HomeMy WebLinkAboutBOARD MINUTES 02-13-47 t ':t REGULAR ~:ŒETING OF THE SANITARY BOARD OF 'JFE CEnTRAL CONTRA COSTA ~ANITARY DISTRICT HELD FEBRUARY 13, 1947 The Sanitary Board of the Central Contra Costa Sanita~ District convened at a regular meeting at its regular meeting pIece in the Veteran's Memorial Hall on the Southeast corner of Mt. Diablo and Locust street, Walnut Creek, California in said Sanitary Distriot on the 13th day of February, 1947, at the hour of 8:00 o'olook p.m. The meeting was called to order by Lawson H. Weill, President of the said Sanitary Board. On oall of the roll, the following were present: Direotors, Toland, Tuttle, Wadgworth and President Weill Direotors Absent: Johnson MINU'rES APPROVED The reading of the minutes of the last meeting were waived and were approved as entered by the following vote: Ayes: Direotors Toland, Tuttle, Wadswarth and President Weill Absent Direotors: Johnson AMENDMENT TO CLYDE C. KENNEDY CONTRACT Director Tuttle thereupon offered the following Resolution No. 7 which was adopted: WHEREAS, certain annexation proceedings are now pending before C o.s f<:c.. the Sanitary Böard of the Central contr~/eanitary District which have resulted in an unavoidable delay in the calling of a bond election for -I the issuance of bonds to be sold to pay for the cost of the oonstruotian of a proposed sewage disposal project, end, WHEREAS, the Distriot has by contract, dated the 29th day of November, 1946, employed CLYDE C. KRmrEDY as Distriot Engineer to perform the necessary engineering work in connection with said project, and, ìVHEREAS, it is the dèsire of this Board that the preparation of preliminary plans, designs and other engineering work in connection with said project be not delayed by reason of such annexation proceedings, and, VVHEREAS, it is the desire of this Bee rd to have the said CLYDE C. KENNEDY incur further expense in connection with the performance of his engineering work under said contract withaut awaiting the outcome of said bond election, 02 13 47 I , NOW THEREFORE, be it resolved that said contract with CLYDE C. KENNEDY be modified end emended by striking from Peragraph l-e, Sectian II, the words and figures, "FIFTEEN THOUSAND AND 00/100 ($15,000) Dollars", and substituting in place thereof the words end figures. "THIRTY THOUSAND At!D 00/100 ($30,000) Dollers". BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the President and Secretary be and they are hereby authorized 1D execute on behalf of the District the necessary amendment to the said cantraot of CLYDE C. KENNEDY to make effective this modification. Director Tuttle moved that the ebove resolution be edopted. Said motion was seconded by Director Toland and on roll cell ~ .::.:l ~ resulted in the following vates: -, ì :c <r AYES: Directors Toland, Tuttle, Wadsworth and President Weill NOES: None ABSmTT Directors: Johnson The Secretary declared the motion carried and the resolution finally passed and adopted. The following is a copy of the Amendment authorized to be made by the foregoing Resolution No.7 and referred to as Addendum No.1: ADDENDUM NO.1 MODIFICATION OF CLYDE C. KENNEDY CONTBACT WITH CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA S.A1!ITARY DISTRICT, DATED NOVEMBER 29. 1946. In consideration or CLYDE C. KENNEDY incurring further expense in connection with the performance of' his engineering 'WO rk under said contract without awaiting the outcome of' said bond election, it 18 mutually under- stood and agreed by and between the parties to the f'oregoing contract that Paragraph l-e of' Section II thereof be and the same is hereby amended to read as follows: (a) In the even t the proposed bond election does not authorize the issuance of bonds against the Distriot to pay the cost of' the proposed construction worle, and in the event First Party does not then elect to perform the construction work under local improvement district proceedings, First Party shall receive for 02 13 47 any and all engineering services rendered to the date ot such election a tee ot THIRTY THOUSAND AND 00/100 ($30,000) DOLLARS: CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SAlUTARY DISTRICT OF CONTRA COSTA COUNTY, STATE OF CALIFORNIA By LAWSON H. WEILL As ~res1dent of the Sanitary Board ot the CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT OF CæTRA COSTA COUNTY, STATE OF CALIFORNIA First Party COUNTERSIGNED: By G. S. CUTLER As Secretary ot the Sanitary Board of CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT OF CONTRA CœTA COUN'l'Y, STATE OF CALIFORNIA. CLYDE KENNEDY Second Party NEGOTIATIONS FOR THE PURCHASE OF DISPOSAL PLANT Director Tuttle thereupon offered the following