HomeMy WebLinkAboutBOARD MINUTES 05-05-49 (2)
The Board convened in regular session at its regular place of
meeting locp-ted at 1822 Mt. Diablo Boulevard, Walnut Creek, Calif-
ornia, immediately after aàjou~nment of the Special Meeting.
President Wadsworth called the meeting to order and the follow-
ing roll was called:
Members Johnson, Smitten, Tola.nd Weill and Wadsworth
Members - None
It was moved by Member Johnson, seconded by Member Toland and
unanimously carried that the Board waive the reading of the Minutes
of the previous meeting, and that they be approved as entered.
Member Smitten, seconded by Member Weill, moved the adoption of
the following resolution:
WHEREAS a Petition, signed by the owners of real property in the
territory commonly known as "Paradise Valley" proposed to be annexed
to Central Contra Costa Sanitary District, which real property repre-
sents Seventy-Five per cent (75%) of the total assessed valuation of
said territory as shown by the last equalized assessment roll of the
County of Contra Costa, was .presented to this District Board on the
'5th day of May, 1949, at the hour of 8:00 o'clock, p.m., of said day,
at the regular place of meeting of said District Board at 1822 Mt.
Diablo Boulevard, in the City of Walnut Creek, County of Contra Costa,
State of California, asking that said territory be annexed to said
Central Contra Costa Sanitary District without an election under the
provisions of Article 3, Part I of Division VI of the Health and
Safety Code of the State of California, and an Affidavit of Publica-
tion of said Petition and of a Notice stating the time of hearing of
said Petition to be presented to this District Board, was filed at
said time and place, and
WHEREAS said Petition des1gnates specifically the boundariea of
the territory proposed to be annexed and its assessed valuation as
shown by the last equalized assessment roll of the County of Contra
Costa and shows the amount of real property owned by each of the pet-
itioners and its assessed valuation as shown by the last equalized
assessment roll of. said county, and
WHEREAS said Petition states that the territory is not in any
other Sanitary District and that said territory is in the same county
as said Central Contra Costa Sanitary District, is contiguous thereto,
and is not within the limits of any other Sanitary District; and re-
quests that the territory so described be annexed to this District;
WHEREAS the Petition is verified by the Affidavit of one of the
petitioners, and
WHEREAS no written protests against the annexation of said terri-
tory to said Sanitary District have been filed with this District
Board, and
WHEREAS at said hearing no oral protests were made to this Dist-
rict Board against the annexation of said territory to said Sanitary
District, and
WHEREAS, at the time and place fixed in said Notice for said
hearing, this District Board proceeded to hear said Petition and all
persons therein who appeared, and said hearing was completed at said
time and place, and
WHEREAS, said Petition and said Affidavit show, and after a full
hearig, examination, and investigation, this District Board has
found and does hereby find and declare that said Petition is duly
verified by the Affidavit of one of the petitioners; that said Pet-
ition was duly published for at least two (2) weeks preceding its
hearing by this District Board, together with Notice that said Pet-
ition be presented to this District Board on Thursday, the 5th day
of May, 1949, at the hour of 8:00 o'clock, p.m., of said day, in the
meeting room of said District Board located as hereinbefore described,
and that at said time and place all persons interested therein might
appear ahd be heard, on April 14, 1949, and on April 21, 1949, in the
the Walnut Kernel, a newspaper of general circulation, published in
said District; that the Affidavit of such publication has been pre-
sented to and is on file with this District Board; and
WHEREAS the petitioners have paid to Central Contra Costa Sani-
tary District the Sum of TWO HUNDRED FIFTY-THREE AND .52/100THS DOLLARS
($253.52), being the total taxes which the territory proposed to be
annexed would have paid had said territory been a part of thiS San-
itary District from the date of the original formation thereof and
for those fiscal years in which taxes were levied and collected
upon property within the original Sanitary District, and the petit-
ioners have reimbursed the Sanitary District for all expenses in-
curred by it in connection with this proposed annexation amounting
That said petitioners are the owners of land constituting Seventy-
Five per cent (75.%) of the total assessed valuation of the territory
proposed to be annexed, as shown by the last equalized assessment
roll of the County of Contra Costa; that all of the facts set forth
in said Petition are tru;e that all acts and conditions and things
required by law to be done precedent to the hearing of said Petition
by. this District Board have been done am have been performed in reg-
ular and due form in strict compliance with provisions of the law
authorizing the presentation of this Petition. .
(1) That upon the final hearing of said Petition and after a
full hearing, investigation, and examination, this District Board
does hereby find and determine that the annexation of the territory
theren and hereafter described is for the best interests of the
District and said contiguous territory.
(2) That upon such.final hearing, this District Board does
hereby find and determine that all of the territory described in
said Petition will, in the judgment of this District Board, be
benefited by annexation to said Sanitary District.
(3) That the exterior boundaries of the territory so proposed
to be annexed to Central Contra Costa Sanitary District and spec-
ifically described in-said Petition are hereby fixed and described
as follows:
That parcel of land situated in the County of Contra Costa,
State of California, described as follows:
Beginning at the intersection of the center line of Gregory
Lane (also commonly known as Grayson Road) with the easterly
boundary, extended southerly, of Lot 21 of Graceland Acres
Subdivision as said subdivision is delineated on map thereof
of record in Map Book 8, at page 178, Contra Costa County,
Official Records, said point of intersection being a point
on the now existing boundary of Central Contra Costa Sanitary
District, and running thence northerly and westerlJ along the
eastern and northern boundaries of said Lot 21 to the inter-
section thereof with the eastern boundary of that certain
)1.60 acre parcel of land deeded to Century Finance Corpora-
-- tion and Dan G. and Lucille W. Peacock and described in record
thereof under ~'Corderl s File No. 34)42-1948, in office of the
Recorder of Contra Costa County, California; thence northerly,
westerly, southerly, westerly and southerly along the eastern,
northern, .western,northern and western boundaries of said )1.60
acreparoel to the intereSKtion thereof with the northern bound-
ary of Lot 20 of said Graceland Acres; thence westerly along
the northern boundary of said Lot 20 and of Lot 11 of said
Graceland Acres to the most northwesterly corner of said Lot 11,
which corner is a point on the now existing boundary of said
Sanitary District; thence southerly and easterly along said
existing boundary to the point of beginning. All of the here-
inbefore references to deeds are to the Official Records of
Contra Costa County, California.
(4) That the President and Secretary of this District Board be
and they are hereby authorized and directed to execute on the behalf
of this District Board a Petition to the Board of Supervisors of the
County of Contra Costa setting forth the proceedings heretofore
taken for the annexation of the above-described territory, the finding
of this Board, and requesting the Board of Supervisors to annex the
territory to the District.
PASSED AND ADOPTED by the District Board of Central Contr~ Costa
SanUary District of Contra Costa County, State of California, this
5th day of May, 1949, by the following called vote:
Members Johnson, Smitten, Toland, Weill and Wadsworth
Members - None
Members - None
B. E. Wadsworth, President of the
District Board of Central Contra
Costa Sanitary District.
Count ers igne d:
Neill C. Cornwall,
The following letter had been filed with the District Board:
IIDi strict Board
Central Contra Costa Sanitary Dist.
Walnut Creek, California
April 25, 1949
"A recent investigation of conditions existing in the area here-
inafter described in Central Contra Costa Sanitary District in the
County of Contra Costa, disclosed such conditions to be unsanitary,
unhealthful, and, in my opinion, dangerous to the health of the
people liging therein. Said area is bounded and described as
"Beginning at the northeast corner of Lot A as said lot is
designated on the map of the Lands of the C.C.C.C. Land Co.,
Walnut Creek, Calif., of record in Map Book 2, at page 40,
4- Q
----~------------~--------------- --------------
in Office of Recorder, Contra Costa County, Calif.; thence
southeasterly, southwesterly and northwesterly along north-
eastern and southwestern boundary of said Lot A to its in-
tersection with the east line of that parcel of land des-
cribed in deed of record in Volume 953 Official Records, at
page Ill, in the Office of said ,Recorder; thence northerly,
westerly, southerly and westerly along eastern and northern
boundary of said parcel to northeast corner of that parcèl
of land described in deed of record in Volume 823 of Official
Records, at page 180, in Office of said Recorder; thence
southerly and westerly along eastern and southern boundaries
of said parcel to its intersection with eastern boundary of
Summit Road; thence southerly along eastern line of Summit
Road to its intersection with east boundary of Lot 17 as ~aid
lot is designated on map of Ho~estead Ranoh-Lakewood, Unit No.
2 of Record. in Map Book 28, ,at page 45, in Office of said
Recorder; thence .southerly and westerly along eastern and
southern boundary of said Lot 17 and continuing westerly along
, southern boundary of said Homestead Ranch, ,Unit No. ,2 and its
extension westerly to the southern line of Knob Hill Road;
thence westerly along said southern line and its extension
westerly to the center line of Walnut Boulevard; thence south-
erly along said center lineto its intersection with eastern
boundary of Lot 1 extended northerly as said lot is designated
on the map of Bueno Suerte of record in Map Book 27, page 22,
in the Office of .said Recorder; thence southerly along said
extension and easterly boundary of said Lot 1 and continuing
southeasterly along northeas~ern boundary of Lots 10 and 9 of
said Map of Bueno Suerte to the northeast corner of Lot 1 as
designated on the map of Luna Vista of record in Map Book 28,
at page 40, in the Office of said Recorder; thence southwesterly
and southeasterly along northern and western boundary of said
Lot 1 to the northeasterly line~ Oak Knoll Court; thence
southerly along said northeasterly line to its intersection
with the eastern boundary of Lot 4 of said Luna Vista; thence
southerly along saideastern boundary of Lot 4 and continuing
southerly and westerly along the eastern and southern boundary
of Lot 3 of said Luna Vista and its extension westerly to the
center line of Oak Knoll Loop; thence northerly westerly and
southerly along said center line to its inte.rsection with the
southeast corner of Lot 6, Block 8, as said lot and block are
designated on the Map No.2 of Walnut Heights of record in Map
Book 10, at page 245, in the Office of said Recorder; thence
southwesterly along southern boundary of said Lot 6 to the
center line of San Miguel Drive; thence southeasterl~ along
said center line to its inte~s~ction with the northeastern
extension of the southeastern boundary of subdivision entitled
San Miguel Vista as said boundary is designated on Map of rec-
ord in Map Book 35 at page 13, in the office of said Recorder;
thence southwesterly along said southeastern boundary'of said
subdivision to its intersection with the northeastern boundary
of Walnut Knolls as said subdivision is designated on map of
record in Map Book 28, at page 5, in the Office of said Rec-
order; th~nce southeasterly along said boundary to its inter-
section with the northern line of Blackwood Drive; thence due
south to the south line of Blackwood Drive; thence westerly
along south line of Blackwood Drive and Ward Drive to the
northeast corner of Lot 107 of said Walnut Knolls; thence
southerly along east boundaries of Lots 107 and 108 of said
Walnut Knolls and their extension southerly to the southern
line of Hillview Drive; thence westerly along said southern
boundary to the northwest corner of Lot 122 of said Walnut
Knolls; thence southwesterly along western boundary of said
Lot 122 to the southwestern boundary of said Walnut Knolls;
thence northwesterly along said southwestern boundary to its
intersect ion with the southeastern line. of Stow Drive; thence
southwesterly along southwestern extension 0 fo said southeastern
line of Stow Drive to its intersectionw.1th the northeastern
boundary of the Southern Pacific Railroad right of way; thence
northwesterly along said northeastern boundary to its intersection
with the northern boundary extended easterly with that parcel
of land described in deed of record in Volume 256 Official
Records at page 351; thence westerly along said eastern ex-
tension and northern boundary of said parcel to the western
boundary of aforementioned Railroad right of way; thence north-.
