HomeMy WebLinkAboutBOARD MINUTES 04-10-47 , \: REGULAR HEETING OF THE SAFIT ARY BOARD OF THE CEN TP.AL CONTRA COSTA SAN I TARY Dr 3THI CT OF CO1ITRA COSTA CounTY HELD ON Th'URSDAY, APRIL 10. 1947 The Sanitary Board of the Central Costa Sanitary District of Contra Coste County held its regular meeting in the Veteran's Hernorie.l Building located on the Southeast corner of Locust and Mt. Diablo Blvd., in the City of Walnut Creek, County of Contra Costa, State of California at the hour of 8:00 o'clock p.m. President Weill called the meeting to order. The President stated that Secretary CUtler would be unable to be present on account of illness. He stated that he would entertain a mot- ion to appoint a Secretary pro te~ Director Johnson moved that John L. Mason be appointed Secretary 'Pro tem. The motion was seconded by Director Toland and unanimously carried. The Pres id en t ins true ted the Secretary to cs 11 the 1'0.11. On call of the roll the following were present. Directors Present - Toland, Johnson, Wad~orth and President Weill Directors Absent - Tuttle MINUTES APPROVED The minutes of the last meeting were read and approved as entered by the following vote: AYES - Directors Toland, Johnson, Wadsworth and President Weill NOES - Directors - Nane ABSENT - Director Tuttle PUBLIC LIABILI TY INSURANCE Mr. J. T. Schroder appeared at the request of President Weill to explain comprehensive public liability insurance coverage for the District, its offices and employees. After discussion with Mr. Schroder regarding possible li8bili~J arising from the conduct of the forthcoming annexation election, upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, he was inRtructed to secure a policy of public liability insurance protecting the District. its Directors and employees during the annexation election to be held April 14, 1947. BETZ AIPJEXATTON The Petition of Clarence E. Betz and Nor~ Betz for annexation of 04 1 ¡! 7 ,... , ., , , ¡ certain territory immediately adjoining the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District was presented and filed with the Sanitary Board. The Petition was for annexation to the Distriot pursuant to the Artio1e 3 of Chapter 9 of Part I of Division VI of the Health and Safety Code. The Affidavit showing due and proper publication of the Petition to- gether with a Notioe that a hearing would be held on the same on this date sh<1Ning publication thereof on lIarchæ, 1947 and ~!arch 27, 1947, in the , Boki~arrd-u..ew.,a newspaper of general cirou1ation published in the Distriot was presented and filed. Direotor Wadsworth 'thereupon offered the follovfing resolution and order which was unanimously adopted: ~ ~>ì ~ RESOLUTIŒ,r NO. 16 -, .' ""'" ...- 1VHEREAS, a Petition, signed by the ~lners of real property in <! the territory proposed to be annexed to the CENTP..AL CrNTRA COSTA SAEI'1'ARY DISTRICT, which real property represents Seventy-Five per cent (75%) of the total assessed valuation of tho territory as sho,vn by the last equa1- ized assessment roll of the County of Contra Costa, was presented to this Sanitary Board on the 10th daJ' of April, 1947, at the hour of 8:00 o'clock p.m. of said day, at the regular place of meeting of said Sanitary Board in the Veteran's Hemorial Hall, located on the southrast corner of Ht. Diablo and Looust Streets, in the City of Walnut Creek, Coun~' of Contra Costa, State of California, asking that said territory be annexed to said CENTRAL CnNTRA COSTA SM;ITARY DISTRI~T with~ut an election under the pro- visions of Artiole 3, Part I of Divis:1on VI of the Health and Safety Code of the state of California, and an Affidavit of ?ublication of said Petition and of a Notice stating the time of hearing of said Petition to be pre- sented to this Sanitary Board, was filed. at said time and place, and \VHEREAS, said Petition designates specifically the boundaries of the territory proposed to be annexed and its assessed valuation as shown by the last equaliz ad assessment roll of the County of Contra Costa and shows the amount of reel proper~J owned by eaoh of the petitioners end its assessed value-tion as shown by the last equalized assessrœnt roll of said county, and WHEREAS, said Petition states that the territory is not in any other Sanitary District and that said territory is in the same county as said CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT, is contiguous thereto, and is not 04 10 47, '. .... ,':', within the limits of any other Sanitary Distriot; and requests that the territory so described be annexed to this Distriot, and vTI~REAS, the Petition is verified by tl1e Affidavit of one (1) of the petitioners, and rnIEREAS, no written protests against the annexation of said territory to said Sanitary Distriot have been filed with this Sanita~J Board, and V~RF~S, at said hearing no oral protests were made to this Sanitary Board against the annexation of said territory to said Sanitary Distriot, and WHEREAS, at the time and place fixed in said Notioe for said hearing, this Sanitary Board proceeded to hear said Petition and all persons therein who appeared, and said hearing was completed at said time and place, and \TIIEREAS, said Petition and said Affidavit show, ond after a full hearing, examinction, and investigation this Sanitary Board has found and does hereby find and declare, that said Petition is duly verified b;T the Affidavit of one (1) of the petitioners; that said Petition was duly pub- lished for at least ~/O (2) weeks preceding its hearing by this Sanitary Board, together with Notioe that said Petition be presented to this Sanitary Board on Thursday, the 10th day of April, 1947, at the hour of 8:00 o'olook p.m. of said day, in the