HomeMy WebLinkAboutBOARD MINUTES 03-31-49
The District Board of the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District
convened in special session at its regular place of meeting located
at 1822 Mt. Diablo Boulevard, in the City of Walnut Creek, County of
Contra Costa, State of California, at the hour of 8:00 o'clock p.m.
The meeting was called to order by President Wadsworth, and the
following roll was called:
Members Smitten, Toland, Weill and Wadsworth
Ivlember Johnson
It was moved by Member Toland, seconded by Member Weill and
carried that the Board waive the reading of Minutes of the previous
meeting, and that they be approved as entered.
The following letter had been filed with the Seêretary of the
District Board:
"District Board
Central Contra Costa Sanitary District
Walnut Creek, California
March 28, 1949
"A recent investigation of conditions existing in the area here-
inafter described in Central Contra Costa Sanitary District in the
County of Contra Costa, disclosed such conditions to be unsanitary,
unhealthful, and, in my opinion, dangerous to the health of the
people living therein. Said area is bounded and described as
IIBeginning at the southwest corner of Lot 27 as said lot is des-
ignated on the map of R.N. Burgess Company's Map No.1 Del Hambre
Terrace of record in Map Book 8, page 181, in the office of the
Recorder, Contra Costa County, California; thence from said point
of beginning northerly along west line of Lot 27 and along west
line of Lot 26 of said Del Hambre Terrace to the south line of
Linda Vista Subdivision Unit No.1 which subdivision is of record
in Map Book 25 at page 818, in the office of said Recorder; thence
westerly and northerly and easterly along southern and western and
northern boundaries of said Linda Vista Subdivision boundary to its
intersection with the western boundary of Highland Manor Unit No.1
as said boundary is desi~nated on map of record in Map Book 33,
page 32, in the office of said Recorder; thence northerly along
said west boundary and continuing along western boundAry to the
northwest corner of Highland ~Ümor Uni t No.2 as said boundary and
corner are designated on map of record in Map Book 34, page 24, in
the office of said Recorder; thence continuing northerly and east-
erly along the western and northern lines of that parcel of land
described in deed of record in Volume 935 Official Records in
office of said Recorder, page 335, to the boundary dividing the
Rancho Canada Del Hambre and Rancho Las Juntas; thence northwesterly
along said boundary to its intersection with the southeastern
-----------,------------,------'--- --- --,-------
boundary of the East Bay Municipal Utility District 100 foot
right of way; thence northeasterly along the southeastern boundary
of the East Bay Municipal Utility District right of way extended
to its intersection with the center line of Geary Road; thence
easterly along said center line to its intersection with the
northeastern line of the Contra Costa Canal right of way extended;
thence southeasterly along said extension and northeastern line of
the Contra Costa Canal right of way to its intersection with the
south line of Lot 26, as said lot is designa_ted on map entitled
IISubdivision No.2 of the Larkey Ranch, RanchQ Las Juntas, Contra
Costa County, California, II re.corded in Volume 2 of Maps, page
49, in office of Recorder of said county; thence easterly along
the south line of Lots 26 and 11 as designated on said Subdivision
No.2 of the Larkey Ranch to its intersection with the west line
of Hall Lane; thence southerly along said west line of Hall
Lane to its intersection with the western extension of the south
line of F. S. Marshallis Re-subdivision as designated on map in
Volume 23 of Mpas, page 717, in office of said Recorder; thence
easterly along said south line to the southeast corner of Lot 20
of said re-subdivision; thence northerly and easterly along the
easterly and southerly boundary of said re-subdivision to the
southeast corner of Lot 9 of said re-subdivision; thence easterly
a.long north line of pHrcel of land, as recorded in Volume No.
1121 of Deeds, page 489, (File No. 34090), in the office of said
Recorder, to its intersection with the west line of State Highway
No. 24 from Walnut Creek to Concord, thence easterly across said
State Highway to the northwest corner of that parcel of land des-
cribed in deed from Donnie G. Schneider, et ux, recorded in
Volume 791 of Official Records, page 375, in office of said
Recorder; thence easterly along northerly bound~ry of said parcel
to the intersection of said northerly boundary line wit}ì the.
western boundary of the Sacramento Northern Railway right of
way; thence northeasterly along said western boundary line of
the Sacramento Northern Railway right of way to its intersection
with the northeastern line of that parcel of land described in
deed, recorded in Volume No. 843 of Official Records, page 135,
~n office of said Recorder; thence northwesterly along said north-
eastern line to the northeast corner of that parcel of land des-
cribed in deed from Elizabeth Olsen to Audrey T. Searle, rec-
orded in Volume 759 of Of'ficial Records, page 68, in the office
of said Recorder; thence westerly along north line of said
property to its intersection with the southeast corner of "L~!.s
Juntas Estates, II as designated on map recorded in Volume No. 31
of Maps, page 40, in the office of said Recorder; thence northerly
along said east line and its extension to its intersection with
the northern boundary of Las Juntas Way; thence easterly along
said northern boundary of Las Juntas Way to its intersection with
the westerly line of that parcel of land described in deed of
record in Volume 505 of Deeds at page 176; thence northerly
along said west line and its extension northerly to the southwest
corner of that parcel of land described in deed of record in
Volume 424 Official Recorcs, page 185; thence easterly along
southern boundary of said parcel to the southeast corner thereof,
said corner being on the center line of a 40-foot in width right
of way; thence northerly along said center line to the northwest
corner of that parcel of land described in deed of record in
Volume 1135 Official Records, page 585; thence easterly along
northern line 0 f said parcel to the western boundary of the
Southern Pacific Railroad right of way; thence southerly along
said boundary to its intersection with northern line of Lot 17
extended easterly as said lot is designated on the map of Sub-
division No.1 Larkey Ranch as said map is of record in Map
Book 4, page 79; thence westerly along said extension and
northern 1 ine of said Lot 17 and continuing westerly along
northern line of Lot 10 of said Larkey Ranch to the eastern
boundary of Oak Road; thence southerly along said boundary to
the southern boundary of Lot 38 of said Larkey Ranch extended
easterly; thence westerly along said extension and along southern
boundary of said Lot 38 to the southwest corner thereof; thence
southerly along eastern boundary of Lots 38A, 40A, 41A, 42A, 4JA
and 44A of said Larkey Ranch to the northwest corner of Lot 45 of
said Larkey Ranch; thence easterly along northern boundary of said
Lot 45 for its entire length; thence in a direct line northeasterly
to southwest corner of prrcel of land described in deed of record
in Volume 741 Official Records, page 209, in office of said
Recorder; thence easterly and northerly a.long said parcel of land
to its intersection with the northwest corner of the parcel of
land described in ãeeà of record in Volume 749 Official Records,
page 439, in office of said Recorder; thence easter'ly along
northerly boundary of said parcel and easterly along northern
boundary of parcel of land described in deed of record in Volume
775 Official Records, page 9, in office of said Recorder to the
western boundary of Southern Pacific Railroad; thence in a south-
west~rly direction along western boundary of Southern Pacific
Railraod to the northeast corner of parcel of land described in
deed of record in Volume 349 Official Records, page 103,. in
office of said Recorder; thence westerly and southerly along
northern and western boundaries of sB.ld parcel to the southì-Jest
corner thereof; being the southeast corner of a parcel of land
described in deed of record in Volume 192 Official Records, page
288, in office of said Recorder; said southeast corner being on
the northerly City limits line of Walnut Creek as of February
1949; thence westerly along said City limits line to its inter-
section with the eastern boundary of the Sacramento Norther Rail-
way right of way; thence southerly along said eastern boundary to
its intersection with the eastern boundary of R. N. Burgess
Company's Map of the Pringle Addition to the Town of Walnut Creek
of record in Map Book 7, page 154; thence southerly along said
eastern boundary to its intersection with the south line of
Lacassie Avenue; thence westerly along said south line to its
intersection with the northerly extension of the east line of
the parcel of land described in deed recorded Februa~15, 1949
(Recorder's Serial No. 5485) in office of Recorder; thence south-
erly along said extension and east line to its intersection with
the south line of said parcel; thence easterly along easterly
extension of the SDuth line of sa.id parcel to its intersection
with the extension of the east line extended northerly of the
parcel of land described in deed of record in Volume 996 of Offic-
ial Records, page 48, in office of the Recorder, Contra Costa
County, California; thence southerly along said extension and
east line of said parcel to the southeast corner of said parcel;
thence westerly along the south line of said parcel to the south-
west corner of said parcel; thence in a direct line across Locust
Street to the southeastern corner of Lot 1 as designated on the
map of Cole's Addition to Walnut Creek of record in Map Book 5,
page 114, in office of said Recorder, thence westerly to the
southwest corner of said Lot 1; thence northerly along western
boundary of said Cole's Addition to its intersection with the
south line of Lacassie Avenue; thence westerly along south line
of Lacassie Avenue,to its intersection with the western boundary
of the Sacramento Northern Ra.ilway; thence northerly along said
western boundary to its intersection with the east line of Short
Street extended southerly; thence northerly along said extension
and east line to its intersection with the southern line of Lot
15 Block 8, extended easterly as said lot and block are designated
on map of said Pringle Addition; thence westerly along said ex-
tension and southern line of Lots 15 and 16 of said Block 8 to
the eastern line of Lot 17 of said Block 8; thence southerly,
westerly and northerly Rlong boundary of said Lot 17 to the
northwest corner thereof; thence northerly in a direct line to
the southwest corner of Lot 3, Block 6, of said Pringle Addition;
Thence northerly to the northwest corner of said Lot 3; thence
southwesterly to the southwest corner of Lot 15 of said Block 6;
thence northerly in a direct line to the southeast corner of Lot
34, Block 4 of said Pringle Addition; thence northerly along
eastern line of Lots 34 and 33 of said Block 4 to the northeast
corner of said Lot 33; thence so~thwesterly to the southeast
corner of Lot 2 of said Block 4; thence northerly to the north-
east corner of said Lot 2 thence southwesterly to the southeast
corner of Lot 1 of said Block 4; thence northwesterly to the
most northern corner of said Lot 1, said corner being on the
southeasterly boundary of Parkside Drive; thence southwesterly
and southerly along said boundary of Parkside Drive to the north-
west corner of Lot 14, Block 2, of said Pringle Addition; thence
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---.-------------------. ---.-.----
northeasterly and southeasterly along northwestern and northeast-
ern line of said Lot 14 and along the eastern lines of Lots 15 to
18 inclusive of said Block 2 to the northeast corner of Lot 19 of
said block; thence southwesterly along northwestern boundary to
the northeastern boundary of Barkley Drive; thence northwesterly
along the northeastern lines of Barkley Drive and ~iablo Drive to
the intersection~ the north line of Lot 5, Block I, of said
Pringle Addition extended easterly; thence westerly along said
extension and north line of said Lot 5 to the northwest corner
of said Lot 5, said corner being on the southtlTe st boundary of
said Pringle Addition; thence southeasterly along said boundary
and its extension southeasterly to the north line of thatparcel
of land described in deed of record in Volume 815 Official Rec-
ords, page 287, ino ffi ce of Recorder; thence westerly and
southeasterly alongnorthern and southwestern boundary of said
parcel to the northeast corner of Lot 19 of said Del Hambre
Terrace; thence continuing southeasterly along northeast line
of Lots 19,18, and 17 to the northeast corner of Lot 16 of said
Del Hambre Terrace; thence southwesterly along northwest line of
said Lot 16 to the east line of Terrace Road; thence northerly
along said east line of Terrace Road to the intersection of the
north line of Lot 21 Del Hambre Terrace extended easterly; thence
westerly along said extension and northern line of said Lot 21
to the east line of Terrace Way; thence n~therly along said
east line to the north line of Lot 22 of said Del Hambre Terrace
extended epsterly; thence westerly along said extension and
northern line of said Lot 22 to the northwest corner of said Lot
22; thence southerly along the western line of said Lot 22 and
the eastern line of Lot 28 of said Del Hambre Terrace' to the
southerly lines of Lots 28 and 27 of said Del Hambre ~errace to
the point of beginning. Excluding therefrom the area included
within Blocks 12, 13 and 14 as designated on map of said Pringle
liAs Health Officer of the County of Contra Costa, I recommend as
a necessary health measure that your Honorable Board institute
proceedings at an early date for the construction of a sanitary
sewer system for said area to abate the unsanitary conditions
/s/ W. A. Powell, M.D.
