HomeMy WebLinkAboutBOARD MINUTES 02-27-47
FEBRUARY 27. 1947
The Sanitary Board of the Central Contra Costa Sanitary
Distriot convened in recess meeting at its regular place of meeting
in the Veteran's Memorial Hall on the Southeast corner af Mt. Diablo
and Locust Street. Walnut Creek, California in said Sanitary Distriot
on the 27th day of February, 1947, at the hour of 8:00 o'clock p.m.
The Sanitary Board was called to order by President, Lawson R. Weill.
On call of the roll, the following were present:
Directors, ,Johnson, Toland, Tuttle, Wadsworth and President
Directors, Absent - None
The reading of the minutes of the last meeting were waived
and they were approved as entered by the following vote:
AYES; Directors, Johnson, Toland, Tuttle, Wadsworth and President
NOES: Direotors, None
Directors, None
Direotor Tuttle brought up the matter of the employment
of bond attorneys to render an opinion relative to the validity of bonds
which the District proposes to issue.
Director Tuttle offered the following
resolution which was unanimously adopted:
WHEREAS, the Sanitary Board of the Central Contra Costa Sanitary
District proposes, in the near future, to oall a bond election to author- '
ize the issuance of bonds of said District, the total amount of which has
not as yet been determined, and, from the proceeds of the sale of said
bonds. to finance the cost of a sewage disposal project; and
VffiEREAS. this Sanitary Board desires to secure unconditional
proposals for the purchase of said bonds in order that the funds realized
from the sale thereof may be available at the earliest possible date; end
WHEREAS. this Sanitary Board is informed that it will be impossible
to secure unconditional bids for the purchase of said bonds, and there is
a possibility that no bid will be received for the purchase thereof un-
less the legality of said bonds has been passed upon bye nationally reoog-
nized firm af bond attarneys; and
WHEREAS, it is further the judgment of this Sanitary B08rd that
greater competition for the purchase of said bonds can be secured, and,
hence, that said bonds oan be sold at a more favorable rate of interest
if such an opinion is purchased by the Central Contra Costa Sanitary
Distriot and furnished free to the successful bidder or bidders than if
said bonds were offered for sale without being aooompanied by such an
opinion; and
WHEREAS, Messrs. Orrick, Dahlquist, Neff, Brown & Herrington, a
nationally recognized firm of bond attorneys, is willing to furnish its
legal opinion 8S to the legality of said bonds for a fee of not to exceed
the sum of ONE THOUSAND AND NO/IOOths DOLLARS ($1,000.00) in the event
said bond election does not authorize the issuance of bonds, and' if, at
such election, the bonds ere authorized, the fee for such opinion shall
not exceed the sum of ,",VO AND NO/100the DOLLARS ($2.00) for each ONE
THOUSAND AND NO/100THS DOLLAR ($1,000.00) bond so authorized and issued;
NOW, 'IHEREFORE, BE I T RESOLVED the t the Secreta ry of thi s San i tary
Board, and he is hereby authorized to purchase the legal opinion of Messrs.
Orrick, Dahlquist, Neff, Brown & Herrington to accompany said issue of
bonds; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that W. E. Brailsford, Jr., the attorney for
this Distriot, be and he is hereby requested to furnish said attorneys
with certified copies of all proceedings neoessari1y required by said
attarneys to enable them to give their legal opinion as to the legality
of said bonds.
Director Tuttle moved thet the above resolution be adopted.
Said motion was seconded by Director Wadsworth and on roll call
resulted in the following votes:
Directors, Johnson, Toland, Tuttle, Wadsworth end President
Directors - None
ABSENT: Directors - None
The Secretary declared the motion carried and the resolution finally
passed and adopted.
President Weill deloÐred that this was the time and place to which
the hearing on the annexation of the Alamo-Danvi11e Territory had been
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The President declared that he would entertain amotion
relative to the Alamo-Danville Annexation.
Direotor Toland thereupon offered the following resolutian and
order which was unanimously adopted:
WHEREAS, 8 Petition, signed by TWenty Five per cent (25~) of
the freeholders residing in the hereinafter described territory proposed
to be annexed to the CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT, as shown
by the last equalized assesmnent roll of Contra Costa County, was pre-
sented to this Sanitary Board on the 30th day of January, 1947, at the
hour of 8:00 o'clo~ p.~ of said day, at the regular place of meeting
of said Sanitary Board in the Veteran's Memorial Hall, located on the
Southeast corner of Mt. Diablo Boulevard and Locust street in the City
of Walnut Creek, County of Contra Costa, State of California, asking that
said territory be annexed to said CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SAlUTARY DISTRICT
by election under the provisions of Part I of Division VI of the Health
and Safety Code of the State of California, and an Affidavit of Publi-
cation of said Petition, and of a Notioe stating the time when said
Petition would be presented to this Sanitary Board, was filed at said
time and place; and
WHEREAS, said Petition designates specifically the boundaries
of the territory proposed to be annexed and its essessed valuation, as
shown by the last equalized assessment roll of the County of Contra
Costa, and states that said territory is in the same county as said
CENTPAL CONTRA COSTA SÀl\ITARY DISTRICT, is contiguous thereto, en~ not
within the limits of any other Sanitary District; and
~íEREAS said Petition is in thirteen (13) sections, end each
section is verified by the Affidavit of one (1) of the petitioners whose
name is signed to said Petition; end
WHEREAS, said Petition was also accompanied by a personal surety
bond in the sum of FIVE HU1~RED AND NO/100TIIS DOLlARS ($500.00) as
security for the payment by the pe~itioners of the reasonable costs of
the election on annexation in the event that at such election less
than a majority of the votes cast are in favor of annexation; and
WHEREAS, at the time and place fixed in said Notice for said
hearing, this Sanitary Board proceeded to hear said Petition and all
persons interested therein who appeared; end
, J
~~EREAS, at said hearing of January 30,1947, both oral and
wri tten protests were presented to the Sanitary Board by c.ertein owners
and resident freeholders residing within the territory proposed to be
annexed, as described in the Petition presented to this Board; and
WHEREAS, after hearing said oral and written protests, said
Board referred said protests to its District Engineer, CLYDE C. KENNEDY,
with instructions that he investigate said protests and report thereon
to this Board at the next regular meeting to be held on February 13,1947,
at 8:00 o'clock p.m., at the meeting place hereinabove described; and
'WHEREAS, by order duly and regularly made, the Sanitary Board
continued the hearing of said Petition for annexation of the Alamo-Danville
area to the next regular meeting at 8:00 o'clock p.m., Thursday, February
13,1947, at the same meeting place hereinabove described; end
WHEREAS, et said hearing of Februe~ 13,1947, the District Engineer,
CLYDE C. KEN1~Y, reparted to this Board that he had made an investigation
of all the oral and written protests to annexation end thereupon made end
filed his report; and
WHEREAS, at the regular meeting held on February 13,1947, to.
which date the hearing of the A1amo-Danville annexation was continued,
this Sanitary Board proceeded to further hear said Petition and all per-
sons interested therein who appeared, and at such meeting approved the
report of its District Engineer end thereupon continued the further hearing
of the Alamo-Danville annexation to February 27, 1947, at the same hour and
meeting place hereinabave described; and
)VHEREAS, at the meeting so held, February 27,1947, to which said
hearing had been continued further consideration was given to the
Petition for the annexation of the Alamo-Danville Area; and
WHEREAS, said Petition and Affidavit show, and after a ~lll
hearing, examination, and investigation, this Sanitary Board has found
and does hereby find and deolere:
That said Petition is duly verified by the Affidavit of one (1)
of the petitioners whose name is signed thereto; that said Petition was
duly published for at least two (2) weeks preceding the first hearing
thereon by this Sanitary Board. together with ã Notice stating that said
Petition would be presented to this Sanitary Board on Thursday, January
30,1947, at the hour of 8:00 o'clock p.m.. of said date, at the meeting
room of said Sanitary Board, located as hereinbefore described, end that
at said time and pl~oe ell persons interested therein might appear ~~d be
heard, January 13, 1947, and January 20, 1947, in the CURRIER-JOURNAL,
a newspaper of general cirou1ation published in the Distriot; that the
Affidavit of such publication has been presented to and is on file with
this Sanitary Board; and that said Petition and said Notioe so published
and in the form required by said Health and Safety Code of the State of
California, that there are Four Hundred Twelve (412) persons whose
names are signed to said Petition and who are freeholders residing in
the territory proposed to be annexed, as shown by the lcst equalized
assessment roll of the County of Contra Costa; that said Four Hundred
TWelve (412) petitioners constitute Twenty-Five per cent (25%) of the
freeholders residing in the territory proposed to be annexed, as shown by
the last equalized assessment roll of the County of Contra Coste; that
all of the facts set forth in said Petition are true, and that all aots
and conditions and things required by law to be done precedent to the
hearing of said Petition by this Sanitary Board have been done and have
been performed in regular and in due form and in strict oomplienoe with
the provisions of law authorizing the presentation of said Petition;
1- That upon the hearing January 30, 1947, and the final
hearing of February 27, 1947, of said Petition, and
after a full hearing, investigation and examination,
including a study of the report of its DiB trict Engineer,
this Sanitary Board does hereby modify the bounderies
of the territory proposed to be annexed and does hereby
find and determine that 811 of the territory hereinafter
described, lying wholly within the boundåries of the
territory described in said Petition, will, in the jtñgment
of this SanitalJT Board, be benefited by annexation to said Sanitary
2- That this Sanitary Board, upon the final hearing of said
Petition, does hereby approve said Petition as modified;
and, as so modified, the area proposed to be annexed includes
Five Thousand Three Hundred Four (5,304) acres, having a
total assessed valuation as shown by the last equalized
assessment roll of the County of Contra Costa of TKO MILLION
AND NO/IOOTHS DOLLARS ($2,375,395.00).
