HomeMy WebLinkAboutBOARD MINUTES 08-07-47 ...... '~ C'-J ~ -- "" 0: < ~ :16 MINUTES OF THE SPECIAL MEETn:G OF THE SANITAB.Y BOARD OF THE CENT~\L CONT?A COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT HELD AUGUST 71 1947 The Sanitary Board of the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District convened in special session at its regular place of meeting located at 1335 Commercial Lane, in theCi ty ofv1alnut Creek, County of Contra Costa, State of Ualifornia, on the 7th day of August, 1947, at the hour of 8 o'clock p.m. The meeting was called to order by President Weill. The following roll was called: PRESENT: Directors Johnson, 8mi tten, Wadsworth B.nd President VJ'e ill. ABSENT: Director Toland READ ING () F 1.1INUTES Director Johnson made a motion that the reading of the minutes of the last meeting be waived, and adopted as entered. Seconded by Director Smitten, and carried by the following vote: AYES: Directors Johnson, Smitten, Wads\'lorth and vleill. NOES: None AB SENT: Director To12.nd. RIGHT OF WAY AGENT It was moved by Director Johnson, seconded by Director Smitten that Lee J. Rothgery be appointed as right of way agent for Section 2, being the terrl tory between Walnut Creek and Lafe.yette. Carried by ,the following vots: AYES: Directors Johnson, Smitten, Wadsworth, Weill. NOE::: None ABSENT: DirectoJ' Toland RIGHT OF WAY REPORT. Mr. 2cPhee reported on the rights of way already dedicated. Director Smitten moved, seconded by Director ì'1c?ds~1orth that the BopI'd. set a me.ximu.rn peyment of 15 cent s per foot for right s of way on undev~loped lends, and that severance cases should be handled individually. Carried by the following vote: AYES: Directors Johnson, Smitten, Wadsworth, Weill. NO:C:S: None ABSENT: Director Tole.nd 08 07. 47 136 The following resolution was presented by Director Wadsworth: RESOLUTION NO. Jl ~~EREAS, in pursuance of Article 1 and 2 of Chapter 1 of Part 7 of Division 2 of the Labor Code of the State of California before the Se.ni tary Bol?~:('d of the Centr~Ü Cont:('a Costa Se,ni tary District m2~Y a'varð. any contract for public 'vork on behalf of seid Sanitary District, the Sanitary Board must ascertain the general prevailing rate of per diem wages in the locality in which the work is to be performed, to-wit: within the limits of the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District for each craft or type of worl~an or mechanic needed to execute the contract, and must specify in the call for bids for said contract and in the contract itself what the general preve,iling rete of per c,iem '¡,rages in said locality is for each craft or type of workm~n or mechanic needed to execute the contract and also the general ~)revailing rate for leg~Ü holidA.y a,nd overtime ~vork; NOW TH~REFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the said general prevail- ing rate of per diem wages and the general 'prevailing rate of per diem wages for legal holiday and overtime work within the limits of said Sanitary District for each craft or type of work- man or mechanic needed to edecute a contract for the construction of the main trunk sewer between the proposed treatment plant site North of the Arnold Highway to a point opposite Newell Avenue on State Highway No. 21, shall be and the same are hereby ascertained, approved and adopted, by this Sanitary BO1=>.rd after a full investi- gation to be as follows: Class of \'¡ork Asphalt Plant Operators Asphalt Plant Engineer Carpenters (FoI'eman) Cerpenters (Journeyman) Shovel & Dragline Operators (under 1 yd) Shovel & Dragline Operators (over 1 yd) Compressor Operators Compre ssors (mol"e than one) OperRtors Concrete Laborers Cement Finishers Concrete Mixerman (up to 1 yd) Concrete Mixerm~m (over 1 yd) Operators, Vibrators, Jackharr.llners & other Air, Gas and Electric Tools Asphalt Shovelers Asphalt Ironers & Rakers Firemen (Stationary) Crane & Derrick Operators Laborers, general Mechanics Helpers & Oilers Bulldozer Ope~ators Motor Grader Operators Roller Ope~ators Tractor Operators Tractor & Truck type Loader, Operator Sewer Pipe Layers & Banders Trenching Machine Ope~ators Truck Drivers (Dump trucks under 4 yd) Truck Drivers (Dump trucks over 4 & under 6 yds) Truck Drivers (Dump trucks over 6 & under 8 yds) Truck Drivers (Dump trucks over 8 yds) Ty-ucli: Drivers (Pickup or flat rack cal"rying less than 10,500 Ibs) Truck Drivers (Flatrack c~rrying over 10,.500 Ibs) .... 08 Per Diem Rate 8 Hours Hourly Rate- 14. L~O 16.80 18.00 16.00 19.20 20.00 14.00 16. Ljo 12.00 16.20 14.00 16. L!-O 1.80 2.10 2.25 2.00 2.40 2..50 1.75 2.05 1.':;0 ,., _02)' t:..-. '2' 1.75 2.05 13.00 12.00 14.00 14.00 18.00 12.00 14.00 16.80 18.00 16.80 16.80 18.00 1.62i 1..50 1.75 1.75 2.25 1.50 1.75 2.10 2.25 2.10 2.10 2.25 1. 87~" 2.15 1.L!-5-5/8 1.58-1/8 13.40 l6.J.w 1. 