HomeMy WebLinkAboutBOARD MINUTES 05-01-47 78 RECbSS I'ilil:;1'LKì- OF 'J:'J{E SAN:Ll'AItY BGAn.!) OF T:t-m CEH'TnAL CON'I'EA COS'l',~ S"JHl'ARY DlS1'fUC'r HELD -.--- h~AY 1, 1947 The Sanitary Board of the Centr8l Conty-a Costa Sanitar:y District held a recess ~eetin¿ at the hour of 8:00 o'clock p.m., on Thursday, hla.y 1, 1947, at the regular n~eet in¿~ place located in the Veteran' s }.'.en~ori3,l 3uildin¿.; on the SoutheRs t COI'i1er of Locust and l,it. Diablo Boulevard in the City of '~';[llnut C~~'eek, County of Contra Costa, State of Cqlifornia. President ~eill called the meetin¿ to oreier. On call of the roll the follovdng vIera present: Directors present: Johnson, Toland, Tuttle, liadslJ'lorth and PresiÙent.:eill. Directors absent: None. hi.INUrES APPROVED - -'._,- - rrhe I':linutes of the last meetinG were read and approved as entered by the following vote: AYES: Directors Johnson, Toland, Tuttle, Wadsworth and President ~eill. NOES: None. A.3Si.<.;l'iT : None. PEril'lilT F ROt. DE? AJ{'rIŒNT OF PUBLIC HL;ALTH -.-- -,--.-.---- 'The followinz Ie tter and perrni t from the Department of Public Health were read. On montion by Di:r'ector Johnson, seconded by Director 'ruttle, and unanimouslj¥ carried, these were incorporated in tb,e minutes: "Board of Directors Central Contra Costa 3a.:ni tary District Veter~l's Building l¿t. Vi9.blo and Locust Street Walnut Creek, California April 24,1947 ,}entlemen: Enclosed is the pernÜt granted your Board today by the State Department of Public Heal th uncler the Health and S~,i'ety Code for construction and oper'ation of sewa;ß treatIilent works and disposal of oxidizin¿ pond effluent to ~jalnut Cr'eek ner th of Arnall;, Hi;;hway. 05 01 47' . '79 "E:!.'1e :Uepal.,tr.ien~ is ke enly aware of the need for sewers allover tLe Dis tri ct to serve exis tinL and poteutoal housine developments where sewace overflow to private lands, public roads and water courses is a continual threat, and to pI'otect vvatershed lands tributary to drinking water supply reservoirs. 'J.'he permit is therefore bein::; sent you at this time with a special sense of satisfaction at the prospect of an earl"JT clean-up. lIThe ever present menace to public health from sewage over- flow on individual premises andt;he repugnant thought of small children and family pets playing in streams of sewace polluted water has hung over the citi~ens living in the area for many years. This Department has worked closely with the local health department to obtain temporary relief by temporary means. During the war and post-war peri ods the problems have increased at a rate far beyond the means available for effective control. ~ N -.::rt "";> CQ « "All who have studied the situation in Central Contra Costa County realize that the only satisfactory sewage disposal for the area is a district system with disposal to the Bay or to isolated undeveloped lands near its shores. The project pro- posed is a logical first step in the solution of the critical problem and lends itself to extension by the District, either alone or jointly with adjacent areas as population and assessed valuation increase. "It is our sincere belief that the forthcoming bond election will be carried by the voters of the District and will serve as a stimulus to continued sound development of this area. Very sincerely yours /s/ VHlton L. Halverson, M.D. Director of' Public Health.1t P ERr,IIT II State of California Departn~ent of Public Health April 24,1947 Bo~rd of Directors Celìtral Contra Coste- Sanitary District Veteran's Building kt. Diablo and Locust Street Walnut Creek, Cal ifornia C+ent lelllen : Subje ct : Application for Fermi t to Const ruct 6ewage 'rreatment Works to Serve Central Contra Costa Sffilitary District "Application of the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District dated February 13, 1947 to the State Board of Public Health of the State of California for pe nlli t to construct B.nd operate new sewaGe treatr:lent Víor'~~,s and to dispose of effluent to Wal- nut Creek north of Arnol~ HiGhway has been considered by the State De:;>,] :c:tment of Public Health. "T~~_pro.iect ,_applie~for is to serve the area in and ad- jacent to the City of Walnut Creek, Saranap, Lafayette, Moraga ani Orinda, all located in the Central Contra Costa Sanitary Distr'ict. ,. " .. " ; ,_n 05 01 47 80 "Analysis of' the project is based on preliminary reports and plans submitted by the District and upon data secured independently by the State Department of Public Health. The Ci ty of ~valnut Creek now has a badly overloaded sewa,ge treat- ment works, including an Imhoff tank and oxidizing ponds. Other areas have private or individual systems in densely built sections and sewa~e overflow to land, roads and water- ways is a frequent occurrence. IVloreover, residential con- struction in 'both new and old subdivisions is pr'oceedine; as rapidly as supplies of materials and labor permit. The project is necessary to provide sewage disposal for the entire area and to comply with the provisions of the Health and Safet:y Code. In analyzing the project we find: "Popula tion wi thin the Sanitary District is estimated a.t present to be 25,000. Design of' the main sewers is based on