HomeMy WebLinkAboutBOARD MINUTES 07-22-48 39 HINUTES OF A SPECIAL MEETING OF THE DISTRICT BOARD OF CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT HELD JULY 22, 1948 The District Borrd of the Central Contra Costa Sanitery District convened in regular session at its regular plRce of meeting located at 1335 Commercial Lane, in the City of WÐ.lnut Creek, County of Contra Costa, State of C~Üiforni8., on the 22nd day of July, 19L¡.8, 8.t the hour of 8:00 o'clock p.m. The meeting was called to order by President Weill. The following roll was called: PID,SEìJT: Directors Johnson, Smitten, Wadsworth and Weill ABSENT: Director Toland SECRETARY PRO TEM It was moved by Director Smitten, seconded by Director Johnson that the Board appoint Mrs. Phillips as Secretary Pro Tem. Carried. READING OF MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETING It "'as moved by Director ami tten, seconded by Director ìvBdsworth th~t the reading of Minutes of previous meeting be waived and be approved as entered. AYES: Directors Johnson, Smitten, Wadsworth and Weill. DEEDS OF DEDICATION The following resolutions, Nos. 292 to 302 inclusive, Nere offered by Director Smitten, seconded by Director Wadsworth: RESOLUTION NO. 292 \ŒEREAS, ROY IvIICHAUT, a single men, has granted a Deed of Dedica- tion for sewer easement over a portion of Lots 19 and 20 in Block 4, and portion of Lot 80 in Block 6, portion of Lots 80 and 81 in Block 6, and portion of Lot 81 of the Bickerstaff Tract, known as Parcell of Local Improvement District No.3, NOW, THE?EFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that said Deed of Dedication be, and same is hereby accepted, and the Recorder of Contra Costa County be, and he is hereby authorized and directed to record said deed. PASSED AND ADOprED this 22nd dRY of July, 1948 by the follo\"Jing vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Directors Johnson, Smitten, Wadsworth and Weill None Director Toland /s/ Lawson H. Weill President of the District Board Countersigned: /s/ Morna Phillips Secretary Pro Tem 07 22 46 ._---._-_.._..__._........~......d...m__.... .....---.. .~.....__.---.....__........_.._._.- .-....-..-.... ....0.. 40 RESOLU'rION NO. .293 llliERZAS, EDGAR H. BARGER and ADA H. BARGER, his wife, have g~anted a Deed of Dedication for sewer easement over a portion of Lot 5 of Lafayette iioodlands, knm.m é',S Péœcel 48 of Local I:nprove- ment District No.3, NO tv, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED tha.t said Deed of Dedication be, and same is hereby accepted, and the Recorder of Contra Costa County be, and he is hereby authorized and directed to record said deed. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 22nd day of July, 1948 by the follJwing vote: AYES: NO:LS: ABSENT: Directors Johnson, Smitten, Wadsworth and Weill None Director Toland. /s/ Lawson H. Weill President of the District Board of Central Contra Costa Sanitary District Countersigned: Norna Phillips Secretary Pro Tern RESOLUTION NO. 294. iiHEREAS, SAlvIUEL MOE and OLGA HOE, his wife, have granted a Deed of Dedication for sewer easement over a portion of Lot 19 of the Goodman Tract, known as Parcel 43 of Local Improvement Dl strict ~jo. 2, NOW, THE?ZFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that said Deed of Dedication be, and srune is hereby accepted, and the Recorder of Contra Costa County be, and he is hereby authorized and directed to record said deed. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 22nc. dH.y of July, 1948 by the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Directors Johnson, Smitten, Wadswort11 and iieill None Director Toland Countersigned: /s/ Lawson H. Weill President of the District Board of Central Contra Costa Sanitary District /s/ Morna Phillips Secretary Pro Tern RESOLUTION NO. 295 WHEREAS, lvlANUEL J. CUNHA, a single man, has granted a Deed of Dedication for sewer easement over a portion of Valley View Estates as described in the attached Deed of Dedication, known as Parcel 37 of Local Improvement District No.3, NOW, THEREFORE, BE 1'1' EESOLVED that said Deed of Dedication be, and same is hereby accepted, and the Recorder of Contra Costa County, be, and he is hereby authorized and 6irected to record said deed. PASSED AND ADOP~ED this 22nd day of July, 1948 by the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Directors Johnson, 8mi tten, ¡vadsworth and Weill None Director Toland /s/ Morna Phillips Secretary Pro Tern /s/ Laìvson H. Vleill President of the District Board of Central Contra Costa Sanitary Dist. 07 n~). 48 J..¡ #'ftd -"'- 41 RESOLUTION NO. 22£ vlHEREAS, ALFORD S. BEERS 8.nd GLADYS BEE:1.S, nis wife, have gl"anted a Deed of Dedication for sewer easement over a portion of Lot 6 of Lafayette Heights, knm.m as Parcel 49 of Local Improvement District No.3, Nm\", THEREf'ORE, BE IT RESOLVED that said Deed of Dedication be, and Same is h~reby accepted, and the Recorder of Contra Costa County be, and he is hereby authorized and directed to record said deed. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 22nd day of July, 1948 by the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Directors Johnson, Smitten, Wadsworth and Neill None Director TolAnd Countersigned: /s/ Lawson H. Weill President of the District Board of Central Contra Costa Sanitary District /s/ Morna Phillips Secretary Pro Tem RESOLU'rION Jm ~ 297 vffiEREAS, ST. MARylS COLLEGE OF CALIFŒ;IJIA, has granted a Deed of Dedication for sewer easement over a portion of Lot 247 of Rancho Laguna De Los Palos Colorados, Contra Costa County, California, known as Parcel 8 of Section V of the Main Trunk Sewer, NO~J, THEREFORE, BL IT RESOLVED that said Deed of Dedication be, and same is hereby accepted, and the Recorder of Contra ðosta. County be, and he is hereby authorized and directed to record said deed. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 22nd day of July, 1948 by the following vote: AY~~S : Directors Johnson, Smitten, Wadsworth and Weill None Director Toland NO:::S: ABSENT: Countersigned: /s/ Lawson H. Weill President of the District Board of Central Contra Costa Sanitary District /s/ Morna Phillips Secretary Pro Tern RESOLUTION NO. 298 w11EREAS, ARTHUR B. JOHNSON and NARGARET C. JOHNSON, his wife, and EDWARD J. JOHNSON, a single man, have granted a Deed of Dedica- tion for sewer easement over a portion of Lots 8, 86, 87 and 88, and portion of Laurel Drive, of Valley View Estates, kno¡.m as Parcel 56 of Local Improvement District No.3, NO~, THEREFO~E, BE IT RESOLVED that said Deed of Dedication be, and same is hereby accepted, and the Recorder of Contra Costa County be, and he is hereby authorized and directed to record said deed. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 22nd day of July, 1948 by the following vote: AYLS: Directors Johnson, Smitten, Wadsworth and Weill NO~S: None ABSENT: Director Toland / l¡iorna Phillips Secretary Pro tem s/ Lawson H. Weill, President of the District Board of Central Contra Costa Sanitary District 07 22 48 42 RESOLUTION NO. 299 h7HEFEAS, ARTHUR B. JOHNSON and HARGARET C. JOHNSON, his wife, and ED1dARD J. JOHNSON, a single man, ha,ve gr8.nted a Deed of Dedication for sewer easement over a portion of the Rancho Acalanes as described in the attached deed known as Parcel 44 of Local Improvement District No.3, and portion of Lots 4, 85, 86, 87 and 88 and portion of Laurel Dri ve of Valley Viei,y Estates, known 8.S Parcel 44A of Local IJ:lprove- ment District No.3, Nmv, THEEEFORE, BE IT RESOV/ED that said Deed of Dedication be, and same is hereby accepted, and the Recorder of Contra Costa County be, and he is hereby authorized and directed to record said deed. PASSED AND ADOPTED tl1 is 22nd de.y of July, 1948 by the follOi'!ing vote: AYES: Directors Johnson, Smitten, Wadsworth and Weill NO~S: None ABSENT: Director Toland Countersigned: /s/ Lawson H. Weill President of the District Board of Central Contra Costa Sanitary District. Is/ Morna Phillips Secretary Pro Tem RESOLUTION NO. 300 V.