The following resolution was offered for adoption by Member
Toland, seconded by Member Weill:
~~EREAS the County Health Officer has filed with this District
Board a report stating thpt the conditions in the hereinafter des-
cribed area in C antral Contra Costa 8ani tr,ry District, in the County
of Contra Costa, are unsanitary, unhealthful and dangerous to the
health of the people living therein, and recommending as necessary
as a health measure that the District Board institute proceedings
at an early date for the construction of a sanitary sewer system to
abate such unsanitary conditions, said area being bounded and des-
cribed as follows:
Beginning at the southwest corner of Lot 27 as said lot is
designated on the map of R. N. Burgess Companyls Map No.1
Del Hambre Terrace of record in Map Book 8, pagel 181, in
the office of the Recorder, Contra Costa County, California;
thence from said point of beginning northerly along west line
of Lot 27 and along west line of Lot 26 of said Del Hambre
Terrace to the south line of Linda Vista Subdivision Unit No.
1 ìvhich subdivision is of record in Þlap Book 25 at page 818,
in the office of said Recorder; thence westerly and northerly
and easterly along southern and western and northern boundaries
of said Linda Vista Subdivision boundary to its intersection
with the western boundary of Highland Manor Unit No.1 as said
boundary is designated on map of record in Map Book 33, page 32,
in the office of said Recorder; thence northerly along said west
boundary and continuing along western boundary to the northwest
corner of Highland Manor Unit No.2 as said boundary and corner
are designated on map of record in Map Book 34, page 24, in the
office of said Recorder; thence continuing northerly and easterly
along the western and northern lin~s of that parcel of land des-
cribed in deed of record in'Volume 935 Official Records in office
of said Recorder, page 335, to the boundary dividing the Rancho
Canada Del Hambre and Rancho Las Juntas; thence northwesterly
along said boundary to its interseetion with the southeastern
boundary of the East Bay Municipal Utility District 100 foot
right of way; thence northeasterly along the southeastern bound-
ary of the East Bay Municipal Utility District right of way
extended to its intersection with the center line of Geary Road;
thence easterly along said center line to its intersection with
the northeastern line of the Contra Costa Canal right of way
extended; thence southeasterly along said extension and north-
eastern line of the Contra Costa Canal right of way to its inter-
section with the south line of Lot 26, as said lot is designated
on map entitled "Subdivision No.2 of the Larkey Ranch, Rancho
Las Juntas, Contra Costa County, California," recorded in Volume
2 of Maps, page 49, in office of Recorder of said county; thence
easterly along the south line of Lots 26 and 11 as designated on
said Subdivision No.2 of the Larkey Ranch to its intersection
with the west line of Hall Lane; thence southerly along said west
line of Hall Lane to its intersection with the western extension
of the south line of F. S. Marshallis Re-subdivision as designated
on map in Volume 23 of Maps, page 717, in office of said Recorder;
thence easterly along said south line to the southeast corner of
Lot 20 of said re-subdivision; thence northerly and easterly along
the easterly and southerly boundary of said re-subdivision to the
southeast corner of Lot 9 of said re-subdivision; thence easterly
along north line of parcel of land, as recorded in Volume No. 1121
of Deeds, page 489, (File No. 34090), in the office of said Rec-
order, to its intersection with the west line of State Highway No.
24 from Walnut Creek to Concord, thence easterly across said State
Highway to the northwest corner of that parcel of land described
in deed from Donnie G. Schneider, et ux, recorded in Volume 791
of Official Records, page 375, in office of said Recorder; thence
easterly along northerly boundary of said parcel to the inter-
section of said northerly boundary line with the western boundary
of the Sacramento Northern Railway right of way; thence northeast-
~rly along said western boundary line of the Sacramento Northern
Railway right of way to its intersection with the northeastern
line of that parcel of land described in deed, recorded in Volume
No. 843 of Official Records, page 135, in office of said Recorder;
thence northwesterly along said said northeastern line to the
northeast corner of that parcel of land described in deed from
Eli~abeth Olsen to Audry T. Searle, recorded in Volume 759 of
Official Records, page 68, in the office of said Recorder; thence
westerly along north line of said property to its intersection
with the southeast corner of "Las Juntas Estates," as designated
on map recorded in Volume No. 31 of Maps, page 40, in the office
of said Recorder; thence northerly along said east line and its
extension to its intersection with the northern boundary of Las
Juntas Way; thence easterly along said northern boundary of Las
Juntas Way to its intersection with the westerly line of that
parcel of land described in deed of record in Volume 505 of Deeds
at page 176; thence northerly along said west line and its exten-
sion northerly to the southwest corner of that parcel of land
described in deed of record in Volume 424 Official Records, page
185; thence easterly along southern boundary of said parcel to
the southeast corner thereof, said corner being on the center
line of a 40-foot in width right of way; thence northerly along
said center line to the northwest corner of that parcel of land
described in deed of record in Volume 1135 Official Records,
Page 585; thence easterly along northern line of said parcel to
the west~rn boundary of the Southern Pacific Railraod r~ght of
way; thence southerly along said boundary to its intersection
with northern line of Lot 17 extended easterly as said lot is
designated on the map of Subdivision No.1 Larkey Ranch as said
map is of record in Map Book 4, page 79; thence westerl;'{ along
said extension and northern line of said Lot 17 and continuing
westerly along northern line of Lot 10 of said Larkey Ranch to
the eastern boundary of Oak Road; thence southerly along said
boundary to the southern boundary of Lot 38 of said Larkey
Ranch extended easterly; thence westerly along said extension
and along southern boundary of said Lot 38 to the southwest
corner thereof; thence southerly along eastern boundary of Lots
38A, 4OA, LtlA, 42A, 4JA and 44A of said Larkey Ra.nch to the
northwest corner of Lot 45 of said Larkey Ranch; thence easterly
along northern boundary of said Lot 45 for its entire length;
thence in a direct line northeasterly to southwest corner of
IH;rcel of le.nd described in deed of record in Volume 741 Offic-
ial Records, page 209, in office of said Recorder; thence east-
erly and northerly along said parcel of land to its intersection
with the northwest corner of the parcel of land described in
deed of record in Volume 749 Official Records, page 439, in
office of said Recorder; thence easterly along northerly boundary
of said parcel and easterly along northern boundary of parcel of
land described in deed of record in Volume 775 Official Records,
page 9, in office of said Recorder to the western boundary of
Southern Pacific Railroad; thence in a southwesterly direction
along western boundary of Southern Pacific Railroad to the north-
east corner of parcel of land described in deed of record in
Volume 349 Official Records, page 103, in office of said Recorder;
thence westerly and southerly along northern and western bound-
aries of said parcel to the southwest corner thereof; being the
southeast corner of a parcel of land described in deed of record
in Volume 192 Official Records, page 288, in office of said
Recorder; said southeast corner being on the northerly City
limi ts line of Walnut Creek as of February,. 1949; thence west-
erly along said City limits line to its interseetion with the
eastern boundary of the Sacramento Northern Railway right of way;
thence southerly along said eastern boundary to its intersection
with the eastern boundary of R. N. Burgess Company's Map of the
Pringle Addition to the Town of Walnut Creek of record in Map
Book 7, page 154; thence southerly along said eastern boundary
to its intersection with the south line of Lacassie Avenue;
thence westerly along said south line to its intersection with
the northerly extension of the east line of the parcel of land
described in deed recorded February 15, 1949 (Recorder's Serial
No. 5485) in office of Recorder; thence southerly along said ex-
tension and east line to its intersection with the south line of
said parcel; thence easterly along easterly extension of the
south line of said parcel to its ibtersection with the extension
of the east line extended nort~ly of the parcel of land described
in deed of record in Volume 996 of Official Records, page 48, in
office of the Recorder, Contra Costa County, California; thence
southerly along said extension and east line of said parcel to
the southeast corner of said parcel; thence westerly along the
south line of said pa.rcel to the southwest corner of said parcel;
thence in a direct line across Locust Street to the southeastern
corner of Lot 1 as designated on the map of Cole's Addition to
Walnut Creek of record in Map Book 5, page 114, in offlce of said
Recorder, thence westerly to the, southwest corner of said Lot 1;
thence northerly along western boundary of said Cole's Addition
to its intersection with the south line of Lacassie Avenue; thence
westerly along south line of Lacassie Avenue to its iñtersection
with the western boundary of the Sacramento Northern Railway;
thence northerly along said western boundary to its intersection
with the east line of Short Street extended southerly; thence
northerly along said extension and east line to its intersection
with the southern line of Lot 15 Block 8m extended ea.steny as
said lot and block are designated on map of said Pringle Additionj
thence westerly along said extension and southern line of Lots 15
and 16 of said Block 8 to the eastern line of Lot 17 of said Block
8; thence southerly, westerly and northerly along boundary of said
Lot 17 to the northwest corner thereof; thence northerly in a
direct line to the southwest corner of Lot 3, Block 6, of said
~ringle Addition; thence northerly to the northwest corner of said
Lot 3; thence southwesterly to the southwest corner of Lot 15 of
said Block 6; thence northerly in a direct line to the southeast
corner of Lot 34, Block 4 of said Pringle Addition; thence north-
erly along eastern line of Lots 34 and 33 of said Block 4 to the
northeast corner of said Lot 33; thence southwesterly to the
southeast corner of Lot 2 of said Block 4; thence northerly to
the northeast corner of said Lot 2 thence southwesterly to the
southeast corner of Lot 1 of said Block 4; thence northwesterly
to the most northern corner of said Lot 1, said corner being on
the southeasterly boundary of Parkside Drive; thence southwesterly
and southerly along :;aid boundary of Parkside Drive to the north-
west corner of Lot 14, Block 2, of said Pringle Addition; thence
northeasterly and southeasterly along northwestern and northeastern
line of said Lot 14 and along the eastern lines of Lots 15 to 18
inclusive of said Block 2 to the northeast corner of Lot 19 of
said block; thence south~.¡esterly along northwestern boundpry to
the northeastern boundary of Barkley Drive; thence northwesterly
along the northeastern lines of Barkley Drive and Diablo Drive to
the intersection of the north line of Lot 5, Block 1, of said
Pringle Addition extended easterly; thence westerly along said
extension and north line of said Lot 5 to the northwest corner of
said Lot 5, said corner being on the southwest boundary of said
Pringle Addition; thence southeasterly along said boundary and
its extension southeasterly to the north line of that parcel of
land described in deed of record in Volume 815 Official Records,
page 287, in office of Recorder; thence westerly and southeasterly
along northern and southwestern boundary of said pa.rcel to the
northeast corner of Lot 19 of said Del Hambre Terrace; thence
continuing southeasterly alonç northeast line of Lots 19, 18, and
17 to the northeast corner of Lot 16 of said Del Hambre Terrace,
thence southwesterly along northwest line á: said Lot 16 to the
east line of Terrace Road; thence northerly along said east line
of Terrace Road to the intersection of the north line of Lot 21
Del Hambre Terrace extended easterly; thence westerly along said
extension and northern line of said Lot 21 to the east line of
Te~race Way; thence northerly along said east line to the north
line of Lot 22 of said Del H~lbre Terrace extended easterly;
thence westerly along said extension and northern line of said
Lot 22 to the northwest corner of said Lot 22; thence southerly
along the western line of said Lot 22 and the eastern line of
Lot 28 of said Del Hambre Terrace; to the southeast corner of
said Lot 28; thence northwesterly along the southerly lines of
Lots 28 and 27 of said Del Hambre Terrace to the point of begin-
ning. Excluding therefrom the area imcluded within Blocks 12, 13
and 14 as designated on map of said Pringle Addition.
THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED bY the District Board of Central Contra
Coste Sanitary District, County of Contra Costa, State of Californi s.,
that it is hereby found that the construction of a sanitary sewer
system for the above described area as necessary as a health measure
does exist, and hereby orders that proceedings be instituted and
appropriate resolutions be prepared for adoption by this Board for
the construction of such sewers, as recommended by the Health Officer,
said proceedings to be as provided in Division 7 of the Streets and
Highways Code of the State of California, the IIImprovement Act of
1911,11 with bonds to be issued to represent unpaid assessments as
provided there in; said area. for which such sewers are to be constructed
to be known as Local Improvement District No.4.
BE IT rtmSJillR8S0LVED that the report and recommendation ~ the
Health Otficer is hereby ordered spread upon the Minutes at this meeting.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the District Engineer is hereby dir-
ected to prepare and submit to this Board maps, diagrams, plans and
specifications, ~~ether with ~ careful estimate at the cost and expense
of constructing a sanitary sewer system for said Local Improvement
District No.4.
PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Di strict Board of Central Contra Costa
Sanitary District of Contra Costa County, State of California, this
31st day of March, 1949, by the following called vote:
Members Smitten, Toland, Weill and Wadsworth
Members None
lvIember Johnson
Isl R.E.Wadsworth, PresiQent of the
District Board of Central Contra
Costa Sanitary District of Contra
Costa County, State of California.
/sl Neill C. Cornwall, Secretary of the
District Board of Central Contra Costa
Sanitary District of Contra Costa County,
State of California.
Member Smitten, seconded by Member Weill, moved the adoption of
the following resolution:
RESOLVED by the District Board of Central Contra Costa Sanitary
District of Contra Costa County, State of California, that the Plans
and Specifications submitted by the District Engineer providing
for constructing a sanitary sewer system for Local Improvement
District No.4, the area within the following described boundaries,
The area within the boundaries set forth in Resolution No.
429 of said District Board passed and adopted the 31st day
of March, 1949, finding necessity for construction of such
sanitary sewers and directing District Engineer to prepare
plans and specifications,
in said Central Contra Costa Sanitary District, be and the same are
hereby approved and adopted; and
BE IT FURTIÆR RESOLVED that the grades as shown on said Plans
be and the same are hereby adopted as the officia.l grades.
PA:?SED .A.T\JD ADOPTED by t he District Board of Central Contra Costa
Sanitary District of Contra Costa County, Bt>'te of California, this
31st day of March, 1949, by the following called vote:
Members 8mi tten, Toland, ¡'leill and ¡'¡adswortll
Members None
Member Johnson
. s. R. E. T¡ladsworth, .£-resident of the
District Board of Central Contra Costa
Sanitary District of Contra Costa County,
State of California
.s. Neill C. Cornwall, Secretary
of the District Board of Central
Contra Costa Ban~tary District of
Contra Costa County, State of California
See f"'Clfe. /~fI /'.1-0 £1'1f1¡"~~I<~ ¿.rf,;',,~ ./. Cðl'!:
n ~ ~"1 A. 9
Resolution No. 4.31 was offered by Member Weill, seconded by Ivlernber
RESOLVED by the District Board of Central Contra Costa Sanitary
District, Contra Costa County, StAte of California, that the Assess-
ment District Map submitted by the Engineer, which indoates by a
boundary line the extent of the territory included in the District
proposed to be assessed for constructing a sa~itary sewer system for
Local Improvement District No.4, the area within the following des-
cribed boundar'ies, viz:
The area within the boundaries set forth in Resolution No.
429 of said District Board passed and adopted the 31st day
of March, 1949, finding necessity for construction of such
sanitary sewers and directing District Engineer to prepare
plans and specifications.
in said Central Contra Costa Sa~itÐry District be and the same is
hereby approved and adopted.
PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Distriot Board of Central Contra Costa
Sani tary District of Contra Coste County, State. of CaliforY1ia, this
31st day of March, 1949, by the following called vote:
Members Smitten, Toland, Weill and Wadsworth
Members None
Member Johnson
/s/ R.E.Wadsworth, President of the
District Board of Central Contra
Costa Sanitary District of Contra
Costa County,. State of California
/s/ Neill C. Cornwall, Secretary
of the District Boarf of Central
Contra Costa Sanitary District of
Contra Costa County, State of California.
Kember Smitten, seconded by Member Weill, moved the adoption of
the following resolution:
RESOLVED by the District Board of Central Contra Costa Sanitary
District of Contra Costa County, Sta te of Califoria, as follows:
SECTION 1. That the public interest and convenience require, and
it is the intention of said Board to order the following work to be
done and improvement s made, to-wit:
FIRST: The construction of sanitary sewers and appurtenances, in
accordance with Plans and Specifications heretofore adopted and.
approved therefor, in the follo,Üng streets, rights of way, ea,sements
and reserves, in said Sanitary District, as they and the proposed work
in relation thereto are shown on Sheet 1 of said Plans and Specifications:
OAKVALE ROAD as designated on map entitled "R. N. Burgess Oompany's
Map No.1, Del Hambre Terrace, A portion o~he Rancho Canada Del Hambre,
Walnut Creek, Contra Costa County, California," recorded in office of
Recorder in Map Book 8, page 181, from its northwestern extremity to
existing F. I. located therein 200 feet northwest from intersection of
said Oakvale Road and Terrace Way.
OAKVALE ROAD as designated on map entitled UUnit No.1, Linda Vista
. 4~)
Subdivision, Cont ra Costa County, California, It recorded in office of
Recorder in Map Book 25, page 818, from its southeastsrn extremity
to F.I. 1 to be located therein 125 feet northwesterly from southeast-
ern extremity of said road. '
AN UNNAMED ROAD in Lot 24 of said "Del Hambre Terracell for its
entire length.
CROSSING of Terrace Road at point 225 feet northwesterly from
intersection of Terrace Way and Terrac~ Road.
EASEMENT, IN LOT 18 (Parcel 31), described in deed from Aimee
I. Lozier to said Sanitary District recorded October 28,1948 in
office of Recorder, File No. 40540.
EASEMENT, IN LOT 17 (Parcel 32), described in deed from Georfe
A. Walden, et ux, to said Sanitary District, recorded October 7,-
1948, in office of Recorder, File No. 37993.
EASElIENT, in Rancho Canada Del Hambre, (Southern Part), (Parcel
34 ), being strip of land 5 feet wide, center line of which is des-
cribed as follows: Beginning at point on northeast line of 3.01
acre p~rcel of land described in deed from Simeon Lacassie, et aI,
to Berkeley Company, recorded in Volume 955 Official Records, page
265, distant thereon south 250 49' 15" east, 222.10 feet; thence
from said point of beginning north 890 25' 4511 west, 435.60 feet;
thence south 90 041 west, 131.59 feet to south line of said 3.01
acre pArcel, distant thereon north 890 32' east, 36.19 feet from
southwest corner the~eof.
EASEMENT, IN LOT 24 (Parcel 34-A), as designated on said map
enti tIed "Map No.1 Del Hambre T.errace, II being strip of land 5 feet
wide, center line of which is described as follows: Beginning on
north line of parcel of land described as Parcel One in de?d from
Charles C. Laird, Jr., et aI, to Marvin D. Hench, at UX, recorded 0
in Volume 760 Official Records, page 119, distant thereon north 89
32' east, 36.19 feet from most westerly corner thereof; thence from
said point of beginning south 310 041 west, 22.47 feet to, southwest
line of said Hench parcel.
EASEMENT, IN LOT 18 (Pa~cel 112), as designated on said map
entitled "Map No.1, Del Ha,mbre Terrace, II being strip of land 5 feet
wide, southwest line of T'lhich is pArallel with and 5 feet southwest-
erly, measured at right angles, from northeast line thereof and
which northeast line is, described as follows: Beginning at most
northerlg corner of said Lot 18; thence from' said point of beginning
south 28 031 30" east, along northeast line of said Lot 18, 107.39
feet to northwest line of parcel of land described in deed from Guy
F. Spencer, et ux, to Arthur H. Lozier, et ux, recorded in Volum~
333 Official Records, page 415.
ALSO, in the following streets, rights of way, easements and
reserves in said Sanitary District, as they and the proposed work
in relation thereto are shown on Sheet 2 of said Plans and Specific-
a t ions:
HILLTOP CRESCENT from its intersection with Montecito Road to
F.I. 60 to be located in Hilltop Crescent, 460 feet northerly from
intersection of Hilltop Crescent and Montecito Road.
MONTECITO ROAD from its northwestern extremity to M.H. 6 to be
located therein 290 feet southeasterly from its intersection with
Carmello Road,
CUESTA WAY from its intersection with Lorna Vista to F.I. 9 to
be located in Cuesta Way 490 feet westerly from its intersection
with Oakvale Road.
OAKVALE ROAD from its intersection with Cuesta Way to F.I. 8 to
be located 90 feet southeasterly from said intersection.
MlRAMONTE ROAD from F.I. 15 to be located therein 225 feet
southerly from its intersection with S~ringside Road to F.I. 16 to
be located 165 feet northerly from intersection of Montecito and
Mire_monte Roads. -
OROSSHJG of Miramont;e Road 130 feet southerly from its inter-
section with Springside Road.
EA?EMENT in northeasterly 2i feet in Lots 4 to 8, inclusive,
Block D, as said lots B.re designated on map entitled IIMap of Unit
No.1, Linda Vista Subdivision, II recorded in Volurne 25 of Ma.ps,
page 817, in office of Recorder, said easement bei~g reserved in
Declaration of Restrictions, recorded in Volume 613 Official Records,
page 273.
ZASEì-1ENT in southwe sterly 2tt feet of Lot s 1 to 6, inclusive,
Block K, a.s said lots are designeted on map entitled IINap of Unit No.
2, Linda Vista Subdivision, II recorded in Volume 26 of lvlaps, page 863,
said easement being reserved in Declaration of Restrictions for said
Linda Vi sta Subdi vision recorded in Volume 664 Official Records, page
RIGHT OF WAY in southerly five feet of Lots 1 to 3, inclusive, as
said lots are designated on map entitled IIHighland Manor, Unit No.1,
Contra Costa County, CèÜifo¡"nia, II recorded in Volume 33 of Maps, page
29, said right of way being reserved in Declaration of Restrictions
for said Highland Manor, Unit No.1, recorded JanuAry 5, 1948, File
No. 288.
EASÐ1ENT, IN LOT 6, BLOCK J (Parcell), described in deed from
Alvin A. Burton, et ux, to said Sanitary District, recorded October
7, 1948, File No. 37995.
EASEMENT, IN LOT 4, BLOCK J (Parcel 2), described in deed from
Charles L. Berta, et ux, to said Sanitary District, recorded December
6, 1948, File No. 45132.
EASEI.1ENT, IN LOT 6, BLOCK I (Parcel 3), described in deed from
Ora E. Wollam, et ux, to said Sanitary District, recorded December 1,
1948, File No. 44561.
EASE¡.ŒNT, IN LOT 1, BLOCK K (Parcel 4), described in deed from C.
L. Aiman, et ux, to said Sanitary District, recorded October 26, 1~48,
File No. 4.0174.
EASEMENT, in Rancho Canada Del Hambre, Southern Part, (Parcel 6),
described in-deed from Linda Vista Homes Association to said Sanitary
District, recorded February 10, 1949, File No. 4863.
EA3ENENT, IN LOT 43 (Parcel 7), described in deed from Mrs. Doris
Crosby to said Sanitary District, recorded October 18, 1948, File No.
EAStilENT, IN LOT 2, BLOCK E (Parcel 13), described in deed from
Henry H. Andrews,et aI, to said Sanitary District, recorded FebruRry 1,
1949, File No. 3710.
EA3E~iENT, IN LOT 5, BLOCK G (Parcel 14), as designated on said
me.p entitled IIUnit No.1, Linda Vista Subdivision, II be:.ng south 49.Ljj
feet of the east 5 feet of said lot.
EASEHENT, IN LOT 6, BLOCK G (Parcel 15), described in deed from
Hiram Todd Dewey to said Sanitary District, recorded October 26, 1948,
File No. 40173.
EASE&IENT, IN LOT 7, BLOCK G (Parcel 16), described in deed from
Donald R. McIntyre, et ux, to said Sanitary District, recorded Novem-
ber 26, 1948, File No. 43944.
EASEMENT, IN LOTS 57 to 67, inclusive, (Parcels 17 to 27, in-
clusive), described in deeds from Community Land Development Com-
pp._ny to said Sanitary District, f;~cord.ed. January 20, 1949, Record-
er's F~le Nos. 2196, 2193, 2195~ L194, 2191, 2199, 2197, 2198, 2200,
and 2201, respectively.
EASEMENT, IN LOT 9, BLOCK D (Parcel 28), as designated on said
map entitled "Unit No.1, Linda Vista SutcH vision, 11 being strip of
land 5 feet wide, center line of which is described as follows:
Beginniq?: at an angle point in north line 0 f parcel of land des-
cribed in deed from Frederick R. Peake, et ux, to James R. Warren,
et ux, recordeg in Volume 923 Official Records, page 29, which
bears north 30 06' 13" west, 89.60 feet from most easterly corner
of said Warren parcel; thence from said point of beginning north
10 34140" east, 37.08 feet to north line of said Lot 9, distant
thereon north 860 02' 4511 west, 168.12 feet from most easterly
corner thereof.
