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HomeMy WebLinkAboutBOARD MINUTES 06-03-48 ?n3 MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE DISTRICT BOARD OF THE CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT HELD JUNE 3. 1948 The District Board of the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District convened in regular session at its regular place of meeting located at 1335 Commercial Lane, in the City of Walnut Creek, County of Contra Costa. State of California. on the 3rd day of June. 1948, at the hour of 8:00 o'clock p.m. The meeting was called to orfer by President Weill. Director Johnson moved seconded by Director Johnson that Mrs. Phillips be appointed Secretary Pro Tern. Roll was called: AYES: Directors Johnson, Toland. Wadsworth and Weill NOES: None ABSENT: DL"ector Smitten READING OF MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETING It was moved by Director Toland, seconded by Director Johnson that the reading of Minutes of the previous meeting be waived and be approved as entered. AYES: Directors Johnson, Toland. Wadsworth and Weill. NOES: None ABSEl,;T: Director Smitten. PROTESTS - LOCAL I~œROV~~ENT DISTRICT NO.2 Mr. Richelieu of Tunnel Motors had presented a protest to the Board, which he with6rew. The following protest from W. Lawrence Shaw was read: liTo the: District Board of the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District of Contra Cost~ County, State of California, and to any other party 1',rhom it may concern: Greetings: This communication and "Orotest is from Vi. u.J'1RE~JCE SHA~¡I[ Ð,nd IDA NOBLE SEA'!:, OFners in fee sim:ple of a portion of Lot s 33 and 29 of the GOODEAl-: TRACT (16 Haps 354) described in deed from George H. Cutler, et 13.1. to w. La~Tence Shaw, et ux" dated December 26,1945 and re- corded August 20,1946 by the Recorder of the County of Contra Costa (934 OR 63). This protest to a portion of the RESOLUTION OF INTENTION, Local I~provement District No.2, which was passed and ado~ted (as Resolution No. 210) on the 6th de,y of 1-1ay, 1948 by the DISTRICT BOARD of 6ENTRÞ.L CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT OF CONTRA COSTA COUNTY, State of CaliforniÐ, is prepared to meet the 18.v' as called for by PEtro 5220 of Chaptel' 8, Division 7 of the CALIFORNIA STREETS & HIGH':[AYS CODE, but is also intended to meet the spirit of a protest allowed . citizens v.rho consider themselves agrieved as provided by the aforesaid RESOLU~IOH OF IN':'ENTION in its Section 4. Due to an error or series of errors or oversights, it 8.p',ears that the address of vI. LAURENCE SHA\'l and IDA NOBLE SHAlf ,.;as not reported Oh 05t L1~ 1)0,1 ,/,.., -. to the District Board. The fact is that the owners making this ~ro- test have resided at 916 1v1adison Street, Albany, California contin- uously since October 16, 1940. Perhaps because of the of addressll mentioned by the District representatives, ve were not notified of the proposed route of the se~er until a phone call in mid-April from District Agent McPhee identified us and on April 22nd we were presented with maps of Par- cels 8 & 47 (L.I.D. No.2) and triplicate forms of an easement that we were urged by Agent McPhee to sign. Time was requested in order to examine the lot so as to determine how the proposed sewer installa- tions would affect land and trees. Even without a level (one of which was later obtained for more careful delineation of the land surface) it v!aS evident that Parcel 47, as proposed, v!ould run the sewer under the limbs of a valuable oak and would also call for some filling-in of the most easterly ~ortion to keep the sewer pipe at a satisfactory depth below the surface. Examination of a possible al- ternative to the proposed route of the installations was made by the Oliners 8,nd a man and land nrofile diagram (copies of vlhich are attached to this yrotest1 were offe~ed to Agent McPhee-and District Engineer Mason when they went over the greater portion of the proposed ease- ments vlith W. Lavœence Shaw. The representatives of the District led the above-mentioned owner to understand that changes, possible though they might be, could not be undertaken because of the lateness of the date. The total situation obtaining in the District aDpears to the OvTners to be the.t the majority of building lots served by the sewer would be free from the disadventages and the damaging facts listeð- beloVJ': ~he oak involved in Parcel 47 was a major factor in the original decision to purchase this particular land as a homesite. Opposite the tree truhk~from the proposed sewer, natural water erosion has cut the major roots after uncovering them by a gulley (that feature v:hich is crossed by an exposed pipe as proposed by the District En- gineer for treatment of the land in Parcel 8). ¡Vi th care and attention to an improperly healed scar, the tree should'retain its erect posi- tion and continue to be the vride of the owners. However, ¡lith two natural hindrances already present, the filers of this protest feel that such an unnatural operation as that in connection with the in- stallation of the sevTer as proposed might seriously damage the now erect tree, particularly as the cut would be on the side of the gen- erally prevailing winds, perhaps causing the tree to pivot on the remaining roots and toppling it northward. Such a fall might give rise to serious liability, felling as it certainly ¡'lOuld upon the pro- perty of another party; would leave a costly disposal problem; and would take av!ay a screening tree of value. There is a real possibil- ity that oak root fungus, growing on the ramins of the tree roots, might well make im~ossible the growing of a satisfactory replacement. Another detriment to the Shaw property is the exposed sewer pipe planned for by the District Engineer. Not only will the pipe be a disagreable evidence of the nature of the "improvement", but will be made doubly sight arresting by the addition of pipe guards bright- ly painted with aluminum paint. This damaging addition to the pro- perty might be made less so if the owner could undertake the cover- ing of the exposed pipe by planting climbing plants or by the erec- tion of an anpropriate structure such as a bridge. The extenc~ of two manholes (designated by the District Engineer as Nos. 26 & 9l) brings in other elements of property deflation. The most Ì'!esterly manhole is the more disturbing, particularly as the owners plan to use that particular area as a site for fruit trees. The recûrring cultŒvation necessary for trees makes a manhole at surfact level a costl:'l nuisance. The lov,rering of the manhole to a posi tion vlhere the top 1/lOuld be at least 1.5 feet from the surface 1vould materially improve a bad si tuat ion, but even so the manhole I B existence could not be forgotten by the owners. No permanent building may be constructed over the more than 2000 sq. ft. called for by the easements. Actually, coming as they do some distance within the property lines, the requested easeœents fairly effectively limits the use of areas many times greater in extent than the 2000 sq. ft. directly involved. The sewer proposals not only decreases the value of our lot to us who expect to live on 06 () 3 48 205 i t, 'but, should need req~Üre its s8.le, the effect UDon such sale ì,!ould be q:Ü te noticeable. IN CONCLUSION, we w. LA~ŒEI1CE SHAW and IDA NOBLE S}~W, owners of the land in the proposed Parcels 8 & 47 of the Local Improvement District No.2, do PP~Y that the DISTRICT BOARD of the CENTRAL CO~TRA COSTA SAïHTAP.Y DISTRICT OF CONTRA COSTA COUNTY, State of California. do eliminate or minimize by positive action, or do permit the District Engineer to eliminate or minimize the damages to the property des- cribed above. Prepared for presentation to the DISTRICT BOARD of the aforementioned District and to be filed with them on or before 8:00 o'clock p.m. of the 3rd day of June, 1948, and on behalf of the owners of the aforementioned land whose signatures anpear directly below: ' Is/ W. Lawrence Shaw \'¡. LA\ffiENCE SHAW Isl ~da Noble Shaw IDA NOBLE SP..AV¡ If It was moved by Director Johnson, seconded by Director Toland that the Sha~ protest be denied. Carried by the follo~!ing vote: AYES: Directors Johnson, Toland, Wadsworth and Weill NOES: None ABSENT: Director Smitten DEEDS OF DEDICATION FOR SEWER EASEMENT The follo¡-JinF resolutions ¡'Jere offered by Director Johnson sec- onë.ed b~T Director l'lads\,;rorth: RESOLU?ION NO. 22l 1JHEREAS, ROSA GHIGLIONE has granted a Deed of Dedicqtion for se1t,rer easement over a portion of Rancho Laguna De Los Palos Colorados as described in the Ð,ttacheð. è~eed, kno'l:m as Parcell, Section V, ~¡OVJ, THEREFOHE, BE IT RESOLVED that said Deed of Dedication be, and SEnne is hereby accepted, 2.nc1 the Hecorder of Contra Coste. County be, and he iR hereby authorized and directed to record said deed. PASSED AND ADOPTED thi s 3rd day of June, 19L!8 by the follo~,.