ultimate total population of 25°,000. Initial plant con- struction will be designed for 45,000 with provision for duplicating all units to provide for 90,000. These appear to be reasonable bases for design. "Sewa&e flow has been e stima ted for design pur'poses at 100 gallons per capita per day, or a total of 4.5 million gallons daily to be treated at the plant. Maximum hourly rates have been assumed at 150 percent of average. This is a very low peak flow as compared with ex)erience in other sewer s~rstems in the State, but is considered reasonable in this case on account of the long distance from the head of the s-y stern to the trea tment plant si te. "Industrial wastes are limited to those from one small tomato canñery at v~alnut Creek and the usual laundries. The canner,? waste is estiraa.ted as equivalent to sewage from a population of 4,200. The Contra Costa County Planning Com- mission is attempting to keep all heavy waste producing industries along the waterfront; hence, no addi tional indus- trial loads are anticipated within the District. tlPumJ.1?!.ng. Stations are to be located at Orinda, at Orinda Junction and at the sewage treatment works. Exact locations have not been established and these must be checked for adequate control of nuisance before construction. "Treatment plant units designed for 45,000 would normally serve for several years in the future. However, in view of the phenomenal growth of' this district, the design ca:9acity may be reached in a very short time. Provision has, therefore, been made for duplicating all units of the plant. Trœ treat- ment works will consist of grit removal units, Parshall flumes for me asurement of flow, comminutor, air agitation for floc- culation and odor control for a period of 30 minutes and pr'imary sedimentation for a period of 1.5 hours, followed by oxidation ponds with a detention period of 30 days. Sludge will be digested in two-stage units havinG a capacity of 2.4 cubic feet per person with gas collection and heating of the primary digester. Sludge drying beds are designed for 0.5 square foot per person. 'l'he sludge dryine: beds are only half' the size found necessary at most plants in the State. Other units of the plant conform to usual desißn criteria.. "Location of the proposed treatment works is north of Arnold Hic;hway and about 1500 feet east of the Pacheco-Martinez Road. P~Rnt units will be within 300 feet of the Arnold Highway and odor control may be necessal~ to prevent nuisance to the traveling public. At least provision should be made for housing all units in the future if other odor control measures fail. The proposed aeration of sewa¿<ß a."leB,d of primaty sedimentation may minimize the odors and make the plant site tenable. 05 01 4'l 81 "Effluent disposal Hill be to vlalnut Creek about 2000 feet north of Arnold Highway. The creek carries. high flood flows in winter but has no u9land flow in sumraer. It is important, therefore, that only fully oxidized effluent be discharged to the stream in the dry season. Ultimately, when the taxing power of the District is sufficient to finance the work, it is proposed to discharge effluent to Suisun Bay at q point just upstream from the Southern Pacific Railway Bridge at Martinez. That location would be a much better point of effluent disposal than the one proposed and the District should make plans to extend its outfall to the Bay as soon as financià arranGements can be worked out satisfactorily. ~ C\l ~ ""';> CO <: "It is concluded that the purposes of the Health and Se.fet-y CoQe, with respect to the disposal of sewage, can be accomplished by the project applied for and that the project is necessary. F'urther, it wi 11 accomplish a much needed clean-up of watershed lands above water supply reservoirs, and correct existing con- ditions of sewa¿e overflow to private property, public roads and waterways. n'iii th the foregoing findings in mind, permi t is herewith Granted to the Central Contra Costa Sanita~J District as applied for, said permit beinc subject to the following conditions: "(1) No sewage, sewa¿e effluent or slud~e, or impure water, gas, vapors, oils, acids, tars or any matter or substance offensi ve, injurious, or dangerous to heal th sb,all be dische,rged or di sposed or into Walnut Creelc; (2) Fecal matter, sewage, gre3.se, garbage, solid matter, slud[e or oily sleek recoznizable as of sewa~e origin from the sewerage system of the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District shall not be permitted to be visible alonE:; the ba..Ylks of ~ialnut Creek or in its waters; (3) There shall be no noxious or offensive odor, jases, or fumes, or sewage orisin in the water or alone the GarneS of \1Íalnut Creek, nor in thE; air outside the tracts of land upon \ihich puyaping stations and said sewa¿e treatment plant are to be located, .such that they 111a:- constitute a public nuisance. (4) No condition or conditions sr8ll exist or be per- l',ltted to exist due to the operation of the Central Contra Costa Sl?x~itary District sewage treatment plant vÚiÌch may con- stitute a hazard to the health of human bein¿s or animals, or whicl1. may constitute a public nuisance undel~ the laws of the State of California; (5) No