HomeMy WebLinkAboutBOARD MINUTES 06-10-47 10~ MINUTES OF THE SPECIAL MEETING OF THE SANITARY BOARD OF THE CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT HELD JUNE 10.1947 .,J The Sanitary Board of the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District convened in special session at its regular place of meeting located in the Veteran's Memorial Building on the Southeast corner of Locust and Mt. Diablo Boulevard, in the City of Walnut Creek, County of Contra Costa, State of Calif- ornia, on the 10th day of June, 1947, at the hour of 8:00 o'clock p.m. The meeting was called to order by Lawson H. Weill, the President of said Sanitary Board who announced that this was the time and place fixed by law for the meeting of the Sanitary Board of said District to publicly canvass the returns of the Special Sanitary District Bond Election held on the 'rd day of June, 1947, in said Sanitary District, this being the seventh day after the said election. The Secretary called the roll. Those present and those absent were as follows: Present: Directors Johnson, Toland, Wadsworth and President Weill. Absent: Director Tuttle. CANVASS OF BALLOTS Director Johnson moved that the Sanitary Board now proceed to canvass the returns of the special Sanitary District bond election held on the ;rd day of June, 1947. Said motion was seconded by Director Wadsworth, and on roll call resulted in the following vote: AYES: Directors Johnson, Toland, Wadsworth and President Weill. NOES: None. ABSENT: Director Tuttle. The Secretary declared the motion carried. Whereupon it being shown to the Sanitary Board that the said election had been held as nearly as practicable in accord- ance with the general laws of the State except the requirements 06 1(' V 47 109 as to form o£ ballots as provided in the Health and S~tety Code o£ the State of California, and that the ballots sealed in an envelope and all other returns of said special Sanitary District bond election have been delivered to and received by the Secretary of this Sanitary Board from the nine (9) precincts established by this Sanitary Board within the exterior boundaries of said Sanitary District for the purpose of said election (and polls were open in said precincts specified in the notice calling said election); the Sanitary Board did then proceed to canvass the returns of said election in the manner provided by law and ~. N "':"'J'" such canvass was made in public and by opening the returns and by assembling and counting the votes for and against the propo- ,,; ,-," ....... sition voted upon at said special Sanitary DistrIct bond election, (the Secretary reported to the Board that he had received 24 <X: applications £or absent votes, ballots from e~ctors residing within said Sanitary District). The Sanitary Board then pro- ceeded to canvass the absent voters ballots. The said canvass or the 'returns of said election having been completed, the Sanitary Board thereupon declared the result of said election to be as follows, to-wit: !!!: The whole number of votes cast in the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District at said special Sanitary District bond election held on June 3,1947, was ',02' votes. 2nd: The proposition voted upon at said election was as follows: Shall the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District, Contra Costa County incur a bonded indebtedness in the sum of Tw.o million £our hundred thousand dollars ($2,400,000) for the purpose of raising money for the acquisition and construc- tion of sewers, drains and sewerage collection, outfall, treatment works and sanitary disposal system? 'rd: The number of votes cast for and against said proposi- tion was as follows: 06 10 47 ] 1 0 REJECTED AND BOND ELECTION TOTAL VOID BALLOTS PRECINCT NO. BONDS-YES BONDS-NO VOTES CAST IN ADDITION 1 372 44 416 2 523 44 567 7 67 , 70 4 209 21 2;0 g '51 22 37; 288 " 321 7 222 25 247 8 '59 48 407 9 299 69 ,68 ABSEBTEE VOTE 2; 1 24 2,71; ;10 ;,02; !!?h: The number of votes cast in said Sanitary District for and against said proposition was as follows, to-wit: As regards said proposition as above set forth, the number of votes for said proposition was 2,71;. The number of votes against said proposition was 310. Fram the'foregoing it appears that two-thirds (2/;) of the electors residing within the exterior boundaries of the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District voting at such special Sanitary District bond