HomeMy WebLinkAboutBOARD MINUTES 04-04-49 .-, 114 MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE DISTRICT BOARD OF CENTRAL CONTRA COS"'A SANITARY DISTRICT HELD ON APRIL 7~ 1949 The District Board of Central Contra Costa Sanitary District con- vaned in regular session at its regular place of meeting located at 1822 Mt. Diablo Bouleverd, in the City of Walnut Creek, County of Contra Costa, State of California,. at the hour of 8:00 o'clock p.m. The meeting was called to order by President Wadsworth and the following roll was called: PRESENT: Members Smitten, Toland, Weill and Wadsworth ABSENT: Nemb9r Johnson. READING OF MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETING It was moved by Member Smitten, seconded by Member Toland that the reading of Minutes of the previous meeting be waived, and that they be approved as entered. Carried. ESTABLISHING LOCAL UlPROVEl>iENT DISTRICT NO. 12 The following letter had been filed with the Secretary of the DistI'ict Board: liThe District Board Central Contra Costa Sanitary District Walnut Creek, California April 4, 1949 Gentlemen: IIA recent investigation of conditions existing in the area hereinafter described in Central Contra Costa Sanitary Dist- rict in the County of Contra Costa, disclosed such conditions to be unsanitary, unhealthful, and in my opinion, dangerous to the health of the people living tberein. Said area is bounded and described as follows: ~Beginning at intersection of center line of Las Aromas with southeastern boundary of Unit No.2, Haciendas del Orinda, of record in Map Book 17, page 462, in office of Recorder, Contra Costa County, California; thence from said point of beginning southwesterly along said southeastern boundary of Unit No.2, Haciendas del Orinda and along southea~t boundary of Unit No.1, Haciendas del Orinda, recorded in Map Book 17, pages 440 and 441, in office of said Recorder to its intersection with north corner of Parcel One of that tract of land described in deed recorded in Volume 1275 of Official Records of said Recorder, page 578; thence southeasterly and southwesterly along north- eastern and southeasterly boundary of said Parcel One to north- eastern boundary of a 40-foot right of way identified as Parcel Two of said tract; thence southeasterly along said northeastern right of way boundary to northwestern boundary of Parcel Træee of said tract; thence southwesterly and southeasterly along northwesterly and southwesterly boundary of said Parcel Three to southerly corner thereof; thence southeasterly in a direct line to northerly corner of that parcel of land described in deed recorded in Volume 1275 of said Official Records, page 853; thence southeasterly along northeastern boundary thereof to northerly corner of tha.t pJ"rcel of land described in deed rec- orded in Volume 472 of said Officipl Records, pa¡¿;e 100; thence southeasterly along northeastern boundary of said parcel to northea~t corner of thRt parcel of land described in deed recorded 04 07 49 1 , 5 in Volume 472 of Deeds, page 419; thence southeasterly and south- v.;esterly along northepstern and soutbeEstern bound.E~ry of said p8r- cel and ì ts extension southvJester'ly to southwe atern boundary of San P~blo Hightoiay; thence northwesterly along said southv'estern boundary to its intersection with southeastern boundary of Orinda Townsite as designated on map of sAid Townsite recorded in Map Book 1 of said Official Maps, p~ge 21; thence southwesterly, west- erly, and northe:.."ly along western boundary of said Ol'inda Townsite to northwest corner of Lot 24 of said Orinda Townsite, includinv all said Townsite except that portion conveyed to East Bay Muni- cipal Utility District by deed recorded in Volume 684 of said Official Records, page 155; thence along northwestern boundary of said. Lot 24 extended northeasterly to its intersection with center line of San Pablo Higbway; thence northwesterly and northerly along said center line to its intersection with northwesterly extension of northeastern line of pRrcel of land described in deed from American Trust Companu to E. I. de Laveaga recorded in Volume 748 of said Official Recorcs pa.ge 25, being more particularly described in Deed of Trust from E. 1. de Laveaga, et ux, to Bank of America, recorded in Volume 981 of said Official Records, pag::> 293; thence southeasterly along said extension and northeast line to southease corner of said parcel; thence southwesterly alcng southeast line of said parcel to its intersection with northeasterly line of San Pe.blo Highway; thence southeasterly along s8.id line of SAn Pablo Highway to its intersection with northern line of Camino Sobrante; thence northeasterly and along the left line of Camino Sobrante, in varying directions thereof, to its intersection with southwest- ern line of Lot 248 extended southeasterly as said lot is designated on said map of Unit No.2, Haciendas del Orinda; thence northwesterly along said extension and southwestern boundary of said Lot 248 to northwest corner thereof; thence southwesterly and northeasterly along southeastern and northwestern boundary of Lot 250 of said Unit No.2, to southeastern boundary of Dos Posos; thence northeasterly along said boundary to its intersection with northeastern line of Lot 246, of said Unit No.2; thence southeasterly along northeastern line of said Lot 246 to its intersection with northwest boundary of Lot 244 of said Unit No.2; thence northeasterly along northwest boundary of said Lot 244 and continuing along northwestern and northern line of Lot 243 of said Unit No.2, to western boundary of La Espiral; tl1ence northerly along said boundary to its inter- section Kith southern line of Lot 208 of said Unit No.2, extended westerly; thence easterly along said extension a.nd southern boundary of said Lot 208 to southeast corner thereof; thence northerly to northeast corner of said lot; thence along northern boundaries of Lots 206, 205, 202, 201, 199, 198 and 197 of said Unit No.2, to northeast corner of said Lot 197; thence southerly along eastern line of said Lot 197 to center line of Las Cascadas; thence south- westerly along said center line of Las Cascadas to its intersection with center line of Las Aromas; thence southeasterly along said center line of Las Aromas to point of beginning. liAs Health Officer of the County of Contra Costa, I recommend as a necessary health measure thpt your Honorable Board institute pro- ceedinhs at an ea~ly dÐ~e for the construction of a sanitary sewer system for said 2reas to abate the unsanitary conditions therein. HEALTH OFFICER OF CON'I'RA COS -A COUNTY / sl Vi. A. POvlELL, M. D. II FINDING NECESSITY FOR CONSTRUCTION OF SE~ÆR3 LOCAL IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT NO. 12 Member Toland, seconded by Member Weill, moved the adoption of the following resolution: 04 07 4'9 116 RESOLUTION NO. 436 . WHEREAS the County Health Officer has filed with thi s Di stric t Board a report stating that the conditions in the hereinafter des- cribed area in Central Contra Costa Sanitary District, in the County of Contra Costa, are unsanitary, unhealthful and dangerous to the health of the people living therein, and recommendin~ as necessary as a health measure that the District Board institute proceedings at an early date for the construction of a sanitary sewer system to abate such unsanitary conditions, said area being bounded and des- cribed as follows: Beginning at intersection of center line of Las Aromas with southeastern boundary of Unit No.2, Haciendas del Urinda, of record in Map Book 17, page 462, in office of Recorder, Contra Costa County, Californi~:t; thence from said point of beginning southwesterly along said southeastern boundery of Unit No.2, Haciendas del Orinda and along southeast boundary of Unit No.1, Haciendas del Grinds, recorded in lvlap Book 17, page s 440 and 4L¡.1. in office of said Recorder to its intersection with north corner of Parcel One of that tract of land described in deed recorded in Volume 1275 of Official Records of said Recorder, page 578; thence