67-~ 2.05 1. Li-8-J/4 1.6li 11.90 12.90 -- 0:, 41 t 37 Class of ¡'lork Per Diem Rate 8 Hours Hourly Rate Electrician Iron Workers, Reinforcing Steel, ROdÆen Iron vlorkers, Rodmen For-eman (:3 men OI' underl Foreman (4 men or over) Structural Iron Workers Plwnbsrs Roofel'S Sheet Metal Workers ive.tchmen, Flagmen & Gw::œcls Drillers & Blasters Cribbers & Lagfing Combination, J8clr.h~mr;ler--pm,¡der m,s.n 18.00 14.00 15.00 16.00 16.00 18.00 14.00 16.00 12.00 14.00 14.00 14.00 2.25 1.75 1.87i 2.00 2.00 2.25 1.75 2.00 1..50 1.75 1.7) 1.75 Per Diem Rate 7 Hours Painters 14.00 2.00 ..... .... C'.l ~ """;; CC <t Per Diem Rate 6 Hours Plasterer's Plasterers, Hod-carriers Bricklayers Bricklayers, Hod-carriers 15.00 13.50 13..50 10.50 2.50 2.25 2.25 1.75 Overtime and S2.turcle.y work she.ll be pEiò. for e.t double the norms.l hourly rate except as noted belo't'J for Cement Finishers p.nd Truck Drivers and ,,;ark on Suncl.I?Ys and Holiè.ays shall be paid for at double the normal hourly rate. The forevoing schedule of prevÐ.iling rates of ìvages, and rates for over'time, Sundays pond Lege.l Holiëcays, is based, unless otherwise specified, upon a working day of S hours. Overtime pond Sa.turcl8oY re.tes for Truck Drlvers shs,ll be at Ii times the normal hourly rate. The first two hours overtime, after a normal 8 hour day, for Cement finishers shall be at li times the normal rate and further ove:t'time shall be pt double the normel rate. Se.turda,y v;ark for Cement Finishers shall be at l~ times the normal rate for the fil"st 8 hours ìvorked and P.t do~ble the normal rate for all further time worked on Saturdays. All skilled labor not listed above that may be employed is to be paid not less than the Union Wage Scale for such labor pro- vided there is such a scale established in this locality and in no event to be paid less than ONE AND 10/100THS DOLLARS ($1.10) per hour. It shall be mandatory upon the contractor to whom the contract is e;¡"Tarded, Ð,nd upon the subcontractor under him, to pay not less than the said. specified rates to all laborers, ¡..¡orYJIlen, and mech- anics employed by them in the execution of the contract. Properly indentured apprentices may be employed upon this work in accordance with the State Law. Such apprentices shall be properly indentured as called for by law and shall be paid not less than the standard r,.¡age paid to apprentices under the regula- tions of the trade at which they are employed or, in the event the same are higher, not less than the wage rates hersinabove set forth for such apprentices. 08 07, 47 l:j H An app:centice shall be e:!1ployecl only at the Ì'lOrl~ of the trade to which he is indentured. Anything hereinabove to the contrary not't-!i thst~mding;, the initial 'tvBE"e to be paid an 2~prentice shall be not less than twenty-five per cent (25%) of the jJurneyman' s Ì^!Ð.ge being paid and sh2.11 be incree.sed each. six (6) months in an SJ;'lount not less than fifteen per' cent (15%). Anything to the contrB.ry in the 2.bove '.vage scale notv\Ì thste.nd- in~, the Contractor and all Subcontractors un~er him shall pay all their le.borers, ivor:kmen, meche.nics and employees on said work a salary or wage at least equal to the prevailing salary or wa~e for the saDe Quality of service rendered to private persons, firms or corporÐ.t ions under' simiJO-:.r erlployment, vIi thin the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District. The per diem wage rate is the hourly rate hereinabove men- tioned established multiplied by tl-:e n1Jlubsr of hoUl:'s h::oreinabove mentioned as constituting the worki~~ day for the Jarticular craft or ty)e of workman. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 7th day of Augu~t, 1947, by the followinG vote: AYES: NOES: ABSE::T: Directors Johnson, Scitten, Wadsworth, Weill. None Director Toland. COUNTERSIGNED: LAWSON H. ':JEILL, President of the Sanitary Board of Central Contra Coste. 88.n1 tary Distl"ict of Contra Costa County, State of California G. S. CUTLER Secretary of the Sanitary Board of Central Contra Costa Sanitary District of Contra Costa County, St8te of California. The following Resolution wae presented by Director Smitten, seconded by Director ~'JE'.ds't'Jorth: RESOLUTION NO. 32 :'iHEREAS, in the judgment of tIle Sanitary Board of the Centre.l Contra Costa Sanitary District it is necessary to secure all labor, mnterials, equipment, mechpniCé11 worYJnD.nship, transporta- tion and services reQuired for the construction of the main trunk sewer between the proposed treatment plRnt site North of the Arnold Highway to a point opposite Newell Avenue on State High- way No. 21 in accordance with the plans and specifications for the 88.me prepared by the DistI'ict Eng'ìneer which are on fj.le in the office of the Sanitary District located at 1335 CommerCial Lane, 1¡lalnut Creel:, California; NOlV', THEREFOHE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the plans and specif- ications pre~ered by the District Engineer for the construction of the main trunk sewer between the proposed treqtment plant site North of the Arnolèi. High\,;ay to a point o~)posi te Ne'.