EASEI:lENT, in Rancho Canada Del Hambre, Southern Part, (Parcel
29), described in deed from Bsrkeley Company to said Sanitary Dist-
rict, recorded March 17, 1949, File No. 9304.
ALSO in the following streets, rights of way, easements an~ re-
serves in said Sanitary District, as they and the proposed work in
relation thereto are shown on Sheet 3 of said Plans and Specifica-
PARKSIDE DRIVE between Overlook Drive and Hillside Avenue.
BEUNA VI STA A VENUE from its intersect ion with P8.rkside. Dri ve
to F.I. 46 to be located in Buena Vista Avenue 390 feet northwesterly
from PArkside Drive.
AN UNNA}lED ROAD, extension of Hillside Avenue, from its inter-
section with Parkside Drive to its nol"thwesterly extremity.
OVERLOOK COURT from its intersection with Overklook Drive to
F.I. 49 to be 10cFted in Overlook Court 245 feet Dorthwesterly
from its intersection with Overlook Drive.
HIGHLAND WAY from its intersection with Overlook Drive to M.H.
54 to be located therein 385 feet southwester¡y from. said inter-
OVERLOOK DRIVE between Parkside Drive and Overlook Court.
OVERLOOK DRIVE from F.I. 92 to be located therein 510 feet
from its intersection with Overlook Court to M.H. 122 to be located
in Overlook Drive 220 feet northwesterly from F.I. 92.
SP?INGSIDE . ROAD from F. I. 56, to be located therein 420 feet
westerly from eastern intersection of Hilltop Crescent and Spring-
side Road, to intersection of Springside Road and Miramonte Road.
MIfuU~ONTE ROAD between its intersection with Springside Road
and its northwesterly extremity.
lvIIDVALE COURT from M. H. 59, to be located ~here in 280 feet
northerly from its intersection with Springside Road, to inter-
section of Springside Road and Midvale Court.
HILLTOP CRESCENT, between F.I. 97, to be located therein 85
feet southwesterly from its intersection with West Park Court, and
eastern intersection of Hilltop Crescent and Springside Road.
WEST PARK COURT from F. I. 95, to be loeB_tea on c.enter line
thereof opposite northwest corner of Lot 77 as designated on said
map entitled "Highland Manor, Unit No.2, Contra Costa County,
Ca.lifornia, II recorded in Volume 34 of Maps, pa.ge 22, in office of
Recorder, to northwe st corner of said .lot.
EASEMENT, IN LOT 24 (PRrcel 50), described in deed from Com-
muni ty La.nd Development Company to said Sani'b3.ry District, recorded
March 15, 1949, File No. 9038.
EASÐ4ENT, IN LOT 29 (Parcel 51), described in deed from Trinity
Evangelical Lutheran Church to said Sanitary District, recorded
FebruR.ry 14, 1949, File No. 5241. .
EASEMENT, IN LOT 31 (Parcel 52), described in deed from Leland
T. hrebs, et ux, to said Sanitary District, recorded Jenuary 13,
1949, File No. 1319.
EASEMENT, IN LOT 31 (Parcel 53), described in deed from William
M. Smith, et ux, to said SanitAry District, recorded February 23,
1949, File No. 6340.
EAS91ENT, IN LOT 31 (Parcel 54), described in deed from Raymond
T. Jones and Ardella M. Jones, to said Sanitary District, recorded
January 13, 1949, File No. 1320.
EASEl-iENT, IN LOT 40 (Parcel 59), described in deed from Nprtin
C. Click, et ux, to said Sanitary District, recorded January 26,
1949, File No. 2983.
EASEMENT, in Rancho Canada Del Hambre Y 18 Bolsas, Southern
P~rt, (Parcel 75), being strip of land 5 feet wide, right angle
measurement, south line of which is 'parallel with and :5 feet south-
erly, from north line thereof and which north line is described as
follows: Beginning at most easterly corner of Lot 78 as designated
on said me_p entitled IIHighland Manor, Unit No. 211; thence from said
point of beginninh south 640 45' 5011 east, 40.06 feet to west line
of Lot 74 as designated on said map.
RIGHT OF WAY in northerly five feet of Lots 76 and?7, northwest-
erly :5 feet of Lots 74 and 75, southeasterly five feet. of Lots 71,
72 and 73, and northeasterly five feet of Lot 68, as said lots are
designated on said map entitled IIHighland Manor, Unit No. 2,11 said
rights of wa.y being reserved in se.id Declaration of Restrictions
for said Highland Manor, Unit No.2, recorè.ed February 2, 1948,
File No. 4393.
RIGHT OF WAY in northwesterly 5 feet of Lot 26, southeasterly
5 feet of Lots 25 and 29, south 5 feet of Lots 36 and 45, north 5
feet of Lots 4 and 5, northeasterly 5 feet of Lots 6, 7, 16, 17, 18,
21, 22, 23, 40 and 41, and easterly 5 feet of Lot 40, as said lots
are designated on said map entitled IIHighland Manor, Unit No.1, II
said rights of way being reserved in said vealaration of Restrictions
for said "Highland Manor, Unit No. 1," recorded January 5, 1948,
File No. 288.
.EASEMENT, IN LOT 31 (Parcel 110), as designated on map entitled
"R. N. Burgess Compa.nyl s, r<lap No.1, Macdonough Subdi vision, a Por-
tion of Rancho Las Juntas, Contra Costa County, California, II rec-
orded in Volume 7 of Maps, page 172, being north 5 feet of each 200
feet of parcel of land described as Parcel One in deed from Roy E.
Clough, et ux, to Glenn A. Rydalch, et ux, r.8corded in Volume 975
Official Records, page 452.
ALSO, in the following streets, rights of way, easements and
reserves in said SanitR.ry District, as they and the proposed wor'k
in relation thereto are shown on Sheet 4 of said Plans and Specifica-
ORCHARD AVENUE from its intersection with Parkside Drive to
F.I. 43 to be locpted in Orchard Avenue 495 feet northerly from
said intersection.
OAKLAND BOU~VA~D from its interseetion with Prin~le Avenue to
its intersection with State Highway.
PRINGLE A VENU'.r.; from its interse ction with Oak18.nd Boulev8.:r'd
to F.1. 40 to be located in Pringle Avenue 530 feet westerly from
said intersection.
SHORT STREET from its intersection with Pringle Avenue to F.I.
39 to be locAted in Short Street 240 feet northerly from said
RIVIERA AVENUE from its intersection with Parkside Drive to
F.æ. 42 to be located in Riviera Avenue 130 feet easterly from
center line of Buena Vista Avenue.
ROADWAY RESERVE, west of State Highway, from its intersection
with Oakland Boulevard to its intersection with Parks ide Drive.
EASEMENT, IN LO~ 5 (Parcel 40), described in deed from Hazel
M. Hanson to said Sanitary District, recorded November 19, 1948,
File No. 43245.
ALSO, in the following streets, rights of way, easements and
reserves in said Sanitary District, as they and the proposed work
in relation thereto are shown on Sheet 5 of said Plans and Spec-
ALVARADO AVE~mE from its intersection wi1h ¡'looten Drive to its
intersection with Orchard Avenue.
WOOTEN DRIVE AND SANDY LANE for their entire lengths.
ORCHARD AVENUE from its intersection with Alvarado Avenue to
F.I. 84 to be located in Orchard Avenue 730 feet southeasterly
from said intersection.
BEUNA VISTA AVENUE from M.H. 113 to be located therein 320
feet southeasterly from its intersection with Alvarado Avenue to
F.I. 89 to be locAted in Buena Vista Avenue 520 feet southeasterly
from its intersection with Sandy Lane.
AN UNNAMED ROAD, being extension of Sandy Lane, from Sandy
Lane to F. I. 87 to be locAted in said Unnamed Road .210 feet north-
easterly from its in~ersection with Overlook Drive.
OVERLOOK DRIVE from its intersection with aforesaid Unnamed
Road to its .intersection with Wooten Drive.
AN UNNAMED ROAD from its intersection with Overlook Drive and
Wooten Drive to F.I. 91 to be loc~ted in said Unnamed Road 315 feet
northwesterly from said intersection.
EASEMENT, IN LOT 27 (Parcel 40-A), described in deed from Lois
M. Jope to said Sani~ary District, recorded October 28, 1948, File
No. 40541.
EASEMENT, IN LOT 33 (P8rcel 41), described in deed from Joseph
A. De Bois, et ux, to said Sanitary District, recorded November 26,
1948, File No. 43946.
EAS~4ENT, IN LOT 33 (Parcel 42), described in deed from Clar-
ence V. Dawe, et ux, to said Sanitar'y District, recorded October
27, 1948, File No. 40373.
EAS~1ENT, IN LOTS 20, 21 and 22 (Parcel 44-A), as designated
on said map of Macdonough Subdivision, consisting of several
PARCEL A: Strip of land 5 feet wide, northerly, easterly and
southerly line of which is parallel with and 5 feet northerly-, .
easterly and southerly, measured at right a.ngle.s, from southerly,
westerly and northerly line tìæreof and which southerly, westerly
and northerly line is described as follows: Beginning on south
line of parcel of land conveyed as Parcel One in Deed from Alice
McCprthy, et al, to Arthur Mullins, et ux, recorded in Volume 826
Official Records, page 104, distant thereon south 630 02' west,
173.83 feet from most easterly corner thereof; thence from said
point of beginning south 630 021 w5St along south line of said
Mullins parcel, 46.83 feet to east line of pArcel of land described
in deed from Arthur Mullins, et ux, to Alan M. Douglass, et ux,
recorded in Volume 1156 Official Records, page 500; thence north
260 581 west along east line of said Douglass parcel, 96.95 feet
to most northerly corner thereof; thence north 60 12' 42" west to
most easterly corner o~ parcel of land described in deed from
Arthur Mullins, et ux, to Lorin A. Gordon, recorded in VolWJ3 1164
Official Records, page 110; thence north 260 581 west along east
line of said Gordon parcel, and along east line of parcel of land
described in deed from Marjorie F. Holt, to Raymond F. McLaren, et
ux, recorded in Volume 1128 Official Recorãs, page 454, and along
east line of parcel of land described in deed from Marjorie F. Holt
to ChArles A. Johnson, et ux, recorded in Volume 1108 Official
Records, page 508, to point on south line of parcel of land des-
cribed in deed from ~arjorie F. Holt to Rudolph M. Korth, et ux, 0
recorded in Volume 956 Official Records, page 216; thence north 63
021 eRst along south line of said Korth parcel, 27.84 feet to most
easterly corner thereof.
PARCEL B: Beginninp;!'It most easterly corner of p;:lrcel of land
described in deed from Marjorie F. Holt to Rudolph M. Korth, et ux,
recorded in Volume 956 Official Records, page 216; thence from said
point of beginning north 260 581 west along east line of said Korth
parcel and along east line of parcel of land described in deed from
Marjorie F. Holt to Roy G. Osborn, et ux, recorded in Volume 956
Official Records, page 135, 130 feet to point on south line of
parcel of land described in deed from Arthur Mullins, et ux, to
Alfred F. McFall, et ux, recorded in Volume 889 Official Records,
Page 337; thence north 6)0 02 east along south line of said McFall
parcel, 17.66 feet; thence south 210 36' 33" east, 135.59 feet;
thence south 630 02'west, 5 feet to point which bears south 260 581
east, five feet from point of beginning; thence north 260 58' west,
5 feet to point of beginning.
PARCEL C: Strip of land 5 feet wide, east line of which is
parallel with and 5 feet easterly at right angles from west line
thereof and which west line is described as follows: Beginning at
point on south line of parcel of land described in deed from Arthur
Mullins, et ux, to Alfred F. McFall, et ux, recorded in Volume 889
Official Records, page 337, distant ther?on north 6)0 02' east,
12.66 feet from most northerly corner of parcel of land described
in deed from Mprjorie F. Holt to. Roy G. Osborn, et ux, recorded in
Volume 956 Official Records, page 1)5; thence from said point of
beginninr north 260 58' west, 190 feet to point on north line of
parcel of land described in deed from Annie F. Bullock to Neal R.
Dailey, et ux, recorded in Volume 872 Official Records, page 186,
distant thereon north 6)0 02' east, 192.66 feet from center line of
Buena Vista Avenue as designated on said map.
