HomeMy WebLinkAboutBOARD MINUTES 10-31-46
.Ci ty :ra:~:- "h.J.:':;."- t '":"': ,; ,
'~('. -'c:r ::lst, 194:3.
n, ~ " -:'
A c9.11ed meetine. of the "'3o".'-:rd of Directcrs of tì:e
Centr:il Cor:.'tra Costa Sqni t9,r~r District was helcì 9.t the
pl3.ce 3.YJd ufen tr.P. (~ate aooYP. wrjtterl: Directors present
~eill, ,TohrHJOn, TuttJ.G, TOJ.g.!i qn~ ~"T~,dfWTort:r.. President
1Veill pref:.idin[.
",he mÍJmtes of t:te v:revions meet:i.n[ WAre read and
ordered qpproverl as re~d.
The g,ttorney was instructed to prepare a letter to
the Board of Supervi sore g,skin~ for t,:e g,1Ioc9- tton of
funds new in tbeir hands to he used for plans ete in the
survey now beine made.
TYpon Mction mé'de 'r\y Director ,Tor:nson. seconded by
Director ~Var,swcrth t:r~e fclJ.owin[ ~eculatian and Oridnanee
No.1. was by Resolution duly passen.
\ ,
::' ' ,"
:~c. IS-Private Sewer 'is one I
~bjch has an'independent sew-
age' disposal' not connected
with a public sewer and" which
accomodates one or more hous-
:8ec. 14-Septic Tank System is
composed of reservoirs or, ~nks
~hich receive crude sewage and
by,. b.1t,d;erial action, e1fècts liq-
UIdation-, thereof, thus prepar-
ing it for clarification andpuri-
fieation whichtaJr.e, p~e bl
further bacterial action in the
Nitrification Ducts composed of
~', tile ~1:1:!nding from the
t;ØJi;.i~ t;j¡,e subØo.u. 'I'ke field
t.lè.dtiÜD iibaUbe Jû~ Bot less
..~ eighteen '(18) i~hes below
the su~e of the ground. The
tikto.he laid on at I..... three
(3) inches of rock and covered
,piP IqIome amount of. rock.
1tfè size òf rock or gravel to be
not more than one (1) inch
xrlèsh. The length of the tile
drain, shall he not less than one
hun~,'; (100) feet and' shall
have' a fall of not more than
pn.-.e--\J.th, ('1ir) ,inch to, one" (1)
'~9,kThis systém must be' ap-
1Jl'O1Ifed, by' an authorized repre-
sentative of Central Contra
Costa Sanitary District.
'Sec. 15-Community Sewage Dis-
posal Units are sewage disposal
units comþolledof 'septic tanks
and 'Sub-suriaoe, drainage ór I
perC9lation fields serving. five
( 5) or more' separate establish-
'See. 16-Plumbing System includ-
es aD. pJumbing fixtures and
traps, or soil waste, speCial
,waste &nd vent pipes, 'and all
sanitary s~w.ge pipes wjt;l}in
the property lines of the prem-
&ea.raI ProTi.ion.
Sec. 1-The following rules and
regulations respecting sewer
construction and disposal of
sewage and drainage of build-
ings, are hereby adopted and
all work ion re"sP"e¡, ,t,1tIl"'"r,,e to, ,,'s~U
be performed ~" ,~-~9RJjj~
and not othe~ >"
Sec. 2-Purpo~~,~, O~AII.P.~;
is intended to proVide èertain
minimum standards, provisions
,and require~nts, for des,i, gn,
methods of C,q)\I,' ~~, ,. ,. Mil,. ,UII,", ~,
-of material ikt;. ~~ B"\VIJge
~acilities in"idij",,~ ItncJ,
'plumbing systems herèdtèr in-
stalled, altered or repaired.
Thisor<Unance shall not apply
retroac.~.!.tJX.,.! l' . .lI¡ild""W~,tÞ," e" \!), :Y:"tut.
of.n iM8MItiØ iP'~iir'àè:te-
, after '~~",i1;'lsJ¡aU)'~y, 9nl'N
to tb,e'tte\v'tdteHifs 'àM tne~
'0d8 - Us""Jeib~ ' , '
Sec. 3-Ailything' her.ein to ,the
con t l' a l' y notW1thld;a~dmg,;
this regulation', OJ.! O¥IDII.DCe;
.11 a¡¡pw,.c)1!li1,tei, '~,:t.e ';\n~It't,' '
-tion, :rriafutenâh~e, an~ o'Ee~-
tion Of\I%~~~d\IUW.l1,,~~J -
in a subcbvlsion where , ~-
munity Sewage Dispo¡¡al units
are to be used. . -Á.