erly along said western boundary to its intersection with the
southern boundary of that parcel of land described in deed of
record in Volume 368 Official Records, at page 197, in the
Office of said Recorder; thence westerly along said southern
boundary and its extension westerly to the southwest corner of
that parcel of land described in deed of record in Volume 338
Official Records, at page 157, in the Office of said Recorder;
thence northerly and easterly along western and northern bound-
ary of said parcel and along its northern boundary extended
easterly to the northwest corner of that parcel of land des-
cribed in deed of record in Volume 399 Official Records, at
page 423, in the Office of said Recorder; thence easterly
along northern boundary of said parcel ~nd its extension east-
erly to the eastern boundary of the aforementioned Railroad
right of way; thence northerly along said right of way boundary
to its intersection with the southern boundary of that parcel
of land described in deed of record in Volume 1149 Official
Records, at page 77, in the Office of said Recorder; thence
easterly along said line to the center line of Walden Road;
thence southerly along center line of Walden Road to its inter-
section with Walden Way; thence easterly along center line of
Walden Way to its intersection with the center line of Walnut
Boulevard also known as Liberty Road; thence easterly in a
direct line to an angle point in the eastern boundary of Walnut
Park No.1 as said boundary is designated on map of record in
Map Book 3, at page 56, in the Office of said Recorder said
angle point being at intersection of -courses bearing north 30
west and north 480 41-1/2' east; thence southerly along said
eastern boundary and its extension southerly to the northeast-
ern boundary of the aforementioned Lot A of the C.C.C.C. Land
Co.; thence southeasterly along said boundary to the point of
lI,As Health Officer of the County of Contra Costa, I recommend as
~ necessary health measure that your Honorable Board institute
proce~dings at an early date forthe constru, tion of a sanitary
sewer system for said area to abate the unsanitary conditions therein.
Member Toland, seconded by Member Johnson, moved the adoption
of the following resolution:
WHEREAS the County Health Officer has filed with this District
Board a report stating that the conditions in the hereinafter described
area in Central Contra Costa Sanitary District, in~e County of Contra
Costa, ape unsanitary, unhealthful and dangerous to the health of the
people living therein, and recommending as necessary as a health meas-
ure that the District Board institute proceedings at an early date for
the construction of a sanitary sewer system to abate such unsanitary
conditions, said area being bounded and described as follows:
Beginning at the northeast corner of Lot A as said lot is
designated on the map of the Lands of the C.C.C.C. Land Co.,
Walnut Creek, Calif., of record in Map Book 2, at page 40,
in office of Recorder, Contra Costa County, Calif.; thence
.h ~-}
':tt:. v
southeasterly, southwesterly and northwesterly along northeastern
and southwestern boundary of said Lot A to its intersection
with the east line of that parcel of land described in deed
, of record in Volume 953 Official Records, at page 111, in the
Office of said Recorder; thence northerly, westerly, southerly
and westerly along eastern and northern boundary of said parcel
to northeast corner of that parcel of land described in deed
of record ,in Volume 823 of Official Records, at page 180, in
Office of said Recorder; thence southerly and westerly along'
eastern and southern boundaries of said parcel to its inter-
section with eastern boundary of Summit Road; thence southerly
along eastern line of Summit Road to its int,ersection with
east boundary of Lot 17 as said lot is designated on map of
rtomestead Ranch-Lakewood, Unit No.2 of Record in Map Book 28,
at page 45, in Office of said Recorder¡ thence southerly and
westerly along eastern and southern boundary of said Lot 17
and continuing westerly along southern boundary of said Home-
stead Ranch, Unit No.2 and its extension westerly to the
southern line of Knob Hill Road; thence westerly along said
southern line and its extension westerly to the center line of
Walnut Boulevard¡ thence southerly along said center line to
its intersection with eastern boundary of Lot 1 extended north-
erly as said lot is designated on the map of Bueno Suerte of
record in Map Book 27, page 22, in the Office of said Recorder;
thence southerly along said extension and easterly boundary of
said Lot 1 and continuing southeasterly along northeastern
boundary of Lots 10 and 9 of said Map of Bueno Suerte to the
northeast corner of Lot 1 as designated on the map of Luna
Vista of record in Map Book 28, at page 40, in the Office of
said Recorder; thence southwesterly and southeasterly along
northern and western boundary of said Lot 1 to the northeasterly
line of Oak Knoll Court; thence southerly along said northeast-
erly line to its intersection with the eastern boundary of Lot
4 of said Luna Vista; thence southerly along said eastern
boundary of Lot 4 and continuing southerly and westerly along
the eastern and southern boundary of Lot 3 of said Luna Vi~ta
and its extension westerly to the center line of O~k Knoll
Loop; thence northerly, westerly and southerly along said center
line to its intersection with the southeast corner of Lot 6,
Block 8, as said lot and block are designated on the Map No.2
of Walnut Heights of record in Map Book 10, at page 245, in the
Office of said Recorder; thence southwesterly along southern
boundary of said Lot 6 to the center line of San Miguel Drive;
thence southeasterly along said center line to its 'intersection
with the northeastern extension of the southeastern boundary of
subdivision ent!tled. San Miguel. Vista as said boundary is des-
ignated on Map of record in Map Book 35 at page 13, in the
office of said Recorder; thence southwesterly along said south-
eastern boundary of said subdivision to its intersection with
the northeastern boundary of Walnut Knolls as said subdivision
is designated on map of record in Map Book 28, at page 5, in the
Office of said Recorder; thence southe~ster1y along saidboundary
to its intersection with the northern. line of Blackwood Drive;
thence due south to the south line of Blackwood Drive; thence
westerly along south line of Blackwood Drive and Ward Drive to
the northeast corner of Lot 107 of said Walnut Knolls; thence
southerly along east boundaries of Lots 107 and 108 of said
Walnut Knolls and their extension southerly to the southern
line of Hillview Drive; thence westerly along said southern
boundary to the northwest corner of Lot 122 of said Walnut
Knolls; thence southwesterly along western boundary of said
Lot 122 to the southwestern boundary of said Walnut Knolls;
thence northwesterly along said southwestern boundary to its
intersection with the southeastern line of Stow Drive; thence
southwesterly along southwestern extenSbn of said southeastern
line of Stow Drive to its intersection with the northeastern
boundary of the Southern Pacific Railroad right of way; thence
northwesterly along said northeastern boundary to its intersection
with the northern boundary extended easterly with that parcel of
land described in deed of record in Volume 256 Official Records
"(6 r¡-
at page 351; thence westerly along said eastern extension and
northern boundary of said parcel to the western boundary of
of aforementioned Railroad right of way; thence northerly along
said western boundary to its intersection with the southern
boundary of that parcel of land described in deed of record in
Vo1u,e 368 Official Records, at page 197, in the Office of gaid
Recorder; thence westerly along said southern boundary and its
extension westerly to the southwest corner of that paroe1 of
. land described in deed of record in Volume 338 Official Records,
at page 157, in the Office of said Recorder; thence northerly
and easterly along western and northern boundary of said parcel
and along its northern boundary 'extended easterly to the north-
west corner of that parcel of land described in deed of record
in Volume 399 Official Records, at page 423, in the Office of
, said Recorder; thence easterly along northern boundary of said
parcel and its extension easterly to the eastern boundary of the
aforementioned Railroad right of way; thence northerly along said
'right of way-boundary to its intersection with the southern bound-
'ary of that parcel of land described in deed of record in Volume
-1149 Official Records, at page 77, in the Office of said Recorder;
'tjence easterly along said line to the center line of Walden
Road; thence'southerly along center line of Walden Road to its
intersection.with Walden Way; thence easterly along center line
of Walden Way to its intersection with the center line of Walnut
Boulevard also known as Liberty Road; thence easterly in a direct
line to an angle point in the eastern boundary of Walnut Park
'No.1 as said boundary is designated on map of record in Map
Book 3, at page 56, in the Office of said Recorder said angle
'poil1t being at intersection of courses bearing north)o west and
north 480 41-1/21 east; thence southerly along said eastern
'boundary and'its extension southerly to the northeastern boundary
of the aforementioned Lot A of the C.C.C.C.Land Co.; thence
'southeasterly along said boundary to the point of beginning.
THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the District Boar~ of Central Contra
Costa Sanitary District, County of Contra Costa, State of California,
that it is hereby found that the construction of a sanitary sewer
system for the above described area as necessary as a health measure
does exist, and hereby orders that proceedings be instituted and
appropriate resolutions be prepared for adoption by this Board for
the eonstruction.of such sewers, as recommended by the Health Officer,
sai4 proceedings to be as provided in Division 7 of the Streets and
Highways Code or-the State of California, the "Improvement Act of 1911,"
with-bonds to be issued to represent unpaid assessments as provided
therein; said area for which such sewers are to be constructed to be
known as Local Improvement District No.8.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the report and recommendation of the
Health Officer is hereby ordered spread upon the Minutes of this
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the District Engineer is hereby
directed to prepare and submit to this Board maps, diagrams, plans
and speci~tions, together with a careful estimate of the cost and
expense of constructing a sanitary sewer system for said Local Im-
provement Distriot No.8.
-PASSED AND ADOPTED by the District Board of Central Contra Costa
Sanitary District of Contra Costa County, State of California, this
5th.day.of May, 1949, by the following called vote:
Members Johnson, Smitten, Toland, Weill and Wadsworth
Members - None
Members - None
Neill C. Cornwall, Secretary of the
District Board of Central Contra
Costa Sanitary District.
R. E. Wadsworth, President of the District
Board of Central Contra Costa Sanitary
..... .
1 ,~R
.'! ',} "
The District Board
Central Contra Costa Sanitary District
Walnut Creek, California
Gent lemen:
May 5, 1949
Submitted herewith is a detailed estimate of the cost of work
in accordance with Plans and Specifications which you directed me
to prepare in your Resolution No. 450, dated May 5th, 1949, said
proposed work having been ordered by you pursuant to a report and
recommendation of the Health Officer of Contra Costa Co~nty.
.!!2! 9.UANT~'1'1'
1 56,200 If
2 3,400 If
3 6,000 If
4 7,700 If
5 3,350 If
6 4,560 If
7 350 If
8 173 If
9 270 If
10 75 1f
11 156 lf
12 570 If
80 If
105 ea
100 ea
20 ea
700 e a
15 ea
2 ea
25 ea
37 ea
53 ea
2 ea
25 ea
40 ea
3 ea
6 ea
3 ea
1 ea
10 cy
3 ea
2 ea
50 ea
2 ea
25 cy
6" V C Sewer
8" V C Sewer
10 II V. C Sewer
12" V C Sewer
1511 V C Sewer
18" V C Sewer
611 Cast Iron Pipe
6t1'ÞConcrete line Steel Pipe
10" ID Concrete Lined" II
18" ID II un"
128 Ex Str. Centrif. Cast re-
inforced Cone pipe w/col .
12" Centre Cast reinf. Cone.
pipe w/co1
24" C I.,: })ipe 10 ga.
