HomeMy WebLinkAboutBOARD MINUTES 08-12-46
Walnut Creek, California
August 12, 1946
A called meeting of the Hoard of Directors of the ventral
Contra vasta Sanitary District was held in the City Hall at
Walnut vreek on the date above written.
Directors Weill, 1uttle, toland and Wadsworth.
Direotor Johnson came in shortly after the
reading of the minutes. .
Director Johnson brought up the question that he felt that each
Director should have a map showing the outlines of the district,
in which all agreed, and the Secretary was instructed to secure
maps before the next meeting, if possible.
Asst. District Attorney was present and the matter of immediate
financing of the ~oard was discussed; both Attorney General and
District Attorney aãvising that the ~oard had no right to borrow
funds. vount.y Al1à_i tor D. M. Teeter advised the Board that
warrants drawn on the vounty Treasurer, endorsed by the County
Auditor, on funds raised by taxation can be issued to pay for
expenses incurred. The matter was left for further investigation
by the Hoard.
Mr. Taylor advised that the Board should immediately appoint a
lawyer and an engineer to assist in the problems that confront
the ~oard.
It was moved by Direotor ~adsworth, seconded by Direc~or Toland
that Mr. Wilson of Kirkbride and Wilson be asked ta appear at
our next meeting for consultation. The motion carried:
Directors weill, Toland and Nadsworth voting YES, and Directors
Tuttle and Johnson PASSING.
Mr. rl. ß. J:t'oster and Mr. Young of Young --!Ie Brady appeared before
the Board and presented their qualifications for the position
of Engineer.
Mr. Ivan M. Nelidov and Carl E. Thornsby of the Contra Costa
Engineering ~o. also appeared and presented their qualifications.
It was moved by Direotor Johnson, duly seconded, that the Seo-
retary be instructed to write Orrick, Palmer and Herrington of
San J:t'rancisco to recommend an attorney for the Board. Motion
carried unanimously.
It was moved by Director Johnson, seconded by Director Tuttle
that discussions relative to the selection of an Engineer, if
the Board desires, be held in a closed session. The motion was
lost by the vote of Director Weill NO, Director Johnson YES,
Directors Toland, Tuttle and Wadsworth PASSED.
There being no further business, upon motion duly made, seconded
and carried, the meeting adjourned.
L. H. Weill