\ell Avenue on St8te HightiP.y No. 21 and on file ,,\lith this Sé'nitc-T'Y' Bo2.rò be, £1. n 6.. the SC'.f.18 [',re hey'eby 2.:;")p2.""ove6: 00 (j 0 '¡' 47 1;j9 BE IT FURTHEF. RESOL Vi.D, thc.t the genere,l preve.iling rete s of wages ~S heretofo?e ascert~ined and determined by this Boar~ in its Resolution No. Jl adopted on the 7th day of August in pursuance of Articles 1 and 2 of Chapter 1 of Part 7 of Division 2 of the Labor Code of the State of California shall be the generRl prevailing rates of per diem wages for e2ch craft or type of wor}crnp..n or mechp,nic needed for the constI'uction of said main trunk Sel-¡er; p-.nd, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Secretary of this Board be and is h~reby authorized to advertise for proposals for the con- struction and completion of said work by publishing the same once in the i"le.lnut Kernel, a ne"Jspaper of geney"al circulation publish- ed in the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Notice inviting Sealed Pro- posals shall be in the form a.s follm¡s: NOTICE INVITING SEALED PROPOSALS Notice is hereby fiven that the Sanitary Board of the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District, Walnut Creek, California, invites and ",ill receive seeled propose,ls until 8tp:m.o'clocifSeptember 4" ,1947, for furnishing all labor, materials, ~md services for the construction of Main Trunk Se-er, Section I, for the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District in accordance with the plans and specifications adopted therefore. ~ c\~ ~ - ..) c:::; <C The plans and specifications for the proposed work may be f.een a,nd exl?JrÜned at the office of the Centrpl Contre, Costa Seni- tory District, 1335 ComLlercie,l Le.ne, We.lnut Creek, C2.1ifornia, or at the Engineering Office of Clyde C. Kennedy, Room 504, 604 Mission Street, San Francisco, California, or may be secured at the Engineering Offic e of Clyde C. Kennedy by making 8, pe,yment of Ten Dollars ($10.00). There will be no refund on returned plans or specifications. Pursuant to the statutes of the State of California the Sani- tary Board of the Central Contra Cos~a Sanitary District has as- certÐ.ined and determined the genel"'2.l p:c'8v8.ilinf:- I'ate of per diem wages and rates for overtime and legal holidays in the locality in which th:s work is to be performed for each craft or type of ¡'wrl:m2.n or mechanic needed to execute the contl"Ð.ct. The p:c'evail- ing re.tes so ð.eterrr:ined are as fol10lvs: Cle.ss of ¡'fork Asphalt Plant Operators Asphalt Plant Engineer Carpenters (Foreman) Carpenters (Journeyman) Shovel & Dragline Operators (un~er 1 yd) Shovel & Dragline Operators(over I yd) Compressor Ope~ators Compressors (more than one) Operators Concrete Laborers Cement Finishers Concrete Mixerman (up to 1 yd) Concrete Mixerr;'.an (over 1 J'cJ Ope:r.'p.tors, Vibre.tors, Je.ckheJl1!'1ers anëL other Air, Gas and Electric Tools Asphalt Shovelers As ()h2.1 t II'oners &. RÐ.,kers Firemen (S~ationary) Crane & Derrick Operators Labore?s, feneral Mechanics helpers and oilers Per Diem Rate Hourly 8 Hours Rate 14.40 1.80 16.80 2.10 18.00 2.25 16.00 2.00 19.20 2.L~0 20.00 2.50 14.00 1.75 16.40 2.05 12.00 1.50 16.20 2 . 0 2i 14.00 1.75 16.40 2.05 13.00 1.6 2i 12.00 1.50 14.00 1.75 14.00 1.75 18.ao 2.25 J.2.00 1.50 14.00 1.75 08 'Or¥ '. 4 ~l 14U Cle"ss of Uork Bulldozer Operators Motor Gr~der Operators Roller Operators Tractor Operators Tractor & Truck type Lo~der, Operator Sewer Pipe Layel"s & Banders Trenching Machine Operetors Truck Driver (Dump trucks under 4 yds) Truck Driver (Duop, over 4 & under 6 yds) Truck Driver (Dwnp, over 6 & under 8 yds) Truck Dr'i vel" (Dump, over' 8 yð.s) Truck Driver (Pickup or flatrack carrying less than 10,500 Ibs) Truck Driver (FIRtrack, carrying over 10,500 lbs) Electrician Iron 1I1or1:eY'8, Re inforcing Steel, RoèŒlen Iron Worl~er, Rodmen ForemEW (3 men or' under) Foreman (4 men or over) Structural Iron Workers Plumbers Roofel"'s Sheet Metal Workers Watchmen, Flagmen & Guards Drillers & Blasters Cribbers & Lagging Combination, Jackhammer-Powderman Painters Plasterers Plasterers, Hod-carriers Bricklayers Bricklayers, Hod-carriers Pel" Diem i\ate 8 Houl"'S ,~- Hourly B.2te 16. ,So 18.00 16.80 16.80 18.00 2.10 2.25 2.10 2.10 2.25 1. 87'~ 2.15 1.1.1-5-5/8 1.58-1/8 1. 6?-~i" 2.05 13.40 16.40 11.90 1.1.¡.8-3/4 12.90 18.00 14.00 15.00 16.00 16.00 18.00 14.00 16.00 12.00 14.00 14.00 lLf-.OO 1.61i 2.25 1.75 1. 87.~- 2.00 2..00 2.25 1.75 2.00 1.50 1.75 1.75 1.75 Pey- Diem Rate 7 Hours 14.00 2.00 Per Diem Re.te 6 Hours 15.00 13.50 13.50 10.50 2.50 2.25 2.25 1.75 Overti¡r¡e e.nè. Se.turday work shHl1 be paid for at double the no!"!!l¡:Ü hourly rate exce:pt EU3 noted belo~'! for Cement Finishers and Trucl: Drivers anc.l work on Sundays o.nd Holidays shall be 1)9, id for at double the normel ho1-u'ly rEte. The foregoing schedule of prevailing rates of wages, and rates for overtime, Sundays and Legal Holidays, is based, unless other'T¡¡i se specified, upon a i'!Orking c1py of [3 hours. Overtime and Sp.turc12.y re,te s for Trucl: Drivers she.ll be at li. times the normal hourly rate. The first two hours overtime, after a normal 8 hour day, for Cement Finishel"s shall be at It times the norJ:1.?l :c'ate Rnå. further overtime s11o9.ll be R.t ciouble the norme.l rate. SaturdE'.y '"TorI: for Cement Fini shers 8h8.11 be et l-~' ti~'1~ s the nol"m8.1 re,te foI' the first 8 hours \vol"'kecî, A.nð. rt double the norm21 r2.te for 8.11 further time ,'mrked on Ss.turdays. Notice is also hereby fiven bidders th~t it shall be man- datory upon the contractor to \'!hom the contract is Ð.imrded, and upon all subcontl"A.ctors