HomeMy WebLinkAboutBOARD MINUTES 11-18-48 221 MINUTES OF A SPECIAL ~£ETING OF THE DISTRICT BOARD OF CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT HELD NOVD~BER 18, 1948 8:00 O'CLOCK P.M. The District Board of the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District convened in special session at its regular place of meeting located at 1822 Mt. Diablo Boulevard, in the City of Wa.lnut Creek, County of Contra Costa, Sta.te of California, on the 18th da.y of November, 1948 at the hour of 8:00 o'clock P.M. The meeting was called to order by President Johnson, and the following roll was called: PRESENT: ABSENT: Members Smitten, Toland, Wadsworth, Weill and Johnson Members: None. APPOINn1ENT OF SECRETARY PRO TEM A motion was made by Member Smitten, seconded by Member Toland and carried unanimously that the Board appoint Mrs. Phillips as Secretary Pro Tern. RESIGNATION OF PRESIDENT JOHNSON The following letter of resignation was read: "Board of Directors Central Contra Costa Sanitary District 1822 Mt. Diablo Boulevard Walnut Creek, California. Dear Sirs: I hereby resign as President of the Board of Directors of the District, effective at once. Yours truly ELLIOTT JOHNSON." APPOINTMENT OF R. E. WADSWORTH AS-PRESIDENT It was moved by Member Toland, seconded by Member Weill that Member Wað.sworth be appointed President of the District Board of Central Contra Costa Sanitary District; carried by the following vote: AYES: ~lembers Tola.nd, Wadsworth and Weill. Members Johnson and Smitten did not vote. NOES: None ABSENT: None. 11 Ie () 48 222 READING OF MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETING It was moved by Member Toland, seconded by Member Weill that the reading of Minutes of the previous meeting be waived, and that they be approved as entered. CRrried unanimously. FINAL PAYMENT TO ANDERSON-HAGLUND,INC, CONSTffiJCTION OF OFFICE BUILDING A motion was ms.de by Member Smitten, seconded by Member Weill that wheres.s the Board had filed a Notice of Completion ordered by Resolution No. 378 dated October 7, 1948, and whereas Anderson- Haglund, Inc., contractors had filed a sworn st8~ement to the effect that all obligations of the contract had been paid, the Board auth- orize the final payment to Anderson-Haglund, Inc., in the amount of $8,545.39. Carried unanimously. DISTRICT ATTORNEY'S LETTER BE: INSPECTIONS OF SE'VŒR CONNECTIONS The following letter from the District Attorney of Contra Costa County was read: "Some time ago the matter of inspection of sewer connections was discussed in Martinez between Hr. Mason, formerly of your body, Mr. Kraintz, Building Inspector, Mr. Marloweí Sanitary Inspector, and myself. At that conference it was determined that a good procedure to follow would be to have the Sanit ary District assume the inspection of all sewer connections, whether to B. sewer la.teral or to a septic tank from the house stub sewer outward. At the present time there is s.n overlap and possible conflict between your in- spection and the inspection by the Building Department. "In the interest of good government and the most expeditious handling of these inspections we suggest that your Board of Directors by resolution assume inspection of 8.11 sanitary facili ties from the house sewer stub out\.¡ard. If this is agreeable to your body, we will have the Board 'of Super- visors pass a similar resolution so that there will be no further conflict. "We will be happy to appear before your Board of Directors at such time as they wish to hear us. "Please let us know how you feel about this matter. Yours very truly Francis W. Collins District Attorney By: Matthew S. Walker, Deputy." It was moved by Member Johnson seconded by Member Tol~nd that the above letter be held over until the next regular meeting for further study. C8.rried unanimously. 11 18 48 223 REQUEST FOR SEWER SERVICE BY MR. DONALD RHEEM The following letter was received from the law firm of Calkins, Hall, Linforth & Conard, Crocker Building, San Francisco 4, regarding sewer service to D. L. Rheem: "Dear Mr. Kennedy: "In the absence of Mr. Rheem, who is presently in Los Angeles on a business trip, I am writing you regarding your letter to him of November 12th. Therein you stated that it is anticipated that bids for the section of the work to give service to Mr. Rheem's property will be called for in the spring of 1949. "Am I to understand that you feel that that is the earliest time at which you can invite bids due to the prior engineering work that will have to be done, or has the District more or less arbitrarily picked that as a good time to start the work? I ask this because Mr. Rheem is naturally very anxious to get his property into the Water District so that it may be sub- divided. Very truly yours /s/ Herbert E. Hall." The Board instructed Mr. Clyde C. Kennedy to reply to the above letter. FINAL PA~1ENT TÒ STOLTE, INC. SECTION I. MAIN TRUNK SEWER A motion was made by Member Toland, seconded by Member Weill tha,t whereas the Boprd had filed a Notice of Completion ordered. by Resolution No. 388 dated October 21, 1948, and whereas Stolte, Inc., contra.ctors for Section I of the Main Trunk Sewer, have filed a sworn statement to the effect that all obligations of the contract have been paid, the Board authorize the final payment to Stolte, Inc., in the amount of $50,072.56, due on November 29, 1948. Carried unanimously. REGULATION AND ORDINANCE NO.5 AMENDING ORDINANCE No.4 SEviER CODE It was moved by Member Smitten, seconded by ~1ember Johnson tha.t Regulation 8.nd Ordinance No.;} amending Sect ion 3.17 of Ordinance No.4, Sewer Code be adopted, as follows: 11 18 48 ~24 REGULATION AND ORDINANCE NO.5 A REGULATION AND ORDINANCE AMENDING REGULATION AND ORDINANCE NO.4 PROVIDING FOR THE REGULA'rION OF THE CONSTRUCTION AND OPERATION OF SIDE SEWERS, DRAINAGE AND SE~VERING IN CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SALITARY DIST- RICT, PROVIDING FOR THE ~IPLOYMENT OF A SE~ffiR INSPEC- TOR, PROVIDING FOR SEìŒR CONNECTION PERMITS, FIXING FEES THEREFOR, AND PROVIDING A PENALTY FOR THE VIOLATIONS OF THE PROVISIONS THE~EOF. The District Board of the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District of Contra Costa County, State of California, does hereby regulate a.nd ordain as follows: Genera.l Regula.tion and Ordinance No.4, Central Contra. Costa Sanitary District Sewer Code, is hereby amended to read as follows by adding thereto Section 3.171: SECTION 3.171: JOINT HOUSE SE\ŒRS. When adjacent premises of more than one ownership require sewerage service and con- venience and economy can be obtained thereby, two or more house sewers may be joined to form A single sewer provided: (1) That the portion of such sewer downstream from the furthest upstream junction is constructed of a size not less than 6 inch diameter pipe or larger if determined necessary by the District Board; (2) Immediately above such junction a cleanout or standard flushing inlet is constructed in the sewer; (3) The completed sewer line, from the flushing inlet downstream to the junction with the'main sewer, together with a right of way for the maintenance of said sewer and the right of entry thereto for the purpose of operating and maintenance, is conveyed to the District. Any such sewer line shall become a p~rt of the sewer system of the District. A properly executed grant shall be a con- dition precedent to the completion of the connection to the main sewer. This reRulation and ordinance shall be entered in the Minutes of the District Board, sha,ll be published once in the Walnut Kernel, a newspaper published in said District, and shall take effect upon the expiration of the week of such publication. ADOPTED by the District Board of Central Contra Costa Sanitary District on the 18th day of November, 1948, by the following called vote: AYES: MmmbersJohnson, Smitten, Wadsworth and Weill Member Toland did not vote. None None NOES: ABSENT: Countersigned: /s/ R. E. Wadsworth President of the District Board of Central Contra Costa Sanitary District, County of Contra Costa, State of Calif. /s/ Morna Phillips, Secretary Pro Tem CHANGE IN CONTRACT - MACDONALD, YOUNG & NELSON TREAT¡',iENT PLAN'r CONSTRUCTION It waS moved by Member Johnson, Seconded by Member Smitten, that the Board author'ize MacDonald, Young B.nd Nelson, Inc., Contractors for the construction of the Sewage Treatment Plant, to proceed with the installation of telephone conduit in accordance with their 11 18 48' 225 pro)osal dated Novembfr 15, 1948, in the amount of $141.35, and the installation of a concrete ogee section beneath the entrance pipe to the pwnp sump in the amount. 0 f $135.00, making a cha.nge in contract in the total amount of :;;;276. 3S. Ce,rried unanimously. EXTENSION OF TDiE - STANLEY KOLLER CONTRACTOR FOR SECTION IV MAIN TRUNK SEWER It was moved by Member Johnson, seconded by Member Smitten that the Board approve theextension of time of 60 days requested by Stan- ley Koller, by letter of Novemb?r 15, 1948, making the total contract time 300 days. Carried unanimously. LOCAL IMPROVEMENT DIST~ICT No.6 The following resolution was offe~ed by Member Smitten, seconded by Member Johnson: RESOLU'TION NO. 394-A FINDING OF NECESSITY FOR LOCAL IMPROVE- hENT DISTRICT No.6 '¡,HEREAS the County Hee.lth Officer has filed wi th this District Board a report stating that the conditions in the hereinafter des- cribed area in the CENTRAL CONTR.4. COS'J\ SANITAHY DISTRICT, in the COUNTY OF CONTRA COSTA, are unsanitary, unhealthful and dangerous to the health of the people living therein, and recommending as necessary as a health measure thAt the DISTRICT bOARD institute proceedings at an early date for the construction of a sanitary sewer system to abate such unsanitary conditions, said area being bounded and described as follows: . Beginning at the intersection of the southeast line of the East Bay Municipal Utility District lOa-foot right of way and the west line of the Ste.te Highway from Walnut Creek to Concord; thence southwesterly along said southeastern line of the East Bay Municipal Utility District right of way to its intersection with the northeastern line of the Contra Costa Canal right of way; thence southeasterly along said northeastern line of the Contra Costa Canal right of way to its intersection with the south line of Lot 26, as said lot is designated on map entitled IISubdivision No.2 of the Larkey Ranch, Rancho Las Juntas, Contra Costa County, California, II recoT'ded in Volume 2 of Maps, page 49, in office of Recorder, of said county; thence easterly along the south line of Lot 26 and 11 as designated on said Sub- division No.2 of the Larkey Ranch to its intersection with the west line of Hall Lane; thence southerly along said west line of Hall Lane to its intersection with the ""estern exten- sion of the south line of F. S. Marshall I s Re- subdi vi sion a.s designated on map on Volume 23 of Maps, pag'e 717, in office of said Recorder; thence easterly a.long said south line to the southeast corner of Lot 20 of said re-subdivision; thence northerly and easterly along the easterly and southerly bound- ary of said re-subdivision to the southeast corner of Lot 9 of said re-subdivision; thence easterly along north line of parcel of land, as recorded in Volume No. 1121 of Deeds, page 489 (File No. 34090) in the office of said Recorder, to its intersection with the west line of said State Highway; thence easterly across said State Highway to the north\vest corner of that parcel of land described in deed from Donnie G. Schneider, et ux, to Guy L. Putnam, et ux, recorded in Volume No. 791 of OfficiEÜ Records, page 375, in office of said Recorder; thence easterly along northerly boundary of said parcel to the inter- section of said northerly boundary line with the western bound- ary of the Sacramento Northern Railroad right of way; thence ,,' 11 18 48 ~26 northeasterly along said western boundary line of the Sacramento Northern Railroad right of way to its intersection with the northeastern line of that parcel of land described in deed, recorded in Volume No. 843 of Official Records, page 135, in office of said Recorder; thence northwesterly along said northeastern Ilne to the northeast corner of that parcel of land described in deed from Elizabeth Olsen to Audrey T. Searle, recorded in Volume No. 759 of Official Records, page 68, in the office of said Recorder; thence weste~ly along north line of said property to its intersection with the south- east corner of "Las Juntas Estates" a,s designated on map rec- orded in Volume No. 31 of Maps, page 40, in the office of said Recorder; thence northerly along said east line to its inter- section with center line of Las Juntas Way; thence westerly ::>.long said center line to its intersection "rith the ee.st line of said State Hi~hway; thence northerly alonf east line of said stpte Highwt:1,y to its intersection with a line drawn due es.st from the point of beginning; thence from said intersection due east crossing said Sta..