southeasterly and southwesterly along northeastern and southeasterly boundary of said Parcel One to northeastern bound- ary of a 40-foot right of way identified 8.S Parcel Two of said tract; thence southeasterly along said northeastern right of way boundary to northwestern boundary of Parcel Three of said tract; thence southwesterly and southeasterly along northwesterly and southwesterly boundary of said Parcel Three to southerly corner thereof; thence southeasterly in a direct line to northerly corner of tha.t parcel of land described in deed recorded in Volume 1275 of said Official Records, page 853; thence southeasterly along northeastern boundary thereof to hortherly corner of that Parcel of land described in deed recorded in Volume 472 of said Offic- iB.l Records, p8.ge 100; thence southea~terly along northeastern bounda.ry of said parcel to northeast corner of that parcel of land described in deed recorded in Vol~e 472 of Deeds, page 419; thence southeasterly and southwesterly along northeastern and southeastern boundary.of said parcel and its extension south- westerly to southwestern boundary of San Pablo Highway; thence northi....resterly along said southvJestern boundar,}' to its intersec- tion with southeastern boundRry of Orinda Townsite as designated on map of said Townsite recorded in Map Book 1 of s8.id Official Maps, page 21; thence southwesterly, westerly, and northerly along western boundary of said Orinda Townsite to northwest cor- ner of Lot 24 of said Orinda Townsite, including all said Townsite except that por.tion conveyed to Ea.st Bay 1.1unicipal Utility District by deed recorded in Volume 684 of said Official Records, page 155; thence along northwestern bound8ry of ,said Lot 24 extended north- easterly to its intersection with center line of San Pablo Highway; thence northwesterly and nortnerl;r along said center line to its intersection with northwesterly extension of northeastern line of parcel of land described in deed from American Trust Company to E. 1. de Laveaga recorded in Volume 748 of said Official Records, page 25, being more particularly described in Deed of Trust from E. I. de Laveaga, et ux, to BHnk of America, recorded in Volume 981 of said Official Records, page 293; thence southeasterly along said extension and northeast line to southeast corner of said parcel; thencesquthwesterly along southeast line of said parcel to its intersection with northea.sterly line of San Pablo Highway; thence southeasterly along said line of San Pablo Highway to its intersection with northern line of Camino Sobrante; thence north- easterly and along: the left line of Camino 80brante, in vArying directions thereof, to its intersection with southwestern line of Lot 248 extended southeasterly as said lot is designated on said map of Unit No.2, Haciendas del Orinda; thence northwesterly along said extension and southwestern boundary of said Lot 248 to northwest corner thereof; thence southwesterly and nOl"theast- erly along southeastern and northwestern boundary of Lot 250 of (())4 I .".,..' ~'.'",," ~ .;j . .,c ~ i, (\ "~, ," :117 said Unit No.2, to southeastern boundary of Dos Posos; thence northeasterly along said boundary to its intersection with north- eastern line of Lot 246, of said Unit No.2; thence southeasterly along northeastern line of said Lot 246 to its intersection with ~orthwest boundary of Lot 244 of said Unit No.2; thence north- easterly along northwest boundary of said Lot 244 and continuing along northwestern and northern line of Lot 243 of said Unit No. 2, t6 western boundary of La Espiral; thence northerly along said bound~ry to its intersection with southern line of Lot 208 of said Unit No.2, extended westerly; thence easterly along said exten- sion and southern boundary of said Lot 208 to southeast corner thereof; thence northerly to northeast corner of said lot; thence alon~ northern boundaries of Lots 206, 205, 202, 201, 199, 198 and 197 of said Unit No.2, to northeast corner of said Lot 197; thence southerly alo11;: eastern line of said Lot 197 to center line of Las Cascadas, thence southTl'lester'ly along said center line of Las Cas- cadas to its intersection with center line of Las Aromas; thence southeasterly ~long said center line of Las Aromas to point of bep:inning. THEREFOrtE, BE IT RESOLVED by the District Board of Central Contra Costa Sanitary District, County of Contra Costa, State of California, that it is hereby found th8.t the construction of a sanita:c'y sewer sy stem for the a.Dove described area as necessal"y as a health measure does exist, and hereby orders that proceedings be instituted and appropriate resolutions be prepared for adoption by this Board for the construction of such sewers, as recommended by the Health Officer, said proceedings to be as provided in Division 7 of the streets and Highways Code of the State of California, the IIIm~rovem?nt Act of 191111, with bonds to be issued to represent unpaid assessments as provided therein; said area for which such sewers are to be constructed to be known as Local Improvement District No. 12. BE IT F~THER RESOLVED that the report and recommendation of the Health Officer is h"reby ordered spread upon the ¡vlinutes of this meeting. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the District Engineer is hereby dir- ected to prepare and submi t to this BoA..rd maps, diagrams, plans and. specifications, together with a careful estimAte of the cost and ex- pense of constructing a sani ~aI'Y sewer system for said Loc8.l Improve- ment District No. 12. PASSED AND ADOPTED by th", Distric t Board of Central Contr.a Costs. Sanitary District of'Contra Costa County, State of California, this 7th day of April, 1949, by the following called vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Members Smitten, Toland, vleill pncì. Wadsworth Members None Member Johnson Countersigned: Is/ R. E. Wadsworth, President of the District Board of Central Contra Costa Sanitary District of Contra Costa County, State of Cali fornia. Neill C. Cornwall, Secretary of the District Board of Central Contra Costa Sa.lÜ tary District of Contra Costa County, State of CAlifornia APPROVING PLANS, GRADES, SPECIFICATIONS FJR LOCAL IMP?cOVEMENT DISTHICT IW.12 Member Smitten, seconded by Member Toland, moved the adoption of the following resolution: 04 07 49 1. .~ 15 ! RESOLUTION NO. 437 RESOLVED by the District Board of Central Contra Costa Sanitary District of Contra Costa County, State of California, that the Plans and SDecifications submitted by the District Engineer providing for constructing a sanitary sewer system for Local Improvement District No. 12, the area within the following described boundaries, viz: The area within the boundaries set fortb in Resolution No. 436 of said District Board passed and adopted the 7th day of April, 1949, finding necessity for construction of sucb sani te.ry s ewer's and directing District Engineer to prepare plans and specifications, in said Central Contra Costa Sanitary District, be and the same are hereby approved and adopted; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the grades as shown on said Plans be and the same are hereby adopteò. as the officie.l grades. PASSED A~D ADOPTED by the District Board of Central Contra Costa Sanitary District of Contra Costa County, State of California, this 7th day of April, 1949, by the following called vote: AYES: Members Smitten, Toland, Weill and Wadsworth NOES: l'4embe rs None ABSENT: I'vIewber Johnson /s/ R. E. Wadsworth, President of the District Board of Central Contra Costa Sanitary Distr'ict of Contra Costa County, StRte of California. Countersigned: Neill C. Cornwall, Secretary of the District Board of Central Co~tra Costa Sanitary District of Contra Costa County, State of California. APPROVING ASSESSMENT DISTRICT ~uœ LOCAL IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT NO. 12 Member Smitten, seconded by ~ember Toland, moved the adoption of the following resolution: RESOLUTION NO. 438 RESOLVED by the District Board of Central Contra Costa Sanitary District, Contra Costa County, State of California, that the Assess- ment District Map submitted by the Engineer, which indicates by a boundary line the extent of the territory included in the District . proposed to be assessed for' constructing a sanitary sewer system for Local Improvement District No. 12, the area within tbe following described boundaries, viz: The area within the boundaries set forth in Resolution No. 436 of said District Board passed and adopted the 7th day of April, 1949, finding necessity for construction of such sanitary sewers and directing District Engineer to prepare plans and specifica- tions, in said Central Contra Costa Sanitary District be and the same is ber'eoy approved and adopted. 