HomeMy WebLinkAboutBOARD MINUTES 01-30-47 J'. RECESS MEETING OF THE SANI TARY BOARD OF THE CIDTTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT HELD JANUARY 30, 1947 The Sanitary Board of the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District convened in recess meeting at its regular place of meeting in the Veteran's Memorial Hall on the Southeast corner of }.It. Diablo and Looust Street, Walnut creek, California in said Sanitary District on the 30th day of January, 1947, at the hour of 8:00 o'clock p.m. The Sanitary Board was called to order by President, Lawson H. Weill. On call of the roll, the following were present: .....- .... c\{ ...- Directors, Toland, Tuttle, Wadsworth and President Weill ...- . c;: < Directors Absent, Johnson MINUTES APPROVED The reading of the minutes of the last meeting were waived and they were approved as entered by the following vote: r , Ayes: Directors Toland, Tuttle, Wadsworth .and President Weill Abient: Johnson ORINDA ANNEXATION BOND APPROVED Mr. Freiburg appeared in behalf of the Petitioners for the annexation of the Orinda Territory North of the Crossroads. He presented to the Sanitary Board, the oash bond in the sum of One Thousand and OO/lOOth ($1000) Dollars as security for the payment by the Petitioners of that territory of the reasonable costs of the election on annexation in the event that at the election less than a majority of the votes oast are in favor of annexation. Upon motion of Director Wadswor1h, seconded by Direotor Tuttle the bond was approved. The Secretary W8S directed to file the same and directed to deposit the said sum of One Thausand and OO/lOOths ($1000) Dollars with the Auditor of Contra Costa County. The Petition for Annexation of the Orinda Area, North of the Crossroads was presented to the Board by Mr. Freiburg. Upon motion of Direotor JJedøworth, Seconded by Director Toland and unanimously carried, the Petition was ordered published February 6th and 13th, 1947, in the Lafayette Sun, a newspaper of general circulation in the Sanitary District together with a Notice stating that all persons 01 30 47 ~ 4 interested may appear and be heard by the Sanitary Board on the pro- posed annexation on February 27,1947, at 8:00 o'clock p.m. at the regular meeting place of' the Sanitary Board in the Veteran's Memorial Hall on the Southeast corner of' Mt. Diablo and Looust Streets, in the City of' Walnut Creek, Stateof' California. HEARING ON AUMQ-DANVILLE ANNEXATION PETITION President Weil1announoed that this was the time and p1aoe fixed by the Sanitary Board for hearing the Petition requesting that the Alemo-Danvi 11e Terri tory be annexed to the Cent ra 1 Contra Cos ta Sanitary District. The affidavit of the due and praper publication of said Petition was presented. It appeared from the affidavit that the Petition was published in the Courier-Journal of' Walnut Creek, California, a newspaper of general circulation published in the Central Contra Costa Sani tary Distriot on January 13th and January 20'th, 1947. On motion of' Direotor Wadsworth, seconded by Director Toland and unanimously carried the Secretary was ordered to file the Mfidavi t of Publioation. The Secretary reported to the Sanitary Board that Four Hun- dred Twelve (412) persons had signed the Petition f'or the annexation of the Alamo-Danvil1e Territory. John L. Mason, the Resident Engineer and representative of' Clyde c. Kennedy, the Distriot Engineer reported to the Board that the Four Hundred Twelve (412) signatures on the Petition represented Twenty Five (25%) percent of' the freeholders residing in the territory proposed to be annexed as shown by the last equelized assessment roll of the County of' Contra Costa. The President stated that all persons interested in said annexa- tion would now be given an opportunity to be heard. A number of persons were present who. are resident tree holders of' the Alamo-Danv1l1e Terri- tory. A number at the persons present objected to the inclusion of their real property wi thin the territory to be annexed. There weB also a number of resident freeholders wi thin the territory propsed to be annexed who spoke in favor of the inclusion of' all the territory as described in the Petition be included within the Sanitary Distriot. All persons interested in the proposed annexation were given an opportunity to pre- sent their desires with respect to the proposed annexation. After an 01 30 41 ., . extended hearing and discussion before the Sanita~ Board, upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the Distriot Engineer was instructed to obtain the names of 'ell persons preS'ent who were opposed tl:> the in- elusion of their real property wi thin the boundaries of the terri to~ proposed to be annexed and to make a personal inspection and survey of all the real property, the owners of which objected to inclusion with- in the proposed A1amo-Danvi11e Territory to be annexed to the Distriot and to report to the Bòard his findings in order that the Board might determine whether tiley would be benefited by annexation to the Sanitary Distriot. The Engineer was instructed to have his report ready for the Board at the next hearing on the Alamo-Danvi1le Petition for Annexation ~ .~ Ç\J. to be held February 13, 1947, at the same time and p1aoe. ~ -- .. -.- Upon motion of Direotor Toland, Seconded by Direotor Tuttle, ....-. <f. and unanimously carried the hearing on the annexation of the Almno-Danville Territory was continued to February 13, 1947, at the hour of 8:00 o'olock p.m., at the regular meeting place in the Veteran's Memorial Hall on the Southeast corner of Ut. Diablo and Locust streets, Walnut Creek, ca1if'- omia. Upon motion of' Director Toland, Seconded by Director Wad8W'orth and unanimously carried, the following bills were apprOTed and ordered paid. Vo ?>!ø Amerioan Legion - Rent >7 W. H. Brailsford, Jr., Attorney 3f/ Director Wadsworth ~ 'f Director Tuttle '1° Direotor Johnson tll Direotor Toland </-.. Direotor Weill 1/71Seo'y CUtler )" Inoidenta1s (j C/ Typewriter repairs $ 60.00 '" 200.0011' 12.21-- 11.40" 11.40 " 10.00 .^ 10.00'.1\ 30.00.~ 3.60'" 6.88'" Upon motion duly made, seconded and carried the meeting was adjourned to Thursday, February 13,1947, at the hour of 8:00 o'clock p.m., at the regulaX' meeting of the Board. tAwso11 H. WEILL, President of' the Sani tary Board of the Central Contra Costa Sanitary Distri~t 01 31) 47 -------'-------'-'" ---- ..--------...