HomeMy WebLinkAboutBOARD MINUTES 05-13-48 189 MINUTES OF A SPECIAL MEETING OF THE DISTRICT BOARD OF THE CENTFAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT HELD MAY IS. 1948 The District Board of the Central Contra Costa Sani ta,ry Djg;rict convened in special session at its regular place of meeting located at 1335 Commertelal L8ne, in the City of Walnut Creek, County of Contra Cost::1, State of CaliforniR, on the 13th day of May, 1948, at the hour of 8:00 o'clock p.m. The meeting was called to order by President Weill, and the following roll was called: PRESENT: Directors Johnson, Sml tten, Taoland, Wa,dsworth anël Weill ABSENT: None SECRETARY PRO TEM Due to the absence of SecretRry Cutler, it was moved by Director Johnson, sec:)nèed b.y Director Wadsworth that the Boa:'d appoint Mrs. Phillips Secretary Pro Tem. Carried unanimously. READING OF MINUTES It was moved by Director Johnson, seconded by Director Toland that the reading of Minutes of the previous meeting be waived and be approved as entered. Carried unanimously. AWARD OF CONTRACT FOR SECTION V The following resolution was offered by Director Johnson, sec- onded by Director Wadsworth: RESOLUTION NO. 213 W"rlEREAS, this Sanitary Boa:::,d, on Thursday, April 8, 1948, auth- orized and caused to be published a call for bids for the constl~C- tion of Section V of the Main Trunk Sewer in accordance with plans and specifications therefor, heretofore approved and adopted by this Board, and WHEREAS, in response to call for said bids the following bids were received and opened on May 6, 1948, at 8:00 p.m., in accordance with the foregoing call for bids: BIDDER HcGuire & Hester 1"1artin Br'Jthers Stolte, Inc. Stockton Constr. CO. A. J. Peters & Son P. &. J. Artukovich lvlanuel Smith Oalcland Concord Oakland Stockton San Jose Los Angeles Oakland TOTAL BID PRICE $ 178,415.00 146,312.10 187,423.50 196,504.20 188,458.50 191,339.50 180,706.00 And WHEREAS, the bid of the fc110wing contractor is the lowest responsible bid received: - " 05 13 48 190 MARTIN BROTHERS CONCORD $146,312.10 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED: (I) That the bid of Martin Bros. be, and the same is hereby accepted and the president is hereby authorized and directed to execute a contract on the behalf of the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District with said successful bidder and the Secretary be and he is hereby authoriz.ed to co1j.ntersign the same on behalf of the District. (2) Immediately following the execution of the Contract by the successful bidder and the District, upon the furnishing by the ~)idder of the bonds required by said Contract, the Secretary is hereby authorized and directed to return to th~ successful bidder such deposit as may have accompanied said bid, or to give such release as may be requested from further liability upon the bidder's bond. (3) Upon the execution of a contract by the successful bidder and the approval on behalf of the Sanitary District of the accompany- ing bonds, the Secretary is hereby authorized and directed to return all certified checks accompAnying the bids of the unsuccessful bidders. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 13th day of May, 1948, by the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Directors Johnson, Smitten, Toland, Wadsworth and Weill None None. Countersigned: Is/ Lawson H. Weill President of the District Board of Central Contra Costa Sanitary District. Morna Phillips Secretary Pro Tem. SUPPLEMENTAL AGREEMENT CONTRACT - SECTION V On recommendation by the Resident Engineer, it was moved by Director Johnson, seconded by Director Smitten that the Board auth- orize an additional work item to the contract as awarded to Martin Brothers for "lean concrete for bedding vit:t'ified clay pipe II at a unit price per cubic yard of $22.50, with an estimated quantity of approximately 400 cubic yards. Cerried unanimously. DEEDS OF DEDICATION FOR SEWER EASEMENTS LIL 2 The following Resolutions 214 to 218 were offered by Director Johnson, seconded by Director Toland: RESOLUTION NO. 214 WHEREAS, GEO. R. McINTOSH has granted a Deed of Dedication for sewer easement over a portion of Lot 33 of the Goodman Tract known as Parcel 7 of Local Improvement District No.2, , NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that said Deed of Dedication be, and same is hereby accepted, and the Recorder of Contra Costa County be, and he is 11ereby authorized and directed to record said deed. 05 13 48 191 PASSED AND