04 07 49' J 1 ~ PASSED AND ADOpc~'ED by the Distric t Board of Central Contra Costa Sanitary District of Contra Costa County, State of California, this 7th day of April, 1949, by the following called vote: AYES: }<Iembe:c's Smitten, Toland, Ueill a.nÔ Wadsìvor'th NOES: Members None ABSENT: Member Johnson. Countersigned: / s/ R. E. ¡'¡a.dsworth, Presiè:ent of the District Board of Central Contra Costa Sanitary District of Contra Costa County, State of California Neill C. Cornwall, Secretary of the District Board of Central Contra Costa Sanitary District of Contra Costs County, State of CRlifornia. RESOLUTION OF INTENTION LOCAL IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT NO. 12 Member Toland, seconded by Member Smitten, moved the adoption of the following resolution: RESOLUTION NO. 439 RESOLVED by the District Board of the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District of Contra: Costa County, State of Cf1lifornia, as follows: SECTION 1. That the public interest and convenience reQuire, and it is the intention of said Board to order the following work to be done and improvements made, to-wit: FIRST: The construction of sanitary sewers and appurtenances, in accordance with the plans and specifications heretofore adopted and Rpproved therefor, in the following stre'3ts, rights of vJay, easements and reserves in saiel Sa:1itary District, as they and the proposed work in relation thereto are shown on Sheet 1 of said plans and specifica- "C ions: SAN PABLO HIGH~AY from M.H. 2 to be located therein 300 feet north- westerly from its intersection with Avenida de Orinda to M.H. 17 to be located in San Pablo Highway. 700 feet southea.sterly from its. intersec- tion with Irwin Way. SAN PABLO HIGHWAY from F.I. I-A to be located therein 135 feet southeasterly from the intersection of Rio/lsta and San Pablo Highway ~o said M.H. 2. . I IRWIN "vAY from its intersection with San Pablo Highwa.y to F. 1. 15 to be loce.ted in Irwin \vay 220 feet northeasterly from said intersec- tion. ALSO in the following streets, rights of way, easements and reserves, in said Sanitary District, as they and the proposed work in relation theretö are shown on Sheet 2 of said plans and specifications: CAMINO SOBRANTE from its intersection with San Pablo Highway. to its intersection with Mira Lorna. CAivlINO SOBFAiHE from F. 1. 16, to be located therein 250 feet nor.th- easterly from its intersection with Mira Loma to F.I. 17 to be located in Camino Sobrante 250 feet southerly from its intersection with El Ribero. IURA LOMA from its intersection with Camino Sobrante to i ts inter- section with Via Farallon. 04 07 4~ 120 1.URA LO~¡A from its intersect ion with Via F2rallon to F. 1. 12 to be located in Mira Lama 420 feet westerly from said intersection. VIA FARALLON from its intersection with Mira Lorna to F.I. 14 to be located in Via Farallon 280 feet northeasterly from said inter- section. LA CUESTA from M.H. 22 to be located therein 135 feet westerly from its intersection with Via Farallon to M.H. 23 to be located in La Cuesta 885 feet westel~ly from its intersection with Via Farallon. LINDA VISTA from M.H. 8 to be located therein 100 feet north- easterly from its intersection with Mira Loma to F.I. 5 to be located in Linda Vista 610 feet thereon from M.H. 8. MIRA LOl~ from point thereon 90 feet southeasterly from its intersection with Linda Vista to point in Mira Lorna 940 feet south- erly thereon from its intersection with Linda Vista. LA PLAZA for its entire length. SIX FOOT PATH from its intersection with Linda Vista to F.1. 4 to be located in 6-foot path 185 feet southeasterly from said inter- section. TWELVE FOOT PATH from its intersect ion ì"i tb La Plaza to its eastern extremity. SIX FOOT PATH from its intersection with Mira Loma to its south- westerly extremity. TEN FOOT PATH for its entire length, between Lots 8 and 9 as said lots are designated on map entitled "Unit No.1, Haciendas del Orinda, Contra Costa County, California," recorded in office of Recorder, in Volume 18 of Maps, page 440. PATH adjacent to northeast boundary of Lots 7 and 8 as said lots are designated on said map of Unit No.1. PATI{ adjacent to northwest bound9ry of Lots 99 and 100, as said lots are designated on said map of Unit No.1. EASEMENT, IN LOT 90 (Parcell), as designated on map of said Unit ~o. 1, being west 5 feet of Lot 90. EASEMENT, IN LOTS 87 and 88 (Parcel 2), as designated on said map of Unit No.1, being strip of land 5 feet wide, center line of which is described as follows: Beginning on northeast line of said Lot 88, distant thereon north 330 59152" west, 143.05 feet from center line of La Cuesta; thence south 470 541 west to southwest line of parcel of land described in deed from Charles E. Phillips, et ux, to James D. North, et ux, recorded October 25,1948, File No. 40004. EASEMENT, IN LOT 56 (Parcel 5), as designated on said map of Unit No.1, being strip of land 5 feet wide, center line of which is described as follows: Beginning on southwest line of Lot 57, as designated on said map, distant thereon north 620 541 lOll west, 147.50 feet from most southerly corner therAof; thence south 370 47' west 210 feet to point on center line of Mira Lorna and from which point the center of a curve with radius of 23 fe?t bears south 100 44' 4911 west. EASEMENT, IN LOT 57 (Parcel 6), as designated on said map of Unit No.1, consisting of two sub-parcels: SUB-PARCEL A: Being strip of land 5 feet wide, center line of which 1s described as follows: Commencing in center line 04 07 49 1 ~~ 1 of Linda Vista at northeaÐt corner of Lot 58 as designated on said map; thence from said point ofocommenc8ment along said center line as follows: North 88 51 40" east, 48.13 feet east~~ly along arc of a curve to left with radius of 400 fe?t, 44.02 feet and nor'tl'} 810 47' 2011 east 17.83 feet to actual point of beginnin~ of herein described center line; thence from sa,id point of beginnil1f: south 490 481 30 'west 185.56 feet to east line of parcel of land described in deed of trust by James Trapanese, et ux, to trustee for Central Building and Loan Association, recorded in Volwne 1227 Official Records, page 533, distant thereon north 240 52' 3011 east 67.46 feet from most southerly corner thereof. SUB-PARCEL B: Being strip of land 5 feet wide, east line of which is parallel vIi th and 5 feet easterly, measured at right angles, from west line thereof and which west line is des- cribed as follows: Beginning at most westerly corner of said Lot 57; thence north 240 52' 30" east, along east line of parcel of land described in deed of trust by James Trapanese to trustee for Central Building and Loan Association, recorded in Volume 1227 Official Records, page 533, 67.46 feet. EASEMENT, IN LOT 71 (Parcel 7), as designated on said map of Unit No.. 1, consisting of two sub-parcels: SUB-PARCEL A: Being southwesterly 126.16 feet of north westerly 5 feet of said lot. SUB-PARCEL B: Being strip of land 5 feet wide, center line of which is described as follows: Commencing at most northerly corner of said lot, thence south 280 13' 3511 west 46.73 feet to true point of beginning; thence north 870 49' east 54.76 feet. EASD1ENT, IN LOT 9 (Parcel 8), as designated on said map of Unit No.1, being northeast 5 feet of said lot. EASEMENT, IN LOTS 14 and 15 (Parcel 9), as designated on said map of Unit No.1, being