Flushing Inlets (Slope type)
Manholes 48" ID
Manholes 4811 ID Type B
6" x 4" V C Wye Branch
6" x 6" V C Wye Branch
6" x 6" V C Db1. Wye Branch
8" x 4" V C Wye Branch
10 II X 4" V C Wye Branch
12" x 4" V C Wye Branch
12" x 6" V C Wye Branch
15 n x 411 V C Wye Branch
18" x 6'1 V C Wye Branch
6" V C 1/8 Bend
Guard Fence Fan
Bracket'Supports Complete
Pipe Trestle Bent
Reinforced Concrete
Coupling 611 ID Cone. 1ind
steel pipe
Coupling 18" ID Cone. lined
steel pipe
Restting Survey Monumen~s
Connection to Existing MH
Construction Cost
Surveying and Inspection
Rights of Way and Easements
Adv. Legal, Preparation of Assess-
:Ilent and Other Incidental Costs
Total Estimated Cost
Very truly yo~s
/s/ ClydeC. Kennedy, District Engineer.
Member Toland, seconded by Member Johnson, moved the adoption
of .the following resolution:
RESOLVED by the District Board of Central Contra Costa Sanitary
District of Contra Costa County, State of California, that the Plans
and Specifications submitted by the District Engineer providing for
constructing a sanitary sewer system for Local Improvement District
No.8, the area within the following described boundaries, viz:
The area within the boundaries set forth in Resolution
No. 450 of said District Board passed and adopted the 5th
day of May, 1949, finding necessity for construction of
such sanitary sewers,
in said Central Contra Costa Sanitary District, be and the same are
hereby approved and adopted; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the grades as shown on said Plans be
and the same are hereby adopted as the official grades.
PASSED AND ADOPTED by the District Board of Central Contra Costa
Sanitary District of Contra Costa County, State of California, this
5th day of May, 1949, by the following called vote:
Members Johnson, Smitten, Toland, Weill and Wpdsworth
Members - None
Members - None
NeillC. Cornwall, Secretary
R. E. Wadsworth, President of the
District Board of Central Contra
Costa Sanitary District
Member Smitten, seconded by Member Johnson, moved the adoption
of the following resolution:
RESOLVED by the District Board of Central Contra Costa Sanitary
District, Contra Costa County, State of California, that the Assess-
ment District Map submitted by the Engineer, which indicates. by a
boundary line the extent of the territory included in the District
proposed to be assessed for constructing a sanitary sewer system
for Local Improvement District No.8, the area within the following
described boundaries, viz:
The area within the boundaries set forth in Resolution No.
450 of said District Board passed and adopted the 5th day
of May, 1949, finding necessity for construction of such
sanitary sewers in said Central Contra Costa Sanitary Dist-
rict be and the same is hereby approved and adopted.
PASSED AND ADOPTED by the District Board of Qmtral Contra Costa
Sanitary District of Contra Costa County, State of California, this
5th day of May, 1949, by the following called vote:
. .
Members J9hnson, Smitten, Toland, Weill and Wadsworth
Members - None
Members - None
/s/ R. E. Wadsworth, President of
Central Contra Costa Sanitary
Neill C. Cornwall, Secretary 0 5 0 5 -4 9
...... .
Member Toland, seconded by Member Smitten, moved the adoption of
the following resolution:
RESOLVED by the District Board of the Central Contra Costa
Sanitary District of Contra Costa County, State of California, as
¡ I
SECTION 1. That the public interest and convenience require and
it is the intention of said Board to order the following work done
and improvements made, to wit:
FIRST: The construction of sanitary sewers and appurtenances,
in accordance with said plans and specifications heretofore adopted
and approved therefor, in the following streets, rights of way, ease-
ments and reserves in said Sanitary District as they and the proposed
work in relation thereto are shown on Sheet 1 of said plans and spec-
WALNUT BOULEVARD from its intersection with Walden Way to M.H. 8
to be located'in Walnut Boulevard 675 feet southwesterly from its
intersection with Colony Lane.
FAIROAK STREE1 from F.I. 2 to be located therein 250 feet south-
westerly from its intersection with Walden Way to M.R. 5 to be
located in Fairoak Street 250 feet southwesterly from F.I. 2.
WALDEN WAY from its intersection with Westcliffe Lane to F.I. 113
to be located in Walden Way 280 feet easterly from its intersection
with Westcliffe Lane.
WALDEN WAY between its intersection with Walden Road and Walnut
WESTCLIFFE LANE trom its intersection with Walden Way to F.I. 112
to be located in Westcliffe Lane 1700 feet southwesterly from its
intersection with Walden Way.
WESTCLIFFE LANE from F.I. 114, to be located therein 150 feet
westerly from its extremity, to its intersection with east line of
Southern Pacific Railroad right of way 250 feet westerly from F.I.
UNNAMED ROAD, located 575 feet southerly from intersection of
Walnut Boulevard and Walden Way, from said intersection to its inter-
section with Fairoak Street. '
EASEMENT, IN LOT 5 (Parcel 32), as designated on map entitled
"Map No.1, Walnut Park, Lands of Walnut Creek Development Company,"
recorded in office of Recorder, Volume 3 of Maps, page 56, being
south 5 feet, measured at right angles, of parcel of land described
in deed from Georgia Lamothe to Kenneth J. Pabst, et ux, recorded
January 17, 1949, File No. 1674~ .
EASEMENT, IN LOT 5 (Parcel 33), as designated on said map of
Walnut.Park, being strip of land 5 feet wide, center line of which
is described as follows: Beginning on east line of parcel of land
described in deed from Georgia Lamothe to Vitus Carl Jacobsen, rec-
orded January 17, 1949, File No. 1669, at line drawn parallel with
and 2-1/2 feet northerly, measured at right angles, from north line
of parcel of land described in deed from Georgia Lamothe, et vir,
to Harry T. Cameron, et ux, recorded in Volume 1159 Official Records,
page 472; thence from said point of beginning north 890 07' west,
along said parallel line, 179.19 feet to west line of said Lot 5.
ALSO, in the following street in said Sanitary District, as it
and the proposed work in relation thereto are shown on Sheet 2 of
said plans and specifications:
- - <- ...
WALNUT BOULEVARD from M.H. 11 to be located therein 250 feet
southerly from its intersection with Ygnacio Avenue to M.H. 8 to
be located in Walnut Boulevard 1300 feet northerly from said inter-
ALSO. in the following streets, rights of way, easements and
reserves in said Sanitary District as they and the proposed work in
relation thereto are shown on Sheet 3 of said plans and specifications:
WALNUT BOULEVARD between its intersections with Norlyn Drive and
Ygnacio Avenue.
HOMESTEAD AVENUE from its intersection with Lakewood Road to F.I.
15 to be located in Homestead Avenue 420 feet northwesterly from said
EAS~fENT, in northwesterly 5 feet of Lots 8, 9 and 10 as said
lots are designated on map entitled IIMap of Bradley Tract, Contra
Costa County, California, II recorded in office of Recorder, Volume 25
of Maps, page 845, and reserved in Declaration of Restrictions for
said Bra.dley Tract recorded in Volume 618 Official Records, page 449.
EASEMENT, IN LOT 5 (Parcel 31), as designated on said map of
Bradley Tract, being southerly 5 feet of said lot.
EASEMENT, IN LOT 1, Block 2 (Parcel 26), as designated on map
entitled "Map No.2, Walnut Heights, Walnut Creek, California, Contra
Costa County," recorded in office of Recorder, Volume 10 of Maps,
page 245, being southwest 5 feet of parcel of land described in deed
from Walter Pierson, et ux, to H. W. Fry, etŒ, recorded in Volume
791 Official Records, page 343.
EASEMENTS (Parcel 29), IN LOTS 1 AND lA, as designated on said
map No.2 of Walnut Heights, and Lot 16, as designated on map entitled
"Lands of the C.C.C.C. Land Company, Walnut Creek, California, Contra
Costa County, California," recorded in office of Recorder, in Volume 2
of Maps, page 40, consisting of three sub-parcels:
SUB-PARCEL A: Being 5-foot strip of land in said Lots 1 and lA,
described as follows:
Being south 520.42 feet of west 5NtfRt of parcel of land de-
scribed as Parcel One in deed froMf~. Andersen, et ux, to
Armand A. Andersen, recorded April 1, 1949, File No. 11248,
SUB-PARCEL B: Being 10-foot strip of land in said Lot 16
described as follows:
Strip of land 10 feet wide, north line of which is parallel
with and 10 feet northerly, measured at right angles, from
south line thereof and which south line is described as
Beginning on south line of said Lot 16 at east line of Sub-
parcel A above; thence from said point of beginning south
b7° 031 west along said south line 60 feet to east line of
pe.rce1 of land described as Parcel One in deed from Nils G.
Andersen, et ux, to Arvida F. Andersen recorded April 1, 1949,
File No. 11245.
SUB-PARCEL C: Being strip of land 2.5 feet wide in said Lot 16,
east line of which is parallel with and 2.5 feet easterly, meas-
ured at right angles, from west line thereof and which west line
is described as follows:
Beginning on north line of parcel of land described as Parcel
One in deed from Nils G. Andersen, et ux, to Armand A. Andersen
recorded April 1, 1949, File No. 11248, at east line of parcel
of land described as Parcel One in deed from Nils G. Andersen,
et ux, to Arvida F. Andersen recorded April 1,1949 File No.
11245; thence from said point of beginning south 226 57' east,
along said east line 25 feet to south line of said Lot 16.
EASEHENT, IN LOT 16 (Parcel 29-A), as designated on said map of
Lands of the C.C.C.C.Land Company, being northwest 5 feet and north-
east 2.5 feet of parcel of land described as Parcel One in deed from
Nils G. Anderson, et ux, to Arvida F. Andersen recorded April 1,
1949, File No. 11245.
EASEtlENT, IN LOT 16 (Parcel 29-B), as designated on said map of
Lands of the C.C.C.C. Land Company, being northwest 5 feet and
southwest 2.5 feet of p2rcel of land described as Parcel Two in
deed from Nils G. Andersen, et ux, to Augusta H. Richardson, rec-
orded April I, 1949, File No. 11247.
EASEMENT, IN LOT 16 (Parcel 30), as designated on said map of
Lands of the C.C.C.C. Land Company, being northwest 5 feet of parcel
of land described as Parcel One in deed from Nils G. Andersen, et ux,
to George A. Andersen, et ux, recorded in Volume 1319 Official Rec-
ords, page 578.
ALSO, in the following streets, rights of way, easements and
reserves in said Sanitary District, as they and the proposed work
in relation thereto are shown on Sheet 4 of said Plans and Specifica-
t ions:
VAN CLEAVE DRIVE and HOMESTEAD WAY, for their entire lengths.
SUMMIT ROAD from its intersection with Homestead Drive to its
intersection with Summit Court.
HOMESTEAD AVENUE, between its intersection with Lakewood Road
and its intersection with W~lnut Boulevard.
WEST HOLLY STREET from its northern extremity to F.I. 14 to be
located therein 880 feet southerly from said northern extremity.
HOMESTEAD DRIVE from M.H. 21, to be located at its intersection
with Homestead Avenue, to M.H. 30 to be located in Homestead Drive
730 feet southeasterly from said intersection.
HOMESTEAD DRIVE from its intersection with Homestead Way to its
intersection with Summit Road.
HOMESTEAD DRIVE from its intersection with Homestead Avenue to
F.I. 62 to be located in Homestead Drive 320 feet easterly from
said intersection.
LAKEWOOD ROAD from its intersection with Cragmont Drive to F.I.