ADOPTED this 13th day of May, 1948, by the following vote: AYES: Directors Johnson, Srni tten, Toland, Wadc',ÿJorth e.nd Weill NOES: None ABSENT: None Isl LB~son H. Weill President of the District Board of Central Contra Costa Sanitary District. Countersigned: Morna Phillips Secret,8ry i'ro Tern. RESOLUTION NO. 215 WHEREAS, \vALTER HABERLAND and S,~IRLEY HABERLAIJD, have granted a Deed of Dedication for sewer easement over a portion of Lot 27 of the Goodman Tract, known as Parcel 26 of Local Improvement District No.2, NOW, THE?EFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that said Deed of Dedication be, and same is hereby accepted, and th~ Recorder of Contra Costa County be, and he is hereby authorized and directed to record said deed. PASSED AND ADOPTED tlÜs 13th day of May, 1948, by the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Directors Johnson, Smitten, Toland, Wadsworth and Weill None None Isl Lawson H. Weill President of the District Bc~rd . of Central Contra Costa Sanitary Di strict. Countersigned: Morna Phillips Secretary Pro Tem RESOLUTION NO. 216 !/JHEREAS, GEORGE VAN METER B.nd DOROTHY VAN NETER, have granted a Deed of Dedication for sewer easement over a portion of Lot 20 of the Goodman Tract, known as Parcel 4û of Local Improvement District No.2, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that said Deed of Dedication be, and same is hereby accepted, and the Recorder of Contra Costa County be, and he is hereby authorized anddirected to record said deed. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 13th day of May, 1948, by the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSE~:T: Directors Johnson, Smitten, Toland, Wadsworth and Weill None N,ne Isl Lawson H. Weill President of the District Board of Central Contra Costa Sanitary District. Count ersigned: Morna Phillips Secretary Pro Tern. '- 1\ ¡;;:.>' t~ .';1¡ 1 ~'{ J~. ~ 192 RESOLUTION NO. 217 WHEREAS, LUCY M. WHYTE, L. STEPHEN DEWING, GRACE E. BARFX, HENRY B. DEWING, and FLORA L. HOOK, have granted a Deed of Dedica- tion for sewer easement over a portion of Lots 108 and 109 pf Dewing Park, known as Parcel 65 of Local Improvement District No.2, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that said Deed of Dedication be, and same is hereby accepted, and the Recorder of Contra Costa County be, and he is hereby authorized and directed to record said deed. PASSED A~D ADOPTED this 13th day of May, 1948, by the following vote: AYES: NOZS: ABSENT: Directors Johnson, Smitten, Toland, Wadsworth and Weill None None /s/ Lawson H. Weill President of the District Board of Cent~a1 Contra Costa Sanitary District Countersigned: 1,10rna Phillips Sec~etary Pro Tern RESOLUTION NO. 218 mfEREAS, VIOLA PETERSON BELLO, HENRY H. ANDREWS and MILDRED M. ANDREWS have granted a Deed of Dedication for sewer easement over B- portion of Lot 29 of the Goodman Tract, known as Parcel 11 of Local Improvement District No.2, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that said Deed of Dedication be, and same is hereby accepted, and the Recorder of Contra Costa County be, and he is hereby authorized and directed to record said deed. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 13th day of May, 1948, by the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Directors Johnson, Smitten, Toland, Wadsworth and Weill. None None /s/ Lawson H. Weill President of the District Board of Cent~al Contra Costa Sanitary District. Countersigned: Morna Phillips, Secretary Pro Tern. RAILWAY CROSSI~GS It was moved by Director Smltten, seconded by Director Johnson that the Board authorize the President and Secretary to execute the two license agreements with the Sacramento Northern Railway for crossings of railway property in connection with construction of sewers in Local Improvement District No.2. Carried unanimously. 