strip of land 5 feet wide described as follows: Beginning on west line of said Lot 14, distant thereon north 250 20' 4~1I west, 38.12 feet from most southerly corner thereof; thence north 596 41' east, 93.25 feet; thence north 510 57' east, 56.85 feet to east line of said Lot 15, distant thereon north 250 4715011 west, 47.3 feet from most easterly corner thereof. EASElvlENT, IN LOT 16 (Parcel 10), as designated on said map of Unit No.1, being strip of land 5 feet wide, center line thereof being described as follows: Beginning on southwest line of said Lot 16, distant therson south 250 47' 50 II east, 146.87 feet from center line of El Patio; thence north 510 571 east, 43.15 feet; thence north 330 30' east, 46044 feet to northeast line of said Lot 16, distant thereon south 39 551 2511 east, 126.02 feet from center line of El PAtio. . EASEMENT, IN LOT 31 (Parcel 11), as designated on said map of Unit No.1, being strip of land 5 feet wide, center line of which is described as follows: BeginrÜng on northeast line of said Lot 31, distant thereon south 38°'9130Ileast, 106.51 feet from center line of Camino Sobrante; thence n~ ~h 610 16' west to southeast line of Camino Sobrante. EASEMENT, IN LOT 32 (Parcel 12), as designated on said map of Unit No.1, being southeast 31.34 feet of the southwest 7 feet of said lot. EASEMENT, IN LOT 102 (Parcel 13), as designated on said map of Unit No.1, being northwest 15 feet of said lot. EASEMENT, IN LOT 105 (Parcel 14), as designated on said map of Unit No.1, being northwesterly 138 feet of southwesterly 10 feet of said lot. 04 07 ;:J; '..À . ',:t- eJ lî2 LINDA VISTA from M.H. 6 to be located therein opposite north- westerly corner of Lot 71 as designated on said map of Unit No. I, to F.I. 1 to be located in Linda VistH 60 feet westerly from said M. H. CROSSING 6-foot path between northeast corner of Lot 103 and northwest corner of Lot 104 as designated on said map of Unit No.1. EASEMENT, IN LOT 48 (Parcel 17), as designated on said map of Unit No.1, being strip of land 5 feet wide, center line of which is described as follows: Commencing at northwest corner of saic lot, thence in direct line to southwest corne.~r of ,said lo~,! ¿.,~~ .sel~/At".$"/e¥,!u 02t t..1 "I' J.t1~ K, 711'; ~;M '7'1-. ../ ~~ /,ø .,.. EASEMENT, in northerly 2ft feet of" Lots ~~, "3 , ~:r and 94; southerly 2* feet of Lot 97; southwesterly 2* feet of Lots 30 and 73; northwesterly 2ì feet òf Lots 33, 34, 35, 36, 103, and 104, as said lots are designated on said map of ~nit No.1. ALSO in the following streets, rights of way, easements and reserves in said Sanitary District as they and the proposed work in relat~on the~eto are shown on Sheet 3 of said plans and spec- if ications: CAMINO SOBRANTE from its intersection with El Ribero to F.I. 18 to be located in Camino Sobrante 360 feet westerly from said inter- s ect ion. CA}IINO SOBRANTE from its intersection with La Cuesta to F.I. 27 to be located in Camino Sobrante 760 feet westerly from said inter- section. . CAMI~O SOBRANTE from M.H. 27, to be located therein 50 feet westerly from its intersection with Las CascadaS, to F.I. 34 to be located in Camino Sobrante 450 feet westerly from its intersection ìdth La Espiral. LA ESPIRAL from ita intersection with Camino Sobrante to its intersection with Las Aromas. LAS AROMAS from its intersect ion wltll La Espiral to F. 1. 35 to be located in Las Aromas 460 feet easterly from said intersection. LAS ,AROIvlAS from its intersection with Las Cas,cada,s to F.1. 30 to be located in Las Aromas 150 feet westerly from said intersection. LAS CASCADAS from its intersection with Camino Sobrant.e to F.1. 31 to be located in Las Cascadas 150 feet northeasterly from its intersection with ~as Aromas. EL C,AMINITO from its intersection with Camino, Sobrante to F. I. 29 to be located in El Caminito 350 feet southeasterly from said inter-section. LA CUESTA from its intersection with Cænino Sobrante to F.I. 28 to be located in La Cuesta 280 feet southerly from said intersection. CROSSING of Camino Sobrante at its intersection with El.Camlnito. LA CUESTA from M.H. 21, to be located therein Dpposite northeast corner of Lot 111 as designated on said map of Unit No.1, to M.H. 22 to be located in La 6uesta 200 feet westerly from its intersec- tion with Via Farallon. VIA FA.~~LON from M.H. 26, to be located therein opposite northeast corner of Lot 85 as designated on said map of Unit No.1, to F.I. 26 to be located in Via Farallon 300 feet westerly. from its intAI'section with La Cuesta. 04 07 49 12.1 'rt'lELVE FOOT PATH adjacent to northerly boun<lar;¡r line of Lots 118, 119 and 120, as designated on said map of Unit No. I, for its entire length. SIX FOOT PATH adja.cent to nortnern boundary of Lots 117 ana 118, as designated on said map of Unit No.1, for its entire length. SIX FOOT PATH between Lots 136 and 137 as designated on said map of Unit No. I, for its entire length. TI1ELVE FOOT PATH adjacent to northerly boundary of Lots 111 and 112, as designated on said map of Unit No. I, for its entire length. SIX FOOT PATH between Lots 143 and 146, as designated on said map of Unit No.1, EASEMENT, IN LOT 137 (Parcel 3), as designated on said map of Unit No. I, being strip of land 5 feet wide, center line of which is described as follows: Beginning on south line of said Lot 137, distant thereon north 760 561 east, 50.83 feet from noótheast corner of Lot 115, as designated on said map; thence north 56 411 west, 30.47 feQt; thence north 860 591 2411 west, 43.23 feet to center line of 6-foot \-Jide path, distant thereon south 130 241 50" west, 3 feet from northeast corner of Lot 117 as designated on said map. EASE1viENT, IN LOT 115 (Parcel 4), as designated on said map of Unit No.1; being strip of land 5 feet wide, center line of which i.s described B.S follows: Commencing at northeast corner of said lot, thence south 90 551 34" west 29.82 feet to true point of beginning, thence north 580 511 west, 23.60 feet; thence north 400 101 west, 37.49 feet. EASEMENT, IN LOT 143 (Parcel 15), being east 10 feet of said lót. EASÐ4ENT, IN LOT 247 (Parcel 16), as designated on said map of Unit No.2, being strip of land 5 feet wide, center line of which is described as follows: Commencing at most southerly corner of said lot, thence northeasterly on center line of Camino Sobrant.e on a curve to left with radius gf 219 feet, 2.50 feet to true point of beginning; thence north 14 221 west 176 feet; thence north 350 221 west, 90 feet. EASEMENT, in northwesterly 2! feet of 2* feet of Lot 141, southeasterly 2! feet erly 2t feet of Lot 140, northwesterly 2~ erly ~ feet of Lot 246, southeasterly 2i feet of Lot 249. Lots .112 and 113, westerly of Lots 139 and 140, east- feet of Lot 248, southwest- feet and northeasterly 2* The expense of said work and improvement hereinbefore described in Section 1, First, hereof, and on Sheets 1 to 3, both inclusive, shall be chargeable upon an assessment district ner-e inafte:e estab- lished. SECOND: The construction of sanitary sewers and appurtenances in accor'dance with said plans and specifications in the following easement in said Sanitary District as it and the proposed work in relation thereto is shown on Sheet 1 of said plans and specifications: EASE~ŒNT, (Parcel 18), described in deed from °rinda Country Club to said Sanitary District recorded May 12, 1948, file No. 18263. The expense of said vlork and improvement hereinbefore described in Section 1, Second, hereof, shall also be chargeable upon said assessment district hereinafter established. THIRD: The office of the Recorder referred to hereinabove is the office of the Recorder of the County of Contra Costa, State of California, and Official Records and file numbers hereinabove re- ferred to are Official Records and file numbers of said Recorder. The letters M. H. and F. I. herein used refer to and mean 1>1anhole and Flushing Inlet, respectively. 