16 to be located in Lakewood Road 580 feet southeasterly from said
UNNAMED ROAD, from M.H. 23 to be located at its intersection
with Homestead Drive, said intersection being 300 feet northerly
from intersection of Homestead Drive and Summit Road, thence 217
feet northeasterly along said Unnamed Road.
UNNAMED ROAD, extending westerly from Homestead Avenue at inter-
section of Homestead Avenue and Homestead Way, from F.I. 13, to be
located in said Unnamed Road 300 feet westerly from its intersection
with Homestead Avenue, to western extremity of said Unnamed Road.
EASEMENT, IN LOT 4, BLOCK 2 (Parcel 20), as designated on map
entitled "Map of Walnut Heights, Walnut Creek, California, Contra
Costa County," recorded in office of Recorder, Vol~me 5 of Maps,
page 119, being west 5 feet of parcel of land described in deed
from John B. Clark, et ux, to Forrest N. Anderson, et ux, recorded
in Volume 960 Official Records, page 412.
EASEMENT, IN LOT 3, BLOCK 2 (Parcel 21), described in deed from
Carroll J. Wedel, et ux, to said Sanitary District, recorded April
15,1949, File No. 13054.
EASEMENT, IN LOT 3, BLOCK 2 (Parcel 22), as designated on map
entitled "Map No.2, Walnut Heights, Walnut Creek, California,
Contra Costa County," recorded in office of Recorder, Volume 10 of
Maps, page 245, being west 100 feet of north 5 feet of parcel of
land described in deed from Edwin E. Hill, et we, to Frank K. Crowley,
et we, recorded in Volume 816 Official Records, page 211.
EASEl-1ENT, IN LOT 3, BLOCK 2 (Pa.rcel 23), as designated on said
Map No.2 of Walnut Heights, being west 5 feet of parcel of land
described as Parcel One in deed from Joseph Henry Engberson, et ux,
to Robert W. Payne, et ux, recorded in Volume 1142 Official Records,
page 79.
EAS~IENT, IN LOT 2, BLOCK 2 (Parcel 24), described in deed from
George A. Pink, et ux, to said Sanitary District, recorded April 15,
1949, File No. 13057.
EASEMENT, IN LOT 2, BLOCK 2 (Parcel 25), as designated on said
Map No.2 of Walnut Heights being west 5 feet of parcel of land de-
scribed in deed from Frank Hall to Louis Cinalli, et aI, recorded
in Volume 1120 Official Records, page 404.
EASEMENT, IN LOT 1, BLOCK 2 (Parcel 26), as designated on said
Ma.p No.2 of Walnut Heights being southeast 5 feet of parcel of land
described in deed from Walter Pierson, et ux, to H. W. Fry, et ux,
recorded in Volume 791 Official Records, page 34~.
EASEMENT, IN ~T 11 (Parcel 34), as designated on map entitled
"Homestead Ranch-Lakewood, Unit No.2, Contra Costa County, Calif-
ornia," recorded in office of Recorder, Volume 28 of Maps, page 44,
being northeastern 5 feet of said Lot.
EASEl4ENT, IN LOT 10 (Parcel 35), as designated on said map of
Homestead Ranch-Lakewood, Unit No.2, being northwest 5 feet of said
EASEMENT, IN LOT 12 (Parcel 36), as designated on said map of
Homestead Ranch-Lakewood, Unit No.2 consisting of two sub-parcels:
said lot.
Being north 107.11 feet of west 5 feet of
SUB-PARCEL B: Strip of land 5 feet wide, center line of
which is described as follows: Beginning on south line
of said Lot 12, distant thereon north 82 26' east, 17.98
feet from southwe~t corner thereof; thence from said point
of beginning north 200 59' west, 77.51 feet to west line
of said Lot 12, distant thereon south 70 34' east, 107.11
feet from ~outh line of Summit Road.
EASEHENT, IN LOT 24 (Peroel 37), as designated on said map of
Homestead Ranch-Lakewood Unit No. 2,being strip of land 5 feet wide,
center line of which is described as follows: Beginning on south line
of said Lot 24, distant thereon south 890 14' 47" east, 28.74 feet
from southwest corner thereof; thence from said point of beginning
north 110 40' west, 24.89 feet; thence north 200 59' west, 60.42 feet
to north line of said Lot 24, distant thereon north 820 26' east,
17.98 feet from northwest corner thereof.
EASEMENT, IN LOT 23 (Parcel 38), as designated on said map of
Homestead Ranch-Lakewood Unit No.2, being strip of land 5 feet wide,
center line of which is described nS follows: Beginning on south line
of said Lot 23, distant thereon north 860 26' east, 6.46 feet from
southwest corner thereof; thence from said point of beginning north
110 40' ~est, 94.59 fe~t to north line of said Lot 23, distant thereon
south 89 14' 4711 east, 28.74 feet from most westerly corner thereof.
EASEMENT, IN LOT 22 (Parcel 39), as designRted on said map of
Homestead Ranch-Lakewood Unit No.2, consisting of two sub-parcels:
1 "14
SUB-PARCEL A: Being strip of land 5 feet wide, centerline of
which is described as follows: Beginning on north line of said
Lot 22, distant thereon north 860 261 east, 6.46 feet from most
westerly corner thereof; thence from said point of beginning
south 110 40' east, 28.34 feet to west line of said Lot 22.
South 60.06 feet of west 5 feet of said Lot 22.
EASEMENT, IN LOT 21 (Parcel 40), as designated on said map of
Homestead Ranch-Lakewood Unit No.2, being west 5 feet and south
5 feet of said Lot 21.
EASEMENTS, IN LOTS 20,19, and 18 (Parcels 41, 42 and 43, res-
pectively), as designated on said map of Homestead Ranch-Lakewood
Unit No.2, being south 5 feet of said lots.
'- ¡
EASEMENT, IN LOT 37 (Parcel 44), as designated on map entitled
"Homestead Ranch-Lakewood, Contra Costa County" California," recorded
in office of Recorder, Volume 28 of Maps, page II, being west 5 feet
of said Lot. .
EASEMENT, IN BURGESS HOMESTEAD (Parcel 47), as designated on map
entitled "Map of Walnut Heights, Walnut Creek, California, Contra
Costa County, II filed in office of Recorder, Volume 5 of Maps, page
119, being also in Rancho San Miguel, and described as follows:
Strip of land 5 feet wide, center line of which is described as
follows: Commencing at most easterly corner of parcel of land de-
scribed in deed from R. N. Burgess and Company to Robert E. Green,
et ux, recorded in Volume 996 Official Records, page 222; thence from
said point of commencement north 5So 59' east, 188.42 feet to south
line of 16.64 acre parcel of land. described as Parcel Four in deed
from Anne Fish Burgess to Lakewood Company, Ltd., recorded in Volume
308 Official Records, page 299, and actual point of beginning of
herein described center line; thence from said actual point of
beginning north 5So 59' east, 462.23 feet.
EASEMENT, (Parcel 47-A) IN LOT ~ BLOCK J and "Burgess Homestead"
as designated on said map of Walnut Heights consisting of three sub-
SUB-PARCEL A: Strip of land 5 feet wide west line of which
is parallel with and 5 feet westerly, measured at right
angles from east line thereof and which east line is de-
scribed as follows: Beginning on north line of Lot II, as
designated on map entitled "Homestead Ranch-Lakewood, Unit
No.2, Contra Costa County, California," filed in office of
Recorder in Volume 28 of Maps, page 44, at west line of
parcel of land described in deed from R. N. Burgess and
Company to Department of Veterans' Affairs of State of Cal-
ifornia, recorded in Volume 1240 Official Records, page 281;
thence from said point of beginning north 150 32' 07" west
along said west line, 89.72 feet to most westerly corner of
parcel of land described in deed from R. N. Burgess and
Company to Harold W. Compasso, et ux, recorded February 3,
1949, File No. 4049; thence north 30 56' 30" east along west
line of said Compasso parcel 124.35 feet to most northerly
corner thereof; thence north 390 27' 55" east, 121.46 feet
to most westerly corner of Lot 1 as designated on said map
of Homestead Ranch-Lakewood Unit No.2; thence north 360 03'
50" east, along northwest line of said Lot 1,5 feet.
SUB-PARCEL B: Strip of land 2* feet wide, in said Burgess
Homestead, south line of which i~ parallel with and 2* feet
southerly measured at right angles from north line thereof
and which north line is described as follows: Beginning at
most easterly corner of parcel of land described in deed
from R. N. Burgess and Company to Robert E. Green, et ux,
recorded in Volume 996 Official Record~, page 222; thence
from said point of beginning south 550 59' west, along south
line of said Green parcel and. extension thereof south 550 59'
west, to east line of Homestead Drive.
SUB-PARCEL C: Strip of land 5 feet wide, in said Burgess Home-
stead, center line of which is described as follows: Beginning
at most easterly corner of parcel of land described in said
deed from R. N. Burgess and Company to Robert E. Green, et ux;
thence from said point of beginning north 550 591 east, 188.42
feet to south line of 15.64 acre parcel of land described as
Parcel Four in deed from Anne Fish Burgess to Lakewood Company,
Ltd., recorded in Volume 308 Official Records, page .299.
EASEMENT, IN RANCHO SAN MIGUEL (Parcel 53), consisting of two
sub-parcel s:
SUB-PARCEL A: Strip of land 5 feet wide, center line of which
is described as follows: Commencing at a 2" x 2" stake at most
westerly corner of 1.008 acre p~rcel of land described as Parcel
One in deed from Lakewood Company to James Rolph Moore, et ux,
recorded in Volume 549 Official Records, page 155; thence from
said point of commencement along southwest line of 40-foot wide
strip of land described as Parcel Two in .said Moore deed, as
follows: North 680 281 west, 65.20 feet to an iron pipe and
north 400 021 30" west, 38.54 feet; thence south 340 421 west,
49.01 feet; thence south 440 18' east, 64 feet; thence south 90
421 west, 70 feet to true point of beginning; thence south 370
421 west, 59.45 feet; thence south 83° .211 west, 54.25 feet;
thence north 530 041 west, 60 feet; thence south 890 321 west,
135.41 feet to a point herein referred to as Station A.
SUB-PARCEL B: Strip of land 10 feet wide, southeast line of
which is parallel with and 10 feet southeasterly, measured at
right angles, from northwest line thereof and which northwest
line is described as follows: Beginning at Station A referred
to in Sub-parcel A above; thence from. s&id point of beginning
south 240 291 15 'I west, 64.85 feet to east line of Homestead
ALSO, in the following streets, rights of way, easements and re-
serves, in said Sanitary District as they and .the proposed work in
relation thereto are shown on Sheet 5 of said plans and specifications:
MARSHALL DRIVE from its northwestern extremity to F.I. 19 to be
located therein 180 feet northwesterly from its intersection with
Cragmont Drive.
MARSHALL DRIVE f~om its intersection with Cragmont Drive to F.I.
28 to be located in Marshall Dri~e 250 feet northeasterly from its
intersection with Lakewood Drive.
CRAGMONT DRIVE from its northwestern extremity to F.I. 17 to be
located therein 280 feet southeasterly from said extremity.
LAKEWOOD ROAD from F.I. 31 to be located therein 170 feet south-
east from its intersection with Pino Crest to F.I. 27 to be located
in Lakewood Road 530 feet southeasterly from its intersection with
. LAKE WAY for its entire length.
MARSHALL COURT from its intersection with Marshall Drive to F.I.
29 to be located in Marshall Court 140 feet northerly from said in-
PINO CREST from its southeastern extremity to F.I. 25 to be
located therein 130 feet northwesterly from said extremity.