new industrial wastes may be dischar¿ed to this sevier system unle ss a prograrn for pretre.g tment or other' control is provided before discharEß to sewer's so as not to interfere wi th the satisfactory operation of the sewer syster.l or treat- 1:lent rwrks; (6) 'i'he sewa::ß effluent disch!?,y'ced to -áalnut Creel: shall 1Je so Hell oxidized that the ì'iater in the creek, which in the a'.)sence of sewa':.;e frort!, the sewer system of the CentJ'al Contra Sani tar~T Di stric t vv'Ould be safe and suitable for re crea tion, will COnfOI'111 to the bacterial stand8.rds of the State Board of Public Heal th AS modified from time to 'l~iIne for safe s 13.1 t watel' l'ecy'eation; (7) Pinal plans for sewa::e treatr:lei1t works and outfall seVIer shall lie submitted for 8.pproval by the Bureau of Sanitary b;ncineer'in¿; of the St9.te Dep>:lrtment of Public Health; ,- 05 01 47. ~. ;' ~2 "( 8) Additional treatment v/orks, chan¿es in outfall or improvement in operation shall be provided when required by the State Department of Public Health. Very sincerely yours, /s/ Wilton L. Halverson, h.D. Director of Public Health." Director Johnson offered the followin:: resolution and order which were une.nirnously adopted: RESOLurION NO. 2.1 ----,--- 'i'~HE}ŒAS, in the judgment of' the S811i tary Board of Central Contra Costa Sanitary District, Contra Costa County, State of California, it is advisable to call and hold an election in conformity with the provisions of the Health and Safety Code of the State of California, B.nd to submit ther'68.t to the electors of said Central Contra Coste. Sanitary District the question oJ.:' whether or not bonds of s aid Distl~ict; shall be issued and sold as hereinafter' desißnated in the notice attached hereto and made a part hereof; NmJ, THEFlliFORE, IT IS H}~ft.EBY HESOLVED AND OFtDERED: 1. That the said election be and the same is hereby called to be held, and the same will be held, in said District on the date and in a cc.ordance with the provisions of the notice for said election hereinafter set forth, and sa.id bonds will be issued in all respects as is more fully set forth in said for:m of notice. 2. rrhat said election be called and notice thereof be given by postinE notices in the form hereinafter provided, signed by a majority of the members of said Senitary Board for not less than twenty (20) days before said election, in three (3) public places in said District, to wit: (1) 'relephone pole imnediately in front of the Orinda Fir'e Station at Orinda, California; rrelephone pole imnediately in front of the Post Office at Lafayette, California; ( 2) Telephone pole immediately in front of the Post Office at Vial nut , Creek, California; (said places being three (3) public places in said District), (3) 05 0'"71 -, .L 47, 83 and by publishinc said notice in THE LAFAYETTE SUN, a newspaper of general circulation printed and published in said District, not less than once a week for three (3) successive weeks prior to the holdi~~ of said election; and the Secreta~J of this Board is hereby directed to cause said notice to be posted and published as hereinabove provided. 3. That said election shall be conducted as nearly as practicable in accordance with the general laws of the State, except that the requirements as to the fonl of ballots shall not apply, and every voter resident within the District for ~ ~l '~ -:> a= 4: the perioà requisite to enable him to vote at a genernl election shall be entitled to vote at said election. 4. That the ballot to be used at said special election shall be substantially in the following form, to wit: No'.:lTJ:1Îsn1.Unbè-rls-to be : torn off by Inspector : lìlAHK CROSSES ( XJ ON BALLOrrS : ONLY WITH RUBBER STN~P; : NEVEH WITH PEN OR PENCIL. . . . . : (ABSE!~'rEß BALLOTS MAY BE Þ/iARKED WITH PEN Aim Ii'll( on P1!:NCIL) . . . No. : (Fold ballot to this perforated : line, leaving top marf,in exposed) : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . OFI<'ICIAL BALLOT . . CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT, CONTRA COSTA COUNTY, CALIFORNIA SPECIAL SANITARY DISTRICT BOIID ELECTION . . Tuesday, June 3, 1947 : INSTRUCTIONS TO VOTERS: To vote on any measure, st~ap a cross (X) in the votin~ square : after the word "YES II or after the word "NO". . . All marks except the cross (X) are forbidden. All : distinguishing marks or erasures are forbidden and make : the ballot void. If you wrongly stamp, tear or deface : this ballot, return it to the Inspector of ~lection and: : obtain another. On absent voter's ballots mark a cross(X) : : with pen or pencil. . . . . lŒAS UFŒ SUBl',lIT'rED TO VOTE OF vOTERS . . . . : PROPOSITION: Shall the Central Contra Costa :Bonds-Yes: : Sanitary District, Contra : Costa County, incur a bonded indebtedness : in the sum of Two million four hundred : thousand dollars ($2,400,000) for the pur- : post of raising momey for the acquisition : and construction of sewers, drains and : sewerage collection, outfall, treatment :wo~ks an,d 'sani te.rydisposal s7lstem? :.-------.-.--..---------- -----rl--nT--4 7 . . . . . . . . . . . '-..-,-, . . . . . . :Bonds-No: . . : . . . . . . 