election voted in favor of issuing bonds as set forth in the said proposition. Director Johnson thereupon offered the following resolution and order which was unanimously adopted: RESOLUTION NO. 24 RESOLVED, .by the Sanitary Board of the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District of Contra Costa County, State of California, that WHEREAS, pursuant to proceedings taken by the Sanitary Board of the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District, an election was held in the said District, on Tuesday, June " 1947, for the purpose of submitting to the electors of said Central Contra Costa Sanitary District the proposition of incurring a bonded debt by said District to the amount of Two million four hundred thousand ($2,400,000) dollars for the acquisition and construc- tion of sewers, drains and sewerage collection, outfall, treat- ment works and sanitary disposal system, which election was noticed, called, held and conducted all in the time, form and manner required by law, and the resolutions, orders and pro- 06 10 47 111 ceedings taken by said District; and WHEREAS, the Sanitary Board of said District met at its usual place of meeting at the time provided bylaw to canvass the returns of said election and to determine and declare the result thereot, and having completed the canvass ot said returns; NOW, THEREFORE, IT IS HEREBY RESOLVED, DETERMINED AND DECLARED as follows: 1. That said election was duly and regularly held and conducted, and the votes cast thereat received and cBÐvassed, and the returns there of made in time, form and manner required ~ ,:.J by law; ~ 2. That the whole number of votes cast in saId District - .' CO <t at said election was 2,999. ;. That the following propos~tionwas voted upon at said election and that the number of votes given in said District for and against said proposition were as follows: Total Vote "YES" Total Vote "NO" 2,690 :309 PROPOSITION: Shall the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District, Contra Costa County, incur a bonded indebtedness in the sum of Two million four hundred thousand dollars ($2,400,000) for the purpose of raising money for the acquisition and construction of sewers, drains and sewerage collection, out- fall, treatment works and sanitary disposal system? 4. That there were nine (9) voting precincts established in said District by the Sanitary Board thereof for the purpose of holding said election, and that the number of votes cast in each precinct for and against said proposition was as follows: Votes for said Votes against Precinct proposition said proposition CONSOLIDATED PRECINCT NO.1 '72 44 CONSOLIDATED PRECINCT NO.2 52' 44 CONSOLIDATED PRECINCT NO~ , 67 , CONSOLIDATED PRECINCT NO.4 209 21 CONSOLIDATED PRECINCT NO. g '51 22 CONSOLIDATED PRECINCT NO. 288 " CONSOLIDATED PRECINCT NO.7 222 25 CONSOLIDATED PRECINCT NO.8 '59 48 CONSOLIDATED PRECINCT NO.9 299 69 06 10 47 ll~ 5. That all absent voters' ballots have been duly re- ceived and canvassed in time, form and manner as required by law, and the result of the absentee vote for and against said proposition submitted at said election is as follows: ABSENTEE VOTE Absentee applications filed Ballot 8 re turned (t ot al vo te Votes rejected (ineligible Spoiled ballots Bal~ots counted (reftUlar) Absentee Votes "YES Absentee Votes "NO" Total absentee vote cast) '1 27 3 24 23 1 24 That the total number of votes cast at such election for and against said proposition voted upon at said election, in- cluding the foregoing absentee votes, was as follows: Total Vote For: Total Vote Against:. 2,713 '10 6. That at said election more than two-thirds of the votes cast thereat were in favor of and authorized the incurring of a bonded debt for the purpose set forth in the proposition herein stated, that said proposition has been accepted and approved by the electors of said Central Contra Costa Sanitary Di striot, and that bonds will be issued to defray the cost of the improvements heretofore specified and to the amounts stated therein. Lawson H, Weill President of the ~anitary Board of Central Contra Costa Sanitary Distriot ATTEST: G. S. Cutler Secretary of the ~anitary Board of Central Contra Costa Sanitary District. I, the undersigned, he reby certify that the foregoing resolution was duly and regularly aaopted at a Special meeting of the Sanitary Board of the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District held June 10,1947, by