UNNAMED ROAD from its intersection with Lakeway located 260 feet
southerly from intersection of Lakewood Road and Lakeway to F.I. 32
to be located in said Unnamed Road 110 feet westerly from its inter-
section with Lakeway.
1'~' 6
LAKEWOOD ROAD from its intersection with Lakeway to the east-
erly intersection of Lakewood Road and La Vista Road.
LAKEWOOD ROAD from M.H. 38 to be located therein 180 feet south-
erly from its intersection with Muller Road to F.I. 41 to be located
in Lakewood Road 150 feet northeasterly from the .easterly intersec-
tion of Lakewood Road and La Vista Road.
LA VISTA ROAD from its northwestern intersection with Lakewood
Road toF.I. 34 to be located in La Vista Road 440 feet southeasterly
from said intersection.
MULLER ROAD from its southeastern intersection with Lakewood
Road to F.I. 40 to be located in Muller Road 310 feet easterly from
said intersection.
MULLER ROAD from its northwestern intersection with Lakewood
Road to F.I. 33 to be located in Muller Road 180 feet easterly from
said intersection.
MULLER ROAD from F.I. 35 to be located therein 480 feet from
northwestern intersection of Lakewood Road and Muller Road to F.I.
36 to be located in Muller Road 900 feet northeasterly from said
northwestern intersection.
MULLER ROAD from F.I. 37 to be located therein .1300 feet east-
erly from northwestern intersection of Muller Road and Lakewood Road
to F.I. 38 to be located in Muller Road 1410 feet easterly from said
northwestern intersection.
LA BOLSA ROAD between its intersections with Lakewood Road and
Park Place.
LA BOLSA ROAD from F.I. 21 to be located therein 360 feet north-
westerly from its intersection with P.ark Place to point in La Bolsa
Road 320 feet northwesterly from F.I. 21.
EASEMENT, IN RANCHO SAN MIGUEL (parcel 27), as described in deed
from Robert Bruen, Jr., et ux, to said Sanitary District recorded
April 15, 1949, File No. 13055. .
EASEMENT~ IN RANCHO SAN MIGUEL (Parcel 45), being strip of land
5 feet wide, east line of which is parallel with and 5 feet easterly,
measured at right angles, from west line thereof and which west line
is described as follows: Beginning in center line of a 40 feet wide
road known as Lakewood Road, at west line of 4.025 acre parcel of
land described in deed from Franz J. Muller, et aI, to Franz J.
Muller, et ux, recorded in Volume 923 Official Records, page 52;
thence from said point of beginning, north 70 281 30" east, along
said west line and along the extension thereof north 70 28130" east
to center line of 40 foot wide road known as Muller Road.
EASEMENT, IN FANCHO SAN MIGUEL (Parcel 46), being strip of land
5 feet wide, north line of which is parallel with and 5 feet north-
erly, measured at right angles, from south line thereof and which
south line is described as follows: Beginning in center line of 40
foot wide road known as Lakewood Road, at most westerly corner of
the 0.4 acre parcel of land described in deed of trust by Kurt G.
Muller, et ux, to trustee for Golden West Savings and Loan Assoc-
iation recorded December 3,1948, File No. 44927; thence from said
point of beginning north 670 east along north line of said 0.4 acre
parcel 242.47 feet to center line of 40 foot wide road known as
Muller Road.
EASEJ.1ENT, IN BURGESS HOMESTEAD (Parcel 47) as designe.ted on
said map of Walnut Heights, being also in Rancho San Miguel, con-
sisting of two sub-parce~s described as follows:
SUB-PARCEL A: Strip of land 5 feet wide, center line of
which is described as follows: Commencing at most easterly
corner of parcel of land described in deed from R. N. Burgess
and Company to Robert E. Green, et ux, recorded Volume 996
Official Records, page 222; thence from said point of commence-
ment north 550 59' east, 188.42 feet to south line of 15.64
acre p~rcel of land described as Parcel Four in deed from Anne
Fish ßurgess to Lakewood Company, Ltd., recorded in Volume 308
Official Records, page 299; thence north 550 49' east, 462.23
feet, to true point of beginning; thence south 800 311 east,'
64.35 feet; thence south 880 11 east, 7.48 feet to south line
of parcel of land described in deed from Lekewood CompHny, Ltd.,
to Lakewood Civic Group recorded in Volume 455 Official Records,
page 220.
SUB-PARCEL B: Strip of land 5 feet wide south line of which is
parallel with and 5 feet southerly, measured at right angles,
from north line thereof and which north line is described as
follows: Beginning on south line of parcel of land described
in said deed from Lakewood Company, Ltd., to Lakewood Civic
Group, at most northerly corner of parcel of land described in
deed from Anne Fish Burgess to Louis U. McAbee, et ux, recorded
in Volume 898 Official Records, page 424; thence from said point
of beginning north 630 591 west along said south line, 11.94
feet to center line of strip of land described in Sub-parcel A
EASEMENT, IN RANCHO SAN MIGUEL (Parcel 48), consisting of two sub-
SUB-PARCEL A: Being strip of land 5 feet wide, center line of
which is described as follows: Beginning on east line of parcel
of land described in deed from Louis U. McAbee, et ux, to Albert
H. Winter, et ux, recorded in Volume 953 Official Records, page
323, distant thereon south 280 40' 30" wèst, 5.51 feet from most
easterly corner thereof; thence north 600 50' west, 23.37 feet;
thence north 690 50' west, 47 feet; thence north 390 50' west,
22.02 feet to north line of said Winter parcel.
SUB-PARCEL B: Strip of land 5 feet wide, south line of which
is parallel with and 5 feet southerly, measured at right angles,
from north line thereof and which north line is described as
follows: Beginning at most northerly corner of parcel of land
described in deed from Louis U. McAbee, et ux, to Albert H.
Winter, et ux, recorded in Volume 953 Official Records, page 323; .
thence south 630 59' east, along north line of said Winter parcel,
14.46 feet.
EAS~lENT, (Parcel 49), in said Burgess Homestead, being strip of .
land 5 feet wide, center line of which is described as follows: Begin-
ning on east line of parcel of land described in said deed from Anne
Fish Burgess to Louis U. McAbee, et ux, distant thereon-south 380 40'
30" west, 5.51 feet from south line of parcel of land described in .
said deed from Lakewood Company, Ltd., .to Lakewood Civic Group; thence
south 600 501 east, 29.63 feet; thence south 780 50' east, 35.34 feet
to south line of said Lakewood Civic Group parcel, distant thereon
south 650 431 3011 east, 63.52 feet from east line of said McAbee parcel.
EASEMENT, (Paroel 50), in said Burgess Homestead, consisting of
two sub-parcels:
SUB-PARCEL A: Being strip of land 5 feet wide center line of
which is described as follows: Beginning on south line of
parcel of land described in said deed from Lekewood Comgany,
Ltd., to Lakewood Civic Group, distant thereon south 65 43'
30" east, 63.52 feet from east line of parcel of land described
-in said deed from Anne Fish Burgess to Louis U. McAbee et ux;
thence south 780 50' east, 31.66 feet; thence south 60b 50' east,
10.66 feet to exterior line of said Lakewood Civic Group parcel.
SUB-PARCEL B: Strip of land 5 feet wide north line of which
is parallel with and 5 feet northerly, measured at right angles,
from south line thereof and which south line is described as
follows: Beginning at most westerly corner of parcel of land
described in said deed from Lakewood Company, Ltd., to Lakewood
Civic Group; thence south 630 591 east, along south line of
said Lakewood Civic Group parcel, 41..7 feet.
EASEMENT, (Parcel 51), in said ßurgess Homestead, being strip
of land. 5 feet wide, center line of which is described as follows:
Commencing on south line of parcel of land described in said deed
from Lakewood Company, Ltd., to Lakewood Civic Group, distant
thereon south 650 4:3130" east, 63.52 feet from east line of'par-
cel of land described in said deed from Anne Fish Burgess to Louis
U. McAbee, et ux; thence south 780 501 east, 31.66 feet; thence
south 600 501 east, 10.66 feet to exterior line of said Lakewood
Civic Group parcel and actual point of beginning of said center
line; thence south 600 501 east, 126.02 feet to west line of par-
cel of land described in deed from Lakewood Company to J. C. McLeod,
et ux, recorded in Volume 510 Official Records, page 242, distant
thereon north 130 l3'30"east, 12.52 feet from southwest corner
EASEMENT, IN RANCHO SAN MIGUEL (Parcel 52), being strip of land
5 feet wide southeast line of which is parallel with and 5 feet
southeasterly, measured at right angles, from northwest line thereQf
and which northwest line is described as follows: Beginning on
southwest line of 40 foot wide road known as Lakewood Road, at
northwest line of parcel of land described in deed from Richmond
Homes, Inc. to Ouida Kinross, recorded in Volume 847 Official Re-
cords, page 345; thence from said point of beginning south 490 52'
30 II west along northwest line of said Kinross pa.rcel to northeast
line of La Vista Court as reserved in said deed.
EASEMENT, IN RANCHO SAN MIGUEL (Parcel 53), being strip of land
5 feet wide center line of which is described as follows: Commenc-
ing at 211 x 2" stake at most westerly corner of 1.008 acre parcel
of land described as Parcel One in deed from Lakewood Company to
James Rolph Moore, et ux, recorded in Volume 549 Official Rec~rds,
page l55,_thence from said point of commencement along southwest
line of ~-foot wide strip of land described as Parcel Two in.said
Moore deed as follows: North 680 281 west, 65.20 feet to iron pipe
and north 400 02130" west, 38.54 feet to actual point of beginning
of herein described center line; thence south 340 421 west, 49.01
feet; thence south 440 18' east, 64 feet; thence south 90 421 west,
70 feet; thence south 370 42' west, 59.45 feet.
EÀSEMENT, IN RANCHO SAN MIGUEL (Parcel 53-A), being strip of
land 5 feet wide center line of which is described as follows:
Commencing at 2" x 2" stake at most westerly corner of 1.008 acre
parcel of land described as Parcel One in said deed from Lakewood
Company to James Rolph Moore, et ux; thence from said point of
commencement along southwest line of 40-foot wide strip of land 0
described as Parcel Two in said Moore deed, as follows: North 68
281 west, 65.20 feet to iron pipe and north 400 02130" west, 38.54
feet to actual goint of beginning of herein described center line;
thence north 34 421 east 27.99 feet; thence north 310 22' east,
174 feet; thence north 576 221 east, 182.38 feet; thence north 450
091 east, to southeast line of 40-foot wide road known as Lakewood
ALSO, in the following streets, rights of way, easements and
reserves in said Sanitary District as they and the proposed work in
relation thereto are shown on Sheet 6 of said plans and specifica-
t ions:
WALNUT BOULEVARD between its intersection with Norlyn Drive and
Oak Knoll Loop.
HOMESTEAD AVENUE between Walnut Boulevard and Walker A venue.
McGUIRE DRIVE AND WATKINS LANE for their entire lengths.
WALKER AVENUE between Homestead Avenue and Oak Knoll Loop.
WALKER AVENUE from San Miguel Drive toF.I. 50 to be located
in Walker Avenue 620 feet easterly from Sierra Drive.
OAK KNOLL LOOP from Walker Avenue to M.H. 120 to be located in
Oak Knoll Loop 860 feet southwesterly from Walker Avenue.
SIERRA DRIVE from Watkins Lane to M.H. 56 to be located in Sierra
Drive 600 feet northerly from Walker Avenue.