unc"Lel" him, to pry not less than said gen- eral prevailing rates of per Ö,iem ""JB.ges, as above listed, to all 18.bo:c'ers, 1'iOrkmen, p.nd mechf::.nics emTJloyed in the execution of the contl"8.ct. 08 0'; 4 t,' J41 Before submi ttin~' proposals the bidder shE'>ll be licensed in accor6.8,nce with the provisions of ChB.l)ter 9 of Division III of the Business and Professions Code, Chppter 37 of the Statutes of 1939, as 8.nlenc1ed, of the Sté'te of C2.1ifornia which ljrovide s for the registration and licensing of contractors. Each bidder must submit \vi th his proposal, a ste.tement of his f inpnci8.1 responsibility, technic~?l ability and eXl)erience on the form to be furnished prospective bidders. ,. Ea.ch biõ_der shall subm:t t "íÖ th hi s bid on the form provided the name end 8.ddress of each subcontractor includir.g the prin- cipal suppliers of materials, and the portion of the work which each subcontractor \l7il1 do. If the contractor fe.ils to neJIle the subcontractors in his propos8.1 he shall be deemed to have agreed to perform such portion of the work himself and shall not be permitted to subcontr8.ct séÜèl portion of v!ork Ivi thout previous written permission of the Sanitary District Board. ~ ~\.l ~ --. ',.) 0: -< The proposr>l shall be made out on the form to be furnished )l'OSl)ect i ve biÚõeI'S, a copy of ïd1ich is incorporptecl with the sG?cH'lcetions, 8. n (I. r:mst -be Ð.cco:n~)é'_nied by a cel-.tified 01" cashiers' check or bidder's bond for an amount not less than ten (lJ) per cent of the aggregate of the proposal, made pay- 201e to the Cent:c'e.l Contra Costa SarÜ té'l"y DistI'ict, seE'_led and filed with the Secretary thereof on or before the day and hour first pbove set forth, and t:19y'safter Hill be publicly opened and read before said Sanitary Board. The above mentioned check or bond 8h9.11 be given as a guar- Ð,ntee that the bidder "i'Jill enter into contre.ct if awÐ.l""ded the ,:-!o r}:: , l1i thin ten (10) deys G.fter not ice of the ml.'"arCL has been sent to him by mail at the address given by him in his proposal and said check or bond shall be declared forfeited if the bidder refuses or neglects to enter into said contract within said time. The successful bidder will be recuired to fm:'nish labox" and me.te:::,i?"l bonds in the amount of 50 per cent of the contra.ct price and a faithful performance bond in an amount equal to 100 per cent of the contract price. The Sanitary Board reserves the right to reject any or all proposals and to Ivaive any infonnality in proposals received. G. S. CUTLER, SECRETARY Central Contra Costa Sanitary District By orcì.er of the S8ni te.ry BoÐ,rd of the Centre.l Contra. Costa Se.ni ta.ry District. DATED: Aup;ust 7, 194-7. ( ,SEAL) G.S. CUTLER Secretary of the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District, County of Contra Costa, State of Calif. PASSED AHD ADOP:rED tlÜs 7th dRY of Auf:;ust, 1947 by the follo':'.'ing vote: AYES: Directors Johnson, Smitten, Wadsworth, Weill. NOES: None ABSENT: Director Toland (SEAL) LA l-¡SO N H. HE ILL President of the Sanite,ry Board Of Central Contra Costa Sanitary DistY'ict CC=:TERSIGNED: G. S. CUTLER Secretex"y of the Sanitary Boç:trd Of Centre.l Contra coste. 5an1 tar.y Di strict. 08 0 v4lol I. 4:7 1-42 BOND PRINTING BID~ The following bids were received covering the printing of the Bonds: A. Cgrlisle & Co. - $870.00 for 1800 bonds, with ~75.00 for each additional interest rate. Deliv- ery guçú"2~nteeè. Septenber 11, 19L¡'7. H. S. Crocker Co. - " j! $1,235.00 for 1800 bonds, with ~75.00 for each interest change. Delivery by Q.a,""'o"'1'bO-(' L1 loli.7 ',)-('O"l' dad O"'u"or o.;~l.J U~L. -'- " -/"'1 , - - ..~ .J. ~ is pleced on Au¡:::'ust 8, 1947 and L:ter- Cst ~p+e l'S ~Qc'o"ec" Auruc"" l~ 1047 .. _c,v~ .,-~J..~! tc,.e>u-..J,-/' Jeffries Banknote Co. - $1,075.00 for 1800 bond~, with 675.00 for interest change. Delivery within tbree weeks of time interest rate is received. Schwabacher-Frey Co. - $1,128.00 for 1800 bonds, with 475.00 additional for interest change. Deliv- ery of proof August 25, providing int- erest rates are furnished by August 14, shipment two weeks after return of OK'd proof. Director Johnson offered the motion that we accept the low bid, 1. e., A. C¡:œlisle Ðnd Company. The motion was seconded by Director Smitten, and carried by the following vote: AYES: Directors Johnson, S~~tten, Wadsworth and Weill. NOES: None ABSENT: Director Toland. Director Johnson Dresented the following resolution: RESOLUTION NO~ ~-¡HEREAS, Clifford R. Ruscoe and 11Rrion T. Ruscoe, hi s ",':i fe, pnel Cliffo2."d M. Ruecoe e.nd Iris R. Ruscoe, his v!ife, for v:?,lue received have ~rRnted 2 Deed of Dedication for sewer easement of all thrt certpin real property situated in the County of Contra Costa, State of O~lifornia described as follows: A percel of land twenty (20) feet in width lying adjacent to and measured at right angles easterly from the eastern line of St~te Highway No. 24, ex- tending from the southern line of that certain p~rcel of land described in deed by Antonio Duarte Rodrique et ux, to Rsy C. Turn9.r, et ux, dated Sep- tember 4, 1945 end recorrled November 14, 19?t5 in Book 853 of Official Records, page 380; along said easterly boundary line of the State Highway, south- erly 76.66 feet more or less to the northern bound- ary line of that certain parcel of land described in deed. by Fr2.nk Aim2,n, a single TIle,n, to Fre,nk O. Liebert, et ux, dated June 25, 1945 and recorded July 19, 1945 in Book 818 of Official Records, pe,ge 304. Said Deed of Dedication for sewer easement together with the right of ingress thereto and e~ress therefrom to be used by the ~Centrp,l Contrp. Cost!", Sani tpY'Jr Dist:;:'ict fo:e the l)u:."pose 00 0 0:7 417 ~ 4.3 of constructinfé:, lc.ying, ill2.int¡:'.