Sec. 4-No~J18 h~èÌ~ eqp,WI"""
shall pr:event. aI?-Y. subdIVIdeI'
from using mdlVldual hou~e
septic tanks ~ithout a perrtllt
under this o:dmance,' "'~"¡-", ' ,
Sec. 5-Permlt. Any subdl,....."..\
, proposing to' construct. a c~
munity sewage col~ectmg, sys-
tem and disposal UnIt sh~Usub-
m:it detailed plans coyenng, the
proposed work whIch plans
shall be review~clfor:co1Jlpliance
with this 'ordina.nce ..n~' approv"
ed by the Dild;rlct Engmeer be-
fore conld;t1lction shall proceed.
A permit will be issued by the
Sanitary Inspector for the con-,
Id;ruction of the, work upon tbde
reseJ11;ation of s~ch appI'ove
~la~9nd .t~e pos11tn~~~f- suret~
hereinafter èie8Crib't!ld. c '~
Sec.6-Penalty. ',peuétn, ~
or corporation ~, ," tin, ',~he '~,' " ..
, visions of this ordina~ ~
, be deemed guilty of a miøii.e-
, meanor and upon colJviØ~on'
~ereof, shaJ.1 be punlshed'. bY "
fIDe of not to exceed One, Hun-
dred Dolla1'8 ($100.00),01', ,by
imprisonment in the countY
jail of Contra Costa Coùnt'y not'
to exceed one (1 ) month, Ó1'
Sec. 7 -Plumbing In s p e cti o.Ìl.
Compensation. The Sanitary.
Board of said District shan ein-
ploy some fit and qualified peri"
son to perfomI the duties of I
inspecting, all plumbing, 8ew~-
áge and sanitary 'drainag~,~oJ'k
and facilities in said Uistrlll,t
subject to this ordinance or ~î-
ulation to be known as the Sa:n.-
itary Inspector. The perllOB,/IØ
employed 'shall receive as~øi~
pensation for his sen?ces fot
making inspections:requiredto
be mAde by the ordinances, and
orders and regulationsfrØØl
time to, time e~ted and o1."d4r"
ed by tñe S,¡IitaryBQard, asu'I1"
tò be fixed by the Sai1i~
Board. Beahan, serve 'dmttt
the ple-.ure ot said Board; .nd
may be another pis1rict otfJ.éW
other tbau a,. meJDber 'tr'th.,
, Sanitary Board. ' 'I
!Sec. S---SaIÌi~ I~peètor,C.1"
I tifice..te¡ ;1!):Ut: testing ofPb1Q1þ";
\ in, W!Ør~. mmiJ; Þe ùaàdêiJl. tli.
,p,rëse,'"Iic,',e.,'~ '"tlli1!,,', 1! $, ',D, ítãrl'., ,'", I,~, ','," ,1>.,';,'
tO1';aìidif ,the test proVes, ~
iøfaùtOJiY he_~ll iâsnè ä~Jitif.:
icate to that effect.
>,N:~e~. lØ,al~ :Sec. 4-.lrenehes. Inspection. All
J¥lt1f, (fi.)hou1'8 tren~hes shall be left open .and
..',;'~",..,.", a.' -. d ,fi.'1,e4,.,' ".aU.,.,Slde SeWè,r1Jand con, n,ec,tioQa
'o"_r;;~""'o"":o';o',&IIØ,, '.."~.,...,...,.".'....JAj",.".\.,,, ".""",."1;°.,, ."" \I4".t fl1',. ,~'M","" -" a~,d. SM.,,-
~'~k ~ ø~ I', a ' 'oøal 'unit must""p- left
,~d for inf!lpe(!!,! ' ~, ~'~~ø,n" ~~ i.n...
-' ':'," ,," I ': ~cJ and app:1;o,ved 1D wrl,t-
,,~de~cI-Wotk..Noti~ ' "r let.., ~iWY. IQMOto,:.
". ;,. . _A' ',~,~. b.~ In- fJp -. wntt~n appro~l after
,sÏJ~ll ,W'ól¡tt ç.øñdemn- ~uc I?1spectIon, tren~hes sàaU
""""~:"'0',40'"",,0'" ttifi,',',',.I,.dà .' .te.., ?f "- tis-., " "Im,Iñ, ;e.,dI.a~e,I.Y be ba,ck"filled.and.