PARCEL D: Strip of land 5 feet wide, center line of which is
des œibed as follows: Beginning at point on south line of pa.reel
of land described in deed from Richard Lommel, et ux, to Arle Lommel,
et ux, recorëed in Volume 967 Official Records, page 48, distant
thereon north 6)0 02' east, 195.16 feet from center line of Buena
Vista. Avenue, a.s designated on said map; thence from said point of
beginning north 260 58' west, 228 feet to point which bears south
63° 02' west, 162.50 feet and south 260 58' east, 12 feet from most
northerly .corner of parcel of land described in deed from Annie S.
Bullock, et aI, to John N. Hinkson, recorded in Volume 747 Official
Records, pAge 256.
PARCEL E: Strip of land 10.16 feet wide, ea.st line of which is
parallel ì<li th and 10.16 feet easterly at right angles from west line
thereof and which west line is east line of parcel of l~nd described
. in deed from John N. Hinkson, e tux, to Harry J. Lohs1rob, et ux,
recorded in Volume 1202 Official Records, page 436.
4: ~J
EASEMENT, IN LOTS 19 AND 20 (Parcel 49), as design~ted on said
map of Macdonough Subdivision, being strip of land 5 feet wide,
northwest line of which is perallel wi th and 5 feet northeasterly,
measured at right angles, from southwest line thereof, and which
southwest line is described as follows: Beginning at most southerly
corner of parcel of land described in deed from Elmer W. Miller, et
ux, to Harold R. Strickler, et ux, recorded in Volume 896 Official
Records, page 394; thence from said point of beginning north 260
58' west, 243.58 feet to northwest line of said Strickler parcel,
distant thereon south 630 02' west, 178.83 feet from most northerly
corner thereof.
EASEMENT, IN LOT 23 (Þarcal 68), as designated on said map of
Macdonough Subdivision, being strip of land 5 feet wide, measured
at right angles, west line of which is parallel with and 5 feet
westerly from east line thereof and which east line is entire east
line of parcel of land described in deed from Raymond Zambuto, et
we, to Charles E. Warner, et ux, recorded April 12, 1946, File No.
EASEMENT, .IN LOT 22 (Parcel 69), as designated on said map of
Macdonough Subdivision, being strip of land 5 feet wide, north line
of which is parallel with and 5 feet northerly, measured at right
angles, from south line thereof and which south line is described
as follows:. Beginning on north line of parcel of land described
in deed from Annie F. Bullock, et aI, to John N. Hinkson, recorded
in Volume 747 Official Records, page 256, at east line of said Lot
22; thence from said point of beginning south 630 02' west, along
said north line, 172.66 feet to east line of pArcel of land des-
cribed as Parcel One in deed from Natalie T. Warner, et vir, to
Don Hanawalt, et ux, recorded in Volume 927 Official Reeords"page
EASEMENT, IN LOT 14 (Parcel 70), as designated on ,said map of
Macdonough Subdivision, being northerly 202.4 feet of west 5 feet
of said Lot 14.
EASEMENT, IN LOT 24 (Parcel 109), described in deed from Ade-
lEcide Castaldo to said Sanitary District, recorded February 28,
1949, File No. 6895.
AN UNNAMED ROAD from its intersection with Buena Vista Avenue
located 370 feet southeacterly from intersection of Alvarado Ave-
nue and Buena Vista Avenue to its northeasterly extremity 175 feet
northeasterly from intersection of said Unnamed Road and Buena ,Vista
Avenue. '
ALSO, in the following streets, rights of way, easements and
,reserves in said Sanitary District, as they and the proposed work
in relation thereto are shown on Sheet 6 of said Plans and Specifica-
t ions:
TWENTY FOOT ROADWAY, (designated on said map of Macdonough
Subdivision as west of County Road and now west of State Highway)
between Parkside Drive and Alvarado Avenue.
AN UNNANED ROAD from its in-:ersection with State Highway, saic3
intersection being 240 feet northerly from intersection of Alvarado
Avenue and State Highway, to eastern extremity of said Unnamed Road.
CROSSING UNDER STATE HIGHWAY to be located .240 feet northerly
fj::,om int ersection of Alvarado Avenue and State Highway.
Sacramento Northern Railway Stations 730 + 50 and 712 + 75, respec-
EASE1-1LNT, IN LOT L¡.l (Parcel 39), described in deed from Viola
Baldwin to said Sanitary District, recorded October 7, 1948, File
No. 37991.
EASEMENT, (Parcel 55), in westerly 5 feet of parcel of land
described in deed from Lydia Mptilda Spaits, et al, to Julia
Estelle Kazebeer recorded in Volume 192 Official Recor:ls, pefe 283.
EAS~lENTJ (Parc8l 56), described in deed from Matilda SpRite
to said Sanitary District, recorded March J, 19h9, File No. 7441.
EASEl,ŒNT, (Parcel 60), described in deed from Edmund F. Post,
et ux, to said Sanit ary District, recorded Ma:.-'ch 3, 1949, File No.
7 L¡.40 .
ALSO, in the following streets, rights of way, easements and
rese::'ves in said Sanitary District as they and the proposed work
in relation thereto are shown on Sheet 7 of saiQ Plans and Spec-
if ications:
LARKEY LANE between Adak Court and Third Avenue.
LARKEY LANE from its intersection with Walden Road to M.H. 90
to be located in Larkey Lane 415 feet north of said intersection.
j~LDEN ROAD from M.H. 97, to be located therein 1090 feet east-
erly from its intersection with Buena Vista Avenue, to F.r. 79 to
be located in Walden Road 430 feet west of its intersection with
Buena Vista Avenue.
l'IALDEN ROAD from F. I. 73, to be locAted therein 265 fe"t east-
erly from its intersection-with Spring Lane, to F.r. 72 to be
loca.ted in Walden Road 325 feet we3terly from said intersection.
BUENA VISTA AVENUE from its intersection with Walden Road to
F.I. 78 to be locryted in Buena Vista Avenue 800 feet southerly from
said intersection.
WAR?EN LANE from its intersection with Walden Road to F.r. 80
to be located in \'iarren Lane 765 feet southerly from sa,ià. inter-
s ect ion.
EASEMENT, IN LOT 52 (Parcel 77), as designated on map entitled
"Contra Costa La.nd Company. s Subdivision No.2, Larkey Ranch, II
recorded in Volume 2 of Maps, page 49, in office of Recorder, being
west 417.10 feet of south 10 feet of said Lot 52, excepting there-
from that portion lying within Larkey Lane.
EASEMENT, IN LOT 52 (Parcel 78), described in deed from Edwin
G. Robinson, et ux, to said Sanitary Distric~, recorded January 26,
1949, File No. 2981.
EAS~lENT, IN LOT 49 (Parcel 79), described in deed from F. C.
Marg~ave, et ux, to said Sanitary District, recorded Januery 26,
1949, File No. 2980.
EASEMENT, IN LOT 36 (Parcel 80), as designated on said map of
Subdivision No.2, Larkey Ranch, consisting of two sub-parcels:
Lot 36.
SUB-PARCEL B: Strip of land 5 feet wide, west line of which
is parallel with and 5 feet wes~erly, measured at right ,angles from
east line thereof and which east line is described as follows:
Beginning on west line ofLparcel of land described in deed from
George Ratkay, et ux, to eslie I. Reineke, et ux, recorded in .
Volume 820 Official Records, page 251, at north lin,e of s:trip of
land described in Sub-parcel A above; thence from said point of
Being west 313.16 feet of south ,10 fest of said
beginning north 00 431 wept e~ong said west line 400.52 feet to
center line of Third Avenue; excepting from Sub-parcel B interest
conveyed to County of Contra Costa by deed f~om C. R. Owens,et
aI, recorded in Volume 548 Official Records, page 8.
EASEMENT, IN Lo'r 36 (Pa.rcel 81), as designated on said ma.p of
Subdivision No.2, Larkey Ranch, being southerly 10 feet, measured
at right angles, of parcel of land described in deed from George
Ratkay, et ux, to Leslie I. Reineke, et ux, recorded in Volume
820 Official Records, page 251.
EASEMENT, IN LOT 33 (Parcel 82), as designated on said map of
Subdivision No.2, Larkey ~nch, being west 220 feet of south 10
feet of said Lot.
ALSO, in the following~treets, rights of way, easements and
reserves in said Sanitary District, as they and the proposeçl work
in relation thereto are shown on Sheet 8 of said Plans and Specif-
WALDEN WAY, between State Highway and west line of Southern
Pacific Railroad right of way.
VALENTINE COURT from its intersection with Walden Way to F.I.
31 to be located in Valentine Court 595,feet southerly from said
i nt ersection.
OAK ROAD from its intersection with "¡aldet) Way to F.I. 33 to
be 10cRted in Oak Road 130 feet northerly from said intersection.
JOANN COURT for its entire length.
JONES ROAD from its intersecüon with Walden Way to M.H. 32 to
be locAted in Jones Road 640 fe~t northeaste~ from said inter-
sect ion.
Walden Way.
east::?rn extremity of S.O.S. Drive to Jones Road.
RIGHT OF WAY in eoutherly 5 feet of Lots 12 to 21, inclusive,
and southeasterly 5 feet of Lot 12, as said lots are designated
on map entitled "Whitton Subdivision, Contra Costa County, Calif-
ornia, II recorded in o:(fice of Recorder in Volume 34 of Maps, page
34, said right of way being reserved in Declaration of Restrictions
for said Whitton Subdivision, recorded November 12,1947, File No. 45410.
EASEIÆNT, (Parcel 56), described in deed (rom M~tilda Spaits to
said Sanitary District, recorded March 3,1949, File No. 7441.
. EASE~~NT, (Parcel 57), described in deed from Everett S. Mag-
nuson, et ux, to said Sanitary District, recQrded January 28, 1949,
File No. 3319.
EASE~ŒNT, (Parcel 58), described in deed from ,Arthur O. Willough-
by, et@ ux, to said Sanitary District, recorded January 21, 1949,
File No. 2395.
EA8EMENT, (Parcel 63), described in deed from Phillip D. Barck1ay,
et ux, to said Sanitary District, recorded February 4,1949, File
No. 4165.
EASEMENT, IN LOT 8 (Parcel 64), described in deed from Stanley
C. Dixon, et ux, to said SanitaTY District, recordëd January 13,1949,
File No. 1'18.
EASEMENTS, IU LOTS 46 AND 47 (Parcel 66), described in deed from
John Mattioda, et ux, to said Sanitary District, recorded March 3,
1949, File No. 7435.
ALSO, in the following streets, rights of way, easements and
reserves in said. Sanitary District, as they and the proposed work in
relation thereto are shown on Sheet 9 of said Plans and Specifications:
ENCINAL DRIVE AND CASA WAY for their entire lengths.
THIRD AVENUE from its intersection with west line of State Highway
to M.H. 87 to be located in Third Avenue 1400 feet westerly from said
WALDEN ROAD from F.I. 83 to be located therein. 210 feet westerly
from its intersection with State Highway to M.H. 97 to be located in
Walden Road 930 feet westerly from said F.I.
RIGHT OF WAY in westerly 5 feet of Lots 1 to 12, inclusive, as
said lots are designated on map entitled 'San Luis Gardens, Contra Costa
County, California,' recorded in Volume 33 of Maps, page 17, in office
of Recorder, said right of way being reserved in Declaration of Restri-
otions for said San Luis Gardens, recorded June 4,'1947, File No. 21913.
EASEMENTS, IN LOTS 1 AND 41 (Parcel 38), as described in deed from
Luoi11e Ting to said Sanitary Distriot, recorded October 26, 1948,
File No. 40176. . .
EASlMENT, IN LOT 41 (Parcel 39), described in deed from Viola
Baldwin to said Sanitary District, recorded October 7,1948, File
No. 37991. . .
EASEMENT, IN LOT 3 (Parcel 71), described in deed from Ralston
Bul1itt, et ux, to 8aid Sanitary Distriot, recorded January 21, 1949,
File No. 2394. . ,
EASEMENT, IN LOT 3 (Paroe1 72), as designated on said map of Sub-
division No.2, Larkey Ranch, being strip of land 5 feet wide, center
line of which is described as follows: Beginning on south line of
parcel ot land described in deed from F. A. Marshall, et ux, to Ralston
Bu11itt recorded in Volume 552 Official Reoords, page 231, distant
thereon north 890 17' east, 422.41 feet from the southwest corner
thereof; thence from said point of beginning south 150 54' west, 160.52
feet to south line of 1.610 acre parcel of land described in deed
from Rebecca Watson to State of California, recorded in Volume 440
Official Record~, page 206, distant thereon north 890 17' east, 420.58
feet from t:œ southwest corner thereof.