Resolution No. 8 which was adopted: BE IT RESOLVED, by the Board ot Directors of the Centrel Contre Coste Senitery District, that Coldwell-Banker & Co., be, end are hereby euthorized eM engaged to. secure a six (6) months option on the real property necessary tor the location of one disposal plant. Upon delivery of title to seid property the Distriot shall pay B commission of five (5~) percent, no more, of the purchase price. No commission to be paid in the event ot the failure ot the bond election to pass. Direotor Tuttle moved that the above resolution be adopted. Said motion was seconded by Direotor Tolend end on roll cell resulted in the following votes: AYES: Direotors Toland, Tuttle, Wadsworth end President Weill NOES: None ABSENT Directors: Johnson The Secretary declared the motion carried and the resolution finally passed and adopted. 02 13 4 ~../ .. \of APPLICATION FOR PERMIT TO CONSTRUCT AND OPERATE SEWAGE TREATMENT WORKS Direotor Toland offered the following Resolution No.9 which was adopted: Resolved by the Sanitary Board of the Central Contra Costa Sani tary District tœ. t pursuant and subject to all the terms, con- dit1ons and provisions of the Publio Health Aot of the State of Calif. ornia, approved ~mroh 23, 1907, and all amendments thereto, application by this District be mede to the State Board of Public Health of the State of Cal1fomia, for a permit to construct and operate new sewage ....., -'. ~"~ treatment works: present construction to consist of pumping station, ~ screenings grinder, grit removal, primary sedimentation, separate sludge -;:) -..... ;....- <""... digestion and oxidation ponds discharging effluent into Walnut Creek. The plant to be located north of the Arnold Highway. The treatment works is to serve the area in and adjacent to City of Walnut Creek, Saranap, Lafayette, Moraga, Orinda, Alamo and Danvillef that the President of said Board be and is hereby authorized and directed to cause the necessary data to be prepared, and investigations to be made, énd in the name of said District to sign and file suCh application with the said State Board of Public Health. Direotor Toland moved that the above re~olution be adopted. Said motion was seconded by Direotor Wadsworth and on roll call resulted in the following Totes: AYES: Directors Toland, Tuttle, Wadsworth and President Weill NOES: None ABSENT Direotars: Johnson The Secretary declared the motion carried and the resolution finally passed and adopted. The following is a copy of the Application for Construction of a Sewage Treatment Works on behalf of the District and signed by the President and Secretary of the Sanitary Board and filed with the State Board of Public Health, pursuant to Resolution No.9 above: ~ - 02 13 47 . .. 1 :) STATE OF CALIFORNIA BOARD OF PUBLIC HEALTH Application from Central Contra Costa Sanita~ District Organized under Health and Safety Code, on July 15,1946 To the Board of' Public Health of the State of Celifomia, . Sacramento, California: Pursuant and subject to all of the terms, conditions and provisipne of the Public Health Act of the State of California, approved March 23, 1907, and all amendments thereto, application is hereby made to said State Board of Publio Health for a permit to construct and operate new sewage treatment works; present construction to consist of pumping station, screenings grinder, gri t removal, primary sedimentation, separate sludge digestion and oxidation ponds discharging effluent into Walnut Creek. The plant to be laoated north of' the Arnold Highway. Basio design data and location of'. disposal area are indicated on the aocompany- ing print. The treatment works is to serve the area in and ad- jaoent to City of Walnut Creek, Saranap, Lafayette, Moraga, Orinda, Alamo and Danville. DATED: 2/14/47 Central Contra Costa Sani ta~ Distriot ~ LAWSON H. WEILL son Weill, President Walnut Creek, California ATTESTs G. S. CUTLER Secretary On motion of Direotor Toland, Seconded by Direotor Wadwworth and unanimouslyoarried, the following bills were approved and ordered paid: v 0, .¡ ~ CLYDE C. KENNEDY (BilLaf 2/1/47) Four Thousand Three Hundred Thirty Six and OS/looth ($4,336.0S) Dollars. " If{' LAFAYETTE SUN (Legal Publication) Orinda Petition for Annexation, Two Hundred Eighty and 53/l00ths ($280.53) Dollars. "'- President Weill stated at this time that the Sanita~ Boerd would continue wi th the further hearing of the A1amo-Danvi lle Territory Petition for Annexation. Thereupon President Weill called for the report of the District Engineer on the Alamo-Danville Annexation which the Sent tary Board had requested to be made at the hearing held Janua~ 30, 1947. . _ow ."'" -02 13 47 The Distriot Engineer then presented and filed the following report: February 10. 