84 To vote in favor of the adoption of the proposition hereby submitted and to authorize the incurri~~ of the In- debtedness in said proposition set forth, each elector shall put a cross (X) in the voting square after the words "Bonds- Yes". To vote against the adoption of the proposition hereby submitted and asainst the incurring of the indebtedness in said proposition set forth, each elector shall stamp a cross (X) in the voting square after the words "Bonds-No". 5. 'llhat said notice of election shall be in form sub- stantially as follows: CENTRAL CONTRA COS'rA SANrrARY DISTraCT BOND ELECTION NOTICE NOTICE IS H~filiBY GIVEN to the qualified electors of Central Contra Costa Sanitary District, Contral Costa County, State of California, that in accordance with the provisions of the Health and Safety Code of the State of California governing such elections, an election has been called to be held and the same will be held at the places hereinafter desienated in said Central Contra Costa Sanita~J District, on TUESDAY, JUNE 3, 1947 from the hour of seven ('7) o'clock A.M. of said day until the hour of seven (7) o'clock P.t:. of said da¡r, durinc which period of time the polls will be kept continuously open, at which time and place there will be subwitted to the voters of said Dis trict the question whether or not the bonds of said District shall be issued and sold in the amount and for the objects and purposes set forth in the following proposition, to wit: PROPOSITION: Shall the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District, Contra Costa County, incur a bonded indebtedness in the sum of Two million four hundred thousand dollars ($2,400,000) for the purpose of raising money for the acquisition and con- struction of sewers, drains and sewerage collection, outfall, treatment works and sanitary disposal system? 05 01 4'l 8.5 The question of issuing bonds to make all of said fore- going outlays shall be submitted to the voters as one proposal. The said bonds hereby proposed to be issued and sold shall be 2,400 in number, numbered consecutively from 1 to 2,400, both inclusive, of the denomination of ;:;1,000 each, and will bear interest at the rate of not to exceed five (5) per cent. per annum, payable semi-annually, and shall mature and become payable in consecutive numerical order from lower to hiBher as follows, to wi t: ~ N ~ -;> 0: < $60,000 principal amount of said bonds in each of the years from 1 to 10 years after the date of said bonds, both inclusive; and $90,000 principal Œaount of said bonds in each of the years from 11 to 30 years after the date of said bonds, both inclusive. Both the principal of and interest on said bonds will be payable in laVlful money of the United States of America at the office of the 'rre9.surer of the County of Contra Costa, State of California. f'or the conduct of said special bond election Central Contra Costa Sanitary District shall constitute nine voting precincts. The State and County General election precincts l:rinc in whole or in part wi thin s aid Cent r~l Contra Costa S8.J.'1itarnj District are hereby consolidated for the pux'poses of se.id election, and each of said State and County 2;eneral election precincts is hereinafter referred to by name or number or w~ich it fOR1S a part. The pollin~~ places and ol'ficers of election to conduct said election in each of said consolidated yrecincts are as follovs: CONSOLID~rED PRECINCT NO. I (ComprisinG State B.nd Count:\T ceneral election precinct Lafayette Ho. 5 and those ::->ortions of Lafayette No.1 and Lafa;yette 1'To. 4 IJTin¿; within Central Contra Costa Sanitary District) Polling Place: Inspector Jud8e: Judge: American Lesion Hall, Lafayette .¡ Lillian Hill ffl.-1.-z-abeth Hodges Vi" s f/e / St" -ì>; /,'/ vMRude B. Helmond ,/" CONSOLIDATED PRECINCT NO.2 (Comprising State and County general election precincts Lafay'ette No.2 and Lafayette No.3 and that portion of Lafayette No.6 lyint within Central Contra Costa Sanitary Di strict) 05 01 47 86 ..; 0/ Polling Place: Inspector: Judge: Judge: Lafayette Gr~1mar School vMarjorie McAllister II'Ethel J. Leigh v Gertrude Cone CONSOLIDATED PRECINCT NO.3. (Comprising those portions of State and County general election precincts Moraga and St. r.lary' s lying within Central Contra Costa Sanitary District) Pollin8 Place: Inspector: Judge: Judge: Moraga GraL~r School II' I'iiichael Larch Ii T. P. Carroll v Amy .b;. Souza CONSOLIDATED PlíECINCT NO.4. (Comprising those portions of State and County general election precincts Orinda No.1 and Orinda No.2 included within the original boundaries of Central Contra Costa Sanitapy District as the same existed prior to the annexa- tion election of April 14, 1947, and also that portion of Orinda No.3 lying wi thin Central Contra Costa Sanitary District) Polling Place: Inspe ct or: Judge: Judge: Ralph C. Hall Residence, 72 David Roed v Martha. J. Chantler v Eve ra Levy ./ Mrs. Ralph C. Hall CONSOLIDATED PhECINCT NO.5 (ComprisinG State and County general election precincts V¡alnut Creek No.2, \'jalnut Creek No.3 anå Walnut Creek No.4) PollinG Place: Inspector: Judge: Judge: 'dalnut Creek Library "Mabel Anderson "" M:argaret Cockerton (1.. bf!