HomeMy WebLinkAboutBOARD MINUTES 09-23-48 (2) l40 MINUTES OF A SPECIAL MEETING OF THE DISTRICT BOA?D OF CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DIST- RICT HELD AT 8:00 O'CLOCK P.M. SEPTEMBER 23, 1948. The District Board of the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District convened in special session at its regular place of meeting located at 1822 Mt. Diablo Boulevard, in the City of Walnut Creek, County of Contra Costa, State of California, on the 23rd day pf September, 1948 at the hour of 8:00 o'clock p.m. The meeting was called to order by President Weill and the following roll was called: PEESEN'l' : Members Johnson, Smitten, Weill ABSENT: Members Toland and Wadsworth. SECRETARY PRO TEM APPOINTED It was moved by M?mber Smitten, seconded by Member Johnson that the Board appoint Mrs. Phillips as Secretary Pro Tern. Ca.rried. READING OF MINUTES It was moved by Member Johnson seconded by Member Smitten and carried, that the reading of minutes of the previous meetings be waived end they be approved as entered. OPENING BIDS FOR SECTION VI Unit price bids for the construction of Section VI of the Main Trunk Sewer were received from the following contractors: Underground Construction Company, Oakland Stol te, Inc., OaJ;:18.nd McGuire & Hester, Oakland Paris Bros. Berkeley Fogelberg, Orinde Stockton Construction Co., Stockton The bids were referred to the Engineer for tabulation and recommenda- tion. MEMBERS TOLAND A~D WADSWORTH A&~IVED. HEARING OF PROTEST FOR LOCAL IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT NO.5 There were no written protests received aga,inst tne work of Local Improvement District No.5. President Weill called for protests from the floor. There were no protests from the floor. 09 23 48 141 , The following resolution was offered by Member Smitten, seconded by Member Toland: RESOLUTION NO. 362 ORDERING WORK IN LOCAL IMPROV~lENT DISTRICT NO.5 WH~~EAS the District Board of Central Contra Costa Sanitary District, County of Contra Costa, State of California, passed and adopted on September 2,1948, its Resolution of Intention No. 354, to do the work ana improvement therein described, to wit: The construction of sanitary sewers and aupurtenances for the area within the boundaries described in said Resoiútion of Intention to the extent, with the materials and in the manner set forth in said Resolution of Intention and according to Plans and Specifications theretofore adopted therefor, and ~'lHEHEAS ~rri tten protests against the doing of said work anè. improve- ments were filed with the Secretary of said District B02~d and the same 'Vlere duly considered by said ,District Board, RESOLVED by said Dìstrict Board that said Drotests be and the same are hereby overruled, and RESOLVED táat the public interest and convenience reauire and the said District Board hereby orders, tDat said work and improvement be dolle, to ,"'it: The construction of' sanitary sevters and appurtenances for the area uithin the boundaries described in said Resolution of Intention, to trie extent, with the materials and in the manner set forth in said Resolution of Intention, and according to said Plans and Specifications, reference to which Resolution of Intention and Plans and Specifications is hereby made for a description of said work and improvement and the terms and conditions under which the same is to be done. The Secretary of this Board is hereby directed to post conspicuously for five (5) days, on or near the main entrance door to the regular meeting place of trie said District Board at 1822 Mt. Diablo Boulevard, Walnut Creek, California, Notice hereof inviting sealed PROPOSALS or BIDS for doing said work and to publish twice a Notice hereof inviting sealed PROPOSALS or BIDS for doing said work and referring to the plans and specifications on file; the said publication to be in The Lafayette Sun, a daily newspaper, published and circulated in the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District and hereby designated for that purpose. All such nroposals shall be received by the Secretary at the Office of the District Board at 1822 Iv1t. Diablo Boulevard, \'¡alnut Creek, California, on the 14th day of October, 1948, up to the hour of 8:00 o'clock p.m., and said day is hereby aesignated as the day on which, at the hour of 8:15 o'clock p.m., said PROPOSALS or BIDS shall be opened, all of which shall be specified in said Notice, and said Notice shall re- quire with said PROPOSALS or BIDS a check certified without qualification by a responsible bank, payable to the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District for an amount not less than TEN PER CENT (1°%) of the aggregate of the proposal or by a bond for the said amount, and so payable signed by the bidder and two (2) sureties, all as prescribed by law. PASSED AN]) ADOPTED by the DISTRICT BOARD OF CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT OF CONTRA COSTA COUNTY, this 23d day of September, 1948. AYES: 1-1embers Johnson, Smitten, Toland, Wadsworth and Weill NOES: 11em ber s None ABSENT: Members None sf Lawson H. Weill President of the District Board of the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District of Contra Costa County, State of California. ATTEST: s/ Morna Phillips Secretary Pro Tern of the District Board of the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District of Contra Coeta County, State of California. 09 23 48 l42 ESTABLISHING PREVAILING WAGES LOCAL IMPROVEI.ŒHT DISTRICT NO.5 The follouing resolution ¡'!8.S offered by Hember Wadsworth, seconcled by J"~ember Toland: RESOLUTION HO. 363 \JHEREAS, in :r:ursuance of Article 1 and 2 of Chapter 1 of Part 7 of Division 2 of the Labor Code of the State of California before the Sanitary Board of the Central Con1ra Costa Sanitary District may award any contract for public work on behalf of said Sanitary District, the Sanitary Board ~lst ascertain the general prevailing rate of per diem wages in the locality in which th~ work is to be performed, to wit: Within the limits of the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District for each craft or type of workman or mechanic needed to execute the contract, and must specify in the call for oids for said contract and in the contract itself what the general prevailing rate of per diem wages in said locality is for each craft or type of workman or ~echanic needed to execute the contract and 21so the general prevailing rate fur legal holiday B.nd overtime l-tork; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, tl1at the said general prevail- ing rate of per diem wages and the general prevailing rate of per diem wages for legal holiday and overtime work within the limits of saice Sanitary District for each craft or type of vrorkman or mecahnic needed to execute a contract for the construction of sani tary se"t'Ters an.i.. appurtenances in accord2.nce Hi th the plans and specifications therefor, heretofore adopted and approved for doing of saiò. l,rork EìS the same is described in Resolution of Intention No. 354, in the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District shall be and the same are hereby ascertained, approved, and adopted by this Board after a full investigation, to be as follows: Per Diem Rate ....ê. Hour s Class of Work Asphalt Plant Operators Asphalt Plant Engineers Carpenters (Foreman) Carpenters (Journeyman) Carpenters (Millwright) Shovel & Dragline Operators (under 1 yd.) Shovel & Dragline Operators (over 1 yd.) Compressor Operators Compressor (more than one) Operators Concrete Laborers Cement Finishers Concrete Mixerman (up to 1 y~) Concrete Mixerman (over 1 yd.) Operators, Vibrators, Jackhammers & other Air, Gas and Electric Tools Asphalt Shovelers Asphalt Ironers & Rakers Fireman (St?tionary) Crane & Derrick Operators Laborers, General'" Mechanics, Helpers & Oilers Bulldozer Operators Motor Grader Operators Roller ODerators Tractor Operators Tractor & Truck Type Loader, Operators Sewer Pipe Layers and Sanders Trenching Machine Operators Hourly Rate $15.40 17.80 19.00 17.00 18.00 20.20 21.00 15.00 17.40 12.20 17.20 15.00 17.40 13.20 12.20 14.20 15.00 19.00 12.20 15.00 17.80 19.00 17.80 17.80 19.00 15.80 18.20 $1.925 2.225 2.375 2.125 2.25 2.525 2.625 1.875 2.175 1.525 2.15 1.875 2.175 1.65 1.525 1.775 1.875 2.375 1.525 1.875 2.225 2.375 2.225 2.225 2.375 1.975 2.275 09 23 48 143 Class of \llork Per Diem R8.te 8 Hours Hourly Rate Truck Driver Truck Driver Truck Driver Truck Driver Truck Driver Truck Driver (Dump Trucks under 4 yds.) $12.65 (Dump, over ~ and under 6 yds.) 13.65 (Dump, over 6 and under 8 yds.) 14.40 (Dump, over 8 yds.) 17.40 (Pickup or flatrack carrying less than 10,500 Ibs.) 12.90 (Flatrack carrying over 10,500 1 bs. ) $1.58125 1.70625 1.80 2.175 1.6225 Electrician Iron Worker, Reinforcing Steel, Rod~en Iron Worker, Rodmen, Foreman (3 men or under) Foreman (4 men or over) Structural Iron Workers Plumbers Sheet Metal Workers Watchman, Flagman & guards Drillers and Blasters Cribbers and Lagging Combination, Jackhammer-Powderman Bricklayers Bricklayers, Hod-carriers 13.90 19.20 17.20 18.20 19.20 19.20 19.00 17.00 12.20 14.20 14.20 14.20 22.50 18.00 7 Hours 15.05 6 Hour s 15.00 13.50 1.7375 2.40 2.15 2.275 2.40 2.40 2.375 2.125 1.525 1.775 1.775 1.775 2.8125 2.25 2.15 2.50 2.25 Painters Plasterers Plasterers, Hod-carriers Overtime and Saturday Work shall be Daid for at double the normal hourly rate except as noted below for Cement Fin~shers and Truck Drivers and work on Sundays and Holièays shall be paid for at double the normal hourly rate. The foregoinG sChedule of prevailing rates of wages, and rates for overtime, Sunday 8nd Legal Holidays, is based, unless otherwise specified, upon a working day of 8 hours. Overtime and Saturday rates for Truck Drivers shall be at one and one-half (It) times the normal hourly rate. The first two hours overtime, after a normal 8 hour day, fð~ Cement Finishers shall be at one and one-half (Ii) times the normal rate and furtller overtime shall be at double the normal rate. Sat- urday work for Cement Finishers shall be at one and one-half (It) times the normal rate for the first 8 hours worked and at double the normal rate for all further time worked on Saturdays. NOTICE IS ALSO EE,EBY GIVEN BIDDERS that it shall be r:1émd.atory u,o~ the contractor to whom the contract is awarded, and upon all subcontractors under him, to pay not less than said general pre- vailing rates of ~er diem Nates, as above listed, to all laborers, v!orkmen and mechanic s employed in the execution of the contract. PASSED\ND ADOPTED by the DISffiIC'r BOÞO.RD OF 'I'RE CENTRAL COi:TRA COSTA GANITARY DISTRICT, COFTRA COSTA COUNTY, STATE OF CALCFOR~,-IA, this 23d Qay of September, 1948. AYES: Hembers lWt;S: Hembers ABSENT: Hembe:cs Johnson, Smitten, Toland, Wadsworth & Weill None None COU~. '.!.'ERSIGNED: sf Lawson H. Weill President of the District Board of the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District of Contra Costa County, State of California. sf Morna Phillips Secretary Pro Tem of the District Board of the Central Contra Costa Sanitary Dis~rict of Contra Costa County, State of California. 09 23 48 ------------------.-.--------.--- L44 APP:?.OVIlIG AGßESŒ:Ei':~ DISTRICT I-1AP LOCAL IHPROVEJ:EHT DISTRICT ~;o. 1 The follovJing resolution HAS offered by Hember 3r:Ü tten, seconded by Member Johnson: RESOLUTION NO. 364 hESOLVED by the DISTRICT BOARD of the CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DIS~:RICT J Contra Costa County, State of California, that the Assessment District Map submitted by the Engineer, which indicates by a boundary line the extent of the territory included in the District proposed to be assessed for constructing a sanitary sewer system for the areas within the following described boundar- ies, viz: Beginning at the intersection or the center line o~ the County Road ò.esignated as Monument Road (and also knO1vn as Boyd Avenue) with the weste~n boundary of the State Highway from Walnut Creek to Concord; running thence Southerly along said westerly boundary to its intersec- tion 11i th t:L1e 't,resterly boundecry of the E[: st Bay 1'~unici"pal Utili ty Di strict 100 foot right of ,,!ay; thence continuing southerly along 't"lesterly boundary of se.id lCO foot right of way to its intersection with the dividin~ line betveen Re.¡~ch~ Canada Del Hambre and Rancho Las Juntas, said intersection being a point on the exterior boundary of the Central Contra Costa. 38,ni tary Distl~ict; thence north- westerly, westerly, northerly, westerly, northeasterly, easterly, northerly, westerly, and northerly along said exterior boundary to a point in oaid boundary which point is the northwest corner of the Délrcel of land described in deed recorded in Volume 706 of Official Records at page 28L~, Office of Recorder, Contra Costa County, California; thence easterly along north li~e of said parcel to the center line of Pleasant Hill Road; thence northerly along said center line to a point distant southerly along said center line, 468.2 feet from the southern bound~ry of 110nuDent Road; thence easterly to a 'Ooint on the 'toTesterly boundary of the Contra Costa Canal said noint being 170.0 feet soutnerly along the course recorded in tae deed as north 20 14' west, 529.9 feet in Volume 496 Official Records at page 420; thence southeasterly across said right of way to the northwest corner of Lot 35 as said lot is designated on the man of Pleasant Hill ~ardens of record in MaTI Book 29 at nage 18 in Office of Recorder, Contra Costa County, California; thence easterly along northerly line of lots 35 and 36 of said subdiv~ion to the northeastern corner of said Lot 36 vlhich corner is a. point in the 't'¡estern line of Lot 38 of said subdivision; thence northerly along the western line of said Lot 38 to the northwest corner thereof; tDence easterly along common line of Lots 38 and 39 and its extension easterly to the center line of Elliott Drive;thence northerly along said center line to the extension westerly of the common line of Lots 4 and 5 of said subdivision; thence easterly along said westerly extension and common line of Lots 4 and 5 to the easterly boundar:r of said subdivision; thence nortilerly along said eastern b')undary to the south- western corner of a Darcel of land Cescribed in d~ed record- ed in Volu~e 446 Official Records at page 331; thence easterly alonG southerly boundary of said pÐTcel to the north- eastern corner of a TIarcel of land described in deed recorded in Volume 397 Official Records at page 421; thence southerly along e28tern line of said p"_rcel to the southvlest corner of tllat parc91 of land described in deed recorded in Volume 1078 Official Records at page 155; thence e?sterly along southerly line of said Darcel to the center line of Oakvue Avenue; thence southerly along said center line to the northwestern corner of a na~cel of land described in deed to Ross S. Miner, recorded in Volume 1098 Official Records at page 464; thence easterly along the northerly line of sai~ Darcel to the west 09 23 48 145 line of a Darcel of land described in deed to H. P. Moser and recorded in Recorder's File No. 32148 in Office of the Recorder; túence northerly to the northwest corner of said parcel; thence easterly El.long northern line of said parcel to the nort.lea stern corner thereof; tænce northerly to the southwest corner of a Darcel of land described in deed from Hook to M. H. Malott recorded in Volume 786 Official Records at page 493; thence easterly and northerly along the southern and eastern boundary of said Darcel and its eastern extension nortllerly to the center line of said Monument Road; thence easterly along said center line to the point of beginning, in tIle said CENTRAL CO..¡Tl-A COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT be and the same is hereby approved and adopted. Said improvement to be the con struction of a sani tary se~Ter system ~s recommended by the Couty Helath Officer. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the DISTRICT BOARD of the CENTHAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT, COUl.ITY OF CONTRA COSTA, '~TATE OF CALIFORNIA, this 23rd day of September, 1948, by the follo~!ing vote: AYES: Members Johnson, Smitten, Toland, Vladsworth and \veill NOES: Members None ABSENT: Members None ATTEST: sf Lawson H. Weill President of the District Board of tIE Centre.l Contra Costa Sanitary District of Contra Costa County, state of California. sf Norna Phillips .- Secretary Pro Tern of the District Board of tœ Central Contra Costa Sanitary District of Contra Costa County, State of California. APPROVING PLANS GRADES, Al~D SPECIFICATIONS FOP.. LOCAL nœROVEEENT DISTRICT NO.1 The following resolution was offered by Member Smitten, seconded by Member Toland: HESOLUTION NO. 365 RESOLVED by the District Board of the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District of Contra Coota County, State of California, that the Plans and Specifications submitted by the District Engineer providing for constructing a sanitary sewer system for the area within the following described boundaries, viz: Beginning at the intersection of the center line of the County Road designated as Nonument Road (and also kno\m as Boyd Avenue) with the westerly ~oundary of the State Highway from Walnut Creek to Concord; running thence soutðerly along said westerly boundary to its intersec- tion with the westerly boundary of the East Bay Municipal Utility District 100 foot right of way; thence contimting southerly along \'J"esterly boundary of sB.id 100 foot right of way to its intersection with the dividing line between Rancho Canada Del Hambre and Rancho Las Juntas, said inter- section being a point on the exterior boundary of the Central Contra CoGta Sanitary District; thence northwest- erly, westerly, northerly, westerly, northeasterly, east- erly, northerl~ westerly anQ north~rly along said exterior ooundary to a point in said boundary 't'lhich point is the northwest corner of ~he parcel of land described in deed re- corded in Volume 706 of Official Records at page 284, Ofilce 09 23 48 L46 of Recorder, Contra Costa County, California; thence easterly along nortil line 0:1:' said Darcel to the center line of Pleasant Hill Road;-thence northerly along said center line to a point distant southerly along said center line, 468.2 feet from tne southern boundary of HonuIIlent Road; thence easterly to a ::;oint on the westerly boundary of the Contra Costa Canal said point being 170.0 feet southerly along the course recorded in the deed as north 20 14' west, 529.9 feet in Volume 496 Official Records at page 420; thence southeasterly across said right of Fay to túe north- ~est corner of Lot 35 as said lot is èesihnated on the 1.'lap of Pleasant Hill Gardens of Rec orð- in --}.1a!) Book 29 at page IS in the Office of Recorder, Cortra ~o~ta County, California; thence easterly along northerly line of Lots 35 and 36 of said subdivision to the northeastern corner of said. Lot 36 ~:hich corner is a point in the western line or Lot J8 or said subdivision; tnence northerly along tne western line of said Lot 38 to the nortúwest corner thereof; thence easterly along common line of Lots 38 and 39 and its extension easterly to the center line of Elliott Dirve; thence northerly along said center line to the extension westerly of the common line of Lots 4 and 5 of said subdivision; thence easterly along said westerly extension and common line of Lots 4 and 5 to the easterly boundary of said subdivision; thence northerly along said eastern boundary to the south,'¡estern corner of a T)arcel of land described in deeð- recorded in Volume 446 Official Records at page 331; thence easterly along southerly boundary of said parcel to the northeastern corner of a Darcel of land described in deed recorded in Volume 397 O~ficial Records at page 421; thence southerly along eastern line of said parcel to the south1:íest ('orner of that D8xcel of land described in deed recorded in Volume 1078 Official Records at page 155; thence easterly along southerly line of said parcel to the center line of Oakvue Avenue; thence woutherly along said center line to the northviestern corner of a Darcel of land described in deed to Ross S. Miner, recorde~ in Volume 1098 Official Records at page 464; thence easterly along the northerly line of said Darcel to the west line of a Darcel of land described in deed to H. P. Moser and recorded in Recorder's File No. 32148 in Office of the Recorder; thence northerly to the northv!est corner of said parcel; thence eB.sterly along northern line of said pa:'cel to the northe8.stern corner túereof; thence northerly to the south~lest corner of a TJéu.'"'cel of land described in deed from Hook to H. H. Malott recor~ed in Volume 786 Official Records at ~age 493; thence easterly p,nd northerly along the southern and e9stern ooundary of said D2xcel and its eastern extension northerly to the center line of said Nonument Road; thence c?sterly along said center line to the point of beginning, in said Central Contra Sanitary District, be and the same are hereby approved and adopted; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the grades 8.S sho't^Tn on said Plans be and the same are hereby adopted as the official grades. PASSED Aim ADOPTED by the DISTInCT BOARD OF THE CENTRAL COUTRA COSTA :3ANITAl1.Y .uISTlUCT OF CONT~.A COSTA COUNTY, State of California, this 23rd day of Se!)tember, 1948. AYES: ...OES: ABSENT: !,-lemòers Eember's Hembers Johnson, Smitten, To:!..anÓ., l'ladsl'Torth and ¡'¡eill None None sf La~son H. Weill President of the District B08xd of the Central Contra Costa Sanj.tary District of Contra Costa County, State of California. ATTEST: sf Morna PhilliDS --- Secret?ry Pre Tern of the Dictrict Board of tile Central Contra Cocta SEmitary Di..,trlct of Contra C:)~t2. County, ßtate of Cplifornia. 09 2:1 4R 147 RESOLU?ION OF INTENTION LOCAL IlvFROVEiiENT DISTR:CT NO.1 The following resolution was offered by Member Johnson, seconded by r.:ember Smitten: RESOLUTION NO!.. 3ó6 RESOLVED, by the DISTRICT BOARD OF CEH""'RAL COWl.'RA COSTA SANITARY DIST?ICT OF COWi'RA COSTA COUNTY, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, as follo'\"s: SECTION '1. That the 'Dublic intel'cst and convenience require, and it is the intention of said boexd to order the following work to be done and improvements made, to-wit: First: The construction of Sanitary Se\'lTerS and appurtenances, in accordance with Plans and Speci:'ications heretofore adopted and apDrov- ed tIlerefor, in the following nublic streets, rights of way, ease- ments and reserves, in said Sanitary District, as they and the proposed work in relation thereto are shown on Sheet 1 of said Plans and Specifications: ROBERTA AVENUE from its intersection 't';i th Patterson Boulevard to its intersection with Beatrice Road. BEATRICE ROAD, HOOKSTON ROAD, CLEVELAND STREET, and HARDY CIRCLE, each for its fulllenght. SOULE AVENUE from its intersection with Patterson Boulevard to its eastern extremity. 27 FOOT ROADWAY RESERVE as delineated on map entitled "Walnut Creek Acres Unit No. I", recorded in office of Recorder in Volume 25 of l>1aps, page 849, fro~ M H 1, to be located on center line of Boyd Avenue, aloe knoÌ'm as }1Jnument Road, 2Lr feet \-rest of i,rest line of State Highway to M H 2 to be located in said reserve 460 feet south of 1<1 H 1. BOYD AVENUE from its intersection with west line of state Highway to its intersection with Patterson Boulevard. AN UNNAMED ROAD annroximately 490 feet westerly from west line of Cleaveland street, southerly from Manhole 10, to be located at inter- section of said road with Boyd Avenue to Flushing Inlet 9 to be located in said road anproximately 470 feet southerly from south line of Boyd Avenue. AN UNNAHED ROAD approximately 430 feet southerly from south line of Boyd Avenue, from Manhole 2 to be located at intersection of said road with west line of State Highway westerly to Flushing Inlet 1 to be loc~ted westerly in said road approximately 350 feet from west line of said State Highway. EASE~:ENT in Lot 120 (Parcel 23) as design2.ted on map entitled "Pleasant Acres, Unit No.3", recorded in Volume 31 of Naps, page 33, in office of Recorder; being a strip of lanð. .s feet ~!ide (right angle measurements) center line of which is described as folloivs: BeGinning on north line of said Lot 120, distant thereon north 890 07' 13" west, 2.5 feet from e8.st line of said Lot 120; thence south 00 521 L~2" west, parallel with east line of said Lot 120,148.08 feet; thence south 290 26' 15" west, 30.65 feet to south line of said Lot 120. E".SE: 'ENT in Lot 142 (Parcel 24) 8.S designated on said map of "Pleasant Acres, Unit No. 3", being a strip of land 5 feet "'ide, south- east line of which is parallel with and 5 feet southeasterly, measured at right angles, from northwest line thereof, said northHest line being entire northwest line of said Lot 142. ,." "., '. g I¡ -', I"'~""_. ~' -j i4d' ':.) L48 EASEl-IEHT in Lot 75 (Parcel 29) as designated on map entitled, ~leasant Acres, Unit No.2", recorded in Volume 30 of Na~s, page 17, in office of Hecorð.er, being east 5 feet (right angle measurements) of Lot 75. EASEI1ENT in Lot 78 (Parcel 30) as designated on said L1a:9 of "Pleasant Acres, Unit No.2" ":.:ìeing lJest 5 feet (right angles measu:~e- ments) of Lot 78. RESERVE in said Lots 75 and 78 as described in Declaration of Restrictions for said Pleasant Acres Unit No. 2~ recorded in office of Recorder, September 23, 1946 (File No. 3545l). Also in the follovring streets, ri~:hts of vTay, easements and reserves in said Sanitary DiGtrict as they and the proposed v!ork in relation thereto. are shown on Sheet 2 of said Plans and S~ecifications. L.OBERTA AVENUE from its intersection with Patterson Boulevard to its western extremity. PATTERSON BOULEVARD from its intersection with Boyd Avenue to yoint 180 feet south of intersection of said Boulevard with Roberta Avenue. POWELL AVENUE, POSHARD STREET, DUDLEY COURT, ffiJB:ARD AVENUE, and McKISSICK STREET, each for its full length. SOULE AVENUE from its intersection with Boyd Avenue to its intersection with Patterson Boulevard. BOYD AVENUE, also kno't'Tn as Honument Road, from its inter'section with Patterson Boulevard to its intersection with Soule Avenue. EASEIŒNT in Lot 251 (Parcel 19) as designated on Hap entitled "Plea,c'ant Acres, Unit No.4", recorded in Bolume 32 of Haps, page 28, in office of Recorder, being North 5 feet of said lot. EASEHENT in Lot 243 (Pe.rcel 20) as designated on s8.id map of "Pleasnnt Acres, Unit No.4", being strip of land 5 feet wide north line of which is parallel with and 5 feet nortDerly, measured at right angles, from the south line thereof, said south line ~eing c1escribed as follO1'ls: Be::;inning on esst line of Hubbard Acenue at south line of said Lot 243; thence north 370 48' 20" east along said south line, 150.67 feet. l::ASE::ELT in Lot 244 (Parcel 21) as desi.<?:nated on said maD of c ~ "Pleasant Acre s, Unit No. 4", being strin of land 5 feet vlide (right angle measurements) center line of which is described as follows: Bdginning on north line of said Lot 244, distant thereon south 870 48' 20" west, 66.96 feet from northeast corner thereof; thence south 730 43' 30" east, 67.14 feet to east line of said lot, distant thereon south 60 34' 10" west, 21.52 feet from northeast corner there- of. EASEMENT in Lot 242 (Parcel 22) as designated on said map of "Pleasant Acres, Unit No.4", being stri, of land 5 feet wide, north line of ",rhich is parallel ",ith and 5 feet northerly, measured at right angles, from south line thereof, said south line being entire south line of said Lot 242. ALSO in the following streets, rights of way, easements, cross- ing and reserves in said Sanitary District 8.S they end the proposed work in relation thereto, are shown on Sheet 3 of said Plans and Specifications: ELLIOTT COURT and SUNSET DRIVE, each for its full length. ELLIOTT DRIVE from TIoint 170 feet north of its intersection with Sunset Drive, to Fiushin~ Inlet 98 to be apnroximRtely 530 feet sout~erly from south line of Elliott Court. OAKVUE AVENUE from Flushing Inlet 96, to be located in said avenue apnroximately 420 feet south of south line of Boyd Avenue, to its southern extremity. . n9 2~ 48 149 PLEASANT HILL ROAD from Flushing Inlet 103, to be 10cÐ.ted in said Road apnroximAtely 650 feet south of intersection of Pleasant Hill Road and Boyd Avenue, to Manhole 118 to be located apnroximate- ly 1300 feet south on Pleasant Hill Road from intersection of said road to Boyd Avenue. AN UNNAlvlED ROAD for its full length, said road extending ì..¡esterly from its intersection 't'l}'i th Oakvue Avenue, said intersection being ap~roximately 460 feet south of south line of Boyd Avenue. EASE:tTENT in portion of Re.ncho Las Juntas (Parcel 4), being strip of land 15 feet w-ide, south line of ¡.;rhich is perallel 't¡rith and 15 feet southerly, measured at right angles, from north line thereof, said north line being entire north line of narcel of land described in deed from Martin FAsching to Robert Dagley, Jr., et ux, recorded in Volume 841 of Official Records, page 230. EASEIŒNT in Lot 9 (Peecel 5) as designated on map entitled, "Pleasant Hill Gardens, Contra Costa County, California", recorded in Volume 29 of Maps, page la, in office of Recorder; being strip of land lying north of line described as follows: Beginning on east line of said Lot 9, distant thereon south 20 15' east, 18.05 feet from north line of said lot; thence wouth 880 IS' west to east line of Elliott Drive. EASE!ŒNT in Lot 30 (Parcel 6) as designated on said map of "Pleasant Hill Gardensll, being strip of land 10 feet 't'Tide (rip;ht angle measurements), center line of which is described as follows: Beginning on west line of Elliott Drive, distant thereon south 20 IS' east, 50 feet from north line of said Lot 30; thence south 870 45' west, 70.00 feet; thence north 830 26' 8" west, 52.48 feet to point on west line of said lot, distant thereon south 20 15' east, 24.03 feet from northwest corner of said lot. EASEHENT in Lot 29 (Parcel 7) as designated on said map of Pleasant Hill Gardens, being strip of land 10 feet wide (right angle measurements), center line of 'Hhich is described as follo\'Ts: Beginning on east line of said Lot 29, distant thereon south 20 15' east 24.03 feet from north line of said lot; thence north 760 04' west, 7.66 feet; thence north 460 10' west, 55.96 feet; thence north 640 41' 1511 west, 60.73 feet to 't'l}'est line of said Lot 29. ßASENENT in Lot 28 (Pe.rcel 8) as designated on said ma:!) of Pleasant Hill Gardens being strip of land lying north of line described as follows: Beginning on line between Lots 28 and 29, as designated on said ma:!), distant thereon south 70 34' 3411 east, 12 f~et from most nortnerly corner of said Lot 28; thence north 640 41' 15" west to lone between Lots 28 and 34, as designated on said map. EASEIŒI~T in Lot 34 (P9_rcel 9) as designated on sé'-Ìd map of Pleasant Hill Gardens being stri:!) of land 10 feet wide (right angle measurements), center line of vThich is described as follows: Beginning on line between Lot8 28 and 34, as designated on said map, distant tDereon south 57 14' 15" west, 5.94 feet from most norti1erly corner of said Lot 28; thence north 640 41' IS" Hest, 91.67 feet to point on,west line of said Lot 34, distant thereon north 2 16' west, 40.64 feet from most southerly corner of said Lot 34. EASE1~NT in portion of Rancho Las Juntas (Pexcel 14) described in three sub-parcels as follows: mm.-PARCEL ONE - Strip of land 5 feet wide, west line of which is parallel with and 5 feet westerly measured at right angles, from east line thereof, said east line being described as follows: Beginning on west line of the 1.32 acre parcel of land. described in deeã. from Richmond-Hartinez Abstract & Title Company to the United states of America, recorQed in Volume 461 of O:-ficial Record.s, page 403, at south line of ",arcel of land described in deed from Adele Hook, et aI, to Peter Molino, et ux, recorded in Volume 347 of Official Records, nage 319, thence along said west line as follows: south 40 15' 4511 west 172.01 feet 09 2.3 48 l50 and south 170 501 30" east, 18.8 feet. SUB-PARCEL 1l!.Q - strip of land 5 feet Hide (right angle measurement), center line of "Thich ì s de scribecL p, s follO't..