EASEMENT, IN LOT 2 (Paroel 73), described in .deed from Dow O.
Watson, et ux, to , said Sanitary District, recorded January 20, 1949,
File No. 2203. ' .
EASEMENT, IN LOT 2 ('Parcel 74), desèribed in deed from George
H. Boone, et ux, to said Sanitary District, recorded January 21, 1949,
File No. 2386.
EASEMENT, IN LOT 19 (Parcel 83), described in deed from John A.
Silva, at ux, to said Sanitary District, recorded January 28, 1949,
File 10. ~'23.
EASEMENT, IN LOT 20 (Paroe1 84), as designated on said map of
Su1:?division No.2, Larkey Ranch, being strip of land 5 feet 16.de, center
line of which is described as fo110wsÖ Beginning in center line of
Third Avenue distant thereon south 89 17' west, 257.58 feet from
northeast corner of said Lot 20; thence from said point of beginning
south 0 43' east, 410.52 feet to south line of said Lot 20, distant
thereon south 890 17' west, 257.58 feet ~rom southeast corner thereof;
excepting therefrom, the interest conveyed to County of Contra Costa
by deed from Mike Caponio, et 81, recorded in Volume 548 Official
Recrods, page 8.
EASEMENT, IN LOT 21 (Parcel 85), as designated on said map of
Subdivision No.2, Larkey Ranch, being strip of land 5 feet wide, center
line of which is described as rollows: Beginning in center ot Third
Avenue, distant thereon south 89° 171 west, 226.58 teet trom southeast
corner of said Lot 21; thence fnom said ,point ot beginning north 00
47' 30' west, parallel with east line of said Lot 21,418.44 feet to
north line ot said Lot 21, distant thereon south 890 171 west, 226.58
teet from northeast corner thereot; excepting therefrom, interest
conveyed to County ot Contra Costa by deed trom Alfred Corrasa, et aI,
recorded in Volume 548 Official Records, page 8.
EASEMENT, IN LOT 62 (Parcel 86), described in deed from James W.
Whitaker~ Jr., et ux, to said Sanitary District, recorded February 4,
1949, File No. 4167.
. EASEMENT, IN LOT 22 (Parcel 87), described in deed from. Ignatius.
W. Heyermann, et ux, to said Sanitary District, recorded March),
1949, File No. 7436.
EASEMENT, IN LOT 15 (Parcel 101), described in deed from Quintel
Bianucci, et ux, to Bald Sanitary District, recorded January 27, 1949,
File No. 3155.
EASEMENT, IN LOT 5 (Parcel 102), described in deed from Jeanette
E. Olson~ to said Sanitary District, recorded February 24, 1949,
File No. 6.514.
EASEMENT, IN LOT 16 (Parcel 103), described in deed from Folke
Wallin, et ux, to said Sanitary District, reccrdedFebruary 1, 1949,
File No. 3708.
EASEMENT, IN LOT 4 (Parcel 104), described in deed from Nicholas
A. Skuce, et ux, to said Sanitary District, recorded January 27, 1949,
File No. 3153.
EASEMENT, IN LOT 4 (Parcel 105), described in deed from Charles
Hodapp, et ux, to said Sanitary District, recorded January 27,1949,
Fi1e No. 3152. .
ALSO, in the following streets, rights of way, easements and
reserves in said Sanitary District, as they and the proposed work
in relation thereto are Bhown on Sheet 10 of said Plans and Specif-
GEARY ROAD from existing M.H. located tperein 960 feet westerly
trom its intersection with Hall ~venue to M.H. 68 to be located in
Geary Road 85 feet west of existing M.H.
HALL AVENUE from F.I. 63 to be located therein 285 feet southerly
from its intersection with Marshall Avenue to M.H. 74 to be located
in Hall Avenue 200 feet southerly from its intersectioñ with First
FIRST AVENUE from F.I. 64 to be located therein 270 feet westerly
from its intersection with Hall Avenue to M.H. 75 .to be 'located in
First Avenue 685 teet westerly from F.I. 64.
SECOND AVENUE trom F.I. 70 to be located therein 250 feet 'westerly
.from its intersection with State Highway to M.H. 76 to be located in
Second Avenue 9:50 feet westerly from its intersection with Hall
AN UNNAMED ROAD from its intersection with State Highway located
650 feet southerly trom intersection of State Highway and Geary
Road to F.I. 26 to be located in said Unnamed Road extended 480
feet westerly from its intersection with said State Highway.
EASEMENT, IN LOT 23 (Parcel 91), described in deed trom Clayton
E. Johnson and Betty E. Johnson 'to said Sanitary Dl~rlct, recorded
March 8, 1949, File No. 8117. .
EASEMENT, IN LOT 24 (Parcel 92), described in deed from James
Fred Sanders, et ux, to said Sanitary District, recorded January 26,
1949, File No. 2979.
EASEMENT, IN LOT 24 (Parcel 93), described in deed from Henry
V. Arends to said Sanitary District, recorded January 26, 1949, File
No. 2978.
EASEMENT, IN LOT 25 (Parcel 97), descnbedin deed from Marjorie
Grinnell to said Sanitary District, recorded February 2,1949, File
No. 3880.
EASEMENT, IN LOT 25 (Parcel 98), described in deed from Edgar Fox,
et ux, to sa~Sanitary District, recorded January 26,1949, File No.
EASE~ŒNT, IN LOT 26 (Parcel 99), described in deed trom Charles
D. Huff, et ux, to said Sanitary District, recorded February 7, 1949,
File No. 4367. . .
EASEMENT, IN LOT 13 (Parcel 95), described in deed trom Alvin
Brown, s; we, to said Sanitary District, recorded February 2, 1949,
'File No. 3881. .
EASEI~NT, IN LOT 13 (Parcel 94), described in Parcel Two in deed
from M. F. Hamilton, et ux, to said Sanitary District, recorded January
13,1949, File No. 1317.
on said map of Subdivision No.2, Larkey Ranch, work to be done within
said right of way adjacent to its northeastern boundary between Contra
Costa Canal Stations 2047~JO and 2052~50.
on said map of Subdivision No.2, Larkey Ranch, work to be done within
northerly 43 feet ot westerly 10 feet of said right of way excepting
that portion within Geary Road.
ALSO, in the following streets, rights of way, easements and reserves
in said Sanitary Distriot, as they and the proposed work in relation
thereto are shown on Sheet 11 of said Plans and Specifications:
FIRST AVENUE trom its intersection with eastern boundary ot
East Bay Municiap1 Utility District right ,of way to'M.H. 75 to be
located in First Avenue 625 feet east of said intersection.
SECOND AVENUE from its intersection with southeastern line ot East
Bay Municipal Utility Distriot right of way to M.H. 76 to be located
in Second Avenue 1950 feet east of said intersection.
LARKEY LANE from its intersection with Third Avenue to F.I. 75-.1
to be located in Larkey Lane 455 feet north ot said intersection.
AN UNNAMED ROAD from its intersection with Second Avenue, said
intersection being 1700 feet easterly from intersection of East Bay
Municipal Utility District right of way and Second Avenue, to F.I. 66
to be located in said Unnamed Road 310 feet northerly from its inter-
section with Second Avenue.
EASEMENT, IN LOT 22 (Parcel 87), described in deed from Ignatius
W. Heyermann, et ux, to said Sanitary Distriot, recorded March 3, 1949,
File No. 7436.
EASEMENT, IN LOTS 22 AND 31 (Parcel 89), described in deed from
Chester A. Robertson, et ux, to said Sanitary District, recorded January
27, 1949, File No. 3154.
EASEIvlE:NT, IN LOT 13 (P8.rcel 90), described in deed from Earl
Christiansen, et al, to said Sanitary District, recorded January
26, 1949, File No. 2977.
ALSO, in the following streets, rights of way, easements and
reserves in said Sanitary District, as they and the proposed work
in relation thereto are shown on Sheet 12 of said Plans and Spec-
if'i cations:
JONES ROAD from its intersection with Hedgewood Road to its
intersection with center line of S.O.S. Drive extended easterly.
OAK ROAD from its intersection with northerly line of Lot 30
extended easterly to its intersection with southerly li~e of Lot
34 extended east9rly, as said lots are designated on map entitled
IISubdivision No.1, Larkey Ranch, Walnut Creek, California., II tiled
in office of Recorder in Map Book 4, page 79.
OAK ROAD from its intersection with north line of Lot 37 ex-
tended easterly to its intersection with north line of Lot 38
extended easterly, as said lots are designated on said map of Sub-
division No.1, Larkey Ranch.
AN UNNAMED ROAD along common boundary between Lots 37 and 38
and 36-A and 38-A, as saiã lots are designated on said map of
Subdivision No.1, Larkey Ranch.
ignated on said ms.p of Subdivision No.1, Larkey Rancþ, work to be
done within westerly 10 feet of said right of way within said Lot.
ern Railway Station 763 + 45.
CROSSING UNDER STATE HIGHWAY at point 986 feet south of its
intersection with Geary Road.
EASEMENT, IN LOT 10 (ParcelllJ), as designated on map entitled
IIContra Costa Land Company, Subdivision No.2, Larkey Ranch,"
recorded in Volume 2 of Maps, pe.ge 49, in office of Recorder,
being strip of land 5 feet wide, center line of which is described
a.S follows: Beginning on north line of parcel of land described
in deed from F. A. Marshall, et ux, to. Edna D. Coryell, recorded
in Volume 925 Official Records, page 482, distant thereon south
890 171 west, 18.93 feet from west line of State Highway from
Walnut Creek to Martinez' thence from said point of beginning
south 159 161 west, 16.64 feet to south line of said Goryell parcel.
EA3Ð~ENT, IN LOT 9 (Parcel 114), as designated on said last
mentioned map of Subdivision No.2, Larkey Ranch, bEing strip of
land 5 feet wide, center line of which is described as follows:
Beginning on north line 0 f parcel of land described in deed from
Richard Harold Smith, et ux, to Adele Davis, recorded in Volume
1186 Official RecorQ~, page 377, distant thereon north 890 171
,east, 18.93 feet from west line of State Highway from Mart6nez to
Walnut Creek; thence from said point of beginning south 15 161
west, 179.61 feet to south line of said Davis parcel.
EASEMENT, IN LOT 9 (Parcel 115), as designated on said m~ of
Subdivision No.2, Larkey Ranch, being strip of land 5 feet wide,
center line of which is described as follows: Beginning on north
line of parcel of land described in deed from Laura M. Narshall,
et vir, to Walter E. Mansfield, et ux, recorded in Volume 860
Official Records, page 195, distant thereon north 850 321 west,
18.53 feet from west line of State Highway from Martinez, to Wal-
nut Creek; thence from said point of beginning south 160 151 west,
178.36 feet; thence south 870 27' east, 18.66 feet to west line
of said State Highway.
,. .
EASEMENT, in Rancho Las Juntas (Parcel 116), being strip of
land 10 feet wide, south line of which is parallel with and 10
feet southerly, measured at right angles, from north line thereof
and which north line is described as follows: .Beginning in center
line of 20 feet wide private road at :1ortheast corner of parcel of
land described in deed from George Gilbert Barney, et we, to George
W. Tagg, et ux, recorded in Volume 437 Official Records, page 281;
thence from said point of beginning north 880 131 west, along said
center line, being along north line of said Tagg parcel and along
north line of parcel of land described in deed from Grace M. Putnam,
et vir, to George W. Tag?, et ux, recorded in Volume 315 Officiâl
Records, page 57, 372.14 feet to east line of State Highway from
Walnut Creek to Concord.
EASEW::N7, in Rancho Las Juntas (Parcel II?), being strip of
land 10 feet wide, south line of which is parallel with and 10 feet
. southerly, measured at right angles, from north line thereof and
which north line is entire north line of parcel of land described
in deed from B. J. Blade, et ux, to Martin J. Bolter, et ux, recorded
in Volume 827 Official Records, page 134.
ALSO, in the following streets, rights of way,- easements and
reserves in said Sanitary District, as they and the proposed work
in relation thereto are shown on Sheet 13 of Said Plans and Specifi-
cations: .
SUNSET LANE from its intersection with Las Juntas Hay to F.I. 19
to be located in Sunset Lane 370 feet northerly from said intersection.
