HomeMy WebLinkAboutBOARD MINUTES 12-30-46
Veterans Hall.
Walnut Creek Calif. Dec 30th 1946.
ïhe Board of Drrectors of the Central Conta Costa
Sanitary District met in a Special Called meeting on the
date and place above written and there were present the
following Dlrectors:- Prez. Weill, Directors Tuttle,
~adsworth and Tol9.nd, absent Directors Johnson.
Moved, seconded ,md nn3:nlmiously carri ed that the
reading of previous meetine be pssed to next regular meeting.
~ncineer Mason explained that he had asked the meeting
be called as objections had been raised by the Miner-Ormnda
Propery ~~er8 Assln of j&inine the District. Mr. K. Bruener
Mr. R. G. Welce and their Secy A. W. Browron accompanied by
about a dozen other members were present and iù". Breuner
acted as spokesman. He l)resented arguments to the Board that
their section of tl1e Orinda JHstr5.ct v.'Qulrl not be benefi teè
in proportion to the costs, of beine included in the proposed
annexation and asked their sectio~ be eliminated, also asked
that the Directors at this meeting so order. It was pointed
out the views of t~e Board could be stated by resolutic~ at
t:his Special Meetir.c but t}~at the order of eJimination
could not be passed until application fo~ annexation had been
presented on Jan'y 23rd 1§47.
It was brouGht out By Director ~ad sy:ortb, exl)ressing
the views of the ct~er Directors, that this Board was not in
any MC'.r.ner endevorinc to ir.duce any section cor:tigi ous to
the present boundries of t~e ~istrict to join the District.
That was UD to the e:XI'ressed vie';'I"s of the per-centage of
legal :;ro;.ert;l- oymers in such a secticn to present their
petition to this :Board asking for such anr:exation. The letters
se~t out by thiE Board W~S for the ex;ressed purpose of
brincir:c: to 5UC1;. sections the àd'tlé'..nte.ce3 of annex::ìtion at
the nresent time élt a much less cost than ir the futu!'e.
It was then 'fuved by Director Wadsworth, seconded
by Director Tuttle ann unaniYniously carrj,ed that the foJ.lowing
motior. be recorded in the minutes,
. " After due consideration r.ad been c:iven to the faots
tha,t th,e :prollerty owned by thra.:;.'_E?J3ili.eJ1ts and owners of tl1e ~I
Miner-Crinda Property Owners Kšm'f,,~ÕÜ'b_d not be benefi ted by
inclusion within the nronosed annexation of Qrinda area, that
the ~oard, at the tim~ o~ hparing of rroposed annexation,
sh&uld exclude t~e area constituting the property of tl1e
that as now on file and recorded as to restrictions etc
in the County Recorders office of Contra Costa County.
Upon motier duly made seconded and unanimiouB1y
carried the followin£ bills were ordered paid.
1-0. J.~ Courier-Journal------------_...----$21.15",
~yTelerhone Co----------------------ll.Ol~
).,)/Director Wadswmrth ------------- 12.21'"
~~ " Tuttlw------------- -----11.40~
~1 " Kohn8on----------~----- 11.40~
~ " Toland----------------- 10.00~
~% " Weill------------------ 10.OO~
30 See 'y Cutler----------------- 30.00...
31 Wagener &Brailsford 200.00.!'
31. Helen Freeman 7.21 '"
3.3 Ameri can J.Jegion--Rent. 3 60. OO""~
3~ è).{ ~ ~v~1.-h eo . &/*.5. 41 '^--~
No further t>u8iness, meeting aè'jo¡trneð in due form.
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