UNNAMED ROAD from its intersection with Walker Avenue, 340 feet
southeasterly from intersection of Sierra Drive and Walker Avenue,
to F.1. 49 to be located in said Unnamed Road 400 feet southerly from
Walker Avenue.
EASEMENT, IN LOT 14 (Parcel 2), as designated on map entitled
"Map of Norlyn Subdivision, Rancho Arroyo De Las Nueces Y Bolbones,
Contra Costa County, California," recorded in office of Recorder,
Volume 29 of Maps, page 2, being west 5 feet of said lot.
EASEMENT, IN LOT 2, BLOCK 1 (Parcel 3), as designated on said map
No.2 of Walnut Heights, being strip of land 5 feet wide, center line
of which is described as follows: Commencing in center line of Walnut
Boulevard at most northerly corner of parcel of land described in deed
from Alfred C. Brown, et ux, to Victoria Kaiser, recorded in Volume
472 Official Records, page 202; thence from said point of beginning
along exterior line of said Kaiser parcel as follows: South 430 391
30" west, 707.25 feet and south 800 l' west, 9.17 feet to actual
point of beginning of herein described center line; thence from said
point of beginning south 00 24' west, 358.66 feet to south line of
said Lot 2, distant thereon north 830 241 west, 302.28 feet from center
line of San Miguel Drive.
EASEMENT, IN LOT 1, BLOCK 1 (Parcel 54), as designated on said
map No. 2 of Walnut Heights, being east 304.79 feet of north 5 feet
of said lot.
ALSO, in the following street in said Sanitary District as it and
the proposed work in relation thereto is shown on Sheet 7 of said
plans and specifications:
OAK KNOLL LOOP from Walnut Boulevard to F.I. 69 to be located in
Oak Knoll Loop 200 feet southeasterly from its intersection with Oak
Knoll Court.
ALSO, .in the following streets, rights of way, easements and re-
serves in said Sanitary District as they and the proposed work in
relation thereto are shown on Sheet 8 of said plans and specifications:
SAN MIGUEL DRIVE from its intersection with Walker Avenue to its
southerly intersection with Margarido Drive.
MARGARIDO DRIVE from its northern intersection with San Miguel
Drive to F.I. 51 to be located in Margarido Drive 485 feet southerly
from said intersection.
MARGARIDO DRIVE from its eastern intersection with San Miguel
Drive to F.I. 54 to be located in Margarido Drive 220 feet westerly
from said intersection.
MT.. PISGAH STREET from its intersection with Walker Avenue to
F.I. 70 to be located in Kt. Plsgah Street 160 feet north of said
WALKER AVENUE from its intersection with west l.ine of Southern
Pacific Railroad right of way to Mt. Pisgah Street.
EASEMENT, IN RANCHO SAN MIGUEL (Parcel la-A), being strip of land
5 feet wide, center line of which is described as follows: Beginning
on east line of right of way of San Ramon Branch of Southern Pacific
Railway, distant thereon north 250 57' 30" west, 537.24 feet from
south line of 9.85 acre parcel of land described in deed from Mary
F. Silveria to Charles S. Hughes Company recorded in Volume 787 Offic-
ial Records, page 111; thence from said point of beginning south 680
<¡ 80
42' 30" west, 153.5 feet; thence north 280 52' 30" west, 400.0 feet;
thence north 60 52' 30" west, 300.0 feet; thence north 260 52' 30"
west, 260.0 feet to center line of Railroad Avenue now known as
Walker Avenue; excepting therefrom, tha.t portion lying within Rail-
road Avenu~ now known as Walker Avenue.
EASEMENT in east 5 fee.t .of Lots 21, 22, 23, 24 and west 5 feet
of Lots 4,5,6, 7,8 and 9 as said lots are designated on map en-
titled "Map of Darrell Heights, A Re-5ubdivision of Lot 1, Block 9,
Walnut Heights, A portion of Rancho San Miguel, Contra Costa County,
California," recorded in office of Recorder in Volume 23 of Maps,
page 711, said easement being reserved in Declaration of Restric-
tions for said Darrell Heights, recorded in Volume 504 Official
Records, page 165.
EASEMENT, IN LOT 31 (Parcell), as designated on said map of
Darrell Heights, being strip of land 5 feet wide, north line of
which is parallel with and 5 feet northerly, measured at right
angles, from south line thereof and which south line is entire south
line of parcel of land described in deed from Darrell Jensen, et ux,
to Louis Garibaldi, et ux, recorded in Volume 736 Official Records,
page 318.
EASEMENT, IN LOT 2, BLOCK 9 (Parcel 8), as designated on said
map No.2 of Walnut Heights, being strip of land 5 feet wide, east
line of which is parallel with and 5 feet easterly measured at right
angles from west line, thereof and which west line is e,ntire west
line of parcel of land described as Parcel One under Parcel B in
deed from E. Willard Sill" et ux, to Albert O. Cooperrider, et ux,
recorded in Volwne 600 Official Records, page 342.
EASEMENT, IN LOT 2, BLOCK 9 (Parcel 9), as designated on said
map No.2 of Walnut Heights, being north 435 feet of west five feet
of parcel of land described in deed from E. Willard Sill, et ux, to
Robert James Holcomb, et ux, recorded in Volume 1214 Official Rec-
ords, page 249.
EASEMENT, IN RANCHO SAN MIGUEL (Parcel 10), consisting of two
SUB-PARCEL A: Strip of land 5 feet wide, east line of which
is parallel with and 5 feet easterly measured at right angles
from west line thereof and which west line is described as
follows: Beginning on east line of right of way of San Ramon
Branch of Southern Pacific Railway at south line of 9.85 acre
parcel of land described in deed from Mary ~ F. Silveria to
Charles S. Hughes Company, recorded in Volume 787 Official
Records, page Ill; thence north 250 57130" west, along said
east line, 540 feet.
SUB-PARCEL B: Strip of land 10 feet wide, north line of which
is 10 feet northerly (right angle measurement) from south line
thereof and which south line is entire south line o~9.85 acre
parcel of land described in said deed from Mary F. Silveria to
Charles 5. Hughes Co.
EASEMENT, IN RANCHO SAN MIGUEL (Parcel 11), being at~ip of land
5 feet wide east line of which is parallel wi.th and 5 feet easterly,
measured at right angles, from west line thereof and which west
line is described as follows: Beginning on north line of 10.27
acre parcel of land described in deed from John B. Hopkins to J., M.
Stow recorded in office of Recorder in Volume 55 of Deeds, page 294,
at east line of Southern Pacific Railroad right of way as described
in deed from Jno. B. Hopkins, et ux, to Southern Pacific Railroad
Company recorded .in office of Re.corder, Volume 60 of Deeds, page 13;
thence southerly along said east line to intersection thereof with
east line of said 10.27 acre Stow parcel.
ALSO, in the following streets, rights of way, easements and
reserves in s8i~ Sanitary District as they and the proposed work in
relation thereto are shown on Sheet 9 of said plans and specifica-
SAN MIGUEL DRIVE from its intersection with Margarido Drive to
M.H. 65 to be located in San Miguel Drive 230 feet southerly from
its intersection with Holcomb Court.
SAN MIGUEL DRIVE from its intersection with Andrea Drive to M.
H. 69 to be located in San Miguel Drive 290 feet northwesterly from
said intersection.
OAK KNOLL LOOP from M.H. 120, to be located therein 450 feet.
southerly from northerly extremity thereof, to M.H. 122 to be located
therein 1150 feet southerly from said extremity.
SANTA RITA DRIVE from F.I. 77, to be located therein 60 feet
northwest of its intersection with Santa Rita Court, to F.I. 86 to be
located in Santa Rita Drive 860 feet northeasterly, northerly and
southerly from said intersection.
SANTA RITA DRIVE from F.I. 84, to be located therein 230 feet
southwesterly from its intersection with San Miguel Drive, to M.H. 80
to be located in Santa Rita Drive 400 feet southwesterly from said
. UNNAMED ROAD from .1 ts intersection with San Miguel Drive 290 feet
northwesterly from intersection of San Miguel Drive and Andrea Drive
to F.I. 72 to be located in said Unnamed Road 210 feet westerly from
its intersection with San Miguel Drive.
UNNAMED'ROAD from its intersection with San Miguel Drive 235 feet
southeasterly from intersection of Holcomb Court and San Miguel Drive
to F.I. 56 to be located in said Unnamed Road 190 feet northeasterly
from its intersec.t ion with San Miguel Drive.
UNNAMED ROAD from its intersection with Sierra Drive and Watkins
Lane to F.I. 58 to be located in said Unnamed Road 210 feet south of
said intersection.
TO 20, INCLUSIVE; AND SOUTH 5 FEET OF LOT 17, as said lots are desig-
nated on map entitled "El Encino Subdivision, Unit No.1, Contra
Costa County, California," recorded in office of Recorder, Volume 29
of Maps, page 1, said easement being reserved in Declaration of
Restrictions for said El Encino Subdivision, recorded April 29, 1946,
File No. 13830.
EASEMENT, IN NORTHìŒST 5 FEET OF LOTS 7, 8, 9, 15, 26, AND 27;
SOUTffiV'EST 5 FEET OF LOTS 1, 2, 10, 11, 12, 14, 15, 24 AND 31; WEST 5
are designated on map entitled "San Miguel Terrace, Contra Costa
County, California," recorded. in office of Recorder, Volume 34 of
Maps, page 40, said eas~ent being reserved in Declaration of Restric-
tions for said San Miguel Terrace recorded April 15,1948, File No.
EASEMENT, IN LOT 4, BLOCK 9 (Parcel 12), as described in deed
from Charles H. Thomas, et ux, to said Sanitary District, recorded
April 22, 1949, File No. 14000.
EASEMENT, IN LOT 4, BLOCK 9 (Parcel 13) as designated on said map
No.2 of Walnut Heights, being strip of land 5 feet wide, center line
of which is described as follows: Beginning on west line of parcel
of land described in deed from Rudolph H. Ehlers, et ux, to Neil
Fraser, et ux, recorded in Volume 486 Official Records, page 96, dis-
tant thereon south 140 411 east, 2.57 feet from northwest corner
thereof; thence south 880 301 east, parallel with north line of said
Fraser parcel 10.27 feet; thence south 780 591 east¡ 134.98 feet to
east line of said Fraser parcel, distant thereon. south 140 411 east,
25.84 feet from the northeast corner thereof. .
EASEMENT, IN LOT 4, BLOCK 9 (Parcel 14) as designated on said map
No.2 of Walnut Heights, consisting of two sub-parcels:
Lot 4.
Being west 5 feet of said Lot 4.
Being west 471.54 feet of north 5 feet of said
EASEMENT, IN LOT 5, BLOCK 8 (Parcel 15), as designated on said
Map No.2 of Walnut Heights, being southeast 5 feet and southwest
5 feet of parcel of land described in deed from Donald H. Clark, et
ux, to Manuel Enos, et ux, recorded in Volume 958 Official Records,
page 465.
EASEMENT, IN LOT 5, BLOCK 8 (Paroel16) as described in deed
from Cecil J. Smith, et ux, to said Sani.tary District, recorded
April 22" 1949, File No. 1.399.3.
EASEMENT, IN LOT 5, BLOCK 8 (P~roel 17), as designated on said
map No.2 of Walnut Heights, consisting of two sub-parcels:
SUB-PARCEL A: Strip of land 5 feet wide, west line of which
is parallel with and 5 feet westerly, measured at right angles,
from east line thereof and which east line is desor~bed as
follows: Beginning at most easterly corner of parcel of land
described in deed from Harold H. DeLaneux, et ux, to George T.