,,(, 0,-" . '1'f'Wm... .W:, _at; road, highway or
" ' "',:::, ,',,~,:tbß;,,}; .+.t " $ISe" men~,1'estored to its origin-
", ,n IÏ1fOrJMnt:' ,,' ,~,!:-4md~on. "
... ot'- Pl'.em.~s:c)t~ See; 5-Trenc~es:. Tren~hes fori
~ '~ t, ~ OWÍlét 1;ó ~þäü- sIde 'sewers withIn public streets
'Z fÍr'wplace';itin Ii san-, shall be excavated,arid backfill-
;~;'êfDdttion. ' , ed al)d the p,av$n~nt restored 1
$eÃ;l,l~ee8. . ,=' in strict accordance with the I
I '.),_.'1õ1lo~ feel! shan be laws,' ordinances and regula-
! ' ,'pGd,tö sa,id InspectOr 'for ti,ons of the ~tate of 'California,
I', ~-:fOUÒWÚ1g: ,County of Contra Costa; or any
, . '1"'jJS1Jip& pemù.t $1.00: Department, authority or ageri-
""d"':' , -','." ..cij~¡{a cy ,of either having j~ri~iction
<:,J,:,¡\\I'.,' , ,,~1:' " ' 2.óØ of 'suc~ street. Backf~lhng ~an
"-';.':;.":'::.'?-,:,','~,:'-.~;'Ii~,e::r, ' col- " On,IYbe done aft~r InspectIon
¡ ,t~' ~ - ' 1.00 and approval of the work done.
""'i, '.' : 1Je::thøuse served. Upon failure 'within three days
, ,1i'.Qr 1XI!'I~~ttng com~ to correct any work as "ordered
,'Diûn{ty disposal units 1.00 by the Inspector, sBiâwork
\,.; ,0'. ,. . ."',/p~,house served. shall be corrected by theln~ec-
',.;,'.'".,'.r".':..,..~..".,.'""",.-,'~,.'",.',",,;..A.," .,.",:1.'..".:".'"",..'.,,,°.,'.,f,','...",',.',.'twe,.",.,.,..', n".".,t, Y,." {.iv,e, , d ~I-, tOr a,nd the. cos, t thereofchatged,
"..<.,;I;,~.~ (Jfp):Ø,Q)sh"U be paI~ to the applIcant.. . .
>~.. ,".,i:,i,tQ"'t.b~, ,~<",>~f;riÇ,',',.t' Etlgi.neer S~c. 6-As a condItio~ to the lB-
, " ..t.t'~ :te.wew .a.p.d approv- su.ance of any Pe~nl1t to . an ap-
," ",'.' .' ,'.1/"fnØ*~tO1.'. community'phcant u?1der this. OrdI~ance,
", ".:c.oI~ti"" syø1;elns , such a IIcaht shall_..!urmsh to
, ',uDits. ' ., tIie-'Ðiatrict and file, '". tJy
~rE~try, The, San- Sanit,ary lupectJl' 'bef.~ suCh
, 9f sÃaD w~ or - pe,miit is grantéd, a cá$& oon4
i.,~ial .b..~e '~.o~ ,Cli- a good an,d,aUffieient surety
~i...;,eyid,. epo,e ~.', bond'issued by a company duly
~... ,mcÞ.,., ' , aM. regpIarly authorized to do
"8fJ;DJ,e-shaU. ha1\e a general sureq., business in the
tft.'in, and :upon State' of California in a sum
l.ð~~,.andprem- sq, ual to $1.°0 for 'each lot in
,-_.~ï.strict for t suCh subdivision but not les8
"~ ' inspection~ tba:n the SUtJ1 of' $6,000; said
."tr,.,<!the, rwise, 'per Dond to be condition. ed ,that
':~""Ji- .-s may ~, '~d Perqlitee, .mall diligently
"..';~orceD}eRt afQ~'in good faith comply with
'qf;thi!,ordmance. the'terms and conditions' of
~~~ity for, De-' this ordinance and said Pemiit,
"'..', . )ttÞ..rs::SfIà:llbe held, ' alid that in case of any breach
~~~_Iefor any and thereof, the District øha11 be
",!i_,a~tII o~ employees - "fully compensated and reim-
'~<\er:tJ;W¡ ,ordmance. U¡I- bursèd fór '!II damage and ex-
,îf\b.~ied by the $81).-1 "pense incurred by reason there-
;-Jl.s.peØtot . ,of any' defect: of. r
,.,th.e~~in'any:'sewer¡Sec. 7-Any permit issued pursu-
I'" ~ 1\" "Vf!)l.tiQn of this '.oJC4-. ant to this ordinànce shaU be
~<.: ' . .~;':tþ.Ø :persOD', or perso.' subject to strict compliance
þaVU1gcha~,éof said work shall, with all the terms and 'condi-i
",f,~,~..~wp!~ÿ,'re.òp"ect tbe same. tionll of this ordinance and in'
". " ,"':~'.(R.T-I~ nt particular shall be subject to
S""~'. ' . ' ' " the following conditions:
~4e "ßWjer, lateral sew"" 1-That all costs for the in-
" ,liéwer; '. or a, Com..' stallation of the community I
¡'", m J)~posal ~nit sewer. ,and disposal uDit:s
'" ". "" "be-~t:~cted Wlth- \ shall be born by the subdl-,
~\1t '€'Uist ,obtaiJ?ing a, permit', vider.
