HomeMy WebLinkAboutBOARD MINUTES 12-06-62 .1~ MINUTES OF A REGUIJi.R IvIEETING OF THE DISTRICT BOARD CENTRAL COI\TTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT HELD DECEMBER 6,1962 The District Board of Central Contra Costa Sanitary District convened in a Regular Session at its regular place of meeting located at 1250 Spring- brook Road, Walnut Creek, County of Contra Costa, State of California, on December 6,1962, at 8:00 o'clock P.M. The meeting was called to order by President Nitchell. I. ROLL CALL PRESENT: Members: Gibbs, Roemer, Bowman and Mitchell ABSENT: Member: Fisher II. APPROVAL OF MINUTES The Minutes of the meeting of November 15,1962, were approved as presented. III. APPROVAL OF EXPENDITURES It was moved by Member Gibbs, seconded by Member Bowman, that the expendi- tures, as audited by the Auditing Committee and as submitted by the District Manager-Engineer, be approved, reference being specifically made to Sewer Construction Vouchers Numbers 1496 to 1516, inclusive, and Running Expense Vouchers Numbers 693 to 857, inclusive. Carried by the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Members: Nembers: Member: Gibbs, Roemer, Bowman and Mitchell None Fisher IV. BIDS None. V. OLD BUSINESS POLICY ESTABLISHING El'IPLOYEES' LENGTH OF SERVICE (TEffiJiINATING AND RE-ENPLOYED, MILITARY LEAVE AND LEAVE OF ABSENCE) Member Gibbs stated that he investigated further the policies of other public agencies and recommended the following policy for the District: 1. An employee laid off for lack of work, and rehired later, shall be credited with the amount of service he or she had at the time of lay-off, regardless of the length of time he or she is off work. 2. An employee who resigns or is discharged for reasons ether than lack of work shall be credited with the amount of service he or she had at the time of termination only if he or she is rehired within six months. If he or she is off longer than six months, he or she shall receive no credit. The formula submitted by Member Gibbs was approved by Members of the Board and they directed that a Resolution be prepared, setting forth the policy recommended. LAFAYETTE CHRISTIAN CHURCH EASEYlEN'T Mr. Horstkotte, District Manager-Engineer, stated that he had reviewed with Mr. Bohn, Counsel for the District, the request of the Lafayette Christian Church for an easement over the old Sacramento Northern Railway right of way near Burton Station, Lafayette, now owned by the District. He stated that there were no engineering objections so long as the District could, in the future, have full use of the property if District requirements should so dictate. 12 06 62 ;lel Member Roemer stated that he had spent considerable time in the past week in discussing the problem with both sides. He stated that any easement granted to the Lafayette Christian Church should be subject to present and future needs of the District. After discussion, it was moved by Member Roemer, seconded by Member Gibbs, that the President and Secretary be authorized to execute an easement agreement with the Lafayette Christian Church subject to the approval of Mr. Bohn, Counsel for the District. Carried by the following vote: AYES: NOES : ABSENT: Nembers: Hembers: Hember: Gibbs, Roemer, Bowman and Mitchell None Fisher WAL~1JT KNOLLS IHPROVENENT ASSOCIATION