') '~
,,-- 'j
3- That upon such final hearing of said Petition, end after
said full hearing, investigetion, and examination, the
Sani tary Baard does hereby find that the lands owned by
the following named individuels with the acreage end total
assessed valuation af eaCh thereof, as indicated, will not
be benefited by annexation to the Sanitary Distriot and are,
therefore, excluded from the territory propo:sed to. be
Aoreage Total Assessed Valuation
Carlson, Arthur W.
Jones, Tirza S.
Latimer, George A.
Sandkule, Herman J.
Wishon, A. Emory
Freitas, Jos.
Dinmnore, John W.
Norris, L. G.
Stewart, W. E.
Alamo Oaks (Exoept Lots
Martindale, L. H.
Alvestad, J. P.
Badgley, L. C.
Holbrook, Alex.
Hoffman, Henry
Moroom, Albert
Rose, Manuel
Halliday, Christopher
Post, R. C.
Artero, Annie M.
Squire, G. C.
. .
5,6,7,8 & 9)
t 250.00
4- That the exterior boundaries of the territary proposed
DISTRICT, as so modified and approved, are described
as follows:
... ~
All that parcel of land lacated in the County af Contra Casta, State of Californ~:I.,
more particularly described as fallaws,:
Beginning at the point of intersection of the southern baundary line af the
Walnut Creek School District and the western baundary of Rancho San Ramon which
paint is also the sauthwestern corner of Gaald's Addition to Walnut Creek filed
July 26, 19l1, and af record in Boak 5 af Maps at Page 117, Cont~a Costa County
Official Records, and running thence sautheasterly along said boundary line of
Rancho San Ramon to. its intersection with the northern boundary af that certain
149.61 acre tract of land granted to Arthur W. Carlsan-in deed of record in Vol.
759 at Page l77 af aforesaid official recards; thence easterly and sautherly alang
the northern and eastern boundaries af said 149.61 acre tract to the intersection af
the eastern boundary thereof with the aforesaid western boundary of Rancho. San Raman;
thence southeasterly along said western baundary af Rancho San Ram~n to. the point
therean which is also in the narthern baundary, produced westerly, of that certain
13.446 acre parcel of land granted to A. Emory Wishon in deed of record in Vol. 764
at Page 40 of aforesaid Official Records; thence northeasterly along the northerly
baundary of said 13.446 acre parcel and the westerly projectian thereof to. the most
northern point of said parcel and then southe'asterly, easterly, and sautherly along
the eastern boundary of said parcel to. its intersectian with the northern baundary
af that certain 15.64 acre parcel of land granted to Tirza S. Jones in deed of
recard in Vol. 820 at Page 201 of afaresaid Official Records; thence easterly
along the narthern boundary of said 15.64 acre parcel to the northwestern corner
of that certain 8.65 acre parcel af land granted to George A. Latimer in deed of
recard in Vol. 549 at Page 481 af afaresaid Official Records; thence easterly
along the northern baundaryaf said 8.65 acre parcel to. the narthwestern carner af
that certain 1.48 acre parcel af land granted to Tirza S. Janes in aforesaid deed
of recard; thence easterly, southerly and southwesterly alang the northern and
eastern boundaries of said 1.48 acre parcel to. the most sauthern carner thereaf
which corner is also the mast eastern corner of the aforesaid 8.65 acre parcel af
George A. Latimer; thence southwesterlyalang the eastern baundary af said 8.65 acre
parcel to the junctian thereaf with the eastern baundary of the aforesaid 15.64 acre
parcel af Tirza S. Janes; thence southerly along the said eastern boundary of said
15.64 acre parcel to the junctian thereof with the eåstern baundary of that certain
4.04 acre parcel af land granted to. Herman J. Sandkule in deed of record in Vol.
510 at Page 381 of aforesaid Official Recards and fUrther described in deed af
recard in Vol. 624 at Page 403 of aforesaid Official Records, at the most eastern
corner of said baundary; thence southwesterly and westerly alang the eastern and
sauthern baundaries of said 4.04 acre parcel to. the most sauthwestern carner there-
of which corner is also. the mast sautheastern corner af the aforesaid l5.64 acre
parcel af Tirza S. Jones; thence westerly alang the sauthern baundary of said 15.64
acre parcel to. the intersection thereaf with the aforesaid western baundary of
Rancho. San Ramon; thence sautheasterly alang said boundary line af Rancho San Ramon
to. a point thereon which is the most squthern corner of that certain 199.98 acre
tract af l~d known as "The Kelly Ranch" which said tract is described in the decree
dated Aprill9, 1926, quieting title in said tract which decree is of recard in
Vol. 29 at Page 379 of aforesaid Official Records; running thence alang the northern
baundary of the 6.00 acre tract and 34.ll5 acre tract granted to. M. K. Otto in deed
of record in Vol. 423 at Page 204 of afaresaid Official Recards nartherly, north-
westerly and sautherly to the northwestern corner of the 22.762 acre tract also
described in said last named record; thence northeasterly along the narthwesterly
line of said 22~762 acre tract N 570 43' E to the western corner of the 2.762 acre
tract also described in said last named record; thence easterly along the southern
line of said 2.762 acre tract N 780 45' 30" E 979.98 feet to the center line of the
State Highway running southerly from Danville; thence northerly along the center
line af said State Highway to the intersection thereof with the westerly extension
of the center line of Doone Lane; thence easterly along the center line of Doone
Lane and its easterly extension to. the intersection thereof with the western
boundary af that certain 27 acre tract granted to Joseph Freitas in deed of record
in Vol. 262 at Page 460 of aforesaid Official Records; thence northerly along the
western boundary of said 27 acre tract to the northwestern corner thereof which
corner is a point on the sauthern baundary of that certain 54 acre tract granted to
John W. Dinsmore in deed of record in Val. 527 at Page 462 af afaresaid Official
Records; thence westerly, nartherly and easterly along the southern,western and
northern boundaries of said 54 acre tract to the northeastern corner thereof which
corner is also the northwestern ro mer af that certain 309.60 acre tract described
in deed thereof in Vol. 724 at Page 145 of aforesaid Official Records; thence
easterly along the northern boundary of said 309.60 acre tract and the easterly
extension thereof to its intersection with the center line of the Tassajara Road;
thence southeasterly along the center line of the Tassajara Road to. the intersection
thereof with the western line of Sec. 27, T. 1 SR. 1 W., M.D.B.& M; thence northerly
along said western line af said Sec. 27 to the southeastern corner of Sec. 21 of said
Twp. and Range; thence westerly along the southern line of said Sec. 21, 2640 feet
more or less, to the south quarter section corner of said Sec. 21; thence nartherly
alang the western line of the S.E. l/4 of said Sec. 21 to a point which is also the
southeast corner of that certain 64.19 acre tract granted to W. E. Stewart and de-
scribed in Vol. 389 at Page 203 in aforesaid Official Records; thence westerly along
the southern boundary of said 64.19 Ac tract a distance of 1800 feet; thence due north
a distance of l090 feet more or less to a point on the east-west center line of
aforesaid Section 2l; thence easterly along said center line of Sectian 21 and the
east-west center line of section 22 of aforesaid Twp. and range to the eastern line
of said Sectian 22; thence northerly along the eastern line of said Sec. 22 fourteen
hundred (1400) feet more or less to the intersection thereof with the center line
of Mt. Diablo Road; thence alang the center line of said Mt. Diablo.. Road north-
easterly and nartherly to the intersection thereof with the northern line of the
S.W. 1/4 of S.W. 1/4 of Sec. 14 of the aforesaid Twp. and Range; thence westerly
along the northern line of the st of S.W.~ of Sec. 14 and of the st of st of Sees.