¡1{EREAS, ALBERT A. ELICK and JULIA T. ELIOK, his wife, have granted a Deed of Dedication for sewer easement over a portion of land in the Rancho Acalanes as described in the deed from Beryl Wynnk Boynton (File No. 21272), known as Parcel 57 of Local Im- provement District No.3. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that said Deed of Dedication be and same is hereby accepted, and the Recorder of Contra Costa County be, and he is hereby authorized and directed to record said deed. PASJED AND ADOP7ED this 22nd da.y of July, 1948 by the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Directors Johnson, Smitten, Wadsworth and Weill None Director Toland /s/ Lawson H. Weill, President of the District Board of Central Contra Costa. Sanitary District Countersigned: /s/ Morne Phillips Secretary Pro Tern RESO~~TION NO. 301 vm~REAS, PLATT AND GOHEEN, a partnership, have granted a Deed of Dedication for sewer easement over a portion of Lot 53 of Arlene Gardens, Unit No. I, known as Parcel 50 of Local Improvement Dist- rict No.2, NOlI/, THE:ŒFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that said Deed of Dedication be and same is hereby accepted, and the Recorder of Contra Costa County be, and he is hereby authorized and directed to record said deed. 07 22 48 48 PASSED AND ADOPTED this 22nd day of July, 1948 by the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Directors Johnson, Smitten, Wadsworth and Weill None Director Toland Isl Lawson H. Weill, President of the District Board of Central Contra Cost~ Sanitary District Countersigned: Isl Morna Phillips Secretary Pro Tern RESOLUTION NO. 302 WH~REAS, PLATT and GOHEEN, a partnership, have granted a Deed of Dedication for sewer easement over a portion of Lots 48 and 57 of Arlene Gardens, Unit No.1, knovm as Parcels 51 and 52 of Local Im- provement District No.2, NOW, THEREFO:;E, BE IT RESOLVED that said Deed of Dedication be, and same is hereby accepted, and the Recorder of Contra Costa County be, and he ishereby authorized and directed to reco~d said deed. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 22nd day of July, 1948 by the following vote: AYES: NO~S: ABSENT: Directors Johnson, Smitten, Wadsworth and Weill None Director Tola.nd Countersigned: Isl Lawson H. Weill, President of the District Board of Central Contra Costa Sani~ry District Isl Morna Phillips Secretary Pro Tern. LETTERS OF PROTEST - L.I.D. 3 The following letters of protest against the improvement of Local Improvement District No.3 were received and read: "Secretary Pro Tern Lafayette July 17, 1948 We, the residents on Elizabeth Street and Aileen Street in Lafayette, vigorously protest the work and improvement pro- posed in Resolution of Intention No. 276, covering the in- stallation of sewers along our streets. "lvIay we respectfully call to your attention the fact that we have been advised that our property lies along the pro- posed Freeway, and ¡viII be taken for a freeway ..vi thin a period in the not too distant future. "We feel 't-le should not be put to the expense of installing sewers on our property, since it will only be a temporary measure. If it were not for the fact that the Freeway has marked us as certain to lose our homes, we would be delighted to have the advantage derived from such service. However, our septic tanks will serve us nicely until such time as our homes are taken from us. "Your kind attention to our petition, signFtures to which follow, and your favorable action in our behalf, will be 07 22 48 44 highly appreciated. Isl ELIZABE'rH ST. Hugh M. McVicker, Lots 87 and 88 Nellie M. Swearingen, Lot 86 AILEEN ST. Lurabelle Lynch, Lot 73 May J. & J S. Silva Annie & Anthony S. Roach Mary & Herbert E. West Louis H. Bossell .s. Lurabel.le Lynch No.4 Aileen St. FOR THE PETITIONLRS" IIDear Sirs: Lafayette, July 20, 1948 In regard to Sanitary sewer improvement on Elizabeth St. Lafay- ette, I have found my property to be in direct line with the neÌ'J Freeway 8.nd