04 07 9 124 In the foregoing description, wherever right of w~, easement, street, or other public W8.y is descr'ibed wherein worl: is to be done, it is the intention th8-"G said work shall also be extended so as to connect the same with the sewer work to be constructed nearest to said right of way, easement, street or other public way, and at the point in said proposed work where a manhole or other connection is s~own on said Plans therefor, unless otherwise shown thereon. The width of all easements described by reference to a center line is measured at right angles. FOURTH: Said work shall include the refilling, compacting and resurfacing of the trench in which said sewer and appurtenances are constructed. SECTION 2. All said improvement and work shall be done of the sizes, dimensions, and materials and in the positions and locations as shown upon, and all in accordance with, the Plans and Specifica- tions therefor heretofore adopted by said District Board and now on file with the Secretary of said Board, which said Plans and Spec- ifications are hereby referred ,to and made a part hereof by refer- e nc e . SECTION 3: That in the opinion of said Board, said work is of more than local or ordinary public benefit, and said Board hereby orders that the cost and expenses of said work and improvement shall be che..rgeable and chArged upon a district, ,.¡hich distr'ict is hereby declared to be the district benefited by said work and improvement and wl1ich is to be a,ssessed to pay the cost and expenses thereof. The exterior boundaries of said assessment district and the extent of the territory included therein are shown upon the map of said district app:coved and adopted by said Board on the 7th day of April, 1949, and now on file in the office of the Secretary of said Bo¡:œd, to \<lhich map reference is hereby made for a praticular des- cription of said boundaries and the extent of said territory in- cluded therein to be so assessed; saving and excepting therefrom the area of all public streets and other public ways included therein. SECTION 4: That the proceedings for said work and improvement shall be had and taken under and in a,ccorc1ance with .Division 7 of the Streets and Highways Code of the State of California. (Improve- ment Act of 1911"). NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Health Officer of said County of Contra Costa has recommended in writing to said Board that said proceedings for said work be instituted as a necessary health meas- ure and said Board heretofore ordered said recommendation spread upon the Minutes of said Board and by Resolution adopted by the affirmative vote of four-fifths of the members of said Board found and determined that such necessity exists. SECTION 5: That serial bonds shall be issued pursuant to Part 5 of Division 7 of said Streets and Highways Code (Improvement Act of 1911) to represent the unpaid assessments of Twenty-five Dollars ($25.00) or over for the cost of said work, said bonds to bear int- erest at the rate of SIX PER CENT (6%) per annum, to extend for a period of nine (9) years from the second day of JanuAry next succeeding the next October 15th following their date, and to be payable in annual installments, the last installment thereof to mature nine (9) years from the second day of January next succeed- ing the next 15th day of October following their date, said bonds and the interest thereon to be pF..yable as provided in said Code. SECTION 6: That Thursday, the 28th day of April, 1949, at the hour of 8:00 olclock p.m., of said day, and the meeting pIp. ce of said Board, l822,Mt. Diablo Boulevard, City of Walnut Creek, in the County of Contra Costa, State of CRlifornia, be and the- same 04 07 49 Y?5 are hereby fixed as the time and place, lvl1en and where any 8_nd all persons having any objection to the proposed \vork and imrJI'ovement or to the extent of the district to be assessed, or both, may appear before said Board and show cause why said proposed work should not be carried out .in &.ccorda.nce ìvi th thi 8 Resolution of Intenti on. SECTION 7: That the Engineer of said District shall cause to be conspicuously posted along the line of said work and improvement, in the man,1er and fo:cm required by law, notices of the passage of this Resolution. SECTION 8: That the Secretary of said Board shall certify to the passage of .this Resolution and shall cause the same to be pub- lished twice, as requll'ed by 1 a,,!, in the Or'inda Sun, a ne\vspaper published and circulated within said District and hereby designated for thet purpose by said Boarci. . SECTION 9: Said District Board does .hereby direct its Secretary to mail notices of the adoption of this Resolution of Intention to all persons owning real property proposed to be assessed for the work herein described, whose names and addresses appeared on the last equalized assessment roll of the County of Contra Costa or as known to the Secretary, the contents of said notices to be as re- quired by law. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the District Board of Central Contra Costa Sanitary District of Contra Costa County, State of California, this 7th day .of April, 1949, by the following called vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Members Smitten, Tolal'ld, 1'¡eill e_nd Wadswortl1 lvfembe rs None Member Johnson I sl R. E. lJaà.sworth, .Pre sic1ent of the Distr'ict Board of Central Contra Costa Sa~itary District of Contra Costa County, State of Cali'fornia. c.ountersigned: Neill C. CormnÜI, Secretary of the District Board of Central Contr~ Costa Sanitary District of Contra Costa County, State of California. ENGINEER'S ESTIMATE OF COST FOR LOCAL IMPROV~lENT ~ISTRIQT NO. 12 liThe District Boerd Certtral Contra Costa SanltRry District ~alnut Creek, California April 7, 19u9 Gentlemen: "Submitted her"ewiti1 is a detc9ileà. estime.":e of tbe COt~t of wod;: in accordance with plans and ~pecifications which you directed me to prepc9re in your Resolution No. 4J6, dated April 7, 1949, said pro- posed wor~ having been ordered by you pursuant to a report and recommendation of the Health Officer of Contra Costa County: I:'ElvI ~UANTITY DESCRIPTION UNIT PRICE TO~AL 1 15,400 If 6" V C Sewer 4.25 65,4jO.00 2 1,050 If 8" V C Sewer 5.00 5,250.00 3 360 lf lOll V C Sewer 7.00 2,520.00 4 2,200 If 1511 V C Sewer 8.00 17,600.00 5 100 If 15" Reinforced Concrete Sewer 10.00 1,000.00 I' 18 If Cast Iron Pipe 4.50 81.00 0 04 07 49 126 I TEIV¡ Q,UANTITY DESCRIPTION ---. 7 200 ea 6" x 4" V C ¡'lye Branch 8 10 ea 6" x 6" V C Wye Branch 9 15 ea 8" x 411 V C Wye Bre nch 10 2 ea 1011 x 4" V C Wye Branch 11 2 ea 1511 x 411 V C Wye Br8_nch 12 15 cy Reinforced Concrete 13 32 ea Flushing Inlets 14 31 ea Manboles 4811 I D 15 13 ea 6" V C 1/8 Bend 16 50 ea Reset Survey lvionument s 17 1 ea Connection to Exist.l>JIenhole Construction Costs Engineerinf- . Surveyin~ & Inspection Adv. Legal, Assessment, etc TOTAL ESTIMATED COST Very truly yours UNIT PRICE 4.00 4.2.5 5.00 7.00 9.00 100.00 50.00 275.00 4.00 10.00 50.JO TOTAL 800.00 42.50 75.00 14.00 18.00 1,500.00 1,600.00 8,525.00 52.00 500.00 50.00 $ 105,077.50 7,880.00 7,880.00 3~4l5.00 ;a; 126,252.50 RICHARD R. KENNEDY, DEPUTY FOR CLYDE C. KEENEDY, DISTRICT ENGINEER. II H~ARING PROTESTS - LOCAL IMPROV~lENT DIST~ICT NO. 10 A protest against the work and improvement proposed in Resolu- tion No. 424, Local Improvement District No. 10, was received from Mary Urrnston, by Ti:-.niru:' and DeLap. The protes~ was read before the Board, and after a discussion as to the need of l~ving the sewer in that location, Mr. Turner of TinninG. and DeLap wi thdreìv the p:i:"'ote st. There bein~ no further protests, Member Toland, seconded by Member S@itten moved the adoption of the followinh resolution No. 440: RESOLUTION ORDERINJ 1:¡ORK, DETERMINING PREVAILING RATE OF WAGES, AND DIRECTING NOTICE TO BIDDERS IN LOCAL I~œROVEMENT DISTRICT NO. 10 ~ŒEREAS the District Board of Central Contra Costa Sanitary District, County of Contra Costa, State of California, passed and adopted, on March 3, 1949, its Resolution of Intention No. 424, to do the work and improvement therein òescribed; and WHEREAS all written protests filed in relation to said proceed- ings were duly