HomeMy WebLinkAboutBOARD MINUTES 11-02-61 134: MINUm OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE DJSTRICT BOARD CENTRAL CONTRA CœTA SANITARY DISTRICT HELD NOVEMBER 2, 1961 The District Board of Central Contra Costa Sanitary District convened in a Regular Session at its regular place cf meeting located at 1250 Spring- brook Road, Walnut Creek, County of Contra Costa, State of California, on November 2,1961, at 8:00 o'clock P.M. The meeting was called to crder by President Mitchell. ........... I. ROIJ. CAll. PRESENT: Members: Gibbs, Roemer, Salfingere, Bowman and Mitchell ABSENT : Members: None II. APPROVAL OF MINUTES The Minutes of the meeting of October 19, 1961, were approved as presented. III. APPROVAL OF BILlS It was moved by Member Bowman, seconded by Member Gibbs, that the bills, as audited by the Auditing Committee and as submitted by the District Manager- Engineer, be approved, reference being specifically made to Sewer Constru.ction Vouchers Numbers 1326 to 1347, inclusive, and Running Expense Vouchers Numbers 8301 to 8486, inclusive. Carried by the following vote: AYES: Members: Gibbs, Roemer, Sa1fingere, Bowman and Mitchell NOES : Members: None ABSENT: Members: None IV. BIDS IGNACIO VALlEY ROAD BIPASS SEWER -......" The following bids, opened at 2:00 o'clock P.M. this date, were presented to the District Board: 1. A. C. Bashnick 2. M. G. M. Constru.ction Company 3. McGuire and Hester 4. John H. McCosker, Inc. 5. Fremont Pipeline Constru.ction Co. $28,319.00 34,059.90 39,1.39.00 39,993.00 49,640.50 RESOWTION NO. l2~ AWARDING CONTRACT FOR IGNACIO VALLEY ROAD BYPASS SEWER TO A. C. BAS CK Upon the recommendation or Mr. Horstkotte, District Manager-Engineer, it was moved by Member Gibbs, seconded by Member Bowman, tJIat Resolution No. 1295 be adopted. Carried by the following vote: AYES : Members: Gibbs, Roemer, Salfingere, Bowman and Mitchell NOES: Members: None ABSENT: Members: None Upon the request of Mr. Horstkotte, District Manager-Engineer, it was moved by Member Bcwman, seconded by Member Salfingere, that $2,000.00 from Sewer Construction General Fund be authorized for engineering and inspection of the Ignacio Valley Road Bypass Sewer. Carried by the rol1owing vote: AYES: Members: Gibbs, Roemer, Salfingere, Bowman and Mitchell NOES : Members: None ABSENT: Members: None '-- 11 . 0 2~ ,~61 ;-", ,..-......., 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 ORDINAi~CE NO. 45 AN ORDIN~JCE D~FI~ING GARBAGE AND RE~~LATING THE COLLi~CTION A1~D' DISPOSAL OF Gr.RBAGß:; FIXING THZ RI~TES FOR COLLECTION ANi) DISPOSAL OF GARBAGE; PRESCRIBlI~G PENALTIES; AND REPEALING ORDINANCE 00. 38 AND ALL OTHER, oRIn NANCES IN cœFLICT HEREWITH. CONTENTS Section 1 2 Definitions Application of o~jinance within incorporated cities Stora~e of garbage at point of origin 3 4 Garbaie to be placed in cont8it\ers 5 6 Requirements for containers Requirements as to containers not applicable to certain types of garbage 7 ß Area where container kept to be clean Frequency of garbage rcmovùl 9 10 Exception~ to application of sees. 3-8 General requirements for hauling garbage 11 12 Exclusive franchise Contractor to furnish bonds and insurance 13 Exclusive right of contractor to collect and dispose of garbage Revocation of excl~sive contract 14 15 Board shall hold a hearing before revocation Legislative findings and designation of geogra?hicgl areas 16 17 Maximum rates for basic residential and commercial collections Id Ma>:imum residential rates where special conditions exist Minimum rates for special collections Hearing upon complaint based on unreasonable charges Violation of ordinance a misdemeanor Eac:h violation a separate offense Se',erabil ity Repeal Tlilkin~ effect '.,' PaRe 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 5 8 8 3 9 9 9 9 9 11 ,82 '6'1 .;' ORDINANCE NO. 45 .-.., A:J CRDI>JANC¿ D¿FIiHNG GARB'.GE AND REGUU.TL~G TH¿: COLLECTION AND DISPOSAL OF GARBAGE; FIXING T~!e RATES FOR COLLECTION AND DISPOSAL OF GARBl:.GE; PR£SCRIBING PENALTIES; AND RE~EALIiIG ORDINANC~ NO. 38 AND ALL OTHZR OilDliìAN:Z3 IN CONFLICT H~REWITB The Board of Directors of t~e Central Contra Costa Sanitary District do ordain as follows: ¡.RTICLE I In Genere.1 Section 1:,. Definitions. As used in this Ordinance, unless the context ~trerwise requires: (1) GARBAGE includes: (8) (b) Animal, fruit and vegetable refuse; offal; (c) leaves and cuttings, trimmings from trees, shrubs and grass; ........, (d) (e) inor~anic refuse and rubbish; anything thrown away as wort~less'. (2) ?