meeting room of said Sanitary Boerd located as hereinbefore described and that at said time and place all persons interested therein might appear and be heard on Haroh 13, 1947, and Haroh 20, 1947, in the Boulevard-News,a newspaper of general circulation, published in said Distriot; that the Af'fidavi t of such publication has been presented to and is on file with this Sanitary Board; That said territory contains 24.57 acres with an assessed valuation of TWO THOUSAIID FIVE HTJNDP..ED THNETY AnD ~m/100THS ($2,590) Dollars; That said petitioners are the owners of land constituting Seventy-Five per cent (75%) of the total assessed valuation of the territory proposed to be annexed as shown by the last equalized assessment roll of the County of Contra Costa that ell of the facts set forth in said Petition are true; that all acts and conditions and thinrs required by law to be done precedent to the hearing of said Petition by this Sanitary Board have been done and heve been performed in regular and due form in strict compliance with provisions of the law authorizing the presentation of this Petition. 04 1.0 ,,~ ya ~:i: ,. ',~ '.~ }TOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED AND ORDERED: I - That upon the final hearing of said Petition and after a full hearing, investigation, and examination, this Sanitary Board does hereby find and determine that the annexation of the territory therein and here- after described is for the best interests of the District and said oontig- uous territory. 2 - That upon such final hearing, this Sanitary Board does hereby find end determine that all of the territory described in said Petition will, in the judgment of this Sanitary Board, be benefited by annexation to said Sanitary Distriot. 3 - That the exterior boundaries of the territory So proposed to be ~ '< C'~ ~ annexed to the CID7TRAL C~TTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT and specifically -~ "', ::c <! described in said Petition, are hereby fixed and described as follows: Beginning at the most southeasterly corner of Oak Springs Sub-division Number 3 as delineated on Map thereof filed Deoember 22,1926 in Map Book 20 on Pages 536 to 539 inclusive, Official Reoords of Cantra Costa Coun~, which corner is a point in the boundary of the Central Contra Costa County Sanitary District and also a point in the western boundary of that certain 19.57 acre parcel of land described in deed thereof filed in Volume 244 at Page 22 of aforesaid Official Records; thence running southerly, easterly, northerly and easterly along the western and southern boundaries of said 19.57 acre parcel to the most easterly cor- ner thereof which corner is also a point in the western bound- ary of the aforesaid Sanitary Distriot; thence nortlrwesterly and southerly along the boundary of said Sanitary Distriot to the point of beginning. 4 - That the President and Secretary of this Sanitary Board be end they ere hereby authorized end di rected to execute on the behalf of thi s Sani ta ry Board a Petition to the Board of Supervisors of the County of Contra Costa setting forth the proceedings heretofore taken for the annexation of the above-described territory, the finding of this Board and requesting the Board of Supervisors to annex the territory to the District. Direotor Wadsworth moved that the above resolutian and order be adopted. Said motion was seconded by Director Toland and on roll call resHl ted in the following votes: AYES: Direotors Toland, Johnson, Wad~rth and President Weill NOES: Directors None ABSIDqT: Director Tuttle The Secretary declared the motion carried and the resolution end order finally passed and adopted. 04 10 4 ~'~';,; l -----'----'-"---------,----,,-----, --------.---..-- -"-----.- _.- t; U PAYMENT OF THE JmF.AGA COMPANY CONTRIBUTION IN TWO nmTALU.ŒNTS APPROVED It was moved by Direotor Johnson and seconded by Direotor Wad~orth that the proposal of payment of the cash contribution by The Moraga Company in two installments as proposed in the letter of April 5, 1947. over signature of Kent A. Sawyer a~ attorney for The Moraga Company be accepted with payments as follows: First installment of Ninety Two Thousand and OO/lOOths ($92,000) Dollars, to be paid when issuance of bonds is authorized at the forth- coming bond election. Second installment to be paid within five (5) days after demand by the Sanitary District at any time after January 1,1948. Second in- stallment to be secured by Government Bonds in the amount of One Hundred One Thousand Five Hundred and OO/100ths ($101.500) Dollars. The President celled for a vote on the foregoing motion. Call of the roll resulted in the following votes: AYES: Direotors Toland, Johnson, Wad~orth and President Weill NOES: Directors None ABSENT: Director Tuttle - / ' !,- .. Vlhereupon the Se~~~ declared the motion passed and adopted. Upon motion of Director Toland and seconded by Direotor Johnson and unanimously carried the follovrlng bills were approved and ordered paid: Vo, qo Walnut Kernel-Job. 5162 'i!" "publioatian of Resolution of election ~. Walter Paasch, County Clerk marking envelopes ß3 Connie Fagan for folding Sample Ballots ". Postmaster, Walnut Creek ~~ Courier Journal, Sales Tax ~f Clyde c. Kennedy statement for March $12.46'" 241.80"'" 32.50-"" 42.25'¡- 65.00' 5.40"'" 4459 .88 ~ There being no. further business upan motion of Direotor Wad~orth, seconded by Director Toland and unanimously carried the meeting was ad- journed until 8:00 o'olock p.m. April 17,1947. C()lJNTERSIGID~D : Ii : ) ,. \ ' LAWSON H. VrnfLL, Pre~ident of Sanitary Board of the Central Coste Sanitary Distriot I the ' Contra iCe! I VI \ -' .- . '" \ . J6HN L. MASON, Secretary pro tem 04 1 A I.' .Lv 47