considered by said District Board; RESOLVED by said District BoArd that said protests be and the same are hereby overruled, and RESOLVED that the public interest and convenience reQuire, and said District Board hereby orders, that said work and improvement be done as set forth in said Resolution of Intention,. and according to said Plans and Specifications, reference to which Resolution of Intention and Plans and Specifications is hereby made for a des- cription of said work and improvement and the terms and conditions under which the same is to be done; RESOLVED that said District Board hereby determines the general pTevailing rate of per diem wages, and rates for overtime and legal holidays, in th€ locality in which said work is to be performed, for each craft or type of workman or mechanic needed to execute the contract therefor, to be as stated in the Notice to Bidders herein- a.fter set forth to be posted and published; and RESOLVED that the Secretary of said District Board shall post. conspicuously for five (5) days, on or near the wain entrance door 04 07 49 127 to the regular meeting place of said Board at 1822 }lIt. Diablo Boule- varŒ, Walnut Creek, California., a. Notice to Bidders, in the form hereinafter stated, inviting sealed proposals or bids for doing said ~'ork and re.ferring to said Pla_nB and Specifications on file; and shall publish said Notice twice in Orinda Sun, a newspaper published and circulated in Central Contra Costa Sanitary District and hereby designated for that purpose. . All such proposals or bids shall be submitted, received, and publicly opened, examined and deelar.ed, and shall be accompanied by a .certified check or bond, all as stated in said Notice to Bidders, which Notice shall be as follows: NOTICE TO BIDDERS Pursuant to law and Resolution No. 440 of the District BoarJ of Central Contra Costa Sanitary District of Ctntra Costa County, State of California, passed and adopted April 7, 1949, Ordering Work, De- termining P.revailinp; Rates of 1dages, and Directing this Notice, said District Board invites sealed proposals or bids for the follo~ing work to be done,. to-wit: The construction of sanitary sewers and appurt- enances for the area, to the extent, with the materials and in the manner set forth in Resolution of Intention No. 424 passed and adopted by said District Board lvlarch 3, 1949, and in accordance \-li th Plans and Specifications adopted therefor, to which Resolution of Intention, Plans and Specifications, and Resolution Ordering Work reference is hereby made for a description of said woI'k and improvement and the terms and conditions under which the same is to be done. TIle Plans and Specifications for the proposed work may be seen and examined at the office of Central Contra Costa Sanitary District, 1822 Mt. Diablo Boulevard, Walnut Creek, California, or at the Eng- ineering Office of Clyde C. Kennedy, Room 504, 604 Mission Street, San Francisco, California, or rJay be secured at the Engineering Office of Clyde C. Kennedy by making a payment of Twenty and no/looths Dollars ($20.00). There will be no refund on returned Plans or Specifications. Pursuant to la.w, the District Boe.rd of Central Contra Costa Sanitary District has determined the general prevailing rate of per diem wages, and rates for overtime and legal holidays, in the locality in which this work is to be performed, for each eraft or type of workman or mechanic needed to execué:e the contract. The prevailing rates so determined are as follows: CLASS OF '~iORK Asphalt Plant Operators Asphalt Plant Engineers Carpenters (Foreman) Ccrpenters (Journeyman) Carpenters (Millwright) Shovel & Dragline Opr. (under 1 yd) II (over 1 yd) Compressor Operators Compressor (more than one) Operators Concrete Laborers Cement Finishers Concr'ete Mixerman (up to 1 yd) II (over 1 yd) Opere.tors, Vibrator's, JackhaTflmer & other Air, Gas and Electric Tools Asphalt Shovelers Asphalt Ironers & Rakers Firemen (Stationary) Crane & Derrick Operators Laborers, General Mechanics, Helpers & Oilers Bulldozer Operators PER DIElJI 8 HOURS $15.40 17.80 19.00 17.00 18.00 20.20 21.00 15.00 17.40 12.20 17.20 15.00 17.40 13.20 12.20 14.20 15.00 19.00 12.20 15.00 17.80 04 07 HOURLY RATE $1. 925 2.225 2.375 2.125 2.25 2.525 2. 625 . 1.875 2.175 1.525 . 2.15 1.875 2.175 1.65 1.525 1.7'75 1.875 2.375 1.525 1.875 2.225 ..~ 12~ CLASS OF WOF,K Motor Grader Operators Roller Operators Tractor Operators Tractor & Truck type Loader, Operators Sewer Pipe Layers and Banders Trenching Machine Operators Truck Driver (D~~p Trucks under 4 yds) Truck Driver (Dump, over 4 & under 6 yds) Truck Driver (Dump, over 6 & under 8 yds) Truck Driver (Dump, over 8 yds) Truc~ Driver (Pickup or flatrack carrying less tha.n 10,500 lbs) Truck Driver (Flatrack carry:ng over 10,500 lbs) Electrician Iron Worker, Reinforcing Steel, Rodmen Iron Worker, Rodmen, For~man (3 men or under) Foreman (4 men or over) Structural Iron Workers Plumbers Sheet Metal Workers Watchman, Flagman & Guards Drillers and Blasters Cribbers and Lagging Combination, Jackha~mer-Poweerman Bricklayers Bricklayers, hodcarriers PÐ.inters :Ple.sterers Plasterers, Hodcarriers PER DIEM 8 HOURS $19.00 17.80 17.80 19.00 15.80 18. 20 12.65 13.65 14.40 17.40 12.90 13.90 20 . ~O 17.20 13.20 19.20 19.20 20.00 18.00 12.20 14.20 14.20 14.20 22..50 14.00 7 HOURS 15.05 6 HO UR.6 15.00 13.50 HOURLY RATE $2.375 2.225 2.225 2.375 1. 975 2.275 1.58125 1.70625 1.80 2.175 1.6125 1.7375 2.50 2.15 2.275 2.40 2.40 2.50 2.25 1. 525 1. 775 1.775 1.775 2.8125 1.75 2.15 2.50 2.25 Overtime and Saturday work shall be paid for at double the normal hourly rate except as noted below for Cement Finishers and Truck Drivers, and work on Sundays and Holidays shall be paid for at double the normal hourly rate. The foregoing schedule of prevailing rates of wages, and rates for overtime, Sunday and. Legal Holidays, is based, unless othe:J."wise specified, upon a working day of eight (8) hours. . Overtin¡e and Saturda:f rates for Truck Drivers shall be at one and one-half (It) times the normal hourly rate. - The fi;£?st two hours overt ime, aftel~ a normal eight (8) hour d~y, for Cement Finishers shall be at one and one-half (1'> times tl1e normal rate and further overtime shall be at double the normal r~te. Sat~rday work for Cement Finishers shall be at one and one- h~lf (Ii) times the normal T'ate for the first eight (8) hours worked and at douQle the normal rete for all further time worked on Satur- c3a,ys. . NOTICE.IS ALSO HEREBY GIVEN BIDDERS that it shall be mandatory upon the contractor to whom the contract is awarded, and upon all s~bcontractors under him, to pay not less than said general pre- v~iling rates of per diem wages, as above listed, to all laborers, wqrkmen, and mechanics employed in the execution of the contract. . Before ,submitting proposals, the bidder shall be licensed in accordance 1!1ith the yr-ovisions of Chapter 9, Division III, of the B1.j.siness anò. Professions Code, Chapter 37 of the Statutes of 1939, ae¡ amended, of the State of CaliforniH, which provides fer the registration and licensing of con~ractors. 04 07 49 1?O .C .'.,.'" Each bidder must submit with his proposal a statement of his fine ncial responsibility, technic? 1 ability and experience on the form to be furni shed prospect ive bidders, and a stet ement as to ~hether the bidder is an individual, a partnership, a joint venture or a corporation. Ea.ch bidder shall submit with his bid, on -:he fOTIIl provided, the name and address of each subcontractor, including the pr'incipal suppliers of rnaterip-ls, anð the portion of the ¡.