~e Highway to the point of beginning; excludinp therefrom "Pleasant Hill Homesites - Unit No.2" as sa.id subdi vi sion i s designa ted on map recorded in Map Book 30, page 20, in office of said Recorder. THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the DISTRICT BOARD of the CENT~L CONTRA COSTA SANITArtY Dr STRICT, Conty'a Costa County, State of Cplif- arnia, thpt it is hereby found that such nece ssi ty for the consty'uc- tion of a sanitary sewer system for the above described area as necessary as a health measure does exist, and hereby orders that proceedings be prepared for adoption by this BOARD for the construc- tion of such sewers, as recommended by the Health Officer, said pro- ceedings to be as provided in Division 7 of the Street and Highway Code of the State of California, the IIImprovement Act of 191111, with bonds to be issued to represent unpaid assessments as provided therein. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the report and recommendation of the Health Officer is hereby ordered spread upon the Minutes of this' Meeting. PASSED AND ADOPTED BY THE DISTRICT BOARD OF nIE CENTRAL CON.:'RA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT, COUNTY OF CONTRA COSTA, STATE OF CALIFORIA, this 18th day of November, 1948, by the following vote: Þ. YE : Members Johnson, Smitten, Tolend, ~veill and lvads't'!Orth NOES: Ì'íembers None ABSENT: Members None ATTEST: / s/ R. E. l'lads'tvorth President of th~ District Board of Central Contra Costa Sanitary Dist- rict of Contra Costa County, State of California. /s/ Morna Phillips, Secretary Pro Tem LETTER FROM COUNTY HEALTH OFFICER liThe District Board Centrs.lContra Costa Sanitary District Walnut ~reek, California October 25, 1948 Gentlemen: A recent investigation of conditions existing in the area hereinafter described in the Centre.l Contra Costa Bani tary District in the County of Contra Costa, disclosed such con- ditions to be unsanitary, unhealthful, and in my opinion, dangerous to the health of the people living therein. Said area is bounded and described as follows: (~ere follows the description incorporated in hesolution No. 394 above) and as1ttachedt) 1 10 48 /~ r " I' ., , , / cli.c Beginning at the intersection of the southeast line of the East Bay Municipal Utility District 100-foot right of way and the west line of the State Highway from Walnut Cree~ to Concord; thence southwest- erly along said southeastern line of the East Bay Municipal Utility District right of way to its intersection with the northeastern line of the Contra Costa Canal right of way; thence southeasterly along said northeastern line of the Contra Costa Canal right of way to its intersection with the south line of Lot 26, as said lot is designated on map entitled "Subdivision No.2 of the Larkey Ranch, Rancho Las Juntas, Contra Costa County, California," recorded in Volume 2 of Maps, page 49, in office of Recorder of said county; thence easterly along the south line of Lo~ 26 and 11 as designated on said Subdiv- ision No.2 of the Larkey Ranch to its intersection with the west line of Hall La,ne; thence southerly along said west line of Hall Lane to its intersection with the western extension of the south line of F. S. Marshall's Re-subdivision as designated on map in Volume 23 of Maps, page 717, in office of said Recorder; thence easterly along said south line to the southeast corner of Lot 20 of said re-subdiv- ision; thence northerly and easterly along the easterly and southerly boundary of said re-subdivision to the southeast corner of Lot 9 of said re-subdivision; thence easterly along north line of parcel of land, as recorded in Volume No. 1121 of Deeds, oave 489 (File No. 34090) in the office of said Recorder, to its intersection with the 11 18 48 .', west line of said State Highway; thence easterly across said State Highway to the northwest corner of that parcel of land described in deed from Donnie G. Schneider, et ux, to Guy L. Putnam, et ux, recorded in Volume No. 791 of Official Records, page 375, in office of said Recorder; thence easterly along northerly boundary of said parcel to the intersection of said northerly boundary line with the western boundary of the Sacramento Northern Railroad right of way; thence northeasterly along said western boundary line of the Sacra- mento Northern Railroad right of way to its intersection with the northeastern line of that parcel of land described in deed, recorded in Volume No. 843 of Official Records, page 135, in office of said Recorder; thence northwesterly along said northeastern line to the northeast corner of that parcel of land described in deed from Eliz- abeth Olsen to Audrey T. Searle, recorded in Volume No. 759 of Official Records, page 68, in the office of said Recorder; thence westerly along north line of said property to its intersection with the southeast corner of "Las Juntas Estates" as designated on map recorded in Volume No. 31 of Maps, page 40, in the office of said Recorder; thence northerly along said east line to its intersection with center line of Las Juntas Way; thence westerly along said center line to its intersection with the east line of said State Highway; thence northerly along east line of said State Highway to its intersection with a line drawn due east from the point of begin- ning; thence from said intersection due east crossing said State Highway to the point of beginning; excluding therefrom "Pleasant Hill Homesites - Unit No.2" as said subdivision is designated on map recorded in Map Book 3k, page 20, in office of said Recorder. 227 "As Health Officer of the County of Contra Costa, I recommend a.s a necessary health measure that .your Honorable Board institute proceedings at an early date for the construction of a sanitary sewer system for said area to abate the unsanitary conditions they'ein. HZALTH OFFICER OF CON:':M C05:1'. COUNTY By: I sl W. A. PO~VELL, H. D. " DIRECTIN~ DISTRICT ENGINEER TO P~EPARE PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR LOCAL IM- PROVEMENT DISTRICT No.6 The following resolution was offered by Member Smitten, seconded by Member Johnson: RESOLUTION NO. 395 RESOLVED, by the District Board of the Central Contra Costa San- itary District, County, of Contra Costa, State of California, that the District Engineer is hereby directed to prepare and submit to this Board maps, diagrams, plans and specifications, together "Vlith a care- ful estimAte of the cost and e~)ense of constructing a sanitary sewer system for the area within the following described boundaries, namely: (here follows the description as incorporated in Resolution 394) PAS3ED AND ADOP~ED by the District Board of the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District, County of Contra Costa, State of California, this 18th day of November, 1948. AYES: NO ES : ABSENT: Members Johnson, Smitten, Toland, Weill and Wadsworth Members None Ivlembers None Countersi~'ned: / sl R. E. ìva.dsworth, President of the District Boa.rd of Central Contra Costa Sanitary District of Contra Costa County, State of California. /s/ Morna Phillips Secretary Pro Tem APPROVING PLANS, GRADES, AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR LOCAL IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT No.6 The following resolution was offered by Member Johnson. seconded by Member Smitten: RESOLUTION NO. 396 RESOLVED by the District B08,rd of the Centrs,l Contra Costa Sanitary District of Con trs, Co sta County, State of California, that the Plans and Specifications submitted by the District Engineer providing for constructing a sanitary sewer system for the area within the following described boundaries, viz: . (here follows the description incorporated in Resolution No. 394) in said Central Contra Costa Sanitary District, be and the same are here- by approved and adopted; and ; ,! " ,] ,'¡'c,,> ~..J., ¡; ....... " J,(, ~28 BE IT FURTHER HESOLVED thet the grades as sl1m^ln on said Plans be and the same are hereby adopted as the official grades. PAS3ED AND ADOPTED by the DISTRICT BOARD of the CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SAl.JITARY DI3T3.ICT OF CONTRA COSTA COUNTY, State of California, this 18th day of Nove~ber, 1948. NO~S: Members Johnson, Smitten, Toland, Wadsworth and Weill Members None Members None AYES: ABSENT: Isl R. E. ~adsworth, President of the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District of Contra Costa County, State of California. Þ:rTEST: Isl Morna Phillips Secretary Pro Tern APPROVING ASSESSkENT DISTRICT HAP LOlL IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT No.6 The following resolution was offered by Member Smitten, seconded by Member Johnson: RESOLUTION NO. 397 RESOLVED by the DISTRICT BOARD of the CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT, Contra Costa County, State of California, that the Assessment District Map submitted by the Engineer, which indicates by a boundary line the extent of the territory included in the District proposed to be assessed for constructing a sanitary sewer system for' the areas within the follovdng described boundaries, viz: Beginning at the intersection of the southeast line of the East Bay Municipal Utility District lOO-foot right of way and the west line of the State Highway from l>le.lnut Creek to Concord; thence southwesterly along said southeastern line of the East Bay l-1unicipa:}. Utility Di strict right of way to its intersection "ith the northeastern line of the Contra Costa Canal right of v,ray; thence southeasterly along said northea.stern line of the Contra Coste. Canal right of v~ay to its intersection with the south line of Lot 26, as said lot is designÐted on map entitled "Subdivision No. 2. of the Larkey Ranch, Rancho Las Junta.s, Contra. Costa. County, C~Üifornia, II recorded in Volume 2 of Maps, page 49, in office of Recorder, of said county; thence easterly along the south line of Lot 26 and 11 as deSignated on said Subàlvision No.2 of the Larkey Ranch to its intersection with the west line of Hall Le.ne; thence southerly a.long said west line of Hall Lane to its intersection with the western extension of the south line of F. S. Marshall's Re-cubdivision as designated on map in Volume 23 of Maps, page 717, in office of said Recorder; thence