HomeMy WebLinkAboutBOARD MINUTES 03-13-47 'J:1 REGULAR rEETING OF THE SA1HT ARY B CARD OF THE CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SAN! TARY DISTRICT HELD HARCH 13, 1947 The Sanitary Board of the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District convened at a regular meeting at its regular meeting place in the Veteran's Memorial Hall on the Southeast corner of Mt. Diablo and Locust street, Walnut Creek, California, in said Sanitary District on the 13th day of 1furch, 1947, at the hour of 8:00 o'clock p.m. The meeting was called to order by Lawson H. Weill, President of the said Sanitary Board. On call of the roll, the follcrrring were present: ~ ~ Directors, Johnson, Toland, Tuttle, Wadgworth end President Weill. c~ -, .. ...,... ........ Directors Absent: None. <t ~!INUTES APPROVED The reeding of the minutes of the last meeting were waived and were approved as entered by the following vote: AYES: Directors, Johnson, Toland, Tuttle, Wadsworth end President Weill. NOES: Directors None ABSENT DIRECTORS: None GRANT OF EASEMENT RIGHTS BY SOUTHERN PACIFIC C aMP .A}TY Mr. Mason advised the Board that the engineering office of Clyde C. Kennedy had been advised by the Southern Pacific Company that the District's application for permission to install certain sewer pipe lines on the Sou~lern Pacific Company right-of-way in the vicinity of Walnut Creek, had been approved. The letter of approval from the company was read by Mr. ~ason. Upon motion of Director Johnson, Seconded by Director Toland and unanimously carried, it vms ordered that the letter of approval from the Southern Pacific Co~~any granting the Distriot the necessary right-of-way be entered in the minutes. The following is the letter received fram the Southern Pacific Company relative to the foregoing: 03 13 47 ¡ :) February 26,1947 Engineering Office of CLYDE C. KENNEDY 604 Mission Street San Franoisco 5, California Gentlemen: Kindly refer to your letter of January 15, 1947, wherein you mede application on behalf of the Central Contra Costa Sanitary Distriot for permission to install certain sewer pipe lines on Southern Pacific Company's right of way in the vicinity of Walnut Creek. We are pleased to inform you that our Management has nov¡ approved grants of easement to the Distriot wi tñ the umerstanding that the sewer line will not be greater than 48 inches in diameter, that final location and construction plans will be subject to our review and approval, and that suitable agreement providing for rental of $170 per annum for the longitudinal encroaanments plus final oon- sideration of $10 each for the crossings under our tracks will be executed in advance of any installation being made on railroad property. It will elso be necessary for the District's Contractor to enter into suitable indemnification agreement and furnish bond to our Company before performing any work on railr~d right of way. If the Distriot intends to proceed with the proposed in- stallation and desires to pIece the encroachments on railroad right of way under the conditions outlined above, kindly advise, furnishing information concerning final construction details and definite limits of the encroachments, so thet we may arrange for preparation of suit- able form of agreement to cover the grants of easement. Yours very truly, E. E. }ffJ...YO STATE FUNDS FOR ENGINBERING SURVEY On motion of Director Johnson, seconded by Director Wadsworth and unanimously carried, the Secretary was instructed to write the following latter to the Board of Supervisors relative to the Thir~ Three Hundred and OO/lOOths ($3300) Dollars, which was paid by the County to defray the costs of the ~~oabee Report: Maroh 14,1947 Boo rd of Supervisors, . Contra Costa County, 1mrtinez, California Re: Assignment of Funds for Plans and Sites of the Central Contra Costa County Sanitary Distriot, State of California. Gentlemen: The Central Contra Costa County Sanitary Distriot hereby requests that you assign to the Distriot Three Thousand Three Hundred and 00/100 ($3,300.00) Dollars, of the State allocated funds available to Contra Costa County under Chapter 47 of Statute 1944. 03 In. .(\ U 4" 4OZ. When this money is made 8vailable to the Sanitary District it intends to deliver the same to Contra Costa County as a reimburse- ment to the Caunty for money spent in the behalf of the Sanitary District. Ve"tJr truly yours, By AGENCY FUNDS APPLICATION FOR FEDERAL wap ~ C',l ~ ,",:ì ...- ¡".¡.. < Mr. Mason discussed with the Baard the me.tter of me.king an application to the Federal Works Agency for a loan of Sixty Five Thousand and OO/lOOths ($65,000) Dollars to be expended for the preparation of plans for the proposed project. On motion of Director Johnson, Seconded by Director Toland and unanimously carried, the making of an application to the Federal Works Agency for a loan of Sixty Five Thousand and OO/lOOths ($65,000) Dollars for plans for the proposed project was authorized and President Weill was authorized to execute the application on the behalf of the District. DENIAL OF REHF'..ARUTG ON THE ALAMo-DANVILLE ANNEY.ATION A letter from James F. Eoey, Esq., of Martinez, California requesting that the Baard grant a rehearing on the Alemo-Danville annexation was read. Þ.fter discussion by the members of the Board it was moved by Director Johnson, Seconded by Director Wadsworth and unanimously carried that the application for rehearing be denied and that Attorney Brailsford be instructed to write a letter to James F. Boey advising him of the ruling of the Board. Director Johnson moved that Resolution No.8, adopted by the Sanitary Bo~rd Februe~J 13,1947, relative to the acquisition of the real property necessary for the location of the Disposel Plant be amended to read as follmvs: RESOLUTION NO.8 BE IT RESOLVED, by the Board of Directors of the Centrel Contra Costa Sanitary District, that Coldwell-Banker & Co., be, and ere hereby authorized and engaged to secure a six (6) months' aption at a price satisfactory to this 03 13 47 48 L- Baard on the real property necessary for the location of one disposal plant. Upon delivery of title to said proper~í the District shell pay 8 commission of five per cent (5%) no more, of the purchase price. No commission to be paid in the event of the failure of the Bond Eleotion to pass. The motion was seconded by Direotor Tuttle and on roll cell re- suIted in the fallowing votes: A YES J Directors Tuttle, Toland, Wadmworth, Johnson and President Weill NOES: Directors, None ABSE}TT: Directors, None The SeoretsrJ' was instructed to for?18rd copies of this Resolution No.8 as amended to Coldwell-Banker & Company. The Secretary declared the motion carried and the Resolution finally passed end edopted. INCREASING crMPENSATION OF ATTORNEY Upon motion of Director Johnson, Seconded by Director Toland and unanimously carried, the retainèr fee of W. E. BRAILSFORD, LTR.. as Attorney for the District was increased to Four Hundred and OO/lOOths ($400.00) Dollars, rer month effective Februa ry I, 1947. - There being no further business, the Board adjourned until Thursday, 1~rch 20,1947. LAWSON H. YŒILL, President of the Sanitary Board of the Central Contra Costa Sanitary Distriot - " ~\ t I (' ¿ , , ' I' , / <I ^ I " , -- 03 47 13