/ BAt, "~c~'e.41- .IF¡-'ances ~i. Harmon CONSOLIDÞ"l~ PFECINCrr No.6 (Comprisinó Statè and County ceneral election precincts ';]alnut Creek No.1 and ':falnut Creek No.8, and those port ions of Walnut Creek No.7, Alamo and Concord No. 7 lyin~:: wi thin Central Contra Costa Sanitary District) Polling Place: Inspector: Judge: Judge: American Legion Hall, Walnut Creelr v Mrs. Marjorie Chapman v Mrs. Lucille Adams vMrs. Helen Azeveda /" CO NSO LIDATb:D PKECINCrr NO.7 (Comprising those portions of State and County general election precincts Saranap No.1 and Saranap No.2 lying within Central Contra Costa Sanitary District) Pollinc Place: Anderson's Real Estate Office, J:.it. Diablo Boulevard. JLrs. Sadie Cutler ~krs. ~veleyn Sylva .lEI's. Constance I.i. Feagans J Inspector: JudGe: J'u'-1.::.;6 : W' 41 05 01 87 CONSOLliJA1'BD Pl-Œí.iIEc'l' NO.8 (Comprisin¿i those portions of State and County general election precinct 'iialnut Creek N°.5, halnut Creelr No.6, Pleasant Hill and Pacheco No.2 lyin¿; within Central Contra Costa Sanitary Distr'ict) Polling Place: Inspector: Judge: Juàe;e: Beatie Utility Shop, Geary Road v' Mrs. Lucinda Hissotto 'r "", " " v' IVlrs. Louise G. Kessler ,.,',: ' vMrs. Ellen H. Randall v ~ C\l ~ "";) ~ ,« CONSOLIDA'l'ED PIŒC I NC'll NO ....2. (Comprising those portions of State and County general election precincts Orinda No.1 and Orinda No.2 wìich are included with- 'in the boundaries of the territory annexed to Central Contra 'Costa Sanita~J District pursuant to the annexation election of April 14, 1947, and that pol>ti on of Alh~lYi:.bra lying VIi thin Central Contra Costa Sanitary District) Polling Place: Inspe ctor: JudLß : Judge: 91 Orinda Highway vMrs. Arlene S. Harrold v Mrs. Josephine Dawson y' Mrs. Dorothy ~rr1-e'On v,' \;ì c \« \ 'C.. ... The said election is to be conducted as nearly as practic- able in accordance with the general lrovs of the State of California. IN t I'rìJ~SS;¡ELLÜ:,Oi?, we Jl&Ve hereunto set our hands this 1st day of May, 1947. Lav'lson H. ~ieill h. E. viadswol~th Elliott Johnson II. ~;. 'roland J. H. Tuttle (SEAL) As and coY:lprising all of the Lemoers of the Sani ta~J Board of Ceiltral Cent ra Costa Sanitary District, Contra Costa Count:.;, St9,te of California Countersi¿:ned: c. S. Cutler Se-èreta-!-:;~T -õf -f1îë -s-ãriT£âr:; -308~rd of Central Contra Costa Sanitary Listrict, Contra Costa County, St9.te of C~Üifornia. - - - - - - - - - - - - - Dated at; ~.alnut Creek, Contra Costa County, State of California, this 1st da:7 of May, 1947. , .' .os 01 47 88 Lar/son II. \.eill ~{. E:. \, G,clSVI orth blliott JolE1.8on '. ... '1' oland J. ¡-c. 'l'uttle (Si:;AL) As and comprisin~: Ð,ll of the Lm:J:)(:)rs of the Sani cRr",',' 30ard of Cer:trD.l Contr8. Gcsta S9,nitar~: Dis tri ct, Cont ra Coste. C vUIlt;], Stat8 of C9,lii'o:cni9. ç "'Junt e1"3i ¿Dell: '.1. S. C.t:~tler 7.'!"';:::--c'rc.t':-;-1-;"-,' -0-,r:¡::ï'-;-e-.-~':;-r7:'" p-;;;; :'ioa ,...d '-'Q ~ '_._~ - ,,~. ....._,--_u"'~v .- .~ of Centro.1 Con;:;ra Costa Sanitary Di~trlct, Contra Costa County, State of Californi9.. I hereby certify that the fore~oi~¿ resolution was duly and reGularly a doptec1 by tb,e Sanl te.ry B08.rcl of CEE'l';i.t.,\L CO i:JTHA COS~~A SANTrARY DISTHIC'r, Contra Costa County, Calii'- , ornia, at a l:~é)cess meetin~- of said Board held at the re¿ular place of meetin¿ of said Board, in 'v¡8.1nu~ Cre19k, in the Count'J- of Contra Costa, State of. California, and in said sanitary district, at 8 o'clock P.k., on '.i.'ilursday, the 1st day of L~ay, 1947, by the followin¿~ vote: AYES: Iviembers \iei11, 'foland, 'I'\.lttle, ~i:'=:VJS\IOl'th and Johnson. :~TOt.:;S : None ABSl:';l<C : None. ,- ..LaL.. G. _S....._C_l~~}er -.-------..--.. Secretal~ of the Sanitary Board of Central Contra Costa Sanitary DL.;trict, Contra Costa County, State of California. COST OF /ì..uALO-DAifJILlli b:LEC'flùN ...-,--- PresldentV:eill appointed lJi:cectors Johnson a.nd Toland to LaJœ a recO1:1I.¡é)~1datioL1 'co th<:.: BO,'?,l'(l. at the next LvE:;ting as La the action that should be taken in re[/3.:r\l to the expense of the AlaElo-Danville election. - 05 01 41' ~ MONTHLY BILLS 9' " ,,:;, The following bills .ere read b7 Secreta17 Cutler a Vo, \;.~ R. E. Wadsowrth 1).'1 J~ H. Tuttle /H Elliott Johnson l).1, H. W. Toland /.1 Lawson H. Weill 1).8 G. S. Cutler !~" Winn1tred Brokke In Morna Phillips ,}". Pacitio Tel. & Tel. Co. 1>-'\ Wm. B. Brailstord. Jr. J~f) Car171e & Compan,. ,~' G. S. Cutler I){ 1>ahlgren I s Statione17 ,~~ Postmaster, ,Walnut Creek , . 12.21~ 11.40-" 11.40"" 10.00'" 10.00"" 30 .00' 40.50"" 10.00"- 25.29"" 400.0011- 5~6.73J' 14.3bJ' ~ .92' 65 .oo~ Pee Fee Fee Fee Fee, Secretary Clerk As8't. Sec'7. Telephone Att'7. Fee Ballots Inc identa 1 Supplies Postage-ballots. ~ co...