easterly along said south line to the southeast corner of Lot 20 of said re-subdivision; thence northerly and east- erly along the easterly and southerly boundary of sa.ið. re- subdivision to the southeast corner of Lot 9 of said re- subdi vision; thence ea.sterly along north line of pa.rcel of land; as recorded in Volume No. 1121 of Deeds, pa.ge 489 (File No. 34090) in the office of said Recorder, to its intersection with the west line of said State Highway; thence easterly a.cross said State Highway to the northwest corner of that parcel of land described in deed from Donnie G. Schneider, et ux, to Guy L. Putnam, et ux, recorded in Volume No. 791 of Official Records, pafe 375, in office of said Recorder; thence easterly alonv northerly boundary of said parcel to the intersection of said northerly boundary line with the 11 18 48 229 west~rn boundary of the Sacramento Northern Railroad right of way; thence northeasterly along said western boundary line of .the Sacr8.mento Northern Reily'oad right of way to its intersection with the northeastern line of that parcel of land described in deed, recorded in Volume No. 843 of Official Records, page 135, in office of said Recorder; thence northwesterly along said northeastern line to the northeast corner of that parcel of land described in deed from Elizabeth Olsen.to Audrey T. Searle, recorded in Vol- ume No. 759 of Official Records, page 68, in the office of said Recorder; thence westerly along north line of said property to its intersection with the southeast corner of "LEJ.s Juntas Estates" as designated on map recorded in Vol- ume No. 31 of Maps, page 40, in the office of said Recorder; thence northerly along sa.id east line to its intersection with center line of Las Juntas Way; thence westerly along said center line to its intersection with the east line of said State Highway; thence northerly along east line of said State Highway to its intersection with a line draÌ'm due east from the point of beginning( thence from said intersection due east crossing said State Highway to the point of beginning; excluding therefrom "Pleasant Hill Homesites - Unit No.2" as said subdivision is designated on map recorded in Map Book 30, page 20, in office of said Recorder. in the said CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITA?,Y DISTFICT be and the same is hereby approved and adopted. Said improvement to be the const:c-'uc tion of 8. sanitary sewer system as recommended by the County Hea.lth Officer. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the DISTRICT BOARD of the CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITAFY DIST?ICT, COUNTY OF CONTRA COSTA, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, this 18th day of November, 1948, by the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Members Johnson, Smitten, Toland, Wadsworth and Weill Members None Members none /s/ R. E. Wadsworth, President of the District Board of Central Contra Costa Sanitary District of Contra Costa County, State of California. COUNTEr.SIGNED: Morna Phillip s, Secretary Pro Tem ENGINEER'S ESTIMATE OF COST LOCAL I~œROVEMENT DISTRICT No.6 "The District Board Central Contra. Costa Sanitary District Walnut Creek, California (}entlemen: Submi tted herewith is a. deta.iled estimate of the cost of work in accordance with Plans and Specifications which you directed me to prepare in your Resolution No. 395, said proposed work ha.ving been ordered by you pursuant to a report and recommendation of the Health Officer of Contra Costa County. UNIT I'rEM QUANTITY DESCRIPTION PRICE TOTAL 1 17,000 ft. 6" V.C. Sewer 3.25 55,250.00 .2 2,500 ft. 8" V.C. Sewer 3.75 9,375.00 3 2,4.00 ft. 12" V.C. Sewer 5.00 12,000.00 4 3,755 ft. 15" V.C. Sewer 6.00 22,530.00 5 30 ea Flushing Inlets 50.00 1,500.00 6 36 ea Mp..nholes 280.00 10,080.00 1 1 18 48 230 UNIT ITEM (~UANTI TY DESCRIPTION PRICE 7 200 ea. 6" x 411 Wye Branches 4..50 8 2 ea. 6/1 x 611 ¡.rye Branches .5.50 9 16 ea. 811 x 4" 1tlye Branches 6.00 10 2.5 ea. 1211 x 411 Wye Branches 7.50 II 25 ea. 15/1 X 4/1 Wye Branches IO.OO 12 100 If 1811 C. M. Pipe 30.00 13 50 If 2411 C. M. Pipe 3.5.00 lL¡ 10 ea. Resetting Survey Monuments 15.00 Construction Cost Estimate Engineering Surveying and Inspection Rifhts of Way and Easem3nts Advertising, Legal, Preparation Assessment and Other Incidental of Costs Total Estimated Cost Yours very truly /s/ CLYDE C. KENNEDY II ':tOTAL 900.00 11. 00 96.00 187.50 250.00 3,000.00 1,7.50.00 150.00 117,079..50 8,200.00 3,800.00 1,8.50.00 3,800.00 $134,729.50 The District Engineer recommended tnat the Distrièt make a con- tribution to Local Improvement District No.6 in the e,Ifiount of $7,500 in order to provide additional serv~ce for future areas by increasing the size of pipe. RESOLUTION OF INTENTION LOCAL IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT No.6 The following resolution was offered by Member Smitten, seconded by Member Johnson: RESOLUTION NO. 398 RESOLVED, by the DISTRICT BOARD OF CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTltiCT OF CONTRA COSTA COUNTY" STATE OF CALIFORNIA, as follows: SECTION I. That the public interest and convenience require, and it is the intention of said Board to order the following work to be done and improvements made, to-wit: FIRST: The construction of sanitary sewers and appurtenances, in accordance with plans and specifications heretofore adopted and approved therefor, in the following streets, rights of way, easements, and reserves, in said S8.ni tory District, B.S they and the proposed work in relation thereto are shown on Sheet 1 of said Plans pnd Specifications: HOOKSTON ROAD between its intersection with east boundary of Ea st Bay Munic ipal Ut ill ty District right of way B,nd west line of State Highway. OAK PARK BOULEVARD from its intersection i\Tith west line of State Highway to its intersection with Manor Avenue. HOOK AVENUE from its intersection with 02,l~ Pe.rk Boulevard to Flushing Inlet No. 11 to be located in Hook Avenue 490 feet northerly I from north line of Oak Park Boulevard. Tw~NTY SEVEN FOOT ROADWAY RESERVE, as delinated on map entitled "WB,lnut Creek Acres, Unit No.1, II recorded in office of Recorder in Volume 25 of Maps, page 848, from M.H. 1, to be 10cGted on center line of Hookston Road 24 feet west of west line of State Highway, to M.H. 3 to be located in said reserve 760'feet south of M.H. 1. 11 10 C:J 48 231 UNNAMED ROAD, approximately 120 feet south of center line of Hookston Road, westerly thereon from M.H. 2, to be located at inter- section of said road with west line of s8.id roa.dway reserve, to F. I. I to be loceted 200 feet westerly from west line of said roadway reserve. SERVICE ROAD, also known as Margery Drive, from its intersection with extension of Mayhew Way to southern extremity of said Service Road. FIVE FOOT RIGHT OF viAY in easterly five feet of Lot I and wester'ly five feet of Lot 2, Block D, as said. lots are designated on map en- titled "Pleasant Hill Homesites, Unit No.1, Contra Costa County, Califo:~nie, II recorded in office of Recorder in Volume 24 of Naps, pege 743, said rights of way being reserved in declaration of restric- tions for said Pleasant Hill Homesites, Unit No.1, recorded in office of Recorder in Volume 542 of Official Records, page 427. FIiT£ FOOT RIGHT OF ì';¡AY in easterly five feet of Lot 116 and westerly five feet of Lot 83 as said rights of way are designated ,on the map entitled IIPleasant Hill Homesites, Unit No.2, Contra Costa County, California," recorded in office of Recorder in Volume 30 of Maps, page 19. EASENENT IN PÞ,RCEL IIB" (Percel.24) 8.S designated on said map entitled "Pleasant Hill Homesites, Unit No. 1"; being strip of land five feet wide (right angle measurement), center line of which is described B.S follows: Beginning no north line of Oak Park Boulevard, dist ant north 880 59' 30 Ii west, 17.25 feet from 'vest line of State High~1Ta.y; thence from Said pgint of beginning north 90 22' 05" ee.st, 138.54 feet; thence north 0 20' 35" east, 42.95 feet to north line' of said Parcel liB", distant thereon north 880 59' 30" west, 17.5 feet from west line of said State Highway. UNNA~ŒD ROAD for its entire length, said road being south 20 feet of Lot 28 l,tS sai6 lot is des ip;nated on said map entitled "Wa.lnut Creek Acres, Unit No. 211, CROSSING UNDER STATE HIGH\~Y at its intersection with western end of Mayhew vlay. CROSSING UNDER STA'rE HIGH\vAY at i ts intersection ~V"i th Hookston Road. ALSO IN THE FOLLO~ING STREETS, rights of way, easements and reserves, in said Sanitéœy District, as they and the proposed work in relation thereto are shown on Sheet 2 of said Plans and Specifica- tions: SUN VALLEY DRIVE for its entire length. PLEASANT VALLEY DRIVE from its intersection with Oak Parle Boule- vard to its southern extremity. SUN VALLEY AVENUE from F.I. 27, to be located thereon 150 feet southerly from center line of Oak Park Boulevard, to its intersection wi th east line of Ee.st Bay 1~1unicipal Utility District right of W8.y. PLEASANT COUR::r DONNA COURT and WAYNE COURT, each for its entire length. NANOR AVENUE, from its intersection with Oak Park Boulevard, to F.I. 12 to be located on said Manor Avenue 220 feet northerly from its intersection with Sun Valley Avenue. LAS JUNTAS WAY from its intersection with ee.st line of State Highway to F.1. 6 to be located in said Le.s Juntas ~'¡a.y 700 feet easterly from e8.st line of State Highway. FIVE FOOT RIGHT OF WAY in southerly five feet of Lots 8 and 9 as said lots are designated on said map entitled IIPleasant Hill 11 1 c.' 0 48 ~32 Homesites, Unit No. I," said right of way being reserved in said declaration of restrictions for said Pleasant Hill Homesites, Unit . No. 1 recorded in Volume 542 of Official Records, page 4.27. EASENENT IN PORTION OF RANCHO LAS JUNTAS (Parcel IS). described a.s follows: Strip of land five feet wide (right angle measurement), center line of which is described as follows: Beginning on south line of parcel of land described in deed from Bernard A. Thornton, et ux, to Jaclt M. Hay, et ux, recordeð. in Volume ll66 of Offic ial Records, page 403, distant thereon south 890 20' east, 427.98 feet from southwest corner thereof; thence from said point of beginning north 150 09' east, 50.1 feet and north 90 06' east, 46.47 feet to north line of said May parcel distant thereon south 890 20' east, 447.32 feet from northwest corner thereof. EASEHENT IN PORTION OF RANCHO LAS JUNTAS (Parcel 19) described BS follm.