¡s: Begil:ning on v,Te st line of 'Darcel of land cLescribed in said deed ~rom Ric~Dond-MRrt~nez Abstr~ct & ~itle CompaDY to United states of America, distant thereoD south 40 15' 45" west, 172.01 feet and south 170 50' 30" east, 18.8 feAt from south line of parcel of lanè. described in said deed i'rom Ad,ele Hook, et aI, to Peter Molino, et ux; thence from said point of bdginning south 370 15' 30" Fest, 215 feet; thence south 850 24' 30" west, 55 feet to a point herein designated as "Station A"; thence 165.92 feet to center line of county road known as Pleasant Hill Road. Excepting from Sub-parcel Two: The interest conveyed to Board of Supervisors of County of Contra Costa, by deed from John B. Hamilton, recorded in office of Recorder in Volume 13 of Deeds, at page 383. SUB-PARCEL !HREE - Strip of land 5 feet wide (right angle measurements), center line of which is described as follOlrs: Beginning at "Station A" referred to in Sub-Parcel Two above; thence south 190 35' 30" east, 45.34 feet to center line of a creek. EASEJ.iElJT in ~)ortion of Rancho Las Juntas (Parcel 18) described in two sub-Darcels as follows: SUB-PA~CEL ONE - Strip of land 5 feet wide, north line of which is parallel with and 5 feet northerly, me8sured at right angles, from south line thereof, smd south line being described as follows: Beginning in center line of County Road known as Oakvue Avenue at north line of parcel of land described in deed from Basil C. Craft, et ux, to Earl Ifatto, et ux, recorced in Volume 997 of Official Records, page 28; thence along said north line south 890 15' east, 487.74 feet to east line of parcel of land de scribed in deed from R. 'V. Butterfield, et ux, to Bacil C. Craft, et ux, recorded in Volume 806 of Official Records, page 164. Except- ing from sub-parcel one: The interest conveyed in deed from Elizabeth D. Blanchard, Administratrix, et aI, to County of Contra Costa, recorded in Volume 464 of Official Records, page 438, over that portion of above described premises lying within strip of land described in said deed. SUB-PARCEL TWO - Strip of land 5 feet wide, c're st line of ,,¡hich is parallel 1'li th and 5 feet v;e sterly, measured at right angles, from east line thereof, said e¿:st line being des- cribed as follo\vs: Begin~'ing on east line of parcel of land des- cribed in deed from R. W. Butterfield, et ux, to Basil C. Craft, et ux, recorded in Volume 806 of Official Records, page 164, at north line of parcel of' land descri ~)ed in deed from Basil C. Craft to Earl Matto, et ux, recorded in Volume 997 of Official Records, yage 28; thence along said north line north 20 301 west, 92.9 feet. EASE::El-JT in ~ortion of Rancho Las Juntas (Parcel 34) described as follo't-Ts: Gtrip of land 5 feet wide, south line of which is parallel with and 5 feet southerly, measured at right an~les, from north line thereof, said north line being entire north line of parcel of land described in deed from Alfred P. lied, et ux, to I. J. Phillips, et ux, recorded in Volume 493 of Official Records, page 53. CROSSING under Contra Costa Canal described as foll~)i'TS: Commenc';- ing at M H 115 and running thence southwesterly under säid Canal, and across the center line thereof at Canal Station 2l26~OO, approximately 250 feet to M H 116. Also in the following easement in said Sanitary Dimrict as it and the proposed work in relation thereto are shown on Sheet 4 of said Plans and Specifications: EASEHENT in portion of Rancho Las Juntas (Parcell), being strip of land 10 feet wide, center line of which is described as follows: Commending in center line of Oak Park Boulevard, 8.S designated on map entitled "Pleasant Hill Homesites Unit No.1, in Rancho Las Juntas, Contra Costa Count;:!, C!?lifornia", filed in office of Recorder in Volume 24 of Maps, page 743, at inter- section thereof 't-Tith west line of the 11.622 acre 'Darcel of land described in deed from James S. Hook Estate Com~any to East Bay Municipal Utility District recorded in Volume 7 of Official Records, page 426; thence along said center line north 800 161 30n west, 149.96 feet to the extension north 300 43' 30" east of center line of Eccleston Avenue as said Avenue is designated on maD entitled "El Dorado Park Unit No.1, Contra Costa County, California", filed in office of Recorder in Volume 33 of Maps, ~age 25; thence north 09 aß 48 151 300 43' 30" east along the extension of center line of said Eccleston Avenue, 32.13 feet to :'Joint on norti11ine of said Oak Pprk Boulevard and actual ~oint of beginning of herein described 10 foot wide strip of land; thence from said point of beginning north 300 43' 3011 east, 1917.95 feet and north 00 07' east, 121.64 feet to center line of a 50 foot wide roadway known as Cleveland Road being at south1'lest corner of :parcel of land des- cribed in deed from Lee R. Beauchamp, et ux, to T. L. Williver, recorded December 23, 1947 (File No. 51580). Also in the following streets, rights of way, easements and . reserves in said Sanitary District as they and the proposed work in relation thereto, are shown on Sheet 5 of said Plans and Specifi- eEl tions: BRIDGE ROAD from its eastern extremity to its intersection with the Contra Cost~ Right of Way. WHITTIER ROAD, KEATS CIRCLE, LONGFELLOW DRIVE, }~SEFIELD DRIVE, iiA"ITHOHNE DRIVE, ST~VENSOlJ DRIVE, and ELLIOTT DRIVE each for its full length. PATTJ::RSON BOTJLEVARD from its intersection vli th Oak Park Boule- vard to a point 210 feet northeasterly from intersection of Patter- son Boulevard and Hawthorne Drive. . SHELLY DRIVE from Manhole 38, to be located at intersection of Shelly Drive and Longfellow Drive, to Flushing Inlet 39 to be located nortnerly in said Shelly Drive aÿproximately 360 feet from center line of said Longfellow Drive. CHAUCER DRIVE from Manhole 34, to be located at intersection of Chaucer Drive and Stevenson Drive, to Flushing Inlet 34 to be located . westerly in said Chaucer Drive approximately 310 feet fro~ center line of stevenson Drive. COLLINS DhIVE from Hanhole 33, to be located at intersection of Collins Drive ardstevenson Drive, to Flushing Inlet 32 to be located westerly in said Collins Drive ap:proximately 300 feet from center line of Stevenson Drive. BYRON DRIVE from its western extremity to a point in said Byron Drive approximately 150 feet east from center line intersection of Byron Drive and stevenson Drive. THE 5 FOOT RIGHT OF WAY in easterly five feet of Lot 95 as said lot is designated on map entitled, "Pleasant View Homes, Unit No.2 Contra Co sta County, Californian, recorded in Volume 33 of I-laps, page 3, in office of Recorder and reserved in Decl&ration of Res- trictions for said Pleasant View Homes, Unit No.2, recorded in office of Recorder March 12, 1947, File No. 10000. Also in the following streets, rights of way, easements and reserves in said Sanitary District as they and the proposed work in rela.tion thereto are shoim on Sheet 6 of said Plans and. Specifications: WYATT CIRCLE, COATS CIRCLE, STBW~~T CIRCLE, GROVE CIRCLE, PLEASANT VIE:'¡ DRIVE and CUEBEELA.,D DRIVE, each for its full length. P.ANDO1-1 ¡'JAY from its intersection l!Ìth Cuoberland Drive to F.I. 68 to ,oe located in said '^lay 190 feet lresterly from center line of Cumberland Drive. PLEASAN'r HILL ¡WAD from point in easterly line thereof 470 feet northerly from north line of Oal: Parle Boulevarcl, thence v'¡esterly and y¿rallel to Oak Park Boulevard across said Pleasant Hill Road, a~Droximately 150 feet to point westerly line of said Pleasant Hill Hoad. EASEl¡ElJT in Portion of Rancho Las Juntas (Parcel 31) described as follows: Strip of land 5 feet wide, north line of which is parallel 1.-li tl1 and 5 feet northerly, measureè. at right angle s, from south line thereof, said south line being described as fo~.lows: Be~;inc~.r:~; on north line 0:' "BO1;le:- Subdivision, Contra CCH",t!? CO'mty, California", as SÌ101',m by map ti1sreof filed in office of Recorder 1.; 09 15 48 152 in Volume 2'7 of Maps, p8ge 5, at 'i'Jest line of Pleesant 3ill iloP,cL; thence north 390 151 v:est along said north line of Bovller SUD- di vi sian and 8.10n~, nor"ch line of II Sher'\;'.rood Height s, Contra Co eta. County, California", 8.S shmm by map thereof filed in office of Recorder in Volume 31 of Ma~s, page 13, 1305.21 feet. EASKŒ~,T in Lot 3 (Parc el 32) 8.S cle signa tea on saicL map of Bo'ider Subdivision, being strip of land 5 feet ¡<Tide, east '_ine of ¡'¡hich is pera11el "lith and 5 feet ec<sterly, oeasureè. at right angles, from west line thereof, said west line being described as follows: Beginning at northwest corner of said Lot 3; thence south 00 451 west, along west line of said Lot 3, 310 feet. THE 5 FOOT RIGHT OF WAY in easterly 5 feet of Lots 2,3, 4, 6, 7,13,39, and 40; the southerly 5 feet of Lots 1, 2, 8, and 40; and westerly 5 feet of Lot 8; as said lots are designated on map entitled "Sher1r!ood Heights, Contra. Costa. County, Ce.lifornia.", recorded in office of Recorder in Volume of Maps, page 14; said right of '!:JaY being reserved in Declar8.tion of Restrictions for said Sherwood Heights, recorded in office of Recorder October 8, 1946, File No. 38102. TB~ 3 FOOT RIGHT OF WAY in northerly 3 feet of Lots 6, 86, 87, 89, 91, D.nd 92, and easterly 3 feet of Lot 86, as saiè. lots ere desip;n- ated on ma~ entitled, "Pleasant View Homes Unit No.1, Contra Costa County, California," Recorded in office of Recorder in Volume 30 of Haps, :pa~e 9; said right of ¡-.ray being reserved in DecJ.aration of Restrictions for said Pleasant View Homes Unit No.1, recorded in office of Recorc:-er, February 26, 1947, File No. 7870. THE 5 FOOT RESERVE in westerly 5 feet of Lots 21, 27, 28, and 29, 35 to 38 inclusive, 44 to 47 inclusive, 53 to 56 inclusive, and 63; easterly 5 feet of Lots 6~., 67 to 84 inclusive, and northerly 5 feet of Lot 83; as said lots and reserves are delineated on said map of Pleasant View Homes Unit No.1. EASEl,lENT in portion of Rancho Las Juntas (Parcel 33) describ- ed as follO1'lS: Strip of land 5 feet "o¡ide, 'i,rest line of which i s narallel i'i"Ì th and 5 feet Ì'lesterly, measured at right angles, from east line thereof, said east line being entire east line of parcel of land described in deed from Elmer A. Merwin, et ux, to Hugh P. McHanee, et ux, recorded in Volume 663 of Official Records, page '-i~48. CROSSING of Bridge Road; said crossing to be 2.5 feet rresterly of west line of Contra Costa Canal Right of Way. Also in the follovJing streets in said Sanitary District as they E'~ncl the proposed 'i'!ork in relation tl1.ereto are sh01~Tn on Sheet 7 of sai~ Plans and Specifications: PUTNAI1 AVENUE from the intersection with Oa}: PE'.rk Boulevard to its intersection ¡'!i th Hoover Avenue. OAK PARK BOULEVARD f~om its intersection with Putnam Avenue to its intersection vlith Douglas Lane. Also in the following streets rights of way, easements And reserves in said Sanitary District as they and the 9roposed work in relation thereto are shown on ,Sheet 8 of said Plans and Specifications: OAK PARK LAND and DOUGLAS LAND, each for its full length. OAK PARK BOULEVAIID from its intersection 'i'ri th Douglas Lane westerly to F.I. 69, 1680 feet from said intersection. EASE1:ENT in Portion of Hancho Les Ju.n.'as (Parcel 27) described as follows: Strip of land 5 feet wide, south and easterly line of which is parallel with and 5 feet south and easterly, measured at right angles, from general north and westerly line thereof described as follows: Beginning on east line of ~arcel of land described in 09 2.3 48 153 deed fron Louise M. ZinDernan to Francis T. Cornish, et ux, recorded in office of Recorder September 23, 1947 (File No. 38024), distant thereon south 10 31' ~~" west, 150 feet ~rorn south line of COUI:ty Road, kno,,;n as Pleasant Hill Road; thence n'Jrth 880 28' 15" vTest, 200 feet; thence south 600 33' 10" west, 75 feet; thence south 370 09' west, 70 feet; thence south 1° 36' west 35 feet. AN UNI\jAIŒD ROAD, extending southerly from Pleasant Hill Road ani lying approximately 1730 feet westerly of Oak Park Lane, from M.H. 58, to be located a~proximately 145 feet south of south line of Pleasant Hill RJad, to southern extremity of said unnamed roe.d. EASEKENT in protion of Rancho Las Juntas (Parcel 28) described as folloìt!E: Strip of land 5 feet ¡'Tide, south and \'test line of 1'!hich is ~arallel with and 5 feet southerly and westerly (measured at right angles) from general north anc1. east line thereof ò.escribed as follovrs: 3eginninß on north line of 17 acre De~cel of land de scribed in deed from A. M. Johl~son, et ux, to Henry Heier, et ux, recorded in Volume 222 of Official Records, page 231, distant thereon south 880 27' 50" east, 504 feet and south 610 26' 45" east, 59.17 feet from center line of County Road, known as Pleasant Hill Road; thence along exterior line of said Meier ~e~cel as follows: South ólo 26' 45"-east, 368.83 feet; south 10 32' 45" west, 188 feet, and south 890 32' 45" east, 298.36 feet to east line of said Meier parcel. EASEMENT in portion of Rancho Las Juntas (Parcel 40) described in two sub-parcels as follows: SUB-PARCEL 1: Strip of land 5 feet wide, center line of which is described as follm,TS: BegirLing on east line of tract of lamd designa"'ced on map entitled, "Dia.blo View Gardens, Contra Costa County, California", filed in office of Recorder in Volume 28 of Maps, page 35, distant thereon south 20 13' 45" east, 85.42 feet, from northeast cgrner tnereof¡ thence son~h 830 31' east 183.22 feet; thence north 67 13' east, 245.19 feet to south line of parcel of land described in deed from A. M. Johnson, et ux, to Henry Meier, et ux, recorded in Volume 222 of Official Records, page 231. §UB-PARCEL 2: Strip of la.nd 5 feet Hide, south line of ¡-¡hich is parallel with and 5 feet southerly, measured at right angles, from north line, said nortl1 line being described as follows: Beginning on west line of ~arcel of land described in deed from Annie F. Bessing to Henry F. Besging, et ux, recorded in Volume 305 Official Records, page 231, et extension south 880 27' 15" east of south line of parcel of lanQ described in deed from A. M. Johnson, et ux, to Henry Meier, et ux, recorded in Volume 222 Official Records, page 231; thence from said point of beginning north 380 27' 15" west along extended line and along south line of said Meier parcel 115.28 feet. EASE:ŒuT in Dortion of Rancho Las Juntas (Parcel 41) described as follows: Strip of lan~ 5 feet wide, center line of which is described as follows: Beginning on west line of parcel of land described in deed from Annie F. Bessing to Henry F. Bessing, et ux, recorded in Volu~ 305 Official Records, ::>age 231, distant thereon north 10 15' east, 1700.48 feet from north line of Geary Road, thence south 880 53' east, 80.26 feet; thence narth 470 I' east! 76.40 feet; thence south 880 8' east, 165.8 feet; thence sou~h 42° 24' east, 97.47 feet; thence south 780 42' east, 42.97 feet to e~st line of said Bessing parcel. EASE~ENT in Dortion of Rancho Las Juntas (Parcel 44) described in three sub-parcels as follows: aUB-p~~CEL 1: Strip of land 5 feet wide, south line of which is ~arallel with and 5 feet southerly, measured at right angles, from nJrth line thereof, said north line being described as follows: Beginning on south line Jf parcel of land described as Parcell in deed from Louise Pearson to Alvin Neumann, et UX, recorded in office of Recorder, September 11, 1947 (File No. 36296), at northv;est corner of Darcel of land described as Parcell in deed from Louise Pearson to Philip M. Strayer, et ux, recorded in Volume 841 of Official Records, page 496; thence from said point of beginning south 750 45' viest along south line of said Neumann parcel 100 feet. 09 2.3 48 154 SUB-P~{CEL 2: Strip of land 5 feet wide, center line of which is described as follows: Beginning on south line of parcel des- cribed e.s Parcell in a.eed from Louise Pearson to Alvin Neumam¡, et UX, recorded in office of Recorder September 11, 1947 (File No. 36296), distant thereon so~th 750 45' west, 100 feet from north't'rest corner of parcel of lend described as Parcel I from Louise Pearson to Phllin H. strayer, et ux, recor--ed in Volume 841 Official Records, page 496; thence from said point of beginning south 510 28' west 118.58 feet; thence south 170 68' west, 126.40; thence south 670 34, west, 106.52 feet ot point hereinafter referr- ed to as Station A, a total distance of 167.08 feet; thence south 820 4' west, 140.07 feet; thence north 780 42' ~Jest, 135.33 feet to east line of Parcel of land described in deed from Annie F. Bessing to Henry F. Bessing, et ux, recorded in Volume 305 Official Records, page 231. SUB-PARCEL 3: Strip of land 5 feet wide, west line of which is :p8.ralle1 \.