15 and 16 of said Twp. and Range to the western line of said Sec. 16; thence southerly
along said western line of said Sec. l6 to the southwest corner at said Section 16;
which corner is also the southeastern corner of that certain subdivision known as
"Alamo Oaks" as the same is shown on Map thereof approved by the County Board of
Supervisors on .January 21,1946 and filed in the office of the County Assessor of
Contra Costa County on January 25,1946; thence along the southern line of said
subdivision south 870 41 west a distance of 1728.89 feet more or less to the
southeast carner of Lot 9 of said "Alamo Oaks" thence nartherly, southwesterly,
northwesterly, northerly, northeasterly, westerly, northwesterly, northerly and
southwesterly along the eastern and northern boundary of said Lot 9, the northeastern
boundary of Lot 8, the eastern boundary of Lots 7 and 6 and the eastern and northern
boundaries of Lot 5 of said "Alamo Oaks" to the northwestern corner af said Lot 5
which corner is also a point in the eastern bounda~J of the Alamo School District;
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thence northerly along said eastern boundary of the Alamo School District to the
intersection thereof with the southern boundary of that certain 227 acre tract of
land granted to G. C. Squire in deed of record in Vol. 224 at Page 449 of afo.resaid
Official Records; thence westerly and Northerly along the Southern and Western
baundaries of said 227 acre tract to the intersection thereof with the center line
of the County Road carnmonly known as "Green (Stone) Valley Road"; thence North-
westerly along the center line of said County Road to the intersection thereof with
the Western line of lots 12,11 and 10 of Sec. 7 of aforesaid Twp. and Range which
line is also a portion af the Eastern boundary of Rancho San Ramon; thence following
said Rancho boundary line Northerly to the intersectian thereof with the South-
eastern boundary of Lot A as delineated on that map of "Division Survey of the
A. W. Stone Ranch" of record in Map Book F at Page 141 of aforesaid Official
Records; thence along the said sautheastern boundary of said Lot A to the most
easterly corner of part 1 of said Lot A as the same is described in deed of record
in Vol. 790 at Page 194 of aforesaid Official Records; thence northwesterly alang
the northeastern boundary of said Part 1 af Lot A to the most northern corner
thereof which corner is also the most eastern corner of that certain 46.03 acre
tract of land granted to W. K. Van Bokkelen in deed of record in Val. 884 at Page
390 of aforesaid Official Records; thence Northwesterly and Southwesterly along the
nartheastern and the northwestern boundary and the southwesterly extensian thereaf
of said 46.03 acre tract of land, to the intersection thereof with the center line
af that County Road carnmonly known as "Miranda Avenue"; thence northerly alang the
center line of said Caunty Road to. the intersection thereof with the southern
boundary produced easterly of that certain 4.007 acre parcel of land granted to
C. W. Halliday in deed of record in Val. 318 at Page 101 of aforesaid Official
Records; thence westerly and northerly along the southern and western baundaries
of said 4.007 Ac. parcel and northwesterly and northerly along the Western boundary
and the northerly extension thereof of that certain 19.922 Ac. parcel also described
in the last mentioned deed to the intersection of the northerly extension of the
western boundary of said 19.922 Ac. parcel with the center line of that certain
county raad conunonly knawn as "Livarna Road"; thence westerly alang the center
line of said county road to the intersection thereof with the Western boundary,
produced southerly, of that 7.23 Acre tract and that 67.80 Acre tract granted to
Kate Henry in deeds of record in Vol. 278 at Page l22 and in Val. 77 at Page 208
of aforesaid Official Records; thence northerly along the western boundaries of
said 7.23 Acre and 67.80 Acre tracts to the most northwesterly corner of said 67.80
Acre tract which corner is a point in the Southern boundary of the Central Contra
Costa Sanitary District; thence following the said existing Sanitary District
boundary Westerly and Southwesterly to the point of beginning. .
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5 - That said Surety Bond in tile sum of FIVE HUNDRED AlID
NO/IOOTHS DOLLARS ($500.00) be am the smne 1s hereby
approved and ordered filed with the Secretary of this
Sanitary Board.
6 - That a resolution and Order calling an election in said
hereinbefore described territory proposed to be annexed
for the purpose of determining whether or not the said
hereinbefore described territory shall be annexed to the
said District, be hereinafter adopted by this Sanitary
Director Toland moved that the foregoing resolution be adopted.
Said motion was seconded by Director Wadsworth and on roll call
resulted in the following votess
AYES: Directors, Johnson, Toland, Tuttle, Wadsworth and President
Di rectors, None
ABSENTs' Directors, None
The Secretary declared the motion carried and the resolution finally
passed and adopted.
President Weill announced that this 1mS the time and plaoe fixed
by the Sanitary Board for the hearing of the Petition requesting that
the Orinda Territory North of the Crossroads be annexed to the Central
Contra Costa Sanitary District.
'lñe Affidavit of the due and proper publication of said Petition
was presented.
It appeared from the Affidavit that the Petition was
published in the Lafayette Sun of Lafayette, California, 8 nØl'lspaper of
general circulation published in the Central Contra Costa Sanitary
District on February 6th and 13th, 1947.
On motion of Director Tuttle, Seconded by Director Wadsworth and
unanimously carried, the Secretary was ordered to file the Affidavit
of Publication.
The Secretary reported to the Board that '!bree Hundred Sixty
Two (362) persons hed signed the Petition, that they were all resident
freeholders of the territory proposed to be annexed.
John L. Mason, the Resident Engineer end representative of
Clyde C. Kennedy the District Engineer, reported to the Board that
, ~ ; .
from his knowledge of the erea, en investigation of the assessment re-
cords, that there were approximately Seven Hundred (700) resident
freeholders and that since Three Hundred Six~ Two (362) resident free-
hold~rs had signed the Petition, the Petition was one legally presented
by Twenty Five (25%) percent freeholders residing in the territo~
proposed to be annexed as shown by the last equalized assessment roll
in the County of Contra Costa.
The President stated that all persons interested in the Orinda
annexation would now be given an opportunity to be heard.
Upon the instructions fram the President, Seoreta~ Cutler reading
a letter from the State Board of Health requesting that the Cotton Traot
and the Minerinda Praper~ Owners Association Traot be retained in the
proposed terri to~ to be annexed.
Resident freeholders in the Cottan Tract and the Minerinda Proper~
Owners Association Traot requested exclsuion from the territo~ proposed
to be annexed to the District.
The repart of the District Engineer
covering his investigation of lands of which resident freeholders re-
quested exclusion was read.
Upon motion duly made. seconded and carried, the report of the
District Engineer was placed in the minutes and reads a8 follows t
February 27, 1947
The Sani ta~ Board.
Central Contra Costa Sanitary District,
Walnut Creek, Calif.
Subject: Orinda Area Annexation,
Investigation and recommendation
on lands whose owners have requested
In anticipatian of the hearing on the petition ot Orinda
residents and proper~ owners for the annexation of the Orinda area
to the Sanita~ District we have inspected various lands whose owners
have expressed a desire for exclusion from the proposed annexation.
The state Department of Publio Health has also bad these
lands inspected and the Chief of the Division of Environmental Sanitation
reported his recommendations in his letter to yourselves of Feb. 18.1947
in which he urged that the Sanitary Board include the Cotton Tract in the
Orinda annexation. The facts brought out by the State Health authori t-
ies are that the entire Orinda area lies on one of the watersheds of the
East Bay Munioipa1 Utili~ District above a storage reservoir serving
water to communi ties in Alameda and Contra Cos ta counties and that
sewage has overflowed fram individual house disposal units in the Cotton
Tract in the past and may be expected to do so in the future because of
the poor absorbing properties of the adobe clay soil Which predominates
in the area. .
The Minerinda Property Owners Associetian and the Canyon
Ranoh Association composed of owners of 312 acres. epproximøte, of
property in the Cotton Traot have protested their inclusion in the Orinda
annexation. The owners of the contiguous 800 acreslying uphill and in the
same drainage aree as ..:these' 312 acres have requested the ..l.nolusian of
, ¡
their properties.
On Dec. 30. 1946 the Sanitary, Board indicated its intention
to exclude the properties of the Minerinda Proper~ Owners Assooiation
when the Orinda annexation petition should heve its formal heering.
This expression by the Sanitary Board 1f8S based on the representation
of these property owners that they had covenants among themselves res-
tricting land use and establishing homesites as a minimum of one acre
each and that they could contain their sewage within their own properties
and therefore would, in their opinion, receive no benefit by being in-
cluded in the Sanitary District.
The properties of the Minerinda Property Owners Assoeiation and
of the Canyon Ranoh Association consist of 93 parcels varying from
.25 acres to 69.60 acres each for a total of 312 acres. There ere
27 of these parcels of from .25 to 1.50 acres each. All of the land is
rolling to steep hillsides and all of it drains to Lauterwasser Creek
end ultimately to the San Pablo Reservoir. The land is unfavorable to
the safe disposal of sewage by means of individual house septic tanks
and subsoil drain fields.
The properties of the cotton Traot are part of the general can-
muni ty of Orinda where the land is now subdivided into residence sites
of fractional sores. It adjoins four new subdivisions Sleepy Hollow
Uni ts 1, 2 and 3 and Orinde Uplands. The adjoining area to the South
makes up the various units of the subdivision known as Haoiendas del
Orinda. The larger parcels of the Cotton Tract are readily subdividable
into smaller building sites.
It is cons idered that the Cotton Tract properties would be benefit-
ed by inclusion in the Orinda annexation for the follo~ng reasons:
1. Past experience in that area has shown the ground to be
unfavorable to sewage disposal by individual house units.
2. Søwege has overfløwed fram house units in the past and
created a health menace and mey be expected to do 80 in the
3. The installation of sewer service would protect the health
of the residents of the area end that of all-persons served
by the East Bay water system.
4. The Cotton Traot is in a common ooDllm.tni ty and drainage
area with ti1e balance of the proposed annexation.
5. The properties would be enhanced in value by ~ving sewer
service available and most of the area is subdividable.