~RS)N means. individu:::l,fir8, åssociation~ corporation, or occupied residential unit or commercie.l establishment. (3) PLACE means land, building, site, drainage ditch or road, public or private, in the District. (4) HEALTH OFFICER means the Hea1tb Officer of Contra Costa County. ( 5) BO/.RD means t}1e Board of Directors of the Centrrl Contr~ Costa Sanitary District. (6) DISTRICT means tre Central Contra Costa Sanitary District. (7) OO~ITRACTOR means an é]~ent or employee of the District, or ~ "erson \.¡itr. whom the District contracts to collect, rr~nsDort t~r~ugh the streets and dis?ose of ~arb3ge ?roduc~d in th' District. 11 02 ,61 . ¡ . ., Sect~on ~~ ~~tton of ordina"2e within incorporated citie~ This ordinance does not ÐFply wit~in an incorporated city whose boundaries are witrin the District if the city on the date this ordinance takes effect,m9intains or ~rovides for garbage collection ~ and disposal witrin LtG limits. ¡~RTICLE It Section 3. ~~l-!!ovisions as to Stora~e and ÇQ11Qction of Garbage. Stora~e of ~arba~e at ~oint of ori&ino No person shall keel- or dis~:ose of garba~e in a m~mner which or upon any ~lace ~TIicr affords food or harborage for rodents or insects, or whicr causes a public nuis~nce or public health hazard, or in violation of this Ordin~nce. Section 4. Garbage to be placed 1n containers. Every person havL'1~ charse or control of a plece where ~arbage accumu1at~Ð shall provide suitable end sufficient 3Arba3e containers. ~ Section 5. control of e place where garbage accumulates s~a1l ?lace the ~equiremcnts for containers. A person having ( a) garba~e in a container which: is waterati~~t, circular, ~A1vanized metal or equivalent quality; (b) ( c) (d) (el or emptied¡ (f) (g; Section Go is of not more t~an thirty-two (32) gallon caFacity; has a ti~rt-fittin~ cover with handle; has t",o adequate handles; is covered continuously excer.t when being filled is placed 1n locations accessible to the collector; is l~ept clean by the u~ers 0 Reauirements as to containers not ap~licable to çertain tv~es of 2arba~e. Garba3C consisting of industrial, horticultural, conztruction or other accumulations may be collected rmd disposed of without reference to the requirements of Section 50 S~ct ion 7. Area \.¡h~re cont.äi.!1!U:-~..I2t-12-be clcIDl:.. A person who has a gBrbage"container shall keep the area wrere the 3arbaBe container is located clean and free of garbage. Î. 11 '. 0.,61 -----------------.-.----- , . ," ~ .. ~ Section 8. t!:Ictu(!n~yof urbð18__J:C:nQ..V:iL.. GS'Cbðgf! sh311 b4i! removed once eacr week or as often as required by the Health Cfficer. No garbage, swill, animal remains, offal or fecal matter ~ may be burned. Section 9. Exceotions to aDD~cation of sees. 3-8. Sections 3-8 do not apply to persons collecting: (a) dead animals, bones, or meat scraps for tallow plants or (b) industrial wastes. Section lO~ General reQuirements ~in2 2aI2ä-~~ 0,-11 ~arbage removed and conveyed on or along streets in the District shall be hauled in an all-metal, water-tight bodied motor truck, and conveyed in a manner so that the contents do not sift through or fall upon the streets and do not blow upon the streets or adj3ceo~ ~-- ror-.erties. Tñe truck body shall ~e constructed of metal of . sufficient stren~th to withstand fire within, without endángering ~ ,ersons or cro?erty. The truck body in which garbage is regularly hauled shall be washed at least once each week. Bach truck shall be equipped witt- a tarpaulin or other suitable covering which shall be drawn over the load as com~leted to full depth. Garbage in the truck shall be completely covered between points of collection and disposal. ARTICLE III E¡tclu3ive Franchise Section 11. Exclusive franchi~e. Thu Board finds that the District cannot by its own resources collect and dispose of garbage which accumulates witt-in the District. The District may enter into an exclusive contract or may enter bto exclusive contracts covering specified geographical service areas to provide for the uniform and sryeedy collection and disposal of garbage. Section 12. Contractor to {u The contractor sÞal1 furnish a bond in the amount of $5000 in favor of the District conditioned upon the faitbful performance by him of the duties im;--osed by ordinance, contract, and rules and re'JUla lions of the District. The contractor sr~ll obtain and keep in force for -3- 11 ,~:. J 61 'tho rartod c:oV.rod bV ihe ('.Oft'tr6ct (1> public liability insurance in an amount not less than $100,000 for tbe death or injury of one person and $300,000 for the death or injury of more than one person and (2) property damage insurance in an amount of not less ..