¡i th and :; feet 't-lesterly, me2sured at right angles, from east line thereof, said east line being described 8S follows: Beginning at Station A, as designated in description of Sub-parcel 2 above; thence south 37 feet. EASEllENT in portion ()f Rancho Las Juntas (Parcel 45) described as follows: Strip of land 5 feet wide, south line of which is parallel vIi th B.nd 5 feet southerly, !!ieo sured at right angles, from north line tDereof, said north line being described as follows: Beginning at most northerly corner of parcel of land described in deed from Louise Pearson to Philip M. strayer, et ux, recorded in Volume 841 Official Records, nage 496, thence south 750 45' west along north line of said strayer parcel, 115.08 feet to west lint thereof. AN UNNAMED ROAD, extending southerly from westerly extension of Oak Park Boulevard and lying 1085 feet westerly of Oak Park Lane, from M.H. 54, to be located appeoximately 700 feet south of south line of westerly extension of Oak Park Boulevard, to M.H. 60 to be located at southern extremity of said nunamed road. THE 20 FOOT RESERVE on east line of Lot 23 as delineated on said map entitled, "Diablo View' Gardens", recorded in Volume 28 of Maps, ~age 35, in office of Recorder. Also in the follo"'ing public streets, rights of \.¡ay, easements and reserves in said 8ani tary Di ~¡trict as they and the proposed v!ork in relo.tion thereto are shO't,m on Sheet 9 of said plans and S:qec ifica.tions; POLLEY LANE, DOROTHY DRIVE, HOOVER AVENUE, BELLE AVENUE, and C~~ISA COURT, each for its full length. PUTNAH AVENUE from its intersection v!ith Geary Avenue to its intersection with Hoover Avenue. GZ~Y ROAD from its intersection with Larkey Lane to its inter- section with Putnam Avenue. Oak Avenue from its intersection with Putnam Avenue to its intersection with Carisa Court. EASEMENT in Lot 1 (Parcel 35) as designated on map entitled "Map of the Hook Estate, Subdivision No.1, Contra Costa County, California", recorded in VolurJe 7 ()f Maps, page 255, in office of Recorder; being strip of land 5 feet ...¡"ide, south line of \'¡hich is parallel ¡'71th and 5 feet southerly, measured at :cight angles, from north line thereof, said north line being described as follo,fs: Beginning at northwest corner of said Lot 1, thence north 890 30' east along north line of said lot, 218.52 feet to east line of nsrcel of land described in deed from Ralnh W. Evans as Building and Loan Commissioner, to George A. Gaukroger, et ux, recorded in Volume 546 Official Records, page 15. 09 2.3 48 155 EASEHENT in Lot 42, (Parcel 37) as designated on ma'!) entitled 111;18.p of Graceland \'J'alnu t Home S1 tes, C ')n tra Co eta County, California", filed in office of Recorder in Volume 21 of Ma~s, page 581, des- cribed as follov:s: Strip of land 5 feet wide, north line of which is nÐ.rallel ~'ri th anð. 5 feet northerly, mee.sured at right angles from south line thereof, said south line being described as follows: Beginning in center line of Belle Avenue at North line of parcel of land described in deed from Grace A.Putnam, et vir, to John V. Putnam, et ux, recorded in Volume 248 of Official Records page 34, thence south 890 43' west alonG said north line, 158.8 feet to extension south 00 05' 30" east of ~est line of Lot 30, as design- eted on said map of Gracelancl ivalnut Homesi tes. EASEMENT in Lot 16 (Parcel 36), being east 5 feet (right angle mee,surement) of Lot 16 as designated on saið. map of Gre.celand Walnut Home Sites. EASEMENT in portion of Rancho Las Juntas, (Parcel 2) described as follows: strip of land 10 feet wide, vlest line of which is described as follo~s: Beginning on north line ~f tract of land designated. on map entitled uNap of Carisa Tract Subdivision, Contra Costa County, Californiall, Filed in office of Recorder in Volume 31 of Maps, page 21, at point distant thereon soutl?- 890 43' 10" west,163.09 feet from most easterly corner of Lot 6, as designated on said map, thence l1cY'th 00 13' 30" east, 111.15 feet. EASEEENT in Lot 6, (Parcel 3) as designs.ted on sa:1.:ì. map entitled "Carisa Tract Subdivision, Contra Co:;ta County, Californie"; being strip of land 5 feet uide east line of which is parallel ~ith am .5 feet easterly measured at right angles from 'vest line tllereof, said west line being described as follows: Beginning at most west- erly corner of said Lot 6; thence,aòong line between Lots 5 ana 6 as designated on said ma'9, north 44 30' east, 97 feet and north 00 09' 30" '-lest, 2&06 feet to north line of said Lot 6. AN UNNAMED ROAD, ext,ending northerly :Cr')m Oak Avenue and lying 380 feet easterly from east line of Putnam Avenue, from :i.ntersection of Oak Avenue and said unnamed road to F.I. 6 to be 10c9.tcd 225 feet from center line of Oak Avenue. AN UNiiA1ŒD ROAD, extending ee.sterly from Dorothy Drive and lying ap1jroxim'õtely l}OO feet north from north l:..ne of Geary Road, from intersection of said unnamed road With Dorothy Drive to F.I. 72 to be located a~proximately 500 feet easterly from intersection of sai& unnamed roed ard Dorothy Drive. AN UNNAHED ROAD, extending southerly ~rom Oak Avenue pprallel to and ap~;:;roxim8.tely 510 feet easterly from center line of Putnam Avenue, from intersection of said unnamed road and Oak Avenue to F .I. 5 to be ~cated approximately 180 feet from intersection of said unn~~ed road and center line of Oak Avenue. Also in the follo't'.ring public streets, rights of v.Jay and e'isements and reserves in said Sanitary District as they and tDe proposed work tnel'eto ere sho't-m on Sneet 10 of said Plans and S"Oecific2..tions: DIABLO VIEW ROAD between its western and eastern intersections with Barnett Circle. BARNETT CIRCLE from its easterly intersection with Diablo View Road thence northerly along and follouing Barnett Circle to M.H. 63 to be located aP'9roximately 630 feet north of the westerly inter- section of Barnett Circle and Diablo View Road. :30NHIE LANE for its full lenght. GEAHY ROAD from its intersection 1-lith Bonnie Lane to F.I. 45 to be located in Geary Road 1280 feet westerly fron intersection of Geary Road and Bonnie Lane. 09 2.3 48 -..--- - --- ------...---.------ - --. ...... --.. ....-.-- 156 THE 5 FOO'l' EASElIEWP in 1"!esterly 5 feet of Lots 29, 28, 27, 26, 25 anc112 to 15 inclusive 28 designated on map entitled "DiG'-blo Viei,.r G2-rÖ.ens, Contra Costa County, C8Iiforn1a", recorded in Voll1me 28 of Maps, ~age 36, in off~ce of Recorder. :.rHE 5 FOOT EASE!-lENT in northerly 5 feet of Lo t 25 as designated on said map of Diablo View Gardens. EASE::ENT, in Lot 7 (PercellO) as designated on said map of Diablo View Gardens, described as follows: Strip of land 5 feet wide, i-rest line of ÿ!hich is né1.rallel Hith and 5 feet i,'~esterly, measured at right angles, from east line thereof, said east line being entire east line of said Lot 7. EASEMENT, in Lot 6 (Parcel 11) as designated on said map enti tIed tI Jis,blo Vie"-T Gardens", described in tvTO sub-parcels as follows: SUB-PAP-GEL 1: Strip of 18.nd 5 feet wide, west line of which is parallel with and 5 feet westerly, measured at right angles, from east line thereof, said east line being described as follows: Beginning at northeast corner of said lot; thence so'lth 20 13' 45" e2~t along east line of said Lot 6,109.02 feet. BUB-P~qCEL 2: Strip of land 5 feet wide (right angle meaoure- rr:ents), center line of ¡{hich is described as follov-Ts: Beginning on east line of said Lot 6, distant thereon south 20 13' 45" east, 109.02 feet from t~northeast corner thereof; thence north 850 021 45"west, 77.94 feet; thence Houth 20 13' 45" east, 45.62 feet to south line of said Lot 6, distant thereon north 880 27' 15" west, 77.5 feet from southeast corner thereof. EASEEENT, in Lot 10 (Parcel 12) as designated on said map entitled "Diablo Vie", Gardens", being strip of IpJ1& 5 feet Ì'!ide right angle measurements, center line of which is described as follows: Beginning on west line of Barnett Circle, distant thereon north 250 31' 15" east, 38.25 feet from soüth line of Lot 10; thence north 850 02' 45" west, 99.88 feet to west line of said Lot 10, distant thereon north 20 13' 45" west, 40.98 feet from southwest corner thereof. EA.SEIŒNT, in Lot 11 (Parc el 13) as de signa ted on s[:Üd map entitled "Diablo View Gardens", described as foll011s: Strip of land 5 feet \'Tide, east line of v!hich is ne..rallel 1"i th and 5 feet easterly, measured at right angles, from west line thereof, said west line being entire west line of said Lot 11. EASEllENT IN PORTION OF RANCHO LAS JUNTAS (parcel 42) described as follows:. Strip of land 10 feet wide, v!est line of Ì"ihich i,s parallel with and 10 feet westerly, measured at right angles, from east line thereof, said east line being described as follows: Beginning at southwest corner of Darcel of land described as Parcel One in deed from Annie F. Bessing To Eme H. Berwick, recorded in Volume 479 of Official Recorð.s, Da~e 122; thenc'e north 1015' east, along east line of said Ber11ick parcel 94.62 feet. EASK~NT In Rancho Las Juntas (Parcel 43) described as follows: strip of lard 5 feet ,,¡ide, south line of wlÌch is "'JRrallel vJi th 9.nd 5 feet southerly, measured at right angles, froM north line being described as follol-¡s: Beginning at norti'least corner of "DB,rcel of land. described in deed from James l'laldie, et ux, to Mervin Frank Casaurang, et ux, recorded in Volume 1081 of Official Records, page 419, thence ~orth 890 57' west along north line of said Casaurang pa::'cel 310.42 feet to nQrthl".rest corner thereof. EASE!ŒNT in portion of Rancho Lé'.s Juntas (PI'œcel l~, being stri'D of land 5 feet wide (right angle measurement), center line of which is described as follows: Commencing at M.H. 66 to be located at westerly intersection of Barnett Circle and Diablo View Road, thence Bouth 20 56' west 197.63 feet to F.I. 50 to be located 172.62 feet southerly from south line of Diablo View Road. / "." 09 2.3 48 ,.- 1..57 Also in tne following streets, rights of way, easements and reserves in said S9ni tary District ,3S they and the DroDosed work in relation thereto are shown on Sheet 11 of said Plane and Specifications: CORALIE COURT for its full length. THE 5 FOOT EASEl,'¡ENT in south 5 feet of Lot 6 as designated on map entitled "Lehman Tract Subdivision, Contra Costa County, CÐ,lif- ornia", recorded in Volume 35 of MaDs, Dage-17, in office of Recorder. BASEV£NT consisting of two sub-~arcels: Sub-Parcell: Portion of Lot 44, as designÐted on man entitled "Contra Costa Land Company's Subdivision No.2 of the Larkey Ranch", (Parcel 16), recorded in Volume 2 of Maps, page 49, in office of Recorder, being strip 5 feet wià,e, north line of which is parallel with and 5 feet northerly, measured at right angles, from south line thereof, said south line being described as follows: Beginning on west line of said Lot 44 at south line of the 1.14 acre Darcel of land described in deed from Boston Investment Company to Richard Quittner, recorded in office of Recorder in Volume 238 of Deeds, page 142; thence north 890 17' east along said south line, 305 feet. Sub-Parcel 2: Portion of Lots 43 and Lj,4 as designated on said map entitled "Contra Costa L2,nc1 Company's Subdivision No.2 of the Larkey Rp-.nch" , being strip of land. 5 feet \,¡ide, east line of ",Thich is -parallel 111 th and 5 feet easterly, measured at right angles, ~m Ivest line thereof, sB,id vvest line being described as folloi1s: Beginning on south line of the 1.14 acre Darcel of land described in said deed from Boston Investment Com-pany to Richard Quittner, distant thereon north 89017' east, 305 feet from west line of said Lot 44; thence north 00 43' west to center line of Ge~ry Road and M.H. 92. EASEliIENT in Lot J..¡,4 (Pe.rcel 17) as designated on said map entitled "Contra Costa Land Company's Su-;Jdivision No.2 of the Larkey Ranch", being strip of land 5 feet I'ride, east line of l<Jhich is parallel with and 5 feet easterly, measured at right angles from west line thereof, said west line being described as follows: Beginning on south line of the 1.14 acre parcel of land described in said deed from Boston Investment Company to Richard Quittner, distant thereon north 890 17' east, 305 feet from west line of' said Lot 44, thence south 00 43' east to center line of First Avenue and F. I. 78, distant thereon north 890 17' east, 305 feet from west line of said Lot 44. LA3ELENT in Lot 44 (Parcel17-A) as designated on said map entitled "Contra Costa Land Company's Subdivision No.2 of Larkey Ranch", being strip of land 5 feet ~{ide, e' st line of \'lhich is parallel with and 5 feet easterly measured at right angles from ~rest line tnereof, said \'lest line being described as follov!s: Beginning on west line of said Lot 44 at south line ~f the 1.14 acre parcel of lo.nè described in said deed from Boston Investment Company to Richard Quittner; thence south 00 43' east along said west line to center line of First Avenue and F.I. 78. EASEHEi;:T in Lot 2 (Parcel 38) as cLesign~,ted on said map entitled "Le:'i:le.n Tract Subdivision", being north 5 feet of said Lot 2. Also in the following streets, rights of way, ease~ents and reserves in said Sanitary Di::trict as they and the proposed ifork in relation thereto, are shown on Sheet 12 of said Plans and S~ecific- ations: LARKEY LANE from its intersec tion ¡'li th East Bay 11un'l_cipéÜ Utility District right of way to its intersection with Geary Road. HA?J,10NY LANE for its full length. AN UNNAIŒD ROAD, extending ivesterly from intersection of Larkey Lane and First Avenue from said intersection to F.I. 84 to be located approximately 410 feet west from intersection of said unnamed road and Larkey Lane. 09 23 48 158 AN UNNÞJ1ED ROAD, extending v'resterly from Larkey Lane an:::. apDroximately 460 feet southerly from intersection ~f Larkey ana First Avenue, from the intersection of said unnamed road Larkey Lane to lof.R. 101 to be located ap'r)roxi!!lately 650 feet erly from said last stated intersection. lying Lane and vIe st- AN UNNAHED ROAD, extending southerly 110 feet from H.R. 136 to F.I. 83, said II1anhole 136 to be located at intersection of said unnamed road and another unnamed road, said intersection being 300 feet westerly from intersection of First Avenue and Lar::ey Lane. EAJE!,1EiJT IN LOTS 61 e,nd 62 (Parcel 25) as clesignated on ma:.:> enti tIed "Contra Costa Land Company's SubcUvision No.2 of Larkey Ranch", recorded in VoluIJ.e 2 of lv1a~)s, -'Jage 49, in office of Recorder being described as follows: Strip of land 5 feet wide, ~easured at right angles, center line of which is described as follows: Beginning on north line of parcel of ~d described in dee~ from Stella M. Duffie, et vir, to William T. Jenkins, et ux, recorded in office of Recorder January 29, 1948 (File No. 3875), distant thereon south 890 17' irTest 576.50 feet from center line of Larkey LRne; thence from said point of beginning north 20 west, parallel with said center line, 405.17 feet to south line of parcel of land described in deed from John W. Haberly, et ux, to Joe A. Burkhart, et ux, recorded in Volume 784 of Official Records, nage 408. EASEIŒliT IN LOT 62 (Parcel 26) as ð.esignated on said Dap enti tIed. II Contra Costa Land Com--any's SubcUvision No.2 of Larkey Ranchll, being described as follm-rs: Strip of land t feet ,;¡ice, measureè. at right angles, center line of vThich is ð.escribed as follows: Beginning on north line of parcel of land described in deed from Stella M. Duffie, et vir, to William T. Jenkins, et ux, recorded in office of Recorder Janu8.ry 29, 19L!