6. The cost of sewer service will probably be less than the cost
of maintaining individual house units in a safe condition,
even in the smell proportion of the area where such installat-
ions have a reasonable chance to function as a semi-permanent
means of sewage disposal.
It is recommended that there be no exclusions fram the Orima
annexation and that the boundaries be as shOl'ln in the petition pub-
lished end presented.
Very truly yours,
Mr. Stewart, appearing a8 attorney for the Minerinda Property
Owners Association addressed the Board asking for exclusion.
A. W. Bowron, its Secrete~ also spoke for the same Assooiation
asking exclusion.
Mr. McComber ot the Cotton Traot, voiced objections
2- f'/."
. b
for residents of that tract for the reason that the.ultimate òosts of
the laterals would be prohibitive.
Mr. Leo Alexander spoke in favor of the annexation and stated that
there wes en immediate necessi~ for a trunk line S8WØr to care for the
needs of the businesl section of Orinda end that 'it would be insurance
to the other districts of Orinda when sewer service was an absolute
Mr. Frank Stead of the California State Department of Health
then presented the Department's views covering future conditions of
both sewage and water from a health standpoint.
Due to the adobe con-
dition of the soil, water absorption was law in the area and especially
this is true on hilly land.
Since the territory is part of the watershed
into the San Pablo Dam which is a source of drinking water, sewage dis-
posal is very important in this area.
It was pointed out that the cost
of the installation of the trunk line, even if not connected to by lateral
for ten or fifteen years, would be much less than the cost of installation
of their own disposal plant for this area, if such were possible.
Mr. Richerd Breuner spoke and stated that he desired to. reverse his
opinian expressed at a previous meeting, when he abjected to annexation
and stated that he was one hundred percent in favor of the annexation.
Mr. Barrows, Mrs. Potter and Mr. Nelson also spoke.
It appeared from the
discussion that most of the persons present favored the trunk line now.
The only queBtion with which they were concerned was on the cost of the
collection laterals to the individual property owners.
The District Engineer, Clyde C. Kennedy, outlined the procedure
for building collection laterals at a later date.
Director Johnson, following the foregoing discussion, offered the
following resolution and arder which ws unanimously adopted:
WHEREAS, a Peti tioD, signed by Twenty-Five per cent (25%) of free-
holders residing in the hereinafter described territory proposed to be
annexed to the CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SMIITARY DISTRICT, as shawn b;)T the
lest equalized assessment roll of Contra Costa CountyJl wes presented to
this Sani te.ry Board on 'the 27th day of Februe ry, 1947, at the hour of
8:00 o'clock p.m. of said day, at the regular place af meeting of said
Sanitary Board in the Veteran's Memorial Hall, looated on the Southeast
corner of Mt. Diablo. Boulevard and Locust street in the City of Walnut
. ,
Creek, County of Contra Costa, state of California, Bsking that said
territory be annexed to said CErTTF~L CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT by -
election under the provisions of Part I of Division VI of the
Heal th and Safety Code of the State of California, and an Affidavit
of Publioation of said Petition, and of a Notice stating the time
when said Petition would be presented to this Sanitary Board, was filed
at said time and place; and
WHEREAS, said Petition designates specifically the boundaries
of the territory proposed to be annexed and its assessed valuation,
as shown by the last equalized assessment roll of the County of Contra
Costa, and states that said territory is in the same county as said
CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT, is contiguous thereto., and is
not within the limits of any other Sanitary Distriot, and
WHEREAS, laid Petition is in eleven (11) sections, and each
section is verified by the Affidavit of one (1) of the petitioners
whose name is signed to said Petition; and
WHEREAS, said Petition was also accompanied by a cash bond in
the sum of ONE THOUSMm AND oo/100TH ($1,000.00) Dollars, as security
for the payment by the petitioners of the reasonable costs ot the election
on anne_tion in the event that at such election 1en than a majority
of the votes cast a re in favor of annexátión, and
'VHEREAS, at the time and place fixed in said Notioe for said
hearing, this Sanitary Board proceeded to hear said Peti tioD and all
persons interested therein who appeared; and
WHEREAS, at said hearing of February 27, 1947, bath oral and
wri tten protests were presented to the Seni tary Board by certain owners
and resident ~reeholders residing within the territory proposed to be
annexed, as described in the Petition presented to this Board; and
WHEREAS, at said hearing said Sanitary Board gave consideration
to the report made by its Distriot Engineer showing his investigation
of the area proposed to be annexed aM completed its hearing at said
time and plaoeJ and
WHEREAS, said Peti ti on and Atfid avi t sh 0t'I, and after a full
hearing, examination, and investigation, this Sanitary Board has found
and does hereby find and declare:
That each section of said Petition is duly verified by the
. I:
.' .
Affidavit of one (1) of the petitianers whose name is signed thereto;
that said Petition was duly published for at least two (2) weeks preceding
the first hearing thereon by this Sanitary Board,. together with a Notioè
~ ~,
." .
,; (i
",,"'. ,
4 7,~
() .'
that said Petition would be presented to this Sanitary
Board on Thursday, February 27,1947, at the hour of 8:00 o'olook p.m.
of said date, at the meeting room of said Sanitary Board, located as
hereinbefore described, and that at said time and place all persons
interested therein might appear and be heard, Febræ ry 6, 1917, and
February 13, 1947, in THE LAFAYETTE SUN, a newspaper of general
oirou1ation published in 'the Distriot; that the Affidavit of such
publication has been presented to and is on file with this Sanitary
Board; am that said Petition and said Notioe 80 published and
the form required by said Health and Safety Code af the State ot
California, that there are Three Hundred Sixty Two (362) persons Whose
names are signed to said Petition and who are freeholders residing in
the territory proposed to be annexed, a8 shown by the last equalized
assessment roll of the County of Contra Costa; t:œ t said Three Hundred
Sixty Two (362) petitioners constitute Twenty-Five percent (25%) of the
freeholders residing .in the territory proposed to be annexed as shown
by the last equalized assessment roll of the County of Contra Costa;
that all of the facts set forth in said Petition are true, end that all
acts and conditions and things required by law to be done precedent to
the hearing of said Petition by this Sanitary Board have been done
and have been perfarmed in regular and in due form and in strict oomplianoe
wi th the provisions of law authorizing the presentation of said Petition;
1 - That upon the final hearing of said Petition and after
a full hearing, investigation and examination, this Sanitary
Board does hereby find and determine that all of the territory
described in said Petition and in the judgment of this Sanitary
Board be benefited by annexatian to said Sanitary District.
2 - That this Sanitary Board upon final hearing of said Petition
does hereby approve said Petition as originally presented.
3 - That the exterior boundaries of the territory proposed to be
specifically described in said Petition is hereby described
as follows:
..~ 1
BEGINNING at a point on the existing boundary of the Central Cantra
Costa Sanitary District at the northwestern carner of Rancho Acalanes which
point is also a point in the southern boundary of the Rancho Boca de la
Canada del Pinale and running thence westerly alang said Rancho. line to its
intersection with that certain parcel of land described as Parcel No.1 in
the deed thereof recorded in Vol. 459 af deeds at page 45, Official Recards
of Cantra Costa Caunty, California; thence nartherly, northwesterly, sauth-
westerly and Southe.rly alang the eastern, northern and western boundaries af
said Parcel No.. 1 to the southwest corner of said parcel which point is also
the sauthwest corner of Tract No.2 af the said Rancho. Boca de la Canada del
Finole as said tract is numbered and described in a Decree af Final Partition
of said Rancho., entered Nav. 26, l872 in the l5th Judicial District
Court and. recorded in Vol. 4 of Judgments at page 110 in the office of the
County Recorder of Cantra Costa County, California; thence easterly along
the Sauthern line af said Tract NO. 2 af said Rancho to its intersection with
the narthwest corner af Parcel NO.2 as described in the afarementianed deed
which corner is also a point in said Rancho. line; thence sautherly and south-
easterly along the western and southern boundaries af said Parcel No.2 to. the
intersectian of that baundary with "Fairway Acres" as the same is shown on the
map thereaf of record in Jßap Boak 21 at pages 576-578 af said official recards
which intersection is also. the most nartherly point of said "Fairway Acres";
thence southeasterly, southerly, northwesterly and northerly alang the narth-
eastern, eastern, southern and western boundaries af said "Fairway Acres" to
the most westerly point thereaf which point is also. the northeastern corner af
"Orinda Villa Park" as said tract is shown an the map thereaf on file in Map
Book 11 at page 263 of aforesaid Official Records; thence westerly, sautherly,
westerly and southerly alang the narthern and western lines af said tract to.
the southwestern corner thereaf which carner is on the eastern line af "Lake
Orinda Highlands" as said line is shawn an the map of said "Lake Orinda
Highlands" of record in Map Boak 20 at' pages 528-536 af aforesaid Official
Recards; thence following southerly, sauthwesterly, sautheasterlyand southerly
along the eastern boundary of said tract to. the sautheastern corner thereaf
which comer is also the sauthwestern corner of "Orinda Park Tèrrace" as
delineated on the map af the "Resubdivision af Blocks F, M and 1" af record in
Map Book 18 at page 414l af said official records; thence ea~terly along the
sauthern line af said "Orinda Park Terrace" and along the sauthern line af
"Garden of Eden" tract as shown an the map af said tract af record in Map
Book 1 at page 18 af aforesaid Official Records and alang the southern line
of "Orinda Tawn Site" as shawn on the map thereaf of recard in Map Book 1 at
page 21 of afaresaid Official Records to. a point in said sauthern line distant
l50 feet at right angles westerly from the western line af San Pablo Creek
Road; thence southerly parallel to said western line af said San Pablo Creek
Road to. the intersection of said line with the existing baundary of the
afaresaid Central Contra Costa Sanitary District. and. thence narthwesterly,'
southeasterly, easterly, northeasterly, easterly, northeasterly, northerly,'
northeasterly and northerly along said Sanitary District boundary to. the point
of beginning. .