CIAni Mr. Horstkotte, District Manager-Engineer, explained the claim of the Walnut Knolls Improvement Association as a result of sewer backup and overflow into their swimming pool on two separate occasions. Mr. Horstkotte reviewed the correspondence between the District and the Walnut Knolls Improvement Association. He recommended that the two claims in the sum of $314.09 be paid after a signed release, to be prepared by Mr. Bohn, Counsel for the District, has been received. It was moved by Member Roemer, seconded by Member Bo~~an, that the Walnut Knolls Improvement Association claim in the amount of $3l4.09 be paid when a signed release, to be prepared by Mr. Bohn, Counsel for the District, has been received. Carried by the following vote: AYES : NOES : ABSENT: Hembers: Members: Member: Gibbs, Roemer, Bowman and Mitchell None Fisher VI. NEd BUSINESS AUTHORIZE PURCPJ"SE OF .2 ACRE AT THEA'rrvŒNT PLANT SITE Mr. Horstkotte, District Manager-Engineer, stated that the Flood Control District did not take as wide a strip along Grayson Creek as expected, which left a narrow strip separating the 14 acres and Grayson Creek, and recommended purchase of the .2 acre at the same price as was paid for the 14 acres ($2,200.00) or a cost of $440.00 for the .2 acre, which will give the District access to the creek. It was moved by Member Gibbs, seconded by Member Roemer, that .2 acre be purchased at the Treatment Plant site for $440.00 from Sewer Construction Expansion Funds. Carried by the following vote: AYES: Members: Gibbs, Roemer, Bowman and Mitchell NOES: I1embers: None ABSENT: Member: Fisher QUIT CLAIH DEED TO V. P. BAKER, ET AL Mr. Horstkotte, District Manager-Engineer, explained that the District wished to Quit Clabn the 14 acres purchased from V. P. Baker, et a1, and take a new deed for 14.2 acres to be recorded after the Quit Claim Deed. It was moved by Member Gibbs, seconded by Member Bowman, that the President and Secretary be authorized to execute the Quit Claim Deed to V. P. Baker, et aI, to be recordeò when the District has the new deed to 14.2 acres. Carried by the folJ ovJÌng vote: AYES: NOES : ABSENT: l'iembers : l'1embers : Member: Gibbs, Roemer, Bowman and Mitchell None Fisher liESCLU'I'ION NO. l346, ESTABLISHING ELIGIBLE LIST FOR RECEPTIONIST CLERK-TYPIST AND APPOINTING JANICE FROST It was moved by Member Roemer, seconded by Member Bowman, that Resolution No. l346 be adopted. Carried by the follO1..ring vote: 12 06 62 AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Hembers: Hembers: Hember: :1.5 Gibbs, Roemer, Bowman and Mitchell None Fisher QUIT CLAll'l DEED TO LYNN BENOLIEL LANE Mr. Horstkotte, District Manager-Engineer, stated that the Quit Claim Deed is a result of relocating the Carmel Drive sewer. It was moved by Member Gibbs, seconded by Member Roen~r, that the President and Secretary be authorized to execute the Quit Claim Deed to Lynn Benoliel Lane. Carried by the following vote: AYES : NOES: ABSENT: ¡':iembers: Members: Member: Gibbs, Roemer, Bov.rman and Ni tchell None Fisher QUIT CLAm DEED TO WALTER PETERSON, ET AL Mr. Horstkotte, District Manager-Engineer, explained that the Quit Claim Deed was to correct an error in the description in the original easement. It vTaS moved by Member Gibbs, seconded by Member Bowma.n, that the President anò