-8, (File No. 3875), distant~ereon south 890 17' west, 576.50 feet froD center line of Larkey Lane; thence from said point of beginning south 20 east ~arallel with said center line, 352.76 feet to south line of said Lot 62. The eX'Dense of' said. "Tori: e,nd inmrover!1ent hereinbefore described in Seëtion I, F'rst, hereof, ai1è~ on Sneets 1 to 12 both inclusive, shall be chargeable upon an assessment d.istrict here- in after established. Second. The construction of sani tary se't'le::'s and aUDurtenances in accordance with said Plans rodSDecifications in the following roadway as it and the }Jl"'o!Josed work' in :celRtion thereto 8.re shovm on Sheet 1 of said Plans and Specifications: Crossing unGer State HigDway at its intersection with eastern end of Boyd Avenue also known as Monument Road. The ex~ense of said work hereinbefore described in Section 1, Second hereof, and as said work is shown on said ShÐt 1 of said Plans and Specifications relating thereto, shall be chargeable u~on said assessment district hereinafter established. Third. The office of the Recorder referred to hereinabove is the office of the Recorder of the County Jf Contra Cost8, State of California, and Official Records and file numbers hereinabove referred to, are Official Records and file numbers of said. Recorder. The letters M.R. and. F. I. herein used refer to and mean Hanhole and Flushing Inlet respectively. In the foregoing descript '.on, 't,rherever right of Hay, easement, street or other public way is described wherein work is to be done it ~the intention that said work shall a180 be extended so as to ' connect the same with the sewer work to be constructed nearest to said right of way, easement, street or other public way, and ~t the point in said nroDosed work where a manhole or other connection is shO't-J"n on said pianël therefor, unless other'tv1se ShO1'Tn t..'1ereon. 09 2a3 48 159 Forth: Said work shall inclu&e the refilling and resurfacing of tDe trench in 'Hhich said se'tver anëL anpurtenances are constructed. Section 2: All of Gaia im~rovement and work shall be done of the sizes, dimensions, and materials and in the positions and locations as shown upon, and all in accordance with, the Plans and Specific?tions tnerefor heretofore adopted by said District Board and now on file with the Secretary of said Boexd, ~!hich said Plans and Specifications are hereby referred to and made a Dart hereo~ by reference. Section 3: That in the opinion of said Board, said '-fork is of Íl1i)re than local or ordinary public benefit, and saië'~ Board hereby orders that the cost and exnenses of said work and imDrove~ent shall be chargeable and cHarged uiJon a district, 1-!h~ch district is hereby declared to be the district benefited by said work and improvement and 't'lhich is to be assessed to pay the cost and expenses thereof. The exterior boundaries of said assessment district and the extent of the territory included therein are shown upon the map of said district apnroved and adopted by said Board on the 23rd day of September, 1948, and now on file in the office of tœ Serretary of said Board, to which map reference is hereby made for a particular description of said bounQaries and the extent of said territory included therein to be so assessed; saving and expecting therefrom the area of all public streets and other public v\Tays included therein. Section 4: That the proceedings for said 't>fork am improvement shall be had and taken under and in accordance with Division 7 of ~he Streets and Highways Code of the State of California.("Imnrove- ment Act of 19l1"). NOTICE IS EZltEBY GIVEN that the Heplth Officer of said County of Contra Costa has recommended in ~œiting to said Board that said proceedings for said work be instituted as a necessary health measure anci said Board heretofore ordered said recommenda~ion spread upon the Minutes of said Board and by Resolution adopted by the affirmative vote of four-fifths of the members of said B02~d found a~d determined that such necessity exists. Section 5: THat serial bonds shall be issued nursuant to Part 5 of Division 7 of said streets and Highways Code (Improvement Act of 1911) to renresent the unnaid assessments of ~Jenty-five dollars , (~25. 00) orover for the co st- Jf said ~jork, said bonds to bear interest at tile rate of SIX PER CENT (6%) per annum, to extend for a perioê of nine e) years from the second day of January next suc- ceeding the next October 15th foll011ing their date, and to be pay- able in annual installments, the last installment thereof to mature nine (9) years from the second day of January next succeeding the next 15th day of October follovTing their date, said -bonds and the interest thereon to be payable as Drovided in said Code. Section 6: That Thursday, the 21st è-ay of October, 194-8, at the hour of 8:00 o'clock ~.m., of said day and the meeting place of said Board, 1822 Ht. DiE:.blo Boulevard, City of vlalnut Creek, in the County of Contra Costa, State of C1:Üifornia, be and the same are hereby fixed as the time and place, when and where any and all persons heving any objection to the proposed work and improvement or to the extent of the di~trict to be assessed, or both, may apgear before said Board and show cause 't1hy s8.id proposed "¡or}\: should not be c:::œried out in accordance 1'li th this Resolution of Int-ention. Section 7: That the Engineer of said District shall cause to be conspicuously posted along the line of said work and improvement, in the manner and form required òy law, notices of the yassage of this Resolution. 09 2.3 48 .-------------- 160 Section 8: That tne Secretary of said Bo~rc. shall certify to the passaGe of this Resolution aEd. 8h[:.11 cause the same to ;Je :JublLhec'. tHice, as required 'cy lr-ål, in the Courier Journal a nel'!Spaper publi siled alÙ. circulE~ted Td thin saie'. Di stl'ict and l1e:'eby designated for the purpose by said Board. Section 9: Said Di~rict Board does hereby direct its Secretary to mail notices of the adoption of this Resolution of Intention to all ~)ersons morning real property þro~osed to 'oe 8,ssessed. for the -'ark he:c..ein described, 1:VhoGe names and c-ddresses 2_?pe2'x on the last equalized. B.sseSSI:lent roll of the County of Contra Co:ta or as knmm to tile Secretary, the contents of said notices to be required by laT,; . PASSED AhD ADOPTED BY THE DISTHICT BO.1iliL OF CEN'I'RAL C:Jl<TRA COSTA SANIT~~Y DISTRICT OF CONTRA COSTA COUNTY, this 23rd day of September, 1948. AYES: Members Johnso~ Smitten, Toland, Wadsworth and Weill l~OES: I>1embers None ABSEi:T: Members None sf Lawson H. l1eill President of the District Board of the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District of Contra Costa County, 3tate of California. COUH1'ERSIGNED: S Morna.Phillips Secretary ro Tern of the District Board of the Central Contra Costa Sanitro~y District of Contra Costa Courty, Stete of California. ( SEAL) FINDING OF NECESfjITY F()R LOCAL IMPROVE~~NT DISTRIC~ NO. II -- - The follo~ing resolution w~s offered. by Member Wadsworth, seconded by Member Toland: RESOLUTION NO ~.-2.§1 WHElŒAS the County Health Officer has filed w"~.th this DISTP.ICT BOARD a report stating that the conditions in the ~ereinafter described area in the CENTRAL COW:'RA COSTA SANITA..~Y DISTInCT, in the COUNTY OFCON'rRA COSTA, are unsani te.:cy, unhealthful B.nd dangerous to tile health of the people living herE:in, and recommending as necessary as a health measure that the DISTRICT BOARD institute ~roceedings at an early date for the construction of a sEmi tE'.::.ry se\'rer system to abate such unsanitary conð.i tions, said area. being [)ounded and described as follows: Beginning at the southeast corner of that certain ,arcel of land described in deed recorded February 18, 1946, (File No. 5367) daid corner being on the easterly Rancho Boundary as desic~nated on the ma"p entitled "HaD of Sectionization of a part of Rancho Lc¡guna- De Los Palos êolorados, Contra Costa County, California", v!hich map Has filed in the office of the Recorder of the County ~Contra Costa, State of California, on August 8,1916 in Voluce 15 of Maps at "page 308; thence northt-;esterly along said Rancho line to its intersection "t'¡i th the northern line of that certain 'Darcel of land described in deed from Gussie E. Botelho to J. Ä. Olivera, et aI, in Volume 506 of Official Records at nage 154; thence westerly alonG said northern line to its intersection with the eastern boundary line of a 40 foot ,"¡ide road commonly ::nown as Las Trampss Road; thence northuesterly in a direct line to the 09 2.3 48 161 common corner of Lots 7 and 10 on the eastern boundary line of Las Trampas Manor as said lots are designated on ma~ of Las Trampas Manor of Record in Map Book 27 at Dages 58 and 59; thence northerly, westerly, southerly and westerly along eastern, nort~ern, western and northern boundary of said Las Tramnas Manor to its intersection with the eastern boundary of the Sacramento Northern Railway right of way; thence southerly along said eastern boundary and along the entire western boundary of Glenside Estates as said Sub- division is of record in Map Book 24 at pages 793 and 794, to its intersection of said east line of the Railway right of way with the southern boundary of the County Road extended southwesterly as said road is shown on map of said Glenside Estates; thence nort~easterly along said western extension and continuing along southern boundary of said county road and its extension northeasterly to the center line of a 25 foot right of way described in deed of record in Volume 662 of Official Records at page 1; thence south- erly along center line of said 25 foot right of way to the most southerly corner of the aforementioned parcel of land described in deec (File No. 5267); thence northeasterly along southern line of said Darcel to the point of beginning. THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the DISTRICT BOARD of the CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITArLY DISTRICT, Contra Costa County, state of California, that it if: hereby found that such necessity for the construction of a sanitary sewer system for the above described areaæ necessary as a health measure does exist, and hereby orders that Droceedings be nrenered for adoption by this BOARD for the construction of such sewers, as recommended by the Health Officer, said nroceedings to be nrovided in Division 7 of the Street and High,',ray Code of the state of C8_l~_fornia, the IIImprovement Act of 1911", with bonds to be issued to renresent unnaid assess~ents as nrovided therein. BE IT ~URT~ER RESOLVED that the report and recomcendation of the Health Officer is hereby orclerecl spread upon the Minutes of this Heeting. PASSED AND ADOPTED BY THE DISTRICT BOARD OF THE CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT, COUNTY OF COH':7rl.A COSTA, STATE OF CALIF- ORNIA, this 23rd day of September, 1948, by the fo1lo,^ring vote: AYES: Hembers Johnson, Smitten, Toland, Wadsworth & Weill NOES: He-mbers None ABSENT: Nembel"'s sf Lawson H. Weill President of the D~rict Board of Central Contra Costa Sanitary District of Contra Costa County, state of California. ATTEST: sf Morna Phillins Secretary Pro Tem of the District Board of Central Contra Costa District of CJntra Costa County, State of California. The Health Officer's letter is as follows: SeDtember 15, 1948 The District Board Crntra1 Contra Costa Sanitary District Walnut Creek, California Gentlemen: A recent investigation of conditions existing in the area [lereinafter described in the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District in the County of Contra Costa, disclosed such conditions to be un- sanitary, unhealthful, and in my o~inion, dangerous to the health of the people living tìlereon. Said area is bouncled and described. as follovlS: 09 t3 48 L62 Beg-inning at ti"le southeast corner of that certain parcel of land described in c1eeè. recorded February 18, 1946, (File No. 5367) said corner bein~ on the easterly Rancho boundary ~s designated on the man entitled "MaD of Sectionization of a Dart of Rancho Lagun1:). De-Los Palos ColoradoR, Contra CO~'t2. County, California, II v¡hich map was filed in the office of the Recorder of the County of Contra Costa, Sta.te of California., on August 8, 1916 in VoluI":le 15 of Maps at page 308; thence northwesterly along said Rancho line to its intersection~th the northern line of that certain Darcel of land described in deed from Gussie E. Botelho to ~. A. Olivera, et aI, in Volume 506 of Official Records at page 154; thence rTesterly along said northern line to its intersection with the eastern boundary line o~ a 40 foot ~ide road commonly known as Las Trampas Road; thence northwesterly in a direct line to the common corner of Lots 7 and 10 on the eastern boundary lire of Las Trampas Hanor as said lots are design2"ted on map of Las Trampas Manor of record in Map Book 27 at pages 58 and 59; tnence northerly, westerly, southerly and westerly along eastern, rnrthern, "¡¡"estern and northern bounà.fœy of said Las Tram:pas I-lanor to its intersectìon with the eastern boundary of the Sacramento l'hrthern Raili"a:r right of \"ay; thence soutnerly along said eastern boundary and along the entire "¡estern boundary of Glenside Este.tes as said subdivision is of record in Map Book 24 at pages 793 and 794, to its intersection of said e?st line of the Railway right of i\ray ",i th the southern boundary of the County Road extended south- vesterly as said road is shovm on maD of sai.d Glenside Estates; thence northeasterly along said western extension and continuing along souti1ern boundary of said County ?coed anëL its extension to tne center line ~a 25 foot right of way described in deed~ record in Volume 662 of Official Records at page 1; thence southerly along center line of said 25 foot right of way to the most soutnererly corner of the aforementioned parcel of land described in deed (File No. 5267); thence northeasterly along southern line of said ~arcel to the point of beginning. As Health Officer of the County of Contra Co ta, I recof:lmend as a necessary nealth measure that your Honorable Board institute ~)roceedings at an early elate for the can:::: truction of a sanitary sewer system for said area to abate the unsanitary conditions ~nerein. . HEALTH OFli'ICER OF CQl;rrRA COSTA COUNTY By sf w. A. Powell W. A. Powell, M. D. DIRECTING. DISTRICT ENGINEER TO PREPARE PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR LOCAL HIPROVEHENT DISTRICT NO. II The follO1dng resolution \-¡as offered by Hember ßElitten, sec- onded by Member Johnson: RESOLUTION ~O~~ ?.ESOLVED, by the District Board of the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District, County of Contra Costa, State of California, that the District Engineer is hereby directed to prepare and submit to this Board maps, ò_iagrams, :plans, and s!,>ecifiaations, together v¡i th a careful estimate of the cost and expense of conRtructing a sanitary sewer system for the area within the following described boundaries, namely: Beginning at the southeast corner of that certain parcel of l~nd described in deed recorded February 18, 1946, (File No. 5367) said corner being on the e?sterly Rancho boundary as design<;ted on the map entitled "Hall of Sectionization of a Dart of Rancho Laguna De Los Palos Colorados, Contra Costa County, California", which map was filed in the office of the Recorder of the County of Contra Costa, State of California, on August 8, 1916 in Volume 16 of Maps at nage 308; thence northv!esterly along 09 ~3. 48 1.63 said Rancho line to its intersection witú the northern .line of that certain Darcel of land described in deed from Gussie E. Botelho to J. A. Olivera, et aI, in Volume 506 of Official Records at Dage 154; thence ,"resterly along said northern line to its intersection with the eastern boundary line of a 40 foot wide road commonly Imo1'Tn as Las Trampas Road; thence northwesterly in a direct line to the common corner of Lots 7 and 10 on the eastern boundary line of Lgs Tram~a8 Manor as said lots are designated on map of Las Tram9as Manor of record in Map Book 27 at ~)ages 58 and 59; thence northerly, westerly, southerly and westerly along eastern, northern, 'I."