!.. 0}
iJ j~
G"1:\ "'"
4', ~,.r
o" ','
.. '.
:s ~
4 - Tæ t said cash bond in the sum of ONE THOUSAND AND OO/lOOths
($1,000.00) Dollars, be and the same is hereby approved ani
ordered filed by the Secretary of the Sanitery Board.
5 - That a resolution and order calling an election in the said
hereinbefore described territory proposed to be annexed and
in said ~~RAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT for the purpase
of determining whether or not the said hereinbefore described
terri tory shall be annexed to the CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY
DISTRICT be hereinafter adopted by this Sanitary Board.
Direotor Johnson moved that the above resolution and order be
Said motion was seconded by Direotor Tuttle and on roll call
resulted in the following votes:
AYES: Direotors, Johnson, Toland, Tuttle, Wadsworth and
President Weill.
NOES: Direotors, None
ABSENT: Directors, trone
The Secretary declared the motion carried and the resolution and>
order finally passed and adopted.
Direotor Johnson thereupon offered the following resolution
and order which -s unanimously adopted:
WHEREAS, a Petition signed by 'l'wen'ÞJ Five (25%) pe roent ot
the freeholders residing in the Alamo-Danvi1le Area hereinafter described
as Territory No. ,1 proposed to be annexed to 'the CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA
SANITARY DISTRICT, as shown by the last equalized assessment roll of the
County of Contra Casta and was presented to this Sanitary Board on the
30th day of January, 1947, at the hour of 8:00 o'clock p.m., af said day
at the regular place of meeting of said Sanitary Board in the Veteran's
Memorial Hall located on the Southeast corner of Mt. Diablo Blvd., and
Locust Street in the City of Walnut Creek, County of Contra Costa,
State of California, aski~ that said territory be annexed to said
of Division VI of the Health end Safety Code of the State of California,
.'~ ,~
wVHEREAS, at the final-hearing of said Petition duly and regularly
held on February 27, 1947, the Sanitary Board of CENTRAL CONTRA CœTA
SANITARY DISTRICT found and determined that all of the territory herein-
after described as the Alamo-Danvil1e Area and identified as Terri tory
No.1 would, in the judgment of said Sanitary Board, be benefited by
annexation to laid Sanitary Distriot and approved said Petition as so
mod if'ied and øde an order describing the exterior bouMaries of the
terri tory so proposed to be annexedJ and
WHEREAS, a Petition signed by Twenty Five (25%) percent of 'the
freeholders residing in the Orinda Area North of the Cros sroads herein-
after described as Territ~ry No.2 propased to be annex~ to the CENTRAL
CONTRA COSTA S.A}TITARY DISTRICT as shown by the last equalized assessment
roll of the County af Contra Costa and was presented to this Sanitary
Board an the
27th day of February, 1947, at the hour of 8:00 0 t olock
p.m., of said day at the regular meeting place of said Sanitary Board
in the Veteran t s Memorial Hall located on the Southeast comer of )It.
Diablo Boulevard and Locust Street, in the City of Walnut Creek, County
of Contra Costa, state of California, asking that said territory be
annexed to. said CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT under the provisions
of Part I of Division VI af the Health and Safety Code of the State of
California, and
WHEREAS. upon the final hearing of said Petii:i.on duly and regularly
held at said time and place, the SANITARY BOARD Of the m!TRAL CONTRA
COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT found and determined that all the territory
described in laid Petition and hereinafter described would, in the
judgment of said Sanitary Board, be benefited by annexation to said
Sanitary Distriot and approved said Petition as originally presented
and mde an order describing the exteriar boundaries of' the territory
proposed to be annexed which are as hereinafter described and referred
to as Terri tory No.2 more oommon1y known ~I the Orirña Area North of
the Crossroeds.
does hereby order that an election be held in accordance with the pro-
visions of' the Heal th and Safety Code of the State of Ca1iforniaJ at the
places hereinafter designs ted in said cmTTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY
DISTRICT and in the contiguous territories proposed to be annexed there-
to which are hereinafter described, on Monday. the 14th day of April.
1947, from the haur af 7:00 o'cloCk a.m., until the hour of 7:00
o'clock p.m., of said day during which period of t~e the polls will
be continuously open, at which time and place there will be submitted
to the qualified voters of said Sanitary District and the contiguous
territories proposed to be annexed thereto which are hereinafterdesoribed,
the question whether or not the following described territories shall
be annexed to said CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SAlrITARY DISTRICT, said terri-
tories are described BR rnl'n~t
All that parcel of land'lacated in the County af Contra Casta, state of CaJ.iforn~a,
more particularly described as falloW's:
Beginning at the paint of intersectian af the southern boundary line af the
Walnut Creek Schaol District and the western baundary af Rancho San Raman which
paint is also the southwestern corner af Goald's Addition to. Walnut Creek filed
July 26,1911, and of recard in Baak 5 af Maps at Page ll7, Cont~a Costa County
Official Records, and running thence southeasterly alang said boundary line of
Rancho San Ramon to its intersection with the northern baundary of that certain
149.61 acre tract of land granted to. Arthur W. Carlsan in deed of record in Vol.
759 at Page 177 af afaresaid official recards; thence easterly and sautherly alang
the narthern and eastern boundaries of said 149.61 acre tract to the intersection of
the eastern boundary thereaf with the aforesaid western boundary of Rancho. San Ramon;
thence southeasterly alang said western boundary af Rancho. San Ramon to. the paint
thereon which is also in the narthern boundary, praduced westerly, af that certain
13.446 acre parcel af land granted to A. Emory Wishan in deed of recard in Vol. 764
at Page 40 of aforesaid Official Records; thence nartheasterly alang the northerly
boundary of said 13.446 acre parcel and the westerly projection thereaf to. the mast
narthern paint of said parcel and then sauthe.sterly, easterly, and sautherly along
the eastern boundary of said parcel to its intersectian with the northern baundary .
of that certain 15.64 acre parcel of land granted to Tirza S. Jones in deed of
recard in Vol. 820 at Page 201 af aforesaid Official Recards; thence easterly
alang the northern boundary of said 15.64 acre parcel to the northwestern carner
of that certain 8.65 acre parcel af land granted to. George A. Latimer in deed of
recard in Vol. 549 at Page 481 of aforesaid Official Records; thence easterly
along the narthern boundaryaf said 8.65 acre parcel to the narthwestern carner af
that certain 1.48 acre parcel of land granted to. Tirza S. Janes in afaresaid deed
of recard; thence easterly, sautherlyand sauthwesterly slang the narthern and
eastern baundaries of said 1.48 acre parcel to. the most sauthern corner thereaf
which carner is also. the most eastern corner of the afaresaid 8.65 acre parcel of
Gearge A. Latimer; thence southwesterly along the eastern boundary of said 8.65 acre
parcel to the junction thereof with the eastern baundary af the aforesaid 15.64 acre
parcel of Tirza S. Janes; thence southerly along the said eastern boundary of said
15.64 acre parcel to. the junction thereaf with the eastern boundary ot that certain
4.04 acre parcel of land granted to. Herman J. Sandkule in deed af recard in Vol.
510 at Page 381 of afaresaid Official Records and further described in deed af
re'cord in Vol. 624 at Page 403 af aforesaid Official Records, at the most eastern
corner af said boundary; thence southwesterly and westerly along the eastern and
southern boundaries of said 4.04 acre parcel to. the most southwestern carner there-
of which corner is also. the mast southeastern corner af the aforesaid 15.64 acre
parcel of Tirza S. Jones; thence westerly along the southern baundary of said 15.64
acre parcel to. the intersection thereaf with the aforesaid western baundary af
Rancho San Ramon; thence southeasterly along said boundary line af Rancho. San Raman
toa point therean which is the mast southern corner of that certain 199.98 acre
tract af land known as liThe Kelly Ranch" which said tract is described in the decree
dated April 19, 1926, quieting title in said tract which decree is of recard in
Vol. 29 at Page 379 of aforesaid Official Recards; running thence alang the northern
boundary of the 6.00 acre tract and 34.115 acre tract granted to M. K. Otto. in deed
of record in Vol.. 423 at Page 204 of afaresaid Official Recards nartherly, north-
westerly and sautherly to the narthwestern corner of the .22.762 acre tract also
described in said last named record; thence northeasterly along the narthwesterly
_.,~ .
