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HomeMy WebLinkAboutBOARD MINUTES 12-02-48 1 MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE DISTRICT BOARD OF CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT HELD DECEMBER 2~ 1948 The District Board of the Centra.l Contra Costa Bani ta.ry Di strict convened in regular session at its regular place of meeting located at 1822 Mt. Diablo Boulevard, in the City of Walnut Creek, County of Contra Costa, State of California at the hour of 8:00 o'clock p.m. The meeting waS called to order by President Wadsworth, and the following roll was called: PRESENT: Members Smitten, Toland, Weill and Wadsworth ABSENT: Member Johnson. READING OF PREVIOUS MINUTES It was moved by Member Smitten, seconded by Memb?r Toland that the Boa.rd waive the reading of the previous Minutes, and that they be approved as entered. Carried, by the following vote: AYES: Members Smit~en, Toland, Weill and Wadsworth NOES: None ABSENT: Member Johnson RIGHT OF WAY AGENTS FOR L.I.D. 8 AND L.I.D. 10 (Pleasant Hill East and Lower Orinda) It was moved by Member Smitten, seconded by Member Toland that the Board appoint Mr. W. E. Friberg as Right of ,Way Agent for Local Improvement District No. 10 (Lower Orinda), and Mr. Claude M. McPhee as Right of \vay Agent for Local Improvement Di strict No.8 (Walnut Q.-eek East) at a fee of $13.00 per deed. Carried unanimously. REQUEST FOR M~NEXATION - JEANNE HANSEN (SHERHAN FIELD..1:.ßQ.fEHTY) The Boa.rd instructed the District Engineer to prepare an estimate of cost for the annexation of Mrs. Hansen's property, and to advise her to go to a title company and secure a perimeter description of the property to be presented to the Board, together with a petition. REQUEST FOR ANNEXATION - COUNTY OF CONTRA COSTA Y'~ Mr. Ray Taylor, County Supervisor waS advised that an estimate of the cost for annexation of the property referred to would be preyared, on the basis of the amount they would have paid had they been in the District from the start, plus a service charge. 12 02 48 '2 LETTER FROM J. T. LUCAS RE TRUCK BIDS A letter from J. T. Lucas dated November II, 1948 wes read and ordered filed. LETTER FROM JOHN PERRY PARCEL 115 SECTION VI MAIN TRUNK LINE Mr. Perry requested thAt the easement deed he had granted to the district be revised to place the sewer on his back property, or pay him damages. The Engineer was instructed to investigate B.nd if feasible, have the pipe installed along the property line. ACCEPTING WOffiC OF SECTION III MAIN TRUNK SEWER STOLTE, INC. The following resolution was offered by Member Smitten, seconded by Member Toland: RESOLUTION NO. 405 ~~EREAS, Clyde C. Kennedy, District Engineer of the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District, has certified to this Board that Stolte, Inc., has fully executed and completed its contract, dated December 16, 1947, for the construction of Section III of the Main Trunk Sanitary Sewe~, located between Lafayette and Charles Hill, in accordance with the plans and specifications therefor. Said work was completed on November 30, 1948. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that said Section III of the Main Trunk Sanitary Sewer be and the same is hereby accepted, the Pres- ident and Secretary be and they are hereby authorized and directed to execute on behalf of the CENTRAL CONTRA COS~A SANITARY DISTRICT a Notice of Completion as provided by law and cause the same to be recorded in the Office of the Recorder of the County of Contra Costa, State of California, and said Recorder is hereby authorized to record the PASSED AND ADOPTED by the District Board of the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District, Contra Costa County, State of California, this 2nd day of December, 1948. AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Members Smitten, Toland, Weill and Wadsworth l>1embers - None Member Johnson /s/ R. E. Wadsworth, President of the District Board of Central Contra Costa Sanitary District of Contra Costa County, State of California Countersigned: Morna Phillips, Assistant Secretary 12 02. 