Sbcretar;y be authorized to execute the QuitClaim Deed to l'lal ter Peterson, et ale Carried by the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Hembers: Hembers: Hember: Gibbs, Roemer, Bowman and Mitchell None Fisher CLAm OF THEODORE F. 11ATTHIESEN Hr. Horstkotte, District Hanager-Engineer, explained that the claim of Br. Ha tthiesen in the sum of $80.00 viaS the re~::u1 t of a sewer stoppage and overflow in his hoæe. The District's insurance carrier and the District staff reconunended payment. It was moved by Member Roemer, seconded by Member Gibbs, that the claim of Mr. Theodore P. Matthiesen in the sum of $80.00 be paid upon receipt of a signed Release in Full Settlement and Compromise. Carried by the following vote: Al'ES : NCES : ABSE!IJ"T : Hembers: Nembe rs : Iviember: Gibbs, Roemer, Bowman and Mitchell None Fishel' STATE UTILITIES AGHED:ENT FOR TRUNK Sffi-ŒR G, SECTIONS 1l THRU l7 Mr. Horstkotte, District Manager-Engineer, explained that the State was to pay an estimated $2,300.00 for facilities in Trunk Sewer G, Sections 11 Thru 17. It was moved by I~ember Bo~man, seconded by Member Gibbs, that the President and Secretary be authorized to execute the Utilities Agreement with the State for facilities in Trunk Sewer G, Sections II Thru 17. Carried by the following vote: AYES: NOES : ABSENT: Nembers: 11embers: liember: Gibbs, Roemer, Bo,'Jman anò Hi tchell None Fisher riGREEhENT ,lITH CONTRA COSTA COUNTY FOR COLLECTION OF DELINQUENT SERVICE CHJ.HGES ON THE TAX HOLL It was moved by l:ember Hoemer, seconcied by Nember Bowman, that the Presiåent and Secretary be authorized to execute the Agreement 1.;1 th the County of Contra Costa for collection of delinquent service charges on the tax roll. Carried by the following vote: AYES : NOES: ABSENT: Nembers: Hembers: Hember: Gibbs, Roemer, Bowman and Mitchell None Fisher 12 0.6 6 r;' ;¿ ..r '!t "-* ACCEPTANCE OF THO EASEMENTS FROM SOUTHERN PACIFIC COI".PANY, DANVILLE AREA It was moved by Member Gibbs, seconded by Hember Bowman, that the Southern Pacific Company easement crossings at Camille Avenue and San Ramon Creek be acceDteò 2.nd their recording ordered. Carried by the follo,dng vote: AYES: NOL~: .ii.B~ENT: Eembers: hembers: hember: Gibbs, Roeme r, Boï-nnan and Hi tche1l None Fisher ACCEPTANCE OF &~SllivÆNTS It ¡vas moved by Hember Bowman, seconded by Hember Roemer, that easements from Dominick Chiono, et al, and Hal Dickson and Janice Meese Baker be accepted and their recording ordered. Carried by the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Iviembers: Nembers: Nember: Gibbs, Roemer, BO1\'rnan and Hi tchell None Fisher QUIT CLADl DEED FROM WALNUT CREEK REALTY AND PAYIvIENT OF $25.00 Mr. Horstkotte, District Manager-Engineer, explained that Walnut Creek Realty was giving the District a Quit Claim Deed and not an easement for Line G, Parcell9, and $25.00 was the cost of preparing the Quit Claim Deed and a partial reconveyance. It "\vas moved by l-1ember Roemer, seconded by Eember BovJman, that the Quit Claim Deed and partial reconveyance be accepted from 1jTalnut Creek Realty, their recording ordered, and payment of $25.00, the cost of prepari~g the papers, be authorized from Sev7er Construction General Funè. Carried b¡, the following vote: - t V1;'C: . .HL-.JU, NOES: .c'.E!.:..,.