the State High\'Jay has advised me, it will be less than two years I can remain in my present home, so I therefore protest the Construction on Elizabeth St. also any Construction in direct line with new Freeway Yours Truly Isl Hugh M. McVicker Lots 87 & 88 Elizabeth St. Lafayette. II IISecretary Pro Tern Rt. 4 Box 105 Lafayette, July 20, 1948 II In addition to my sign!? tuI'e on a petition against seYler connection on Elizabeth st and part of Aileen, LafayetteJ I would like to add my personal protest. liMy lot #86 is in direct line with the proposed freeway and my information is we will have the sale of my property to the Sta.te in from two to three years, perhaps sooner, thus making it so unnecessary for me to go to the expense of the sewer on my property which I can ill afford to do and have the State take it from me in so short a time. IIThis is my personal appeal anä protest. Thank you. (Mrs.) Nellie M. Swearingen." IISecretary Pro Tem Lafayette, Aileen St. July 19, 194$ "Property owners along Aileen St. have submitted a petition protesting the work and improvement proposed in Resolution of Intention No. 276, covering the installation of sewers on our Street. "I O"!D Lots eighty, seventy-nine and seventy-eight, and I am heartily in accord with the petition as presented as it affects 07 22 ,~,. 8' .... , 45 Lots eighty Rnd seventy-nine. However, I wish to have the sewer service at Lot seventy-eight. "Today I talked with N. A. Grover, Right-of Way Agent, Dist- rict No.4, and he informed me that the State of California will take all of Lot eighty, and most of Lot seventy-nine, for the Freeway. The plan is to move my home to Lot seventy- eight, and the sewer will be necessary at that point only. "I wish to protest the sewer installation therefore on Aileen St. at Lots eighty and seventy-nine. "Your kind attention to this matter will be appreciated. Very truly, / s/ \vm. Sh erman" Gentlemen: July 20, 1948 "As taxpayers in the County of Contra Costa, we wish to protest the installation of sewers in Stuart Road, Lafayette, proposed in Resolution of Intention No. 276, for the fo~lowing reasons: "1. The State High¡.¡ay Commission has informed us th;=t they propose the building of a new highway through this territory and will take 400 feet of the property fronting on Stuart Road, more than half the total frontage. "2. There are only three d,..¡ellings on Stuart Road to be served by the contemplated sewage system on this Road and these three dwellings are within the 400 feet to be taken by the State. "3. These three dwellings are equipped with septic tanks and are surrounded with more than adequate unoccupied land for sufficient ürainage. "4. No building permits are being issued for the territory included in the proposed highway and therefore there will be no additional structures involved. "Therefore, we maintain that the installation of sewage facil- ities in Stuart Road would be an economic waste to the taxpayers involved and to the County. Very truly yours V. U. Buck Madeline Buck. II ~ecretary of the District Board July 19, 1948 IISubject: Resolution of Intention #276 "I ovm 100 feet on BrOl'm Avenue. "This is on the proposed freeway by passing Lafayette. "In view of the fact that I may not build or improve this property because of the freeway, I protest the sewer exten- sion or location on Brown Avenue. Yours ve-;:.y truly, Goldye NcDona1d (Mrs. Morton J.A.McDonald) " 07 22 48 -------- .--.------------..... ----------------...--------.--.