1947 The Sanitary Board. Central Contra Costa Sanitary Distriot Walnut Creek. California Subject: Alamo-Danvi11e Area Annexation Investigation of and Recommendation on Paroels of Land requesting exclusion or inclusion. Gentlemen: ~. ':'-ì ~ At the hearing of January 30. 1947. when the petition of 'the Alamo-Danville area for annexation to the Sanitary Distric t was formally presented after its advertisement. you instructed your engineer to investigate and report on various percels of lend whose owners were requesting exolusion from the annexation. Prior to 1;he advertisemen1; and formal presen'tation of the petition various owners and persons representing owners had Dde their desires mown to the Board ar to the Engineer. ,.' CO <1: It is unders1;ood that we are to report on all cases formally presented on January 30. 1947 and those presented prior to and since that time. This report will give data on individual land parcels and recommendation on each except in the oase of the Alamo-Oaks subdivision and a group of properties on Miranda Avenue. whioh will be considered as units. The bounda~ description for the Alamo-Danville annexation was prepared by JIl8mbers of the District &1gineerts staff fran information furnished by a committee of residents of Alamo and Danville. The boundaries desoribed generally followed old Rancho lines and county roads where 1;hese fit the 1;opography. The boundaries descrlbed f'ur'ther included most of the lands subdivided in1;o residence si1;es and those adjacen1; properties which a re readily 8I1b-dividable or are now in 1;he process of sub-division. Som,e larger holding s were included because they were adjacent to sub-divisions and would be readily sub-dividable although these larger parcels are now used as fa~ lands only. In several cases the bouMary description split single owner- ships. Some of the owners of properties whose lends are ~rtly wi thin and partly outside of the proposed annexation have requested the in- clusion of the balance of their properties while others have asked that their properties be entirely excluded. In regard to the duty of the Board on the møtter at the in- clusion or exclusion of properties fram proposed annexa1;ion the CÐlifornia Health and Safety Code s'tates. in Chapter 9. Article 2 (Seotion 6846). as follows: "The Board shall not modify the boundaries of the terri- tory proposed to be annexed as set forth in the pe tition so e s to exclude any land the t would be benefitted by the annexation of the territory to the District, nar shell any lands that will not be benefitted by annexation to the Distriot be included within the boundaries of the territory proposed 1;0 be annexed." The various properties wi1;h -the de1;a on them ere lis'ted as follœs: Arthur w. Carlson - 5 acres approx. of a tatal ~roel of l49.6laores. Proper1;y would receive no benefit and should be ex- cluded. Assessed value $250.00. v -'-001 02 13 1 t I 47 12 Tirza S. Jones - 17.12 acres in 2 parcels total ~ssessed value: land $1,325, improvements $2,410. This land is not readily subdividable and would receive no benefit if it is kept as a single homesite. Recommend its exo1usion. George A. Latimer - 8.651 acres, assessed value: Land $865, improvements $3,550. This property is not readily subdividable and would receive no benefit if continued in i ts present use. Re- commend its exclusion. Herman J. Sendkule - 4.04 acres, assessed value: Land $300, improvements $4,230. This property is not readily subdividable and would receive no benefit if continued in its present use. Reoómmend its exo1usian. A. Emo~ Wishon - 13.446 acres in one parcel and 45 acres - as part of another parcel. Assessed value: Lend $2,710, improvements $7,215. This land is not readily subdividable and would receive no benefit if continued. in its present use. Recommend its exclusion. J. Thaddeus Cline - 12.97 acres, assessed value: Land $2,595, improvements $725. This land extends easterly from the foot of the hills as 8 strip appraximately 325 ft. wide by 1500 long. It hes a gentle slope to the east and is praotically level. Home site on the western end of the property, land now planted wi th young walnut trees. This land is readily subdividable and is bounded on the north by 8 tract recently sold into nine small holdings. This property would be benefitted by inclusion in the annexation. Recommend that it not be excluded. J. R. Armstrong - 29.80 acres lying on north side of Doone Lane with approximately 650' of highway frontage on western end. Assessed value: Land only, $5,960. This property is farming land, not nOW' planted to orchard, it is level