HomeMy WebLinkAboutBOARD MINUTES 03-27-47 ,.. , '~, \ RECESS MEETHTG OF THE SANITARY BOARD OF THE CEHTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT HELD !URCH 27, 1947 The Sanitary Board of the Central Contra Costa Sanitary Distriot convened in recess meeting at its regular place of meeting in the Veteran's Memorial Hall on the Southeest carner of Mt. Diablo and Locust Street, Walnut Creek, California in said Sanitary District on the 27th day of Jœroh, 1947, at the hour of 8:00 o'clock p.m. The Sanitary Board was called to order by President, Lawson R. Weill. On call of the roll, the following were present: <-J"" C") ~, Directors: Johnson, Toland, Tuttle, WadBWorth and President Weill. Direotors Absent: None -', " ...- ~ MINUTES APPROVED 4. The reading of the minutes of the last meeting were waived and they were approved as entered by the following vate~" AYES: Direotors, Johnson, Toland, Tuttle, Wadsworth and President Weill. NOES: Directors None ABSENT: Directors None SECOND PROPOSED CONTRIBUTION OF THE MORAGA COMPANY AND D. L. RHEEM The following letter under the signatures of James Irvine as President of The Moraga Company and D. L. Rheem W8S read by the Secretary: Maroh 25,1947 Central Contra Costa Sanitary District, Veterans Building, Walnut Creek, California. Gentlemen: . (Attention: Mr. Lawson H. Weill, President.) Under date of Maroh 18, 1947 we addressed a letter to you wherein we offered to make 8 cash contribution to the Distriot in the amount of t126,OOO on the basis that the Sewage Treatment Plant and Trunk Sewers will have capacity to serve the Moraga Area, and that a Trunk Sewer in size sufficient to serve the Moraga Area will be extended from Lafayette to the crossing of St. Marys Road and the Sacramento Northern Railroad just north of Burton Station, which offer was subject to certain enumerated conditions. Since making such offer we have given consideration to the extension of the Trunk Sewer frœn Burton Station to a point on the Jonas Hill Road on the southern line of the properties of Donald L. Rheem, and we hereby offer to make 8 cash contribution of $89.000 towards the oon- struction of such extension, or a total of $215,000 towards the oonstruct- ion of a Trunk Sewer fram Lafayette to said point on the Jonas Hill Road, in aooordanoe with e plan heretofore submitted to you by Mr. ~~son. 03 2:, 47 ,I 1 This additional offer is subject to oondit~ons 1. 2. and 4 of our offer to you of ~~roh 18.1947. and to the further condition that the entire $215.000 shall be expended by y~u for the benefit of our properties in the District, and if less than that amount is re- quired to extend the Trunk Sewer from Lafayette to a point on the Jonas Hill Road, the difference between the cost of extending such Trum~ Sewer to such paint and $215.000 shell be expended by you in further ex- tending such sewer along such route as mBy be determined. The affer contained herein with respect to the additional sum of ,$89.000 is not conditioned upon your accepting our proposition with respect to the entire $215.000. and if the offer contained herein is rejected by you. our offer as contained in our letter of March 18, 1947 still stands. Ve~ truly yours, THE MORAGA Cm,PAJJY, By JAm~S TWINE President. D. L. RTIEEM (D. L. Rheem) After considerable discussion by the members of the Board relative to the above-mentioned proposal of March 25.1947, and the earlier offer as contained in the letter under date of Maroh 18,1947. and quoted in the minutes of the meeting of Maroh 20, 1947, Director Wadsworth made the following motion: That the proposal made by The ~fforaga Campanyand D. L. Rheem under their letter of ~arch 25,1947, above-quoted in which The ~loraga Company and D. L. Rheem offered to contribute an additional sum of Eighty Nine Thousand and OO/lOOths ($89.000) Dollars, to defray the cost of the construction of a trunk line sewer to e point on the Jonas Hill Road on the southerly line of the properties of D. L. Rheem, be accepted, and, That the attorney for the Distriot be instructed to prepare the necessary agreement or agreements to carry this contract into effect and the contract for the contribution heretofore accepted for the sum of One Hundred Twenty Six Thousand and OO/l00ths ($126,000) Dollars, from the same parties. Direotor Toland seconded the motion. The President directed the Secretary to oa11 the roll which resulted in the following votes: AYES: Direotors. Toland, Johnson, Wadgworth and President Weill. NOES: Direotor Tuttle ABSENT: Directars, None. The Secretary declared the motian passed and edonted. 03 ") ',' e~, '.,' ¡"'¡w '" "', "'~. (, L.t s;) PROSPECTUS FOR BOND ISSUE Mr. McLean representing California Municipal Statistics Ino., was introduced by Director Tuttle. He discussed with the Baard the purpose of a bond prospectus and the saving made by various muni- oipa1itles and districts by the use of a bond prospectus. He also outlined the method used by California Eunioipal Statistics Inc., t.o assist in marketing any bonds which the Sanitary District might at e future date sell. The cost of the service was also discussed. no action was taken by the Board at this time. Upon motion of Director Tuttle, Seconded by Direotor ~ ç"..{ ~ Johnson end unanimously carried, the foll~ling bills were approved and ordered paid: O-;j ...,- ~ < L)", L." Amerioan Legion-Rent 1..1.- Telephone 1ø7 W. E. Brailsford, Jr. /,rr Lawson Weill t" E. Johnson 10 J. E. Tuttle 71 R. E. Wads'\'lorth }>- H. Toland 73 G. S. Cutler 7,'1 " "Expenses 7J' Contra Costa Publishing Co-Legal 7/. Office Equipment Co. 1? Currier-Journal- Publicity 7 f Ellen Cutler- Stenagraphio $ 60.00 V' 22.92'" 400.oo'^ 10.00 .Jo 11.40 ,I'- 11.40 .. 12.21'" 10.00 '^ 30.00 -'. 11.31'" 22 .50 " 14.44 .; 180.00 " 10.00.' No further business appearing, the Sanitary Board adjourned. LAwson H. YŒILL, President of the . Sanitary Board of the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District G 03 27 47