---- 46 "District Board July 22, 194e LTentlemen: lI~we -¡deh to file a. protest with reference to the route or course of the proposed sewer easement on the property knolvn as Lot 12, Lafayette Gerdens Tract, Contra Costa County, C~lifornia- "Ì<'lhile we are heartily in a.ccord with the need e.ncL val-le of the proposed sewer system to serve the Lafayette and adjacent areas, we should like to stress the following points: 11(1) An easement over the rear 5 feet of each lot for utility installation and maintenance has been Drovided for in the entir-e tr2_ct, in Volume 667 of Official Recorè.s on p8-ge 97. II (2) The routing of' the proposed 8e,-,,'er e8 Bement will entirely disrega.:,"d this and run approximately through the geographical center of Lot 12 with the result that: II (8.) Selection of a building site "Jill be gre8tly hampered and restricted. (b) Property value of Lot 12 undoubtedly will be adversely affected due to the ne~essity of allowing free access at all times to the easement area in the center of the property. II (3) PlrJ.ns call for the loca.ting of manholes at every junction and change of direction in the sewer line. This would call for manhole location as follows: II (Fl..) One at midpoint of property line b:::tl'Jeen Lots II and 12 due to branch line connection. (b) One at the georgraphical center of Lot 12 due to a change of direction in the line at that point. The ex- istence of these two access manholes we believe would seriously depreciate the value of our holdings and prove to be most undesirable due to close proximity to any improvements which may be constructed on the property. "We believe the foregoinE; represents a true picture of the situation as it affects our welfare. Therefore, we respectfully submi tit l^li th the reQuest a_nd recommendation that the proposed sewer easement be relocated in the original area set aside for the purpose, namely, the rear 5 foot easement area. Otherwise, may we reQuest that the course of the sewer as proposed be re- surveyed with the thought that an alternate route be discovered that would e.chieve the necessary results without detrimental effect on any property owner's holdin~s. Yours very truly /s/ R. A. Burns Betty J. Burns." "Lee J. Rothr;ery 1435 Northside Ave. Berkeley 2, CQlif. July 2, 1948 Dear Sir: Re: Lot #5 Lafayette Orchards IIWe are returning the copies of the proposed agreement, unsigned, e.fter due consideration. With them we wish to reiterate our reasons for protest, as e. matter of principle, to wit: "l. :Ie would be denied practical use of such installation due to the n~ture of the terrain. "2. Since the owners of the adjacent business properties are to .07 2~ '-x S 47 be the sole beneficiaries of such installation, as is quite apparent, said installation should be on their respective properties, and in the present known easement. "3. Since the firm of Luc2.s & Genessi has violated the pres- ent easement by a6di t iona.l construction thereon, it should be held accountable, if only to the extent of sharing any extra cost necessitpted by their action. Sincerely YOU:2S, /s/ John R. Kiroy Nellie C. Kirby." DISPOSITION OF ABOVE PROTESTS Motion by Director Johnson, seconded by Director Wadsworth that protest by Hugh N. NcVicl~er be overruled. Carried. Motion by Director Johnson, seconded by Director Smitten that protest by Nellie M. Swearingen be overruled. Carried. Motion by Director Johnson, seconded by Director Smitten that protest by Lurabelle Lynch be overruled. Carried. Motion by Director Wadsworth, seconded by Director S@itten that protest by May J. an~ J. S. Silva be overruled. Carried. Motion by Director Smitten, seconded by Director Wadsworth that protest by Annie and Anthony S. Roach be overruled. Carried. Motion by D~ector Smitten, seconded by Director \~adsworth that protest by Mary & Herbert E. West be overruled. Carried. Motion by Director Wadsworth, seconded by Director Smitten that protest by Louis H. Bossell be overruled. Carried. Motion by Director Johnson, seconded by Director Smitten that protest by Wm. Sh:'rman be over'ruled. Carried. Motion by Director Wedsworth, seconded by Director Smitten thet protest by V. U. & Madeline Buck be overruled. Carried. Motion by Director Johnson, seconded by Director Sm~tten that protest by Goldye McDonald be overruled. Carried. Motion by Director Johnson, seconded by Director Wadsworth that protest by R. A. & Betty J. Burns be overruled. Carried. Motion by Director Johnson, seconded by Director Wadsworth that