¡ork which each sub- contractor will do. If the contractor fails to name the subcontractors in his proposal, he shall be deemed to have agreed to perform such portion of the work himself and shall not be permitted to subcontract said portion of work without previous written permission of the Sanitary District Board. ,ALL PROPOSALS or BIDS must be delivered to the undercigned Secretary of said District Board at its office at 1822 Mt. Diablo Boulevard, Walnut Creek, California, on the 28th day of April, 1949, up to tl1e hour of 8:00 o'clock p.m., on which day at the hour of 8:15 o'clock p.m., in said office of said District BoHr'a said PRO- POSALS or BIDS shall be publicly opened, examined and declared, and each PROPOSAL or BID must be accompanied by a check certified with- out Qualification by a responsible bank, payable to Central Contra Costá Sanitary District for an amount not less than TEN PER CENT (10%) of the aggregate of the proposal or by a bond for said amount and so payable signed by the Bidder and two Sureties, all as pre- scribed by lav!. BY ORDER OF TfŒ DISTRICT BOARD, CE~TRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DIS ';.1HICT. DA~ED: April 7, 1949. /s/ NEILL C. CORNWALL, Secretary of Central Contra Costa Sanitary District, Contra Costa County, California, PASSED AND, ADOPTED by the District Boprd of Central Contra Costa Sar.itary District of Contra Costa Coun~y, State of Cp-lifornia, this 7th day of April, 1949, by the follovdng called vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Members Smitten, TolAnd, Weill and Wadsworth Members None Member Johnson Countersigned: /s/ R.E.Wadsworth, President of the District Board of Central Contra Costa Sanitary District of Contra Costa County, State of California Neill C. Cornwall, Secretary of the District Board of Central Contra Costa Sanitary District, County of Contra Costa, State of California. EXTRA FOR ORINDA PIDyWING STATIONS It was moved by Member Toland, seconded by Member Smitten that the Board approve installation of two 12" rising stem cut valves, 125 lb. working pressure in lieu of 50 lb. working pressure valves specified, at a cost not to exceed $200 above the cost of the 50 lb. valves. Carried unanimously. It was :l1oved by Member Smitten, seconded by Member Weill the t the Board approve substitution of IIKalamein" fireproof metal doors for the Orinda Pumping Pl~nt8 in lieu of the doors contracted for, at a cost not to exceed $370.00 additional. 04 07 1..'1,.,. 'i.}, ~, ,")J 130 APPOINTMENT OF INSURANCE AGENT It was moved by Member Weill, seconded by Member Toland and carried, that the Board accept the recommendation of the Contra Costa County Insurance Association as presented in letter of April 7, 1949. It wa.s r'~oved by Member ami tten, seconded by lviemb~r Toland tha.t the Board appoint John T. Schro~der as Insurance Agent. Carried. $100 PAY1~ENT TO SAlVi G. STEWART ET UX L.I.D. NO. 10 PARCEL 90 It was Goved by lvlember Smitten, seconded by Member Toland and carried, that the Board grant the payment of $100.00 to Sam G. and Arys W. Stewart for severance damages to their property, known as Parcel 90 of Local Improvement District No. 10. ESTABLISHING MD1BERSHIP IN CeNTRA COSTA COUNTY Ð{PLOYEES' ASSOCIATION The following resolution was offered for adoption by Member Smitten, seconded by Member Weill: RESOLUTION NO. 441 w~REAS, the District Board of Central Contra Costa Sanitary District of Contra Costa County, State of California, is desirous of having the employees of said District, wh9 are eligible, become members of the Contra Costa County Employees Retirement Association, NO~, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District be included in the Contra Costa County Employees' Retirement Association, and that all eligible employees of said District shall become members of said Association on the first daj' of the month after the adoption of this Resolution. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the District Board of Central Contra Costa Sanitary District of Contra Costa County, State of California, at a regular meeting of said Boa!'d, this 7th day of April, 1949, by the following called vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Members Smitten, Toland, Weill and Wadsworth J..1embers None lvlember Johnson Isl R.E.Wadsworth, President of the District Board of Central Contra Costa Sar:i ",~ ary Di s tri ct. Countersigned: Neill C. Cornwall, Secretary of the District Board of Central Con~ra Costa Sanitary District. REIMBURSEMENT OF PETTY CASH FUND It waS moved by Member Weill, seconded by Member Toland, that the Board reimburse the Petty Cash Fund in the amount of $48.36. Ca!'ried. PAYl'-LENT OF BILLS It was moved by Member Smitten, seconded by Member Toland that the Board approve the payment of bills as audited: 04 07 49 VOUCHER NAME i180 1181 1182 1183 111:34 1185 1186 1187 1188 1139 1190 1191 119 2. 1193 1194 1195 1196 1197 1198 1199 1200 1201 1202 1201 1204 1205 1206 1207 1208 1209 1210 1211 , 1212 1213 1214 1215 1216 1217 1218 1219 1220 1221 ~22 1223 1224 122.5 ~226 1227 1228 1229 1230 1231 1232 1233 ,1234 1235 12)6 1237 1238 1239 1240 1241 1242 1243 1244 1245 1246 Johnson & Larson Tessa Hiller Robert Mott Douglas ~~ald Leona:'c1 Wald Ivor Long lvlelvin Klemmick James Corry James Couch Al Blythe Fred iVilkins John lviason II Neill C. Cornwall Virginie Brandes Morna. Phillips Tessa Sipes Robert Mott Dougll'1 s ~'Jald Leonard Wald Ivor Long Helvin K1emriJick James Corry James Couch H. Ii. CompR,sso Al Blythe Fred \'li11;ins W. H. Brailsford H. Vi. Toland H. M. S:nitten L. H. ';íeill R.E.Wadsworth Elliott ,Johnson Collector of Int. Rev. P.G. & E. ,CHlif. Water Service Pac. T & T City of WBlnut Creek , COB> ~:.t Count ies lvI. A. Obera 1Hl ton VHil P E1C. T & T . A~. Commissioner Alhambra ';'I'ater Co. Bennet'!; Supply ,Co. ' W. H. Brailsford Clark's Hardware 1 Contra Costa Auto Parts C C G Title Co. Contra Costa Stationers Dahlr-.ren's . Diablo Printing Co. Diamond ¡'latch Eugene Dietzgen Co. Farmers Feed & Sup. W.E.Friberg Heidt Equipment Co. H:rb's Hardware Inlan6. Typ e. Co. Claude NcPhee Pé'rkins Co. Randall & Sellers :hector Motor Reilly's Music Shop N.S.Robinson Shell 011 Co. StendR:ccl. Oil Co. Refund deposit Salary Sal ary II II II II 1\ II II II 11 lvlileage S:=Üary II II il II II II II II II II Janitor Salary II Retainer Director II II II II .,ii thholè,ing Electricity Water Telephone Off'ice water Gas bill Refund deposit II Telephone - Plpnt PlAnt supplies II II Services LID 3 P?r. 3C Plant supplies Arrow reflectors Title Reports Office supplies II Prir.tinf; Sllppli es Equipment Supplies R 0 'll Agent Fire extinGuishers Bupplies II R 0 1¡] Agent Equipment Sifns Repair Bat":er-ies Supplies Gas Plant supplies 04 1 ,~ 1 AIyl0UNT 60.00 55.42 203.80 l4~,. 20 140.00 125.20 140.00 140 .00 99.80 148.30 143.30 664.30 35.70 41.15 207.80 255.20 95.60 20.3.80 14~. 20 140.00 125.20 140.00 145.)0 99.80 43.00 210.18 231.18 400.00 30.42 31.40 30.00 31.96 30. 70 348.48 184.76 5.00 137.49 3.00 11.31 15.00 15.00 13..56 5.85 .85 17.9l1 76.00. 26 . 2l 4.34 1,193.50 3.63 16.56 14.43 .98 262.40 1.8.5 329.50 98.40 .53.48 101.24 104.87 20.60 1..50 2.01 4.98 20.72 22.96 07 49 l.~ 2 1247 1248 1249 1250 1251 1252 1253 1254 1255 1256 Sun Publishing ~.C. Bldg. Mat'ls. 'd. C. S':;udio '/¡a Inu:; Kernel Zellerbacl1 Paper' Co. Petty Casl] Fund Brown & Kiss Crane MacDonald, Young & Nel. C. C. Kenneðy II Legal prìntinf'; Barricades l<lHp S Public8tion P e.