---.----- -
line of said 22,762 acre tract N 570 43' E to. the western corner of the 2.762 acre
tract also. described in said last named record; thence easterly along the sauthern
line of said 2.762 acre tract N 780 45 t 30" E 979.98 feet to the center line of the
State Highway running southerly from Danville; thence northerly along the center
line af said State Highway to the intersection thereof with the westerly extension
of the center line of Doone Lane; thence easterly alang the center line af Doane
Lane and its easterly extension to. the intersection thereaf with the western
bounda~ af that certain 27 acre tract granted to. Joseph Freitas in deed at record
in Vol. 262 at Page 460 of afaresaid Official Records; thence northerly alang the
western boundary of said 27 acre tract to the northwestern carner thereof which
corner is a point on the southern boundary af that certain 54 acre tract granted to
John W. Dinsmore in deed of recard in Vol. 527 at Page 462 af aforesaid Official
Records; thence westerly, nartherlyand easterly alang the sauthern,western and
northern baundaries of said 54 acre tract to the nartheastern corner thereaf which
carner is also the northwestern 00 mer of that certain 309.60 acre tract described
in deed thereaf in Val. 724 at Page 145 of aforesaid Official Records; thence
easterly alang the northern boundary of said 309.60 acre tract and the easterly
extension thereof to. its intersectian with the center line of the Tassajara Road;
thence sautheasterly along the èenter line af the Tassajara Raad to. the intersection
thereaf with the western line af Sec. 27, T. 1 SR. 1 W., M.D.B.& M; thence northerly
alang said western line of said Sec. 27 to the southeastern carner af Sec. 21 of said
Twp. and Range; thence westerly along the southern line of said Sec. 2l, 2640 feet
more or less, to the sauth quarter section corner of said Sec. 21; thence nartherly
along the western line af the S~. 1/4 of said Sec. 21 to. a point which is also the
sautheast carner of that certain 64.19 acre tract granted to W. E. Stewart and de-
scribed in Vol. 389 at Page 203 in aforesaid Official Records; thence westerly alang
the southern boundary of said 64.19 Ac tract a distance of 1800 feet; thence due narth
a distance af 1090 feet more or less to a point on the east-west center line af
aforesaid Section 21; thence easterly along said center line of Section 21 and the
east-west center line of section 22 af aforesaid Twp. and range to the eastern line
of said Section 22; thence northerly along the eastern line af said Sec. 22 faurteen
hundred (1400) feet more' or less to the intersectian thereof with the center line
of Mt. Diablo Road; thence along the center line of said Mt. Diablo. Raad north-
easterly and northerly to the intersection thereaf with the northern line of the
s.w.l/4 of S.W. 1/4 of Sec. 14 af the aforesaid Twp. and Range; thence westerly
along the northern line of the st af S.W.t af Sec. 14 and of the st af st af Sees.
15 and 16 of said Twp. and Range to the western line af said Sec. 16; thence sQuther1y
along said western line of said Sec. 16 to the southwest corner of said Section 16;
which corner is also the sautheastern carner af that certain subdivision knawn as
"Alamo Oaks" as the same is shown an Map thereof approved by the County Board of
Supervisors an January 21,1946 and filed in the office af the County Assessor of
Contra Casta County an January 25,1946; thence alang the southern line af said
subdivision south 870 41 west a distance of 1728.89 feet more or less to the
southeast carner of Lot 9 of said "Alamo Oaks" thence northerly, southwesterly,
narthwesterly, northerly, nartheasterly, westerly, narthwesterly, northerly and
southwesterly along the eastern and northern boundary of said Lot 9, the northeastern
boundaryaf Lot 8, the eastern boundary af Lots 7 and 6 and the eastern and northern
boundaries of Lot 5 of said .'Alamo Oakslf to the northwestern carner of said Lot 5
which corner is also a point in the eastern boundary af the Alamo School District;
thence northerly along said eastern boundary of the Alamo School District to the
intersection thereof with the southern boundary of that certain 227 acre tract of
land granted to G. C. Squire in deed of record in Vol. 224 at Page 449 of aforesaid
Official Records; thence westerly and Northerly along the Southern and Western
boundaries of said 227 acre tract to the intersection thereof with the center line
0 f the County Road commonly knawn as "Green (Stone) Valley Road"; thence North-
westerly along the center line of said County Road to the intersection thereof with
the Western line of lots 12,11 and 10 of Sec. 7 of aforesaid Twp. and Range which
line is also a portion af the Eastern boundary of Rancho San Ramon; thence following
said Rancho boundary line Northerly to the intersection thereof with the South-
eastern boundary of Lot A as delineated on that map of "Division Survey of the
A. W. Stone Ranch" of record in Map Book F at Page 141 of aforesaid Official
Records; thence along the said southeastern boundary of said Lot A to the most
easterly corner of part 1 of said Lot A as the same is described in deed of record
in Vol. 790 at Page 194 of aforesaid Official Records; thence northwesterly alang
the northeastern boundary of said Part 1 of Lot A to the most northern corner
thereof which corner is also the most eastern corner of that certain 46.03 acre
tract of land granted to W. K. Van Bakke1en in deed of record in Vol. 884 at Page
390 of aforesaid Official Records; thence Northwesterly and Southwesterly along the
northeastern and the northwestern boundary and the southwesterly extension thereof
of said 46.03 acre tract of land, to the intersection thereof with the center line
of that County Road commonly known as "Miranda Avenue"; thence northerly along the
center line of said County Road to t~e intersection thereof with the southern
boundary praduced easterly of that certain 4.007 acre parcel of land granted to
C. W. Halliday in deed of record in Vol. 318 at Page 101 of aforesaid Official
Records; thence westerly and northerly along the southern and western boundaries
of said 4.007 Ac. parcel and northwesterly and northerly along the Western boundary
and the northerly extension thereof of that certain 19.922 Ac. parcel also described
in the last mentioned deed to the intersection of the northerly extension of the
western boundary of said 19.922 Ac. parcel with the center line of that certain
county raad commonly known as "Livarna Road"; thence westerly along the center
line of said county road to the intersection thereof vdth the Western boundary,
produced southerly, of that 7.23 Acre tract and that 67.80 Acre tract granted to
Kate Henry in deeds of record in Vol. 278 at Page 122 and in Val. 77 at Page 208
of aforesaid Official Records; thence northerly along the western boundaries of
said 7.23 Acre and 67,80 Acre tracts to the most northwesterly còrner of said 67.80 .
Acre tract which corner is a point in the Southern boundary of the Central Contra
Costa Sanitary District; thence following the said existing Sanitary District
boundary Westerly and Southwesterly to the point of beginning.
All that parcel of land located in the County of Contra Costa. State
of California. more particularly described as follows:
BEGIm~ING at a point on the existing boundary of the Central Contra
Costa Sanitary District at thenorthvrestern corner of Rancho Acalanes which
point is also a point in the southern boundary of the Rancho Boca de la
Canada del Pinole and running thence westerly along said Rancho line to its
intersection with that certain parcel of land described as Parcel No.1 in
the deed thereof recorded in Vol. 459 of deeds at page 45, Official Records
of Contra Costa County, California; thence northerly, northwesterly, south-
westerly and Southerly along the eastern, northern and western boundaries of
said Parcel No.1 to the southwest corner of said parcel which point is also
the southwest corner of Tract No.2 of the said Rancho Boca de la Canada del
Pinole as said tract is numbered and described in a Decree of Final Partition
of said Rancho, entered Nov. 26, 1872 in the 15th Judicial District
Court and recorded in Vol. 4 of Judgments at page 110 in the office of the
County Recorder' of Contra Costa County, California; thence easterly along
the Southern line of said Tract No.2 of said Rancho to its intersection with
the northwest corner of Parcel lb. 2 as described in the aforementioned deed
which corner is also a point in said Rancho line; thence southerly and south-
easterly along the western and southern boundaries of said Parcel No.2 to the
intersection of that boundary with "Fairviay Acres" as the same is shovm on the
map thereof of record in ~~p Book 21 at pages 576-578 of said official records
vvhich intersection is also the !'host northerly point of said "Fairivay Acresll;
thence southeasterly, southerly, northwesterly and northerly along the north-
eastern, eastern, southern and western boundaries of said IIFairvmy Acres" to
the most westerly point thereof which point is also the northeastern corner of
1I0rinda Villa Park" as said tract is shovm on the map thereof on file in Map
Book 11 at page 263 of aforesaid Official Records; thence westerly, southerly,
westerly and southerly along the northern and western lines of said tract to
the southwestern corner thereof Y-Thich corner is on the eastern line of "Lake
Orinda Highlandsll as said line is shown on the map of said 1I1ake Orinda
Highlands" of record in Map Book 20 at pages 528-536 of aforesaid Official
Records; thence following southerly, southvlesterly, southeasterly and southerly
along the eastern bounda~T of said tract to the southeastern corner thereof
which corner is also the southwestern corner of "Orinda Park Terracell as
delineated on the map of the IIResubdivision of Blocks F, M and 1" of record in
Map Book 18 at page 414~ of said official records; thence easterly along the
southern line of said "Orinda Park Terl"acell and along the southern line of
"Garden of Eden" tract as shown on the map of said tract of record in Map
Book I at page 18 of aforesaid Official Records and along the southern line
of "Orinda Town Site" as shoì'ffi on the map thereof of record in Map Book 1 at
page 21 of aforesaid Official Records to a point in said southern line distant
150 feet at right angles westerly from the western line of San Pablo Creek
Road; thence southerly parallel to said western line of said San Pablo Creek
Road to the intersection of said line vTith the existing boundary of the
aforesaid Central Contra Costa Sanitary District and thence nortrwffisterly,'
southeasterly, easterly, northeasterly, easterly, northeasterly, northerly,
northeasterly and northerly alonz said Sanitary District boundary to the point
of beginning.
