUT GRO\tlER"S ASSOCIATION Mr. Horstkotte, District Manager-Engineer, explained that the Quit Claim Deed requested is for a temporary easement the District acquired for use during the period of construction in Line A and is no longer needed. The language of the temporary easement prepared by the Grantor's attorney indicated a use beyond the construction period. RESOLUTION NO. J1S8, A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE PRESIDENT AND SECRE'l'AHY TO EXECUTE THE QUIT CLAIM DEED TO THE CONTRA COSTA COUNTY WALNUT GROWERS ' ASSOCIATION Upon the recommendation of Mr. Horstkotte, it was moved by Nember Gibbs, seconded by Nember Rustigian, that Resolution No. l1158 be adopted. Carried by the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSElI.'T : Members: Hembers: Members: Gibbs, Rustigian, Howard, Roemer and Mitchell None None ACCEPTANCE OF EASEMENTS It ",¡as moved by Member Rustigian, seconded by Member Howard, that easements from Blaise Russo, Florence E. Purèue, James E. Funkhouser, John C. Fauver, Fuller & Eyman, Theodore S. Ockels and i'lore 1 anc' B. Falkell be accepted and their recording ordered. Carried by the I<Ùl.md.ng vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Hembers: Hembers: Nembers: Gibbs, Rustigian, Howard, Roemer and Mitchell None None STATE HIGHWAY SEylER RELOCATION IX Hr. Horstkotte, District Manager-Engineer, stated that the State is receiving bids for highway work between Danville and San Ramon and it is necessary for the District to complete certain work prior to the State highway Hork. The total cost of the Hark is estimated to be $70,786.00 of which the State is to pay $22,550.00, the balance to be paid by the District which is for improvement of District facilities. lVlr. Horstkotte requested approval of the plans and specifications and authorization to call for bids for State Highway Sewer Relocation IX. President Mitchell asked if this completed District financing commitments for Line G construction. 11 05 64 15 Mr. Horstkotte stated this did so uLless later commitments are made by the District Board, it being anticipated that all further development would be by private financing through direct construction or watershed charges. It ,'Tas moved by Member Gibbs, seconded by ¡V¡ember Rustigian, that plans and specifications for State Highway Sewer Relocation IX be approved and the call for bids be authorized. Carried by the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Members: Hembers: Hembers: Gibbs, Rustigian, Howard, Roemer and Mitchel] None None ~ HEQUEST OF ROSSHOOR CORPORATION FOR A BOARD DETERMINATION OF INTENT OF CONTRACT RELATING TO CERTAIN CHARGES Mr. Horstkotte, District Manager-Engineer, stated that Rossmoor Corporation has protested a billing of $250.00 for each laundry machine under the commercial rate provided in the District Code. Rossmoor Corporation claims the charge of $135.00 under Ordinance 33 at the time the agreement was signed is the proper charge. They claim that the charges prevailing at the time the agreement was signed were permanent for the life of the project because it was on this basis their financing was arranged. After discussion, President Mitchell continued the matter for decision at the November 19,1964, meeting. Mr. Bohn, Counsel for the District, stated that if the Rossmoor Corporation protest is granted the contract and District Code may have to be amended. CORRESPONDENCE FROH H. E. Me NAMER, AUDITOR-CONTROLIER FOR CONTRA COSTA COUNTY Hr. Horstkotte, District Nanager-Engineer, reported that the County has required a more detailed report from Special Districts in reporting on the County retirement contributions. In order to avoid problems that may arise from errors in the report, they have requested that the Districts authorize a bookkeeping entry by the County after checking the reports for the sums due rather than Districts sending their warrants along with the report, as atpresent. Upon the recO!mnendation of Mr. Horstkotte, it was moved by Ivlember Hoi-¡ard, seconded by lVlember Rustigian, that the President and ti-JO Board Nembers be authorized to execute the "Continuing Payment Order" requested by H. E. NcNamer, Auditor-Controller of Contra Costa County, in his letter of November h, 1964. Carried by the folloHing vote: AYES : NOES: ABSEl'J"T : Nembers: Members: Hembers: Gibbs, Rustigian, Howard, Roemer and Mitchell None None hATTERS FROB THE FLOOR Members of the District Board discussed answers to the County Taxpayers' Association and the Contra Costa Times relative to publicity on the recent appointments to fill vacancies on the District Board. After discussion, letters to the County Taxpayers' Association and the Contra Cos ta Times ,¡,ere aDDroven. VII. REPORTS DloTRICT L.i.d\nGLR-~ì~GINE~R AUTHOHIZATION FOE INSTALLATION OF SIX HANHOLES Mr. Horstkotte, District Manager-Engineer, requested authorization to insU;J ~.' . ¡,anholes on the District system at a cost of $2,400.00 frem Sewer Construction Funds. 11 0'5 64 16 It was moved by ll!ìember Gibbs, seconded by Hember Rm;tigian, that $2,1100.00 from Sewer Construction Funds be authorized to install six manholes on the District system. Carried by the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Ivlembers: Hembers: Hembers: Gibbs, Rustigian, Howard, Roemer and Mitchell None None AUTHORIZATION TO RELOCATE LINE OFF SlEEPY HOLUM LANE Hr. Horstkotte, District Manager-Engineer, requested $2 ,2uO. 00 from Sev:er Construction Funds to relocate a line off Sleepy Hollow Lane due to a slide in the area several years ago. It Has moved by Nember Gibbs, seconded by Member Rustigian, that $2,2110.00 be authorized from Sewer Construction Funds to relocate a sewer line off Sleepy Hollow Lane. Carried by the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Members: Members: Members: Gibbs, Rustigian, Howara, Roemer and Mitchell None None STATUS OF hTORK IN LOCAL IHPRO'\TEr-Œ~rr DISTRICT NO. 113-5 Hr. Horstkotte reported that Local Improvement District No. 113-5 is about complete. AUTHOHIZATION FOR PIPE TESTING Mr. Horstkotte requested authorization to spend $600.00 from Sewer Construc- tion Funds for testing clay pipe vs. asbestos pipe. After an explanation, it was moved by Hember Gibbs, seconded by Member Howard, that $600.00 be authorized from Sewer Construction Funds for testing clay sewer pipe VB. asbestos sewer pipe. Carried by the following vote: AYES: NOES : ABSENT: Hembers : Hembers: Hembers: Gibbs, Rustigian, Howard, Roemer and Mitchell None None COD NSEL FOR THE DISTRICT EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE l"lEETING, CALIFORNIA SANITARY & SANITATION DISTRICTS ASSOCIATION Mr. Bohn Counsel for the District, stated that he attended the recent Executive Committee meeting of the California Sanitary & Sanitation Districts' Association. Nr. Bohn reported on the meeting and requested expenses. PRELHUNARY REPORT ON FORCED SET..JER RELOCATIONS Hr. Bohn submitted a preliminary report on the research done on the problem of forced sewer relocations with a final report expected in December. He reported that he was asked to represent the California Sanitary &: Sanitation Districts' Association at the 1965 State Legislature. . 11 05 64 VIII . ADJOURNMEN"T At 11:10 o'clock P.N., the meeting was adjourned by President Mitchell to November 19, 19611. , Pres dent 0 the District Board of the I Central C ntra Costa Sanitary District of Contra Costa County, State of California COD N'I'ERS IGNED: _.~:~~.7' ,.j ~/-:::: ) / ¿ ---'--'----- 4-:r"":- . ... ...---..........::::::::: "-.c'-' ..~ ,--~ s~~ of the District Board of the Central ontra Costa Sanitary District of Contra Costa County, State of California 11 05 17 64