¡estern e..nc1 northern boundary çí: said. Las Tramnas Haner to its intersection vli th the ee..stern boundary of the Sacramento Northern Railway right of way; thence southerly along said eastern boundary and along the entire western boundary of mens ide Estates as said Subdivision is of record in Hap Book 24 at pages 793 and 794, to its intersection of said e~st line of the Railway right of "ray 1\"i th the southern boundary of t:æ County Road extencled southwesterly as said road is shwon on map of said Glen- side Estates; thence northeasterly along said western ex- tension and continuing along southern boundary of said County Road and its extension northeasterly to the center lien of a 25 foot right of way described in deedof record in Volume 662 of Official Records at page 1; thence southerly corner of the aforementioned parcel of land è~escribed in deed (File No. 5267); thence northeasterly along southern line of said Darcel to the yoint of beginning. PASSED Aim ADOPTED 'oy the Di strict Board of the Central Contra Costa Sanitary Dttrict, County of Contra Costa, state of California, this 23rd day of September, 1948. AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Hembers Hembers Hembers Johnson, Sm:1.tten, Toland, \vads'I.'I1'orth & ì1eill None None sf Lawson H. Weill President of the District BoE~d of Central~ntra ~osta Sanitary District of Contra Costa County, State of California. ATTEST: sf Morna Philli~s Secretary Pro Tern of the District Board of Central Contra Costa Sanitary District of Con~ra Corta County, state of Ca~ornia. APPROVINC} PLA1Œ, GHADES AND SPECIFICÞ_TIONS FOR LOCAL IHPROVEl.!E.:T DISTInCT NO. 11 The follo'l.'¡ing resolution \.¡as offered by Nember He..dS1:fOrth, second- ed by lIernber ßoi tten: RESOLUTION NO. 369 hESOLVED by the District Board of tne Central Contra Costa San- itary District of Contra Costa County, state of California, that the Plans and Specifications submitted by the District Engineer provid- lng for constructing a sanitary sewer system for the e.rea 'l."r1 thin the follolTing described boundaries, viz: B3gmning at the southeast corner of that certain ~arcel of land described in deed recorded February 18, 1946 (File No. 5367) said corner being on the easterly Rancho ¡)oundary as designE'.ted on the map entitled "}tap of Section- ization of ,a part of Rancho Laguna De Los Palos Colorados, 09 13 48 L64 Contra Costa County, Californiatl, 'hThich maD 1-IaS filed in office of the Recorder of the County of Contra Costa, state of California, on August 8, 1916 in Volume 15 of Maps at page 308; thence nortm¡esterly along said Rancho line to its intersection with the northern line of that certain 'narcel of land è~escribed in deed from Gussie E. Botelho to J. A. Olivera, et aI, in Volume 506 of Official Records at nage 154; thence westerly along said nortlwrn lint to its intersection Ì'Ti th the eastern boundary line of a 40 foot ~'lide road com:10nly l:.nov.!ll as Las Tram1)aS Road; thence northwesterly in a direct line to the comoon corner of Lots 7 and 10 on the eastern boundary line of Las Trampas llanor as said lots are designated on Hap of Le,s Tram:pas Hanor of record in Map Book 27 at pages 58 and 59; thence northerly, westerly, southerly and westerly along eastern, nor-;~he2"n, vvestern and northern boundary of said Las Trampas l,1anor to its intersection 'td th the eastern boundary of' the Sacramento Northern Hail'IÞJay right of way; thence so'Jtherly along said eastern boundary and 9,long the entire ~\"es'-ern bounð.ary of Glenside Estates as said subdiviå.on is of record in Map Book 2L . at pages 793 and 794, to its inter- section of said east line of the RailHay right of '!tray H=- th the soutllern boundary of the Counjy Road extended south- ,'resterly as said road is sho~'rn on map of said Glenside Estates; thence northeasterly along said western extension and continuinG along soutJ1ern boundary of said county road and its extension northeasterly to the center line of a 25 foot right of way described in deed of record in Volume 662 of Official Records at page 1; thence southerly along center line of said 25 foot right of way to the most southerly corner of. tiE aforementioned ;ì8rcel of land described in deed (File No. 5267); thence northeasterly along southern line of said narce1 to the point of beginning, in said Central Contra Costa Sanitary District, be and the same ere :lereby ap:proved and adopted; and BE L.T FURTHER RE30LVED tnat the grades 8,S shovTn on said Plans be and the same are hereby adopted as the official grades. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the District Bo?rd of the CE1~TI-L4..L CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT OF CUI:TRA COSTA COUNTY, State of Ca1.ifornia, this 23rd day of September, 1948. AYES: ~IOES: ABSENT: Hembers }'Iembers Hembers Johnson, smitten, Toland, Wadsworth & Weill None None sf Lawson H. Weill PresiQent of the District Board of the Central Co~tra Costa SanLary District of Contra Costa County, State of California. A~'TEST: sf Morna PhilliTIS Gecretery Pro Tem of the District Board of the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District of Contra Co~ta County, state of California. APPROVIli(;:- ASSESS~ :ENT DISTRICT l-1AP LOCAL II~PROVEI:H:H r DIS'l'EICT :iO. 11 The f'o110"{¡iw: resolution 1-JaS offered 'oy :~e::1ber 1ve.r1S\'JOrth, sec- on(ed 'oy Hember--Toland: 09 2.3 48 165 PEOO- "c-'-O.,~ 'TO 70 ~ L Û LJ t.; '1. J. 1\ ~\ . 3 ~...ESOLVE:D b7 tlle .ùISTRIC¡.J. :;OARD of t11e CEl-fÆ.AL c.;O=J~HA COJTA :3Aí::.:TARY J~~Y.l.'i1.ICT, Contra Co'.:ta County, stat~ of California, tilat t:ne Assessmen-c D:Lntrict Hap:èu'ot1itted by the Ene;:ineer, r:.rhich indic"tes by a oounêLary line the extent of the territory included in the District pr090se¿ to ~e esEessed for constructing a sanl tary sevIer system for the areas 11i thin the follo¡'Jing cle s- cribed boundaries, viz: Beginning at the southeast corner of that certain Darcel of land described in deed recorded February 18, 1946, (File No. 5367) said corner being on the easterly Rancho boundary as designe.ted on the mal' enti tled"I-Æap of Section- ization of a part of Rancho Laguna De Los Palos Colorados, Contra Costa County, Caljibl'nia", ~Ihich map ~I]'as filec1 in the office of the Recorder of the County of Contra Costa, State of California, on August 8, 1916 in Volume 15 of Maps at :page 308; thence northi'Testerly along said Rancho line to its intersection with the northern line of that certain Darcel of land described in deed from Gussie E. Botelho to J. A. Olivera, et aI, in Volume 506 of Official Records at page 154; thence westerly along said northern line to its intersection lii th the eastern boundary line of a L¡-O foot wide road commonly known as Las Trampas Road; thence northwesterly in a direct line to the com~on corner of Lots 7 and 10 on the eastern bounècary line of Las TraI:l~)as Ea.n:Jr 2.S SF.id lots ai.-'e à.esignAted on ma!, of Las Trampas HanoI' of recorð. in Ha~) Bool>;: 27 Ðt pages 58 ~mcl 59; thence nort:lerly, 't,."esterly, southerl" and 't<Testerly along eastern, northern, Hestern and northern bounà.ary of said Las Tre.m!,8s IIp.nor to its intersection 1-ri tl1 the eastern bol1nclary of the Sacra::lento N:Jrtllern HaihJey rip;ht of 't'ray; thence southerly along said eastern boundary and along the entire western boundary of G.lenside Estates ¡:¡ s said subdi v1sion is of record in He:!) Boolc 24 at Dages 793 anc1 794, to its intersection of Bajd east line of t::1e Rp.ilFav ri~ht of way Hi th tile sou tl1ern )oundary of the county road extended south1tiesterly 8.S said road is sho1-!n on man of said. Glenside Est8.tes; thence north- easterly along said Western extension and continuinG along southern boundary of said county road and its extension northe2.sterly to the center' line cf 8. 25 foot right of \<[ay described in deedd record in Volume 662 of Official Records at ~age 1; thence sout~erly along center line of said 25 foot right of 1tiay to tne most southerly corner of the aforementioned l)arC el of land de scribed in deed (File No. 5267); thence north- easterly along southern line of said 'Darcel to the point of ;:;eGinning, in the said CENT:>-1.AL COlJlrRA COGTA SANITARY DISTHICT be and the same is hereby anDroved an~ ado~ted. Said im~rovement to De the construction of a sanit8~Y sewer system as recom~ended by the County Health Officer. PAsnED Aim ADOPTED by the DISTRICT BOARD of the CENTR4.L C:ONTP.A COJTA S'^..NITARY DISTInCT, COUNTY OF cO!r::RA COGTA, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, this 23rd day of September, 1948, by the followinG vote: AYES: I,lembers hOES: l!lembers ABSENT: l;Tembers Johnson, Smitten, Toland, Wadsworth, & Weill None None ATTEST: sl Lawson H. Weill ~resident of t:œ District Boecrd of Central Contra Costa Sanitary District of Contra Costa County, State of Cali!ornia. sl Morna, !hilliDS Secretary Pro Tern of the District Board of Central Contra Costa Sani t8.ry District of Contra Costa County, state of CalifornB. 09 23 48 l66 RESOLUTION OF' INTEl\TION LOCAL IHPHOVEI.1ENT DISTRICT NO. 11 - . The f)llo'\'Tinc: 1"e sol-' tioD Has offere(1 by Hember Haècm'rorth seconded by Member Toland: RESOLUTION NO .--211 RESOLVED, by the DIST~ICT BOARD OF CENTRAL CON~RA COSTA SANITAP~ DISTRICT OF CONTRA COeTA COUNTY, STATE OF' CALIFOHN:A, AS FOLLOHS: Section 1. That the TIublic interest Rnd convenience require, an~ it is the intention of said Bo~~d to order the following work to be done and im~rovement made, to-wit: FIP.ST: T~-le construction of sani tary se~Ters and a:-J:Jurtenanc es, in accorèance with plans and snecificat~ons heretofore adopted nncl o.:n~;roved 'üherefor, in the f 01. 1 Oi'!i ng street s, right s of ì'laY, ease":ents and reserves, in séÜd Bani tary DiEtrict, as they and the nro"Dosed Fork in relation thereto 8.re shm"m on Sheet 1 of said Plans and SlEcifications: COUNTY ROAD between its intersection with Sacra~ento Northern Re.ilHay right of "lay and Flushing Inlet 2 to be loce,ted on said County Road 125 feet southeast from intersection of said County Road and Glenside Drive. LOS PALOS DRIVE between its easterly intersection with said County Rood and its southern extremity. LOS PALOS CIRCLE for its full length. COUNTY ROAD froIJ its intersec tion ìri th southern extremity of LOG PALOS DRIVE to li8.nhole 6 to be locpted E'.DDroxim:->tely Li,40 feet easterly from said intersection at intersec~ion of said County Road and an unnamed road. COUNTY ROAD from saið. Manhole 6, to Flushing Inlet 11 to be locateð. in said County F.o,,'d approxinatel~r Joe feet northerly :t'rom Hanhole 6. A!: UNNAlolED ROAD from said M.H. 6 to F. I. 12 to be loc~ted in said unnamed road ap~roximately 275 feet southerly from M.H. 6. COF.'.TY ROAD at H.H. in l!ain Trunk SevIer locate(. 300 feet south't-¡esterly from intersection of Bout.n.ern extremity of Los Palos Drive a~ said County Road. EA::':El":ENT in Lot 22 (Parcell), as designrted on map entitled IICHenside Estates", recorded in Volume 24 of Haps, ;)P.ge 793, in office of Recorder, being striD of land 5 feet wide, north line of 1;-¡hich i s Dé'l~allel 1';i th E~nCL 5 feet northerly, measureò. at right angles, from south line thereof, said south line being entire south line of said Lot 22. EA GE!f..EN l' in Lot Ih (Parcel 2), 2,S clesir;neted on saic1 me.p enti tleët IIGlenside EstE1.tesll; being strip of land 5 feet 1Jicle, n;rth line of 'tV'hic.!1 is narallel 1";i th B.nð. 5 feet northerly me-9sured at right angles from south line thereof, s2.id south line being entire south line of Darcel of land described in deed from Frederick A. Herbert, et ux, to Kevin G. Sullivan, et ux, recorded in Voluue 8h6 of Official Records, page 426. EASEl.lENT in :rnrtion of Rancho Lae;un8. De Los PÐlos Coloredos, (PÐ.::~cel 3), being strip of la11c1 5 feet 1-;i<5.e, ~"est line of "thich is parallel with and 5 feet westerly, ùeasured at right angles, from east line thereof, said east line being described as follows: Beginning in cen~er line of County Road leading from Lafayette to Moraga, at most w~sterly corner of p~rcel of land described in deed from J. A. Oliveira,et ux, to Franklin Carter, et ux, record- ed in Volume 591.;. of Official Recorcls, page 129; thence north 360 39' east along nowtrlliest line of said Ce~ter parcel, 111.27 feet to most southerly corner of Darcel of land described in deed from J. A. Oliveira, et ux, to George F. Oliveira, et ux, reco~ded in Volume 621 of Official Records, nage 219. 09 23 48 167 T:;{E 5 FOOT RE3K-.VE in ¡'¡esterly 5 feet of' Lots :3 to 9 inclusive, anë southerly 5 feet of Lots 1 and 23; as s~id lots ~nd reserves are de8i~nated on said map entitled "Glenside Estates". CROSSING OF COUNTY ROAD onDosite southeast corner of Lot 1 BS design::è"ceÖ, on saie... may entitled "Glenside Estates". E^S~~'T i L t 5 ~. ~ d ~.tl ~ "L m ~ .t..~...t...¡ n 0 as a.e slgna lie on rJ.aTJ en III e\." as .I.rp..m:p8.S Manor, Contra Costa County, California", recorded in Volume 27 of l>1aps, "()8.ge 58, in of.fice of Recorder; said e:-".sement being granted in deed from Frank Draheim, et ux, to ~entral Contra Costa Sanitary District, ã.eteè~ A:pril 17, 1948 ancl recorcled in office of Recorder June 9, 1948, File No. 21726. The exnense 0-:" said Forlc and imnrovement hereinbefore described in Sectio~l, First, hereof, and o~Sheet ~ shall be chargeable upon assessment district hereinafter established. ~econd. The office of the Recorüer referred to i1ereinabove is the office of the Recorder of the County of Contra Cœta, State of California, ane. OfficiÐ.l Records and file numoers l-.erelnabove referreè to, are Official Records and file numbers of said Recorder. The letters M.H. ana F.I. ~erein used refer to an~ mean Manhole and Flusaing Inlet respectively. In the foregoing c"~escriptîon, vherever right of ¡"ray, eestment, street, or other public ¡'Jay i 8 de scribed ¡'Therein ¡'Tork is to be done, it is the intention that said Hark shall also be extended so ~S to connect the same ~ith the sewer ~ork to ~e col1Gtructed neare st to Bald right of '.Jay, easement, street or other public ¡'Jay, and at the point in said pro:poseè. vTorl;: uhere a manhole or other connec tion is sho¡.m on sP..id plane the::ce:::-'or, unle S D other~':i se shov!n thel~ eon. Third. Said work snaIl include the refilling and resurfacing of tDe trench in vmich said sewer and appurtenances are constructed. SECTION 2: All of said imorovement and ~Tork shall be done of tne sizes, dimensions, and materials and in the positions and locations as Bnovn upon, and all in accordance with, the Plans and Specifications therefor heretofore adopted by said District Board and 1101:1 on file 1,i th the Secr'etary of said Board, ¡'Thich said Plans and Specifications ere hereby referred to and made a ~Ðrt hereof -;:;y reference. SECTION 3: That in the o~inion of said Board, said work is of more than local or ordinary public benefit, am said Board hereby orc:.ers tnat the co st Emd ex~oenses of said 1,.;ark am im-:Jrovement shall be ch2.r~eable and ché.:.rged upon a district, Nhich'.istI'ict is mreby ð.eclared to be the district benefited by said i'JOrk and im'-.rovement and which is to oe assessed ~;o pay t~e COGt and eXDenscs thereof. The exterior boundaries of said assessment di:':trict and the extnet of the territory included therein a.re shown upon the map of s8.id district ap:nroved and adopted by said Bmrd on the 23rd day of September, 1948, an~ now on file in the office of the Secretary of said Board, to ~hich map reference is hereby made for a :ge.I'ticu:'ar descri.,:tion of said boundaries and the extent of said territory included therein to be GO assessed; saving end excepting t!1el'efrom the area of all ~)ublic streets and other public w'ays included therein. SECTION L~: That the proceedings for said Í'TOr3ç: and improveElent shall be had and taken under and in accordance with Division 7 of the Streets and High"!t!ays Code of the State of California. ("Im1:rove- ~ent Act of 1911"). NOTICE IS H&~EBY GIVEN that the Health Officer of said County of Contra Costa has recommended in 1:!irting to said Board that said ;jroceedings for said work be instituted as a necessary health measure and said Bo~œd heretofore ordered said recor:1:Jenc1ation snread uT>°n the Hinlltes of said Bo<:œd arÜ by Resolution adopted by . the affirmative vote of four-fifths of t.ne menbers of said Bo'?rd found gnd determined that such necessity exists. t\/.. Q- .1,.., "V/ V ,~ ':.'