¡ing vote: ¡¡DES: Directors Johnson, Toland" ~'ladsì'Íorth 8_nè~ ~:Jeill None Director S~itten AYES: ABDEuT: /s/ L8~son H. Weill President of the District Board of Central Contra Costa Sanitary District of Contra Costa County State of California Countersigned: /s/ Morna Phillips, Sec. Pro. Tern RESOLUTION NO. 222 1:E::EREAS, DON ,.¡. ED\'lAHDS and 1v!ILDRED EDUARDS, he,ve granted a Deed of Dedication for sewer easement over a portion of Lot 16 of Lafayette Woodlands, Contra Costa County, Calif., known as Parcell5, of Local Improvement District No.3, ilOW, THEHEFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that said Deed of Dedication be, E',nd same is hereby accepted, and the Recorder of Contra Costa County Oh o~ A.~ 206 be, anò he is hereby authorized and directed to record, said deed. PASSED AnD ADOPTED this 3rd day of June, 1948 by the follovring vote: AYES: LOES: ABSENT: Directors Johnson, Toland, ~rads1rforth and i'Teill None Director Dmitten Countersigned: Is/ Lawson H. Weill President of the District Board of Central Contra Costa S8nitary District of Contra Costa County State of California Isl Morna Phillips Secretary Pro Tem RESOLUTION NO. 22' WHEREAS, FRED H. RUED and JOSEPHINE E. RUED, have granted a Deed of Dedication for sewer easement over a portion of Lot 34 of Lafayette Heights, Lafayette, Contra Costa County, Ce,lif., knol,m as Parcel l7 of Local Improvement District No.3, IWW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that said Deed of Dedication be, and same is hereby accepted, and the Recorder of Contra Costa County be, and he is hereby authorized 8,nd directed to record said deed. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 3rd day of June, 1948 by the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Directors Johnson, Toland, Wadsworth and Weill None Director Smitten Countersigned: /s/ Lawson H. Weill President of the District Board of Central Contra Costa Sanitary District of Contra Costa County State of California /s/ Morna Phillips Secretary Pro Tem RESOLUTION NO. 224 UHEREAS, GLADYS F. SWEET, has granted a Deed qf Dedication for sewer easement over a portion of Lot 77 of Sun Valley Estates, Contra Costa County, California, known as Parcel 81 of Local Improvement District No.2, NOìv, TH&~EFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that said Deed of Dedication be, and Same is hereby accepted, and the Recorder of Contra Costa County be, and he is hereby authorized and directed to record said deed. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 3rd day of June, 1948 by the follmdng vote: AYES: Directors Johnson, Toland, Wadsworth and Weill None Director Smitten NOES: ABSENT: Co;.mtersigned: Is/ Lawson H. Weill President of the District Board of Central Contra Costa Sanitary District of Contra Costa Cou~ty State of California /s/ Morna Phillips Secretary Pro Tem oc: OJ? .~ \' , ):~ 207 RESOLUTION NO. 225 ~;Œ&:CŒAS, (1,LADYS F. SVJEET, has gr::m+..ed a Deed of Dedica tj.on for sewer easement over a portion of Lot 337 of the Sun Valley Estates, knO\-rn as Parcel 76 of LocÐ.l Improvement District No.2, Nml, THE.'?EFORE, BE IT RESOLVED the.t said Deed of Dedication be, and same is hereby accepted, and the Recorder of Contra Costa County be, and he is hereby authorizeQ and directed to record said deed. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 3rd day of June, 1948, by the follovring vote: ' NOES: Directors Johnson, Toland, Wadsworth and Weill None Director Smitten AYES: ABSENT: /s/ Laìvson H. ìveill President of the District Board of Central Contra CoRta Sanitary District of Contra Costa County State of California Countersigned:' Is/ Morna Phillips Gecretery Pro Tern RESOLUT:ON NO. ~~ v;HBREAS, GLADYS F. SWEE~, has granted a Deed of Dedication for sewer easement over a portion of Rancho San Ramon, as described in the attached deed, kno~m as Parcel 53 of Local Improvement District No.2, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that said Deed of Dedication be, and same is hereby accepted, and the Recorder of Contra Costa County be, and he is hereby ælthorized and directed to record said deed. PASSED AND ADOPTED thi s 3rð. day of June, 1948 by the follmÜng vote: ABSENT: Directors Johnson, Toland, Wadsworth and Weill None Director Smitten AYES: NOES: /s/ Lawson H. Weill President of the District Board of Central Contra Costa Sanitary District of Contra Costa County State of California Countersi~ned: Is/ Morna Phillips Secretary Pro Tern RESOLUT:ON NO. 227 HHEl1.EAS, (}LADYS F. Si'lEET, has grant ed a Deed of Dedica tiOl1 for sewer easement over a portion of Lot 62 of the Sun Valley Estates, a Dortion of Lot 62 of the Sun Vallev Estates Emd a nortion of Lot 67 of the Gun Va-ley Estates, knovTn as Parcels 77, 78- and 79 of Local Improvement District No.2, rro\<[, THEREFOF.I:, BE IT RESOLVED that Deed of Dedication be, and same is hereby acce})ted, and the Recorder of Contra Costa County be, and he is hereby authorized 9,nd ð.irected to record said deed. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 3rd day of June, 1948 by the follouing vote: Of) o~ A Ç) a ("'I 208 AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Directors Johnson, Toland, Wadsworth and Well,l None Director Smitten Countersigned: /s/ Lm'Tson H. \vcill President of the District Bo~rd of Central Contra Costa Sanitary District of Contra Costa County State of California /s/ Morna Phillips Secretary Pro Te~ RESOLUTION NO. 228 \vHEREAS, C. A. HOOPER & CO., a California Corporation, on the 25th day of September, 1947, granted a Lease of a ~ortion of the properties of the Lessor commonly knO'tm as the IIAvon Ranch", as des- cribed in the attached agreement, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that said Lease be, and same is hereby accepted, and the Recorder of Contra Costa County be, and he is hereby authorized and directed to record said Lease. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 3rd da:r of June, 1948 by the follovJing vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Directors Johnson, Toland, l'vads'h'orth and vveil1 None Director Smitten Countersigned: /s/ La~son H. Weill President of the District Board of Central Contra Costa Sanitary District of Contra Costa County State of California /s/ Morna Phillips Secretary Pro Tern RESOLUTION NO. 229 WHEREAS, SOUTHERN PACIFIC RAILROAD COV~ANY, and its Lessee, SOUTH£RN PACIFIC CC)MPANY, on the 3lst day of October, 19h7 granted an easement for sewer pipe along and beneath the property of the Grantor as shown on Western Division Drawing W-l578, Sheet No.1 of 2, revised September 23, 1947, as described in the attached agreement, NOH, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that said Easement be, and same is hereby accepted, and the Recorder of Contra Costa County be, and he is hereby authorized and directeð. to record seid easeLlent. ' PASSED AND ADOPTED this 3rëL day of June, 1948 by the follOi'Ting vote: AYES: NOES: Directors Johnson, Toland, Wadsworth and Weill None Smitten ABSENT: Countersigned: /s/ Morna Phillips Secretary Pro Tern /s/ Lauson H. i'!eill President of the District Board of Central Contra Costa SanitRry District of Contra Costa County State of California 06 03 4P 209 RE S 0 I=..l!. T ~Q. N. JiQ.!-ill l,ŒEREAS, SU1JTHERL PACIFIC RI\ILROAD Cœ!PA~rY, and its Lessee, SOFTEERN PACD'IC COH~'ANY, on the 22nd day of January, 19~,8, granted an easement acro ss and beneath the 'Dro'Dertv of the Grantor a8 shovm on print of ~estern Division Drawing W~l578, Sheet No.1 of 2, Revised Sent ember 23, 19h7, as described in the attached agreement, IWv'¡, THEEEFORE, BE IT RESOLVED th8,t said Es,se!TIent be, and same is hereby acce~~ted, and the Recorder of Contra Costa County be, and he is hereby authorized 2nd directed to record said easement. PASSED AND ADOPTED thi 8 3rd day of June, 19h8 by the follm."ing vote: AYES: NOES: ABSEIH: Directors Johnson, Toland, T'lads";-Jortl1 9.nd i:Jeill None Director Smitten /s/ Lf?,,','son H. Ueill Þresideht of the District Board of Central Contra Costa Sanitary District of Contra Costa County State of California Countersigned: /s/ Morna Phillips Secretary Pro Tem RESOLUTION NO. 231 ':!HEREAß, SOUTHERl: PACIFIC RAILROAD CO1,!PANY, and its Lessee, SOU?HERL PACIFIC COI.:?ANY, on the l8th day of August, 1947, granteð. an easement for the construction, maintenance and operation of sewer pipes across and beneath the nronert¡ and tracks of the Grantor in thê locations shovm on print of ~restern Di vi sion DraìoJing vl-l573 , Sheet 1 of 2, Revised July 3, 1947, ~S described in the attached agree- ment, LO~'¡, THEHE?ORE, BE IT RESOLVED that said Easement be, 2.nd is hereby acce,ted, and the Recorder of Contra Costa County be, and he is hereby authorized and directed to record said eEisement. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 3rd day of June, 1948 by the following vote: AYES: !WES: ABSE¡\ T : Directors Johnson, Toland, vladmvorth 8,nè. T:Teill l~one Director Smitten /s/ LaI~son H. \veill President of the District Board of CeDtral Contra Costa Sanitary District of Contra Costa County state of California Count ersigned: /s/ Morna Phillips Secretary Pro Tern RESOLUTION NO. 232 '-HEREAS, THE SACEA::EJ:-:TO NORTEERN RAILVlAY, on the 3rd day of Hay, 19Lr8 granted consent to the construction and installation of a tr~nk seì.rer line upon the rigl1t of \,¡ay of said railroad, as described in the attached consent agreement, ïrow, 'I'HEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that said consent be, and. same is hereby accepted, and the Recorder of Contra Costa County be, and he is hereby ælthorized and directed to record said deed. Of) /~, ..~ ¡.¡ .. "J ,,', ..-<""R 210 PASSED AND ADOPTED this 3rd day of June, 1948, by the follo~ing vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Directors Johnson, Toland, Nadsworth and Weill None Director Smitten Countersigned: / s/ La1'rson H. ~'ieill President of the District Board of Central Contra Cost~ Sanitary District of Contra Costa County, State of California /s/ Morna Phillips Secretary Pro Tem RESOLUTION NO. 233 1:.JHEREAS, the SACRAHENTO NORTHERì: RAI L\'rAY , on the 1st day of Nov- ember, 1947, granted a license for construction, maintenance and opera- tion of trunk sewer under ,and across their property at Licensor's Engineer's StB.tion L4-604... ?3. 67 as described in the attached license agreement, LOV.!, THEHEFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that said license be, and the same is hereby accepted, and the Recorder of Contra Costa County be, and he is hereby authorized and directed to record said license. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 3rð- day of June, 19l1.8, by the follOiving vote: AYES: i:OES: ABSENT: Directors Johns~n, Toland, Wadsworth and Weill None Director Smitten Coun-:::;ersigned: /s/ Lawson H. Weill President of the District Board of Central Contra Costa Sanitary District of Contra Costa County, State of California. /s/ Morna Phillips Secretary Pro Tern RESOLUTIOl.r NO. 234 1:ŒE.'i.EAS, the SACRAHENTO NORTHERL RAII}'TAY, on the 31st day of Dec- ember, 1947, granted a license to construct, install, maints,in 8n(1 operate a trunk line sewer along, under ~nd across their property near West Lafayette, as described in the attached license agreement, HOV1, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that said license be, and same is hereby accepted, and the Recorder of Contra Costa County be, and he is hereby authorized and directed to record said license. PASSED AbD ADOPTED this 3rd day of June by the follovving vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Directors Johnson, Toland, Wadsworth and Weill None Director Smitten Countersigned: /s/ Lawson H. Weill President of the District Board of Central Contra Costa Sanitary District of Contra Costa County, State of California /s/ Morna Phillips Secretary Pro Tern 06 03 48 211 RESOLUTION NO,. 235 "HEREAS, JAnES S. TvALDIE, has gro,r:ted a Deed of Dedication for sewer easement over a ~ortion of Lot 33 of Lafayette Heights, knov!n as Parcel 16 of Local Improvemen~ District No.3, l,¡mr, TIEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that said Deed of Dedicatil)n be, and same is hereby accepted, and the Recorder of Contra Costa County be, 8,nd he is hereby authorized and ètirected to record said deed. PASSED Alm ADOPTED this 3rd day of June, 1948 by the follo':'Ting vote: AYES: Directors Johnson, Toland, Wadsworth and Weill None Director Smitten NOES: ABSEHT: /s/ Lawson H. Weill President of the District Board of Central Contra Costa Sanitary District of Contra Costa County State of California Countersigned: /s/ Morna Phillips Secretary Pro Tem RES~UTION NO. 236 1!HEF.EAS, NELI,IE '¡J. HA:TOND, a vridO1'T, has granted a Deed of Dedi- cation for sever easement, over a nortioD of Lot 4 and Lot 5 of Eula- mont Unit EJ. l, also }>:novrD as Parcel 89A of Local Impl"ovement District No.2, NmI, THE5.EFO?.E, BE IT RESJLVED that said Deed of DÐ(licEition be, Rn~ serne is hereby accepted, and the Recorder of Contra Costa County be, and he is hereby authorized and directed to record said deed. PASGED AND ADOPTED this 3rd day of June, 1948 by the following vote: AYES: Directors Johneon, Toland, Wadsworth and Weill None Director Smitten NG:,:S: ABSEl:T: /s/ Lawson H, Weill President of the District Board of Central Contra Costa Sanitary District of Contra Costa County, State of California Count ersi€:ned: /s/ Morna Phillips Secretary Pro ~em RESOLUTION NO. 237 \è:EEEEAS, JESG J. JOHHSTON anð. JO LOUISE JOHNSTON have çranted a Deed of Dedication for sewer easement over a nortlon of Lot 127 of Dev';!~ng Park, Sarana~, also Imo';'!l1 ac Parcel 54,~ of Loc~Ü Irr:provement District No.2, NO\'!, TEEREFO:!:1.E, BE I'l: RESJLVED thf'!,t said Deed of Dedication be, and sane is hereby accepted, anè the Recorder of Contra Costa County be, and 1:e is he!'eby a'_~thori zed Etncl directecl to record said. deed. PASGED AIm ADQj;TED this 3rd (ley of June, 19L;'8 by the follo,.,.¡ing vote: Þ.. YE S : NOES: ABJEr:?: Directors Johnson, Toland, Wadsworth and Weill N)ne Director Sr:ïi tten Countersi¡jnea.: /s/ Morna Phillips n. .--.....---- "-'--- rr:_-- / s/ LmTson H. VTeill Presið.ent of the District Boarð. of Central Contr~ Costa Sanitary District - f'1 -.,. ~ ~ ::.- 212 RESOLUTION NO. 238 1'JHEREAS, RALPH D. BAEF. o_nd H_D..RY L. BAEl"1, his Fife, heve grpnted a Deed of Dedication for sewer easement over a portion of Lot 16 of the Nm1ell Tract, 81so knO1'm EtS Parcel 48 of Loéal Inmrovernent Di s- trict No.2, NOV1, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that said Deed of DedicÐtion be, ~nd sa::le is hereby accepted, and the Recorder of Contra Coste. County be, and he is hereby 8~thorized and directed to record said deed. PASSED AND ADOPTED thi s 3rð. day of June, 1948, by the fo110vTing vote: AYES: Directors Johnson, Toland, VJadS't'rorth and ~'Teill None Director Smitten NOE;S: ABSENT: /s/ Lawson H. We~ll President of the S8ni te.ry Board of Central Contra Costa Sanitary District of Contra Costa County, St~te of California. Countersigneð.: /s/ Morna Phillips Secretro~y Pro Tern RESOLUTION NO. 239 HHEREAS, CLIFFORD A. HcHINN and ELLA H. HcIHNN, his "rife, heve granted a Deed of Dedication for sewer easement over a portion of Lot 26, "Road No. 411, and IIRoad No.5", of the Goodman Tract, also kno1,-n as Pe.rcel 93 of Local Impr'ovenent Di strict No.2, NOW, TH&~EFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that said Deed of Dedication be, and same is hereby accepted, and the Recorder of Contra Cost~ County be, and he is hereby authorized and directed to record said deed. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 3rd clE'cy of June, 1948, by the fo1loÌ'Jing vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Directors Johnson, Toland, ~'TadSì'!Orth ancl ~'leill None Director SI:1itten Countersigned: /s/ Lawson H. Weill President of t~e District Eo~rd of Central Contra Costa Sanitary District of Contra Costa County State of California Is/ Morns Phillips Secretary Pro Tem RESOLUTION NO. 240 HHEREAS, ALICE C. CUI\JNINGHAH, a uidOl'!, h[",[, granted a Deed of Dedication for sevIer es,sement over a portion of the Rancho Boca de la Canada del Pinole as described in deed from John P. Chubbuck to Alice C. Cunningham recorded April 30, 1943 in Volume 623 at pé:lge 188, also known as Parcel 87 of Local Improvement District No.2, Nev!, THEREFORE, BE IT HESOLVED, that saiè. Deed of Dedication be, and same is hereby accepted, and the Recorder of Contra Costa County is hereby authorized and directeð. to record saið. ð.eed. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 3rd clÐ_Y of' June, 1948, by the fo110v;ing vot e: AYESL IWES: ABSENT: Directors Johnson, Toland, \'JadsForth And V'Jeill None Director Gmitten 06 03 4R 21.1 /s/ Lawson H. Weill President of the District Board, of Central Contra Costa S~~itary District of Contra Costa County State of California Counter-signed: /s/ Morna Philli~s Secretary Pro Tern RESOLUTION NO. 24l HHEREAS, FP.ANCES OLIVEIRA has granteët a Deed of DedicÐ,tion for se't-!er easement over 8 1)ortion of the Rancho Boca de la Canada del Pinole, 8.S described in the attached Deed, also known as Parcel 32 of Local Im~rovement District No.3, NOH, THE:~FORE, BE IT RESOLVED that said Deed of Dedication be, and same is hereby accepted, and the Recorder of Contra Costa County be, e.nd he iF hereby aut?lor:tzed 8nè. directed to record said deed. PASSED AND ADOPTED 3rd day of June, 1948, by the follovring vote: NOES: Directors Johnson, Toland, 'Fadsl'forth and 1veill None Director Smitten Þ~YES: ABSENT: /s/ Laì>!son H. 1veill President of the District Board of CentrÐ.l Contre, Co sta SÐ,l~i tary District of Contra Costa County, State of California. Countersio'ned: 0 /s/ Morna Philli?9 Secretary Pro Tern RESOLUTION NO. 242 1:JHEEEAS, t.TESSIE I. SE11ARD has grant cd a Deed of DedicÐ tion for se~"er easement over a "Oort ion of Lot 20 of Floraland Tract Suoo.i vi- sion, also known as Pa~cel 2 of Local IEprove~ent District No.2. li01!1, THE-BEFGEE BE IT RESOLVED thÐ.t saið. Deed of Dedic2,tion be, and same is hereby accepted, and the Recorder of Contra Costa County be, and he is hereby authorized and directed to record said Deed. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 3rd d8Y of June, 1948, b~r the foll011Ìng vote: Al"ES: NOES: ABSENT: Directors Johnson, Toland, Wadsworth and Weill None Director Smitten /s/ Lawson H. Weill President of the District Board of Central Contra Costa Sanitary District of Contra Costa County State of California Countersigned: /s/ Morna Phillips Secretary Pro Tern n~ l\~ LI.~ ~ 14 RESOLUTION NO. 243 hŒEREAS, ELEANOR K. CONDON has granted a Deed of Dedication for sewer easement over a nortion of Rancho San Ramon as described in the attached ð-eed, also knõ",n as Parcel 70 of Local Improvement District No.2, NOH, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that said Deed of Dedication be, and same is hereby accepted, and the Recorder of Contra Costa County be, and he is hereby authorized and directed to record said deed. PASSED Arm ADOPTED this 3rd day of June, 1948, by the follo'!¡Jing vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Directors Johnson, Toland, Wadsworth and Weill None Director Smitten /s/ Lawson H., Weill President of the District Bo~rd of Central Contra Costa Sanitary Jistrict of Contra Costa County, State of California Countersigned: Isl Morna Phillips Secretary Pro Tem RESOLUTION NO. 244 WHEREAS, L. R. PALMER and E]1!'A M. PALHER have granted a Deed of Dedication for sewer easement over a portion of the Rancho San Rar.:on as described in the attached deed, also kno\vn as Parcel 49-A of Local Improvement District No.2, NO¡'l, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that s8,id Deed of Dedic8.tion be, and same is hereby accepted, 8nd the Recorder of Contra Costa County be, and he is hereby authorized and directed to record said deed. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 3rd day of June, 1948, by the following vot e: AYES: NOES: Directors Johnson, Toland, Wadsworth and Weill None Director Smitten ABSENT: Countel~signed: /sl Horns. Phillips Secretary Pro Tern Is/ Lawson H. Weill President of the District Board of Centr8l Contra Costa Sanitary District of Contra Costa County, State of California AGEEEHENT - SOUTHERN PACIFIC CO. It ¡'Jas PJoved by Director Johnson, seconded by Director l'lf\ð.s- 1;"orth that the Boarò- authorize the President and Secret8.ry to execute agreement v!i th the Southern Po.cific CompanJr for license to install Seì-ierS vIi thin their railroaà, r:lght of l'TÐY southerly of vlalnut Creek, anél authorize nayment of ÇilO as a single payment for the crossing involved, and $15 per year annual rental for longitudinal encroachment. Carried. 06 03 48 "AGL SCALE FOP. COl:STRUCTI:m OF OXIDATION PONDS AT SE\'lAGE TREATl.IENT PLANT 215 The follO1~~inc Resolution "ms offereð. by Director Fads~vorth sec- onded by Director Toland: ~1,E~S~OLUTICN NO.,. 242 ESTAB=-.ISHING PHEVAILIIW TiTAGE RATES 1<'~,~' C,'-~I-TC'rr'lRTTC""TO-' nT' OXTDAt;1IOI.T PonD'"' =-u~c --. U J. "'.' J. J. .' ~. .... . \,~ .::.2. "::EREAS, in ~)UrSU8,nce of Article land 2, of Cha.pter l, of Part 7, of Division 2, of the Labor Code of tlle State of California, be- fore the District Boe.rð. may aF8.rd any contract for ]Jublic 1-Jork on behe.lf of seicl t2.ry Di strict, the Di strict Boerd. must ascertain the general prevailing rate of per diem wages in the locality in which the For~ is to be performed, to wit: Within the limits of the Cen- tral Contra Costa Sa~itary District for each craft or type of workman or mecllenic needed to execute the contract, and must specify in the call for bids for said c~ntract and in the contract itself i'mat the general prevailing r~te of per d~em Hagee in said locality is for each craft or tYDe of Forkman or mechanic needed to execute t~e con- tract and also the general prevailing rate for legal holiday and overtime v;ark; now, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the said general prevail- ing rate of per diem wages and the general prevailing rate of per diem '-ages for lege.1 holida:r anò. overt=-me Hork T.ri thin the limits of said Sanitary District for each craft or type of 1-~orkman or mechanic needed to execute the contract for the c~nstruction of the oxidation ponds at the site of the Sev!age Treatment Plant, as specified in the plans and specifications, shall be and the same are hereby ascertained, a-)~)rO'\red and adopted by this District Board. after a full investigation, to be as follows: Per Diem Rate - ~ hour~- l4.40 16.80 18.00 16.00 (under 1 yd.)19.20 (over 1 yd.) 20.00 lLJ,.OO 16.hO 12.00 16.20 14.00 16.40 Class of Ji.9!,k As~ha1t Plant Operators AsDh~lt Plant Engineer C8~nenters (Fore~2n) Carpenter (Journeyman) Shovel & Drag1ine O~erators S~ovel & Dragline Operators Compressor ODerators Comñressor (more than one) O~erators Conèrete Laborers CeDent Finishers Concrete Mixerman (up to 1 yd.) Concrete Mixerman (over 1 yd,) Opere.tors, Vi brs,tors, J Ðckhe,mners and other Air,Gas & Electric Tools Asphalt S~ove1ers Asphalt Ironers & Rakers Firemen (Stationary) Crane & Derrick Operators Laborers, General- Mechanics, Helpers & Oilers Buldozer Operators Eotor:+rader O'DE'rt~tor s Roller Operators Tractor Onerators Tractor & Truck Type Loader Operator Sewer Pipe Lpyers & Banders Trenching Machine Operators r:'ruck Driver (Dump Trucks under 4 yds.) Tr'_lck Driver (Dump-over 4 and unð.er 6 yd s . ) .' . 13.00 12.00 14.00 14'.00 l8.00 12.00 14.00 16.80 18.00 16.80 16.80 18.00 15.00 17.20 11.65 12.65 ,1'\ ~ t, ~ n Hourly Rate 1.80 2.10 2.25 2.00 2.40 2.50 l.75 2.05 1.50 2. 02~- "- 1.75- 2.05 1.62fr 1.50 1.75 1.75 2.25 1.50 1.75 2.10 2.25 2.10 2.10 2.25 1.87J 2.15 1.45 5/8 1..58 1/8 ()q /~ 0 216 Class of ~'lork Trucl': Dri vcr (Dump-over 6 and under 8 - yd s. ) (Dump-over 8 yds.) (Pickup or flatrack carry- ing less than 10,500 lbs.) (Flat rack, carrying over 10,500 lbs.) Truck Driver True},: Driver Truck Driver Electrician I:con Harker, Iron \'Forker, Reinforcing Steel,Rodmen P.odrJen Foremen (3 men or under) Foremen (4 men or over) Structural Iron Workers Plumbers Roofers Sheet Metal Workers Watchmen, Flagmen & Guards Drillers & Bl~~ters Cribbers & Lagging Combination, Jackhammer-Powderman ere Plesterers Plasterers, Hod-carriers Bric~:layers Bricklayers, Hod-carriers 13.40 16.40 1.67-ð 2.05 11.90 12.90 18.00 16.00 1.48 3/4 1.61 :t 2.25 2.00 17.00 l8.00 18.00 18.00 16.00 16.00 12.00 14.00 14.00 14.00 2 .12-~ 2.25 2.25 2.25 2.00 2.00 1..50 1.75 1.75 1.75 Per Diem Rete ---1 Hours 14.00 2.00 6 Hours 15.00 13..50 13.50 10.50 2..50 2.25 2.25 1.75 Overtime ancl Saturday "rork shall be DéÜlÌ. for at ð.ouble the normal hourly rate excep~ as noted belo~for Cement Finishers and ~ruck Drivers and "Jork on Sunc1ays 9.ncl Holidays shal: be paid for at double the normal hourly rate. The foregoing sched~le of prevailing rates of wages, and rates for ov81"time, Sunc1ay an(1. lege.l Holic12"Ys, is based, unless other- wise s~ecified, upon a working day of 8 hours. Overtime encl Saturday rates for Truck Drivers shall be at one and one-h~lf (l-i) times the normal hourly rate. The first tHO hours overtime, after a normal 8 hour day, for Cement Fini shers shall be at one and one-half (l-'~) times the normal rate and further overtime shall be at double the normal rate. Saturday work for Cement Finishers shall be at one and one- h8,lf (l--~,~) times the normal rate for the first 8 hours worked and at double the normal rate for all further time worked on Saturdays. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 3rd ð.ay of June 1948, by the follovring vote: AYES: nOES: Members Johnson, Toland, Wadsworth and Weill Hone Smitten ABSEIJT: /s/ Lawson H. Weill President of the District Board of the Central Contra Costa Sani- tary District, County of Contra Costa, State of California (SEAL) Countersigned: /s/ Morna Phillips Secretary Pro Tem~ 06 03 48 217 CALL FŒ~ BIDS - OZIJATION PONDS The following resolution was offered by Director Johnson, seconded by Director ~adsworth: P.ESOLUTION NO. 2L¡,6 UHEIi.EAS in the judgment of tile S~:mi tary Boarð- of the Central Contra Costa SarÜtary District, it is necessary to secure all labor, mat erials, eQ1J.ipment, mechanical T'jor};:manship, transport at ion and services reQuired for ~~he cC\nstruction of oxidation Donds at the site of the Sewage Treatment Plant of said district in ac~ordance with the -;Ùnns aml snecifications for the same, prepared by the District En- gineer, 1r'hich are on file in the Office of the Bani tary District, located at l335 Commercial Lane, Walnut Creek, California; NO\;, THEREFORE:, BE IT EESOLVED, that the plans and specifications prepared by the District Engineer for the construction of the oxida- ti:m ~)oncls at the si te of the Sm.!age Treatment Plant of said District and on file Hi th this District BoB.I'd, be 2.n(l the Sf',me are hereby e:YJrovecl, BE IT FUHTEEH F.ESOLVED that the general prevailing pates of Fages as heretofore ascertained and determined bv this Board in its Reso- lution No. 245, adopted on the 3rd day of June, 1948, in pursuant of Articles 1 and 2 of Ch.9.pter 1 of Pe.rt 7 of Division 2 of the Labor Code of the State of California, shall be the general prevailing rates of per èeieI'} Fages for each craft or tYDe of lTOrkman or Tnechanic needed for the construction of s::>id oxidations ponds; and BE IT FUHTHER RESOLVED, that the Secretary ~)ro teT:' of this Boarèc be and sbe is hereby eJJ,thorized to advertise for pro})osals for the construction and completion of s2.ið. 1'!ork by publishing the same once a wee~ for two successive weeks in the Courier Journal, a newspaper of general circulation, published in the Central Contra Costa Sani- tary District. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Notice inviting sealed yropos~ls sh?ll be in the form as follows: NOTICE INVITING BIDS Notice is hereby given that the District Board of the Central Contra Costa Sani tar;? District, Ualnut Creel:, California, invites anð- will receive se~led proposals until 8:00 olclocl~ p.m., June 24, 1948, for furnis!Ün¿; all labor, r1aterials and services for the constructlon of the Oxidation Ponds at the site of the Sewage Treatment Plant for the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District in accordance with the plans and specifications adonted therefor. The nlans a~d snecifications for the DroDosed work may be seen and e):amlned at the-office of the Central-Coñtra Costa Sanitary District, 1335 Cor'1Dercial Lnne, 1:!alnut Creel:, California, or 2.t tlle Engineering Office of Clyde C. Kennedy, Room 504, 604 Mission Street, San Fran- cisco Cgl'?I)~n'~ O~ np,r be sec"l'ed ~~ ~11e En~1"1eer'n~ O~D.Ll'Ce O~ Clv~e , , - -- J. -, ' . - .."--~'. ' "',co" v- "T." -::> - .. ~'-'" C. Ke:meè_y by m~.::ing 2~ pa:rment of TEl~ DOLLA.::1.S \ ~710.00). There 1:i11 be no ref~nd on re~~rned Dlans or s~ecifications. Pursuant to the statutes of the State of California, the District Board of the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District has ascertained and deterl:1ined the general prevailing re_te of :)er diem wages and rates for overtime and legal holidays in the locality in which the 1Jork is to be perforoed for each craft or type of 'h'orkman or r:1echanic needed to execute the contract. The prevailing rates so determined are as follows: !'ß 03 ,..., ~ <J 218 Cla~ of Vlork Per Diem Rate 8 Hours 14.40 16.80 18.00 16.00 (under 1 yd.)19.20 (over 1 yd.) 20.00 14.00 16.40 12.00 16.20 14,.00 16.40 Asphalt Plant Operators Asph21t Plant Engineer CarTIenters (Foreman) Carpenters (Journeyman) Shovel & Dragline Operators Shovel & Dragline O~erators Coffinressor ODerators Compressor (more than one) Operators Concrete Laborers CeI,ent Finishers Concrete Mixerman (up to 1 yd.) Concrete Mixerman (over 1 yd.) O~erators, Vibrators, Jackhammers and other Air, Gas & Electric Tools 13.00 Asphalt Shovelers 12.00 AsDhalt Ironers & Rakers lL¡,.OO Firemen (Stationary) 14.00 Crane & Derrick Operators 18.00 Laborers, General- 12.00 Mechanics, Helpers & Oilers 14.00 Bulldozer Onerators 16.80 Uotor Grader Operators 18.00 Roller Oneratôrs 16.80 Tractor ODerators 1ó.80 Tractor &-Truck Type Loader, ODerator l8.00 Sewer Pipe Layers & Banders 15.00 Trenching Machine Operators 17.20 Truck Driver (Dump Trucks under 4 yds.) 11.65 Truclc Driver (Dump-over 4 & under 6 yð_s.)12.65 Truck Driver (Dump-over 6 & under 8 yds.)13.40 Truck Driver (Dump-over 8 yds.) 16.40 Truck Driver (Pickup or f1atrack carry- ing less than 10,500 lbs.) Truck Driver (Flat rack, carrying over 10,500 1bs.) Electrician Iron Worker, Reinforcing Steel, Rodmen Iron Worker, Rodmen Foreman (3 men or under) Foremen (4 men or over) Structural IrJn Workers Plumbers Roofers Sheet Metal Workers ~¡¡atchmen, Flagmen & Guards Drillers & Blasters Cribbers & Lagging Combination, Jackhammer-Po'\'v'derman Painters Plasterers Plasterers, Hod-carriers Bricklayers Bricklayers, Hod-carriers 11.90 12.90 18.00 16.00 17.00 18.00 18.00 18.00 16.00 16.00 12.00 lLI.00 lL¡,.OO 14.00 Per Diem Rate 7 Hours lÜ.OO 6 Hours 15.00 13.50 13 ..5 0 10.50 Hourly Rate 1.80 2.10 2.25 2.00 2.L),0 2.50 1.75 2.05 1.50 2. 02~- 1.75 2.05 1.62-ft l.50 1.75 1.75 2.25 1.50 1.75 2.10 2.25 2.10 2.10 2.25 1.87} 2.15 1.45 5/8 1.58 1/8 1.67t 2.05 1.48 3/4 1.61-1 2.25 2.00 ') 121-. t..... ~ 2.25 2.25 2.25 2.00 2.00 l.50 1.75 l.75 1.75 2.00 2.50 2.25 2.25 1.75 Overtime and Saturday 1'JOrl~ sh91l be 'Daid for at double the normal hourly rate excent as noted belo¿for Cement Finishers and Tr-lClc Drivers 8.nd 't'!ork on Sunð.9.Ys 2.nd Holidays shall be paid for at double the normal hourly rate The foregoing schedule of prevailing rates of wages, and rates for overtime, Sunday and Legal Holidays, is based, unless other- wise specified u~on a working day of 8 hours. Of} o~ 49- 219 Overtime ancl Saturdev rates for Tr1J,ck Drivers she-II be at one pcnc1 one-helf (l-'~') times 0 the normal hourly rate. The first ~10 hours overtime, after a normal 8 hour day, for Cement Finishers s~all be at one and one-half (I-i) times the normal rate and further overtime shall be at double the normal rate. Saturdav ~or~ for CeDent Finishers shall be at one and one-half (l-})~times the normal rate for the first 8 hours worked and at double the normal rate for all further time worked on Sat- urday s . Notice is also hereby given bidders that it shall be manda- tor:,r Uï)On the contractor to ,,'born the contract is 1::nrardeð., ancl upon all subcontractors under him, to pay not less than said general pl'evailin[~ rates of -oer dieD \"?>ges, ?,s a:)ove list eel, to 811 Ip,- borers, Forkmen, and mechanics e¡,ployed in t:he exec,_,tion of the cl)ntract. Before submitting proposals the bidder shall be licensed in accordance ~ith the nrovisions of ChaDter 9 of Division III of the 31).81neS8 e.nd Professl,:ms Code, Chapter 37, of the St9tutes of 1939, as amended, of the State of California, which provides for the registration and licensing of contractors. Each bidð.er must submit vTit}"l his proposal, a statenent of his financial res?onsibility, technical ability and experience on the for~ to be ~lrnished proBpective bidders. Each bic1cler sholl su.bmit Fith h,is bid on the foI'!:l :!:)rovided, the name ana. adclress of each s~_¡bcontractor including the ~')rincipal suppliers of materials, and the portion of the work which each subcontractor Viill do. If the contractor fe,ils to name the sub- contractors in his proposal, he shall be deemed to have agreed to nerform s~ch nortion of the ~ork himself and shall not be Dermit- tecl to su~contract srÜcì. portion of Fork 1-Tit~'lout !)revio'lls Fri tten ~er~iss~on of ~he Sanitary District Board. The nroDosal shall be Dade out on the form to be furnished '01"08- !)ectlve~biQders, a copy of tòich is incor,orated with the s~ecifi- cati jns,<:mc1 must be accompanied by ~ cer~ified or cashier's check or bidd~r's bond for an amount not less than ten (10) ~er cent of the aggre:;ate of the propospl, made pe,yable to the Cer:tral Contra Costa Sanitary District, sealed f\.nd filed yith the Secretary there- of on or before the day and hour first above set forth, and there- after ~'Till be publicly opened and read before said Bani tary Board. The é'-.coye mentioned check or bonö. shc,ll be ~i ven as a £;U2,rétn- tee that t11e bidder 1'."i1l enter into contrect if-- mTal"ded the Fork, Vii thin ten (10) days after r:.otice of the aÌ'Jarel hp.8 been sent to him by mail at the address given by him in his ~roposal and said c:1eck or "oon& shtÜl be declnred forfei ted if the bidder refuses or neglects to enter into said contract vithin said time. The successful bið_der ~;"ill be recmirecl to furnish labor ancl oaterial bonds in the amount of f1fti (50) per cent of the con- tr~ct price anð. a fai thftil 'OerforElEu1ce bond in an amount eQual to one huñfu~ed (100) per cent õf the contl"ect price. - The District Board reserves the right to reject any or all bids or proposals and to waive anv informalitv in nroDosQls received. - ~ v v., - By order 0:;:" tl-"e Sanitar3" Boi;~rët, Central Contra Co"ta SEmitary District. Dated: June 1 10h8 ~ , / /s/ Morna Phillips Secretary Pro Tern PASSED A~D ADGP7ED this 3rd day of June, 1948, by the following vote: r.'