and with highway and county road frontage along the south and west, the land lying immediately to the north is now being subdivided into residence lots. The land is level and readily subdividable and the property would be benefitted by inclusion in the district. Reoommended that it not be excluded. Frank Mendonoa - 4.91 aores. Assessed value: Land $490, im- provements $730. The property lies north of Doone Lane and is bounded on the west by A~strong. The land is readily subdividable a 1 though the exis ting improvements are in poor 00 ndi tion. The lam 1;0 the northwest is now being subdivided into residenoe lots. Reoommend that it not be excluded. Joseph Freitas - 27 acres. Assessed value: Land $2,700, i~ provements $575. This land is level and readily subdividable but is not contiguous to any subdivision now being developed or planned. The property would receive incidental benefit if included. Reoommem its exclusion on the basis that benefit is not sufficient to warrant its inolusion. Jahn W. Dinsmore - 54 aores. Assessed value: Land $2700, improvements $4,470. This land is generally level to slightly rolling and is readily subdividable although there are no touching highways or county roads which would provide ready aoceSB and cost of develop- ing as a subdivision would be quite high. Lands to the west and north are being subdivided into residence lots although they are not now fully developed. This proper~Jwould receive no benefit if continued in its present use. Reoommend its exclusion. Luoius G. Norris - 309.60 acres partly in proposed annexa- tion. Assessed value land $15,480, improvements $3,380. This property is partly level and partly rolling hills and is bounded on the south by Doone Lane and on the northeast by the Jassajara Road. Property iJmœdiately to the north is being subdivided. The Norris property is readily sub-dividable but is at such a distance from the state highway and active subdivisions, excepting -those to .the north, that it is doubtful subdivision property at 'this time and is probably more valuable in its present use for framing. This property would not be benefitted by being in the District if continued in its present use. Recommend its exclusion. 02 13 47 L~; - Corwin R. Henry - 46.45 acres on Hemme Avenue 3/4 mile south of Alamo. Assessed value land $23,225, improvements $3,100. This property is now well developed walnut orchard and other farming land with entire north boundary along a county road (Hermne Avenue). Its eastern boundary is the San Ramon Branoh of the Southern Pacific Railroad. The property is a choice subdivis- ion possibility and surrounding properties are also choice potential subdivisions end include many small holdings. This property would be benefi tted by inclusion in the annexation and we recommend that it not be exol uded. ~ C"l ~ W. E. stewart - 64.19 acres. Assessed value land and improve- ments.$4,060. This land includes approximately 20' acres at the western end which varies from level to rolling and is readily sub- dividable; the eastern 44 acres, approx., is rough land not readily subdividable at an economical cost. Mr. Stewart has Bsked that all of his property, excepting the westerly 8 aor~s be exo1 uded from the annexation. The western end of the stewart property is now surrounded on three sides by small holdings or subdivisions one of which has 44 new homes now under construotion. It is considered that the readily subdividable portion o£ thi s property would be benefitted by inclusion in the annexation and we recommend that easterly 44 Bores, appraxi- mately, o£ the Stewart property be excluded. ~. -"'"\-. ....... H. H.Huitt -7.5 acres on Stone Valley Reed. Assessed value lam $560, improvements $190. This property is not readily subdividable in smølliots but isa suitable site for one to four homes. The lam is rough wi th a smell area of level ground along the north boundary and wi th the balance extending south as a narrow strip into hilly ground. "he property would be bemfitted to a reason- able degree by inclusion in the annexation, a180 it is adjoining readily subdividable properties and is an interior paroe1. Reoommend that it not be excluded. <! Annie M. Artero - 24.69 Bores. Assessed 'W'alue land $890, improvements $320. This land lies at the northeast 00 mer of the pro- posed annexation. Miranda Avenue, a county road, reaches its southern boundary aa:l the extension of this road no rthwesterly to connect to roads leading directly to Walnut Creek is indicated on current county maps. The property is not readily subdividable into small residence lots but could be out into small acreage pieces at a considerable expense £or roads and other