¡s: Strip of land five feet wide (right angle measurement), center line of which is described as folloìvs: Beginning on no~~th line of 1.163 acre parcel of land described in deed from Wilfrid Deacon, et ux, to Chp~les H. Martin, et ux, recorded November 18, 1947 (File. No. 46280), distant thereon south 890 20' east, 462.21 feet from northwest corner thereof; thence from said point of beginning south 090 06' west, 101.35 feet to south line of said Martin parcel, distant thereon south 890 20' east, 447.32 feet from southwest corner thereof. EASEMENT IN LOT I (Parcel 20) as designated on map entitled 1I11ap of Sun Valley Manor, Unit No. I, a subdivision of a portion of the Rancho Las Juntas, Contra Coste. County, California," recorded in Volume 23 of Maps,page 702, in office of Recorder, described as follows: Strip of land five feet wide (right angle measurement), center line of which is described as follows: Beginning on south line of said Lot 1, distant.thereon south 890 20' east, 87.21 feet from southwest corner thereof; thence from said point of beginning north 090 06' east, 90.98 feet to north line of said Lot 1, distant thereon north 890 20' east, 100.55 feet from northwest corner thereof. . EASEMENT IN LOT 2 (Parcel 21) as designated on said map en- titled "MB.p of Sun Va.lley Manor, Unit No.1, II described as follmvs: Strip of land 5 feet wide (right angle measurement), center line of which is described as follows: Beginning on south line of said Lot 2, distant thereon north 890 20' east, 100.55 feet from south- w~st corner thereof; thence from said point of beginning north 090 00' east, 85.93 feet to south line of Sun Valley Drive distant thereon south 890 20' east, 113.16 feet from northwest corner of said Lot 2. " EASEMENT IN PORTION OF RANCHO LAS JUNTAS, AND IN A PORTION OF SUN VALLEY DRIVE, (Parcel 22), as said drive is d esigna ted on B aid map entitled "Sun VEÜley Manor, Unit No.1, II described as follows: Strip of land 5 feet wide (right angle measurement), center line of which is described as follows: Beginning in center line of Sun Valley Drive, distant thereon south 890 20' east, 167.92 feet from southwest corner of parcel of land described as Parcel One in deed from Raymond Clair Turner, et ux, to Michael Rosemont, et ux, rec- orded in Volume 823 of Official Records, page 473; thence from said point of beginning north 090 06' east, 202.19 feet to north line of said Rosemont parcel, dis~ant thereon south 890 20' east, 197.57 feet from northwest corner thereof. EASEMENT IN PORTION OF "PARCEL All (Parcel 23), as said IIParcel All is designated on said map entitled "Pleasant Hill Homesites Unit No. 1," described as follows: Strip of land 5 feet wide (right angle measurement), center line of which is described as follows: Beginning on south line of said'~arcel A", distant thereon north 890 04' 25" west, 17.25 feet from ¡.;rest line .of State Highw$.y; thence from said point of beginning north 090 22' 05" east, 508.52 feet to south line of Oak Park Boulevard, distant thereon north 880 59' 30" west, 17.25 feet from west line of said StB.te Highway. 11 ] Q - () 48 233 EASEHENT IN LOT 8 BLOCK H (Parcel 5) as designated on said map entitled "Pleasant Hill Homesites, Unit No. I," being east 8 feet (right angle measurement) of said Lot 8 Block H. EASE1viENT IN LOT 1 BLOCK H (Parcel 33) as designated on said map entitled "Pleasant Hill Homesites Unit No.1," being west 5 feet (right angle measurement) of Lot 1 Block H. CROSSING m~DER STATE HIGHWAY at its intersection with western end of L?s Junt 8.S T,'lElY.' ALSO in the following streets, rights of way, easements and reserves, in said Sanitary District, a.S they and the proposed work in relation thereto are shown on Sheet 3 of said Plans and Specifications: OAK AVENUE between its intersection with east line of EHst Bay Municipal Utility District right of way and its intersection with west line of State Highway. GEARY ROAD between its intersection with east line of Contra Costa Canal right of way and its intersection with west line of State Highway. MARSHALL AVENUE for its, entire lenght, except as shown on said plans and specifications. . , HALL LANE from its interesection with Gea.ry Road to F. I. 23 to be 10cÐ.ted 610 feet southerly from center line of Geary Roe. d. UNNAMED ROAD for it s entire length, sa.id road extending approx- imately 350 feet northerly from Geary Road at the intersection of s8.id Geary Roo d with e est line of, Cont ra Costa Canal. UNNAMED ROAD for its full length, said road extending southerly from its intersection with Oak Avenue approximately 650 feet west of west line of State Highway. UNNM1ED ROAD for its full length, said road beginning at inter- section of Oak Avenue with east line of the East Bay Municipal Utility District right of way, and extending southwesterly approximately 290 feet from center line of Oak Avenue. EASE1vlENT IN LOT 4 (Parcell) a.s designa.ted on map entitled "lvlap of the Hook Esta.te, Subdivision No.1, Co.ntra Cœta County, California., II recorded in Volume II of Maps, page 255, in office of Recorder, being easterly 5 feet of said Lot 4. EASÐvŒNT IN LOT 6 (Parcel 8) as designated on said map entitled "MAp of the Hook Estate, Subdivi sion No.1, II being strip of land 5 feet wide (right angle mefl.surement), center line of which is des- cribed as follows: Beginning on north line of said Lot 6 distant thereon north 890 301 east 565.71 feet from northwest corner thereof; thence from said point of beginning south. 250 161 west, 339.76 feet to center line of Geary Road, as designated on said map. EASEMENT IN LOT 7 (Parcel 9) as designated on said map entitled "Map of the Hook Estate, Subdivision No.1," being strip of land 5 feet wide (right angle measurement), center line of which is des- cribed as follows: Beginning on north line ~f parcel of land des- cribed in deed from Herman Reinke, et ux, to William Charles Hughes, recorded in Volume 674 of'Official Records, page 216, distant thereon north 890 301 east, 294 feet from northwest corner thereof; thence from said point of beginning south 15° 15' west, 100 feet and south 210 161 west, 45.65 feet, to south line of said Hughes parcel distant thereon north 890 301 east, 250.80 feet from south west corner thereof. , .. . EASEIvlENT IN LOT 7 (Parcel 10) a.s de signç¡.ted on said map entitled "'Map of'the Hook Esta.te, Subdivision No.1," described in two sub- parcels: Sub-parcel One being strip of land 5 f.eet wide, north line 11 18 48 ~34 of which is parallel with and 5 feet northerly, measured at right angles from south line thereof, which 80th line is described as follows: Beginning on south line of parcel of land descr~bed in deed from J. J. Tanner, et UX, to Robert Herman Tanner, et we, recorded in Volume 1191 of Official Records, page 566, distant they'eon north 890 30' east, 94 feet from.southwest corner thereof; thence from said point of beginning north 890 30' east, along said south line, 200 feet to point herein designated as "Station A"; Sub-parcel Two being strip of land 5 feet wide (right angle measurement), center line of which is described as follows: Beginning on south line of parcel of land described in said deed from J. J. Tanner, et us, to Robert Herman T?nner, et we, at "Station A" referred to in Sub- pe.rcel One above; thence from said point of beginning north 150 151 ea.st, 23 feet to south line of parcel of land è.escribed in deed from J. J. Tanner, et ux, to Robert N. Fitz Gerald, et we, recorded in Volume 1155 of Official Records, page 526. EASEEENT IN LOT 7 (Parcel II) as designated on said map entitled "Map of the Hook Estate, Subdivision No.1," being strip of land 5 feet wide (right angle measurement), center line of which is des- cribed as follow8: Beginning on north line of said Lot 7, distant thereon north 89 30' east, 214.7 feet f~om northwest corner of parcel of land described in said. deed from J. J. Tanner, e t we, to Robert N. Fitz Gera,ld, et we; thence from said point of beginning south 150 15' west, 99.15 feet to south line of said Fits Gerald parcel. EASElvIEET IN LOT 8 (Parcel 12) as designated on said map entitled IIMap of the Hook Estate, Subdivision No.1," being strip of land 5 feet wide (right angle measurement), center line of which is des- cribed EtS follows: Beginning on south line of s:öÜd Lot 8, distant thereon north 890 30' east, 326.46 feet from southwest corner of parcel of land described in deed from George Karres, et we, to Eugene L. Morris, et we, recorded in Volume 740 of Official Records, page 396; thence from said point of beginning north 150 151 east, 91.37 feet to north line of said Morri£ parcel. EASDIEI'-J'T IN LOT 8 (Parcel 13) as designated on said map entitlec "Nap of the Hook Estate, Subdivision No.1," being strip of land 5 feet wide (right angle metsurement,) center line of which is des- cribed as follows: Beginning on north line of parcel of land des- cribed in deed from Audrey T. Searle to Jess L. Grogan, et ux, re- corded in Volume 898 of Official Records, page 215, distant thereon north 890 301 east, 167.15 feet from northwest corner thereof; thenc9 from said poi~t of beginning south 150 18115" west, 111.22 feet to south line of said Grogan pprcel, distant thereon north 890 301 east, 141.25 feet from southwest corner thereof. EASEl'lENT IN LOT 8 (Parcel 14) as designated on said map entitled "Map of the Hook Estate, Subdivision No. I,ll being strip of land 5 feet wide (right angle measurement) center line of which is describec as follows: Beginning on north line of said Lot 8, distant thereon north. 890 301 east, 408.84 feet from northwest corner of parcel of land described in deed from James S. Hook Estate Company to Arthur O. Bragg, recorded in Volume 420 of Officia10Records, page 27; thence from said point of beginning south 15 151 west, 103.93 feet to south line of said Bragg parcel. EASEI'JENT IN LOT 19 (Parcel 15) as designated on said map entitled "Map of the Hook Estate, Subdivision No. 1,11 being strip of Jmr' 5 feet wide (right angle measurement), center line of which is described as follows: Beginning on north line of parcel of land described in deed from Justus F. C raemer, Building FI..nd Loan Commissioner, to Edwp.rd E. Germann, et ux, recorded in Volume 473. of Off1cia.l Records, page 422; distant thereon north 890 30' east, 364.06 feet from northwest corner thereof; thence from said point of beginnin~ south 120 03' 30" west, 112.7 feet to south line of said Lot 19. EASEMENT IN LOT 19 (Parcel 16) as designated on said map en- titled "Mp-_p of the Hook Estate, Subdivision No.1, II being strip of 11 10 -", CJ 48 235 land 5 feet wide (right angle measurement), center line of which is described as follows: Beginning on north line of said Lot 19 distant thereon south 890 20' east, 446.2 feet from northwest corner of pprcel of land described in deed from Daniel W. Storer, et ux, to William H. Morrison, et ux, recorded in Volume 522 of Official RecorQs, page 369; thence from said point of beginning south 15~ 09' west, 260 feet; thence south 12° 03' 30" west, 54.8 feet to south line of said Morrison parcel distant thereon north 890 30' east, 364.06 feet from southwest corner thereof. EASEMENT IN PORTION OF RANCHO LAS JUNTAS (Parcel 17) being strip of land 5 feet wide (right angle measurement), center line of which is described as follO'!r!B: Beginning on north line of tract of land designated on se.id map entitled "Map of the Hook Estate, Subdivision No. I," di~.tp..nt south 890 20' east, 407.25 feet from southwest corner of parcel of lecnd described in deed from Doil A. Nelson,et ux, to Henry S. McClary, et ux, recorded in Volume llll of Official Records, page 472; thence from said point of beginning north 150 09' east, 82.9 feet to north line of said McClary p8.rcel, dista.nt thereon 890 20' east, 427.98 feet from northwest corner thereof. EASEMENT IN LOT 4 (PARCELS 38 and I-A), as designated on said me.p ~nti tIed "MGtp of the Hook Estate, Subdivision No. 111, being the east 203.52 feet of the north 5 feet of Lot 4. EASEf.lENT IN LOT 2 (Pe.rcel 28), a.s designated on said. map entitled "Map of the Hook Estate, Subdivision No. I," being a strip of land 5 feet wide, west line of which is parallel with and 5 feet westerly me8.sured at right angles from east line thereof and which east line is described as follows: Beginning on north line of said Lot 2 at east line of parcel of land described in deed from Jerome H. Arends, et ux to John H. Jardine, et aI, recorded May 10, 1948 (File No. 17925); thence from said point of beginning south 00 05' 3011 east along said east line, 72 feet. EASENENT IN LOT 12 (Parcel 29) 8.S designp..ted on said map ent i tIed "Map of the Hook Este.te, Subdivision No.1," being strip of land 5 feet wide (right angle measurement), center line of which is described as follows: Beginning on north line of parcel of land described as Parcel One in deed from Morin B. Ward, et ux, to John P. Wright, et ux, recorded in Volume 960 of Official Records, page 440, distant thereon north 890 30' east, 36.35 feet from northwest corner thereof; thence from said point of beginning south 00 03' 40" west, 149.92 feet to south line of said Lot 12, distant thereon north 890 30' east, 124.10 feet from most westerly corner of said Wright parcel. EASEMENT IN LOT 5 (Pa.rcel 2) as designated on said map entitled "Map of the Hook Estate, Subdivision No.1," being strip of land 5 feet wide, east line of which is parallel with and 5 feet easterly, measured at right e.ngles, from west line thereof and 1rJhiCh west line is described as follows: Beginning at northwest corner of said Lot 5; thence from said point of beginning south 00 05' 30" east along vJest line of said Lot 5, 50 feet. EASENENT IN LOT 9 (Parcel 3) as designated on said map entitled "Nap of the Hook Estate, Subdivision No.1," being strip of land 5 feet wide, east line of which is parallel ~.