McKee, et ux, recorded in Volume 1116 Official Reoords, page 191;
thence south .3.30 101 east, to south line of said Lot 5. . .
SUB-PARCEL B: Strip of land 5 feet wide north line of which
is parallel with and 5 feet northerly, measured at right angles,
from south line thereof and which south line is described as
follows: Beginning on south line of said Lot 5 at west line of
parcel of land described in deed from Harold H. DeLane-.ux, et ux,
to Julian M. Ambrose, et ux, recorded in Volume 807 Official
Reoords, page 217; thence south 670 481 west, along said south
line, to east line~ strip of land described in Sub-paroe1 A
EASEMENT, IN LOT 6, BLOCK 8 (Parcel 18) as designated on said
map No.2 of Walnut Heights, consisting of two sub-parcels:
SUB-PARCEL A: Being strip of land 5 fe~t wide, center line
of which is described as follows: Beginning on north line of
said Lot 6, distant thereon north 670 481 east, .30 feet from
northeast line of parcel of land described in dee4 from Contra
Costa County Title Company to Wilbert H. Birmingham, recorded
in Volume 469 Official Reoords, page 264; thence from said
point of beginning soy.th 160 4.71 5511 east, 100 feet to point
herein designated as Station "An on northeast line of said
Birmingham parcel, distant thereon south 330 5.31 east, 101.67
feet from north line of said Lot 6.
SUB-PARCEL B: Being strip of land 5 feet wide, northeast line
of which is parallel with and 5 feet northeasterly, measured
at right angles, from southwest line thereof and which southwest
line is described as follows: Beginning on northeast line of
pa.roel of land described in said deed from Contra. Costa County
Title Company to Wilbert H. Birmingham, at point referred to as
Station "A", in Sub-parcel A; thence from said point of beginning
south .330 5.31 east, along said northeast line 10.6.3 feet to most
easterly corner of said Birmingham parcel; thence southeasterly
in direct line to most northerly corner of parcel of land de-
scribed in deed from Contra Costa County Title Company to Louis
G. Robertson, et ux, recorded in Volume 424 Offioia1 Reoords,
page 462; thence south .3.30 5.3.1 east, along northeast line of
said Robertson parcel, 116.18. feet to northeast corner of par-
oe1 of land described in deed from Contra Costa. County Title
Company to F. R. Arrowsmith, recorded in Volume 414 Official
Records, page 106; thence south 140 411 east, along east line.
of said Arrowsmith parcel, 5 feet.
ALSO, in the following streets, rights of way, easements and.
reserves in said Sanitary Distriot as they and the proposed work in
relation thereto are shown on Sheet 10 of said plans and specifioa-
..... .
STOW DRIVE for its entire length.
BLACKWOOD DRIVE from. its intersection with Stow Drive to F. I. 94
to be located in Blackwood Drive 330 feet northwesterly from said
BLACKWOOD DRIVE from its intersection with Strand Road to F.I. 78
to be located in Blackwood Drive 130 feet northerly from said inter-
STRAND ROAD from its intersection with Doris Avenue to its inter-
section with Blackwood Drive.
STRAND ROAD. from F.I. 92 to be located therein 300 feet south-
westerly from its intersection with Blackwood Drive to M.H. 89 to be
locate~ in Strand Road 275 feet southwesterly from F.I. 92.
STRAND ROAD from F.I~ 89 to be located therein 300 feet south-
westerlY'from its intersection with Doris Avenue to F.I. 88 to be
located in Strand Road 250 feet southerly from F.I. 89.
NORRIS ROAD from its southeastern extremity to M.H. 95 to be
located therein 650 feet northwesterly from said southeastern extrem-
paRIS AVENUE from its southern extremity to F.I. 87 to be located
therein 80 feet northerly from said southern extremity.
DORIS AVENUE from its intersection with Strand Road to M.H.. 77 to
be located in Doris Avenue 280 feet westerly from said intersection.
UNNAMED ROAD extending northeasterly from its intersection with
southeastern extremity of Norris Road to F.I. 99 to be located in said
Unnamed Road 90 feet northeasterly from its intersection with Norris
LOT 18, as said lots are designated on said map of San Miguel Terrace,
said easement being reserved in Declaration of Restrictions for said
San Miguel Terrace recorded April15, 1948, File No. 14823.
. ,
EASEMENT, IN NORTHERLY 5 FEET OF LOTS 29, 30, 31, 54 and 60,
OF LOT 13; as said lots are designated on map entitled "Walnut Knolls,
Contra Costa County, California," recorded in office of Recorder in
Book 28 of Maps, pages 5 and 6, . said easement being reserved in Declara-
tion of Restrictions for said Walnut Knolls, recorded September 28,
1945, File No. 23438.
23; ~O~THWEST 2.5 FEET OF LOTS 8, IS, 16, 19 AND 20; WEST 2.5 FEET OF
LOTS 18 AND 20; EAST 2.5 FEET OF LOT 19, as said lots are designated
on map entitled "Map of San Miguel Vista, Re-subdivision of Lot 2,
Block 10, Walnut Heights, Contra Costa County, California," recorded
in office of Recorder in Map Book 35, page.12, said easement being
reserved in Declarat1on of Restrictions for said San Miguel Vista,
recorded May 5, 1948, File No. 17472.
,EASEMENT, IN LOT 30, (Parcel 4) as designated on said map of Wal-
nut Knol+s, being south 5 feet of north 10 feet of said Lot.
EASEMENT, IN RANCHO SAN MIGUEL (Parcel 5), consisting of two sub-
parcel,,: ,
SUB-PARCEL A: Southwest 15 feet of parcel of land described
as Parcel One in deed from Ruth S. Whitmore to O. P. Erdahl,
et ux, recorded in Volume 811 Official Records, page 439.
SUB-PARCEL B: Strip of land 5 feet wide, center line of which
is described as follows: Beginning on northeast line~ parcel
. or land described in Sub-parcel A above, at point distant
thereon south 530 06. 55" east, 282.73 feet from most northerly
corner thereof; thence south 410 40' west, 264.53 feet to south-
west line of said Erdahl parcel.
EASEMENT, IN RANCHO SAN MIGUEL (Parcel 6), being strip of land'
15 feet wide, northeast line of which is parallel with and 15 feet
northeasterly, measured at right angles, from southwest line thereof
and which southwest line is described as follows: Beginning on
northeast line of right of way of Southern Pacific Railroad Company
(San Ramon Branch) at northwest line of parcel of land described in
deed from Roy A. Murray, et ux, to Roy A. Murray, Jr., at ux, rec-
orded October 25,1948, File No. 40019; thence south 33 30. east,
along said northeast line, 262.31 feet to northwest line of 0.5 acre
parcel of land described in deed from Roy A. Murray, Jr., at ux, to
Maybelle M. Dore recorded December 16, 1948) File No. 46677.
EASEMENT,. IN RANCHO SAN MIGUEL (Parcel 7), being strip of land
15 feet wide, northeast line of which is parallel with and 15 feet
northeasterly, measured at right angles, from southwest line thereof
and which southwest line is described as follows: Beginning on
northeast line of right of way of Southern Pacific Railroad Company
(San Ramon Branch), at northwest line of 0.5 acre parcel of land
described in deed from Roy A. Murray, Jr., et ux, to Maybelle M.
Dore recorded. December 16,1948, File No. 46677; thence south 330
30. east, along said northeast line, 391.9 feet to southeast line
of 2.~ acre parcel of land described as Parcel One in deed from Ruth
ß. Whitmore to Roy A. Murray, et ux, recorded in Volume 700 Official
Records, page 83.
EASEMENT, IN LOT 1,.BLOCK 10 (Parcel 28), ("Stender-Not Included")
as shown on said map No.2 of Walnut Heights, being strip of land 5
feet wide, northwest line of which is parallel with and 5 feet north-
westerly, measured at right angles, from southeast line thereof and
which southeast line is described as follows: Beginning on north-
west line of tract of land designated on said map of San Miguel Vista
at southwest line of parcel of land described in deed from Louise
Shestek to Arthur H. Beede, et ux, recorded in Volume 474 Official
Records, page 361; thence north 490 10. east along said northwest
line, 433.12 feet.
ALSO, in the following streets, rights of way, easements and re-
serves in. said Sanitary District as they and the proposed work in
relation thereto are shown on Sheet 11 of said plans and specifica-
WARD DRIVE from its intersection with Stow Drive tø its inter-
section with Blackwood Drive.
CARROL ROAD from its intersectiøn with Solveig Drive to F.I. 103
to be located in Carrol Road 510 feet southeasterly from said inter-
CARROL ROAD from F.I. 110 to be located therein 180 feet westerly
from its intersection with Blackwood Drive to F.I. 109 to be loc8ted
in Carrol Road 240 feet west from said. intersection. .
BLACKWOOD DRIVE from its intersection with Ward Drive to F.I. 111
to be locAted 500 feet northwesterly from said intersection.
BLACKWOOD DRIVE from F.I. 106 to be located therein 450 feet
southeasterly from its intersection with Solveig Drive to F.I. 104
to be located in Blackwood Drive 40 feet northwest from said inter-
OF LOT 11 AND NORTHWEST 5 FEET OF LOT 102; as said lots are desig-
nated on said map of Walnut Knolls, said easement being reserved
in Declaration of Restrictions for said Walnut Knolls, recorded
September 28, 1945, File No. 23438.
EASEMENT, IN LOT 11 (Parcel19), as designated on said map of
Walnut Knolls, being strip of land 5 feet wide, center line of which
is described as follows: Beginning on southwest line of said, Lot 11,
at point distant thereon south 400 45145" east, 93.22 feet from
northwest corner of said lot; thence north 670 341 east, 85.13 feet
to southeast line of said lot.
The expense of said work and improvement hereinbefore described
in Section 1, First, hereof, and on Sheets 1 to 11, both inclusive,
shall be chargeable upon an assessmemt District hereinafter estab-
SECOND: The construction of sanitary sewers and appurtenances
in accordance with said plans and specifications, outside of said
assessment district in the following street and right of way in said
Sanitary District as they and the proposed work in relation thereto
are shown on Sheet 1 of said plans and specifications:
road Stations 455. 06, 457 + 16, and 477. 78.
ALSO, in the following street in said Sanitary District as it and
the proposed work in relation thereto is shown on Sheet 8 of said
plans and specifications:
WALKER AVENUE from its intersection with west line of Southern
Pacific Railroad right of way to existing M.li. located in Walker
Avenue 115 feet southeasterly from its intersection with Pierson Way.
The expense of said work and improvement herein above described
in Section 1, Second, hereof, and on Sheets 1 and 8 shall also be
chargeable upon said assessment district hereinafter established.
THIRD: The office of the Recorder referred to her~inabove is
the office of the. Recorder of the County of Contra Costa, State of
California, and Official Records and file. numbers hereinabove referred
to are Official Records and file numbers of said Recorder.. The
letters M.H. and F.I. herein used refer to and mean Manhole and
Flushing Inlet respectively.
In the foregoing. descriptions, the width of all easements described
by reference to a center line is measured at right angles.
In the foregoing descriptions, wherever right of way, easement,
street or other public way is described wherein work is to be done,
it is the intention that said work shall also be extended so as to
connect the same with the sewer work to be constructed nearest to
said right of way, easement, street or other public way, and at the
point ìn said proposed work where a manhole, flushing inlet or other
connection, is shown on said plans therefUr, unless otherwise shown
FOURTH: Said work shall include the refilling and resurfacing
of the trench in which said sewer and. appurtenances are constructed.