48 .1 DISTRICT ATTOffi~EYI3 LETTER RE: INSPECTIONS OF SEWER CONNECTIONS The letter of November 18, from the Di~rict Attorney had been held over from the meeting. The Board instructed the Attorney to reply to the letter, stating that the Sanitary District had no means of making septic tank installation and connection inspections. OPENING BIDS FOR CONSTRUCTION OF LOCAL IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT NO.1 Bids from the following were opened and read: Burch and Bebek, Lynnwood, Calif. Underground Constr. Co., Oakland Stolte, Inc. , Oakland Fredrickson & Watson, Oakland Stockton Constr. Co., Stockton $377,470.00 355,767.50 349,073.75 390,823.00 349,440.00 The Engineer reco~mended acceptance of the bid of Stolte, Inc., as the lowest responsible bid. The following resolution was offered by Member Toland, seconded by Member Weill: RESOLUTION NO. 406 RESOLUTION OF A~vARD OF CONTRACT FOR \vORK IN LOCAL Il4PROVEMENT DISTRICT NO.1 RESOLVED that the District BoRrd of Central Contra Costa Sanitary District, Contra Costa County, State of California, having in open session on the 2nd day of December, 1948, opened, examined and public- ly declared all sealed proposals or bids offered for doing the work hereinafter mentioned; H~FÆBY rejects all of said BIDS except that hereinafter mentioned, and hereby AWARDS the Contract to the lowest, regular responsible BIDDER, to-wit: To Stolte, Inc., at the prices specified in their proposal for doin[2" said work nm.¡ on file. The work herein referred to is the construction of sanitary sewers and appurtenances for that area, and to the extent, with the materials and in the manner, set forth in Resolution of Intention No. 366, adopted by said District Board on the 23d day of September, 1948, reference to which said Resolution of Intention is hereby made for a description of said work and improvement, and the terms and conditions under which the same is to be done. The Secretary of said District Bo&rd is hereby directed to publish notice of this AWARD, twice in The Courier-Journal, a weekly newspaper published and circulated in said Sanitary District as required by law. PASSED AND ADOPTED BY SAID DIST~ICT BOARD OF THE CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SAiHI'AEY DISTRICT, CmJTRA COSTA COUNTY, STATE OF CALIFOF.NIA, THIS 2nd DAY OF DECEl'iBER, 1948. AYES: Members Smitten, Tolend, vleill and Wa.dsworth NOES~ Members None ABSENT: Ivlember Johnson Countersigned: /s/ R. E. Wadsworth, President of the District Board of Central Contra Costa Sanitary District of Contra Costa County, State of California. Morna Phillips Assistant Secretary. 12 02 48 4 EJ:l.YMENT OF BILLS It was moved by l'lembsr Weill seconded by I-1ember Toland that the following bills as approved by the auditing committee be paid. ¡"lotion carried. VOUCHER 862 863 864 865 866 867 868 869 870 871 872 873 874 875 876 877 878 879 880 881 882 883 884 885 886 887 888 889 890 891 892 893 894 89.5 896 897 898 899 900 901 902 903 904 905 906 907 908 909 910 911 912: 9lJ 91h 915 916 917 918 919 920 921 922 923 924 NAME Lewis Dannels Tessa Miller Douglas A. \'lald Leonard O. Wald Ivor C. Long M. F. Klemmick Ja.mes Corry Al Blythe Fred \Alilkins Robert J. Desdier Lucas, Genessi & Co. Anderson-Haglund L. E. Spicklemire 1¡1. A. Gentry R. D. Raines County Clerk II It II It C.R.Geschke Stolte, Inc. Richard Otto Sam D. Long Clyè.e C. Kennedy Wm. H. Brailsford, Jr. R. ~.;¡. Harri son V. Brna de s Morna Phillips Tessa Miller Douglas Wald Leonard \'laId Ivor Long 11. F. Klemmick James Corry James Couch H. \v. Compasso Al Blythe Fred Wilkins G. S. Cutler H. W. 'Toland H. M. Smitten Lawson H. Weill R. E. l^ladsworth Elliott Johnson Clyde C. Kennedy Wm. H. Bra,ilsford, Jr. Calif. Water Service Coast Counties Gas & Elec. PAc. Gas & Elec. Pac. Tel. & Tel. City of Walnut Creek L. H. Blakeley C. A. Jorgensen James A. Dewing Fred Champion George Sole V. O. Buckner Jack Rea,dy P. J. Fahey Oakland Sewer Const. Armand Serra R. Mangini AMOUNT $15.00 93.20 133.50 140.00 I), S,~ c -125 ..q0 -L",--~ 129.30 129.30 137.50 137.50 15.00 409.00 Final Payment, Office 8545.39 Deposit refund 15.00 II 15.00 44.00 250.