.~ £.~ \) U 0 ,~ ~) 0 ".- ..~-, 220 AYES: NOES: ABSEI,;'Ii: Members Johnson, Toland, Wadsworth and ~eill None Smitten /s/ LELFson H. l'Jeil1 President of the Sanitary Board of Central Contra Costa Sanitary District of Contra Costa County, State of California. ( SEAL) Countersigned: /s/ Morna Phillips Secretary Pro Tem DEEDS OF DEDICATION The follo¡,:ing resolutions Here offered b;T Director Johnson, sec- ended by Director WadID~orth: RESOLU~I.oN NO. 247 ~}¥£REAS, JA1'ES E. COYLE anè, BARBAP..A JANE COYLE, his l!ife, have gre.nteè, ét Deed of DedicHtion for selær easenent over a portion of Lot 27 of Lafayette Terrace, knoun reS Parcel 4,0 of Local Improvenent District No. J, NOì^!, TlI'iP.EFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that said Deed of Deè,ication be, end saDe is hereby accepted, and the Recordel' of Contra Costa County be, and. he is hereby aut~orizecl e.nët ëUrected to record s~Ücl deed. PASSED ALD ADOPTED this 3rd, day of June, 19L~8 by the follm.ring vote: AYES: NOES: ABSEI1T: Directors Johnson, Toland, Wadsworth and Weill None Director Smitten /s/ Lawson H. Weill President of the District Board of Central Contra Costa S~nitary District of Contr~ Costa County State of California Countersigned: /s/ Morna P~illips Secretary Pro Tern RESOLUTION NO. 248 \'THEREAS, HARP.Y CLARENCE SCHIIJLINC~, JOHN LEO DAlTH, HAJlli.Y C. SCEILLHTG and HARG.4.RET. SCHILLING, his ¡-.rife, heve grantecl e. Deed of DedicÐ,tion for sewer easement over a portion of Lot 6 of Floraland Tract Subdivision, known as Parcel 35 of Local Improveôent District No 2, NO1T, ~HEREFOHE, BE IT RESOLVED th8.t seid Deed of Deè.icgtion be, and sa~e is hereby accepted, and the Hecorder of Contra Costa County be, o.ncl he is hereby ~nt':1orized end c1iy'ected to record sé'.id deed. PASSED AIm ADOPTED ti1is 3rd. (1<:1:" of J1,me, 19L:8 b:r the follov:ing \rot e: 06 03 48 AYES: NOES: ABSEUT: 221' I Directors Johnson, TolEmd, Vladsvorth and ì'leill None Director Smitten /s/ Lawson H. Weill President of the District Board of Central Contra Costa Sanitary District of Contra Costa County State of California Count ersigned: /s/ Morna Phillips Secretary Pro Tem 'dAGE .SC[\.LE - LOCAL n:PROVE:ŒNT DISTRICT NO .--1. The following Resolution was offered by Director Johnson, secon- ded by Director Toland: RESOLUTIJì'I NO. 24'9 WHEREAS, in pursuance of Article 1 and 2, of Chapter 1, of Part 7, of Division 2, of the Labor Code of the State of California, be- fore the District Board may aHard any contract for public 1rJork on behalf of said Sanitary District. the District Board must ascertain the general prevailing rate of per diem wages in the locality in which the \",Torl{ is to be performed, to-1Jit: ì'lithin the limits of the Cen- tre,l Contra Costa Sanitary District for each craft or type of v,Tork- man or mechanic needed to execute the contract, and must specify in the call for bicls for saið. contract and in the contract it self ,'That the general prevailin~ rate of per diem wages in said locality is for each craft or type of vJorkman or mechanic needed to execute the contract and also the general prevailing rate for legal holiday and overtime '\:Jork; lWVJ, TEER.EFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, the.t the saið. general prev¡.Üling rate of per diem wages and the general prevailinG rate of per diem wages for legal holiday and overt~me work within the limits of said Sanitary District for each craft or type of workman or mechanic need- ed to execute the contract for the construction of the lAteral sewers in Local Icprovement District No.2, as specified in the plans and Ðpecifications, shall be and the same are hereby ascertained, approved and adopted by this District Board after a full investigation, to be as follovTs: Class of ì'lork Per Diem Rate 8 hours Hourly Rate Asnhal t Plant ODere,tors As~)hal t Plant E11F:ineer Carpenters (ForeMan) Carpenter (Journeyman) Shovel & Dragline Operators (under 1 yd.) Shovel & Drag1ine Operators (over 1 yd.) Comnressor Onerators Corn~ressor (~ore than one) Onerators Concrete Laborers Cement Finishers Concrete Mixerman (up to 1 yd.) Concrete Mixerman (over 1 yd.) Operators, Vibrators, JeclÙlarF'ers and other Air, Gas & Electric Tools Asphalt Shovelers Asì)halt Ironers & Rakers Firemen (Statj,onary) Crane & Derrick Operators Laborers, General- Mechanics, Helpers & Oilers Bulldozer Operators Motor Grader Onerators Ih.40 16.80 18.00 16.00 19.20 20.00 1~.00 16.40 12.00 16.20 14.00 16.40 1.80 2.10 2.25 2.00 ,2 . L~,O 2.50 1.75 2.05 1.50 1 2.02'2 1.75 2.05 1. 62'~- 1.50 1.75 1.75 2.25 1.50 l.75 2.10 2.25 13.00 12.00 lL~.OO 14.00 18.00 12.00 14.00 16.80 18.00 06 48 03 ~22 Class of ':Tork Per Die.'l Rate ô hour s Hourly Rate 2.10 2.10 Roller Onerators 16.80 Tractor bnerators 16.80 Tractor &-Truck TvDe Loader Onerator 18.00 Se~"er Pi ~'e LayersV 8~ B8nders 15.00 Trenchin~ M~chine Operators 17.20 :eruck Driver (Dump Trucks under 4 yds.) 11.65 Truck Driver (Dump-over 4 Ð,nd uncler 6 yc1s.)12.65 Truck Driver (Dump-over 6 é'.nel under 8 yds.) 13.40 Tr~,'.ck Driver (DuHro-over 8 vets.) 16.40 Trucl: Driver (Pickup or flVatrack carrying less than 10,500 lbs.) Truck Driver (Flat l"acl:, carr;)ring over 10,500 1bs.) 11.90 2.25 1.87'~ 2.l5 1.L~5 518 1.58 l/8 l.671-:: 2.05 1.48 3/4 Electrician Iron Norker, Reinforcing Steel,Rodmcn Iran Worker, Rodmen Foremen (3 men or under) 12.90 18.00 16 . ~'O /13- l.b 4' 2.25 2.00 Foremen (h men or over) Structural Iron Workers :?lumbers Roofers Sheet Metql Workers vJatchmen, Flagmen & Gu9.I'els Drillers & Blasters Cribbers & Lagging Combine.tion, J 2-cliliammer-Pm'jderman 17.00 18.00 13.00 18.00 16.00 16 . 0 (,\ 12.00 14..00 1l.!..00 14.00 2.l2Cit 2.25 2.25 2.25 2.00 2.00 1.50 1.75 1.75 l.75 Po.~nters 7 Hours ll!-.OO 2.00 Plasterers Plasterers, Hod-cro'riers Bric::layers Ericl:1nyers Hoð.-carriers 6 Hour s 15.00 13.50 13.50 10.50 2.50 2.25 ""\ ':>5 '-. ,~ 1.75 Overtime and Saturday work shall be pRid for at double the normal hourly rate except as noted below for Cement Finishers and Truck Drivers and ~'rork on Sundays Ð,nd Holid2,Ys she.ll be pEÜd for at double the normal hourly rate. The foregoing schechÜe of prevailinG ré'.tes of lreges,' r9.tes for overtime Sunday émè. legal Ho1iëLEJ..ys i C b2. sed un1e s s otlj,er- ~ise specified, upon a ~orking day of 8 hours. Overtine and SaturëLa'r rates for Tr'_:ck Drivers sh2~11 be at one and one-half (l-}) times the normal hourly rate. The first tHO hours overtime, after a normal 8 hour day, for CeDent F~nishers shall be at one anè one-hQ1f (l-}) times the normal rate and further overt~Be shall be at daub1ethe norcal rate. Saturday work for CeMent F~nisher8 sh~ll be at one and one- he.1f (1-,;;) tines the normÐ.l rate :.:'01" the first 8 hours Horked, and at double the normal rate for all further tire ~orked on Saturdays. vote: PASSED Arm ADOPTED thi s 3rc1 day of June 19L;-8, by the follO\'Ting A~ES : Directors Johnson, Toland, Wadsworth and Weill IJane Dil"ector Smitten 1:0£3 : ABSEIJT: (SEAL) Countersigned: Is! Layson H. Weill President of the District Board of Centre.l Contra Costa tary District of Contra Costa County, State of California Isl Morna Phillips SecretÐ.ry Pro Tern 06 03 4~ it ; ",., , ," 2231 ; '".,' ~ : ,. ;' , ~ :!ti:SOLUTION O~.D¡;RING Î.'