'n~ , ~ 48 1~~ CHANGE IN CONTRACT FOR SEWAGE TID:ATHENT PLANT In order to avoid a dangerous overhead power line at the Sewage Treatment Plant it was recommanded that the contractor submit a bid for the cost of an underground cable. The contrEtctor replied as follows: IIWe are pleased to Quote you for the furnishing of labor and material for the installation of the 23 k.v. Primary Service, as shown on sketch dated 4-28-48, for the Sewage Tre~)tment Plant near Pacheco, C8_lifornia: Lump sum price $3,938.00 If the Pacific Gas & Electric Company is to pull the cable through the fibre duct, but we furnish the cable, deduct $237.00. The approximate deliver of material is as follows: Potheads Cable 6 to 18 weel;:s 3 to 4 weeks Very truly yours MacDonald, Young & Nelson, Inc. /s/ C. E. Nelson, Secretary." It was moved by Director Toland, seconded by Director Smitten that the Board authorize this additional work as a change order to the contrrct with MacDonald Younv and Nelson, Inc, and that the Engineer be inst~ucted to not1fy the contractor to proceed with the work. Carried unanimously.. RAILROAD AVENUE BRIDGE A request from the City Attorney for ter~s under which the Sa~itary District would allow the Railroad Avenue bridge to be used by foot traffic was received. It was moved by Director Johnson, seconded by Director Soitten that the Board go on record to the effect that it will not permit the use of the Rail!àoad Avenue Bridge for pedestrian traffic or any use other than for which it was intended by the Sanitary District: AYES: Directors Johnson, and Smitten NOES: Directors Toland and Wadsworth President Weill excused himself from the vote as he is a member of the City Council of Walnut Creek. li t; 1 X IÌR 194 LACASSIE AVENUE SEvŒR A letter dated May 11 from the City Attorney of Walnut Creek informed the District Board that the sewer work on Lacassie avenue had been completed and accepted, and reQuested that the District Vo.SII Board effect payment of the share in the cost as agreed upon. It was moved by Director Johnson, seconded by Director Smitten that the President and Secretary be authorized to draw a warrant in the agreed amount of $1277.08 in favor of the City of Walnut Creek. Carried unanimously. EAST BAY MUN. UTILITY DISTRICT REQUEST FOR COrfNECTIONS Under date of May 7, 1948, the East Bay Municipal Utility District reQuested terms under which they could make two connections to the sewer line which runs through their properties. The Board requested the Engineer to advise the Utility the district regarding the connection charge. LOCAL IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT NO.3 The following resolution was offered by Director Johnson, seconded by Director Smitten: RESOLUTION NO.. 219 WHEREAS, the County Health Officer has filed with this Sanitary Board a report stating that the conditions in the hereinafter des- cribed area in the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District in the County of Contra Costa are unsanitary, unhealthful and dangerous to the health of the people living therein, and recommending that the Sanitary Board institute proceedings at an early date for the construction of a sanitary sewer system to abate the unsanitary condi- tions, said area being bounded and described as follows: Beginning at the northwestern corner of Sunset Village Unit No. I as said subdivision is delineated on ma~ thereof of record in Map Book 30 at pages 24 to 28, Contra Costa County Official Records; thence easterly along northerly line of said subdivision to the intersection thereof with the southwestern corner of that certain parcel of land described in deed to B. W. Boynton of record in Volume 563 at page 215, Contra Costa County Official Records; thence northerly along the western line of said parcel to its intersection with the southern boundary line of the State Highway from Lafayette to Oakland; thence easterly along the southern line of said State Highway to its intersection with the eastern line extended southerly of that certain parcel of land described in deed from A. R. Powell, et aI, to E. E. Bruner, 05 13 48 195 et aI, of record in Volume 278 at page 225, Contra Costa County Official Records; thence northerly along said southerly extension to its intersection with the southerly boundary line of the East Bay Municipal Utility District Aqueduct right of way; thence easterly along said southern boundary to the intersection there- of vTith the northeasterly boundary of Lafayette Boulevard; thence northwesterly along said northeasterly boundary and continuing northerly and easterly along western and northern boundary of Happy Valley Headows as delineated on map thereof of record in Map Book 30 at page 33, Contra Costa County Official Records to its intersection with the northern line extended westerly of that certain ~arcel of land described in deed to G. R. Smith of record in Volume 360 at page 44, Contra Costa County Official Records; thence easterly along the northern line of said parcel to its intersection ì1ith the western boundary of Happy Valley Glen Unit No. I as said subdivision is delineated on man there- of of record in