ÌiÜnf' and op;:;rating se'I'.'Ar ::>i:oes tbsy'ein 2.,nd thereu:Jon tog-ether 1vi th 8.ppu::....ten.C1nces p.nd. 2~'~ìpl:i.e.nees. NO~J, TrE:?EFORE, BE IT RESOLVED tr-Jé't sc.id Deed of Dedieation be, p.nd SRille is hereby e.cce:::Jtec'., And the Recol"cler Df Contr!:1. Costa County be, Fnd he is hereby authorized and directed to record said deed. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 7th day of Au~u8t, 1947, by the follm'Jinz.: vote: AYES: Directors Johnson, S~itten, :~dsworth, Weill. NOES: None ABSENT: Director Toland. ~ C',~ ~ --, ,"' =c COUNTE:~SIGHED: LAUSON H. 'l1EILL President of the Sanitary Board of Central Contra Costa Sanitary District of Contr~ Cost.? County, State of California <t: G. S. CUTLER Secretary of the Sanitary Board of Centrpl Contra Coste Sanitary District of Contre Costè County, State of California. The following resolution was presented by Director Johnson, seconded by Director S~itten: RESOLUTION NO. 34 VlHE?EAS, Cliffo:¡::d R. rtuscoe B.nd J.12.1"'ion T. Ruscoe, his ìdfe, p.nd Clifford 1,1. Ruscoe 2,nò. Iris R. Ruscoe, his 1'life, for vcÜue received heye granted a Deed of Dedication for sewer easement of all that certain real property situated in the County of Contra Costa,Stete of C~lifornia described as follows: A parcel of land twenty (20) feet in width lying adjacent to and measured at right an~19s easterly f~orn the eastern line of State Highway No. 24, extending fron the southern line of that certain parcel of land described in deed by Antonio Duarte Rodricues, et ux, to Jose Martins Lucas, dated February 1, 1937 and recorded February 11, 1937 in Book 434 of Official Records, paGe 297; south- erly p.lon~; the ~p,sterl1 Boun6p,r'y line of s8.iò. State Highway 56.66 feet, more or less, to the northern line of Mayhew Ro~d. S&id Deed of Dedication for sewer easement together with the :eight of inf:re ss t:-.e:;."eto end e[;l"'e ss the1"efrom "'co bs used by tbe Csntr'21 Cont~'p Coste. Sanitary Distr'ict for' the pur~oose of con- structing, layin~, rnaint~ining and operating sewer pipes therein and thereupon tog'ethel'" 1:,:1 th appur.tenal1ces and e,3)plie.nce s. NO ';7, TH3:::?EFCx_, BE IJ:' :RESOLVED that said Deed of DedlcP,tion be, and Same is hereby accepted, and the Recorder of Contra Costa County be, 2nd he is hereby authorized and directed to record ;:pid (lead. 08 07, 47 144 PASSED AIm ADOPTED ir~H:;, 7th DC'_y of Au?uet, 1~'l.!'7, by the follm'i'ir.p vote: Noes: Directors Johnson, &~itten, ~~fsworth, Weill. Hone Director Toland, AYE~:, : A33ElT':l:: LA'il30N H. ~iLILL President of the S~nltary Board of CsntY'ccl Conti""c, Co stE' SF,nt tf :;:-'y District of Contra Costa County, State of CElifornia CO UNTE:?S I3IŒD: G. }. CUTLER Secretary of the SRnitary Bo~rd of Central Contra Costa Sa~ltary District of Contra Costa County, State of California, Director Johnson prese~te~ the followin~ resolution, sec~~~ed by Director S~itten: RESOLUTIOlJ NO. 35 i'THE~,EAS, the CIl'Y OF ~!ALNU::; CPEEK, fOi' vE'_lue received has 2ranted p Deed of Dedication for sewer e2se~ent of all that ¿ertain real property situated in the County of Contra Costa, State of California described as follows: A ')~Y'cc1 OT~ '-:"110' t'r,,'onty (-;0) ¡"'loot 1'"1'('1"" 11;1'1"':'" P"'.i""""ll""l ';"'~ '~,~ - ,-,.. - '-""-'" ,- -~-, .. ,~. --J "" (:. c. ~ to and the ent're length of the followin~ described center line: Beginning at a point on the Southeasterly line of Ygnacio V8.l1ey :?oP.ò- in ðhe CiJcy of i1¡:;lnut Cr'eel;: ,::hicb point is North 42 11' EE'.st 4L!0. 65 feet from the Easterly line of Main Street, thence from the point of beginning South 10 291 East 395 feet to a point on the Southerly line of the ?arcel of land described in the deed fx"om Anerice.n TI'ust Com~:"8ny, a CO1~~)01"é'.tion, to City of :'¡2.lnut Cr'e 81:, a IvIunicippl corporation, dated AuGust 15, 1944, recorded Oct- ober 7, 1944, in Boo~: 796 of Official RecorÜs, page 364. The sides line to be len~thened or shortened so as to terminate on the Southerly line of the City of Walnut Creek parcel and the Southeasterly line of said Ygnacio Valley Road. Said Deed of Dedication for sewer easement together with the right of inf;ress thereto and egress thei"'efl""om to be used by the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District for the purpose of con- structing, layin~, maint~inin[ and operating sewer pipes therein é'cnd thereupon toc:ether I'li th ePl)Urtenance send e,ppliances. NOU, THER:E:FORE, BE IT RESOLVED that said Deed of Dedication be, and Sf1.me is hel""eby eccepteð_, and the Recorð_er of Oontl"'E'. CostE'. County be, and he is hereby 2llthorized and directed to record said ð_eed. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 7th d2_Y of August, 1947 by the follo1'!ir"~: vote: 08 07 47, 145 AYES: Directors Johnson, S~itten, Wadsworth, Weill. NO:::3: Nrne ABSEln : Dlrector Tole.nel LA;'¡SON H. ;VEILL President of the Sanitary Board of Central Contra Costa Sanitary District of ContrR Costa County, State of California. COUNTEESIGNED: G. S. CUrLER Secretary of the Sani tery BoareL of Central Contra Costa Sanitary District of Contra Costa County, State of California ~ C\l ~ ~ :c <:( Director Johnson presented the folloVJing resolution, seconded by Director Scitten: RESOL1Tl'ION NO. ,6 vffiEREAS, the CITY OF WALNUT CREEK, for value received has granted a Deed of Dedication for sewer ease~ent of all that certain real property situated in the County of Contra Costa, Stpte of Cplifornia described as follows: A parcel of land twenty (20) feet in width, the side boundary lines of \vhich lie eauid.istE'.nt fr'om and pa.r- 8.llel to the Hortl1western extension of the center line of C2nplin Avenue, as said avenue is delineated on the lv!2P of OeJ:: PaI'k Subë.i vi sion, filed in O:,-'icin"'l l"ie.p Book No. 18, page 385, in the office of the County Recorder of Contra Costa County; exten~ing from the Northern line of said Oak Par'k Subdivision to the Southern line of that cert~in parcel of land accepted by the City Council of the City of Walnut Creek, by Resolution No. 348, and recorded October 7th, 1944 in Volwùe 796 Official Records of Contra Costa County. Said Deed of Dedication for sewer easement together with the right of inGress thereto and egress therefrom to be used by the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District for the purpose of con- structing, laying, maintaining and operating sewer pipes therein and thereupon together ì-lith p,ppurtenf1nces and a.pplif'.,nces. Nm'J, THE:~.EFO:;Z, BE IT RESOLVED tha.t sE.io. Deed of Dedication be, and sar:le is hereby accepted, at the Recorder of Contra. Co ste. County be, and he is hereby authorized and directed to record said deeò.. P AS3ED AIm ADOP:'ED THIS 7th c1e.y of AuGust, 194'7, by the follovo'ing vote: AYES: HOES: ABSENT: Directors Johnson, Smitten, Wadsworth, Weill. Hone Director Toland. COUNì'ERSIGNED: LA~°;Sm,! H. \.'EILL President of the SBnitery Board of Central Contra Costa Sanitary ~ Di9trict of Contra Costa County, State of C~lifornia G. S. CU~CLER SecI'eta.I'Y of the S2.ni tp,ry BOB,I'd of Cent:::.~pl Cont:::.~p.. CO;?t8 8£'.n:'.. tary District of Contra Costa Cou~ty, State of C~lifornia 08 0 ""~7 '¡ 4 ~, 146 Ths followinÇ<; resolution 1mB 9resented by DirectoI" Johnson seconded by Director Soitten: RESOLUTION NO. 37 i:HEREAS, Albel""t V. Leven p,nd AnE::eline M. Leven, for- vl'Üue received, have granted a Deed of Dedication for sewer easement of all that certain real )roperty situated in the County of Contra Costa, Stpte of Californi~ described as follo~s: A strip of land twenty (20) feet wide lyin~ within the parcel of land described as parcel one in the deed from Walter Pierson and Varian Pierson, his Fife, to Albert V. Laven and Angeline M. Laven, his 1",ife 8.S joint tené'nts, dated September 23, 1946, recorded November 27, 1946, in Book 925 of Offici~l Records, page 314, more particularly described as follows: The Easterly 20 feet of saið Parcel One measured at right angles from the Easterly line of said L2.ven Parcel. The side lines of saicl 20 foot strip to be lengthened or shorteneê':. so p.S to tennin2,te on the Northerly and Southerly lines of said Laven PArcel. Excepting therefrom that portion lying within the tract of lEma descl""ibed as Pa.rcel Tl"!O in sf',icl Lp.ven Deed (925 OR 314). Said Deed of Dedication for sewer easement together with the ri¡::ht of ingress thereto 8,nd e~Tess tl1e:C':>.fl"'or¡1 to be usec1 by the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District for the purpose of con- structin~, laying, maintaining and operating sewer pipes tllerein pnd thereupon tot,:ether 1'!i th 2ppurten2.nces and a)pliences. NOU, THEREFOBE, BE IT RESOLVED thFt said Deed of Dedication be, pncl S8.Ele is hereby acce)teà., and the Recorder of Contrp Costa County be, and he 1s hereby authorized and directed to record said deed. PASSED AND ADOPTED THIS 7 th day of Au~ust, 1947, by the f 01 1 Oi'li n;"; vote: AYES: Dirf'.ctors Johnson, S:.ii tten, \-;eds,:oI..tl1, ~-¡eill, NOES: None ABSEnT: Director Tolpnd COUNTEESIJ.ìJED: LAlISON H. TŒILL PresiGent of the Sanitary Board of CentrF1 Contra Costa Sanlt~ry DiBtrlet of Contra Costa County, Stpte of C?liforni~. J'. s. CU'rLEE Secretary of the Sanit2ry Bo~rd of Cent~~l Contra Costa Sanitary DiEtrict of Cont~2 Costa County, Stpte of California. 0 C) 0 0:, 4 ~( 14 '¡ ~he follo~in~ resolution was presented by Director Johnson, secGDcled by Dil.~ector SL~i tten: RESOLU::7rON NO. '38 :~HEFEAS, M. SolIDi, Pat Shmv and Juanita A. 8hm'!, for v81ue received have grR~ted a Deed of Dedic~tion for sewer easement of 2.11 thpt cert2.in reA.l property 8i tupted in the County of Contr'a Coste., 8te.te of C8,liforni2. described as f,ollm,s: ~ i'-..! ~ '-;) CC <t: A parcel of land twenty (20) feet in width the side bound- ary ¡ines of 'i',¡hich lie eQuidistant from and pare.llel to Ð.nd the entire length of the fnllo1'.