-'; ~~ ..,. .ijt: 168 SEOTION 5: That serial bnnds shall be issued Dursuant to Port 5 of vi vi sian 7 of s~ id Streets and High1mys Coele (IJ:1:prove- merIt Act of 1911) to reDresent the un~aid assessments of Twenty- five Dollars (~25.00) o~ over for the-cost of said work, said ooné,s to bear interest !",t the rate of SIX PE.>=i. CEH::;:' (65';) per annum, to extend for a period of nine (9) yee~s from the second day of Je.nuGry next succeeding t:ile next October 15th fo11m,r_.ng "cheir ëLatc anèL ")Ryable in annual installments, the lp.st inotall- Dent t.ne~"eof to mature nine (9) ye2.rs for tHe second ò.ay of January next succeeding the next 15th day of October following :heir date, said bonds and the interest thereon to be payable as yrovided in said Code. SEC~ION 6: That ~hursday, the 21st day of October, 1948, at the hour of 8:00 o'clock P.M., of said day, and the ~eetin~ pIece of said Board, 1822 Mt. Diablo Boulevard, City of i¡lalnut Creek, in the County of Contra Costa, state of California, be anQ the same are hereby fixed as the tiDe anè place, w1en and \';he.::'e any and all persons havinG obj ection to the ~-;roposed v!ol"k and improvement or to the extent of the district to :;e assessed, or b~)th, may a:~pear before said BoarèL anc:. ShOll C,?u se \'Thy said proposed 1,'J"ork should not "be carried out in accordance 1:Ji th this Resolution of Intention. SECTION 7: ThR.t the En~ineer of said District si1all cause to be conspicuously !Jocteè alon!i: the line of said. For}: nnd improve- mer. t, in the mannel" and form required by 1mIT, notic e s of the :)assage of this Resolution. SECTION 8: That the Secretary of said Bo~rd shall certify to the passage of this Resolution and shall cause the sa~e to be published t"J'ice, as r'equired by 1 aiIT , in the Lafayet-;-;e Sun, a ne\'J"s:Ja~er published and, circulc,ted vrithin said District and hereby d.esignated for that !)u:'~ose by said Board. SECTION 9: Said District Board does hereby direct its Secretary to mail notices of t.ne 2,o.ontion of this Resolution of Intention to all ~ersons owning real-nroperty proposed to be assessed. for the Ì'Jorl{ hereir: described, "Those names and addresses appeareQ on the last equalized assessment rol] of the County of Contra Costa or as known to the Secretary, the contents of said notic es to ':)e as reQuired 'oy la,'!. PASSED AIm ADOPTED BY THE DISTRICT BOAP.D OF CENTI-1AL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT OF CON:::'RA COSTA COUNTY, this 23rd clay of Se~)ter[jber, 1948. AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Hembers Johnson, Smitten, Toland, VJadsirTorth, and. Weill Mem-oers None Hembel"s None _sL..La't'lson H. 1.1)'e111 President of the District Board of the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District of Contra Costa County, state of California. COUNTERSIGNED: sf Morna PhilliDs Secretary Pro Tern of the District Board of the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District of Contra Costa County, State of California. RESOLUTION AND ORDER REGARDIlW FINAL OFFICIAL RETURNS OF THE CENTRAL CONTRA. COßTA SAhITA..iì.Y DI STRICT OFP'ICERS' ELECTION, HELD ON SE?T~~lŒER ?O, 194.3, AND DECLARIl~G THE EESULT THEREOF. The follm"rinr; resolution 1":as offered by Ilemoer Johnson, seconded by Member Weill: 09 23 48 169 RESOLUTION NO. 372 ìvHuì.EAS, on the 19th clay of Augv.st, 19li,S, the District Board of tIle Central Contra Costa Sanitary District, Cont!'a Cata County, stste of California, by Resolution and. Order c:uly and reèo'Ularly ~assed anL ad.optea by said Bo~rd and en~ered in the Minutes, did call an election and Resolved and Ordered: That an election be held on Se~)tember 20, 1948, to elect three (3) persons as Members of the District Board of the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District to hold office ~or a~rm of four (4) years and to elect one (I) person to the Office of Asessor of tlE Central Contra Costa Sanitary District, to hold office for a term of two ( 2 ) y e a!~ s ; ancl VHEREAS, two electors of said District ap~lied for absent voter ballots and the same 1"[ere duly delivered to then; o.në. one of said absent voter ballots were voted and returned in the ~anner and 1¡Iithin the time required by la¡.; end the same has been counted and c2.nvassed and included in the total results of said election; and W~ŒREAS, the election officers, elected to conduct said election 2~nd 1Jho did conð.uct said election, have c:Leli vered to the Secretary of Gaid Board in sealed envelopes the bÐ.llots c<:>st at said. election f.nd this Board on this 23d day' ofSe-:Jtember, 1948, has canvassed the returns of said election; Nml, THEREFORE, IT IS HEREBY RESOLVED that said Board of said Central Contra Costa Sanitary District does hereby find and declare: First: That under o,ncl in pursuanc e of said He solu tion p.nd Order, such election' ¡'ms called and Notice thereof given by posting notices on the 30th day of Auß'Ust, 1948, in the tl~ee (3) public place~ in said Se,ni tary District ps designated in said P.esolution calling said election; the affidavit of JOHN L. l~SON of the posting of said Notice being on file M th this Boe.rd: Th2.t the Notice so posted '\V8.S in the ~'!Ords B.nd i'i[:~;ures as des- cribed in the Resolution of this Board. Second: 2.tlat JOHN L. 1.fASON, tile Re sident Engineer of said District did deposit in the United States Post Office at Walnut Creek, California, ~ostage ~repaid, an envelope containing a s8..t'Ilple ballot in the i'orn "7jrovideð. ~~'or use in the voting precincts at said election and a card stating the location of the yrecinct polling place of e2,ch voter, addresEed to each voter of all general rounty election precincts lying \iliolly or partially within the boundary lines of said Sanitary District, as the name c',nè. address of said voter aD')eared on his affiQavit of registration on file in tile Office of the County Cler~:: of Conlra Costa - C,'nnty at the date of saicl mailinG; that said Jo::-m L. liASON comnenceò. to mail said sam}Jle ballots enë. CÐrds on the 8th dnYJf September, 1948, and that :le completed the ~ailing of all of said sample ballots and cards on said 8th day of September, 1948, the affidavit of JOHN L. !:"A.SON of said. mailing -oein~; on file vii th this Board. Third: TDat in accordance with an~ nursuant to said Resolution ~mèL Order of said B08.rcl said election v'TaB èLuly and reç:ularly held and conducted in said DistI'ict in Said CJunty on the 20th day of SepteQber, 1948, between the hours of 7:00 a.m. and 7:00 p.m. of said day "[JUrsu8nt to Ð.nd in conformity '!;!ith 1m-; 9,nd with the Order and Notice calling said election. That prior to the opening of the polls for saië. election, the insT-,ectors 2nd judges of said election conducting saiè. election in e8.ch precinct too}: the oath of office in the T:1.2nl1er and 8.8 rec~uired c:y la,';, and t;1e:"eafter eonc1uc ted saito election in the manner rmd as required by law, and immediately after the closing of the polls on said day of eleetion, said election officers publicly canvassed p.1I, of the votes cast and given therea.t E'.nd duly 2nè. re¡;l.1.I~_rly there- 8.fte::~ announced the votes of said election, made due and ree;ular returns to the Sectretary of this Board of the poll and tally lists thereof and the ballots cast thereat, having inclosed and sealed túe srone in the envelo~e nrovide¿ the~efor, in the Danner anè as c. ..j . J .'."..1\ . '.' ~.)/ ',¿ ,:;..,d .~) 4, "'" .70 proviò.ed 'oy lnl^! B.nd certified the results of said election to this Board vithin twenty-four (24) hours after the closing of trie polls. Fourth: That on the ¿3rd day of September, 1948, soia time being ,'rithin five (5) days after the date of said election, this 30ard in said Dictrict duly and re~¡lprly met at a special meeting end duly cÐ.nvÐ.ssed s1:.id returns of said election so made by said Election Boards 2t l:,!hich election tne follouing named "r)ersons vTere candidates for three (3) o~fices of Member of the District Board of said Sanitary District, to wit: H. M. Smitteq H. W. Toland and R. E. Wadsworth, at ,'¡hlch election the follm-ring named person was 8. candidate for the Office of Assessor of said Sanitary District, to wit: F. A. Marshall, and from the said returns this Board of said District duly and regularly finds and declares that theTe were 354 votes cast at said election; that H. M. Smitten received J2J votes for the 6ffice of Hember of the District Bo~œd; that H. l1. Toland received 314 votes for the Office of Member of the District Board; that R. E. hTadsvTorth received 312 votes for the Office of geIJber of the Dist~ict Board; that there were 33 scattered vates; that F. A. Harshall received 322 votes for Office of Assessor 8.nd tDat there were 2 scattered votes. H.N. SHITTEN, H. W. TOLAND and R. E. vJADSVJOHTH, "rere duly elected to the Office of Member of the District Board of the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District and F. A. J.1ARSF.ALL ~:"!a8 duly elected to the Office of Assessor of the Central Contra Costa District. This Di£trict Bof~d hereby further finds and declares that said election was duly, re~~lprly and ~ally called, held and conducted; that notice of said election was duly, regularly and legally given by ~osting in the manner anf for the time required by lal: Rnè. the returns of said election "Tere duly anc3. rep;ularly and leGally canvassed and the result thereof was declRred in the manner and as yrovided by law; That each and all of the acts, conè.itions, matters, anr:'i things in the ~remises required ~nd ~rovided by law to be done and perform- ed have been done and ~erformed in due, regular and legal form ancl in strict accordance vIi th and as 'orovided by the provisions of the statute anè~ the la~r authorizing said election; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Secret&ry of this Board enter the results of the canvassing of the returns of said election in the Minute Bool~ of this Board, aria. that the said Secretary shall deliver a certificate of said election to each Derson elected. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 2Jrcl day of September, 19L:-8, by the follo~!ing vo'ce: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Members Johnson, Smitten, Toland, Wadsworth & Weill Hembers None Hembers None sj LairTSOn H. ¡'¡eill -- . President of the DiRtrict Board of Cent~'al Contra Co~ta Bani te.ry District of Contra Costa County, StÐte of California. Count; ersigned: sf Morna Phi~lins SecretR~y Pro Tern of the District Board of Central Contra Costa Sanitary District, Contra Costa County, state of California. AVJ~'qDING CONTRACT ?OR CUN3TIUJCTICN OF SECTION VI HAIN TRUIF: SE}'!EH The District Engineer recommencled t?lO.t t::.e E:o~-?rè~ accent tlle bid of Iver "T. S,'mnson (,"r)a stockton Construction COm")émy. The follovTing resolution "JaS offered by Hember Johnson, seconcled by l1ember Smitten: 0 9 2 3 4 8 171 HESOLUTION lJO.....lU 1;ŒK-,EAS, this Di strict Board, on Thursday, AUg~lSt 19, 1948, authorized and ce,used to be Dublished a call for blds for the construction of Section 6 Main Trun~ Sewer in accordance with DIana ams~ecifications therefor, heretofore ap~roved and adopted by this Board, and WHEREAS in response to call for said bids the follOì-Jing bids "rere receied and. opÊme(l on Se-otember 23,1948, at 8:00 P.B., in accorë..ance 1'T1 t.n the foregoing- call for bids: BIDDER TOTAL BID PRICE stolte, Inc. McGuire & Hester Underground Construction Co. P2ris Brothers Iver W. Swanson, Stockton Const. O.A. Fogelberg $59, 1~,69. 75 56,954,.00 52,331.75 93,162.00 hl.L,992.25 59,124-.25 and \'lllliREAS, the bid of the foll01'Tinp; cJntractor is the 101\rest responsible bid received: Iver W. Swenson, doing business as stockton Con~'truction Com~Dany. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED: (1) That the bid of Iver W. Swanson dba Gtoc~~t~n Conctruction Comrany be, B_nd the same is hereby accepted and the :president is hereby authorized and directed to execute a contract on the behalf of the Central ContrR Costa Sanitary District with said successful bidder and the Secretary be and he is hereby authorized to counter- sign the same on behalf of the District. (2) Immediate1y foIlo',!inO', tIle exec-ution of the Contract by the successful bidder and the District, upon the furnishing by the bidder of the bonds requireè by said Contract, the Secretary is hereby authorized and directed to return to the successful bidder such deposi t as :-8Y have accom"'")Ëmied s8id bid, or to give such rele8se as may be requested fro~ further liability upon the bidder's bond. (3) Upon the execution of a contract by the successful bidder anci the a!"J!'roval on behalf of the Sanitary District of the accompany- ing bonds, the Secretary is hereby authorized and directed to return all certified checks accompanying the bids of the unsuccessful bidders. PASSED AKù ADOPT:¿D this 23rd. day of Se'Ptember, 1948, by tl1.e foll01vinr; vote: AYES: ¡WES: ABSENT: Members Johnson, Smitten, Toland, Wadsworth & Weill 1.fembers None Hembers None COUNTEP.SIGNED: sf Lawons H. Weill Preflident of the District Board of Central Contra Costa Sanitary District of Contra Co sta County, State of C~Üifornia. sf Morna PhilliDs Secretary Pro Ten of the District Boe.rd. SE'iER CONNECTION - J. B. NEAR It \-T8-S moved by Member Johnson, seconded by I.fember Smitten and unanimously carrie~, tnat the Board accept the Deed of Dedication for sel.'!er eéJ Bement from J. B. Near, anë- grant Hr. Near the right to connect three exir,tin?; houses on his nroperty to manholes on the I\l,Ün Trunl: Sel.<Ter Section VI 1d thout chF.,rgoe. Contract for such connections to be prepared by the Attorney for the District Board. 09 23 48 17'2 CONDEHNATION PROCEEDInG.S - NAIN TRUNK SE'vEH SECTION VI The followin~ resolutions condemning ~ortions of properties in P?rcel 1, 7, 112" and 113 of Section VI of the 1:;:, in TrUE,: Jelrer 't'Jere offered by I"lember Tolanët seconded by Hember Smitten: RESOLUTION NO. 374 AUTHORIZING CONDENNATION OF EASEIŒNT OVEh PROPEF.TY OF CBl\BbE~.~~- DE lUCHELI AND ANN DE :'ICHELI lIIHEr.EAS, this Sani t~n"y Bo~'œd has heretofore annroved DIane ,:md specifications nrepared by its District Engineer for the construct- ion of a main trun}: sanitary se't'rer located south of the city of W,<:Ünut Creek, CEll:ìf'ornia, more comnonly referred to e.s Section 6 of the main trunk sanitary seuer, and ~lHEREAS, this Board Dro'!')oses to .on-Tara. a contr,gct for the con- str'J.ction of said "lain trunk Bani tary Re't',rer, in accorê-9.nce 'Hi th said plans and specifications; NO\'! , THEPEFORE, BE IT RESOLVED and this Bo?rcl (loes hereby find and deterûine that the public interest, convenience and neceesity, reQuire t116 æquisi tion, construction and. coT:ly:¡letion 'DY this District of the main trunk sanitary sewer as set forth in said ~lans and specifications and that a ner~anent easement over the real nroperty hereinafter deecribed, together with the ribht of ingress thereto 2.nd egress therefrom, is necessary foZ"' the coni"'tr'Jcting, layinr; and ~aintaining e sewer pi~e therein of said main line seuer in accord- ance with said ?lans and specifications; said easement io more "DerticuJ,arly described as follm:s: Perpetue.l easeL~ent for installetion of Sei{er "")i:pe 1':"11(- an.