Map Book 31 at page I, Contra Costa CouñtyOffi- cial Records; thence northerly, northeasterly and southerly along the western and northeastern boundary of said Happy Valley Glen and the easterly extension thereof to the intersection thereof with the western line of Lafayette Terrace as said sub- division is delineated on map thereof of record in Map Book 7 at page 169, Contra. Costa County Official Records; thence northerly, easterly and southerly along western, northern and eastern boundary of said Lafayette Terrace to its intersection with the northwest corner of Valley View Estates as said sub- division is delineated on man thereof of record in Man Book 32 at page 6, Contra Costa County Official Records; thence easterly and southerly along northern and eastern boundary of said Valley View Estates to the northern boundary of Elm Lane as shown on said map of Valley View Estates; thence easterly along said northerly boundary of Elm Lane and its extension easterly to the northeastern corner of Lot 10 of Lafayette Homesites, Map No.1 as said lot is designated and delineated on subdivision map of record in Map Book 12 at page 266, Contra Costa County Official Records; thence southerly along the eastern boundary of Lots 10, II, 12 and 13 of Lafayette Homesites to its inter- section 1T1 th the southerly boundary line of the East Bay Munici- pal Utility Aqueduct right of way; thence easterly along said southern boundary to the eastern boundary of Elizabeth Avenue also designated as Third Street on the map of Lafayette Acres as said subdivision is delineated on man thereof of record in Map Book 15 at page 318, Contra Costa County Official Records; thence southerly along said easterly boundary and its extension southerly to the southern boundary of the State Highway from Lafayette to Oakland; thence westerly along said southern bound- ary to its intersection with the northeast corner of Lafayette Gardens as said subdivision is delineated on map thereof of record in Map Book 25 at page 859, Contra Costa-County Official Records; thence southerly along eastern line of said Lafayette Gardens to its intersection with the northerly boundary of Lafayette Manor as delineated on map thereof of record in Map Book 22 at page 635, Contra Costa County Official Records; thence continuing southerly, easterly and southerly along the eastern, northern and eastern boundary of said Lafayette Manor and its extension southerly to the southern boundary of the Sacramento Northern Railway right of way; thence westerly along said southern boundary of said railway right of way to its intersection vTith the northeast corner of Lafayette Oaks as said subdivision is delineated on map thereof of record in Map Book 24 at page 787, Contra Costa County Official Records; thence southerly, westerly, southerly and westerly along eastern, southern, eastern and southern boundary of said Lafayette Oaks ~d its southern line extended westerly to its intersection with the northeasterly line of that certain parcel of land described in deed from Shortledge to Little, of record in Volume 389 at page 133, Contra Costa County Official Records; thence north- westerly along said northeastern line and its extension north- erly to its intersection with the northwesterly right of way line of the Sacramento Northern Railway; thence along s8id railway right of way line southwesterly along the arc of a curve to the left to the southeast corner of Lot 30, Block 4 o-~\ ~ ,. '\ ß'<", ": I; '!ó 1 :~ (:") .L~, or'" 196 of the beforementioned Lafayette Homesites; thence westerly along southern boundary of said Lot and continuing westerly along southern boundary of said Lafayette Homesites to the north- east corner of that certain pB~cel of land from Ghiglione to the Lafayette School District of record in Volume 406 at page 71, Contra Costa County Official Records; thence southerly and westerly along eastern and southern boundary of said parcel to its intersection with the east line of the Rancho Acalanes; thencè southerly along east line of said ranch boundary to its intersection with the northeastern boundary line of St. Mary's Road; thence southeasterly along said northeasterly boundary to its intersection with the easterly line of Lafayette Home- land Unit No.2 extended northerly as said subdivision is delineated on map thereof of record in Map Book 27 at Page 42, Contra Costa County Official Records; thence southerly along said northern extension and southerly and westerly along east- ern and