} ~ ,....." ..' æ It .a8 moved b7 Director Wadsworth, seconded b7 Director Toland that the bills be pa1d, and carr1ed by the tollow1ng vote I <:: AYES a Director8 Johnson, Toland, Tuttle, Wadsworth and Pres1dent We1l1. HOES I ABSENT: None ¡None Director Tuttle otfered the tollowing resolution and order, Which was unanimously adopted: RESOLUTION NO. 22 BE IT RESOLVED by the Board ot Dire ctors ot the Central Contra Costa Sanitary Dis:triot as tollowsa to wit a I. Tbat the Central Contra Costa Sanita17 Distriot enter into a contract with the firm ot Stone & Youngberg in substantially the tollowing torm, to wit a CONTRACT BIIPLOYIBG 1'1 NCIAL ADVISOR This agreement made this 1st day of lI&y, 1947, by and bet.een the Cent 1'81 Contra Costa Sani ta1"1 Dist rict, whose otfice is located at 1~67 Main Street, Walnut Creek, Contra Costa Count7, California (hereinatter called the Distriot), party ot the .t1rst part, am Stone end Youngberg, a partnership, of 948 Russ Building, San Francisco. California, (hereinatter called the Compan7). part7 ot the second part, WITNESSBTHa WHEREAS, the Sani ta17 District has been tormed tor the purpose of providing proper and adequate tacilities tor the gathering and disposal ot sewage within its boundaries to the end that the public health will be protected against possible epidemics ot disease due to the existing unsanitarr and dengerous handling ot sewage thrGUghout the DistrictJ aDd WHEREAS, the Distriot has emp1o7ed a tirm of san1 taJ7 engineers to design and prepare plans, speoitications and an 05 01 47 90 estimate ot the cost of const:ructing an adequate and etficient sewage collection and disposal system, and said estimate in- dicates the cost ot such construction will approximate Two MillIon Four Hundred Thousand ($2,400,OOO) Dollars, anti to provide said sum o~ money, the Dls~riC't us called an election at which time the v.oters of the Dl*trlct will be, as)ced to authorize the issuance of bonds; and . WHEREAS ~e Board of Directors ot the ~i8trict are ot the opInion that in proceeding wi~ a const:ruction and fin- ancing program ot this magnitude, evel'7 consideration, precaution and care. should be taken to obtain competent advice and counsel.to insure t~e proper tinancial procedure with negard to the .issuance and. sale ,ot bonds 1¡hat. may be authorized so that .said bonds wi'll be readily salable and attractive to bond .deal~rs at the lowest po8sibler.ate ot interest, which, in turn, reflects in lower .nnual costs to taxpayers, and so' that full and complete, tactual financial information regarding the proposed financing ot the D~strict will be availabJe to the Board of Dire ctors and the e1ectors ot the District, alike, as wel,l as to potential bond purchasers; and ' . WHE BEAS, the firm of Stone &: Youngberg" 948 Russ Build- ing, San Francisco, California, in the opinion of the District, 1s qualitied by experienQe and training to act as such Financial Advisor and has acted in suCh capacity for numerous other political entities and municipal corporations; NOW, THEREFURE, it is hereby mutually agreed as follows, to wit I 1. The Central Contra Costa Sanitary District does hereby employ the firm of Stone &: Youngberg to act in a professional capacity as Financial Advisor to the District, and the Company does hereby accept such employment to perform the following services upon the tollowing terms and c ondi tions, and in consideration tor the following payments and acts: 2. COID'JD1encing f orthwi th and during the period of ~is employment, the Company shall be available at all reasonable times in an advisory capacity for consultation with the District upon all financial matters. The Company shall forthwith proceed and in a diligent mann~r Shall assemble such facts and figures as may be required by them to properly act as Financial Advisor. From time to time, as necessary for the information of the District, or upon inst:ruction of the District to make such information available to propeX'ly interested parties the Company will prepare in writing analyses or sUJlllD&r!es either general in nature or upon specific matters relating to the financial affairs ot the District. , The period ot employment 'herein provided ,for shali end June 4, 1947, but the Company agre~s that, it a bond issue is app- roved by the voters, that prior to the District advertising any such bonds for sale, if so requested to do so by the District, the Company will prepare in writing a suggested 15 chedule of amortization of such bond issue showing the annual interest cost based upon an assumed interest rate plus annual payments on principal. Such schedule will also show the overall coat to retire such bond issue in full, principal plus interest and shall also set forth the indicated tax rate required to be Je vied to service such bond issue. ~. For the services to be rendered by the Company as set forth herein, the, District agree8 to and will pay to the Company the following sums of money, at the time and in the manner hereinafter set forth. 05 01 47 9,) ~ N ~ --. .' 0: ~ (a) The sum of Two Thousaoo. aM Five Hundreå Dollars ( $2,500) as a retainer tee to be paid torth1r1 th following the execution and delivery ot this agreement to the Company. (b) The additional sum 01' Two Thousand Five Hundred Dollars ($2,500) forthwith tollowing the bond election (now scheduled to be held on June 3, 1947) providing the required two-thirds majority vote is obtained at the polls to authorize the issuance ot such bonds. In the event that said two-thirds majority in tavor 01' issuing the bonds is not obtained at the polls, then the add! tional Two Thousand Five Hundred Dollars payment provided tor in Sub-Paragraph "b" 01' this Paragraph 3 shall not be due or payable to the! Company, and the' Company agrees to accept the total sum 01' Two Thousand Five Hundred Dollars ($2,500) provided tor in Sub-Paragraph (a) of this Paragraph 3 as fUll and complete pa¡ment tor the service rendered pursuant to this contract. Pa¡ments to be come due and payable to the Company hereunder s¥ll be payable trom the Generel Fund or any other tund 01' the District tha~ may be le ga1ly available, and the sum ot . such payment s are here by appropriated tar such payments. 