~'u!'ten- ancee by trench excavation together ~rith the ri5ht of ingress thereto and esress taerefrom over the folloving described real property in the County of Contra Costa, state of California, as follov's: That :parcel of lpnëL in the County of Contra Costa, ste,te of California, described. as follo"s: Portion of Hancho Se-.n Hamon beinr~ the vrest 20 feet (right amde Measurement) of the narr-' eÏ of land. ë~e scri bed in the deed from Hary E. Skeele to-Charles J. De Hicheli, et ux, dated October II, 1940 and recorded October 29, 1940 in Volume 575 of Official Recorècs, at pEtge 1. BE IT FURThEP. RESOLVED, that W. H. Brailsford, Jr., Attorney for the District be 8.nët he is œrebyauthorized and directed to commence and naintain an action and ~roceeding of eminent domain in the Superior Court of the state of California, in and for the County æContr~ Cozta, for the ~urpose of cordemninK qnd acquiring said. ea se!::ent over, upon end t.b..rough said hereinabove c1eseri bed parcel of real ::;ro:perty for tne uses and purposes ,,:'foreAaid.. BE IT FUF,TEER RESOLVED, 8ncl sa:i/¡ Ro,?,rd d.oes hereby finè. and determine ti'l!:',t the ree.s'")nable ve.lue of the easement "Dronosed to be taken is the sum of TEN AND NO/IOOTHS DOLLAP.S ($10.00) and the Presiëtent and Gecretary are hereby authorized and directed to ex- ecute a i-!8tX'rant in said sum, =")BJTable to the County Clerk, County of Contra Coste" to be deyoRi ted as security to the JimerS for the value of the ~roperty l~erein proposed to be condemned. PASSED Ai-D ADOPTED this 23d dÐ.y of Se:'Jtember, 19h8, by the foll:nring vote: hOES: HeI:1bers IIembers líember s Johnson, SMitten, Toland, Wadsworth & Weill AYES: ABßEi;T: sf L,:n'Tson H. ~'!elll --- PI'esic1ent of the SF~n~- tE'ry Bo?rd of the Central Contra Costa San- CO'_'I;~'Er-3IG~:ED: i t"'r1r Di C!trict of Contra CO" tR sfl1orna Phj.llins C,o"'n'hr ~+-<"";te 'o-P 1'<",1 ~ -Po""ni a L ,---..-----,-.---- , l.-,. "v, i.) ..Ic. , .L v'. ,~-~, .L _.. Secretary Pro Tern of the District BoRrd of Cent.ral Cont.rp- Cocta Sanitary 0 9 2 (~ Dl.c+~ict qt"~e O~ C",1iforD'~ V L' v- - ,.~ c \.¡ J. l-'......- .- ..n. 48 173 RESOL1:TIOl'Jl'!°.375 AUTHORIZING COt';iìEMNAT1ON OF EASEJTENT OVEI-: PROPERTY OF A. DTEFFEi~SEi~ Rnå HAZEL I. STEF':B"ENSEN WHt~EAS, this Sanitary Boord has heretofore approved ~lans and s~ecificetions prepared by its Di~trict Engineer for the con- struction of a main trunlt;: sRnitery sevIer 10cÐ.ted south of the City of Walnut Creek, C~lifornia, more commonly referred to as Section 6 of' ti1e Do.in trunlc sanitary sevcJer, and \vHE1\EAS, this Board proposed to avTard a contract for tr2.e con- struction of séÜd main trunl'C sanitary se¡,¡er, in accordance \"ii th said !,-,le.ns 8.lK'. s}?ecificetions; .,01'!, T!'.Ei-ŒF'ORE, ;m: IT RESOLVED and this Board does hereby find B.nd d.etermine that the :!,>ublic interest, convenience .gnCl. recessi ty, require the acquisition, conéòtruction and com'ìletion by this District of the main trunk sP..ni te..rv Seller as set forth in s aið. nlans and snecifications and that a~per~anent easement over tÌle real property he:ceinaf'ter described, together \1i th the right of ingress thereto and e~ress therefrom, is necessary for the constructing, laying and maintaining a sewer nine therein of said main line se~er in accord- ance with ~aid plans-a~d specifications; said easement is more '\'jerticularly descri'oed ps f'ollo¡"rs: Per!)etual easement f.:>r inr,tallation of Se¡'ler pipe and a~)=ìurte;l- ances by trench exc8.vR..tion together ;7i th the right of ingress thereto and egress therefrom over the follOi'Jing d.escribed real property in the County of Contra CoGte, tate of California, as follows: Tllet ~)arcel of land in the County of Contra Costa, st'"'te of California, described as follows: Portion of Lot 2, as designeted on map entitled "l-ia~") of liÌebb Trac t, Contra Co sta County, Cal. ", 't'Íhich map ¡";as filed in the office of the Recorder of the County of Contra Costa, state of California, on September 20,1921 in Volume 17 of Haps, at page 383, èLescribed as folloT;¡s: A stri"o of lanè. 10 feet in Tdd.th (ri~ht angle measurements) the center line of ';Jh~_ch is described as folIous: Beginninç on the north line of said Lot 2, distant thereon north 880 45' east, 321.56 feet fro~ the most westerly corner of t~e 1)arccl of land described in the ð.eeð. from G. E. Stoll, et ux, to A. Steffensen, et UX, dated October 19, 1943 and recorder JAnuary 8, 19l~6 in Volume 686 f 04'f' . 1 or, -..~ t . 1"2"" f . " . t f 0 ~ lCla. heco~~s, a page 0 ; vncncc rom sa~Q po~n 0 beB;inning south 19° 24' east, '52 feet; thence south 190 50' east, 50 feet; thence south 20° 21' east, 1584 feet to the south line of said. ste,,"fensen parcel (868 OR h2), dif;tant thereon north 880 45' east, 3')1.09 feet fror:1 tœsouth,,"rest corner thereof. The northerly terminus of said strip of the north line of said Lot 2, end the so'.J.therly termin"'"s of said strin is the south line of said Steffensen parcel (868 OR 62). BE IT F'UHTHL~H RESOLVED, t11at "J. H. Brailsford, Jr., Attorney for said District be B.nd he is hereby authorized an6. directed to comDence and ~aintain an action and ~roceedin~ of eminent domain in the Superior Court of the State of California, in and for the County of Contra Costa, for the purpose of condimning and ncquiring said easement over, ulJon and tl'1roup;h said hereins'-~::'ove described percel of real T'eor>erty for the noes Dnd '1"')urnoGes aforese,id. :DE IT FUHTHER HESOLVED, and said Board does hereby find and determine that the reasonable value of the easement nronosed to be talŒn is the sum of ONE HUNDRED EIGHTEEN AND NO /1 0 OTHS. DOLLARS ($118.00) [tnd the President and Secretary are hereby euthorizeò. ond directed to execute a warrant in said sum, yayable to the County Clerk, County of Contra Co~ta, to be de~osited as oecurity to the oFners for t:ne vplue 0'" the "'l"'oT"\ertjr herein '1')roT"\o~ed to be condemned. 09 23 48 l74: PASSIm AND ADOPTED thi s 23rd day of Ge';terlber, 194-8, by the folJ,Ol.:iw;: vote: AYES: J.~embers Johnson, SrÜ tten, TolancL, 'roc'1.svorth & ',1eill i,~OES: Hembe:'s None ABSENT: l-ierr.bers None (Countersigned) sf Lgwson H. Weill President of the Sanitary Bo~rd of the Central Contra Cost~ San1tary DiBtrict :jf Contra. Coste County, State of C~liforn~a. 6/ Morna Philli~s Secretary Pro Tern of the District Board of Central Contra Co~ta Sanitary District, State of California. RESOLUTION NO. 376 AUTHCHIZIW,. COlIDEHbA'rION OF EASE!~:TT OVEH PHOPERTY OF G. E. STOLL A;.~D ANHA STOLL lVHK¡EAS, this Sanitary Boerd 11.08 !leretofore D.:)'Jroved plens and specifications prep~red by its District EnGineer for the conJtruction of a rngin trunl: san:i. t3TY se¡',"er locp.t eò. south of the City of '\'rs.lnu t Creek, California, more commnnly referred to ~S Section 6 of the mien trunl: san:L tary se¡"Ter, and HHEHEAS, this Bo~'rd :;ro?oses to mmrd a con~ract for the con- struction of ~~he said main trunl\: se,nl to.ry seFer, in accordB.nce ¡'.'i th said plans and s~eci!ications; ,-,QT.,!, TIlEHEFORE, BE IT HESOLVH:D and thj.s BoÐrd does hereb~r find and determine that the public interest, convenience Ei.ne=;. necesci ty, require the acquisi tion, con~1tru.ction anel com'Jletion by this Di strict of the main trunl: sanitary se"frer as set forth in saic1.. DIana ana snecifications and that a nermanent caseDent over t~e real peoperty hereinafter describe¿t,. together ',;i th the right of inGress thereto and egresD therefrom, is necessary for tIle con- structlng, layiúg ana maintaining a sewer pi~e t~erein of said main line dewer in accordance v!ith said ~lans and s~eci~ications; said easement is more ~articularly described as follows: Prepetual easement for installation of se,.¡er pine and 8.Jnurten- ances by trench exc8.v9tion together vIi th the right of ingress thereto and egress ther'efrom over the follm,¡ing c"Le ser:L beèL real Droperty in the County o~ Contra Costa, State of California, as follo'l'Js: That parcel of land in the County ~ Contra CoRta, state of California, described as foJ.l01'!s: Portion of Lot 2, as design3ted on the E1ap entitled "Map of v'lebb Tract, Contra Co eta County, Cal. ", ¡-;hieh ;'!lap 't1an filed in t:'le office of the Recorder of the Co'.mty of Contra Costa, State of California, on Sentember 20, 1921 in Volume 17 of Maps, at page 383, described as follows: A strip of land 10 feet in width, the east and west lines of ì:hich are 5 feet e2,Eter17 ana. 5 feet vresterly (mes_sured at right angles R.nd radially) from the follouing ð.escribed center line: Bepinnin~~ on the south line of t11e DP.rcel of lo.ncl described in the deed from G. E. stoll, et ux, to A.Steffensen, et ux, elated October 19, 194-3 am recorded Jrmuory 8, 19h6 in Volume 868 of Official Records, at paGe 62, dictant thereon north 880 L¡-5' east, 301.08 feet :~rom the Fouth'f;.reRt corner thereof; thence from caid point of beginning south 200 21' east, 34.16 feet; thence Bouth 210 18' east, 100 feet; thence so':the:cly, :'long t~e arc of a curve to the right with a rac~-ius of 253.30 feet, tang¡ent at saiC'.. 10 s mentioned course, 98.73 feet; thence south 1 02' west tan~ent to said curve, 26.80 feet to the south lien of t~e -~~cel ~f l~nd dese~ibed 09 23 48 175 as Parcel One in the deed from George I. Allwein, et ux, to to G. E. stoll, et ux, dated J~nuary 25, 1946 and recorded Fe¡Jru~n'y 13, 19L!-6 in Volume 884 of Official Hecorè ~, P.t :page 250, eli stent thereon north 880 [¡5' east, 231. h5 feet from the southwest corner thereof. The north terminus of said stri~ is the south line of said Jte:fensen Darcel (868 OR 62) D11õ- t.ne south terminus of said strin is the south line of' saiÚ stoll --:'EI.rcel (884 OR 250). - BE IT ..?UR'llhäi. RESOLVED, tllE1.t W. H. Brailsford, Jr., Attorney for said DiRtrict be and he is hereby authorized anc:- directed to commence ant, maintain an Ð.ction ancl.. proceeding of eminent domain in tnc Superior Cou::'t of' tile State of California, in and for the County of Contra Costa, for the purpose of Condemnin~ ?nd acquir- ing said easement over, u})on and t'lrough said hereinabove des- cribed Darcel 0:'" real "-:l'onertv for the uses and nurnoses afore- said. . - .. - - BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, and. said T3oard does hereby ::'incl and determine that the reasonable value of the easement ~roDooed to be taken is tl1e sum of T\'lO HUNDRED SIXTY AbU NO/IOOTHS DOLLåRS (~60.00) and the President and Secretary are he~eby authorized pnc. ëLirected to execute a 1-'arrant in caið. sum, ~')p,yable to the County Clerk, County of Contra Costa, to be deposited as security to tne owners for the value of the property herein nroDosed to be conc.emneð_. PASSED Aii.ù ADOPTED this 23rd day of September, 1948, by the i'ollov;ing vote: AYES: Hembers Johnson, Soitten, Toland, T'Tads~,Torth anð. v.Jeill NOES: Members None ABSENT: Members None Countersigned: sfLa1'!son H. 1'-¡eill President of the Sanitary Bo~rd of the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District of Contra Costa County, State of Cal=.fornia. sf Morna Phillius Secrete~y Pro Tern of the Di~trict Bo,9,rd of Central Cbntre. Costa QMn'tM~Y Dict~ic+ S+~~e O~ C l'f ' ¡;),.L ..!.. c..- -. - IJ, uc I" .:. c:t l. ornl Q. RESOLUTION NO~-3~ PJfrEOHIZIl.;G CJl:DEJIlJA'l'I;Jf-! OF EASEVENT OVEF. PROPEHTY OF EVEP..E:T'I' F. GAINOH am~- 'VINNIE G. GAIr!9R_- 'ì-THEll.~~AS. thi s Se,ni te.rv B08.rcl has heretofore a'OT)roved 'Olans ancl specifiéations n:ceDar~a. by its DjStrict Enr;ineer for the con- st:r'v.ction of a main trun~: spni tary se'Her locB.ted south of the Oi ty of vlalnut Creek, California, more comrlonly referred to as Section 6 of the ~ain trunk sanitary sewer, and \~HE¡;.EAS, thio Board proposes to a'\'Tard a contr?ct for tl16 con- ",truc tion of the 813.ic'. f'lpin trunk san::.. tary se'Her, in accorclanc e 1.;1 th said plans and specificationa; NOV1, THEEEFORE, BE IT RESOLVED s~nd th:l.s Bo9.rd ð.Des hereby find ancl cleteroine that the "'")ur)lic interest, cmven~.ence and necessity, 't' , i....' t t' ~ l~' n"'" Di S~- reQ.ulre \Jl1e aCOUlS ulon, conn ruc lon ancw com:;. e ulon >-JY u~"l..!..S - u- rict of the Dain trunk sanitary sewer as set forth in said plans and snecifications and that a nermanent easement over the real nro::erty hereinafter èiescri bed', togetl-'ler 'C',Ti th the rip,ht of in;-ress thereto and egress tl1e:.efrom, is necessary for the constr'~lctinf;, laying and maintaining a sewer pine therein of said ~ain line s~wer in accor~ance with said ~lans an~ s~ecificationB; said easement is more particularly described as follows: Per:"etual easement for installation of seÌ'Jer pipe and. p.ppurt- enances by trench excavation together ~ith the right of in~ress 09 23 48 L76 the~eto anci egress therefrom over the follovin~ described real ~rOD- arty in the County of Contra Costa, State of California, as follows: ThAt ;J2..rce1 of lanëi in t:."te County of Contra Cos~e_, state of C::olifornie., describeð. 8.S follO'l"s: The west 20 feet (right ansle measure~ents) of Lot 4, as clesign~, ted on the :I!ap entitled. "J.~8~ of The H8ncho Ju~~ni ta, q nol"""'~on Of' +.1-,e Roqnchoc C'..~.n ì/-¡o"'¡el ~nc~ C'J!"n P.-...non" ì--'~~C'}: c;- U.I. - uH '--. -'.~. ..L.. . <--::0'. - ". 0.-, < ."" ... , .,.1- .-' man l~S filed in the office of the Recorder of the County of " Contra Costa, State of Californi~, on DeceMber 30, 1909 in Volume 2 of Maps, at nage 42. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, t118_t rí. H. Br:òilsford., Jr., Attorney for saiè. District be anc: :',le is }<.ereby authorize.:!' D_nel c1irected to commence and ~aintain an action and ~roceeCing of eminent domain in the Su?Erior Court of the State of California, in and for the County of Contra Costa, for the pu1"'pose of condemning and. ocquir- ing said easement over, upon and through sald :èercinabove described })é:rcel of real propety for the uses ene}. -purposes aforesaiêL BE iT F'Fi~TEEH HESOLVED, an( said Boarè~ è;.oes l'1.creby find c.nd aetermi~e that the reasonable value of the easement TIro~osed to be taken is t:'1e sum of TEN Arm NO!lOOTES DOLLAr.S UJ;lO.OO) B_neS.. tile President and Secretary are here-':y authorized anel directed to execute 8. 't'Iarrant in said sum, -pô:reble to tl'le County Clerk, County of Contra Cos~e, to ~e Ce~08ited as security to tne o~ners for t~e vaLe 0:[' the 'Jropc:.:'ty herein :9roposed to be condemned. PASSED AND ADOP~~D t ~s 23rd day of September, 1048, by the follm..'ing vote: A~'~L:S: ~,OES: ABSE.:T: Hembers .1 ol1nson, Smi t 'teL, To"!J~l1Ö_, 1,'!s_cs1":or-¡;:1 am: Weill r..one None Counte:ccif.;ned: !ð! Ið~son ~I We1ll Pr"'ec~c"e!1+ O~ "J<::>... ...,.1., û.... - .u ... the Sanitary ~oar~ of the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District of Contra Costa County, State of Calif. ].im'na Phil1i 'Os Se'cr"e-ts.ry' Þl'Õ- 'le-:;'1.- --. -- ----- -.--- DEEDS OF DEDICATION 'l'he follo\-.'ing Deeds of Ded.ic9.tion for Se1-¡er easement Here acce:)ted and recorded under Re sol:.l tion No. 3L~1: Deed from J. B. and. EHOLEIJE H. Nr~AH, over a portion of tlîe R2.ncho Sen H8.:-rlOn (34-3 Deeds 225), kno~'~n as parcel 12 of Hain Tr-..mk Sewer Section VI. Deed from P..Ari.OLD and. IíA>.Y F.OGEF..S, o\'er a portion of Lot 4. of the 1:-Teb-u 'l'I'ac t, kno\'7l1 as PéU'C el 116 of Main Trunk SeHer, Section vm. Deecl from GLENN T. ancl LOIS G. (}LEASON, over Ð 'oortion of Lot 4 of the ~'Íebb Trgct, lcnO't-m as Parcel 117 of I.fain Tr1:.ni: Se,,!er, Section VI. Deed from TED H. and HAZEL Ie!. EU-CJ-:::l1T, over a Dortion of Lot 22 of Glenãide Estates, known as P?rcell of Local I~nrovement District No. 11. 09 23 48 177 l'~LEC7ZD DOArm ::El!3El1ß SHOR1; IN ----- - __,___h- l:'~:e successf'1.1 crr:6.idates of "'ühe election held De:oter~-::'er :20, Col. H. M. S::li tten, 11. 'o!. Tol",nc:. onc~ l:~. E. Uað.s'iOrth tool.;: oath of office. ADJ JU?cNllENT 'rhere -beinG no Í"cu...ther business, it 'i'as ;'1ovec1 b:r ~"eT1ber Johnoon seconded 'uy lk;;ÚJer ':L'olanc thAt the l.leeting 8-(1..' :n.I'n 'Go Octobe::" 7, ~, J. I:' Ð ?/77. ¡n4.¡ C"1"'-"e'" "r'\~n'mr)'-sl',! ._~.. ""1 Co -~ '-. ~ ",.!.; - 1"" .' ,,-'::~ ))/~j~'L President of the District Board ~ of Central Contra Costa Sanitary District of Contra Costa County, State of CÐlifornia. Counter'sì¡;m"d: ~ ¿L'~) Secretary Pro Tem f the District Boo.rd of Central Contra Costa Sanitary District 09 23 48