southern boundary of said Lafayette Homeland Unit No.2 and continuing westerly along southerly line of Lafayette Home- land Unit No. I as said subdivision is delineated on map there- of of record in Map Book 27 at page 33, Contra Costa County Official Records, to its intersection with the eastern bound- ary of Jonas Hill Road; thence southwesterly a~ong said east- ern boundary to its intersection with the eastern boundary of the old Jonas Hill Road; thence continuing southerly along said eastern boundary to the intersection of the southerly boundary extended easterly of Lafayette Woodlands as said subdivision is delineated on map thereof of record in Map Book 21 at pages 609 to 611, Contra Costa County Official Records; thence west- erly along said southern boundary of Lafayette Woodlands and its extention westerly to the southeast corner of the north- east 1/4 section of Lot 50 of the Rancho de los Palos Colorados; thence northerly along the western boundary of said northeast 1/4 section and the western boundary of the southeast 1/4 section of Lot 25 of said rancho extended to the southern bound- ary of Lafayette Heights as said subdivision.is delineated on map thereof of record in Volume 7 at page 163, Contra Costa County Official Records; thence easterly along said southerly boundary of Acalanes Heights to the southeast corner of Lot 2 of Acalanes Heights as said lot and subdivision are delinea- ted on map thereof of record in Map Book 10 at page 239, Contra Costa County Official Records; thence northerly along east line of said Lot 2 to the center line of Mountain View Drive; thence northeasterly along said center line to the southerly common corner of Lots II and 12 of said Acalanes Heights; thence northerly along common line of Lots II and 12, and Lots 13 and 14 to the most northerly boundary line of Acalanes Heights; thence westerly and southerly along northern and western boundary of said'Acalanes Heights to the southeaster- ly boundary of a 40 foot right of way described in deed of record in Volume 511 at page 277, Contra Costa County Official Records; thence continuing southwesterly and westerly along southeasterly and southerly boundary of said 40 foot right of way to its intersection with the east boundary of Lot 9 of aforementioned Lafayette Heights; thence southerly and westerly along east line of Lot 9 and along southern line of Lots 9, 10, 11, 12 and 13 of said Lafayette Heights to the western boundary line of said subdivision; thence southerly along said western boundary tó its intersection with the southeastern cor- ner of Sunset Village Unit No.2 as said subdivision is delinea- ted on map thereof of record in Map Book 31 at pages 36 to 38, Contra Costa County Official Records; thence westerly along southern boundary of said Sunset Village Unit No.2 and con- tinuing westerly and northerly along southern and western bound- ary of aforementioned Sunset Village Unit No. I to the point of beginning. THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Sanitary Board of the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District, Contra Costa County, State of California, that it is hereby found that the necessity for the 05 IS-' 48 197 construction of a sanitary sewer system in the above described area does exist, and hereby orders that proceedings be prepared for adop- tion by this Board for the construction of such sewers as recommended by the Health Officer, said proceedings to be as provided in Divi- sion 7 of the Street and Highway Code of the State of California, the "Improvement Act of 19I1", with bonds to be issued to represent unpaid assessments as provided therein. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the report and recommendation of the Health Officer is hereby ordered spread upon the Minutes of this meeting. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the District Board of the Central Contra Cost~ Sanite~y District, County of Contra Costa, State of California, this 13th day of May, 1948, by the following vote: AYES: Directors Johnson, Smitten, Tol~nd, Wadsworth and Weill NOES: None ABSENT: None ~ Lawson H. Weill P ESIDENT OF THE DISTRICT BOARb of Central Contra Costa Sanitary District of Contra Costa County, State of California. ATTEST: Isl Morna Phillips Secretary Pro Tem The above referred to letter from the County Health Officer is hereby spread upon the record as ordered in Resolution No. 219: liThe District Board Central Contra Costa Sanitary District Walnut Creek, California