LAS JUNTAS WAY from its intersection with east line of Lot 21
extended northerly, as said lot is designated on map entitled "Las
Juntas Estates, II recorded in Volume 31 of Ma.ps, page 40, in office
of Recorder, to F.I. 102 to be located in Las Juntas Way 280 feet
easterly from said intersection.
LAS JUNTAS WAY from its intersection WM1 west line of Southern
Pacific Railroad right of way to F. I. 20 to be located in Las
Juntas Way 525 fe~t west of said intersection.
HEDGEWOOD ROAD from its intersection with east line of Sacramento
Northern Railway right of way to M.H. 21 to be locBted in Hedgewood
Road 1030 feet easterly from said intersection.
OAK COURT for its entire length.
OAK ROAD from. its intersection with Hedgewood Road to its inter-
section with south line of Lot 29, extended easterly, of said Larkey
Ranch, Subdivision No.1.
with Hedgewood Road.
. AN UNNA~ŒD ROAD from its intersection with Oak Court located 310
feet northerly from intersection of Oak Court and Hedgewood Road to
F.I. 24 to be located in said Unnamed Road 200 feet easterly from its
intersection with Oak Court.
AN UNNAMED ROAD from its interse~tion with Hedgewood Road lo-
cated 290 feet westerly from intersection of west line of Southern
Pacific Rail~d right of way and Hedgewood Road to its northerly
extremity located 820 feet northerly from intersection of said
Unnamed Road and Hedgewood Road.
EA.:::EI'lENT, in Rancho Las Juntas (Parcel 106), described in deed
fI'om 1-1el N. Harris, et ux, to said Sani":ary District, recorded Feb-
ruary 28, 1949, File No. 6897.
EASEMENT, in Rancho Las Juntas (Parcel 107), being strip of land
5 feet wide, right angle mea.surement, northwest line of which is
parallel with a.nd 5 feet northwesterly measured from southeast line
thereof and which southeast line is described as follows: Beginning
in center line of Las Juntas Way at most easterly corner of parcel
of land described in deed from Benj. A. Brockhurst, et ux, to Julius
V. Young, et ux, recorded in Volume 810 Official Records, page 78;
thence from said point of beginning south 560 271 4211 west along
south line of said Young parcel, 350 feet; excepting therefrom,
interest conveyed in deed from Benjp~in A. Brockhurst, et aI, to
Contra Costa County, recorded in Volume 333 of Deeds, page 11,
over, that portion of premises lying within 40-foot wide strip of
land therein described.
EASEl-lENT, in Rancho Las Juntas '(Parc,el' 108), described as
follows: Beginning at southeast corner of parcel of land described
in deed from Paul R. Glubetich, et ux, to Amer L. Gregg, et ux,
recorded in Volume 826 Official Records, page 250; said point of
beginning being on north line of County Road known as Las Juntas
Way at west line of right of way of Southern Pacific Railroad;
thence from said po~nt of beginning north 70 201 420 II east, along
west line of said Southern Pacific Railroad right of way, 120
feet; thence north 820 391 40" west, 5 feet; thence south 70 201
20 II westb 120.81 feet to north line of said Las Juntas Way; thence
north 88 051 east, along'said north line, 5 feet to point of
AL30, in the following street, in said Sanitary District, as
,it and the proposed work in relation thereto are shown on Sheet 14
of said Plans and Specifications:
LOCUST STREET from its intersection with south line of Lacassie
Avenue to point in Locust Street 430 feet southerly from said inter-
sect ion.
The expense of said work and improvement hereinabove described
in Section 1, First, hereof, and on Sheets 1 to 14, both inclusive,
shall be chargeable upon an assessment district hereinafter estab-
Excluding therefrom the area included within Blocks 12, 13 and
14, as designated on map of said Pringle Addition, hereinafter
SECOND: The construction of sanitary sewers and appurtenances
in accordance with said Plans an~ Specifications, outside of said
assessment district, in the following streets, rights of way, and
easements in said Sanitary District, as they and the proposed work
in relation thereto are shown on Sheet 1 of said Plans and Specif-
LACASSIE AVENUE from its intersection with Oakland Boulevard
to its western extremity.
TERRACE ROAD from its intersection with Oakvale Road to F.I. 2
to be located in Terrace Road 260 feet ndtherly from said inter-
EASE~ŒN~, IN LOT 66 (Parcel 30-A) as designated on said Map No.
1 Del Hambre Terrace, described as follows: Strip of land 10 feet
wide" west line of which is parallel with and 10 feet westerly,
mliea8'1F~ŠL..a.~h.lté1Þrt.. fi~f}t.~~~ !{Cl!Pa""P ft,~~ '.}.d~l1/e:,. ~þ,J.er~ o~"laE»" ~i ch east-
neAPI rig ~ 0 way uescrioe in aee from ~erKe ey éompany, et
aI, to East Bay Municipal Utility District recorded in Volume 655
Official Records, page 137; thence from said point of beginning
south 50 541 1511 east, along said west line, 150 feet.
EASEMENT, IN LOT 10 BLOCK 1 (Parcel 111), as designated on map
enti tled "R. N. Bur'gess Company t s Map of the Pringle Addition to
the Town of Walnut Creek," filed in office of Recorder in Volume 7
of 1-1aps, page 154, being northwest 5 feet of said Lot.
EASEMENT, in Rancho Canada Del Hambre, Southern Part, (Parcel
33), described in deed from Mathias Mathew De La Gardelle, et ux,
to said Sani~ary District, recorded Ma~ch 2, 1949, File No. 7283.
. 1
. of way locpted at north"vesterly t'3::::minus o-¡' Oakvale Road as said
road is designated on said map of Del Hamb:ce Terrace.
ALSO, in the following street and easement in said Sanitary
District, as they and the proposed work in relation thereto are
shown on Sheet 2 of said Plans and Specifications:
DIABLO DRIVE from its intersection with Barkley Drive to its
intersection with noth line of Lot 5 extended easterly as~id lot
1s designated on map ent1 tIed IIR. N. Burgess CompRny IS 1\1ap of the
Pringle Ad.di tion to the Tovin of ¡'lalnut Creek, II filed in office of
Recorder in Volume 7 of Maps, page 154.
EA3~MENT, IN LOT 6 (Parcel 5), b'3ing north 7 feet of Lot 6,
Block 1, as designated on said map of Pringle Addition to -:;he Tovm
of Walnut Creek.
AL30, in the following street and right of way in saià Sa~itary
District, as they and the proposed work in relation thereto are
shown on Sheet 13 of said Plans and Specifications:-
LAS JUN _'AS WAY from its int ersection with east line of Lot 21
extended northerl;)" as designated on said map entitled "Las Juntas
Estates, II to point in Las Juntas Way 40 feet westerly from said
i nt ersection.
nort~erly from its intersection with Las Juntas Way.
ALSO, in the following streets, rights of way, and easements,
in said Sanitary District, as they and the proposed wor'k in rela-
tion thereto are shown on Sheet 14 of said Plans and Specifications:
LACASSIE AVENUE. from its intersection with Locust Street to its
intersection with west lin~ of Sacramento Northern Railway.
LOCUST STREET fr-om its southerly intersection \-.'"i tb \valnut Avenue
to point in Locust Street 110 feet northerly from its intersection
with East Street.
OAY~ND BOULEV&~D froffi M.R. 131 to be located therein 125 feet
easterly from its intersection with Buena Vista Avenue to existing
1v1.H. IIA" located in Oakland Boulevard 45 feet from said 1:I.H. 131.
EASEVÆN T, IN LOT 15, BLOCK 11 (P¡::;rcel 118), be ing easterly 5
feet of said Lot, as designated on said map of Pringle Addition to
the Town of Walnut Creek.
EASEMENT, IN LOT 5, BLOCK 11 (Parcel 119), as designated on
said last mentioned map, being easterly 5 feet of said Lot.
The expense of said work and impr~vement hereinabove described
in Section 1, Second hereof, and on Sheets 1, 2,13 and 14, shall
also be chargeable upon said assessment district hereinafter estab-
THIRD: The office of the Recorder referred to hereinabove is
the office of the Recorder of the County of Contra Costa, State of
California, and Officia.l Records a.nd file numbers her'einabove re-
ferred to are Official Records and file numbers of said Recorder.
The letters M. H. and F. I. herein used refer to and mean l-tlanhole and
Flushing Inlet, respectively.
In the foregoing descriptions, wherever right of way, easement,
street, or other public way is described wherein work is to be done,
it is the intention that said work shall also be ex~ended so as to
connect the same with the sewer work to be constructed nearest to
said right of way, easement, street or other public way, and at the
point in said proposed work where a manhole or oth~r connection is
shown on sa-id Plans, therefor', unless otherwise shown tÌB'eon.
In the foregoing descriptions, the width of all easements des-
cribed by reference to a center line is measured at right angles.
FOURTH: Said work shall include the refilling, compbcting and
resurfacing of the tr.ench in which said sewer and appurtennnces are
SECTION 2. All said improvement and work shall be done of the
sizes, dimensions, and materials and in the positions and locations
as shown upon, and all in accordance with, the Plans and Specifica-
tions therefor heretofore adopted by said District Board and now
on file ~ith the Secretary of said Board. which said Plans and
Specifications are hereby, referred to and made a part hereof by
SECTION 3. That in the opinion of said Board. said work is
of more than local or ordinary public benefit, and said Board
hereby orders the cost and expenses of said work and improvement
be char~eable and charged upon a district hereby declared to be
the district benefited by said work and improvement and to be
assessed to pay the cost and expenses thereof.
The exterior boundaries of said assessment district and the
extent of the territory included therein are shown upon the map
of said district approved and adopted by said Board on the 31st
day of March, 1949, and now on file in the office of the Secretary
of said Board, to which ms.p reference is hereby made for a partic-
ular description of said boundAries and the extent of said territory
included therein to be so assessed; saving and excepting therefrom
the area of all public streets and other public ways included there-
in, and excluding from said assessment district the area included
within Blocks 12,13 and 14, as designated on map of said Pringle
SECTION 4: Thpt the proceedings for said work and improvement
shall be had and taken under and in accordance with Division 7 of
the Streets a,nd Highways Code of the State of California. ~IIm-
provement Act of 1911").
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Health Officer of said County
of Contra Costa has recommended in writing to said Board that said
proceedings for said work be instituted as a necessary health meas-
ure and said Board heretofore ordered said recommendation spread
,upon. the Minutes of said Eoard and by Resolution adopted by the
affirmative vote of four-fifths of the members of said Board found
and determined that such necessity exists.
SECTION 5: That serial bonds shall. be issued pursuant to Part
.5 of Division 7 of said Streets and Highways Code (Improvement Act
of 1911) to represent the unpaid assessments of twenty-five Dollp~s
($25.00) or over for the cost of said work, said bonds to bear
interest at the rate of SIX PER CENT (6%) per annum, to extend for
a period of nine (9) years from the s~conð- day of Ja.nuary next
succeeding the next Octcber 15th following their date, and to be
payable in annual installments, the last installment thereof to
mature nine (9) ye ".rs from the second day of Ja,nuary next, succeeding
the next 15th day of October following their date, said bonds and
the interest thereon to be payable as provided in said Code.
SECTION 6: That Thursday, the 21st day of April, 1949, at the
. hour of 8:00 o'clock p.m., of said day, and the meeting place of
said Board, 1822 Mt. Diablo Boulevard, City of Walnut Creek. in
the County of Contra Costa, Sta.te of California, be and the same
are hereby fixed as the time a~d place, when and where any and all
persons having any objection to the proposed work and improvement
or to the extent of the district to be assessed, or\both, may appear
before said Board and show cause why said proposed work should not
J 07
be carried out in accordance with this Resolution of Intention.
SECTION 7: That the Engi~eer of said District shall cause to
be conspicuously posted along the line of said work and improvement,
in the manner and form required by law, notices of the passage of
this Resolution.
SECTION 8: That the Secretary of said Board shall certify to
the passage of this Resolution and shall cause the same to be pub-
lished twice, as required by law, in the Courier-Journal, a news-
paper published and circulated within said District and hereby
designated for that purpose by said Board.
SECTION 9: Said District Board does hereby direct its Secretary
to mail notices of the adoption of this Resolution of Intention to
all persons owning real property proposed to be assessed for the
work herein described, whose names and addresses appeared on the
last equalized assessment roll of the County of Contrå..Costa or as
known to the Secretary, the contents of said notices th be as re-
quired by law.