4. The Company is employed hereunder by the District to render a protessional service wi thin the scope ot Financial Advisor, and any pa¡ments Jàade to the Company pursuant to this agreement are compensation tor only such suggestions, advice and recommendations made by them, and the submission to the District of such data as is. herein specitically referred to. The Company shall not be required to make any expenditures or incur any expense except tor their own nominal traveling expense, to tully and properly pertorm the services to be rendered hereunder including the Company's own overhead expense in connection with such services. The Company shall not be liable tor, and the District specitlcallyagrees to pay (but without limItation thereto) or caUS8 to be paId any printing, advertising, publicity, etc., ot such f1nancial, material or factual data prepared b7 the Company that the District ma7 wish to bave prepared tor publIc distribution tor the Info rmation ot the taxpayers and e1e ctors in the District. 5. The District agrees that all District otticials and employees will tully cooperate with and assist the Company in every rea8. onable _a11, and they are hereby directed and ordered to do so, to t!e end that the Company can readily and 111 thout hindrance perform its services .to be rendered hereunder. III WITNESS WHEREOF sa1d Central Con~ra Costa Sanitary District, party 01' the first part, has caused these presents to be executed by its President and its Secreta17, thereunto duly authorized by the Board of Directors ot said Central Contra Costa Sanita17 District am. its Seal to be hereunto attixed, and said Stone & Youngberg, party 01' the second part, has caused these presents to be executed by one ot its partDers as o£ the date hereinabove set torth. COmtTERSIGNED: CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT G. S. Cutler Secretary By Lawson H, Weill President, Board or Directors STONE & YOUNGBERG APP1ÐVEDI W.H. Brailsford. Jr. Attorney, Central Contra Costa Sanitary District CONFIRMED I By C. Younp:berp: Patner DIRECTORS, CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT 05 01 4 it' ("-' ; '::J t. II. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the President of the Board of Directors ot the Central Contra Costa Sanita1'1 . Dist.rict be and he is hereby authorized to exeoute on behalf ot said District a contract substantially in the torm here- inbefore set torth, and the Secretary ot the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District be and he is hereby authorized to counters1gn said coat ract, al1!1 the Secreta1'1 is hereby auth- orized to affix thereto the, atficial seal of said District, andaa1d ofticers are hereby further authorized to deliver sa1d contract tor and on behalf of sa1d District and in the name ot said District to Stone & Youngberg. III. BE IT ~URTHER RESOLVED that the Secretary be and he 1s hereby author1zed am directed to pay to Stone and Youngberg trom the Oene-ral Fund or t rom otbe l' available :runds such pa,ments as are called tor in the contract here- inbefore set forth, when .the same is properly executed. This resolution shall take effect immediatel,.. Passed aDd adopted by the Board ot Directors ot the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District at a Recess Meeting this 1st da,. of Ma,., 1947 b,. the following vote, to wit: AYES: Directors Johnson, Toland, Tuttle, Wadsworth and President Weill. NOES: ABSENT: None . None Lawson H. Weill Pres1dent, Board or b1;re ctors ATTBST: G. S. Cutler secretary, Centra], Con£ra Costa Sanitary District Approved a~ to t arm thi8 1st da,. of Kay, 1947. W. H. Brailsford Jr. Attorney, Centrd Contra Costa San1tary District The following Agreement between CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT and THE MORAGA COMPANY and DONALD L. am ",ALICE G. MEIDl, was signed and sealed the 1st day of May, 1947 : , .... - -- ~ 05 01 47' n.~ .'"],..., AG REEJœNT THIS AGREEMENT, made am entered into this 1st day of May, 1947, by and between CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT, hereinafter called the District, THE MORAGA COMPANY, a Calif- ornia corporation, hereinafter called the Company am DONALD L. RHEEM and ALICE G. RHEEJ4, his wite, hereinafter called the Rhe eu , WIT N E SSE T H, ---------- <:t WBEBEAS the District i8 a political subdivision of the State ot CalIfornia duly organized under and for the purposes set torth in l21e Sanital'J District Act ot 1923 as amended and as embodied in the Health am Safety Code, .ections 6400-6907.5, inclusive thereot; and \tHE BEAS, the Board of Directors ot the Distri ct, in the exercise of the discretion conferred upon it by said .Act has heretofore determined that the as8esse4 value ~ the lands of said District located in the Moraga area is not, in view of' the present develo¡m8nt therein, sufticient to warrant ex- tension ot sewer facilities to serve suCh area or to warrant enlargement ot its. main line and treatment plant to the extent necessary to afford capac1ty tor possible future development of' such area unless a contribution in cash to be paid to it by the Company and the Rheems which 1s deemed, by it adequate in amount to justify such extension 8ñ enlarge.ent ot capacity; and ~ c'~ ~ """;J c:.¡ , WHEREAS, the Company and the Rheema a re the principal owners at lands in the said Jloraga area and, in view of the refusal of the East Bay Kun1cipal Utility District to extend t'urther mains or water service in .aid Moraga area, unless sewer facilities are located therein, are apprehensive that they will be unable to develop .sald lands to the tull limit ot their agricultural and other potentialities; NOW, THEREFORE, in cocaideration ot the premises, it is mutually agreed as follows: 1. The District, in CODsideration ot the he reinatter mentioned promi.es ot the Company and of the Rheema and the pa¡ments to be made hereunder, agrees to use the sums herein- atter mentioned exclusivel,. tor the benerit or the Company and the Rbeems in the constructionot a sewer line, based on the same design and criteria used ror the balance ot the District, trom Latayette to the Jonas Hill Road at a point at or near the soutbei-ly property line ot lands owned by the Rheema and in providing capacity in its connecting trunk lines and treatment plant tor sewage trom the lIoraga Area. 2. The Moraga Company agrees to pay and contribute to the District in consideration ot its aforesaid agreement the total. sum of $1831825. .00, In lawful money or the Unites States the same to be pa d or contributed as tollows: I (a) Within ten (10) day. atter the signing ot this . agreement, the Company shall deliver to the Contra Costa County Title Co., the sum of t92,OOO.OO In cash umer instruc- tions to pay such sum to the District when the President and Secretary of the Distr1. ct shall notity said Ti t,le Company in writing that it is legally authorized to issue and sell such amount ot general obligation bonds ot the District ,as the Board of Directors deem adequate, when added to the total pa)'D1ents to be made and agreed to be made hereunder, to buiia. a sanitary or sewer system and treatment plant to serve such parts ot the District as said Board in its discretion ahall - 05 01 47 94 determine, but including the works mentioned in paragraph 1 here of. (b) Within five (5) da7s after demand made upon the Company by the District at any time after January 1, 1948,' to pa7 to 8a~ District the further sum of ~1,825.00. , . ( c) Wi thin ten (10) da7s atter the signing of this agreement, to secure the performance of its obligations UDier paragraph 2(b) hereof, the Company agrees to deliver to a Pled,e-holder nominated by the District transferable boms and or treasury obligations of the United States Government of a current JlBrket value of not less than $101,500.00 and to execute such pledge agreement to the . District as said Diatrict shall approve 1n respect to realization upon said collateral should the Company make default in its obligationa under said paragraph 2(b). 3. The Rheems shall, 1n conaidera tion of the agreement specified in paragraph 1 hereof, within ten ,(10) da7s att~r the signing of this agreement, deposit in C8:8h $31,175.00 in escrow wi th the aame escrow holder and with inat ructions to pay- such sum to the District Ufon fultillment of the con- di tion contained in paragraph 2 a) hereof'. 4. It 18 understood and agreed that this agreement shall have no toroe or eftectin the event the District shall not be 1egal17 authorized to issue and sell its above- mentioned bonds by Deoember 31,1947. 5. The sum ot $215,000 shall be expended by the District for the benefit ot the properties of the Company and the Rheems and ot less than that amount i8 required to increase the capacity ot the sewage treatment plant and the extension of' the trunk sewer to the Jonas Hill Road at the Southerly l1ne of the property of D. L. Rheem, the ditterence between such cost and the $215,000 shall be expended by the District in further extending such trunk line sewer along such route as may be determined by the parties hereto. Executed in triplicate on the day and year f1rst above wri t ten. CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DIS T,/iIC T By Lawson H.. Weill President ( SEAL) THE MORAGACOMPANY By J 8J18 S Irvine President (SEAL) And E. K. Price Secretary Donald L. Rheem Alioe G. Rheem -- 05 01 47 ( r ~d On motion ot Director Toland, seconded by Director Johnson, and unanimously carried, the President and Secretary were auth- orized to execute the foregoing contract for the Sanitary District, and the Secretary was instructed to enter this contract into the minutes. There being no further business, upon motion of Director Wadsworth, seconded by Direotor Toland and unanimouslyoarried the meeting was adjou,rned until 8:00 o'clock P.M., on May 8, 1947. ~ C\1 ~ ~) CC ...-.... ",- \ , '\1 ) co ~ ,',;_,,",," , LA\fso:tt H.' WE!LL, President of' the Sanitary Board ot Central Contra Costa Sanitary District 05 01 47