¡ith 8.nd 5 feet easterly, measured at right angles, from west line thereof and which west line is entire west line of said Lot 9. EASEMENT IN LOT 18 (Parcel 4) as designated on said map entitled "Map of the Hook Estate, Subdi v-isi on No.1," being strip of land 10 feet wide, east line of which 1s pélJ'allel with and 10 feet easterly, measured at right al~les, from west line thereof and which west line is described s.S follo'V1S: Be[inning in center line of Oal~ Avenue at southv!est corner of parcel of lanð. described iI'1 deed from Arnold W. Haring, et ux, to Melvin E. Johnson, et ux, recorded in Volume 896 of Official Records, pege 312; thence from said point of beginning north 00 09' 30 II vlest along \vest line of said Jobnson p I'Jrcel 428.27 feet to north line of said Lot 18. 11 18 48 ~36 EASEMENT IN LOT 3 (Parcel 6) as designated on SEÜc1 map entitled "Map of the Hook Estate, Subð.i vision No.1, II bein¡::; str-ip of land 5 feet wide, east line of which is parallel with and 5 feet easterly, measured at right angles, from wBst line thereof and which west line is entire west line of parcel of land described in deed. from Raymond L. Warner, et ux, to Thomas Joseph DIAquino, et ux, recorded Sept- ember 17, 1947 (File No. 37307). EASEMENT IN LOT 3 (Parcel 7) as designated on said map entitled IIlv.1p.p of the Hook Estate, Subdivision No.1, II being strip of land 5 feet "lide, east line of whi ch is pe.rallel w'i th and 5 feet easterly, measured at right a.ngles, from west line of which west line is entire west line of parcel of land described as Parcel One in deed from Raymond L. Warner, et ux, to Jack A. Coover, et ux, recorded in Volume 1085 of Official Recor~s, page 198. EASEJvlENT IN LOT 16 (Parcel 30) as designe.ted on said me.p en- titled ".Me.p of the Hook Estt:lte, Subdivision No.1, II being strip of land 5 feet tvide, southeast line of which is parallel wi th and 5 feet southeasterly, measured at right angles, from northwest line thereof anè~ which northwest line is entire northwest line 0 f pal"cel of land described in deed from Maude E. Hanks to Cnrl J. Vinter, Jr., et ux, recorded in Volume 1167 of Officis.l Recorò_s, page l~46. EASEHENT IN LO~ 16 (Parcel 31) as designated on the said map entitled "Hap of the Hook Estate, SubëLivision No.1, \I bsing strip of lEmd 5 feet tvide, southeast line of which is parallel tvi th and 5 feet southeasterly, measured at right angles, from northwest line thereof émd 1\Tbich northvlest line is enth'e northwest line of pÐrcel of land described in de?d from Fred J. Gribben, et ux, to Weston B. Davis, et u.."C, recorded in Volume 953 of Offici8.1 ?ecoré:s, page 359. EASEMENT IN LOT 16 (Parcel 32) as designated on said map entitled IIMap of the Hook Estate, Subdivision No. I,ll being strip of land 5 feet tvide, southeast lir.e of which is parallel with and 5 feet southeasterly, measured at right angles, from northwest line thereof and Which northwest line is entire northwest line of parcel of land described in deed from Bert Pasquale, et ux, to Me.bel Lee Senna, recorded in Volume 857 Official Records, page 53. ALSO in the follm>Iing stre3ts, rights of way, easements and reserves, in said Sanitary District, as they and the proposed work in relation thereto are shown on Sheet 4 of said Plans and Specif- ications: HEDGE-ilOOD ROAD from F.1. 30, to be 10cP.ted in said Road. 110 feet easteY'ly from its intersecti on tAli th State Highway, to its intersect ion with west line of Sacramento Northern R;:Ülroad right of way. UNN.~lliD ROAD, extending northeasterly from intersection of Hedgewood Road and west line of Sacramento Northern Railroad. right of way, for its entire length, a distance of approximately 510 feet to F. 1. 31. EASÐ1ENT IN PORTION OF ?ANCHO LAS JUNTAS (Parcel 34) described as follows: Strip of land 5 feet ",-ide (right angle mei=>surement), center line of which is described as follohTs: Beginning on north line of the 8.129 acre parcel described in deed from Elizabeth Olsen to Audrey T. Searle, recorded in Vol~~e 759 øf Officiel Records, page 68, distant thereon south 89° 44' west, 211.92 feet from south\-'lest corner of Lot 6, as designe.ted on map entitled IILas Junt~ls Estates, Portion of the Rancho Las Juntas, Contra Costa County, Californi8," which map was filed in office of Recorder of County of Contra Costa, State of Calif ornia, in Volume 31 of Maps, page 40; thence from said point of beginning north 150 081 3011 ee.st, 344.14 feet to south line of strip of land described in deed from Elizabeth Olsen to County of Contra Costa, recorded in Volume 636 of Official Records, page 497, distant thereon south 890 57' 3011 west, 60.49 feet fron northwest corner of Lot I, as designated on said map of Las Juntas Estates. 11 IR J 48 237 EASENF~NT IN PORTION OF' RANCHO LAS JUNTAS (Parcel 35) described as follows: Strip 0 f l;-,nd 5 feet wide (right angle me8.surement), center line of which is described as follow's: Beginning on south line of said 8.129 acre parcel of land distant thereon north 890 44' east, 23.34 feet from~st line of State Highway; thence from said point of beginning north 150 09' east, 399.07 feet to north line of said Searle parcel, distant thereon north 890 44' east, 23.34 feet from east line of said State Highway. EASEMEì~ IN PORTION OF P~NCHO LAS JUNTAS (Parcel 36) described as follows: Strip of land 5 feet wide (right angle measurement), center line ~ which is described as follows: Beginning on south line of the 0.884 acre parcel of land described in deed from Mervyn V. Jensen, et ux, to Alfred Ahronian, et ux, recorded in Volume 898 of Official Records, page 345, distant thereon north 890 44' east, 23.34 feet from east line of State Highway; thence from said. point of beginning north 150 09' east, 175.09 feet to north line of said Ahronian parcel di sta,nt thereon north 890 44' east, 23.34 feet from east line of said State Highway. EASEMENT IN PORTION OF RANCHO LAS JUNTAS (Parcel 37) described as follows: Strip of land 5 feet wide, west line of which is para- llel with a.nd 5 feet westerly, meEJ.sured at right angles, from east line thereof and which east line is entire east line of parcel of land described in deed from James A. Grant, et ux, to A. Howard Kepler, et ux, recorded in office of Recorder in Volume 702, page 412. The exoense of said work and improvement hereinbefore described in Section 1, First, hereof, and on-Sheets 1 to 4 both inclusive, shall be chargeable upon an assessment district hereinafterestab- lished: Excluding therefrom "Pleasant Hill Homesites No.2," as said subdivision is designated on map recorded in Map Book 30, page 20, in office of Recorder. Second. The office of the Recorder refe~red to hereinabove is the office of the Recorder of the County of Contra Costa, State of California, and Official Records and file numbers hereinabove referred to, are Official Records and file numbers of said Recorder. The letters M.H. and F.I. herein used refer to and mean Manhole and Flushing Inlet respectively. In the foregoing description, whereever right of way, easement, street or other public way is described wherein work is to be done, it is the intention that said work shall also be extended so as to connect the sa.me wi th the sewer \.¡ork to be cons tructed nearest to said right of way, easement, street or other public way, and at the point in said proposed work where a manhole, flushing inlet or other connection, is shown on said plans therefor, unless otherwise shown the :::>e on. THird. Said work shall include the refilling and resurfacing of the trench in which said sewer and appurtenances are constructed. SECTION 2: All of said improvement and work shall be done of the sizes, dimensions, and materia.ls and in the positions and 100 a- tion s as shown upon, and all in e.ccordance vli th, the Plans and Specifications therefor heretofore adopted by said District Board and now on file with the Secretary of said Bo~rd, which said Plans and Specifications are ,hereby referred to and made a part hereof by refe:::-'ence. SECTION 3: That in the opinion of said B08rd, saið. '-'fork is of more than local or ordinary public benefit, and said Board hereby orders that the cost and expenses of said work and inwrovement shall be che,rgeable B_nd che_rged upon s. district, which district is hereby declared to be the district benefited by said work and improvement and which is to be assessed to pay the cost and expenses thereof. The exterior boundaries of said assessment district and the ex- tent of the territory included therein are shown upon the map of said district approved and adopted by said Board on the 18th day of November, 1948, and now on file in the office of the Secretary of 11 lQ u 48 ~38 sai Boa--::'d, to which map refe:cence is hereby made fQj.."' a part icular description of said bounde,ries and the extent of said territory included therein to be so assessed; sEtving and excepting therefrom the area of all public streets and other public ways included therein, and excluding from sp..id assessment district IIPleasant Hill Homesites - Unit ' No. 211 as said subdivision is designated on map recorded in map book 30, page 20, in office of said Recorder. There shall be paid out Qf the treasury of said Sanitary Dis- tric t ~wd from the Sewer Construction Fund therein, the sum of $7,500.00 toward the cost and expense of any and all of said "lork and improvement. SECTION 4: That the proceedings for said work and improvement shall be hEtd and ta.ken under and in accordance with Division 7 of the Streets and Highways Qode of the State of California. ("Im- provement Act of 191111). NO-:'ICE IS IEREBY GIVEN th at the Health Offic er of said County of Contra Costa. he.s recommended in writing to said Board that said proceedings for said work be instituted as a necessary health measure and said Board heretofore ordered said recommende.tion spread upon the Minutes of said Board and by Resolution adopted by the affirmative vote of four-fifths of the members of said Board found ana. detern1ind that such necessity exists. ;::-~CTION 5: That serial bonds shall be issued pursuant to Part 5 of Division 7 of sB.id Streets and High~.