ólliT: Eembers: J'Iembers: hembel' : Gibbs, Roemer, BO1vman and FÜtchell H 0).1 ":~ Fi5her hCCEfTANCE OF TRUNK SE~ŒR G, SECTIONS II THHu 17, AUTHORIZE FILING I~CTICE OF COhPL1TION li.ND FINAL PAYhENT, LESS RETLI~T10N uiJon the recommendation of !':r. Eorstkotte, District Lanage:,:'-En¡;ineer, it ¡,Jas waved by hember EovJman, seconded by l\lember Gibbs, that Tl'unk Se~'¡er G, Sections 11 Thru 17, work be accepted, filing of a Potice of Con~:etion be ¿'l~thorized, a no, fimÜ pé'.J'1nent, less lO/£ retention, 1e authorizer;; the 10;6 retention to be paiò after the Hi thho1d notice period. Carr'ied by the follolÜng vote: AYES: NOES: .hBSEhT: hembers: Hember~: Benber: Gibbs, lLoan;er, Bounan and Hi tchelJ. :')one Fisher UJFHOinL OF PILNS AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR STATE EIGHt'llAY SE1:JEFc ltELOCATION VIIi, h~D hUTHORIZING CALL FOR BIDS It 'iJas mu\ed by Bember Bowman, seconded by he-mber Roer.ler, that the plans anc specifications lor State :~ighvJaY SeitTer Relocation VIlA be approved ('And the c¿ll for bids be autboriz3c. Carrieè by the follO1dn¡; ì'ote: AYES: ¡':0:5: ;JSèi:lf'l'; Nembers: j';ember~ ; ;;,." (,it C' ) . : Gibbs, Rúu:J.cr, BOFtfiêŒl 2.n,:: J.Ü tchell ¡\June l"iEl,f':.p VII. :CPOh'.TS ;JI,::,'i\GCl ~"..,..._:Y-""é-.Ll'JC~IlJ1L¡~ k:'I"l'LiL TO DEÎJEW.PEI~ OF 13Ll úCIlli:.J II, TEE ':::L 'I'OYCli.n.I" mUIJDA iU~ j ir. Hors tlwt,te, District l.;anageI'-Bngineer, read a let e,er he proposed to S'¿XG to a devGlc¡,.;or of 134 acres in the El Toyonal, Orinda area, ,,¡rich ,'as apP'û'ieò by the Lernbers of Ü;E:; Boare;. 12 06 " 62 ,17 :~NS?ECTIO¡< OF CLTF.\.LL SE':TBH 312. r, :il'. Horst;-:otte dné3C'.ribeè on tbe blackboard the present coEc~jt'LoL of' the in the Outfall Se"rTer as determined b¿r th" 1'8ce:::t inspection. He repol"teà tbe cundition '\"&3 .favorable at present and reccnmenderl that the BudgE,t year provide fc~ periodic inspections. t,l:at eacrl STATUS OF lmr1E O::T.INDli PUhPEJG S'l'.hTIOH AlTE~.,TIONS 1.10HK ;':1'. EOl'sU:ot+", 1"(';'[-;o1'te( thD.t the 10',.81' Crinòa Pu:'lping Static:~ "J:: CO¡,;p~~te anc1 in operation. CCU:JSEI FC7{ '~'?:~ n:ST;1IC";' COLIÚY IUGiLMY .:.,i';;,i:~i, ril..:LDC.c'i.'ION I 1'=TIG.ll.TION --- l~r. {:illia¡ìlS, :ce:¡::;resentillg IJr. Bohn, Counsel for the Distrlc.t, reportee: that the District hac: lost the suit "\:1 Ul the County for the cost of relocating se,,:er lines in Ol'inc~a anC: reQuested authorization to arpeal. It Trias J¡lcvecl 'oJ l:enber Hosmer, seconded by Hember Bm,¡rnan, that Counsel for the Dist,rict bE:: authori7-cd tv appeal ti'l(ò suit lor cost of relocati:1g seVC1' lines in Crinda. Carried by the fc:lowinc vote: ¡.YES: NOES: ,~cBSE1\¡T : hembers: Gibbs, R.oeM-:r, Doì.,;¡nan and Nitchel1 None Fisher liIerloers: llember: HOBBS SHORE LITIGATION l.lr. ;"¡illidl'1s reporteè that the Hobbs Shore case (E. ¡'Iil1er Co:7ipany) rims ceiub taken to the Supreme Court. VII,:. AD JOU RNJ'iE NT .'.t lO:lS 0' clock P.h., the meeting l.\jas e,djourned by President ]\jitchell tc December 2.3, 1962. / Presièent ~ the District Board of the Cen tral C ntra Costa Sanitar;y District Cl Contra Costa County, State of CeJ,ifoY'nia ceD ;:m::.i1S ICFBD: ~:;;:;::' ~~~ S + f the District Board of the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District of Contra Costa County, State of California 12 06 62