ïork IN LOCAL HIPHCVElvlENT DISTRICT NO. ~ , Tbe follO\'.JÌnr resolution \Vas offered by Directo:c Johnson seconded by Director Wadsworth: RESOLU~ION NO. 2~O ~¡HEREAS tlie DiBtrict BoPx'(Ì, of Cent::'al Contl"'8. Costa Sanitary District, County of Contra Costa, State of California, passed a~d adopted, on May 26, 1948, its Resolution of Intention No. 210 to do the work and improvement therein described, to-wit: The con- struction of sanitary sewers and appurtenances for the area within the boundaries described in said Resolution of Intention, to the extent, with the materials and in the manner set forth in said Resolution of Intention and Recording to Plans and Specifications theretofore adopted therefor; and \1HEREAS written protests against the doinG of said work and improvements were filed with the Secretary of said District Board, and the same were duly considered by said District Board, RESOLV~D by said District BoB.rd t; said protests be and the same ~re bereby overruled, and RESOLVED that the public inter'est and convenHmce require, and said Distr'ict Board hereby orders, that said work and improvement be done, to-wit: The construction of sanitary sewers and appur- tenances for the area within the boundaries described in said Resolution of Intention, to the extent, with the materials and in the manner set forth in said Resolution of Intention, and according to said Plans and Specifications, r'efereDce to which Resolution of Intention and Plans and Specifications is hereby made for a des- cription of said work and imp:covement and the terms and conditions under which the same is to be done. The Secy'etary of tl1i s Board is hersby directed .to post con- spicuously for five (5) days on or near the D.ain entrance door to the regular meet ir:g place of said District BoFty'd .at 1335 ComLsrcial Lane, \'lalnut Creek, CaliforDia, Notice bey'eof "Ii "ell plans and spec- ifications inviting sealed PROPOSALS or BIDS for doin~ said wor~; and to publish twice a NO7ICE hereof inviting sealed PROPOSALS or BIDS for doing said work, and referring to the plans and specifica- tions postea. a1",el on file; the said publication to be in COURIER- JOURNAL, a daily ne1,¡spapel', publiEhed and circuleted in the Central Contra Costa Sanitary DiB~rict and hereby designated for that purpose. All such PHOPOSALS ßhall be received by the Secl~etary at the Office of the District B09::'c;, Rt 1335 Coffioercial Lane, ìvalnut GI'ee>:; Californi,'-'c, on the 1st dFJY of July, 1948, up to the hour' of 8: 00 0 I clock p.m., a.ncl said a.ay is bereby designated as the Jay on våÜch, at the hour of 3:00 o'clock p.m., the said PROPOSALS or BIDS shall be opened, all of which sahlI be specified in said Notice, and said Notice shall require wi tll said P:hOPOSALS or BIDS, a check cel~tified without qualification by a responsible bank, payable to the Central Contr'a Costa Saul tar'y District, for an amount not less than TEN PER CENT (10%) of the ag3'i'egate of the PROPOSAL, or by a BOND for the said amount, ami. so pnyable, signed 'oy the BIDDER ar:d TWO (2-~ SURETIES all as prescribed by la~. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the DISTRICT BOA?D OF CENT?AL CONTRA. COS:A SANITARY DISTRICT OF CON'I'RA COS'::'A COUNTY, this Jrd day of June, 1948. AY'i.S: ì>1embers - Johnson, Tcland, r,vaclm-Jorth a11C. Vleill NOES: None ABSENT: Members - SQitten. /s/ Morna Phillips Secretary Pro Tern /s/ Lawson H. Weill, President of the District Board of Central Contra Costa Sanitary District Of} 03 48 ~24 PURCHASE OF PIPE FINDER It was moved by Directo~ TolPDd, 88con~ea by Di~ector Wa~s- worth ~hat the Bo~~d Ruthori~e the purchase of one h-Scope Box Locator at a list price of ~55. pluG tax. IWES: Directors John8o~, Toland, WaJ~worth and Weill None DiY'8ctor' Jo:msoú AY'7-S: ABSE2IT: VALIDATION OF PAÇHECO-:rIGHV~AY JUNCTION )JEfiI.:XATION It was moved by Director Johnson, seco~ded by Director To1a~d that t~e Judg~ent validatin; t~~ Pac~eco-Hishway Junction A~nexation be s~rbad upon tte Minutes. 02.::,:"i eel. The JUQ[;lnent is , as follows: IIIn(oI'ßeíÏ - Filed in the office of the County 01 ark of' the County of Co:, tr'R COE,ta., btf1te of C:Üifo:cnip., t:l~.S 25 day of May 1948. 'd. ;:'. PAASCH, Cour:t;y CIerI,: By L. Rosl,ys:;:', Dep1;,ty Cler'l:. IN THE SUP~RIO? COURT OF THE 5'l'A~'E OF CALIFORNIA IN AND FOR THE COUNTY 0: COt:TRA COS'EA ) ) ) ) ) \ J ) ) ) ) Eo. l}2?62 PEOPLE OF ~HE 5TA'J'E CF CALIFOæJIA ON TIrE RELATION OF' A. H. STONE, Plnintiff, vs. CE11TFAL CONTRA COSTA SA:JI',;ARY DI.S'l:'RICI', COm:TY OF CCl'r~RA COS',"A, S:'Þ.'~E OF CALI?ORIJIA, Defenda,-:ts This CRuse caW9 on ~egulprly for trial ~efore the Court sittinz without a jury the-25th d&y of May, 1948; the Plaintiff 81)peay'e6 by FRED N. HOWSER, Attorney Ge:-:el"8l of tÌ1e 5te,te of Cc-Ú- iforniÐ" by R. L. CHAlt.LBERLAIN, Depnty Attorney Ger:fl"pl, ,qnC. the Rele:Gor Hppeared ;:y GILBERT D. CALDEN, anò IV. H. BRAILSFORD, JR., of \vAGENE? Al':D BRAILSFOHD, HJ-ipearlnc; 8.S counsel for' t}-;e CLf:feildant anë the Court hÐ.ving heard the testimony a:lG having examined tte ~roofs offered by the respecti7e l)prties and the Court ~eing fully advised in the premises. Findincs of Fact and Co11clu[,io11:::; of Law having bee~ waived; and said action having ~een submitted to ~Le Court for itc consideration and decision; NJ~'I 'rHE?EFOE<.E, as follows: IT IS HEH:BY ORDERED, ADJUDGED AIm DECREED, 1. That all proceedings in relation to tbs annexation of the tey':clto:cy hereil~~after describe<-'i to the CENT?AL COH:'RA CO.3":'A aA¡~-, I'!'A::i.Y DISTRICT, of Contr-8 Co:.~ta County, 3"':ate of f'oI'niF, \'i8r-e C"'--'-'-'l""r~ out ir' "-no ""'l-lncr' '""'-'C>Q' '~ë- lrH) "'~(~ .I-'~.,+- Ca'r' ..-,o."r,~, .,.." co,,",';' ~,"" 1 lJ1.", ":0 ",,' -'" .~<.I_,L,-, liJ cd\, (7,".. :";;r.;, u j.',. Yl: Cco~lL,-~ltcS 'Uf+';C;;;'11~1" a)1~ al"lc.~'1~"-rl".~ '-'C"r'~,~", ~-,.;.. .I-~"._;.l-o.~" SO """11""""'. u J......", u oJ L'. vlil.Cv\;t;:.L.oJ L'.;:;ô , , c-u;:,u U".", ,,;:;,1,'-'...(, J.'J. n", v_""~U, 2. Tl-:a.t since the corùpletion of ¡:'1aiCt 8r,j1SXa~ ion :proceedÌl1?-;::" said territory so described has been and now is a part of said CENTRAL CO:rl':\A COS-~A 3A;~ITARY DIêl:'?IC T; J. Tl1P t tll<? Di ~/~:cì ct BoF' r<i:,f said CE~';':.??ÁL cmJ'~'Ri-~ OO¡:-oA GA:IITARY DISl'::i.ICT 1 S ÐU ~l-:or'iz ed ¡: () is m:s~'en:;::pl obli' '87: iOL bonds Ð."':FÙ1¡ st 06 03 48 2251 said territory in the rna~nsr provided by law End to levy, assess and collect such ta~es as illay be ~ece3bary ~o ~ay both principal a~~ irterest thereon as the same beco~e due. 4. That t1:8 exte:L"ioY' boun:."D.;.:'ies of the terri tor:/ so annexed to sa'id CENTP.AL CON':i'?A COSrr:'Á SA~1:-C::AHY DISTHIC'l', are é;: ~,c:ri l)eü ac follo'" s: All that certain real praY9rty situate in the County of Contra Cos~a, 3tate of California, described as follo~s: Beginning at the point of intersection of the eastern line of State E1chv:a,'/ No. 21 betì\1eSn Walnut Creel~ and Hal'tinez with the eastern extension of the center line of ¡,loml"'lent R a.,: S ~l' a" point 0"" inf-°y,c:::>c+ion ,- ~ -, "I"," ""ho noy,L.',-,""a .L.:::>rn 0 U ~, l,,~ ,;:)~" u';:;'~..,j u ~ lJ~J,v ::'lJ~ corner of the orir~,nal and now existing bounda:cy of Csntre.l I'"(-I'""'--"'a 1""0""'-, a ;:¡,ani ¡ay,u D' -,"-.,,; CL. aY1 --"'/"l' Y1:--.- "-1-.orpo noi",f-l-""r'l" vU 1-,.), v ..'J' """ _IJC_,j ."Ol¡l,~ u .' lU,..d "'Co uuv.1",~ uu~,:¡ alonz, the said eastey'n line of HiChv.H.y ITa. ¿l to a POL1t tLe:c-::;on no:c'therly 15 feet fror,l the south line of' that ccr'tain 20 acre parcel of land described in the deed therefor to Bernardo Gi'_lssi and of record in Vol. J45 of or ficial Hecords, aL. pag"" 4),<".. +-l"ü""";;' i'ay'a' 1"'1 L.o L.}'o COl1f-'~ 1, ~.;::, r-P L.l~o GUl' S'ui u - V-,',", u~.~uv~.t'" '" .- v " lJ."v U ,JÜ .Lu~ u.. lJ"J,V U parcel above referred to easterly to a point distant 200 feet measured at ri~ht an~les from the saia easts~n liDs of Hi~hway roo 21; thence~north~rly pprallel to the said eastern lin~ of said highway to the douthern line of that certain parcel of land deeded to Eu~inio Gianelli which deed is of record in Vol. 482 of Deeds'--at page 372; thence along the southeI'l1 line of s2i~ pprcel and the eastern extension thereof 510 feet; thence no:ct:1erly parallel to the eastern line of said Highway No. 21 to the northern line of said Giauelli parcel; thence &long saið norther'n line of said- parcel weste.:-'ly to the east- ern line of said. highway; thence along the said easte'I'n line of said H~.