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.OO 15.00 50,072..56 15.DO 15.00 2,015.66 143.98 143.97 186.40 231.66 93.20 133.50 140.00 '125.20 129.30 129.30 46.60 43.00 204..56 203.30 45.12 30.00 31. L¡.o 30.00 32.21 31.40 33.32 400.00 130.25 8..57 39.75 143.30 4.81 15.00 15.00 15.00 15.00 15.00 15.00 15.00 60.00 270.00 15.00 15.00 Deposit refund Steno - Salary Plant Opera tor It II It Maintenance InsDector It . Deposit refund II Cancelled Permit fees Condemn. Miles II Johnson II Nevill II Tosh 11 Valpreda Deposit Refund Final - Section I Deposit Refund II Engr. LID 5 Fee - LID 5 Fee - LID 5 Clerk - Sa.lary Asst. Secretary Salary Plant Operator II It 11 M:=>.intenance II Janitor Inspector 11 Secretary Director 11 It II II Diet. Ngr. to 11-4-Lj.8 Attorney Tre é'tment Plant Office - gas II Electricity ',¡,'reatment Plant Office - water Deposit Refund It II It II II II II II II 11 12 02 48 VOUCHER 925 926 927 928 929 930 931 932 933 934 935 936 937 938 939 940 941 942 943 944 945 946 947 948 94'9 950 951 952 NAME Bank of America Bennett Supply Co. Wm. H. Brailsford Cincotta Bros. A. Cnrlisle & Co. Contra Costa Co. Title Co. Courier Journal Jack Hageman H<orb's Hardware Inland Typewriter Cla.ude NcPhee II Orrich D. N & Herringto~ Lee Rothgery J. T. Schroder Sun Publishinr Co. Walnut Creek Studio Wa.lnut Kernel Eleanor L. Wood Zellerbach Paper Co. Clyde C. Kennedy II Stanley Koller HArtin Bros. Stockton Contr. Co. MaODonald, Young & Nelson A. T. Bennett Patrick & Moise-Klinkner Withho16ing tax dep. Office supplies Attorney fee -Trotter Equipment Supplies -election Title reports Printing & Publishing Insuran ce Maintenance supplies Supplies Right of way agent II Local Districts Right of Way agent InsurA.nce Publishing Picture mounting Publishing & Printing Notary Fees Supplies Engineer II LID Section IV Section V Section VI Treatment Plant Final - Oxidation Bronze placque PURCHASE OF STEEL CABINETS FOR TRACiNGS 5 Al,¡IOUNT 158.50 5.18 150.00 12.61 391.35 799.60 324.97 397.25 1.29 9.27 5.00 547.75 200.00 42.47 229.14 100.10 9.27 48.59 10.50 9.09 8,699.25 15,012.67 7,731.06 9,150.63 7,430.85 36,203.27 6,9b8.50 140.32 It was moved by Member Smitten, seconded by Member Toland that . the Board authorize the purchase of a set of Hamilton tracing files, at a ouoted price of ~256.oo plus tax. CRrried. CHARGE FOR PRIVATE EASEMENTS It was moved by Member Smitten, seconded by Member Toland that the Board authorize Mrs. Phillips to advise people who request that the Di strict draw up easement pe.pers for them, the t there will be a chRr~e made for the service eQual to the actual cost of such prepara- tion. Motion carried. GAINOR AGREEloiENT - SECTION VI PARCEL ONE It wes moved by ~¡ember 8mi tten, seconded by Memb?r Toland that the Board authorize the President and Secretary to execute en agree- ment with E. F. Gainor covering method of installing sewer in the easement granted by Mr. Gainor. Motion carried. DEEDS OF DEDICATION FOR SEvŒR EASEMENT The following Deeds of Dedication have been accepted and recorded under Resolution No. 341: Deed from Frank W. and Rose L. Haviside, covering portion of Lot 46 of the Suböivision No. I Larkey Ranch, known as Parcel 65 of Local Improvement District No.4. Deed from Albert D. and Helen F. Parker, over a portion of Lot 7 of the King Estates, known as Parcel lA of Local Improvement District No.5. Deed from Edward E. and Juanita A. Germann, over a portion of Lot 19 of the Hook Estate Subdivision No. I, known as Parcel 15 of Local Improvement District No.6. 12 02 48 6 Deed from Chps. H. and Clara I. Martin, over a portion of the Rancho Las Juntas, known as Pprcel 19 of Local Improvement District No.6. Deed from A. Howard and Anita D. Kepler, over a portion of the Rancho Las Juntas, known as Parcel 37 of Local Impro.vement District No.6. Deed from Arnold E. and Jenny E. Irwin, over a portion of Lot 4 of the Hook Estate Subdivision No. I, known as Parcel 38 of Local Improvement District No.6. Deed from Dave and Margaret Ross, over a portion of Lot 6 of the Hook Estate Subdivision No. I, known as Parcel 8 of Local lll- provement District No.6. STATUS OF GOGO TRIAL - SECTION I Mr. Brailsford reported to the Board that the case of Tom L. Gogo would have to be prosecuted in Los Angeles, by rulinp of the Court. ADJOUF.}IMENT It was moved by Member Smitten, seconded by Member Weill that the meeting adjourn to December 16, 1948 at the hour of 8:00 o'clock p.m. Motion carried. :; .. ~~,,~ Pre ~ ent of the District Board of Central Contra Costa Sanitary Dist- rict of Contra Costa County, State of California Countersigned: ý~ ~ ~ ./ I~ c.,.o .J Assistant Secretary 12 02 48