protest by John R. & Nellie C. Kirby be overruled. Carried. ESTABLISHING WAGES * L)CAL DiPEOVENENT DISTRICT NO. 3 The following Resolution was offered by Director Smitten, seconded by Director Wadsworth: RESOLUTION NO,,-.J.QJ. WHEREAS, in pursue.nce of Article I and 2. of Chapter 1 of PE'rt 7 of Division 2 of the Labor Code of the State of California before the District Board of the Central Contra Costa Sani tar-y District may a\vard any contract for public work on behalf of said Sanitary District, the District Board must ascertain the general prevailing rate of per diem wages in the locality in which the work is to be performed, to wit: Within the limits of the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District for each creft or type of workman or mechanic needed to execute the con- tract, and must specify in the call for bids for said contract and in the contract itself what the general prevailing rate of per diem wages in said locality is for.. each craft or type of workman or mech1nc 07 22 48 48 needed to execute the contract and also the general prevailing rate for legal holiday and overtime work; NC\:.J, THEiiliFO::\E, BE I'r RESOLVED, that the said gen:>.ral prevailing rate of per diem wages and the general prevailing rete of per diem wages for legal holiday and overtime work within the limits of said Sani ta:cy Di stri ct for each cre.ft or type of workman or mechanic needed to execute a contract for the construction of sanitary sewers B.nd appurtenances in accordance with the plarls and specifications therefor, heretofore adopted and approved for doing of said work as the same is described in Resolution of Intention No. 276, in the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District shall be and the same are hereby ascertained, approved, and adopted by this Board after a full investigation, to be as follows: CL~ê..LQ.F WO~ Asph:Ü t Plant Opeyoators Asphalt Plant Engineer Caruenters (Foreman) Carpenters (Journeyman) Shovel & Dragline Operators (under I yd) Shovel & Dragline Operators (over 1 yd) Compressor Operators Compressor (more tr1an one) OperAtors Concrete Laborers Cement Finishers Concrete Mixerman (up to 1 yd) Concrete Mixerman (over I yd) Operators, Vibrato~s, Jackha~~ers & other Air, Gas and Electric tools Asphalt Shovelers Asphalt Ironers & Rakers Firemen [Stationary) Crane & Derrick Operators Laborers, General Mechanics, Helpers & Oilers Bulldozer Operators Motor Grader Operators Roller Operators Tractor Operators Tractor & Truck Type Loader, Operators Sewer Pipe Layers & Banders Trenching Machine Operators Truck Driver (Dump Trucks under 4 yds) Truck Driver (Dump, over 4 & under 6 yds) Truck Driver (Dump, over 6 & under 8 yds) Truck Driver (Dump, over 8 yds) Truck Driver (Pickup or flatrack carrying less than 10,500 lbs) Truck Driver (Flatrack, carrying over 10,500 Electrician Iron Worker, Reinforcing Steel, Rodmen Iron Worker, Rodmen, Foreman (3 men or under) Foremen (4 men or over) Structural Iron Workers Plumbers Roofers Sheet Metal Workers ~atchmen, Flagmen & Guards Drillers and Blasters Cribbers and Lagging Combination, Jackhammer-Powderman Bricklayers Bricklayers, Hod-carriers Painters Plasterers Plasterers, Hod-carriers 07 PER DIE1-1 RA'::'E 8 HOURS HOURLY RATE --.-.- 15.40 17.80 19.00 17.00 20.20 21.00 15.00 17.40 12.20 17.20 15.00 17.40 13.20 12.20 14.20 15.00 19.00 12.20 15.00 17.80 19.00 17.50 17.80 19.00 15 . 80 18.20 12.65 13.65 14.40 17.40 1.925 2.225 2.375 2.125 2.525 2.625 1.575 2.175 1.525 2..15 1.875 2.175 1.65 1.525 1. 775 1.875 2.375 I. 525 1.875 2.225 2.375 2.225 2.225 2.375 1. 975 2.275 1.58125 1.70625 1.80 2.175 12.90 Ibs)13.90 IS.OO 16.00 17.00 18.00 18.00 19.00 16.00 17.00 12.20 14.20 14.20 14.20 22.50 18.00 1.6225 1.7375 2.25 2.00 2. 125 2.25 2.25 2.37.5 2.00 2.125 I. 525 1.?75 1.775 1.775 2.812.5 2.25 p HOURS 15.0.5 2.15 6 HOURS l.5.