the. following vote: AYES, and in .favor thereof: Directors Johnson, Toland, Wadsworth and President Weill. NOES: None ABSENT: Director Tuttle. ~s/ G. S. Cutler Seore ary o.f the Sanitary Board APPROVED: 06 10 47 'D....ca-tñA'rIt. J t is RIGHTS OF WAY TITLE SEARCH Mr. Mason advised the Sanitary Board that the descriptions were ready on rights-or-way from Walnut Creek to the disposal plant. Mr. Brailsford suggested the Board appoint a title company to make title search on rights-of-way. Mr. Toland was requested to find a real estate man in the district to appraise the values of the rights-of-way. Director Wadsworth made a motion, seconded by Director Toland, that the Board authorize the Richmond Martinez Abstract ~ and Title Company to search titles for rights-of-way for the trunk line sewer in Section No.1, extending from the disposal ~ ,~ -- ..J ........ ....... <t plant to the junction south of Walnut Creek, and for the treat- ment plant property required from the Hooper Company. carried by the following vote: The motion AYES: Directors Johnson, Toland, Wadsworth and President Weill. NOES: None ABSENT: Director Tuttle NEGOTIATION FOR HOOPER PROPERTY The discussion arose regarding having Coldwell and Banker Company negotiate further for the Hooper property. Director Johnson was of the opinion that they had closed negotiations by their failure to come to terms with the Hooper Company, and therefore the Board was now entitled to deal direct with the Hooper Company. MONTHLY BILLS The fo~low1ng bills were presented: Va, I$i- l~fElection Expense (Inspectors, Judges) 'S'1 G. S. Cutler - Ele ctlon incidentals 1"(0 W. M. McNeil - Hauling Election supplies I'll Walnut Kernel - AdvertisIng & Printing "1..Clyd.e C. Kennedy - Engineering Svc. '3l0~OO.,. l2~6o,¡. 49.00~ l19.01'" 4,601.9'" Motion was made by Director JOhnson, seconded by Director Toland that the bills be paid, and carried unanimously. 06 10 47 1 1 -l BUDGET FOR FISCAL YEAR 1947-1948 Motion was made by Director Johnson, seconded by Director Wadsworth that the Board adopt the budget in the amount of $56,000, as presented. Carried by the following vote: AYES: Directors Johnson, Toland, Wadsworth and President Weill. NOES: None ABSENT: Director Tuttle RESOLUTION NO. 25 WHEREAS, the Sanitary Board of the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District has heretofore by resolution election to avail itself of the assessment made by the Assessor of the County of Contra Costa and adopted such assessment as a basis of District taxation, NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that $56,000 is estimated as the sum needed for running expenses of the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District for the fiscal year of 1947 - 1948, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that Forty (40~) cents on each One Hundred and OO/lOOths ($lOO.Oq) Dollars of assessed valua- tion of taxable property in the District be levied to raise said sum; and the proceeds of such levy be paid into the running expense fund of the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District. CERTIFICATION OF TAX LEVY HONORABLE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS COUNTY OF CONTRA COSTA MARTINEZ, CALIFORNIA Gentlemen: This is to certify that the Sanitary Board of the Central Contra Costa Sanitary Disttict has determined that the sum of FiftY-Six Thousand ($56,ooo) Dollars, is needed for running ex- penses 'of the Sanitary District for the fiscal year of 1947 - 1948. "The rate of "taxation is fixed at Forty'(40~} cents on each One Hundred ($100.00) Dollars of assessed valuation of taxable property within the District. (SEAL) COUNTERSIGNED: Sanitary Board of Central Contra Costa Sanitary District By Lawson H. Weill Lawson H. Weill, President G. S. Cutler G. S. Cutler, Secretary 06 10 47 ~ ':'1 ~ ......., ." ........ ........ ~ 1 I 5 Adoption of Resolution No. 25 was moved by Director Johnson, seconded by Director Toland, and carried by the following vote: AYES: Directors Johnson, Toland, Wadsworth and President Weill NOES: ABSENT: None Director Tuttle FINANCIAL ADVISOR Director Johnson brought up the desirability of employing further financial advice to prepare a prospectus for presentation of the bonds. He suggested that Mr. Youngberg of the firm of Stone and Youngberg was willing to prepare a brochure as part of \) his duties under the contract which he entered into, and the Board should accept this service to the exclusion of anyone further. President Weill appointed Mr. Brailsford to contact Mr. Youngberg to request this service. OFFICE EQUIPMENT Mr. Mason presented a tentative list of required equipment and office furniture in the amount of $2,340. Director Johnson moved, seconded by Director Wadsworth that Mr. Mason be authorized to purchase the necessary items. Carried by the following vote: AYES: Directors Johnson, Toland, Wadsworth and President Weill NOES: None ABSENT: Director Tuttle MORAGA-RHEEM CONTRACT Mr. Brailsford suggested that the President and Secretary be authorized and instructed to notify the Contra Costa Title Company that the conditions of the Moraga-Rheem comtract have been fulfilled and request that they pay to the Sanitary District the sum of $123,175, being the first installment due under the contract. Motion was made by Director Toland, seconded by Director Johnson, and carried by the following vote: AYES: Directors Johnson, Toland, Wadsworth and President Weill NO ES : None 4BSENT: Director Tuttle /' ,,~' 06 10 47 1 1 (-) The following resolution was presented by Director Johnson, seconded by Director Wadsworth. RESOLUTION NO. 26 BE IT RESOLVED, that the regular meeting date of the Sanitary Board of the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District of Contra Costa County of the State of California, be and the same is hereby established as the second Thursday of each month at the hour of 8:00 o'clock p.m., in the office building at 1335 Commercial Lane. ADOPTED by the Sanitary Board of Central Contra Costa Sanitary District on the lOth day of June, 1947 by the following called vote: AYES: Directors Johnson, Tolancl, Wadsworth and President Weill. NOES: None ABSENT: Director Tuttle STATEMENT OF POLICY ON FUTURE ANNEXATIONS Discussion of issuing a statement of policy on future annexations was held over for further study. WAIVING OF June 12 MEETING The meeting of June 12 was waived, making the next meeting the second Thursday in July - July 10, 1947. The following resolution waS presented by Director Johnson, seconded by Director Wadsworth: RESOLUTION NO. 27 WHEREAS, on June 3, 1947 an election was held in the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District, which election auth- orized the issuance of Two Million Four Hundred Thousand and OO/lOOths ($2,400,000) Dollars aggregate principal amount of bonds of said District; and, WHEREAS, the provisions of the Health and Safety Code under which said District is organized provides a method for determining the right of the Sanitary Board of said District 06 10 4~ , " 1 7 to issue such bonds and the validity of such bonds, which provision, in the opinion of the Sanitary Board of said District, should be invoked without further delay; NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that W. H. Brailsford, Jr., the attorney of said District be and he is hereby auth- orized and directed to commence, in the Superior Court of the State of California in and for the County of Contra Costa, a special proceeding to determine the right of said Sanitary Board of said District to issue such bonds and to determine the validity of said Two Million Four Hundred Thousand and OO/lOOths ($2,400,000) Dollars, aggregate principal amount of said bonds authorized at said election held on the 3rd day of June, 1947. (SEAL) ATTEST: /s/ Lawson H. Weill President of the Sanitary Board of the Central Contra Costa Sanitary Distridt /s/ G. S. Cutler Secretary of the Sanitary Board of the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District CERTIFICATE I, the undersigned, hereby certify that the foregoing resolution was duly and regularly adopted at a special meeting of the Sanitary Board of the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District held June 10, 1947 by the following vote: AYES: Directors Johnson, Toland, Wadsworth and President Weill NOES: None ABSENT: Director Tuttle (SEAL) /s/ G. S. Cutler Secretary of the Sanitary Board of the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District The following resolution was presented by Director Toland, seconded by' Director Johnson: 06 10 4 ~l 11 P. RESOLUTION NO. 28 WHEREAS, ANNIE LOUCKS for and in consideration of the sum of Eight Hundred Sixty and OO/lOOths ($860.00) Dollars, has executed an option dated June 6,1947, to the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District to purchase for the sum of Twenty One Thousand Five Hundred