services. The property would not be bene- fitted if continued in its present use. Reoommend its exo1usion. . Alfred and Martha Mougin - 64.83 acres. Assessed value land $4,860, improvements $1,160. This property is on rolling ground with easy slopes and is now being used £or dry £arming end pasture lend. The paroel forms an irregular eight sided figure and contacts Miranda . Avenue at its southeastern corner. Immediately north and uphill from this property ther.e are 17 small homesites varying from .82 acres to 5.47 acres in each; these homesites touch or have access to Livorna Road. Northerly of Livorna Road and up hill from the Mougin property is one subdivision with 16 small holdings. The properties to the west and south are larger pa.roels varying from 6 to 31 ac'res each, and the owners of these properties are largely petitioners for the annexation or persons who heve not indicated any objection to the inclusion of their properties. The owner of 24 Bores lying east of the Mougin property has indicated a desire to have his property excluded. The Mougin property is readily subdividable into small residence sites and would be bene- £itted by inclusion in the annexation on the basis that it is potential .subdivision lying adjacent to subdivisions and amBll holdings. This property is also an interior parcel and not contiguous to the described boundary line. Reoommend that it not be excluded. Rudolf C. Post - 75 acres. Assessed value land $3,000. This property is rolling hill land bounded by Livorna Road on the south. It is not readily subdividable except at considerable expense for roads and other improvements and its southern boundary touches the desoribed eastern boundary of the 8nnex~tion and the property ~~ Artero. reoom- mended for exclusion. This Post property would notjDenefi tted if continued in its present use as farm land. Reoommend its ~xolusion. 02 13 47 1 I. .1. 'i: Alamo Oaks: 162 acres. Total assessed value $60.075. This subdivision is divided into 53 parcels varying in size from .60 acre to 12.03 acres. There are approximately 30 homes. built or building, in the subdivision. The land is rolling hills with a thin layer of soil over sand stane and is unfavorable for the disposal of sewage by individual house septic tanks and sub soil drain fields. The water supply to the homes is from individual wells in the various home sites. An inspection made by Mr. 1laeon on Februery 1 and 2 and one made by the County Health Office on February 5 found no evidence of septic tank effluent appearing at the surface on those detes. There is a potential hazard from septic tank effluent getting away and polluting drinking water supplies although 'there is no present evidence of sewage appearing on the surface of the ground. It is considered that Alamo Oaks would be benefitted by inclusion in the annexation and that the extension of sewers into this area would eliminate the possibility ofa future health hazard to that area and adjacent properties. The oontiguous area to the southwest is in smell acreage homesites end farms and the areas to the south and southeast are partially subdivided into small homesites. Alamo Oaks is sufficiently isolated that the presence of a septic tenk nuisanoe wi~lin this subdivision, if one should develop, would not seriously menace other areas. Alamo Oaks lies on the eastern end of Alamo Ridge in an area where the ground lies below elevation 600. The ground slopes to the northeast, and southwest with the southwestern corner sloping toward the Rancho El Rio subdivision. The southwestern part of Alemo Oaks would normally be served by sewers as a part of a co11eoting system serving Rancho El Rio. The balance of the area of Alemo Oaks would normally be served by sewers flowing out through Stone Valley toward Alamo. Therefore, Alamo Oaks may be cansic1ered as two drainage Brees. Undeveloped pasture land lies between the northern pert of Alamo Oaks end the nearest closely settled aree near Miranda Avenue and Stone Valley Road with an intervening distance of approximately one mile. In consideration of the isolation of the northern and eastern areas of Alamo Oaks, the intervening undeveloped area on the north slope of Alamo Ridge between the subdivision and the nearest closely settled area, and the fact that no health menace now exists, it is believed that the benefit to this part of the subdivision is of question- able value and it is recommended that that area be excluded as requested by the 37 signers of a petition asking this exclusion. It is further recommended that the southwestern part of Alamo Oaks consisting of Lots 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9 awned by