HomeMy WebLinkAboutBOARD MINUTES 01-09-47 ----- ---------- n - ~eterans Bldg, Walnut Creek Cal. :tan'y--9th--1947 The regular manthly meeting af the Baard af niractars af the CentraloCantra Casta Sanitary nistrict was held at the place and upan the date abave written and there was present ~irectars weill, Tuttle, Taland, wadswarth and .Tahnsan. President Weill presiding. The minutes af previaus meetings were read and staod appraved ~sread. A letter \Jas received fram the :Dleasant Hamee Inc asking far inclusian in ~~~ nistri~t, sGme was refered to. the Engineer. Mr. Rascae Janes af Alamo. appreared befare the ~aard asking far the withdrawal af his praperty fram the prapsed ~anville-'lama petitian, also. a letter fram Tirz~ °. Janes, Gea. Latimer, A. M. Carlsan and R. Rtark we\ther, fran: same district asking far withdrawal, also. fram~. w. ~insmare, ~ahn Narris and ~aseph ~reitas, all were refered tairthe engineer far checking. Mr. M. Maratte af nanville presented a petitian af aver 400 names asking far the inclusian af the Danville 'lama District as set farth in baundries set forth in the survey made by the enginee~be made part af the Central Cantra Casta Sanitary District, with Certified check in tkç amaunt af tlOO.OO, Attarney Brailfard ruled that that amaunt was insufficient to. Caver casts af publication and electian casts and the Baard agreed to. accept a persanal band signed by rebidents af the District asking far admissian, to. caver such casts. Mr. Maratte a~reed to. secure such a band. It was ardered that publicatian af the hearing ° be printed, as per legal requirements, in the Caurier Jaurnal, a ~J##~#i## semi-weekly pap~r printed in Walnut Creek Calif, and that Thursd~~ Jan'y 30tt be set as date af the hearing at aur regular meeting place. Attarney Brailsfrad receiveè cansent af the Raard to. consult with Mr. Gea. Herrington relative tam necessary legal requirements as to. legality af the bands, The fallawing Resalutian No.. 5 was du13T passed. o~RRAS,it is the desire af the Sanitary Baard af the Central Cantra Casta Sanitary District to. assess, levy and callect the necessary taxesfar said District in the mast ecanamical and effici~nt amnner passible. - ,~.b NOW, THEREF()RE, BE rrr~'RESOLVED^ tha t the Sani tary Baard af gfi the Central Cantra Casta Sanitary District hereby elects to. avail itself af the as.essment made by the Assessar af the Caunty of Cantra Casta, and daes here~ adapt such a9sessment as the basis of the district taxatian pursuant to. the autho.rity vested in this Baard by the pravisians af Sections 6780 and 6781 af the Health anü Safety Cade af the State af Califarnia. A.yes:- Weill, Tuttle, To. land , Wadswarth and Jahnsan. Naes:-- Nane. Absent:- Nane. There being no. further business the meeting adjaurned to. Th~rsday Jan'y 23rd 1947. ~ 25 '_o_._on-O--'-----_o--.---- . ---- ------ - -'-"~o- -------------