--, than $10,000 upon each of the vehicles used in carrying out the contract. The conttactor shall also furnish such other insurance as the Board may require. All insurance obtained by the contractor shall also cúver t}'le District, its officers, agents and employees. Section 13. Exclusive ri2ht of contractor to collect and dispose of garbage. The contractor sÞall collect, convey and dispose of all garba~e accumulated in the geo~raphical service area s~ecified in the contract. No person other tt-an the contractor may collect, convey over the streets of t~e District, or dispose of garba~e accumulated in the area s(ecified in an exclusive contL8ct. Section 14. ~evocation of exclY§ive contract. T}'I.e District .--- may revoke an. exclusive contract entel"cd into under t}'l.is ordinance if the contractor violates the contract, this ordinance or rule or regulation of the District. Section 15. Board stall hold a hear~ore revocattoq. Before revoking an exclusiv~ contract under section 14, the Board shall hold a hearing on the question of revocation and give the contractor at least 20 days notice of the hearing. If after the hearing, the Board finds that tre contractor has violated (1) the contract, or (2) this ordi.w:mce or en a rule or regulation of the , . District applicable to the contractor, the Bo~rd shall revoke the contract. !;.RTI CLI!: IV ~~ ~"' Section lE. Lc~islative findln~s and desi~nation °t çeogra~hical area~. T~e Eoard finds that, because of the large size of the District, the diversity of geo~ra~hical ct-aracteristics witr!n ics boundaries, and the concentration of population centers in ~l;ecific nnd definable a.(eas, a uniform rate for the collection and disi-°sition of ~~rba3e \o7hich is fnir and equitable to all residences and businesses alike cannot be fixed. The Board finds that for the purpose of fixing mmdrnum rates, the District is divided into zones designated and generally d~~cribed as follows: - /'" 11 ~. Ð ,J 61 (1) Zone 1, comprising tt'-e g,"'graphica1 areas known as .%h.o1L..R2.rt1ou of the OriDda !!!'l Moraaa are.. ~ 11'1 thin the boundary of the Central Contra Costa San1t~ Dlstr1c~. , --- the boundarie3 of w~icr are more particularly srown on the ma?, a co~.y of wr ich is on file in the office of the District. (2) lone 2, comprising the geographical areas known as That. partiðD .t tnA T.d'~t..... ar88 lylnl vii:J11n tn. 1\-""'817 of' t.M Central Contr. Costa SlIlt tarY Di8trict. .-' 'the Þoundar-jes of whì.ch are more particularly sho-t./n on t~ 1J6p, d co~y of which is on file in the office of tre District. (3) Zone 3, comprising the geographical areas kno~m as Those portions of the Pleasant Hill and Pacheco areas l,y1ng within the bound8:J"Y or the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District. r-, the boundaries of which are more :articularly shown on. the ma~, a co y of whicr is on file in the office of tt'-e DÜ:trict. (4) Zone 4, com rising the gco~rar~l1ical areas known as That portion of- the Wa1nuL.~ area louth to 118110 and those I)ortions of the 1lUD aDd Dannlle areas lying westerly of State Hilthway No, 21. which lie within the bOUDdary of the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District. --, the boundaries of which are more iJarticularly sho\Vt1 on tt'e ma...., a cOtY of whicr is on file in the offi<:e of the Distric t. ( 5) Zone 5, com¡)ris ing the 3eograph.i.c;' 1 é'.rcas l<.no\'ffi as Tho~e portions of the 118.8) and Danvil1e areas lYiI12 easterly of State Hi.m...y No. 21 and within the boundary or the Central Contra Costa Sanitar:.v Distrie't. _. ..'---.-- the boundaries of which ðre ynore ;~,é]rt:i ci.!J.:lly shO\'I1I1 on the map, a copy of wnicr is on fi le ;f\ 'the> of fie,:, of t:ìC District. Section 17. :1axi!lli.;..~~.r~t.e.s fn~ä1.c n~s identiêl1 é!nd commercial collections. Except élS p!:\.:vided ü¡ [,~cLions 18 and 19 tre maximum r~tes are é!S follcws: - J- 11 02 61 r--., " ð. Zone 1, b. Zone 2. À ~er90n from whom garbage is collected in Zone 1 Hhall pay a monthly rate not to exceed the following: (1) Basic residential rate: 1 collection a week of 30 gallons or less, 'month. $1. 