) ,~)
I -
That if a majority of the votes cast at such an election in
of the vates cast at such election in either ór both of the
contiguous territories proposed to be annexed thereto, which are
hereinabove described, are in favor of the annexation of said
territories the Sanitary Board of said CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANI-
TARY DISTRICT will thereafter take the necessary steps to effect
the necessary boundaries of said Sanitary District and to effect
, the annexation to said Sanitary District of said territory or
territories hereinbefore described in which a majority vote was
cast in favor of such annexation end with respect to which a
majority of votes cast at such election in the Sanitary Distriot
were in favor of such annexation to CmTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY
2 - Îh,at every qualified voter resid,ent in the CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA
SA}TITARY DISTRICT and in the said hereinbefore described terri-
tortes proposed to be annexed to said Distriot, for the length
of time necessary to enable him to vote at a' general election,
shall be entitled to vote at said election.
3 -That for the purpose of said election all of the territory
lying wi thin the boundaries of said Sanitary Distriot shall be
divided to form eight (8) precincts for the purpose of holding
said election and 1Ìlat the descriptions of said precincts, the
names of the persons designated to conduct said election and tile
polling pIece of said election ere hereby designated as follows:
Consolidated Precinct No.1
All of Lafayette No.5, portion of Lafayette No.1, portion of
Lafayette 4.
Inspector: i rene Bunke r
Judge: Elizabeth Hodges
Judge: Maude B. Helmond
Polling PIece: Amerioan Legion Hall, Lafayette
Consolidated Precinct No.2
All of Lefayette 2 and all of Lafayette No.3, Portion of
Lafayette I'To. 6
Inspector: 1'~arjorie MoAllister
Judge: Ethèl J. Leigh
Judge: Gertrude Cone
Polling Place: Lafayette Grammar School
4 t,.
-: ' "
Consolidated Precinct No.. 3
Portion of Moraga" portion of St. Mary's.
Inspeotor: Michael Larch
Judge: T. P. Carroll
Judge: Amy E. Souza
Polling Place: Moraga Grammar School
Consolidated Precinct No.4
Portion af Orinda No.1, portion af Orinda No.2,
portion of Orinda No.3.
Inspeotor: Martha J. Chantler
Judge: Evera Levy
Judge: Mrs. Ralph C. Hall
Polling Place: Ralph C. Hall" Residenoe" 72 David Road.
Cansolidated Precinct No.5
All of Walnut Creek Precincts Nos. 2" 3 and 4.
Inspeotor: l~bel Anderson
Judge: Margaret Cookerton
Judge: Frances W. Harmon
Polling Place: Walnut Creek Library.
Consolidated Precinct No.6
All of Walnut Creek No. 1 and all of Walnut Creek No.
8, portion of Walnut Creek No.7" portion of Alamo,
portion of Concord No.7.
Inspe otor: Mi ss Ada Ford
Judge: Mrs. Lucille Adams
Judge: Mrs. Helen Azeveda
Polling Place: American Legion Hall" Walnut Creek.
Consoldiated Precinct No.7
Portion of Saranap No. I and portion of Saranap No.2.
Inspeotor: Mrs. Sadie Cutler
Judge: ¥.æs. Eveleyn Slyva
Judge: Mrs. Constance M. Feagans
Polling Place: Anderson's Real Estate
Mt. Diablo Boulevard
Consolidated Precinct No.8
Portion of Walnut Creek No.5" portion of Walnut Creek
No.6 partion of Pleasant Hill, portion of Pacheco No.2
Inspector: Urs. Lucinda Ris80tto
Judge: Mrs. Josephine Shelley
Judge: Mrs. Florence lÆillion
Polling Place: Walnut Creek Sanatorium"
and Pleasant Hill Road.
Martinez Highway
4 -
That the following is 8 description of the election precinct,
Inspector" Judges and the palling pIa oe the rein to 0 onduot
said election sbove referred to and mentioned wi thin the
boundaries of the hereinbefore described Alamo-Danville Area,
Territory No.1 proposed to be annexed to said CENTRAL CONTRA
COSTA SMJITARY DISTRICT consisting af all the territory
hereinbefore designated as the Alamo-Danville Area" Territory
No.1 proposed to be annexed to the CE1:"1.'RAL CONTRA COSTA
SANITARY DISTRICT hereinbefore particularly described:
" )
Consolidated Precinct No.9
Portion of Alamo, portion of Danville No. I,
portion of Danville No.2.
Inspeotor: r~s. Louise Lawrenoe
Judge: Mrs. M. J. Juul
Judge: Mrs. Florenoe Egbert
Polling Place: Danville Fire House
5 - That the following is a description of the election precinct,
the Inspector, Judges and the polling place herein to conduct
said election above referred to and mentioned within the
boundaries of the hereinbefore described territory and designated
as Orinda Area, North of the Crossroads" Territory No.2 proposed
to be annexed to the said C~TRAL C~~RA C~STA SANITARY DISTRICT,
hereinbefore particularly described:
Consolidated Precinct No. 10
Portion of Orinda No.1, all of Orinda No.2
Inspeotor: 1~8. Arlene S. Harrold
Judge: Mrs. Jo sephine Dawson
Judge: Mrs. Dorathy Harrison
Polling Place: 91 Orinda Highwe.y
6 - That said election to be conducted as nearly as praotioable
in accordance with the general laws of the State of California.
7 - That Notice of said annexation election be given by posting
a copy of this order calling said' election for four (4)
successive weeks prior to said election in nine (9) public
to-wi t:
Wi thin the Alemo-Danville area, territory =1/:1:
(1) The bulletin board immediately adjoining the Fire
Station at Danville, California" facing on the Walnut
Creek - Danville Highway.
(2) The outside of the building commonly referred to as
the office of 'the Justice of the Peace, Walter Smith,
at Danville" California, on the Walnut Creek-Dublin Highway.
(~) The telephone pole adjacent to the Post Office at Alamo,
Orinda aTea north of the cross-roads, territory :{I.-2&
(1) The telephone pole in £ront of the Orinda Fire Station
at Orinda" California.
(2) The telephone pole in front of or immediately adjacent
to the Orinda Country Club Clubhouse at Orinda" California.
(3) The telephone pole immediately adjaining the entrance
, 'It
4 it'
, , h4
to the East Bay lfunioipal Utilities District Filter
Station on the San PablQ Dam Roed at Orinda,
Califo rnia.
Within the boundaries of the Central Contra Costa Senite~ District:
The telephone pole immediately in front of or adjacent
to the Post Office at Lafayette, California.
The telephone pole immediately in front of or adjacent
to. the Post Office et Walnut Creek, California.
The nearest telephone pole to the City Hall at Walnut
Creek, California.
Said places being respectively nine (9) public places in
territories proposed to be annexed and by publishing this
order calling said election once a week for four (4) suo-
cessive weeks prior to said election in the foll~ving
newspaper, to-wit: WALNUT KERNEL, a neTrspaper of general
circulation published in said Sani tery Distriot; and the
Secretary of this Sanitary Board is hereby directed to
cause this order to be published and posted as herein-
above provided.
Director Johnson moved that the above resolutian and order be
Said motion was seconded by Direotor Toland and on roll call
resulted in the following votes:
AYES: Directors, Johnson, Taland, Tuttle, Wadsworth and
President Weill.
NOES: Direotors, None
ABSmrT: Directors, None
The Secretary dee 1m-ed the motion carried and the resolution and
order finally passed and adopted.
Direotor Tuttle thereupon offered the following resolutian
which was unanimously adopted:
WHEREAS, this Sanitary Board has heretofore adopted a
resolution ardering that an election be held for the purpose of determining
whether or not certain territories contiguous to the CEr~RAL CO~ITRA COSTA
SANITARY DISTRICT and described in said arder shell be annexed to said
Dis triotJ
~ J;
1 - That the Secretary of this Sani ter'J Board mail or deliver
to each election officer appointed to serve at said election
a Notioe the. t he hfl s been appointed. and to each Inspe ctor
a Notice of the voter appointed to serve as election officer
in that precinct;
2 - That the Secretary of this Sanitary Board make all arrangements
for securing the polling pIeces selected by this Sanitary Board
for said eleotian; to procure all neeessarysupplies for use
at said election and to cause to be printed the ballats to be
used thereat.
That the ballot to be used at said public eleotian in the
territories proposed to be annexed shall be in substantially
the following fo~:
Mm~AY, APRIL 14, 1947.
nŒTRUCTIONS TO VOTERS: To vote for the annexation stamp a
cross (X) in the voting square after the words "For annexation to the
Sani tary Di strict". To vote against the annexation stamp 8 cross
(X) in the voting square after the words "Against annexation to the
Sanitary Distriot". All marks, except the cross (X), are forbidden.