Thirty Four and OO/lOOth ($21,534.00) Dollars, cash all that certain parcel of real property situated in the County of Contra Costa, State of California, described as follows: A portion of the Rancho Las Juntas, County of Contra Costa, State of California, containing 53.835 acres, more or less, described as follows: Beginning at the point of intersection of the Easterly line of that certain 212.30 acre parcel of land, described in the deed to Annie Loucks, dated January 9, 1913, and recorded January 18, 1913, in Book 197 of Deeds, page 31, with the Northerly line of that certain 6.926 more or less acre parcel, described in the deed from Annie Loucks to the State of California, dated September 7,1938 and recorded October 10,1938, in Book 467 of Official Records, page 90, thence from said point of beginning along the northerly line of said State of Californiß 6.926 more or less acre parcel (467 OR 90) South 66 42' West 2492.48 feet more or less to a point on the Easterly line of that certain 20.01 acre more or less parcel of land as described in the deed from C. A. Brown, a widower, to W. S. Edmeades, dated October 6,1938, recorded October 26, 1938 in Volume 479 of Official Records, at page 415, records of Contra Costa County, thence along said Easterly line of Edmeades (479 OR 415) North 30 34' East 336.54 feet to the Northeast corner of said Edmeades parcel (479 OR 415), thence along a direct extension Easterly of the Ngrtherly line of said Edmeades parcel (479 OR 415) North 85 10' Ee-st 191.38 feet, thence leaving said ex- tenQion North 0 28' West 1340.648 feet to the Northerly line of said 212.30 acre parcel (197 D 31) thence South 890 27' 30n East along said Northerly line 1774.4'0 feet to the, Easterly line of said Loucks' 212.30 acre parcel (197 D 31) thence along said Easterly line South 210 15' East 101.64 feet South 280 10' East 229.02 feet South 400 57' East 107.52 feet, and South 170 33' 30" East 327.37 feet to the point of beginning. RESERVING AND EXCEPTING THEREFROM to the said Annie Loucks, her heirs, executors and assigns, all of the rights of the said Annie Loucks, her heirs, executors and assigns, to a perpetual water supply for watering live- stock and for domestic use for one household, from the water main now situated on the premises hereinabove des- cribed, and to maintain a one inch water pipe line at its present existing location running from said water main in a southerly direction across the lands hereinabove des- cribed to the State Highway and to the lands of the said Annie Loucks, all as provided for in the deed' executed by the said Annie Loucks to Port Costa Water Company, a corporation, dated September 20, 1910, recorded January 9, 1911, in Volume 161 of Deeds, at page 237, Contra Costa County Recorder's office. 06 1 ('¡ . \1 4}1 J ¡ 9 SUBJECT TO: 1. The rights and easements granted to Port Costa Water Company, a corporation, by the deed executed by the said Annie Loucks, dated September 20,1910, rec- orded January 9, 1911, in Volume 161 of Deeds, at page 237, Contra Costa County Recorder's office. 2. Conditions as to access to State Highway contained in the deed executed by Annie Loucks to the State of California, dated September 7, 1938, recorded October 10, 1938, in Volume 467 of Official Record~, at page 90, Contra Costa County Recorder's Office. 3. The rights of John A. DeMartini, a tenant in poss- ession under an unrecorded lease of the hereinabove des- cribed lands of the said Annie Loucks, including the hereinabove described parcel of real property, the term of which lease will expire on the 30th day of September, 1947, reserving to the said Annie Loucks all rentals under said lease. ~ C\! ~ - '" .-.,., ..... NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that said option be and the same is hereby accepted and the Recorder of the County <1: of Contra Costa be, and he is hereby authorized and directed to record said option. Passed and adopted this lOth day of June, 1947, by the following vote: AYES: Directors Johnson, Toland, Wadsworth and President Weill NOES: None ABSENT: Director Tuttle ~~~:~ President of the Sanitary Board of the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District COUNTERSIGN There being no further business, it was moved by Director Wadsworth, seconded by Director Johnson that the Board adjourn to July 10,1947. ~~JdvJ~ LAWSON H. WEILL, President of the Sanitary Board of Central Contra Costa Sanitary District 06 10 47