Gentlemen: May 12, 1948 A recent investigation of conditions existing in the area here- inafter described in the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District in the County of Contra Costa, disclosed such conditions to be unsanitary, unhealthful, and in my opinion, dangerous to the health of the people living thereon. Said area is bounded and described as follows: (Here follows the descriDtion as described in Resolution No. 219, above) As Health Officer of the County of Contra Costa, I recoDmend as a necessary health measure that your Honorable Board insti- tute proceedings at an early date for the construction of a sanitary sewer system in the said area to abate the unsanitary condition. HEALTH OFFICER OF CON~~ COSTA COUNTY /s/ W. A. POWELL. M.D. \'1. A. POWELL, Iv!. D. " 05 13 Æ ...""\ f"ì;'~ ---..-..-.--..---.-.-.--.-.-..-.... ...... ----.. ..'.----- 198 The following resolution was offered by Director Johnson, seconded by Director Wadsworth: RESOLUTION NO. 220 r RESOLVED, by the District Board of the Central Contra Costa Sanitsry District, County of Contra Costa, State of California, that the District Engineer is hereby directed to prepare and submit to this Board maps, diagrams, plans and specifications, together with a careful estimate of the cost and expense of constructing a sanitary sewer system within or adjacent to the following described boundaries, namely: Beginning at the northwestern corner of Sunset Village Unit No. I as said subdivision is delineated on map thereof of record in Map Book)O at pages 24 to 28, Contra Costa County Official Records; thence easterly along northerly line of said subdivision to the intersection thereof with thesouth"J'estern corner of that certain parcel of land described in deed to B. W. Boynton of record in Volume 56) at page 215, Contra Costa County Official Records; thence northerly along the western line of said parcel to its intersection with the southern boundary line of the State Higmvay from Lafayette to Oakland; thence easterly along the southern line of said State Highway to its intersection 1vith the eastern line extended southerly of that certain parcel of land described in deed from A. R. Powell, et aI, to E. E. Bruner, et aI, of record in Volume 278 at page 225, Contra Costa County Official Records; thence northerly along said southerly exten- sion to its intersection with the southerly boundary line of the East Bay Municipal Utility District Aqueduct right of way; thence easterly along said southern boundary to the intersection thereof Ì'ri th the northeasterly boundary of Lafayette Boulevard; thence northwesterly along said northeasterly boundary and con- tinuing northerly and easterly along western and northern bound- ary of Happy Valley Meadows as delineated on map thereof of record in Map Book)O at page 33, Contra Costa County Official Records to its intersection with the northern line extended westerly of that certain parcel of land described in deed to G. R. Smith of record in Volume 360 at page 44, Contra Costa County Official Records; thence easterly along the northern line of said parcel to its intersection with the western boundary of Happy Valley Glen Unit No.1 as said subdivision is delineated on map thereof of record in Map Book)l at page I, Contra Costa County Official Records; thence northerly, northeasterly and southerly along the western and northeastern boundary of said Happy Valley Glen and the easterly extension thereof to the intersection thereof with the western line of Lafayette Terrace as said subdivision is delineated on map thereof of record in ~fap Book 7 at page 169, Contra Costa County Official Records; thence northerly, east- erlyand southerly along western, northern and eastern boundary of said Lafayette Terrace to its intersection with the north- west corner of Valley View Estates as said subdivision is delineated on map thereof of record in Map Book 32 at page 6, Contra Costa County Official Records; thence easterly and southerly along northern and eastern boundary of said Valley View Estates to the northern boundary of Elm Lane as shown on said map of Valley View Estates; thence easterly along said northerly boundary of Elm Lane and its extension easterly to the northeastern corner of Lot 10 of Lafayette Homesites, Map No.1 as said lot is desig- nated and delineated on subdivision map of record in Map Book 12 at page 266, Contra Costa County Official Records; thenêe south- erly along the eastern boundary of Lots 10, II, 12 and