All distinguishing nærks or eresures are forbidden and make the
ballot void. If you wrongly stamp, tear or defece this ballot,
return it to the Inspector of Electian and obtein another. On absent
voter ballotsmè.rka:1oross (X) with pen or pencil.
. .
. .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
That the ballot to be used at said special election within the
boundaries of the existing district, shall be in substantially
the following form:
YO~IDAY, APRIL 14,1947.
INSTRUCTIONS TO VOTERS: To vote for the annexation stamp a cross
(X) in the voting square after the words "For annexation to the Sani taljr
Distriot". To vote against the annexation stamp a cross (X) in the 'Voting
square after the words "Against annexation to the Sanitary District". .All
marks, except the cross (X), are forbidden. All distinguishing mDrks or
erasures are forbidden end make the vallot void. If you-wrongly ste~p,
4 ~2'
.j ¡,
..~, "--'
tear or deface this ballot, return it to the Inspector
of Election and obtain another. On absent voter ballots-
mark cross eX) with pen or pencil.
Proposition No.1 - Proposing annexation of the
Alamo.-Danville Area, Territory No.1 to the CENTRAL
Proposition No.2 - Proposing annexation of the
Orinda Area North of the Crossroads, Territory No.2
And that to vote in favor of the propositions submitted at said election
and for the annexations, each voter shall stamp a cross (X)
in the
voting square after the words, "For Annexation to the Sanitary Distriot".
To vote against the propositions submitted at said election and against
annexations, each voter shall stamp a cross (X) in the voting
square after the words, "Against Annexation to the Sanita~ Distriot".
A cross (X)after the words, "For Annexation to the Sanitary District".
shall be counted as a vote in favar of the proposed annexations and
a cross (x) after the words, "Against Annexation to the Sanitary
Distriot", shall be counted as a
vote against the proposed annexa-
Direotor Tuttle moved that the above resolution be adopted.
Said motion was seconded by Direotar Toland and on roll call resulted
in the following votes:
AYES: Direotors, Johnson, Toland, Tuttle, Wad~Torth and
President Weill.
NOES: Directors, None
ABSENT Directors, N9ne
The Secret~~ declared the motion carried and the resolutian and
order finally passed and adopted.
Direotor Toland
thereupon offered the follawing resolution
which was unanimously adopted:
4 '...
'f ;
WHEREAS, a Petition, signed by the owners of real property in the
terri tory proposed to be annexed to the CEt"TRAL cnNTFA COSTA SANITARY
DISTRICT, which real property represents Seventy-Five percent (75%) of
the total assessed valuation of the territory BS shawn by the lest
equalized assessment raIl of the County of Contra Costa, was presented
to this Sanitary Board on the 27th day of February, 1947, at the hour
8:00 o'clock p.m. of said day, at the regular place of meeting of said
Sanitary Board in the Veteran's Memorial Hell, located on the southeast
corner of Mt. Diablo. and Locust Streets, in the City of Walnut Creek,
County of Contra Costa, state of California, asking that said territory
be annexed to said CEHTBAL CmrTRA COSTA SAUI Tl.RY DISTIRCT without an
election under the provisions of Article 3, Part I of Division VI
af the Health and Safety Code of the State of California, and en Affidavit
of Publioation of said Petition and of a Notice stating the time of hear-
ing of said Petition to be presented to this Sanitary Board, W8S filed
at said time and plaoe, and
WHEREAS, said Petition designates specifically the boundaries ot
the territory propased to be annexed and its assessed valuation as shown
by the last equalized assesmnent roll of the County of Contra Costa
and shows the amount of real property owned by each of the petitioners
and its assessed valuation as shown by the lest equalized assessment roll
of said county, and
WHEREAS, said Petition states that the territory is not in any
other Sanitary District and that said territory is in the same county
as said CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT, is contiguous thereto,
and is not wi thin the limits of any other Sanitary District; and requests
that the territory so described be annexed to. this Distriot, and
WHEREAS, the Petition is verified by the Affidavit of one (1) of
the petitioners, and
WEEREAS, no written protests against the annexation of said territory
to said Sanitary District have been filed with this Sanitary Board, end
~REREAS, at said hearing no oral protests were made to this Sanitary
Board against the annexation of said territory to said Sanitary District,
WHEREAS, at the time and plaoe fixed in said Notice for said hearing,
this Sanitary Board proceeded to hear said Petition and all persons therein
who appeared, and said hearing was completed at said time end place, and
WIIEREAS, said Petition and said Affidavit shaw, and after a full
. >
-, ".,
hearing, examination, and investi€Btion this Sanitary Board has found
and does hereby find and declare, that said Petition is duly verified
by the Affidavit of one (l) of the petitioners; that said Petitian was
duly published for at least two (2) weeks preceding its hearing by this
Sanitary Board, together with Notice that said Petition be presented to
thi s Sanitary Board on Thursday, 'the 27th day of February, 1947, at the
hour of 8:00 o'clock p.m. of said day, in the meeting room of said
Sanitary Board located as hereinbefore described and that at said time
end pleoe ell persons interested therein might appear and be heard on
February 10, 1947, and on February 17, 1947, in the CURRIER-JOURNAL, a
newspaper of general circulation, published in said District; that the
Aff1davi t of such publication has been presented to and is on file wi th
this Sanitary Board;
That the two (2) petitioners whose names are signed to said Petition
are the sole owners of the territory which is proposed to be annexed to.
said Distriot;
That said territory contains 24.78 acres with an assessed valuation
That said petitioners are the owners of land constituting Seventy-
Five per cent (75%) of the total assessed valuation of the territory
proposed to be annexed as shown by the ïast equalized assessment roll
of the County of Contra Costa that all of the facts set forth in said
Petition are true; that all acts and conditions and things required by
law to be done precedent to the hearing of add Petition by this Sanitary
Board have been done and have been performed in regular and due farm in
strict compliance with provisions of the law authorizing the presentation
of this Petition.
1 - That upan the final hearing of said Petition and after a full
hearing, investigation, and examination, this Sanitary Board does hereby
find and determine that the annexation of the territory therein and
hereafter described is for the best interests of the District and said
contiguous territory.
2 - That upon such final hearing, this Sanitary Baard does hereby
find and determine that all of the territory described in said Petition
will, in the judgment of this Sanitary Board, be benefited by annexation
to said Sanitary District.
3 - That the exteriar baundaries of the territory so proposed to
0 2 2 i, 4: 17
'~ -.
'J. ,'i
be annexed to 'the CENTFAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT and speci-
fically described in said Petition, are hereby fixed and described
as follows:
Beginning a t a point in the existing external boundary
of the Central Contre. Costa Sanitary District, which point is
also the northwest corner of Lot 7 of the Bowler Subdivision
as delineated OD the map of said subdivision of record in Map
Book 27 at pages 5 and 6, Official Reoords of Contra Costa
County, California, and running thence westerly along the
northern line of said Bowler Subdivision, which line is also
the southern line of the tract of lend herein mentioned. the
exterior boundaries of which are more fully set forth in that
certain deed tram Fred. D. Rodgers to A. J. Ball et ux of
record in Vol. 386 of Deeds at page 117 of aforesaid Official
Records. to the most western corner of said tract; thence
northeasterly end northerly along the western boundary of said
tract to the northwestern corner thereof; thence easterly
along the northern boundary of said tract to the northeastern
corner thereof, which corner is also a paint in the center
line of "Pleasant Hill Road" all as set forth in said recorded
deed, said point being elso in the boundary line of said Sani-
tary District; thence following the existing boundal1' line of
said Sanitary District southerly and westerly to the point of
4 - That the President and Secretary of thi s Sen i tary BOB rd be and
they are hereby authorized end directed to execute on the behalf of this
Sanitary Board a Petition to the Board of Supervisors of the County of
Contra Costa setting farth the proceedings heretofore taken for the
annexation of the above-described territory, the finding of this
Board and requesting the Board of Supervisors to annex the terri tory
to the District.
Director Toland moved t.~6t the vbove resolution be adopted.
Said motion wes seconded by Director Tuttle and on roll cell resulted
in the follovling votes:
AYES: Direotors, Johnson, Toland, Tuttle, Wad~orth and President
NOES: Direotors None
ABSE}TT: Directors, None
The Secretary declared the motion carried and the resolution finally
Passed and adopted.
Upon motion of Direotor Tuttle, Seconded by Direotor Johnson and unani-
mously carried, the fol10¥Ting bills were approved and ordered paid:
Uc, t.f 7 Dahlgren Stationery
((r Walnut Kernel
4r Direotor Wadsworth
J"O " Tuttle
J'I II Johnson
.[1... II Toland
D President Weill
N Secretary Cutler
,,(ó.American Legion - Rent
J) Telephone
¡gPostmaster permit
1l.40 .'
10.00 ...
10.00 "
J- ,. "
.; ", '" ~
L'"iI. .":'0\.,
W.." .'./
if! :')'
Lj: ~
-4 4
Upon motion duly made, seconded and carried. the meeting adjourned.
I¡ I
, ,r J, ( \
, 'I \',., . ." , J
LAVlSmr H~ WEILL, Pres'ident of
Sanitary Board of the Central
Costa Sanitary District
2 ~'1!"-.'..'~
the ¡