HomeMy WebLinkAboutBOARD MINUTES 04-05-62 "173 MINUTES or A IŒGUUR MlZTIlÐ OF '!'BE DJSTRICT BOARD CDJ'.rIW, COITRA cœTA SAmAR! DISTRICT HELD APRIL 5, 1962 ,., '!'he District Board of Central Contra C08ta Sanitary- District convened in a Regular Session at its .regular place of meeting located at 1250 Spring brook Road, Walnut Creek, Count;y of Contra Costa, State of California, on April 5,1962, at 8:00 o'clock P.M. The meeting was called to order b;y President Hi tchell. , ) I. ROLL CALL PRISEJiT: Members: Gibbs, Rouer, Salfilagere, Bowman and Mitchell J.BSBft : Members : )Jone II. APPBOVAL or MDIUDS The Minutes of the_etin¡ of March 15, 1962, were approved as prelented. llI. APPBOVAL or UlUDITORIS It ftl !lOved by Member Bowman, 8ecollded b;y Me1lber Gibbs, that the expendi- tures, as audited b;y the .uditing Coaittee and as 8ubmitted b)'. the Düttict Manager-Engineer, be approved, reterence being 8pecifical17 _de to Sewer Constru.ction Vouchen lumbers 1383 to 1390, iDclusive, and Running Expel18e Vouchers lullbers 9202 to 9381, 1Ilcluive. Carried by the following vote: AYES: Mellben : Gibbs, Rouer, Sailingsre, BoWllllJl and Mitchell NOES : Me_ers : lone ABSEn': Me1Dbere: Hone ,-. IV. BIœ STATE HIGHWAY SEWER REIDCATIOH vn Mr. Horstkotte, District Manager-Engineer, presented the Bids for State Highwa;y Sewer Relocation vn, opened at 2:00 o'clock P.M. this date, which were as followø: 1. A. C. Bashn1ck $ 54,759.00 2. J. R. Arutrøng Coutruction Co., Inc. 55,220.60 3. M.G.H. Col18truction Co. 55,946.20 4. . Stockton Col18truction Co., Inc. 58,l41.,30 5. Roee It Hatoza Construction Co., Inc. 60,152.70 6. John H. HcCo8ker, Inc. 61,723.00 7. Fl'8IOnt. Pipeline Construction Co. 62,658.00 8. Tiaou" Jerk 77,148.90 9. McGuire aDd Heeter 77,777.77 10. Prodanovich Inc. 82,769.70 ll. Graven Construction Co. 125,41.7.40 ~~ c~~ AlWmIlÐ C¡OftRACT lOR S~TEHmBIIAf SDØR BlI.DCATION ~ Upon the reco_ndation of Mr. Hor8tkotte, D18trict Manager-EngiReer, it was JIOved b;r Mellbe~ Bo1œl.D, leconded b;r Muber Roe_r, that Resolution 110. 1313 be adopted. .Carried b;y the following vote: AYES: Members: Gibbs, Roemer, Salfingere, BoWJU.ll and Mitchell }l)ES : Members: lone ABSEHT: Members: None V. OLD BTSIDSS None. 04 05 62 174: VI. NEW BUSINESS APPROVAL OF PLAHS AND SPECIFICATIONS P'ORTmJIK SEW;ER K, SECTIONS 1, 2 " 5, AND MAIN SE.WERS AND AU'rHORIZIH1 'r1'lJ!i CALL FOR BIœ Mr. Horstkotte, District Manager-Engineer, presented the plans and specifications for Line K, Sections 1, 2 " 5, and Main Sewers, after which it was moved by Member Roemer, seconded by Member BoWlllaJl, that the plans and specificatiolU!l be approved and the call for bids be authorized. Carried by the following vote: - AIlS: Mellbers: Gibbs, Roemer, Salfingere, Bowman and Mitchell 1015 : Members : lone ABSENT : MeJaberø : lone ~ Upon the recOJllll8ndation of Mr. Horstkotte, Ð18trict Manager-Engineer, it was moved by Member Salfingere, seconded by Member Gibbs, that the Moraga Boulevard Relocation work be accepted, the fUing of the Hotice of Completion be authorized, and Lew18 Dannels, contractor for the work, be paid $2,8h8.68, and the balance of $1h2.52 be paid upon expiration of the lien period. Carried by the following vote: AIlS: Members: Gibbs, Roe_r, Salfingere, Bowun and Mitchell lOBS: Memberlll None ABSENT : Members: None RmOWTION 10. l~TII)RIZm - COmwlATION OF ALL - EABDŒn'S lOR PAIœ v J!aWæ SUBDIVfS] LL SEWER WHICH CABOT BE SETT.uIiD Mr. C. Mahlon Pryor protested the easement across h1l!l property, stating the amount of $100.00 offered was not sufficient compensation and demanded $600.00. It was explained that the $100.00 offered for settle.ant of the easement was 53% of the fee value of the easement based 01'l $6,000.00 per acre for undeveloped land. The District Board, offered to have an independent appra1l!lal _de if Mr. Pryor would accept the aaount of the appraisal whether higher or lower. Hr. Pryor would not accept th1l!l offer. ~ Mr. Pryor was given the option or three choices: 1. To accept the $100.00 offered 2. Accept the aaount of an 1D:lependent appra1l!lal '3. Con- deJlllation. After discussion, it was moved by Member Roe_r, seconded. by Member Gibbs, that Resolution No. 1314 be adopted. Carried by the following vote: AY&S: - Members: Gibbs, Roemer, Salfingere, Bowun and Mitchell NOES: . Members: None ABSENT : Members: BoDe . IORTH OF l'1'IJ!i 1"~.l!iNl' TUA'mEIT PLU'l' Sl.n¡ It was moved by Member Roemer, seconded by Kember Bowman, that Resolution No. 1315 be adopted. Carried bY' the following vote: AYES: Members: Gibbs, Roemer, Salfingere, Bowman and Mitchell NO:æ: Members: None ABSENT: Members: None "-0/ CLAD{ Fœ DAMAGIS, WALNUT DOLlS ASSœI1TION Mr. Horstkotte, District Manager-Engineer, recOJlllllended the payment of the $183.00 claim from the Walnut Knolls Association as recommended :Lbethe 04 05 62 1.75 letter from the District's insurance carrier, The Fund, dated March 22, 1962. He stated that the payment should be made subject to certain corrective action at the swimming pool site where the overflow occurred. ~ It was moved by Member Roemer, seconded by Member Bo.wman, that the claim in the amount of $183.00 from the Walnut Knolls Association be paid subject to their agreeing to certain corrective action to be designated by Mr. Horstkotte, Distriot Manager-Engineer. Carried by the following vote: AYES: Members: Gibbs, Roemer, Salfingere, Bowman and Mitchell HOIS, Members: None ABSEBT : Members: None ~ OF EASDŒNTS It was moved by Member Bowman, seconded by Member Gibbs, that ease_ntB frœn Will F. BiBhop, Vincent L. Douglas, and Edward L. Pacheco be accepted and their recording ordered. Carried by the following vote: ADS: Members: Gibbs, Roe.r, SalfiDgere, Bowman and Mitchell NOIS : HeRbers: None ABSEN'l': MeJlberø : None EASEMENT F1ÐM THE Cl'l'I or WJ.LWT CBEIK IN THE WALWT CIŒEK PARK AREA WITH A uLOCATm1f ÇLl.USJ: STJJ;'UUTIIÐ THAT THE DISTRICT .$k,Lt. PAY ALL cœÌ'S ír !lDm!îON m ~ Mr. Horstkotte, District Manager-Engineer, stated that the easement was located along the creek bank and being required to relocate it would not be very probable. Mr. Bohn, Counsel før the District, stated that he would like to have the matter held up until the next Meting so that he oould review as he was in the middle of a study of the relocation problem in general. ~ Continued to April 19, 1962. ANNEXATION TEHMS. DAILE! PROfERT! SOOTHEA.$T OF WUaWT CREEK. LID 9 AREA Mr. Horstlcotte, District Manager-Engineer, presented a request for annexation of approxilllate17 145 acres of the Dailey property southeast ot Walnut Creek in the LID 9 area. He stated the request was for annexation under OrdiDanoe 2h &lid Ord1.Danoe .35. Mr. Horstlcotte stated that existing facilities would have capacity for 25 h088S without parallel facilities, after which paralleling of existing facilities would be required for each additional 25 hOlES to be CODDected. Under OrdiDance 35, watershed fees of $b00.00 per acre, annexation fees in the amount of $200.00 per acre and fixture connection charge. due for each of the 25 ho.. connected would be allowed as a credit to offset paralleling costs for each 2S ho.. unit, as set forth by the District staff. ~ It was moved by MeJlber Salf'ingere, seconded by Member BoWJUn, that terms for annexing the Dailey property col18istiDg of approxiutely 145 acres southeast of Walnut Creek in the Lm 9 area be $200.00 per acre plus $ùOO.OO per acre watershed charge under Ordinance 2h arid that Ordinance 35 be applicable allowing the iDstaller credit tor the annexation fee ot $200.00 per acre, the watershed charge of $hOO.OO per acre and the connection charges indicated by the fixtures installed in each of the houses, as set forth in Ordinance 33, as an offset to the installer's cost for the stage paralleling required by the District staff for each unit ot. 25 homes. Carried ~ the following vote: AYES: Members: Gibbs, Roemer, Salfingere, Bowman and Mitchell HOES : Members: Hone ABSENT: Members: None President Mitchell requested that a modified report for Watershed 29 be prepared for the Board Members so their records will be up to date. 04 o~ 62 176 1961-1962 AUDIT It was moved by Member Salfingere, seconded bY' Member Bowman, that Mr. Eldo Ewert be again retained to make the 196¡;¡'1962 annual audit for his usual fee of $650.00. Carried by the following vote: AYIS : Members: Gibbs, Roemer, Salfingere, Bowman and Hi tchell NOES : Members: None ABSENT: Members: None CLAIM OF MR. AND MRS. S. L. FERGUSON FOR REnœuRSEMlN'l' OF PLUMBIlÐ EXPEEIS Mr. Horstkotte, District Manager-Engineer, explained that the Ferguson's have had trouble with their sewer due to inadequate servic~ provided in LID 9. He stated that the District, soon after the completion of LID 9, had the plumbing in their home raised to try and correct the situation and recently relocated the house sewer to a lower elevation to finally correct :their problem, at which time the Ferguson's signed an agree.nt releasing the District of further responsibility. He recODllll8nded the clam be denied. ~ It was moved bY' Member Gibbs, seconded bY' Member Bowman, that the Ferguson claim for reimbursement of plumbing expenses be denied. Carried by the following vote: AID: Members: Gibbs J Roemer, Salfingere J Bowman and Mitchell NOIS : Members: None ABSENT: Members: None VII. REPORTS DISTRICT MAlAGER-ElÐINDR PACIFIC GAS " IU'CTRIC COMPABY USEMUl' AGRDMEJI1' FOR PORTION OF THE OLD SACRAMENTO lÐKT!i.ISU iÀIDIAY UGHT óÞ WAY . Mr. Horstkotte, D1I!Itrict. Manager-Engineer, stated that the agree.nt for the 15 foot easement to Pacific Gas" Electric Company of a portion of the old Sacramento Northern RailwaY' right of waY' was not in final form as it is being heldupbY'f1rialcharigesbY'E8stBayMunicipal UtilitY'District and they were asking for a right of entry so as to. proceed with their . installation. ~ After discussion, it was moved by Member Salfingere, seconded by Member Bowman, that the Pacific Gas & Electric Company be liven a right of entry pending final signing of the easement agreeJllent for the 15 foot strip of the old Sacramento Northern Railway right of way to be granted to them subject to the approval of Mr. Bohn, Counsel for the District. Carried by the follòwing vote: AIlS: Members: Gibbs, Roemer, Salfingere, Bowman and Hi tchell NOES : Members: None ABSENT: Members: None AUTHORIZATION TO BUD IMPLOYBm TO THE CALIFORNIA VATER POWITION . CON'l'ROL COlU"JW:1CE ~ SCHóOt--¡¡m""'CöWENTIOI Mr. Horstkotte requested authorization for $542.50 to send five _in- tenance men and five plant operators to . the California Vater Pollution Control conference, school and convention in Sacramento from April 25 to April 27,1962. . After discussing the need and benefit to the District for their attendance, it was moved by Member BoWl1l&n, seconded by Member Gibbs, that $542.50 be authorized to send five maintenance personnel and five plant operators to the California Water Pollution Control conference, school and convention to be held in Sacramento from April 25 to April 27, 1962. Carried by the following vote: AYES: Members: Gibbs, Roemer, Salfingere, Bowman and Mitchell NOES : Members: None ABSENT: Members: None --." 04 05 62 177 AUmORIZA.TID:ø TO ATTDD CALIFORNIA $ANl'rARt DmTRICTS ASSOCIATION ElECUT rV!i Coøœrora MÊETDtG Mr. Horstlcotte requested $177.00 each, or a total of $354.00, for Mr. Bohn and himself to attend the Executive Committee meeting of the California Sanitary Districts Association at Disneyland, California. ~ Mr. Bohn stated there was to be a special lUeting for attorneys at the same time as the Executive Committee meeting. It was moved by Member Roemer, secomed by Member Gibbs, that $177.00 each, or a total of $354.00 be authorized for Mr. Horstkotte and Mr. Bohn to attend the California Sanitary Districts Association meeting at Disneyland April 13 and 14, 1962. Carried by the following vote: AYES : Members: Gibbs, Roemer, Salfingere, Bowman and Hi tchell NOES: Members: Hone ABSENT: Hellbers : Bone BO'ŒIHO A BlUE SlWEBS Mr. Horstkotte reported that the work to provide adequate sewer capacity in Botelho Avenue had started. LIftER or cœMENDATION TO PUMPING STATION OPERATORS The Board Members requested that a letter of coDlln8ndation and appreciation be written for President Mitchell's signature to the Pwlping Station operators for the Moraga Pumping Station tour on April 1, 1962, of Board Mellberø and guestø. . cœ NSEL FOR THE DJSTRICT None. ~ VIII. ADJOURIMDT At 9:$5 o'clock P.M., the .eting wall adjourned by PrelBident Mitchell to April 19, 1962. /~ Preøiden fstr ct Board of the . Central ontra Costa Sanita17 District of Contra Coata County, State of California COUNTIRSmllED : ---- s~~ Central Contra Costa Sanita17 District of Contra Costa County, State of California 04 05 62