I) of na; , 3 48 199 Lafayette Homesites to its intersection with the southerly bound- ary line of the East Bay Municipal Utility aqueduct right of way; thence easterly along said southern boundary to the eastern boundary of Elizabeth Avenue also designated as Third Street on the map of Lafayette Acres as said subdivision is delineated on map thereof of record in Map Book 15 at page 318, Contra Costa County Official Reco~ds; thence southerly along said easterly boundary and its extension southerly to the southern boundary of the State Highway from Lafayette to O~cland; thence westerly along said southern boundary to its intersection with the north- east corner of Lafayette Gardens as said subdivision is delinea- ted on map thereof of record in Map Book 25 at page 859, Contra Costa County Official Records; thence southerly along eastern line of said Lafayette Gardens to its intersection with the northerly boundary of Lafayette Hanor as delineated on map thereof of record in Map Book 22 at page 635, Contra Costa County Official Records; thence continuing southerly, easterly and southerly along the eastern, northern and eastern boundary of said Lafayette Manor and its extension southerly to the southern boundary of the Sacramento Northern Railway right of way; thence westerly along said southern boundary of said railway right of way to its inter- section with the northeast corner of Lafayette Oaks as said sub- division is delineated' on map thereof of record in Map Book 24 at page 787, Contra Costa County Official Records; thence souther- ly, westerly, southerly and westerly along eastern, southern, eastern ánd southern boundary of said Lafayette Oaks and its southern line extended westerly to its intersection with the northeasterly line of that certain parcel of land described in deed from Short ledge to Little, of record in Volume )89 at page 133, Contra Costa County Official Records; thence northwesterly along said northeastern line and its extension northerly to its intersection with the northwesterly right of way line of the Sacramento Northern Rail~¡ay; thence along said re.il't-ray right of ¥ray line south1,resterly along the arc of a curve to the left to the southeast corner of Lot )0, Block 4 of the beforementioned Lafayette Homesites; thence westerly along southern boundary of said lot and continuing westerly along southern boundary of said Lafayette Homesites to the northeast corner of that certain pexcel of land from Ghiglione to the Lafayette School District of record in Volume ~,06 at page 71, Contra Costa County Official Records; thence southerly and westerly along eastern and south- ern boundary of said parcel to its intersection with the east line of the Rancho Acalanes; thence southerly along east line of said ranch boundary to its intersection with the northeastern boundary line of St. Mary's Road; thence southeasterly along said northeasterly boundary to its intersection with the easterly line of Lafayette Homeland Unit No.2 extended northerly as said subdivision is delineated on ma~ thereof of record in Man Book 27 at page 42, Contra Costa Couñty Official Records; theñce southerly along said northern extension and southerly and wester- ly along eastern and southern boundary of said Lafayette Homeland Unit No.2 and continuing 'westerly along southerly line of Lafavette Homeland Unit No.2 as said subdivision is delineated on map thereof of record in Map Book 27 at page )), Contra Costa County Official Records, to its intersection vlith the eastern boundary of Jonas Hill Road; thence southwesterly along said eastern boundary to its intersection with the eastern boundary of the old Jonas Hill Road; thence continuing southerly along said eastern boundary to the intersection of the southerly boundary extended easterly of Lafayette Woodlands as said subð.ivision is delineated on map thereof of record in Map Book 21 at pages 609 to 611, Contra Costa County Official Records; thence westerly along said southern boundary of Lafayette Woodlands and its extension vTesterly to the southeast corner of the northeast 1/4 section of Lot 50 of the Rancho de los Palos Colorados; thence northerly along the western boundary of said northeast 1/4 sec- tion and the western boundary of the southeast 1/4 section of Lot 25 of said rancho extended to the southern boundary of Lafay- ette Heights as said subdivision is delineated on map thereof of record in Volume 7 at page 163, Contra Costa County Official Records; thence easterly along said southerly boundary of Lafayette Heights e.nd continuing along southern bounclary of Acalanes Heights to the southeast corner of Lot 2 of Acalanes Heights ne:. 