¡ays Code (Improvement Act of 1911) to re~resent the unpaid assessments of Twenty-five dollars ($25.00) or' over for the cost of said work, said bonds to bear interest at the rate of SIX PER CENT (6%) per annum, to extend for a period of nine (9) years from the second day of January next succeeding the next October 15th following their date, and to be payable in annual installments, the last installment thereof to mature nine (9) years from the second day of January next succeed- ing the mext 15th day of October following their date, said bonds and the interest thereon to be payable as provided in said Code. SECTION 6: The.t Thursday, the 16th . day of December, 1948, e..t the hour of 8:00 o'clock p.m., of said day, and the meeting place of said Board, 1822 Mt. Diablo Blvd., City of Walnut Creek, in the County of Contra Costa, State of Californi a, be and the same are hereby fixed as the time and place, when and where any and all persons having any objection to the proposed work and improvement or to the extent of the district to be assessed, or both, may appear before said Boa:cð. and shmv cause why said proposed work shoulc not be carried out in accordance with this Resolution of Intention. SECTION 7: That the Engineer of said District shall cause to be conspicuously posted along the line of said work and improvement, in the mpnner and form required by law, notices of the passage of this Resolution. SECTION 8: That the Secretary of said Board shall certify to the passage of this Resolution and shall cause the same to be pub- lished twice, as required by la~, in The Courier-Journal, a news- paper published and circulated within said District e.nd hereby designated for that puY'pose by said Board. SECTION 9: Said District Boa::'ã does hereby direct its Secretary to mail notices of the adoption of this Resolution of Intention to all persons owning real property proposed to be assessed for the work herein described, whose names and addresses appeared on the last equalized assessment roll of the County of Contra Costa or as known to the Secretary, the contents of said notices to be as recuired by law. PASSED AND ADOP'rED by the District B08.rd of Central Contra 11 10 c¡ 48 23$) Costa Sanitary District of Contra Costa County, this 18th day of November, 1948. AYES: Membo.rs Johnson, Smitten, v'iaò..s,'\!orth And Weill Member Toland did not vote. None None NOES: ABSENT: I sl R. E. WadsÌ'lOrth, President of the District BonY'd of Cent ral Can tra Costa Sanitary District of Contra Coste County, State of California. Countersigned.: Isl Morna Phillips Secretary Pro Tem SIGNS FOR THE OXIDATION PONDS The Board instructed the Secretary to Purchase 12 IINo Trespassing, etc." signs to be posted around the Oxidation Ponds. . OPENING BIDS - LOCAL IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT NO. II Bids for the construction of seì-.rey'S in Local Improvement District No. II were received from the following: Mertin Bros. Assoc. Elec. & Mech. Co. Oakland Sewer Construction Ed. J. Tobin Stolte, Inc. Stockton Construction Co. Concord San FY'ancisco Oakland Berkeley Oa1;::land Stockton $18,988.00 21,566.49 14,669.00 20 , L~94 .IO 17,178.00 24,660.00 The Engineer reCOElmended acceptance of the bid of 02_kla.nd Sewer Construction Company as the lowest responsible bidder. The follow- ing resolution was offered by Member Johnson, seconded by Member . Smi tten: RESOLUTION NO. 399 RESOLUTION OF AWARD OF CONTR4CT FOR WORK IN LOCAL IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT NO. 11 RESOLVED that the District Board of Cèntral Contra Costa Sanitary District, Contra Costa County, State of California, having in open session on the 18th day of November, 1948, opened, examined and publicly declared all sealed proposals or bids offered for doing the work hereinafter mentioned; HEREBY rejects all of said BIDS except that hereinafter mentioned, and h~reby A~iARDS the Contract to the lov-lest, regular responsible BI DDER, to-¡'lÌ t: To: Oa,.kland Sewer Construction Company at the prices specified in its proposal for doir.g said work now on file. The work herein referred to is the construction of sanitary sewers and appurtenances for that area, and to the extent, with the materials and in the manner, set forth in Resolution of Intention No. 371, adopted by said District Board on the 23rd day of September, 1948, reference to which said Resolution of Intention is hereby made for B, description of said work and improvement, and th e terms and conditions under vmich the same is to be done. 11 18 48 ~40 The Secrete-ry of said District Board is hereby directed to publish notice of thi s AWARD, twice in Tl1e LFtfay",tte Sun, 2. weekly newspaper published and circulated in said Santtary District as required by law. PASSED AND ADOPTED BY SAID DI3T~IOT BOA~D OF THE CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITA?,Y DISTRICT, CONTRA COSTA COUNTY, STATE OF CALIFOR;;IA, TIGS 18th day OF NOVEMBER, 1948. AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Members Johnson, Smitten, Toland, ~veill and Vledsworth. None None I sl R. E. Wads,^iOrth, Pre sident of the District Board of Central Contra Costa Sanitary District of Contra Costa County, State of California Countersigned: Morna Phillips Secretary Pro Tern REQUEST FOR SEWER CONNECTION - A.G.Mascorella It was moved by Member Smitten, seconded by Member Johnson that the request for sewer connection made by Mr. A. G. Mascorella for property lying within Sherman Field be denied, as that property does not lie within the boundaries of the Sanitary District. Passed by the following vote: AYES: Members Johnson, Smitten, Weill and Wadsworth Member Toland did not vote. None None NOES: ABSENT: REPLACING BRIDGE AT ORINDA It was moved by MembBI' Johnson, seconded by Member Smitten that the Engineer be instructed to prepare the necessary plans for rep~acing an existing wooden bridge with a culvert at the creek crossi~~ near the lower Orinda Pumping Station, and take the me.tter up ~vi th the Orinda Country Club. Carried unanimously. OFFICE OF DISTRICT l"IANAGER A resolution outlining the duties of District Maneger ,,¡a.s offered by Member Weill and seconded by Member Toland. Mr. Clyde C. Kennedy advi sed the Board that under the la'N they could not Œ.ve two District Engineers. If the Board hired another engineer there would be a breach of contract. Upon advice of the Attorney, the resolution was withdrawn, and the Board and Mr. Kennedy arranged a Neeting for Tuesday, November 23, 1948 B.t the hour of 8: 00 0 I clock p.m. for further discussion of this subject. Memb,:,r Smitten requested that the meeting be called an open meeting. S'l'ATUS OF TAKING OVER SEìßR SYSTEM OF CITY OF WALNUT CREEK Mr. Nejedly, Attorney for the City of Walnut Creek reQuested A..n interpretation of the term IIRunning Expensell so that he coulð. advise the City Council regarding a saving to the city taxpayers if the City elected to IDnintain its own se,'¡ers. He wished to know what portion 0 f the 4O¡i r'Unning exp ense tax the City \\Tould have to pay by doing their own maintenance. Mr. Brailsford advised Mr. Nejedly that the City may Dr may not elect to turn the sewer system over to the Santtary District, but there would haveto be an agreement between the two Bodies. 11 In (j 48 241 ENPLOYH3NT OF J ÞJI::l:S F'. COUCH AS MAINTENANCE HELPER The Board. approved the employment of James F. Couch ps 1<1ai11- tenance Helpe~ as of November 15, 1948 at a se.lary of ~225. 00 per month, to be ralsed to :~250 pfter 90 days if proven satisfe.ctory. LETTER FROM MORNA PHILLIPS F~GARDING SAL!~Y ADJU~TMENT The following letter from Mrs. Phillips was read: ~Board of Directors Central Contra Costa Sanitary District November IS, 1948 Gentlemen: It is respectfully reQuested that action be taken this evening toward increasing my salary. The duties B.nd responsibilities coincident to my position with the District have increased to a considerable extent during the past year, and will continue to increase with each local improvement ðistrict that is undertaken. Due to the volwne of ì..¡orl:, the District Board bas founc'i. it necessary to have more the.n the scheduled one evening meeting E'- month, l..¡hich has in turn increased my work, making it necessary for me to work long hours, and on some Sp.turdays and Holiò.ays, 't1TÌ thout overtime pay. I am more than willing to put in the time necessary to keep my portio~ of the vlorl: in ord~r, but hp"ve felt for some months p2.st that my salary shoulÓ be aÚjusted. Yours sincerely /s/ Morna Phillips It \'ia.s moved by Member Srni tten, seconded by Member Johnson the. t the Board appoint Morna Phillips Assistant Secretary at a salary of ~300.00 per month. Momber Toland voiced the opinion that he agreed Mrs. Phillips should h8ve mo::'e money, but the Board should wait tint il the re- organization took place. Member Johnson stated that Mrs. Phillips had been given to understand some time ago that her salary would be adjusted, and he fel t action should be taken now. The motion carried by the following vote: AYES: Members Johnson, Smitten, Toland, \'ie.clsworth and Iveill NOES: None ABSENT: None. CONDEHNATION PROCEEDINGS LOCAL I}œROV~lENT DISTRICT NO.1 The follO1'Ìinf, resolutions Nos. 400 to 404 inclusive li!er'e offered by Member Sr;l1 tten, seconded by Hember Johnson: RESOLUTION NO. 400 (Miles, Parcel 44) 'iJ1LREAS, the Di stri ct Board of the CENTRAL COllI'RA COS':rA SAN ITARY DISTF.ICT has heretofor-e approved plans and specifications prepared by its District Engineer for- the construction, under the provisions 11 1 Q." 0 48 ~42 of the Improvement Act of 1911, of a collecting lateral sanitary sewer system in tne area more particularly described in Resolution of Int ention No. 366, adopted. by thi s BoP,rd Se-)tember 23, 1948, and nropoces to award a contract for the construction of said sanitary sewer in accordance with said plans and snecifications; uOV¡, THi,.~"1:.:FûhE, BE IT li.ESOLVED 8m1 thi s Boerd. doe s hereby find and determine that the public interest, convenience and necessity require the aquisi tion, construction and comDletion by this Distr'ict of said collecting lateral s8nitary sewer system, as set forth in said plans and specifications and that an easement over the real pronerty hereinafter described is necessary for the constructing, laying and maintaining of a sewer pipe therein in said sanitary sewer system, in accordance with said plans and sDecifications. Said ease~ent is more particularly described as follows: PerDetual easement for installation of a sewer Dine by trench exceavation together with the right of ingress thereto and egress t~erefrom over the following described real ~roperty located in the County of Contra Cœta, StAte of California, described as follov'Ts: PARCEL ONE: as follO1vs: Portion of the Rancho Las Juntas, described A stri~o of land 5 feet in 1,"ridth, the south line ,of "(.rhich is parallel ,.,ith end 5 feet southerly, measured et right p.,ngles from the north line the~eof and which nJrth line is described as follovJs: Beginning on the south line of the ~arcel of land described as Percel One in the deed from Louise Pearson to Alvin Neumann, et ux, dated July 15, 1947 and recorded Sentember 11, 1947 (File No. 36296) at the north1.