HomeMy WebLinkAboutBOARD MINUTES 04-24-47 71 RECESS J.IE.c:TIIJG OF THE SANITARY BOARD OF THE CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DIST hIcrr HELD APRIL 24~ 1947 The Sanitary Board of the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District held a recess meeting at the hour of 8:00 o'clock p.m., on Thursday, April 24, 1947, at the reGular meeting place located in the Veteran's Memorial Buildine on the Southeast corner of Locust and Mt. Diablo Boulevard in the City of Walnut Creek, County of Contra Costa, State of California. President Weill called the meeting to order. cr:tII C\l ~ ~ CQ « On call of the roll the following were present: Directors present: Johnson, 'ruttle and President Weill. Toland and Wadsworth. Directors absent: MINUTES APPROVED -.-- The reading of the ülinutes of the last meeting were waived and they were approved as entered by the following vote: ,-- AYES: NOES: DirectOrs Jobnsoq, Tuttle and President \Jeill. Directors None AB SEl-J"T : Directors Toland and Wadsworth. GRACELAND ACRES - STRAI~DWOOD ESTATES ANNEXATION The petition of various owners of real property for annexa- tion of certain territory immediately adjoining the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District was presented and filed with the Sanitary Board. The petition was for annexation to the District pursuant to the Article 3 of Chapter 9 of Part I of Division VI of the Health and Safety Code. The Affidavit showing due and proper publication of the Petition together with a Notice that a hearing WJuld be held on the same on this date showing publication thereof on April 7, . . 1947 and April 14,1947, in the Courier-Journal, a newspaper of general circula tion published in the District was presented and filed. The Deputy District Engineer stated that all of the territory proposed for annexation would be benefitted by having sewer ser- vice available through such annexation. F'urther that the assessed . . 04 24 47 "" .) . .. valuation of the properties included within the boundaries described in the Petition had been verified from records of the Assessor of Contra Costa County and found to be a total of $61,725 as shown in the Petition; and further that the signers of the Petition included owners of real property representing more than seventy-five percent (75%) of the total assessed valuation of the properties in the territory described. Director Johnson thereupon offered the following reso- lution and order which was unanimously adopted: RESOLUTION NO. 19 VffiEREAS, a Petition, signed by the owners of real property in the territory proposed to be annexed to the CENTI~ CONTHA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT, which real property represents Seventy-F'ive per cent (75%) of the total assessed valuation of the territory as shown by the last equalized assessment roll of the County of Contra Costa, was presented to this Sanitary Board on the 24th of April, 1947, at the hour of 8:00 o'clock p.m. of said day, at the regular place of meet- ing of said Sanitary Boar'd in the Veteran's Memorial Hall, located on the Southeast corner of Mt. Diablo and Locust Streets, in the City of Walnut Creek, County of Contra Costa, State of California, askiTI8 that said territory be annexed to said CENTRAL COI~RA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT without an election under the provisions of Article 3, Part I of Division VI of the Heal th and Safety Code of the State of California, and an Affidavit of Publication of said Petition and of a Notice stating the time of hearing of said Petition to be presented to this Sanitary Boar'd, was filed a t said time and place, and ~EEREAS, said Petition designates specifically the boundaries of the territory proposed to be annexed and its assessed valuation as shoV'ffi by the last equalized assessme'nt roll of the County of Contra Costa and shows the amount of real property owned by each of the petitioners and its assessed valuation as shown by the last equalized assessment roll of 04 24 47' 73 said county, and WHEREAS, said Petition states that the territory is not in any other Sanitary District and that said territory is in the same county as said CEI\fTHAL CON'rRA COSTA SANI'rARY DISTRICT, is contiguous thereto, and is not within the limits of any other Sanitary District: and requests that the territory so described be annexed to this District, and WHEREAS, the Petition is verified by the Affidavit of one (1) of the petitioners, and WHEREAS, no written protests against the annexation of said ~ N ~ "";> CQ <: territory to said Sanitary District have been filed with this Sanitary Board, and ~HEREAS, at said hearing no oral protests were maàe to this Sanitary Board against the annexation of said territory to said Sanitary District, and WfŒREAS, at the time and place fixed in said Notice for said hearing, this Sanitary Board proceeded to hear said ,- Petition and all persons therein who appeared, and