'th~r~c?:r~fl'öm -the, Sanitary In.., 2-Tl1at the disposal units shall
liii~PfE~,-', ... , ' " be satiafactorily' maintained
.,....,,-, "":' '. "'l!Plie,~~on. ContenÙ!. In apd operate4 QY the suQdi-
,':t1I.e ' ,,~on for a permIt tQ. Vlder.
,':t',&ø"f;~e ,sewer, or m,,~~, 3-Thatthe later. c~nne~ion of
:",~~;." Jö1:I,.. to any collectInS, the community sewer to' the
'..«11'- the £í'Wner of the prop-' District's trunk, sewer shall
-;,;";fIIIi!¡¡¡,o" ',' "-d'~.I\"Jh1a.., '~.- ,t¡atb:~" be at the expense of the sub-
,~. escnY,¡;: a1!'ifBhii'II show divider.
i;tya,plat~rdJ~U1, the wor 4r--'-.Tñat any further' extension
, ,¡..~ ,~b~'done- the e of the disposal unit includ.
/~~,I!I.!ì.i~' the 'Side $ewer",the ing tþe sub.s1,Jrlace draìJ?age
:'~ 1:0 ;~bè lateral. sewel' fieJ4, if this 'should.,beco~.e
,8nø, , ,,' "I}IIIPosal,'Umt, and neeêásâì'y tOahate -"a nUI-
8~tI, '" .,",t,',.',e",. ,.d".a",~,', ~!.o!1,',~ O. n..., W,., hiC., , ,ilanee or health,meiu~e.e, shall. ' '
~~_~~e ~. ' be dòne by the subdIv!d'¥'... '
, 10cati,on: ,,".11, not
, '," ~t,!",it-'
See. 8-liateraIs. Backfill, aha!! þe]
pJaced '"nd , thorougbly " çornp,c.. I
~ under and' oReael1'~~of
theU~tera, 1 ~eW'e, Î'.toácIJI'th,9f, 4
four lnChèS above th'1": ~,'pe",',T1t~,1
balance of the trench sbaUbe;
immediately' backfilled' ,t¿{ th.,
. surface of the. ~djace~,t nouo'nd.
- Where water,. '.. a~able the
balânceof,~~ bll:ckfj.l1 m..,8y,", .",W
c~mpa~ea by fiô'oding.Othijr~
WIse. It 'shålÏbe layedin hWl..'
zontal lâyet$. of ot)$ \föÐtød
~omp..cted, ~tb ". tamJ;l81' ha~
mg !' cro8s-sê~tiònal'. 'ár~ øt
tampmg ;foot of not to exCeed
three tnebet!l. . ,
Se~, ~Pavement. Where any p~
Istmg pavement or 8urfacingin
. any' street "must. be ,cut for the
purpose Qf' constructing any. .Bi4e I
sewer" ,the",own. ',.' er 0, r. his. ., .1'f'P., re-
sentative shan 'co.lJlpSYwit~ aU
state and còuntý laws,. oraii1J.n.-1
ces. and re.gulâtioRs~' ¡pe~ntn8
~ the cuttipg, openIng; repJ&c,;
mg and repaVing thereof and
shall obtai~ aU pe1'1JtÍtø an¡'~
pay all fee$ requWd by th6
state or county or . departnHmt
having jurisdiction tiereoVeir' I
Pavementsliall be -restored ~
th~ ~hara~teJ" of imprqve#ì.pt
, eX1stInJÇ 'prior to the begil1øi~
of applIcant's work, ' " .