}J e:c Reimbu::.::,ement Con~ract Orinda Pump F:nel Payment - Plant Ençd:e ering II - LID'S FINAL PAYMENT TO MACDONALD, YOUNG AND NEL30N - 5E\'iAGE PLANT 389.02 21.63 25.67 41.01 11.74 48.36 21,780.00 56,602.35 933.11 17,371.57/ It was moved by Member Toland, seconded by Member Smitten and carried, that the Board authorize the payment of i56,602.35 to MacDonald,. Young and Nelson, making the final payment for the const~uction of the Sewage Treatment Plant. DEEDS OF DEDICATION FOR SEWER EASEMENTS The following Deeds of Dedication have been accepted and ~ecorded under Resolution No. 341: peed from Chas. R. Gulledge, et ux, over a portion of land known as Parcel 14 of Local Improvement District No.4. Deed from Frank Teiche, et ux, over a portion of land known as ~arcel 46 of Local Improvement Distr.ict No. 10. Deed from Osman F. Jackson, et ux, over a portion Qf .land known, as Parcel 145 of Local Improvement District No. 10. Deed from CoIJll 1unlty Land Development Co. over.a portion of land known as Parcel 50 of Local Improvement District No.4. Deed from J. Van Arsdall Gooch, et ux, over a portion of land known as Parcel 66 of Local Improvement District No. 10. Deed from Chas. E. Werner, et ux, over a portion of land known as Parcel 68 of Local Improvement District No. 10. peed from Edward B. Esmond over a portion of land known as Parcel ~8 of Loca.l Improvement District No. .10. . , peed from Minnette M. Cover pver a portion of land known as Parcel 98 of Local Improvement District No. 10. peed from Arthur A. ami th, et ux, over a portion of land known a.s ~prcel124 of Local Improvement District No. 10. peed from John Edward Healy over a. portion of land known as Pnrcel 136 of Local Improvement District No. 10. Deed from George H. Hansen, et ux, over a portion of .1Rnd known as Pnrcel 139 of Local Improvement pistrict No. 10. Deed from F. R. Peake, et u~ over a portion of land known as Parcel 28 of Local Improvement Distr~ct No.4. Deed from Berkeley Company over a portion of land known as Parcel 29 of Local Improvement District No.4. Deed from Peter Garibotto, at ux, over a portion of land Imown as Parcel 56 of Local Improvement District No. 10. Deed from Clarence G. Smith, et ux, over a portion of land known as Parcel 83 of Local Improvement District No. 10. 04 07 49 1 t~a Deed from Frances B. Allen over a portion of land known as Parcel 22 of Local Improvement District No. 10. Deed from Frances B. Allen over a portion of land known as Parcel 24 of Local Improvement District No. 10. De~d from Thomas A. Gore, et ux, over a portion of land known as Porcel 46 of.LoCRl Improvement District No.1. Deed from Arthur F. Rogers, et ux, over a portion of land known as Parcel 98 of'Local Improvement District No.2. Deed from Glenn A. Rydalcb, et ux, over 8. portion of land known a-s Parcel 110 of Local Improvement District No.4. Deed from Mary Bee.ton Gr'ozier', et vir, over a portion of land knmm as Parcels 27 and 28 of Local Improvement District No. 10. Deed from Harriet Richard, over a portion of land known as Parcel 38 of Local Improvement District No. 10. Deed from G. A. Richa.rd, over a portion of land known as Parcel 40 of Local Improvement District No. 10. Deed from Barbara C. Eastman, et a.l, ove:r a portion of lane"'< known as Parcel 71 of Local Improvement Districy No. 10. Deed from P. R. Donaldson, over a portion of land known as Parcel 120 of Local Improvement District No. 10. Deed from Flora H. Vro~an, et vir, over a portion of land known as Pa.rcel 157 of Lo08.l Improvement District No. 10. Deed from Irvin C. Lee, et ux, over a portion of land known as Parcel 47 of Looe..l' Improvement District No.1. Deed from Chesapeake Company, over'a portion of land known as P8rcel 34 of'Local Improvement District No.4. Deed from .l1arold R. Strickler, e'~ ux, over a portion of land known as Parcel 49 of ' Local Improvement District No.4. Deed from Berkeley Co~pany, over a portion of land known as Parcel 74 of Local Improvement District No.4. Deed from Anthony & Eva Zanco, over a portion of land known as Parcel 111 of Local Improvement District No.4. Deed from Edna D. Coryell, over a portion of land known as Parcel 113 of Local Improvement District No.4. Deed from Adele Davi~, over a portion of land known as Parcel 114 of Local Improvement District No.4. Deed from Martin J. Bolter, et ux, over a portion of lane known as Parcel 117 of Local Improvement District No.4. Deed from Chas. B. Ferril, et ux, over a portion of land known as Parcel 41 of Local Improvement District No. 10. De::;d from Frederick C. Busche, et ux,' over a portion of land known as Parcel 102 of Local Improvement District No. 10. Deed from Frederiok C. Busche, et ux, over a portion of land known as Parcel 103 of Local Improvement District No. 10. Deed from Etta Viets and Etta Kline, over a portion of land known as Parcel 114 of Local Improvement District No. 10. Deed from Edward C. Brehm, et ux, over a portion of land known as Pprcel 137 of Local Improvement District No. 10. 04 07 49 134 Deed from Elsie E. Long, over a portion of land known as Parcel 149 of Local Improvement District No. 10. Deed from Irvin W. Goldstin~, et ux, over a portion of land known as Parcel 156 of Local Improvement District No. 10. Deed from Charles E. Warner, et ux, over a portion of land known AS Parcel 68 of Local Improvement District No.4. Deed from George L. Hensley, et ux, over a portion of land known as Parcel 70 of Local Improvement District No. 4. Deed from Amer L. Gregg, et ux, over a portion of land known as P~'rcel 108 ~f Locpl Improvement District No.4. Deed from Nay'vin D. Henoh, et ux, over a portion of land known eS Parcel 34A of Locel Improvement District No.4. -Deed from Homer Clark, et ux, over a portion of land known as Pprcel 24 of Local Improv~ment District No.6. Deed from Guy F. Spencer, et ux, over a portion of land known as Pprcel 112 of Local Improvement District No.4. Deed From Walter E. Mßnsfield, et ux, over ~. portion of land known as Parcel 115 of Local Improvement District No.4. Deed from George W. Tagg, et aI, over. a portion of land known as Parcel 116 of Local Improvement District No. 4~ . Deed from Gp.rroll J. \~edel, et ux, oveT a portion of land known as Parcel 21 9f Local Improvement District No.8. Deed from George A. Pinl;:, et ux~ over a portion of land known as Fe.reel 24 of LocB.l, Improvement District No. . 8. Deed from Robert Bruen, Jr. et ux, over a portion of land known as Parcel 27 of Local Improvement Distr'ict No.8. Deed from Gl"ace H. Brooks, et aI, over a portion of lancl known as Parcel 55.of,Local Improvement District No. 10. Deed from Flora G. Ferria, ove:c a portion of land known as Parcel 112 of Local Improveme~t ~istrict No. 10. Deed from E. I. deLaveaga, over a portion of land known as Parcel 8 of Local Improv~ment District No. 12. f'1.~ Therw being no further business, it was moved by Member and, seconded b iember Weill and carried unanimously that t "' meetin~ Adjourn to Apr 21, 1949-at.8:00 o'clock p.m. R. E. We" worth, President of the t....'ct Board of Central Contra C t. ani tary Di t1tr ict 0 f Cant ra Costa Co ty, State of California. ,/,/ /' ......---// :':e ill C. Corl11tnf1l, 3ecretar.y of the Distr Board of Central Contra osta SanitAry District o~ontra Costa County, Count ersigne d: 04 07 49 1.35 QUIT CLAIM DEED - EASEMENT IN PARCEL 24 LOCAL IMPROVEMENT DISTICT No.6 Member Smitten, seconded by Member Weill, moved the adoption of the following resolution: RESOLUTION NO. 442 , WHEREAS, on the 2nd day of November, 1948, THOMAS B. CAMPBELL, JR., and MARY T. CAMPBELL, his wife, granted a Deed of Dedication for Sewer Easement over a portion of "Parcel B" as designated on the map entitled "Pleasant Hill Homesites Unit No.1 in Rancho Las Juntas, Contra Costa County, California," and WHEREAS, subsequently the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District changed the location of the sewer line, and has no need for the easement, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the aforesaid easement be reconveyed to the present owners of record, to-wit: HOMER CLARK and LILY MAE CLARK, his wife. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 7th day of April, 1949 by the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Members Smitten, Toland, Weill and Wad.worth Members None Member Johnson Countersigned: Neill C. Cornwall, Secretary of the District Board of Central Contra Costa Sanitary District of Contra Costa County, State of California. /s/ R. E. Wadsworth, President of the District Board of Central Contra Costa Sanitary District of Contra Costa County, State of California. ADJOURNMENT . . There being no further business, it was moved by Member Toland, seconded by Member Weill and carried unanimously that the meeting adjourn to April 21, 1949 at 8:00 0'c1ock p.m. d.,. p- - ~ -~ President of the District Board o.f Central Contra Costa Sanitary Dist- rict of Contra Costa County, State of California Countersigned: /V-~~I .¿~ Secretary of the District Board of Central Contra Costa Sanitary District of Contra Costa County, State of Calif. 04 07 4 ~)