\Ting de scri betl l:i.ne:. Be;:;inninç at a point on the Southern boundp~y of that certain parcel of le.nd l1V.TIIOSI'ed "2" in deed fr'orJ. SarFJ Belle Se8.rs to Annie Loucl;.:s, dated Jenu2.ry 9, 1913 and recorded Janunry 18, 1913 in Book 197 of Deeds, page 31; which point lies westerly a dist~nce of 10 feet from, measured atri;ht angles to, the E~starn bounCary line of thpt certain p~rc31 of land des- cribed in Decree of Distribution, in the Matter of the 'Pt"'.~-"-'-D O'f' Clol°1°11c-~" o.o'mJ.' ";1""0 '-no~,-n ,..,s C1P"'°11+~ o.ol¡nJ.' -~.J,_u~. '- --~,,'J d,J..c.""'~ , c-- ,h. ,...C'. ._'--.~ u_.'"' J, dece8_sed, Contr's. Coste Count;y Nu.r:lbe:c' 12627, de.ted October 7, 1946, recorded October 7, 1;46, under Recorder's Serial Number 37992; running thence S 60 121 3L¡.1I E parEllel to C'!:>i(~ t:'Qr<to-('>'1 Boun=!--">y 'i""'" "7,J') 7ë:. foot +-0 ,., '00i'1-'- "-11°11C'" "'C.~ "'0"",...0 ~ - 1 L,.c'..l. ~ J.h, ,- :J _J...J ~ ~ I.> c. - -- U, 1.>1 -' ~ S 81' 05' 22" 1'; pal~2.11el to the no:.--'thel"n line of Nonun:ent -:!tl,,>oot 4"-LJ 30 foo+: "'10-('0 ,~,-,"> 1°"',",- +:0 +:";'" 4 "lTo"'>C!°Cc-~OI1 Fl' t'n ;..; - ~~ ',. ~~ v .' -" -- ~,'-'~, v v_.~.J..l ,,~- ~,~ .'.J.. ... the Nortfiern projection of the center line of Dell Street, 8.S 5aie'. street s are õ.elineatec1 on the "1:18.-0 of' the TO'::n of Pacl1eco" filed in I,ie.}) 13001: "E", page 95, - in the office of the County Recorder of the County of Contra Costa, State of Cplifornia; thence southerly along said Nort~ern extension (center line of Dell Street), 635 feet more or less to the northe:-'l1 line of the above mentioned Honunent Street. Said Deed of Dedication for sewer easement together vith the ri~ht of infress thereto and egress therefrom to be used by the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District for the purpose of con- st::."uct::.ng, 12_yinf.~, mÐ.inte~ining B.nd oper8.tinf, sew-eI' pipes therein 8.ne:. thereupon to€~ether 'ivi th 8_:9purtenp,nce s and appliances. NO~'l, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED the.t said Deed of Dedication be, and S8.me is hereby accepted, and the Recol">cler of Contrt?, Co sta County be, end he is hereby authorized and à.irected to record s2.ic1 ò.eed. PASSED AND ADOPTED THIS 7th day of August, 1947, by the follOl'!inp: vote: AYES: Directo:t'S Johnson, S:Ü tten, :!e.ð_si'!orth, :1e1l1. NO::::S: None ABSEI¡T: Director Toland LA .;;50 N H. HE ILL Prë sident of the Sn.ni te.l'"'y BoE'.rð. of Centr~l Contra Costa Sanitary District. of Contra Costa County, State of California. COUIJTERSIGHED: G.. S. CUTLE:. Secretary of the Sanitary Board of Central Contra Costa Sanitary District of Contra Costa County, State of California, 08 Oi, 4 r¡ 14~. MONTHLY BILLS The following bills were presented: ,'1.i"'.",:,1- /-, Vo. )./9 Laura Hopkins n.oElliott Johnson ,n..! H. vi. Tolanð.. . n\.H. H. Snütten , n)R. E. ~vads't\'orth , À).o L. H. lJeil1 v).).fPac. Tel. & Tel. ,().)oP2.C. Gas & Elec. v~~,City of Walnut Creek v' nL. ~im. H. Bl"2.ilsford . ).)..>'G. S. Outler v~~lMorna Phillips ... .;lhDahlgl"'en' s n-HThompson Electric ~~.Courier-Journal ....,a~-DeTar Pub. Co. ....;J.~' Clyde O. Kennedy ~ .;l3? Petty Ce.sh P... ~ I 3D ~1)1 ' .If , , oJ'! .,c, s -r ý." ~ J ~ 68.00 12. 21 10.00 11.40- 12.21 10.00 61.87 1.38 4.45 400.00 :;0.00 1.50.00 4.27 4..53 2..06 38.25 4,804.79 40.00 Steno Fee & mileage Fee Fee & mileage II II II Telephone Electricity ,!¡later Attorne,y Fee Secð:,y, I'ee 01 erk It.. V.J.. 001/'" R ~7" Office supplies Elec. pÐ.rt s Lege.l printing Legal notice Engr. fee incidentals It was moved by Director S~itten, seconded by D:rector follo~':i~:.;"~ vote: UaeJ-8"í\orth thEtt the bills be paid 2,S listed, f'-nd cay'rieò. oy .tlle AYES: Directors Johnson, Soitten, Wadsworth, Weill. nOES: None ABSENT: Director Toland. Director Johnson presented the following resolution: PESOLUTION NO. 39 1'lHEP.EAS, the Southel"n Pacific Rail:eoad Comp2.ny, a corpor&.- tion, and its lessee, the Souther'n Pacific Cor:il)any, Ð. corpora- tion, for value received have granted an easement for the con- struction, maintenance and operation of a 30 inch reinforced concrete sewer pipe, and two 12 inch vitrified clay pipes en- cased in corrugated iron pipes across and beneath the property and trpcks of the Gr&ntor at Walnut Creek in the County of Contra Costa, State of California in the locations shown on the print of Western Division of the Grantor, drawing No. W-1578, sheet 1 of 2 revised July J, 1947, and further des- cribed as follows: A l"ight 2.ne;le crossing at tIle Gl"rntor's rl[;ht of Hay Station 385 + 19; B. lorlf':i tuc,-inC'l ee.sement with center line 10 feet westerly of the easterly boun(lary line of the rie:ht of vl8.-:/ fT'om Station 385 + 19 to Sta.tion 408 + 34.10; a rig'l1t angle crossir:g at Station 42;;:: + 57.5; a longi tuë1inal encroachment with center line 10 feet westerly of the ea.sterly boundary line of the Gppntor 18 right of "';THY between S-~ntion 1.;.22 + 57.5 p.nd.. Sta- tion 456 + 94.7; Ð. right e.ngle crossin[~ at Ste.tion 4;:;0"" + 94 7. " lator'~l ollc-r'O"'C'1I'1<=-nt" 1,.ri 1-h C"'Ilt<=>1" .