SECTION 2: All of said improvement and work shall be done of
the sizes, dimensions, and materials ånd in the positions and locations
as shown upon, and all in accordance with the Plans and Specifications
therefor heretofore adopted by said District Board and now on file
with the Secretary of said Board, which Plans and Specifications are
hereby referred to and made a part hereof by reference.
SECTION 3: That in the opinion of said Board, said work is of
more than local or ordinary public benefit, and said Board hereby
orders that the cost and expenses of said work and improvement shall
be chargeable and charged upon a district, which district is hereby
declared to be the district benefited by said work and improvement
and which is to be assessed to pay the cost and expenses thereof.
The exterior boundaries of said assessment district and the ex-
tent of the territory included therein are shown upon the map of said
district approved and adopted by said Board on the 5th day of May,
1949, and now on file in the office of the Secretary of said Board,
to which map reference is hereby made for a particular description
of said boundaries and the extent of said territory included therein
to be so assessed; saving and excepting therefrom the area of all
public streets and other public ways included therein.
SECTION 4: That the proceedings for said work and improvement
shall be had and taken under and in accordance with Division ,7 of
the Streets and Highways Code of the State of California. (IIIm-
provement Act of 191111).
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Health Officer of said County
of Contra Costa has recommended in writing to said Board that said
proceedings for said work be instituted as a necessary health meas-
ure and said Board heretofore ordered said recommendation spread
upon the Minutes of said Board and by Resolution adopted by the
affirmative vote of fou~-fitths of the members of said Board found
and determined that such necessity exists.
SECTION 5: That serial bonds shall be issued pursuant to Part
5 of Division 7 of said. Streets and Highways Code (Improvement Act
of 1911) to represent the unpaid assessments of Twenty-five Dollars
($25.00) or over for the cost of said work, said bonds to bear
interest at the rate ~ SIX PER CENT (6%) per annum, to extend for'
,a period of nine (9) years from the second day of January next
succeeding the next October 15th following their date, and to be
payable in annual installments, the last installment thereof to
mature nine (9) years from the second day of January next succeed-
ing, the next 15th day of October following their date, said bonds
and the interest thereon to be payable as provided in said Code.
SECTION 6: That Thursday, the 26th day of May, 1949, at the
hour of 8:00 o'clock, p.m., of said day, and the meeting place of
said Board~ 1822 Mt. Diablo Boulevard, City of Walnut Creek, in the
County of Contra Costa, State of California, be, and the same are
hereby fixed as the time and place, when and where any and all
persons having any objection to the proposed work and improvement
or to the extent of the district to be assessed, or both, may appear
before sai~ Board and show cause why said proposed work should not
be carried out in accordance with this Resolution of Intention.
, SECTION 7: That the Engineer of said District shall cause to
be conspicuously posted along the line of said work and improvement,
in the manner and form required by law, notices of the passage of
this Resolution.
SECTION 8: That the Secretary of Sáid B~ã shall certify to the
passage of this Resolution and shall cause the same to be published
twice, as required by law, in the Walnut Kernel, a newspaper pub-
lished and circulated within said District and hereby designated
for that purpose by said Board.
SECTION 9: Said District Board does hereby direct its Secretary
to mail notices of the adoption of this Resolution of Intention to
all persons owning real property proposed to be assessed for the
work herein described, whose names and addresses appeared on the
last equalized assessment roll of the County of Contra Costa or as
known to the Secretary, the contents of said notices to be as required
by law.
PASSED AND ADOPTED by the District Board of Central Contra Costa
Sanitary District of Contra Costa County, State of California, this
5th day of May, 1949, by the following called vote:
Members Johnson, Smitten, Toland, Weill and Wadsworth
Members - None
Members - None
/s/ R.E.Wadsworth, President of the
District Boprd of Central Contra
Costa Sanitary District of Contra
Costa County, State of California.
Neill C. Cornwall, Secretary of the
District Board of Central Contra Costa
Sanitary District of Contra Costa County,
S~ate of California.
It was moved by Member Johnson and seconded by Member Smitten,
unaminously carrie~that the Board authorize the payment of the following
bills as audited:
Sam G. & Arys W. Stewart
John Schonert
Janes Plumbing Co.
Tessa Sipes
Robf'rt Mott
Douglas Wa1d
Leonard Wa1d
Ivor Long
Melvin K1emmick
James Correy
James Couch
Al Blythe
Fred Wilkins
Tony Ferro
Finzel Plumbing Co.
Ed Wintz
R. H. Clapp
W. A. Noble
G. F. Hays
John L. Mason
John L. Mason
Neill C. Cornwall
Virginie Brandies
Morna Phillips
Tessa Sipes
Shirley Corry
Robert Mott
Douglas Wa1d
Leonard Wald
Ivor Long
Melvin Klernmick
James Corry
James Couch
H. W. Compasso
Al Blythe
Fred Wilkins
Wm. H. Brai1sfor~, Jr.
H. \Ol. Toland
H. M. Smitten
Lawson H. Weill
R. E. Wadsworth
Elliott Johnson
Marion G. Larkin
County Clerk
County Clerk
County Clerk
County Clerk
Severance damages Par. 90-LID 10
Deposit Refund
. "
Plant Manager
Plant. Operator
Plant Operator
Plant Operator
Plant Operator
Plant Helper
Inspector & Mileage
I d
Deposit Refund
" "
" ..
n "
.. I
" n
District Manager
Assistant Secretary
Plant Manager
Plant Operator
n I
81 "
81 81
Plant Helper
J ani tor
Inspector & Mileage
Inspector & Mileage
Easement Payment LID I-Parcel 29
Deposit LID 4-Parce1 5
Deposit LID 4-Parcel 30-A
Deposit LID 4-Parcel 77
Deposit LID 4-Parce1 80
$ 100.00
---- -- -..-------'--'---------'---. ---. ----...-- - -------
1304 County Clerk Deposit LID 4-Parce1 81 $ 10.00
1305 County Clerk Deposit LID 4-Parcel 82 10.00
1306 County Clerk Deposit LID 4-Parce1 84 10.00
1307 County Clerk Deposit LID 4-Parce1 85 10.00
1308 County Clerk Deposit LID 4-Parce1107 10.00
1309 County Clerk Deposit LID 4-Parce1l18 10.00
1310 County Clerk Deposit LID 4-Parce11l9 10.00
1311 Calif. Water Service Co. Plant Water Bill 5.00
1312 Coast Counties Gas & Elec. Office Gas Bill 9.98
1313 P. G. & E. Plant and Office Light Bill 189.46
1314 Pac. Tel. & Tel. Office Phone 121.87
1315 City of Walnut Creek Office Water 4.03
1316 Hau1away Company Deposit Refund 44.00
1317 Harry Larsen II u 15.00
1318 S. T. Sutherland " " 15.00
1319 L. Hewitt " If 15.00
1320 A. R. Thompson n " 15.00
1321 WID. R. Harper n " 15.00
1322 J. R. Moneypenny .. " 15.00
1323 Wm. Burke " It 15.00
1324 R. L. Oliver " n 15. 00
1325 Charles G. Faisst " " 15.00
1326 Charles Faisst, Jr. n n 15.00
1327 Barrett Coates " " 15.00
1328 Fred Erickson " " 15.00
1329 D. M. Gath " " 3:5 . 00
1330 Calif. Plumging & Heating " " 30.00
1331 Champion & Lehto ø " 15.00
1332 G. S. Buswell " " 15.00
1333 W. D. Phelan " U 15.00
1334 A. Nelson " " 15.00
1335 Art Ril1g " " 15.00
1336 Frank Gonsalves " ,. 15.00
1337 Bank of America Withholding Deposit 381.70
1338 R. E. Wad-eworth Mileage 3.92
1339 Petty Cash To reimburse 39.86
1340 Angelo's Built In Cabinets Maintenance Equipment 19.54
1341 Bennett Supply Co. Supplies 5.18
1342 Baun Kencht Heimann Supplies for Plant 9.55
1343 C.C.Co. Title Company Title Reports 1,091.50
1344 Courier Journal Publishing 442.00
1345 Dahlgren's Supplies 29.74
1346 Diablo Printing Notices ExP1ainin~ Assess. 4.64
1347 W.E. Friberg Right of Way agen - 135.00
1348 C. R. Hadley Company Supplies 3.05
1349 Herb's Supplies 13.12
1350 Inland Type~vriter Co. Desk, Chair and Supplies 3-66.62
1351 Keuffe1 & Esser Inspector's Supplies 21.22
1352 James Mauzy & Son Services Cut & Thread Pipe 26.01
135~ McDonnell Nursery Shrubs & Supplies 70.04
135 Claude McPhee Right of Way Agent 367.75
1355 John Schroder Insurance Bond .228.51
1356 Shell Oil Company Gas for Truck 13.82
1357 State Compensation Ins. Premium 569.94
1358 Sun Publishing Publishing 198.26
1359 George Talbott Forms for Road Cuts 19.89
1360 Thomas Bros. Map 12.96
1361 w. C. Studio Prints 5.76
1362 ÌlTalnut Kernel Printing 18.39
1363 Water Works Supply Company Maintenance Supplies 24.66
1364 Brown & Kiss Crane Orinda Pump Station Payment~,750.00
1365 Southern Pacific Lease Payment 15.PO
1366 C. C. Kennedy Payment-LID 4 Plans Returned 20.00
1367 C. C. Kennedy LID~s Engineering 17,102.'0
1368 C. C. Kennedy Field Engineering 2,186.92
1369 WID. H. Brailsford, Jr. Kir1clÞy - LID 3 82.85
1370 Wm. H. Brailsford, Jr. Loucks - Section I 82.50
It was moved by Member Smitten, seconded by Member Johnson and
unanimously carried that the Board authorize reimbursement of the
Petty Cash Fund in the amount of $39.86.
It was moved by Member Johnson, seconded by Member Smitten and
unanimously carried that the Board authorize the annual lease payment
to the Southern Pacific Company in the amount of $15.00.
It was moved by Member Johnson, seconded by Member Smitten and
unanimously carried that the Board authorize payment in the amount
of $75.00 to Mr. A. Stephens Ballinger for easement known as Parcel
132 of Local Improvement District No. 10. '
By letter of May 5, the Contractor, Oakland Sewer Construction
Company requested a 30-day extension of time for the completion of
Local Improvement District No. 11 construction. Mr. Richard Kennedy
advised the Board that the contractor had been waiting for good
weather, and an efficient paving contractor; that there would be
no added cost to the District.
It was moved by Member Johnson, seconded by Member Smitten and
unanimously carried that the Board grant the 30-day extension of
time to Oakls.nd Sewer Construction Company.
It was moved by Member Johnson seconded by Member Weill and
unanimously carried that the Board authorize the drawing of a warrant
in favor of Wallace and Gean in the amount of $1500, judgment awarded
for Parcel 33 of Local Improvement District No.2.
There being no further business, it was moved by Member Smitten,
seconded by Member Toland and unanimously carried that the Board
adjourn the meeting to May 12, 1949 at the hour of 8:00 o'clock p.m.
-.,; ',- /
/'~""¿~ -.!,c,o, '
President of the District Boàrd of
Central Contra Costa Sanitary District
of Contra Costa County, State of
'M..~Q ~. .t..~
Secretary of the District Board
of Central Contra Costa Sanitary
District of Contra Costa County,
State of CB~ifornia.