Gutterson, Krotz. Johnson, Foulds and Cooner be included in the annexation since these properties lie in the area with drainage towerd Rancho El Rio and Dauville and would have normal service as a part of that drainage area and further because the owners of 25.39 Aores of the total of 32.50 Aores involved request that they be included. These properties would be benefi tteda 1. Deane, 40 aores, more or less.. as a pert of a 227.8 Acre parcel, Assessed value land $1200. This land lies between Stone Valley Road and the North boundarJ of Alamo Oaks with drainage toward Alamo thraugh stone Valley. The land is subdividable into. parcels similar to Alamo Oaks. Since this land is contiguous to Alamo Oaks and et a distance of approxiJD8tely 3/4 mile from any other closely built up area it would not receive sufficient benefit to warrant its inclusion. The inclusion of this parcel would split a holding. Reco~ mend its exclusion. 2. G. C.Squire, 75 Acres.. more or less.. as a part of a 227 Aore parcel. Assessed value land only $2250. This land lies south of Stone Valley road between that road and the top of Alamo Ridge. It is now pasture land, quite rough and not readily subdividable at a reasonable expense. This land and the Deane property provided a can- necting link between the northern part of Alamo Oaks and the bunt up areas along Stone Valley Road. The exclusion of the northern pa rt of Alamo Oaks wauld tend to keep this property in its present use. Due to the distance of the Squire parcel from developed areas to. the west and its further separation by Alamo Ridge tram potential homesites to the south, it is considered that it would not be bene- fi tted. Recommend its exclusion. 02 13 47 lb The following properties are discussed aBa unit because they are contiguous and form a block of small farms and residence sites in a small natural drainage area. Owner Assessed Value Acreage Land Improvements 13.87 $1,385 $ 1,395 23.929 2,390 3,500 5.44 546 3,490 6.00 600 5,220 5.57 555 2,300 9.10 910 11.00 825 16.33 1,425 530 A. Holbrook C. W. Halliday Albert Morcom L. C. Badgley Manuel Rose J. P. Alvestad Henry Hoffman L. H. Martindale ~ -:--,~ ~ All of these owners request exclusion from the annexation on the basis that their properties are small home sites and i;hat they are covenanting among themselves to keep these properties in their present character as homesites on areas of approxi.m8.tely 5 acres minimum. The ground lies as level to gently sloping ground with good depths of sub- soil favorable to the use of septic tanks and sub-soil drains for the dispose1 of household sewage. -- r' -,- ..- < It is considered that the sewage iran properly built and main- tained septic tank installations could be contained within the areas of these properties without becoming a hazard to surroun~ing properties. Al though these properties are all favorable to future subdivision and would be enhanced in value by having sewer service available, it is con- sidered that they would not receive sufficient benefit to justify their inclusion if they are continued in their present use. Recommend their exclusion a s requested by the owners. W. K. Van Bokkelen, 46.03 Acres. Assessed value land $3910. Improvements $3015, and J. B. Powell 16.05 Acres, Assessed value lend #800, Improvements $930. These properties lie in a natural drainage area and adjoin propertie~ to the south which have requested inclusion in the annexation. The properties have a frontage of 880 feet an Mirande Avenue and lie wi thin t mile of the closely built up area at Miranda Avenue and stone Valley Road. This land would be enhanced in value by having sewer service available. There is an expressed in- tention of the present owners to hold it as farm and home sites; hOl'lever, it is excellent potential subdivision property and close to an area now cut into fractional acre holdings. 'lbese lands ere in a ~o1lDDOn drainage area with properties of owners who have expressed a desire to be in the annexation and it is considered that these properties should be taken as a whole and that they would all be beneti tted. It is recommended that the Van Bokkelen and Powell properties be retained in the annexation. Vernon Buls, 16.06 Aores. Assessed value land only, $1205. This is level lánd with 650' of frontage on Mirenda Avenue and with its near- est corner to Stone Valley'Road 1300' distant therefrom. There are 28 parcels varying iran. .9 acres to 64.83 Acres each lying wi thin t mile , of the boundaries of the Buls property. The Buls property is readily subdi vidable and would be enhanced in value by having sewer service avail- able and the area nearby is now in small holdings which are im.icative of the trend of use of the general area. It is considered that this property would be benefitted and that it should remain in the annexation. ChaS. Hamilton. 