-I .,c" -.~-L. ~'"C.J..'_U'~" ~.u~,~ line Ie feet westerly of the easterly boun~ary of tIlo -~~c"k'¿' of .,T"'y '00"-'"'<=><=>11 St'='t;Oll U?'"'( + ] ':ì [I. ~ l.J..ÒUv, I,C:. vU..~~, 'C,.J.. 'I -~., a '=' " 40"),+ or,. ~ - 'r" aC'"nc.. "'t ,.,n-o-('o"'y~<:>"'<=>l" ,"'0 c.no. /_' 7\-', v.na R, C., Oo"'~'.t-: c ".~J. ~ _\.~d,,_L.~ .J :) qnC'lo ",1- "'J'r-'n'¿' of I""Y o,t~1-'lon 4ap+ ,~4 ~. "..Y1ci (:.,:..--,_--<."..1.(::-,1.0 ',C;;, '-'C-,"-. "Iv v.~,l..,J.. OR 0 !~, '" A!'j' £I. Go 149 BaieL [rant of e2.sement is su.oject and subordinate to the prior and continuinG right and oblige.tion of Grantor and Grantorle successor to use and maintain its entire railroad right of '(/Jay in lerformance of its public duty as 8, comE:on carrier, and is alE:~o subject to the right and pm,er of Gr'e"ntor and Gr~ntor'B successor in interest or ownerehip of the said railroad right of way and property to use the said land here- inabove described, or any and all parts thereof, for all purposes ",hich ere consistent ¡vi th the enjoyment of the ease- ment for the purposes herein g'ranted to the Gre,ntee. Said grant of easement is further subject to the payment to the Grantor an initial sum of Forty Dollars ($40.00) and an f),nnuel payment to the Grentor of One Hundred 8.nà. Seventy ($170.00) Dollars in advance. _. ,..' NmJ, THEFiEFORE, BE IT RESOLVED thp,t said grant of ep,sement be and the S8,ITle is hereby E'ccepted, é'.nd the Presið.ent and Sec- retary of the Sanitary Board are hereby authorized and ,directed to execute the agreement covering sai6 grant in the name of the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District, and to make the ppyment specified in sEdd 2gresment, 8,nd the Recorë.er of Contra, Costa County be and he is hereby authorized and directed to record said grant. ~ . ., /ø, :1,) ~2'ø ~ C'-.' ~ / --. ..-...: c:t PASSED AnD ADOPTED this 7th cl.r.y of Au[ust, 194'7, by the follo~'Iinf; vote: AYES: Directors Johnson, Srnttten, Wadsworth, Weill. NOES: None ABSENT: Director Toland. COUNTERSIGNED: LA\'ISCN H. l1EILL President of the Sanitary Board of Centrpl Contra Costa Sanitary District of Contra Cos~a County, State of California. G. S. CUTLER Secretary of the Sani tp.i"y Board of Centrp,l ContrE'. Costa, Se.ni tary District of Contra Costa County, State of California. The follm',ring resolution ¡-las presented by Director W'ads¡,¡orth sec~nded by Di~ector Weill: RESOLUTION NO. 40 ~'lHEREAS C. A. HooDer and COn1DE>,ny Ì1Ð"ve offered 8- lease on ", 6" .L ~ 100. 05 acres of lands Q';-:ned by them for a term of one yee.r commencing on the first d~y of September, 1947 for the total 2mount of e1500.00, and :rdERii.:AS said C. A. Hooper 2,nd Conp2.ny he.,ve further offered to m8,i.:e tllis le2.se rene't-mble p.nnu8.11y at the option of the lessee from ye~r to ye~r for ~ totnl not to exceed twenty years on the same terms and concH tions as herein :provided, 8.nd 00 "0 0 ~(. 4:1 1 r ~ .) \., ¥lHEREAS sl't1d c. A. Hooper and Company further offey'ed to g~ant an ease~ent for the installation of maintenance of a sewer pipe line over and 3,cross the property covered by the lee.se upon the termln8.tion of the lep.se, NO~"!, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the President and the Secretary of the Sanitary Board of the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District are hereby authorized and directed to execute said lease l'7i th s8.icì. C. A. Hoope3." 2nd Oo:,lpany. PASSED AND ADOP~ED this 7th day of AuGust, 1947 by the follm';ing vote: AYES: Directors Johnson, S¡;Ü tten, lÚ,tdm'!orth and ::eill. NOES: None ABSElTT: Directo:;." Toland. OOUNTERSIGNED: LA~':SON H. ~'JEILL President of the Sanitary Board of Centrpl Contra Costa Sanitary District of Contra Costa County, State of California. G. S. CUTLER Secretary of the Sanitary Board of Centrpl Contra Costa Sanitary District of Contra Costa County, State of California. ASSESSED VALUATION The District Engi~eer, through the Resident Engineer advised that the following data on assessed valua~ion had been secured from the County Auditor covering the condition of the District for the current fiscal y?ar: Original District (Incl. Unsecured Property) Net Taxable for 14 & 0 1947/1948 $15,342,570 14,§4Z:6;g 2,266.150 17,608,720 Estimated Value Annexed Areas Total District Valuation 1947/1948 CLERK'S SALARY It was moved by Director Smitten, seconded by Director Wadsworth that the clerk'ssalary be adjusted to, ~250.00 per month, in view of tbe fact that the volume of work bas con- siderpbly increased. Passed by the folJ.owin[ vote: AYES: Directors John?i)n, Sr.ii tten, 1VG.(1.sì'.'ortJ::, ~;eill. None Director foland. 0 8 0 :'/ 4: ~, NOES: ABSENT: 151 There being no further business it was DQved by Direc~or llaëcs¡":orth, seconded by Director Smitten that the rJeeting" be acljourned to August 14, 1947 at 11 a.m. ing vote: Carried by the follow- AYES: Directors Johnson, Sni tten, \lac1svJOrth, ~'le ill NOES: None ABSEET: Director Toland. ~ N ~ --. ..." ~ - < ¡;;~/6£ " )06 I I' Presi.ent of the Sanitary Board of Central Contra Costa. Sanite.ry District of Contra Costa County, State of California. 08 07 4 t,