Sec. l,O--,BMn.".,. .,ers"8d!L~~,'. hts. " T,hè
app~caIit 1h.1r.U -11íjp.~ '*'
b~mers, liihtsanã. 1riþø' 88m
necessary to give wa.mIñg'tØ
the public at all 'times that a
ll;'teralsewer . is ~J?di!r' cOJ&Sl;nc,.
- tI.O~ and of aJ1Yds.n,er~ ,cø:ø-
dItion to be eucountet'-éiLas.
\r.esul~ thereof. Be 'JhaÌl; .1ìiô
hkewuse pr.~tectt1te"~c:'iD
the use of the !'Íde~4Þi~st
a!'-y ~ch coDlhtiøniD.. co~*.c,.
tlon WIth the conatruêtfoli oftbe.
Sec. ll-Liability. The District
and. its officers and eJ,Jl¡lJ.oJ'e~1'
shall.not be answerab1efor an~'
liabiUty for injuryor~dèath tct
any person or damAge to 'anti
prop~rty arising, dUrÌJW, ~l, .o~:
groWIng out of, the Ilt'rtonn"
aD;ce . of any work or the '()1Íer-
atlon of any facilities proVided
b>: any such applicant. T,ne ap:-
plicant shall be answerab1èfor,
and shall. save the District '. and
its officers and emplOyees harm-
less frQm, any such liabi1i~ 1m';
posed by law upon tbeDÍiJtrict
or i~s officers or emplo.Ytoles, in~
c]ud~n~ all C?lIts, expense!!!; ,fees
and Interest Incurredin'dëfend-
iug same or see-king to enforêe
this proVision. Applicàntshau,
þe solely, liable for anrde.fec,tø,
In the performance oibis' work
, or any failÙres Whieh mây de-
velop therein.' .
Se~. -12-Séw:er Materials; Collect-
Ing sewers shall be conlltructed
of No., 1 vitrified salt-glazed,
clay, sewer ,pipe and fi~
having ~n internal diameter 0
n.ot less than six ( 6) inche$~
sI~e S.ewers",sþa~lcj~ . confltructed .
o~, ~, ,I, ..ti salt-glazed-
S6~..,. .."'~'~. ".E" ~ ings haVing
anï~llt....t .. of nQt less
than foul' (4hinc es or ~ater-
. isl of equal quality ,or of; stand-
. ard weight cast iron pipe, hay-,
jng,a.~';i in~rnal diameter of
i1qt.~,,~n four J4) inch~:
A1DJQ_' Hi Sewe1". Pl~ ,and" fit\:.
tiiIgs shall he. ~~JI~'.~~
!eakage and tOl' nø~ .....,
,I~:tt,}tr-.tï&n.,b...!.t~.~1~~. -~"',!.:~..,....'....1Ih.""",..;
~ ",-,h~¥~~~~y~l °t ~ide
;,œl~ss, It \ lS- ImpOlISlble
-'i~",of: tne con-
',~~, 'ground, ãicle
~fÞdepth at the
"Øti nôt less than
',~~en the top
"tJ:f;ê'groiÜid 8ur-
~,r,. tbe*9Uecting sew';
;';, ,', _1- 'than one-,eig1tth
'",t~tmh ~~al to one (1)
l -' -~X#l~ sewer at t~e con-
~3:Ìbthe ~ouse 'dram shall
",~è.,'e"l_, thalJeightèen (18)
.c~,~ow too surface of the
~"~~¡, prqviding the minimum
" (1AI) inch faU
~it. - '
~ut. Every side
Ølldii1, a 'wye br~ch
- ,,--to,'" "the, hon,le ," dram!
mn end being closeu
to' ,be available aá a
; ,
o~n'itYBewage dis-
\~ be, designed to
,; - èO1lQition 'at the sites
".~eret":àewage is discharged
~~Rt<? ' thèg;round; they .shall bel
âeSlgn-ed to. not less than, the
following staJidards,~
a-Sewage flow 70 gals Per cap.
ita per day, average'
.b-Septic tank capa.clty, 12
hours based on averagetlow.
c-Drainage or perèolation in-
to ground at 0.0 gals. per
square foot per day or 14Ò
square feet per capita serv-
d-D'rainage field area to lit!