¡est corner of the D8,rcel of land described as Parcel One in t::le deed from Louise Pearson to Phillin M. Strayer, et uxr dated June 18, 1946 and recorded July 19,1946 in Volume 841 of Official Records, at ~age 496; thence from seid point of beginning south 750 45' Hest along the south line of said Neumann ~rcel (File No. 36296), 100 feet. The east terminus of said striD is the west line of said Strayer Darcel (841 OR 496). - P AHCEL Tl'lO: as follo1-'TS: Portion of the Rancho Lps Juntas, described A strip of land 5 feet in width, the cente~ line of which is described as follows: Be~inning on the south line of, the parcel of land described as Parcel One in the deed from Louise Pearson to Alvin Neumann, et ux, dated July 15, 1947 and recorded September 11,1947 (File No. 36296) distent thereon south 750 45' ",rest, 100 feet from the northvTest corner of the Darcel of lond described as Parcel One in the deed from Louise Pearson to Phillip H. strayer, et .ux, dated June 13, 1946 and rec.orded July 19, 1946 in Volume 8~1 of Official Records, öt page 496; thence from said point of beginninf south 51 28' west, 118.58 feet; thence south 170 58' Hest, 126.40 feet; thence south 570 3~1 west, at 106.52 feet, a point hereinafter re- ferred to as "Station A," a total distance of 167.8 feet; thence south 820 04' west, J,04.7 feet; thence north 780 421 west, 135.33 feet to the east line of the parcel of l&nd described in t~e deed from Annie F. Vessing to Henry F. Vessing, et ux, dated January 30, 1932 and recorded February 4, 1932 in Volume 305 of Official Records, at ~age 231. The east terminus of said strip is the south line of said Neumann parcel (File No. 36296) end the west ~rminus thereof is the e~st line of said Vesging parcel (305 OR 231). PARCEL TlffiBE: follo¡'Js: Portion of the Rancho Las Juntas, described as 11 10. Ö 48 24R A strip of 12,nd .5 feet in uidth, the \-!est line of t'Jhich is :oaral1el v'i th and .5 feet ':,esterly, mee.sured at right a.ngles from the east line thereof and which east line is described Ð.S fol1orTs: Beginning at 'atation All, 3S design~ted in the description of Parcel Two above; thence from said ~)oint of beginning lDuth 37 feet. BE IT FURTHE~ RESOLVED that W. K BRAILSSFOHD, JR., Attorney for se,id District be and he is hereby authorized and directed to commence and maintain an action and nroceeding of Eminent Domain in the Superior Court of the State of California in and for the County of Contra Costa, for the ~ruyose of condemning and acquiring said easement over, upon and through said hereinabove described parcel of real 1)rOperty for the uses anët purpo ses aforesaid. BE IT FURTHBR RESOLVED and said Board hereby find and determine that the reasoneb1e value of the easement 'Orono sed to be talcen is the sum of TWO HUNDRED FIFTY AHD NO/IOOTHSDOLL,A.Ii.S (~~250. 00) and the President and Secretary are hereby authorized to execute a warrant in said sum, nayable to the County Clerk of the County of Contre Costa to be deposited as security to the owners for the value of the ;Jroperty he:'ein :oroDosed to be condemned. PASSED ALD ADOPTED BY THE DISTRICT BOARD OF THE CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT this 18th day of November, 1948. AYZS: Members Smitten, Toland, Wadsworth, vleill and Johnson. NOES: Members None ABSENT: Members None COUNTERSIGNED: sf R. E. Wadsworth President of the District Board of Central Contra Costa Sanitary District of Contra Costa County, State of California. sf Morna Phi11ins Secretary Pro Tern of the District Board of Central Contra Costa Sanitary Distr~ct, Contra Costa County, state of Calif~rnia. ' RESO:.UTION NO. 401 (Johnson, Parcel 40) . \IJ'Hf~HEAS, the District Board of the CEHT'rlAL CONTliA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT has heretofore an'Dl"oved n1ans and snecif-ications '--:renared by its District Engineer for the col1~truction, under the provisions of the Imrpovement Act of 1911, of a collecting lateral san~tary sewer system in the area more -)articulGrly described in Resolution of In- tention No. 366, adopted by this Board 3e~tember 23, 1948, and proposes to award a contract for the construction of said san~tary sewer in accordance with said plans and specifications; NOW, TH~~EFORE, BE IT RBSOLVED and this Board does hereby find and determine that the nublic interest, convenience and nece~sity require the aouisi tion, construction and completion "'o~" this District of said collecting lateral sanitary sewer system, as set forth in said Dlans and s~ecifications and that an easement over the real property hereinafter described is necessary for the constructing, laying and maintaining of a sewer ,ipe therein said sanitary sewer system, in accordance with said plans and specifications. Said ease- ment is more particulárly described as follows: Pernetual easement for installation of a sewer ~iDe by trench excavation together ¡,¡ith the right of ingress thereto and egress therefrom over the followin~ described real ~roperty located in the County of C~ntra Costa, State of California, described as follows: PARCEL ONE: Portion of the Rancho Las Jun tas, described 1?,S follow's: 11 18 48 ~44 A strip of land 5 feet in width, the center line of which is described as follows: Be~inning on the east line of the tract of lend desi~nated on the map entitled "Diablo View Gardens, Contra Costa County, Cé'.lifornia," 'wlÜch map ¡'ras filed in the office 0::' the Recor(~er of the County of Contra Costa, state of California, on March 12, 1946 in Volurrle 28 of Hays, at page 35, distant thereon south 20 13' 45" east, 85.42 feet fro~ t~n~rtheast corner thereof; thence from said ~oint of beginnin~ south 830 31' e~st, 183.22 feet; thence norht 670 13' east, 245.19 feet to ~he south line of the narcel of land described in tDe deed from A. M. Johnson, et ux, to Henry Heier, et ux, dat eð. 'C'ebruary 5, 1930 and recorded February 28,1930 in Volume 222 of Official Record~, at ~Rge 231. The ~esterlv terminus of said strin is the east line of said Diablo Vieì/ Gardens (28 H 35) and t:¡-18 ee.stcrly terminus thereof is the south line of said Meier Darcel (222 OR 231). The side lines of said strip of land beinb lengthened or shJrtened to form a continuous line. P A:.1i.CEL T'1'l0: follo'!<Js: Portion of the Rancho Las Juntas, described as A strip of land 5 feet in "Tiel th, the s,Juth line of ì.:rhich is parallel with B.nd 5 feet southerly, measured at right angles, from the north line thereof and uhich eorth line is described os follo\'!s: Beginning on the west line o~ the ~arcel of larLdescribed in the deed from Annie F. Vessing to Henry F. Vessing, et ux, dated January 30, 1932 and recorded February 4, 1932 in Volume 305 of Official Records, at page 231, at the extension south 880 27' 15" east of the south line Jf the parcel of land described in the deed from A. M. Johnson, et ux, to Henry Meier, et ux, c1ated Febru8.ry 5, 1930 and recorded F'ebrue,ry 28, 1930 in Volume 222 of Official Records, at page 231; thence from said ?oint of beginning north 880 27' 15" west along said extended line and alone the south line of said Meier narcel (222 OR 231), 115.28 fëet. m The east terminus of said strin of land is tlle Fest line of said Vessing ~arcel (305 OR 231). BE 1':[1 FCt'~T~ER ?ESOLVED that v,J. H. BP.AILSFORD, JR., Att::>rney for said District bF an~ he is hereby authorized and directed to comr:1ence and T'1P. intain e.n ac tion and ~roceeding of Eminent i)omain in the Su~erios Court of the State of California in and for the County of Contra Costa, for the purpose of condemning 1:md acquiring said easement over, upon a.nel through said hereinabove elescri bed parcel of real property for the uses and ~u~p05es aforesaid. BE IT FlmTEER HE SOLVED and said Board does her'eby find and determine that the reasonable value of the easement nronosed to be to}:en is the sum of TEN AND 1I0/lOOTHS DOLIAJtS (;::~10. 'ÒO) and the President and Secretary ""1"e hereby o.utho~izec"" E1nd directed to execute a warrant in said sum, payable to the County Clerk of the County of Contra Costa to be deposited as security to the owners for the value of the nroperty herein nronosed to be condemned. PASSED AI< D ADOPTED BY 'l'EE DIJ'I'HIC T 30AhD OF TEE CEU:'l-\':.L C()LT~c.; CODTA SAN:.::TÞ_HY l)IST::-~ICT this 18th day of November, 191}8. AYES: Hembers Smitten, Toland, lvaclmTorth, vieill')ncL .T ohnson. NOES: Members None ABSENT: Members None COUETERSIGNED: sf R. E. Wadsworth~ President of the District Board of Central ContmCosta Sanitary District of Contra Costa County, State of California. 8/ Ì~orna Philli ns Secrete.ry Pro Tern of the Di strict Board of Central Contra Costa Senitary District, Contra CoSt~1 r:()l111t~r c;t--::1tp!"lf' (\,,1 ~ -f'^v>,..,~ '"' 11 lG 0 48 245 ~.ESOLUTION NO. 402 (Nevill, Parcel 29) VlHE..H.3AD, the District Bop,rd of the CENTF~.AL CONTRA COSTA DANITARY DISTHICT hps heretofore 8Dì)rOved nlans end snecifications 'Pren2.red by its District Engineer ~or the ~onstructio~, under the ~~ovisions of the ImDrovement Act of 1911, of a collecting lateral sanitary sewer system in the area more particularly described in Resolution of Intention No. 366, ,3dopted by this Board September 23, 1948, and ~')ro1)oses to B.ward a contract for the construction of said sanitary sewer in accordance with said DIane and s~ecifications; Nmv, TrIEHEFOR1i:, BE IT RESOLVED and this Bo'?rd does hereby find and determine that the public interest, convenience and necessity require the acQuisi tion, c ,nstruction Pend com-oletion by this District of said collecting lateral sanitary sewer system, as set forth in said nlans and sDecifications and that an easement over the real nronei,ty hereinafter described is necessary for the con- structing, laying, and maintaining of a sewer pipe therein said sanitary sewer system, in accordance with said nlans and specificat- ions. Se.id easement is more "')erticularly described 8.S follovTs: Perpetual easement for installation of a sewer pipe by trench excavation together with the right of ingress thereto and egTess therefrom over the following described real property located in the County of Contra Co~a, State of California, described ~S follows: The east 5 feet (right angle measurements) of Lot 75, 1~~~~ed on ~'ne mQ1) en~J.'+led "P'e~sQn+ Acres Un1t No ._"".L... ~ .0., .u ~ ....,-c-",,-....., ~ .,. Contra Costa C 'mnty, C8,lifornia", 'Hhich map "Tas filed office of the Recorder of the County of Contra Costa, Cal~fornia, on July 18, 194,6 in Volume 30 of Naps, at as des- 2, in the state of ""<:>c-e 17 ....""~) . BE IT FUHTHER RESOLVED that \'l. H. BRAILSFORD, J?.., Attorney for said District be and he is hereby authorized ~nd directed to commence end T.'laintain PJl action and Droceeè.inç of Eminent Domain in the Su~erior Court of the state of C~lifornia-in and for the County of Contra Coct~, for the purpose of condemning and acQuiring said ease~ent ove~ upon and ttæough said hereinabove described Darcel ~ real nroperty for the uses arid purposes aforesaid. BE IT FUETEER RESOLVED and sald Board does hereby find and. determine that the reasonable value of the easement ~rono8ed to be taken is the sum of TEN AND NO/IOOTHS DOLLARS ($10.00) an¿<~ the President ant. Secretary are hereby authorized and directed to ex- ecute a warrant in said sum, Dayable to the County Clerk of the County of Contra Costa to be cleposited as security to the o't>.rners fœ the value of the property herein proposed to be condemned. PASSED AND ADOPTED BY TEE.: DISTlUCT BOARD OF THE CEl.!TRAL CONTRA COSTA SANIT~~Y DISTRICT this 18th day of November, 1948. AYES: Members Smitten, Toland, Wadsworth, Weill and Johnson NOES: Members None ABSENT: Me~bers None sf R. E. Wadsworth President of the District Board of CentI:'al Contra. Costa Sanitary Dictrict of Contra Costa County, State of California. CO': 'l,¡~iERSIGhED: sf MornaPhillins Secrcte~y Pro Tern of the District BoG.rd of' Cen tral Contra Co ?eta Sanitary Jist}~'ict, Contra Corta County, State of California. RESOLUTION NO. 403 (Tosh, Parcel 17) "lHEEEAS, the Di strict Board of tl'le CENTRAL COlITRA C03TA SANITAt"J"Y DISTRICT has heretofore a~Droved plans and s~ecificationsprepared 'oy its District Engineer for the construction, under the ~rovisions 11 18 48 .46 of trie Improvement Act of 1911, of a collecting lateral sewer system in the area more pf-.'