30 Acre; assessed value lend $3000. Improvements $1460. This land is practically level and is excellent potential sub- division property whose value would be enhanced by having sewer service available. The surrounding and nearby properties include 30 parcels varying from .9 Acre to 64.83 Acres each. The Hamil tan property is in a common drainage area wi t.h other parcels whose owners have requested in- clusion in the annexation. It is considered the t this property would be benefitted end should remain in the annexation. 02 13 47 1f) L. M. Sovey, 7.89 Acres, assessed value land $1580. Improve- ments $5440. This property is level to gently rolling land with walnut orcbs rd and fine improvements. It is bouhied by 7 parcels varying fram .75 Acres to 27.76 Aores each and the owners of all af these surrounding properties have requested inclusion in the annexation. This property has 400' of frontage on Miranda Avenue and is readily subdividable; its nearest corner is 400' distant from the junction of Miranda Avenue and Stone Valley Road. This property would be enhanced in value by having sewer service available and it is recommended that it remein in the annexation. The criteria used for determining whether or not properties in the proposed annexation would be benefitted by inclusion are: 1. Would the availability' of sewer service with readiness to serve enhance the velue of theproperty? 2. Are the nearby or contiguous properties now subdivided into small area residence sites? 3. Is the praperty in a common drainage area with other properties which now need sewer service for present occupants, and would the extension of such service to others make service available to 'the property in question? 4. Does a health hazard exist or has one existed on the property or adjacent properties which sewer service would correct? 5. Would the cost of sewer service be comparable to the cost of installing and maintaining septic tanks end sub-soil drains in a safe condition? 6. Is the property subdividable at a reasonable cost for such improvementt The properties heve-been examined with these crt tena applied to each case am the recommendations' heve been made for each case on these premises, and in accordance with our judgment a8 to when the benefits to the properties were obvious. In oases where 'the present owners of various individual properties have requested the exclusion of their holdings from the annexation those particular properties heve been individually examined. The wishes of the present owners heve not influenced this recommendation although the info~tion presented by these owners has been taken fully into account. The area of the proposed annexation as shawn in the published peti tion is 6200 Acres, more or less, with a total assessed valuation on the current tax rolls of $2,516.275. The total recommended exclus- ions are 896 Acres with a tatel assessed value of $140,880. The area . recommended for annexation includes 5304 Aeres, more ar less, with a total assessed valuation of $2,375,395. Very truly yours. ENGINEERING OFFICE OF CLYDE C. KENNEDY By JOHN L. MASON For Clyde C. Kennedy 02 13 47 J 7 There were present at the hearing above-mentioned fif~ (SO) or more resident freeholders of the Alemo-Danville Territory. ~~. Hoey appeared and spoke in behalf of certain of the residents present requesting that his clients be excluded from the territory pro- posed to be annexed. Mrs. Powell, who was represented by Mr. Hoey, '8.lso spoke opposing the inclusion of real property owned by her husband and herself, seeking ex- elusion from said territory as did also }ßrs. Mougin, a resident free- holder. Others present expressed their views as being in favor of the annexation and the inclusion of their real property within the boundaries ~ ,=,1 of the territory proposed to be annexed. All persons present who desired - "',' were given an opportunity to express themselves1hether for or against -, ..J ~ <t the proposed annexation. Upon motion of Direotor Toland, seconded by Direotor Wadswarth and unanimously carried, the hearing of the annexation of the Alamo- Danville Territory was continued to Thursday evening, February 27, 1947, at the hour of 8:00 o'clook p.~ at the regular meeting place of the Sani tf;ry Board. No further business appearing, the Sanitary Board adjourned until Thu~sday, February 27, 1947, at 8:00 o'clock p.m. LAWSON H. WEILL, President of the Sanitary Board of the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District G. 02 13 4:, ,,'_on_-'----'-----"--'----,-,----