. 125% of calculated area
tò provt"e for further ex-
pansion "as ad4itiònal area
is required.
See, 16-Inapeetion. The faet of
, completioo and readiness' for
inspection "shall also be report-
ed to the 'Sanitary Inspector. In
no case shaH the sewer be cov-
e~ed at any paint, within ar
'. mthøut the property lines, until
the same has been inspected and
accepted-. '
Sec. 17-Storm Water' Prohibited.
Nø le"'~rs from roofs and no
surface, ckains for rajn water
shall be connected to any side
or collecting sewer., No surface
or aub-aurface drainage" rain
water; storm water or s~epage I'
IJIIaU be pentIitted to enter any
sid~ or collecting sewer by any
deVice or method whatsoever.
- - --.. - ,
, Sec:. 18--N,:, :p~rson shalh~,1
any indu;n'i..l-'fI1!tte of" ,
~~~id Ò~u~:J~f~úÎ " ,
any induftríal'manUfa~.(~;
com,mercia1.¡)roC:4!sa,Q1' fro~¡ ,Qf
-gàra,f;e, sertic, e statiO, ÏI. " !;IÌ';,' ""
mobile .,,~sþr~k. inW'a~'
Sèw~r or !,'nt"OaR,lYJi1a1n, ;~n,r
al ¡¡ewer In ct1Øt, ~" '
I having obiilined. a pmxait>'$4i'",.,- '
I ' so' f~om ~.þe $allltå'iY Boa¥t~:i~W'
This .RegU.látion" or" "O~i~-
shall be ent~lIØd il1t;he*
the Sam~ Boat'd and "
~ of this:Board is h
rected to ca\2ae thiS r' ,
ordinance to" be-, ' '
in a'neW8_,l'u,h~.ln'~"
&~=' ~f , G9.tt~~J;l~
, Státe"of eø:mOrn"."" '\ J,' '-iÆ"~;'
This ~-'.o ,,"
shall take,~cjffti~),.,b--e m'; " '
immediately -' upoía.:eíi.Piratió1í:)~
I'S'8, i,d", 'W.",.e~,k" ')g' ",b,li".'~i.,QJl',. ,.,,' ',","'"'"",,,:.
ADOPTE, ~y' 'ffie Sani~
Board of" ~ntral ContraOÞII~
Sanitary, Distiièt ontb, é,',",,~,:' ",'.
of Octotler, 1946" by iIhe' "
in\ WitT,~~~W~=
H. W. , . -.;.t' '
Elliott Johnsop" Lawson, H.,:.. ..,..
NOES: MII!~. :N<m~'-~" 1(,
~: l\te,'m~'N,o"n,e,w,~,rt;: ",,'
LAWSON H. ~, ' ~,,'
Presiden,t of the 'San.itary-!:,~, , ( ~' '",,'
of Central Oôi1'tra cøáta,,~-
D~$trtct 9~ ço,*~ Col!Íà. C~;~~.
State of Ca1iforma. '
G..-S. CUTL&R, "", ,. "", -..,'...';",.
Secretary of the 'Sanitary :B~4;
of Central contraCQstaisaJ\.i_!
District of Co,ntra Costa,OÒU,ln~,",
State of Galifornia. ,"
U:por~ ~otion of J)irector Tuttle, seconded by Director
Johnson it was ordered that the above ordinance be
publi shed in the Cou:t'Ì er- Jo~rnal. Unan'j.ni au sly cRrried.
l~on ~mtion of Director ~aðßworth. seconded by Director
Jo:hnsnn and una.miniously t'arrj,ed, Director Tuttle was
authorized to work with and assist the attorney in
drawinc up a contract wtth the arlloir:ted Sneineer.
TJ::¡cn motion of T>irccte:r Toland, secondeC1 b~r J)irector
Tuttle 9..Y1d uneJ"linc,¡sly ce,rri",d, Ü1e Encir~ee~ was auU:-
orj.zed to determine the assessed value of t~c :!)j,st:dct
qnd ~r6rare maps f~r filin[ with the County Assessor
and the State Boqrd of ~q~aJj7atio~.
'I':;el'e 'heinc no furt'hp.r 1)FRjr1es~ U:e !npetinc ::tdjonrped
1 t)
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