.rticularly described in Resolution of Intention No. 366, adopted by this Boerd September 23, 1948, and 9rop08es to a't<!ard a contract for the construction of said sani t2.ry sev'!er in accordance with said nlans and specifications; NOW, ThEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED and this Bo~rd hereby find and dete:cmine that the public interest, convenience ancL necessity require the aquisition, construction and comnletion by this District of said collec tins let eral san:. tal"Y seÌ'Jer system, as set forth in said. plans an¿ specifications and that an easement over the real nronerty here- inafter described is necessary for t;w constructing, laying and maintaining of a sewer pipe therein in said sanitary sewer system, in accordance with said plans and specificrtions. Said easement is more particularly descrjbed as follows: Prepetual ee,sement for installation of 2, sevier nipe by trench exce.vation together ~.ri th the right of ingress the:"eto and egrecs therefrom over the followin~ described real nronerty loc~ted in the County of Contra CoEta, Staie of California, de~cribed as folloHs: Portion of Lot ¿~.L~, as designrtccl on the ma1J entitled IIContra Costa Land Co., Subdivision No.2 of t;le Le..rl\:ey Réè.nch", ¡'Thich map HûS fileð- in tl'~e of:tice of tile Recorcler of the CO'LH'.t;: of Contra Costa, State of California, on March 28, 1910 in VoluEe 2 of Mqps, at nace 49, described as follo~s: A strip of land 5 feet in width, the east line of t~ich is parÐ.llel ~-ri tl1 end 5 feet easterly, measured at right anGles from tile 'lire st line t £1ereof ane. which 1',re st ~.ine is cl..escirbed as follo~.rs: Beginning on the south line of the 1.14 acre Darcel of lend described in the deed from Boston Investment Co. to Ric~ard Quittner, dated Novemoer lL~, 1914 and recorded December 25, 1914 in Volume 238 of Deeds, at nage 142,distant thereon north 890 17' east, 305 feet from the \lest lire of said Lot 4LJ; thence from said point of beginning south 00 43' east to the center line of First Avenue, distant t.:ereon north 890 17' east, 305 feet from the west line of said Lot 44. BE I T FUrl T~{£?c RESOLVED the, t I;'!. H. BRA I LSF'O RD, Ja., At torn ey for said Di strict be ancl he is hereby authorized and dil"ectecl to commence and maintain an action and nroceeding of Eminent Domain in tile Superior Court of the State of' Cn l.ifornia in and for the County of Contra Cœt~ for the purpose of condemnin~ and acquiring said easement over, upon and. thY'O'U.F.:h said flereinabove described ?Ðrcel of real ~roperty for ti1.e uses and. purpo ses Ð.foresaid. BE IT F'UHTi].i;Ii. HE SOLVED 8.nd. said Board Cloes 11e1'eby find and dete:.nine tl:Rt the re280neblc value of J:he caser;:ent ":,roDoseè.. to be too:ken is the sum of TEN lL,D NO/IOOTHS DOLLARS ($10.00) and the President and Secretary D.re n.ereby au thoriz,ed ;:o,nd Üir'ectec:.. to execute a 1\Tarre.nt in said sum, ',,:ayeble to tl;,e County Clerk of the Coun-'::y of Contra. Costa to be c_e!)ositcc.: 2S security to t118 aHners for tile value of t.o..c -:Iro-nerty l1erein T;rO~)Oseð.. to be cander:med. PASSED Aloe...' ADOPTED BY :PH:,; DISrrHICT Bj.\RDJ}'1 'l':Il;; CE..l~~AL COI1TP~ COSTA SA. ITA--..Y DISTHCT this 13th day of NoveLlber, 1948. AYES: ::EI<:-:1~'::~-.S Sm:.. tt en, Tole.lid, \1e.(~s':TOrth, "¡eill F'.nc1 J oh:r.son .:01:<:8: :;EIŒERS None ABSELT: :~EI.íBERS None s/ '¡J 1<' '>Tad C"T.ro......tb ..L. .......~. "",,:, - President of the District Board of Central Contra Costa Sanitary D).strict of Contra Cor-:ta Co"mty, State of California. COUNTERSIGNED: sf Morna Phillips. Secretary Pro TeD of the District Board of Central Contra Costa San:L tary Districtò Contra Co ta County, State of alifornia. 11 lC'J () 48 247 RESOLUTION NO. 404 (Valpreda, Parcel 14) i'lHEREAS, the Dis tria t Boerð. of tl'le CEN':'F.AL COrí'I'li...\ COG'rA SANI TÞ.,RY DIST~ICT has heretofore a~~roved plans and s~ecifications prepared by its District Engineer for the conEtruction, under the Drovisions of tÌle Improvenent Act of 1911, of a collecting lateral 88..n1 t9_ry sewer system in the area more DRrticularly described in Resolution of Intention No. 366, adonted by tDis Board September 23, 1948, and ':)r090ees to ai'rare: a contract for the comtruction of said Bani te.ry sewer in accordance ~~th said ~lans and specifications; Nm'!, THEREFORE, BE IT HESOLVED and tbis Board does hereby find 2.nc1 c'letermine that the :nublic interest, convenience ané~ necessity reQuire tile acquisi tion, conßtruction and completion by this District of said collecting lateral sanitary sewer system, as set forth in said plans and specifications and that an easement over the real ,,:;ro:perty nereinafter described is necessary for the constructing, laying and main taining of a se~..¡er ~)i::ne tilerein in said S9.n:.. tary sel'fer system, in accordance with said nlans and snecificat~ons. Said easement is Fiore 1)é1rticu12,rly de scribed as :Collm-."s: Pernetual easeL-;ent for installo.tion of a seHer :)i1)e "GY trench exc9vetion to:::e"'cher Hith risht of in[;ress thereto 8.nëL egress there- from over the following described real ::nro~erty located in the County of Contra Costa, state of California, described as follows: PARCEL ONE: follo~';s: Portion of the Rancho Las Juntas, described as A strip of land 5 feet in width the west line of vmich is :ge.rallel ~..-i th and 5 feet 't'Jesterly, me?sured at right angles from the east line thereof and ¡.Jhich east line is de scri bed a 8 fo110¡'rs: Beginning on the west line of the 1.32 acre TIercel of land c'.escri bed in the deed from Richrnonà- Hartinez Abstract & Ti tIe Company to The United states of America, de.ted November 26,1938, and recorded December 13, 1938 in Volume LJ-6l of Official Recorùs at page 403, at the south line of the p~rce1 of land described in the deed from Adele Hook, et aI, to Peter Molino, et ux, dated January 6, 1934 and recorded January 17, 1934 in Volume 347 of Official Records, at nage 319; thence ~rom said point of beginning alonß said 11est line as follows: South 40 151 LJ-5", l72.01 feet and south 170 50' 30" east, 18.8 feet. The no~therlv terminus of said strip is the south line of said Molino parcel (347 OR 319) and the southerly terminus of said strip is a line bearing south 370 151 30" \'Test. PARCEL ~ro: A ~ortion of the Rancho LaA Juntas, being strip of le.nèc 5 feet in Hidth (right angle measure!:1erit) the center line of uhich is desc:'ibed as folloHs: BeginninG on t~west line of the ~~rce1 of land described in the deed from Rich~ond Me.rtinez Abstract & Title Company to The United. 3tates of America, datecL November 26, 1938 end re- corded December 13,1938 in Volume 461 of Official Records, at page 403, distant thereon south 40 15' 45Ø west, 172.01 feet and south 170 50' 30" east, 18.8 feet from the sout~ line of the ~arcel of land described in the deed from Adele Hook, et aI, to Peter Molino, et ux, dated January 6, 1934 and recorded January 17, 1934 in Volume 347 of Official Records, at page 319; thence from said point of beginning south 370 151 30" west, 215 feet; thence south 850 241 30" west, at 55 feet, a noint herein designated as "Station A", 220.92 feet ot the center line of the County Road, known QS Pleasant Hill Road. The easterly terminus of said strip is the west line of said United states of America parcel (461 OR 403) and the vlesterly terminus of said strip is the center line of Pleasant Hill Road. 11 18 48 b8 EXCEPTING FRaN PARCEL T\'IO: The interest conveyed to "Board of Supervisors" of the County of Contra Co~~ta, by d.eed from John B. Hamilton, dated March 2,1866 and recorded M2rch 2, 1866 in Volume 13 of Deeds, at nBGe 383. PARCEL TlffiEE: Por~ion of the Rancho Las Juntas, being a strin of land 5 feet in width (right angle measurecent) the centerline of which is described as follows: Beginning at tile point referreð. to as IIStation A" in Parcel T~o above; thence from said ~oint of begin~ing south 190 35' 30" east, 45.34 feet to the center line of a creek. The southerly terminus of said strin is tDe center line of said creek and the northerly ter~inus thereof is the line bearing south 850 241 30" west. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED and said Board does hereby find and determine that the reasonable value 01' the easement nroDooed to be taken is the Bum of TEN AND NO/IOOTHS DOLLARS (iTPlO.OO)- anêc the president and Secretary are hereby authorized and directed to ex- ecute a ¡-Tarrant in said sum, nÐyable to the County Clerk of the County of Contra Costa to be deposited as security to the o~ners for the value of the property herein proposed to be condemned. PASSED AND ADOPTED BY THE DISTRICT BOÞJill OF T:-:E CE".rrRAL CUl.TRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT this 18th day of November, 1948. AYES: 1'1embers Bmi tten, Toland, vJað.s¡'lor'th, 1:[ eill and. Johnson. NOES: Members None ABSENT: Members None COU:.; TERSIGLED: s/ R. E. Wadsworth President of the District Board of Central Contra Costa Sanitary District of Contra Costa County, State of California. s/ Morna Phillins Secretary Pro Tem of the District Board of Central Contra Costa S8.ni tary :Jistrict, Contra Co sta County, State of Ca~ifornia. DEEDS OF DEDICA TIOH FOR SEI.ŒR EASEHE:~rJ:1S The following deeds of dedication ~or sewer epse~ents were accepted by the Bo&rd and recorCed un Resolution No. 341: Deed from Charles L. Berta and Lillian Berta over a nortion of Lot ~, Block IIJII Linda Vista Subdivision, knO1m é',S Parcel' 2 of Local ImproveI1ent District No.4. Deed from James Forbes and Janett E. Forbes over a Dortion of Lot Lj" Hool\: Estate Subdivision Ho. 1, knOHn as Parcell of Local Improvement District No.6. Deed from Robert N. Fitz Gerald and Lucille A. Fitz Gerald over a portion of Lot 7, Hook Estate Subclivision Ho. 1, },;:novTn as Parcel 11 of Local Improvenent District No.6. Deed from Edward E. Germann and Juanita A. Germann over a ~ortion of Lot 19, Hook Estate Subdivision No.1, known as Parcel 15 of Local Im?rovernent District No.6. Deed from Jonn W. Hill, et aI, over a nortion of Lot 2, Hook Estate Subdivision No. 1, ~nD~~ as Local Improvement District No.6, Parcel 28. Deed from John P. Ì'Jright and Alberta C. Uright over a 'l)ortion of Lot 12, Hook Estate Subð.ivision No.1, known as Parcel 29 of Local Improve~ent District No.6. Deed from Carl J. Vinther, Jr. and Louise M. Vinther over a :r;ort ion of Lot 16, Hook Estate Subdi vi sion No.1, l-:no¡,rn 8,S Pp,rcel 30 of Local Improvement District No.6. 11 10 C'i 48 249 Deed from Heston 3. Davis and Carmen E. Dpvis over a nortion of Lot 16, Hool~ Estate 3ubclivision No.1, l:nown as Parcel" 31 of Local Improveoent District No.6. Deed from Mabel Lee Senna over a nortion of Lot 16, Hook Estate Subdivision No.1, knOHn 2.S P~rcel 32, Local Imc:rovenent District Eo. 6. Deed :from Alfred AÌì..ron:l.an anc':. Violet Ahronian over a portion of the l-1ancho Las Juntas knovTn as Parcel 36 of Local Improvement District No.6. DR. MALONEY CONDEMNATION Sec~ion¡rIJ PArcel 25 Mr. Brailsford advised the Board that the Dr. Maloney trial is set for Deceôb~r 7. Mr. Craig, attorney for the defense offered to settle for ~750.00. The Board advised Mr. Brailsford to waive trial by jury, and to keep the amount at the original offer of $350.00. ADJOUB.NMi::NT It was duly moved and seconded that the meeting adjourn. Countersigned: ~~ /)/'-' '/\2/ Secretary Pro Te~ , ~ /:.~"",, ,(~--<~_: ~~.. F"~LC-. "'.+ \ PreSid~;t of'--tl;e District Board of Central Contra Costa Sanitary District of Contra Costa County, State of California. 11 18 48 .250 I ! I ~