said hearing was completed at said time and place, and WHEREAS, said Petition and said Affidavit Show, and after a full hearing, examination, and investigation this Sanitary Board has found and does hereby find and declare, that said Petition is duly verified by the Affidavit of one (1) of the petitioners; that said Petition was duly published for at least two (2) weeks preceding its hearing by this Sanitary Board, to- gether with Notice that said Petition be presented to this San- itary Board on Thursdsw, the 24th day of April, 1947, at the hour of 8:00 o'clock p.m., of said day, in the meeting room of said Sanitary Board located as hereinbefore described and that at said time and place all persons interested therein might appear all be he9.rd on April 7, 1947, and on April 14, 1947, in the Courier-Journal, a newspsper of general circulation, pub- lished in said District; that the Affidavit of suCh publication has been presented to and is on file with this Sanitary Board; 'rhat said petitioners are the o\"mers of land constituting Seventy-Five (75%) of the total assessed valuation of the territory proposed to be annexed as shown by the last equalized \. ", ¡", of 04 24 4'7 74 assesælent roll of the County of Contra Costa that all of the facts set forth in said Petition are true; that all acts and condi tions and thinGs required by law to be done precedent to the he Brine of said Petition by this Sanitary Board have been done and have been performed in re~)llar and due form in strict compliance with )rovisions of the law authorizing the presentation of this Petition. NOW, THEHEF'ORE, BE IT HBSOLVED AND ORDEfiliD: 1 - That upon the final hearinz of said Petition and after 9. full hearing, investigation, and examination, this Sani tary Board does hereby í'ind and detemine thHt the annexa- , . tion of the terri tory thel'ein and hereafter described is for ..' the best interests of tile District and said contiguous terri tor:r. 2 - irha t upon su ch fi nal heari Di.:;, thi s Sani taI'y Board does hereby find and determine that all of the territory des- cribed in said Petition will, in the judgment of this SaDitary Board, be benefited by annexation to said Sanitary District. 3 - 'rhat the exterior boundaries of the terri tor~T so proposed to be annexed to the CEl¡-~I.'HAL COIU'HA COSlr~\ S~aTAHY DISTRICT and specifically described in said Petition, are hereby fixed and described as follows: Beginning at a point in the original boundarJT of the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District at the in- tersection of the center line of l.ionument Hoad vdth the southerly extension of the eastern line of Lots 17, 18 and 19 of Graceland Acres Subdivision as said sub- di vision is delineRted on Map thereof of record in 1:18.p Book 8 at pa¿e 178 Contra Costa County Official Records and running thence northerly alonß. the eastern boundary of said Lots 17,18 and 19 and its northerly extension to its intersection with the center line of Grayson Road; thence westerly along the center line of said Grayson hoad to the intersection thereof with the south- erly extension of the western line of Lot 11 of aforesaid Gr8.celand Acres; thence northerly alol1[; said western line of said Lot 11 which line is also the eastern line of' that certain parcel of le.nd described in deed from Jas. Boss to Nellie Kleiber of record in Vol. 316 of Deeds at page 420 in aforesaid Official Records and continuing alone; tYe eastern line of the last mentioned parcel and along the eastern line of that pqrcel des- cribed in deed from Nellie Kleiber to Ferdinand Delu of record in '101.402 of Deeds at page 57 of aforesaid Official Records; thence continuing northerly and west- erly alone; the eastern and northern boundar'JT of that certain parcel of land conveyed b~r deed to Charles H. Emd Virginia H. Iùonroe which deed is of l'ecord in Vol. 405 at paE;e 298 01' aforesaid Official Records, to the 04 24 47' 75 ~ C\1 ~ ~ CQ -< intersection of the northern line of said p9.rcel '111i th the eastern line of the county road leading from Martinez to Yialnut Creek, which road is ,commonly known as the "Pleasant Hill Hoad"; thence crossin¿; said road diagonally in a straight line to the northeastern corner of "Strandwood Estates, Unit No.2" in the western line of said road as the boundaries of said subdivision are delineated on the map thereof of record in Map Book 31 at page 14 of afore- said Official Records: thence following westerly, north- westerly and westerly along the northern boundary of said tract to the northwestern corner thereof which corner is also the northeastern corner of that certain 6.50 acre parcel of land described in the deed of conveyance thereof to Earl W. and ~leanor H. Castro which deed is of record in Vol. 787 at page 225 of aforesaid official records; thence westerly, southerly and easterly along the northern, western ro1d southern boundaries of said 6.50 acre parcel to the junction of its