ÕO 13..50 2.50 2.25 22 48 49 PASSED AND ADOPT'ED by the DISTRIC'r BOARD OF THE CEIHRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT, CON'rRA COSTA COUNTY, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, this 22nd day of July, 1948. AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Directors Johnson, Smitten, Wadsworth and Weill None Director Tole.nd Countersigned: /s/ Lawson H. Weill, President of the District Board of Central Contra Costa Sanitary District of Contra Costa County, State of California. /s/ Morna Phillips Secretary Pro Tem ORDERING WORK - LOCAL D1P.=\OVEMENT DISTRICT NO.3 The following resolution was offered by Director Johnson, sec- onded by Director Smitten: RESOLUTION NO. 304 WHEREAS the District Board of Central Contra Costa Sanitary District, County of Contra Costa, State of California, passed and adopted on June 24, 1948, its Resolution of Intention No. 276, to do the work and improvement therein described, to wit: The construc- tion of sanitary sewers and appurtenances for the area within the boundaries described in said Resolution of Intention to thQ extent, with the materials and in the manner set forth in said Resolution of Intention and according to Plans and Specifications theretofore adopted therefor, and WHEEŒAS written protests against the doing of said wol"k and im- provem7nts were filed with the Secretary of said District Board and the same were duly considered by said District Board, RESOLVED by sa.id District Board that said protests be B.nd the same are hereby overruled, and RESOLVED thRt the public interest and convenience require and the said District Board hereby orders, that said 'vork and improvement be done, to wit: The construction of sani ta.ry sei.¡ers and appurtenance s for the area within the boundaries described in said Resolution of Intention, to the extent, with the materials and in the mAnner set forth in said Resolution of In~ention, and according to said Plans and SpQcifications, reference to which Resolution of Intention and Plans and Specifications is hereby made for a description of said work and improvement and the terms and conditions under which the same is to be done. The Secretary of this Board is hereby directed to post conspic- uously for five (5) days, on or neRr the main entrance door to the regular meeting place of the said District Boart at 1335 Commercial Lane, Wa.lnut Creel\:, California, Notice hsreof with plans and specif- ica.tions inviting sealed PF.OPOSALS or BIDS for doing said work and to publish twice a Notice hereof inviting sealed PROPOSALS or BIDS for doing said work and ref9rring to the plans and specifications posted and on file; the said publication to be in THE LAFAYETTE SUN, a daily newspaper, published B.nd circulated in the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District and hereby designated for that purpose. All such proposals shall be received by the Secretary pt the Office of the District Boa:cd at 1335 Commercial Lane, We.lnut Creek, California, on the 19th day of August, 1948, up to the hour of 8:00 o'clock p.m., and said day is hereby designated as the day on which 07 22 48 50 at the riour of 8: 15 0' clocl;: p.m., said PROPOSALS or BIDS sl¡all be opened, all of which shall be specified in said Notice, and said - Notice shall require with said PROPOSALS or BIDS a check certified' without Qualification by a responsible bank, payable to the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District for an amount not less than TEN PER CENT (10%) of the aggregate of the proposal or by a bond for the said amount, and so payable signed by the bidder and two (2) sur9ties, all as prescribed by law. PASSED AND ADOP~ED by the DISTRICT BOARD OF CENT:AL CONTRA COS::A SANITARY DISTRICT OF CONTRA COSTA COUNTY, tl:is 22nd cL8Y of July, 1948. AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Directors Johnson, Smitten, Wadsworth and Weill None Director Toland counl1ersip-:ned: /s/ Lawson H. Weill, President of the District Board of Central Contra Costa Sanitary District of Contra Costa County, State of California /s/ Morna Phillips Secretpry Pro Tern CORRECTING DESCRIPTION OF SEWER EASù1ENT NE!