PASSED AND ADOPTED by the District Board of Central Contra Costa
Sani tar:)' District of Contra Ca:sta County, State of California., this
31st day of IvIarch, 191.4-9, by the following called vote:
MembBrs 8mi tten, Toland, ;veill and Wadsworth
Members None
Hember Johnson
Count el'signed:
Neill C. Cornwall, Secretary of the
District Board of Central Contra
Costa Sanitary-District of Contra
Costa County, State of California
/s/ R.E.Wadsworth, President of the
District Board of Central Contra
CostA Sanitary District of Contra
Costa County, State of California.
Messrs. O. S. Osmundsen, Bart Waters, Jack Pedder, Bill Worden,
Bill Johnson and Louis S. Budo, representing the citizens of the
Saranap area, complained to the Board about the conãition of the
streets and the method of const~uction carried on by the Contractors
of Local Improvement District No.2. (Stolte, Inc).
After hearing the various complaints, the Boa~é. had the District
Engineer explein to them why the streets were not yet restored. Mr.
Gumpertz of Stolte, Inc., reminded the delegation that they had
reouested the admittance of side sewer contractors prior to the
completion of the work. The delegation was advised that the work
of restoring streets would begin immediately if the good weather
conditions held.
The District Board
Central Contra Costa Sanitary District
Walnut Creek, California
Mf~ rch 31, 1949
Submitted herewith is a detailed estimate of the cost of work
in accordance with Plans and Specifications which you directed me
to prepare in your Resolution No. 429 dated March 31, 1949, said
proposed work havi~g b~en ordered by you pursuant to a report and
recommendation of the Health Offie;er of Contra Costa County.
68,000 If
10,500 If
5,400 lf
2,600 If
4,000 If
700 If
), ea
45 If
29 If
,20 If
2,~45 If
92 If
80 If
160 lf
50 If
40 If
105 ea
130 ea -
900 ea
17 ea
70 ea
2 ea
55 ea
1 ea
3 ea
20 ea.
40 ea.
4 ea
8 oy
1 ea
50 ea
10 ea
611 V C Sewer Pipe
811 V C Sevver Pipe
1011 II
1211 II
15" II
611 Cast Iron Pipe
6" x 4~ Cast Iron Wye Branch
611 I D Concrete In. Steel pipe
811 II
1.5" ~
l81¡ R C Pipe T&G Joints
18" Ex. Str. RC Pipe w/co.jnt
15" C IvI Pipe 12 ga.
18" II
3011 II
30 II II 10 ga.
Flushing Inlets
Manholes 48" I D
611 X 4" V C Wye Branches
611 X 611 II
811 X 4" II
8" X 6" II
10" X 4" II
1011 X 611 II
1211 X 411 II
15" X 4" II
611 V C Pipe 1/8 Bend
8" II
Reinforced concrete
Coupling 811 ID Conc.lnd pipe
Resetting survey monuments
Connection to existing mn.
Construction Cost
Surveying and Inspection
Rights of way and Easements
Adv. legal, Assessment, etc.
::300. 00
20 . 00
$ 461,038.00
Ver.y truly yours
Member Toland, seconded by Me~ber Smitten, moved the adoption
of the following resolution:
~~EREAS the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District is engaged
in a pr'ogram of constructing collecting lateral sanitary sewers by
means of Local Improvement Districts in areas urgently in need of
such sewape disposal systems; and
WHEREAS it is necessary for the Sanitary District to advance
funds to such Local Improvement Districts before assessments can
be levied and collected to pay for the cost of such construction
work; and
WHE:REAS it is necessary for the Sanitary District to secure
addi tional funds to promptly reimbur'se its Running Expense Func1 for
disbursement s so made for such local improvement distri ct proceed-
NOH, THE:-:EFO?E, BE IT RESOL'lED thRt the Auditor of the County
of Contra Costa be and he is hereby authorized and directed to est-
ablish a. fund to be known as the Special Expense Fund of Central
Contra Costa Sanitary District.
BE IT FURTHER RESoLvED that after at'ITard of contracts for the
construction of sewers by mea.ns of local improvement district pro-
ceedings, th9t all advances made to the Local Improvement District
by the Sanitary District be charged to said Special Expense Fund
and that the Running Expense Fund be reimbursed for the advances
made prior' to the award of the particular construction contract.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that all further advances to local im-
provement district proceedings, subsequent to the award of the con-
struction contract, be charged. to the Special Expense Fund.
BE IT FURT3ER RESOLVED that said Special Expense Fund be re-
. imbursed progressively as contractors make payments for incidental
expenses pursuant to the Local Improvement Act of 1911.
BE IT F~THER RESOLVED that the Auditor be and he is hereby
authorized to register all ¡'.arrants drawn on the Special Expense
Fund and to charge interest thereon at the rate of five per cent
(5%) per annum until paid.
PASSED AND ADOPTED by the District Board of Central Contra Costa
Sanitary District of Contra Costa County, State of California, this
3lst.day of March, 1949, by the following called vote:
Members Smitten, Toland, Weill & Wadsworth
Members None
Member Johnson
/s/ R.E.Wadsworth, President of the
District Board of Central Contra
Costa Sanitary District of Contra
Costa County, State of California
/s/ Neill C. Cornwall, Secretary of the
District Board of Central Contra Costa
Sanitary District of Contra Costa County,
State of California.
L. I. D. NO.4
It was moved by Member Toland, seconded by Member Weill and
carried, that the Board authorize the President and Becretary to
enter into license agreement with Sacramento Northern Railway,
with no payment to be made, for crossing purs~ant to Local Im-
provement District No.4.
Member Smitten moved the adoption of the following resolution,
seconded by Member Weill:
\iHEREAS, on February 28, 1949, Frank Te iche and Hanna Teiche
executed a Lease of certain real property therein described to
Central Contra Costa Sanitary District as Lessee, and said Lease
has been accepted and duly executed by its President and Secretary
on the behalf of said Sanitary District,
NO)'¡, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED th~t the Recorder of the County
of Contra CostA, State of CRliforniR, be and he is hereby authorized
and directed to record said Lease.
PASSED AND ADOPTED by the District Board of Central Contra Costa
Sanitary District, Contra Costa County, State of California, this
31st day of March, 1949, by the following called vote:
Members Smi tt en, Toland, Vi eill and Wads1.vorth
Members None
Member Johnson
/s/ R.E.Wadsworth, President of the
District Board of Central Contra
Costa Sanitary District of Contra
Costa County, State of California.
Neill C. Cornwall, Secretary of the
District Board of Central Contra
Costa Sanitary District of Contra
Costa County, State of California.
It was moved by Member Smitten, seconded by Member Toland
that the offer of Stolte, Inc. as contained in its letter of
March 21, 1949 be accepted; that the President and Secretary be
authorized to execute the necessary contract to carry the proposal
of Stolte, Inc. into effect, and to issue the receipt of the
District for the sum of $25,000. Carried unanimously.
The Assessment for Local Improvement District No.2 \vas filed
by Clyde C. Kennedy, District Engineer, with the Secretary of the
District Board. Tbe following Notice was ordered published twice,
and posted on the door of the Sanitary District office:
.1 t ,
NOTICE IS HE~ZBY GIVEN that the Assessment, together with a
Diagram and Engineer's Certificate attached thereto, in the matter
of the work and improvement, to wit: The construction of sanitary
se\.¡ers Ð.nd appurtene_nces in Loce.l Improvement Di strict No.2 in
Central Contra Costa Sanitary District of Contra Costa County,
State of California, was filed with the Secretary of the District
Board of said Sanitary District, and in the office thereof at 1822
Mt. Diablo Bouleva~d, City of Walnut Creek, in said County, on
March 31, 1949.
NOTICE IS HE3EBY FURTHER GIVEN that the owners, the contra.ctor,
or his assigns and all other persons interested in said work or in
said Assessment, feeling aggrieved by any act or determination of
the District EnEineer in relation thereto, or \'I'ho claim that the
work has not been p'~rformed according to the contract in 8- good Ð.nd
substantial mannel", or who claim thé.t any portion of the vmrk for
any reason was omitted or illegally included in the contract for
the same, or having or making any objection to "':be correctneGS of
the Asse ssment or Diagram, or othe r .,.ct, determir18. "cion or proceed-
ings of said District Engineer, may, prior to the date hereinafter
fixed for hearing, appeal to said District Board by briefly stating
in writing the grounds of appeal.
And the 28t:h day of April, 1»)".'.;.9, at 8:00 o'clock p.m., on said
day, and the meeting pIece of said District Board at 1822 Mt. Diablo
Boulevard, in said City of Walnut Cree~, have been fixed as the time
and place when and where any anQ alll)SrSOns interested in said work
or Assessment may appear before said District Board and be heard by
said District Board upon such appeal, and show cause, if any th~y
have, why said Assessment should not be confirmed.
Reference is hereby made to Resolution of Intention No. 210
aéiopted by said Distl'ict Board on the 6th day of 1-'lay, 1948, under
which said work was done, for a description of said work.
/s/ Neill C. Cornwall, Secretary
of the District Board of Central
Contra Costa Sanitary District.
It was moved by Hember 5mi tten, seconded by Iviember Toland anO
carried, that the Board instruct the Sewer Inspector to issue no
further permits for community sewers with temporary disposal units
under Ordinance No.1 of the District.
It wa_s moved by Nembel" TolaJd, seconded by Nember Weill a.nd
cRrried, that the Manager be authorized and directed to notify the
O\,¡TIers of Diablo Gardens (formerly Her.mosÐ. 1vlanor) to 11mi t the
number of house oennections to 40 to the temporary disposal unit
installed under permit from this District.
It was moved by Member Smitten, seconded by Member Weill that
the Boa.I'd inst:c'"'uct the Attorney to prepare I'esolution for a.ction
April 7, 1949, to establish membership in the Contra Costa County
Emj)loyees' Retirement Association, effective May 1, 1949.
It was moved by Member Weill, seconded by Meôber Toland that
the Board authorize the Manager to purchase a Chevrolet 3/4 Ton
Pickup Truck at the quoted price of $11,-55.00. Cé'.rried.
Member Weill, seconded by Member Toland moved the adoption of
the following resolution:
ì'mEHEAS, the State of California under Chapter 47, Statutes
of 1944 (4.th Extra Session) appropriated funds for allotment to
Local Agencies, defined therein as cities, counties or cities and
counties for the purpose of defraying not to exceed one-half-of
the cost of preparing engineering field surveys, 'engineering or
architectural designs and working and detailed drawings and
specifications, and for the purpose of paying one-half or less
of the cost of acquisition of rights-of-way and s~tes, for post-
war public works projects in which the~e is a State interest (as
Qualified by the Act) all as set forth in said Act; and
WHEREAS, under provisions of said act, the County of Contra
Cos~a, acting by and through its Board of Supervisors, did by an
order and resolution adopted at a regular meeting of said Board
held on February 4, 1946 as sign to the Central Contra Costa, 8a.ni-
tary District from amounts ellotted to said county the following
NoW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that said District, acting by
and through its governing Board does hereby agree to the revoca-
tion of said assignment and the re~se of the amounts covered
thereby to th~ County of Contra Costa for use for county purposes.
The foregoing resolution PASSED AND ADOPTED bY the District
Board of Central Contra Costa Sanitary District of Contra Costa
County, State of California., this 31st day of March, 1949, by the
following called vote:
Members Smitten, Toland, vJe ill and Wadsworth
Members None
Member Johnson
/s/R.E.Wadsworth, President of the
District Board of Central Contra
Costa Sanitary District of Contra
Costa County, State of California.
Neill C. Cornwall, Secretary of the
District Board of Central Contra
Costa Sanitary District.
A petition for immediate sewering received from residents
in the Pacheco area waS brought to the notice of the Board.
The matter was referred to the District Manager for answer.
It was moved by Member Smitten, seconded by Memb~r Toland and
carried, thAt the Board ¡õ:rant permission to Associated Electrical
pnrllVlechanical Company to sub-let the repaving contrnct.
11 .)
It was Jloved by Member Toland, seconded by Member ~eill and
ca:c:C'ied, thF.t the meeting adjourn to April 7, 1949, at the hour'
of 8:00 olclock p.m.
. ./"'.
R., E. 1¡lADS1¡iORTH, rr'esident of the
District Board of Central Contra
Costa Sanitary District of Contra
Costa County, State of California.
N u.£.J.. {,. ¿ ~AA.~
Secretary of the District Board
of Central Contra Costa Sanitary
District of Contra Costa County,
State of California.
4 ~\