boundary with that certain 15 ft. easement for roadway described in the last mentioned deed; thence southeasterly along the western boundary of said 15 ft. roadway easement to the intersection of said bounda~r with the most northerly point of that certain .9° acre parcel of land described in the deed of conveyance thereof to Stella and Louis Day which deed is of record in Vol. 636 at page 57 of aforesaid official records; thence southerly along the western boundary of said .90 acre parcel and the southerly extension thereof to its intersection wi th the center line of "Grayson Road"; thence easterly along the center line of "Grayson Hoad" to the intersection thereof with the northerly extension of the eastern line of Lot C as said lot is delineated on the Map of the Subdivision of the Rodgers Ranch and placed of record in Vol. 129 of Deeds at paze 274 Contra Costa County Records; thence southerly along the said eastern line of said Lot C to the South-eastern corner thereof; thence easterly along the southern line of s aid ranch and the easterly extension thereof to its intersection with the original boundary of the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District in the center line of the county road between Martinez and Walnut Creek, commonly known as the "Pleasant Hill Road"; thence follow- ing northerly and easterly along the said original boundary of said Sanitary District along the Pleasant Hill Road and Monument Road to the point of beginning. 4.- That the President and Secretary of this Sanitary Board be and they are hereby authorized and directed to execute on the behalf of this Sanita~J Board a Petition to the Board of Super- visors of the County of Contra Costa setting forth the proceedings heretofore taken for the annexation of the above-described territory, the finding of this Board and requesting the Board of Supervisors to annex the territory to the District. ADOPTED by the following called vote this 24th day of April, 1947. AYES: Directors Johnson, Tuttle and President Weill. NOES: Directors None AB SENT: Directors Toland and Wadsworth i. 04 24 47 ¡. 76 The Secretary declared the Motion carried and the resolution and order finally passed and adopted. RETURN OF CASH BOND TO GUAHANTORS OF ORINDA ANNEXATION ELECTION Director Tuttle offered the following resolution and order which was unanimously adopted: RESOLUTION NO. 20 WHEHEAS, the following listed individuals furnished cash bond in the amounts shown: G. Ill. Fisher, ONE HUNDRED AND OO/IOO e\a.00 .00) DOLLA liS ONE HUNDRED AND OO/IOO ( $lJO .00) DOILARS ONE IIDNDRED AND 00/100 ($100.00) DOLD\ RS ONE HUIIDRED AND 00/100($100.00). DOLLARS OrÆ HUNDRED AND 00/100($100.00) DOLLARS FIVE HUNDRED AND 00/100 ( $100.00) DOLLARS .,.' Vi. N. Boysen, H. 1\1. Breuner, L. J. Alexander, L. H. Woolsey,. Clyde O. Sweet, ~~REAS, said bond was furnished to indemnify the Sanitary District for the reasonable costs of annexation election in the event that the election failed to carry, and WHEREAS, in the election held on April 14, 1947, the proposition of the annexation of the Territory, Orinda north of the Crossroads, received a majority vote in favor of such annexation both in the Sanitary Distri ct and in the 'rerri tory proposed for annexation. THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED: That the conditions of the bond have been satisfied and that annexation deposit should be returned to the guarantors and that the President and Secretary of the Sanitary Board are instructed to issue an order to the County Auditor, directing the return of the amount furnished to the individuals listed above. ADOPTED by the followinG called vote this 24th day of April, 1947: AYES: Directors Johnson, Tuttle and President ~eill. NOES: Directors None. ABSENT: Directors Toland ani Wadsworth 04 24 47' 77 The Secretary declared the motion carried and the resolution and order fi nally passed and adopted. BOND ELECTION DATE It was moved by Director Tuttle, seconded by Director Johnson and unanL~ously carried that the Attorney be advised to prepare the Resolution and Order for Bond Election with the date of June 3,1947 for the election, subject to the comple- tion of all other necessary action within the proper time and further that the legal notice for wch election be published in the Lafayette Sun. ~ C\l ~ -;> 00 < PRINTING OF ENGINEER'S REPORT It was moved by Director Johnson, seconded by Director Tut tIe and unanimously carri.ed that the Dist ri ct Engin eer prepare a Review Report on the Program for Work to be financed by District Bonds and have the same printed at the expense of the Sanitary District. There being no further business, upon motion of Director Johnson, seconded by Director Tuttle and unanimously carried the meeting was adjourned until 8:00 o'clock p.m. on May 1, 1947. . ~ LA'VSO H. WEILL, President of the Sanitary Board of the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District G. ", .,. . 04 24 47 '".