¡ŒLL K. '.HLSON The follm'\'ing resolution WHS offered by Director Johnson, seconded by Director Smitten: RESOLUTION NO. 305 WHEREAS, by Resolution No. 97 dated the lIth day of December, 1947, the District Board accepted a Deed of Dedication for sewer easement from Newell K. Wilson and Phoebe J. Wilson, his wife, and WHEREAS, subsequent to this ~lction an error W.?S found in the description of the property as described in said Deed of Dedication. Nm'l, THEHEFORE, BE II' RESOLVED, thAt the property described in the original Deed of Dedication for sewer easement be conveyed back to the original Grantors, and thAt the District Board accept, in consideration of said rec~nveyance, a new Deed of Dedication correctly describing the property originally intended to be conveyed. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 22nd day of July, 1948, by the following vote: AYES: Directors Jobnson, Smitten, Wadsworth and Weill None Director To18ncl NOES: ABSENT: Countersigned: /s/ Le.l1son H.'.i-eill, Presic::ent of the District Board of Central Contra Costa Sanitary District /s/ Morna Phillips Secrst8ry Pro Tem PAYMENT OF BILLS It WAS moved by Director WRdsworth, seconded by Director Veill that the bills as audited b~ paid: .07 ç-- .... ¡., r"' 48 5] The bills are 2S follow: w Vo.580 Roy Michaut (easement) x588 C. C. Kennedy Reimb. 589" L.I.D. 591 Fisher Reseerch Lab. ¡t. J..uJC.~C\f'~ !81 r. sl/1 "(114-1A,.- I,^Ol\t~ "...\A.iri-& $90.00 . 11,500.80~ 4,719.00. 87.13 Ce.rried. .. \A-~;I;r\'&&. ),.~t¡~ H f'l'i.L L~ INCIDENTAL EXPENSES - LOCAL IMPROViliENT DISTRICT 2 It 'v8.S moved by Director Weds'l.'\Torth, seconded by President Weill and unanimously carried that upon receipt of $35,781.83 from CLYDE C. KENNEDY, said sum representinr: the incidental expenses incur'red to date on LOCAL IMPRDVEMENT DISTRICT NO.2 and which is to be ad- vanced by the successful bidder, STOLTE, INC., before execution of the contract with STOLTE, INC., for the doing of the work authorized in LocRl Improvement District No.2, the following amounts be dis- bursed from said sum for such incidental expenses, as follows: {;20,056.~0 to CLYDE C. KEl::nEDY for engineering services rendered to date for Local Improvement Dist- rict No.2. $ 2,865.20 for legal services rendered to date for Local Improvement District No.2, to be paid pursuant to contract, therefor, as follows: ~. H. Brailsford, Jr. Robert W. Harrison $1,432.60 1,432.60 ~12, 860. 2.] the be.lance of said sum advanced for incidental expenses to be deposited to the credit of the Running Expense Fund of the Central Contra. Costa Sanitary District to reimburse said Fund for moneys heretofore advanced for incidental ex- penses incurred by the Sanitary District for Local Improvement District No.2, And the President and Secretary are HEREBY AUTHORIZED AND DIRECTED to execute the necessary warrants to pay the ch8.rges 8bove itemized. Carried unanimously. FURNISHINGS FOR NEW OFFICE BUILDING It was moved by Director Johnson, seconded by Director Wadsworth thpt the District Boerd incur expense for furnishinvs in the new office building to the sum of $1650.00, and for additional cabinet work in the sum of $450.00. Carried unanimously. LANDSCAPE GARDENING AT OFFICE It was moved by Director Wadsworth, seconded by Director Smitten that the Di strict Board B ccept the informal proposal of Ivlarshall and Huxley to furnish soil, sprinkler system, lawn and flowers in the Amount of ~547.00. Carried. ORINDA PUMPING STATIONS It was moved by Director Smitten, seconded by Director Wadsworth thBt the District Engineer be authorized to advertise for informal bids on pumps for the Orinda Pumping S~ations, bids to be received August 5, 1948. Carried. ADJOURNMENT It was moved by Director Smitten, seconded by Director Wadsworth that the meeting adjourn to August 3, 8 at 8~00 p.m. Carried. \. Countersigned: ~/~ ~~~J Secretary Pro Tern / President of the Pistrict Board 0 Central Contra Costa Sanitary District 07 22 48