1 Q. A.~ 200 as said lot and subdivision are delineated on map thereof of re- cord in Map Book 10 at page 239, Contra Costa Coünty Official Records; thence northerly along east line of said Lot 2 to the center line to the southerly common corner of Lots II and 12 of said Acalanes Heights; thence northerly along common line of Lots II and 12, and Lots I) and 14 to the most northerly boundary line of Acale.nes Heights; thence westerly and southerly along northern and western boundary of said Acalanes Heights to the southeasterly boundary of a 40 foot right of way described in deed of record in Volume 511 at page 277, Contra Costa County Official Records; thence continuing southwesterly and westerly along southeasterly and southerly boundary of said 40 foot right of way to its intersection with the east boundary of Lot 9 of aforementioned L~fayette Heights; thence southerly and westerly along east line of Lot 9 and along southern line of Lots 9, 10, 11,12 and 13 of said Lafayette Heights to the western boundary line of said subdivision; thence southerly along said western boundary to its intersection with the southeastern corner of Sunset Village Unit No.2 as said subdivision is delineated on map thereof of record in Map Book )1 at pages 36 to 38, Contra Costa County Official Records; thence westerly along southern boundary of said Sunset Village Unit No.2 andcO11tinuing west- erly and northerly along southern and western boundary of afore- mentioned Sunset Village Unit No. J. to the point of beginning. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the District Board of the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District, County of Contra Costa, State of California, this 13th day of May, 1948, by the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Directors Johnson, Smitten, Toland, Wadsworth and Weill None None Countersigned: /s/ Lawson H. Weill President of the District Board of Central Contra Costa Sanitary District of Contra Costa County, State of California. /s/ Morna Phillips Secretary Pro Tern PIPE FINDER It was moved by Director Smitten, seconded by Director Toland that the Resident Engineer be authorized to purchase a pipe finder, light weight model, at a price of ~182.50 plus ta.x. Ca.rried unanimously. PAYMENT TO CONTRACTOR FOR OFFICE BUILDING It was moved by Director Wadsworth, seconded by Director Toland that the Board authorize the payment of $7,737 to Anderson-Haglund, Inc. as presented. Carried unanimously. (Voucher 512) REQUEST FROM SCHOOL SUPERINTENDENT FOR PRESENT OFFICE SPACE. Mr. Rankin of ~he Walnut Creek Grammar School reQuested that the school district be assigned the balance of the Sanitary District lease for the premises at 1335 Commercial Lane. The board instructed the secretary to advise Mr. Rankin that the Sanitary DiE.trict will 05 13 48 201 the lease to the school district when the Sanitary District moves to its new QUArters. (*) ADJOURNIviENT It was moved by Director Johnson, seconded by Director wadsworth that the meeting adjourn to June 3, 1948 at 5:00 p.m. Carried unanim~usly. I - '-'--:Y ~~ . I / . , tx~JjW~ President of the District Board of Central Contra Costa Sanitary District of Contra Costa County, State of California. Countersigned: /" /) ~. , lv1or:;;a~li:S~~~.ry Pro Tern (*) Mayor Cherrington and Councilman Burke addressed the Board, with the request that Ygnacio Avenue be opened to local traffic ~lnd fiy'e equipment this \"reekend, and requested assurance that the street would be restored to its original condition. Mr. Gumpertz of Stolte Inc., stated that the street would be open to local traffic after Friday May 14 and that the work would be arranged at once for passage of fire equipment. Mr. Mason assured them that the construction contract requires that the streets be restored to a condition equal to or better than the condition existing before work was started, and that the contract includes bonds gU/=œanteeing the work for one year. Mr. Gumpertz assured the Mayor and the Councilman that they would follow the letter of the contract, and would guarantee their work for a year. Councilman Burke requested the Resident Engineer to meet with the City Engineer and the City Commissioner of streets in order that some coordination might be achieved. Mr. Mason agreed to meet with the City Engineer at any time. O!; , 3 4R