§:;:"Hay No. 21 nort:1eY'ly to the point of int ersection thereof with the northwestern line 0; that certain parcel deeded to the U. S. foy' ail'port purposes which line h8,8 the beaY'in~; of N 230 281 40 II E as set forth in the juëgr;¡ent they-efoI" recorded in Vol. 737 of Offici~l Hecords at page 249; thence along said northwe at e:cn line of\. said airp,ort pa:c'cel N 230 281 40 II E to tbe southwester-ly prolongation of the southeastern line of Blocl~ 24 AS said Block 24 is delineated on the Hap of Pacheco of I"eco:c'd in Nap Book E, a°,,; pace 95; thence northeai3Jcer'l~T along said south~esterly extension of and the southeastern line of said Block 24 and the northeastern extension thereof to the wer!ten: 1ir.s ,')fWillow StY'eet as~he same is delineated on said Map of Pacheco; thence northerly along the said westey'n li1l8 of Willow Street and the northern extension thereof to the northern line of Monument Street as also delineated on said Map of Pacheco; tl1ence along the northern line of said Hom.uiient Street westerly to a point distant thereon 608.43 feet easterly f:20m the south- western corner of that certain ~arcel deeded to Solmi which deed is of record in Vol. 108 of Official Records at page 132; thence N 60 12' 34" W 896.24 feet; thence S 820 411 W 888 feet more or less to the most eas~ern co~ner of that certain 5.41 acre p~rcel deeded to Wright which deed is of record in Vol. 192 of Official Records at page 15; thence N 70 19' W 754.12 feet along the eastern line of said Wr&ght parcel to the no~theastern corner thereof; thence southwesterly alon~the northwestern line of said percel to the no~thwestern corner t~eY-eof; thence in 2 str&,ig'ht line norttwes":;s:L"ly 40C feet more or less to the souJch- eastern corner of that certain 10.84 acre pFrcel deeded to John Loucks end described in said deed as recorded in Vol. 854 of Official Records at page 253; thence along the no~theastern boundary of said p¡Crc el N 80 53 I ~20 II W 636.96 feet to the most northern corner of said parcel; thence in a straight line northerly 850 feet more or less to the southeastern corner of thAt certrÜn parcel of 1211(1. de scribed 1n the deed to \'1. S. EcJßeade s, recorded in Vol. 479 of Official Records at page 415; thence nort~1erly and wester'ly along the eastern and northern bound[JY'ies of said lRst named parcel to the eaetern line of the county road known as Warehouse Road; thence southerly along the eastern line of the said Y'oad to the intersection thereof with the eastern line of the Pacheco Martinez road; thence southerly thereon to its intersection with the southern line of the Arnol~ Inaustrial 06 03 48 r 226 / Highway; thence westerly along said southern line of said Hi[hway to the intersection thereof with the southeastern boundary line of the right of way of the Contra Costa Canal; thence following the said eastern boundary line of the said canAl right of way, together with a straight line connection thereof where said right of way crosses the old c~~nty road AdjAcent to HnëJ i"eplHced by said Arnold HighwAY, sou't'f'l..erly to the intersection If said canal right of way line with the weste:-.-'n line of Avenue liD II as the said avenue is described in the deed to L. M. Culver of record in Vol. 432 of Offic- ial Records at page 81; thence S 00 06' W along said westsrn line of said Avenue tlDII l30 feet more or less to the easterly, extension of the northern line of that parcel of land des- cribed in deed Norneck et al to Chas. H. Smith et al in Vol. 586 of Official Records at page 107; thence N 890 54' W 170 feet more or less to the most northeasterly corner of the last mentioned parcel; thence S 00 061 W 1360.37 feet more or less to the northern line of the Contra Costa Golf Club tract described in deed therefor in Vol. 345 of Official Records at page 335; thence easterly along the northern line of said golf cL.ìb tr,act to the most northeastern corner thereof which corner is a point in the western line of that certain pprcel of land designated as parcel 5 in the deea to Gerti"ude Slater of record in Volw;",e 409 of Deeè_s at page 196; thence following the western and southern boundaries of said Slater tract ~out~erly and easterly to the southeastern corner of said tract in the center of Walnut Creek (more recently comuonly known as Grayson Creek) in the northern bou~dary of the land formerly owned by F. M. 1.1armcastle; thence sm:-:-herly along the center line of said Vlalnut Cr'eel~ following the meanderings thereof, said line being also the eastern boundary of that certain Roche parcel described in deed recorded in Vol. 504 of Official Records at page 91 to the southeastern corner thereof; thence continuing along the said center line of said creek, said center line being also the dividing line between properties on either side ther~of~ southerly to the intersection thereof with the nothern line of that certain 160 acre parcel of land described in dee~ to David Roche recorded in Vol. 325 of Deeds at page 471, said point of intersection being in said deed described as the southeast cornei" of the 95 aCT'e subdivision therein Illentioned; tnence from said last named point continuing along the center line of said creek being also a portion of the eastern boundary of said 160 acre parcel of David Roche, the several courses and distances as follows: S 90 35' E 29.04 feet, S 320 30' E 85.14 feet, S 120 45' \i 114.84 feet, S 190 301 E 91.08 feet and S 50 25' E 126.72 feet to a point in said center line of creek; thence leaving said creek and running in a straight line southwesterly 1450 feet more or less to a point in the southel"n line of the above mentioned 160 acre tract at tl.e intersection thereof with the eastern line of that certain 87,03 ac:ce parcel of land deeded. to Albert Simmie and described in the record thereof in Vol. 351 of Offidial Records at page 185, said point being described in said record as beinG the northeast coy'Ùer of what is known as the "Alex Boss 12L¡, Acre Trapt"; thence southerly along the eastern line of said Simmie 87.03 acre parcel and the southern extension thereof to the center line of Grayson Road; thence wes~erly along the center line of Grayson Road to the northeastern corner ~f the exist- ing exterior boundary of the said Sanitary District in said Road; thence along saiel existin~; bc_mda~~y 80u~hei~ly and east~T'ly to the point of beginninG. All of the hereinbefore references to deec'..s and lHap al'9 to the official records of Contra Costa County, California. DATED: T" lS r'\5J..'~ '" n ... 'y 1::)41> ll' ,- l,li U2~.y C _c ha, / v. Harold Jacoby, JudGe of the S'cl;>eY'iol" Court. 06 03 48 " 110NTHLY BILLS 2271 It ~as moved by Director Wadsworth, secon~ed by Dir3ctor Toland that t'ce oills as audited ar:d r<Jl:ë~o'\'eð ~JS .fjaid. AYES: NO:::3: Al'{':. E~IT: VGT}CHE:R S".L 513 511+ 515 516 517 513 5~9 520 521 522 c:r") J "-.J 524 r:' ,r:: .J'-.J 526 527 528 529 530 531 532 533 534 535 536 C:~7 ,/,) 538 539 540 5Ll c:' " -,'-it:., 5' " i.j ...' 514 D:>'?Ct':):'3 Jonne,oil, Tolo;1'J., ;¡nè1f,1,';Ol"th ['neT 'vJei11 ~~O:1e Dirsc~or Smit~en NAillE "£"'..I.."L4--'- - #-r '(J ..( V;nJ. H. B::eilE,ford Calif. W~~er Service G. S. Cutler O. Ga::'èn",:c Elliott Johncon Pac. Gas an~ El~c. lvI. Phillips H. H. Smitten H. I,;. Tolan( R. E. \i8ÖsV;ortl1 La'it,son H. Weill Pac. Tel & Tel. Coast Counties Gas City of Walnut Creek WD. H. Brailsford II Contra Costa County Title Stolte, Inc. 1v1!'lnuel Smith Stolte, Inc. Koller Construction Co. M~cDonald, Young & Nelson Anderson-Haglund VG,laine Knight Claude HcPl1ee Fi S~'l er Re s eereh Lab. James P. Treadway. L. J. Rothgery Walnut K'?rnel C. C. Kennedy " II II II II II Contra Costa Co. Title L. J. Rothgery ALJOURNl,¡ZHT ~. ,{jL~. Attorney Plant AIWUNT 3-scre tal;;' '1 7~L' ¿,4 40().oO 5.82 . ,] 0] . û (). 100.00 31.40 5.51 212.40 31.40 30.00 J2.2l 30.00 79.89 4.59 1.50 ' 155.001-""ç.DC> 150. oo.} 480.00 . 77,713.37 25,837.49 15.964.04 ,..,( 73° Cor:> , U./'- 80,4jó.OO 7,737.00 120.05. 24,8.15 ' 187.06 502.50. 254.36 702.47 8, J18. 2111.£32.51 "'lh ~ ," ( , 'J ")OJ 131.25) 481. 15l 3 ¥ i'?-.s" I .' r: ~ - /' ~ ' ¿,;;Uj.c '¿27.50 140.0 27.00 59.82 Office rent D1:;':'o":;(;:: Electricity Clerk D1J:";:',c'tor Director Director Di:cector Telephone Gas hater Casts - Pacheco, etc Condemn Hyde,Cal'ey T~_tle l'epOl'ts Section I Section II Section III Section IV Tl"satruent PIe nt Office Bldg. Clerk LID 2 Pipe finder Well c'œi11inf: Sec..y. J..I.L.u ¿ Fub. Re imb ~::' 58 bl f: PlanB, LID 1 LID 2 LID :3 LID L~ LID 5 3sc. V LID 3 sec.V There beinp no further business, it was rnoveð ~y Directo~ Wads- wort}: seconded by Direc~or Toland that the llie~~in~ a~journ to Á~Jfw~ Presi6ent of the District Board of Central Contra Cos":;a 5ani":;ary District of Contra CoLta County, 3tate of Califol~nia . June 24, 1943. Count ere. ito'Ded: Secretary Pro Tern 06 03 48