HomeMy WebLinkAboutBOARD MINUTES 03-20-47 +:1 RECESS MEETING OF THE SAnITARY BOARD OF THE CENTRAL CO!'JTRA COSTA SA?HTARY DISTRICT HELD HARCH 20,1947 The Sanitary Board of the Central Contra Costa Sanitary Distriot convened in recess meeting at its regular place of meeting in the Veteran's Memorial Hall on the Southeast corner of Mt. Diablo and Locust Street, Walnut Creek, California in said Sanitary District on the 20th day of March, 1947, at the hour of 9:30 o'clock p.m. The Sanitary Board was oalled to order by President, Lawson H. Weill. On call of the roll, the following were present: ~ C\.l Directors, Johnson, Toland, Tuttle, Wadgworth and President Wei 11. w:t' Directors Absent: None - ...' ..... ~ 11IUUTES APPROVED -« The reading of the minutes of the last meeting were waived and they were approved as entered by the following vote: AYES: Directors, Johnson, Toland, Tuttle, Wad5Worth and President Weill NOES: Directors None ABSENT Directors None OPTION FOR SI TE OF DI SPOSAL PLANT Mr. Mason made a report to the Board relative to acquiring a site for the disposal plant. He stated that N.:r. James Brett of Coldwel1- Banker & Co., and himself had discussed with Mr. A. B. Tinning, attorney for Miss Annie Loucks in Martinez, California, on ~arch 18,1947, the purchase of the Loucks property. l!iss Louoks is the owner of a 43.205 acre parcel of land on the North side of the Arnold Highway. The Engineer recommended the purchase of this property for the treatment plant site. The location and advisability of the acquisition of this property for such purpose was reviewed by the Board. Mr. Brett has advised the Board that Four Hundred and OO/lOOths ($400.00) Dollars, an acre or a total purcha'se price of Seventeen Thousand Two Hundred Eighty ~o and OO/lOOths ($17,282.00) Dollars, for the Louoks property is a reasonable price therefor. Director Toland thereupon offered the following resolution which was unanimously adopted: RESOLU'l'ION NO. 15 BE IT RESOLVED That the Sanitary Board take the necessary steps to secure a one- year option to nurchase the Loucks property at Four Hundred and OO/lOOths 03 20 47 t. ¡I "II" \ <', ~(I ($400.00) Dollars, per acre or a total purchase price of Seventeen Thousand Two Hundred Eirhty Two and OO/IOOths ($17,282.00) Dollars, and that the sum of Eight Hundred Sixty and OO/lOoths ($860.00) Dollars, be paid for the option with the provision thct such ~ayment shall be credited to the total purchase price as and when the option is exer- c1 sed. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED That a warrant be drawn in the sum of Eight Hundred Sixty and ~ OO/IOOths ($860.00) Dollars, payable to the Richmond-Martinez Abstraot and Title Campanyand to be deposited in escrow for payment to Miss Loucks upon her execution of such an option and the deposit in escrow of a Grant Deed duly signed by her which shell convey a mBrketable title to the property with instructions that the Deed be delivered on the exer- cise of the option. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED That the President and Secretary be and they are hereby authorized and directed to execute the necessary documents to carry this resolution into effect. Direotor Tuttle moved that the above resolution be adopted. Said motion was seconded by Director Johnson end on roll call resulted in the following votes: AYES Direotors: Johnson, Toland, Tuttle, Wadmworth and President Weill. . NOES Direotors: None ABSENT Directors: None PUBLICITY FOR AN1~TION ELECTIONS David Newsom of the Currier-Journal presented a proposed draft of a folder outlining important facts about the Sanitary District and the forthcoming annexation election. The information contained therein was reviewed and corrected by the Board. It was moved, seconded and unanimously carried that the Sanitary Board purchase Three Thousand (3000) of the booklets at One Hundred Fifty and OO/IOOths ($150.00) Dollars for the first Two Thousand (2000) and Thirty and OO/lOOths ($30.00) Dollars per thousand thereafter. 03 20 47 \: PROPOSED CONTRIBUTION OF THE MORAGA Cm,'LPANY AND D. L. !Üi]:!;~ The following letter under the signatures of James Irvine as President. The Moraga Company and D. L. Rheem was read by the Secretary: Uarch 18.1947 Central Contra Coste Sanitary District Veterans Building, Walnut Creek. California. Attention: Mr. Lawson H. Weill. President Gen tl amen: We acknowledge receipt of your letter of March 14th. addressed to us. ~. With regard thereto. we hereby offer to make a cash contribution to the Distriot. in the amount of $126.°00. on the basis that the Sewage Treatment Plant and Trunk Sewers will have capacity to serve the Moraga area and that a Trunk Sewer in size sufficient to serve the Moraga area will be extended from Lafayette to the crossing of st. 1~rys Road and the Sacramento Northern Railr06d. just north of Burton Station; subject. however. to the following conditions: -d'" C...J -, ..,' ~,-, ,-"-. <r (1) We will place the funds in escrow. payable to the order of the Distriot if and when General Obligation Bonds of the District for the basic project have been authorized through a duly held e1eotian of the voters of the Distriot. (2) You will provide capacity in the Sewage Treatment Plant and Trunk Sewers for the Moraga area based on the same design criteria used for the balance of the District. (3) The entire $126.000. shall be expended by you for the benefit of our properties in the District. and if less than $126.000. is required to extend a Trunk Sewer to the point above mentioned at Burton Station. the difference between the cost of extending such Trunk Sewer to such point and $126.000. shall be expended by you in further extending such sewer along such route as may be determined upon. (4) The Orinda end Alamo-Danville areas elect to join the Di s tri ct. Very truly yours. THE },1ORAGA COMPA:r..TY. By James Irvine President D. L. Rheem (D. L. Rheem) After oonsiderab1e discussion upon the matter of the contribution referred to in the foregoing letter it was moved by Director Tuttle. Seconded by Direotor Johnson that the offer to make a oash cantribution to the Distriot in the amount of One Hundred Twenty Six Thousand and OO/lOOths ($126,000) Dollars on the conditions contained in the above quoted letter be adopted end that the ettorney for the District so 03 20 47 .: ., . ,- ,..:, advise The Moraga Campany and D. L. Rheem and prepare the necessa~ papers to carry the agreement into effect. President Weill directed the Secretary to cell for a vote on the motion. The motion passed upon the following vote: AYES Directors: Johnson, Tuttle and President Weill NOES Direotors: Toland and Wadsworth ABSENT: Direotors, None There being no further business, the Board adjourned until Thursday, 1~roh 27,1947. LAWSON H. WEILL, President of the Sanita~ Board of the Central Contra Costa Sanitary Distriot G. J 03 C),"'" ¡,;.¡ !"",ì 4~,