75 a (2) Commercial rate: (a) 1 collection a week of 30 gallons or less, a basic rate of $2.50 a month; For each additional collectiOi. of 30 ~<Ü lons or fraction or 30 gallons made at the same lime, $.50 shall be added to tile basic réttt:. ( )) For each collection of bult{ rrl"1t:ter, $1.5C for on~ cubic Yð)"Ò I'ì.' (~action of one cubic yard. A person from whom garbage is collected in Zone 2 shall pay a monthly rate not to exceed the following: (1) 1 collectiol1 a ~asic residential rate: week of 3C gallons or less, $1.50 a month. (2) Commercial rate: (2) 1 collection a week of 30 gallons or less, ~ basic rate of $2.50 n month; For each additional collection of 30 ~allons or fraction OL' 30 gallons made at the same tlrwE $.5' shall be added to the basic rate. (b) For each collection of bulk matter, $1.50 for one cubic yar~ or fraction of one cubic yard. , - - 11 02 61 ,-..., -, , c. Zone 3. d. Zone 4. 'J, ' A oerson from Whom ~arbag. is collected in Zone 3 shall pay a monthly rate not to exceed the followin~: (1) 1 collection a Basic residential rate: week of 30 gallons or less, $1.50 a month. (2) CommeTcial rate: (a) 1 collection a week of 30 gallons or less, a basic rate of $2.50 a month; For each additional coll~ction of 30 gallons or fractiOl£ of 30 gallons ma~e at the same time, $.50 shall be Ðdded to the basic rate. (b) For each collection of bu~k ITl1î:i..Cr, $1.50 for one cubic yard or fraction of one cubic yard. A person from whom garbage is collected in Zone 4 shall pay a monthly rate not to exceed the following: (1) 1 collection é: Basic residential rate: week of 3'- gallons or less, $1. 50 a month. ('1) l.., Commercial rate: ( " \ (1 .: 1 collection a week of 30 gallons ~r less, a basic rate of $2.50 a monll-:; For eacr additional collection of 30 3al10n5 or fr(](;tic.; of 3", 3allons made at the same time, $.50 shall be added to the bèr-ic rate. (b) For each collection of bulk matter, $1. SO for one cubic yard or fractio~1 of one cubic yard. -7- 11 02 61 / e. Zone 5. A ~erson from wh~n 8crbsge 19 collected in Zone 5 shall pay a monthly rate not to exceed the following: (1) Basic residential rate: 1 collection .........., a week of 30 gallons or less, $1.50 a month. (2) Comm\;;:rcial rate: (a) 1 collection a week of 30 gallons or less, a basic rate of $2.50 a month; For each additional collection of 30 gallons or fracti~ of 30 gallons made at the sam~ time, $.50 shall be added to the basic rate. (b) For each collection of bnlk 'matter, $1.50 for one cubic yard -"- or fraction of one cubic yard. Section ~ ~eximum res1d~ rntes where soecial condit~9~ exist. In each zone where a s~ecia1 truck is required for the collection because of (1) the condition of a roadway, (2) the degree of incline; (3) the condition of a driveway, (4) or the distance of the area where a cùntainer is ke?t from the street, the maximum basic residential rate for 1 collection a week of 30 gallons or less is $3.00 a rt\Ofl"th. Section 19. Ninimum rates for special collections. In each zone, the minimum rate for each special collection requested by a customer is $3.00. Section 20. Hearin2 uoon com!Jlaint based on unreasonabl<L,. char2es. A person comllaining that a charge for collection is unreasonable shall file a written com~laint witr t~e Board settin~ forth the facts. The Board shall notify the ~erson fixing the charge of the com~laint and shall investi~ate the matter of the comllaint Rnd conduct a hearing, if requested to do so, to determine the rcRsonnblcness of the char~e. -8- 11 02 61 -------,_.., ,---"..,----------------"'----- -----",---"""..",.. ,~! , . ;I ARTICLE V Miscellane~s orovisions. Section 21. Violation of ordinance a misd§rneanor. A person ...--... wpo violates any provision of this ordinance is guilty of a mis- demeanor and, upon conviction, shall be ~unished by a fine of not more than $100 or by imtirisonment in the county jail for not more than 30 days, or both. Section 22. Each violation a se~arate offense. ~ach day's vl(Jl~t1cn of thia ord1c&DCe is a seFarate offense. Section 21. Severability. 1f an article, section, subsection, subdivision, centence, clause or phrase of this ordinance is held unconstitutional, this does not affect the validity of the remaining portion of this ordinance. The Board declares that it 'tvould have ¡Jassed eac}-, provision of tr'is ordinance, il'res¡.-ective of the fact that one or more articles, sections, subsections, sub- divisions, clauses, phrases, or provisions are declared un- -', constitutional. Section 24. Receal. Ordinance No. 38 and all other ordinances or ~;arts of ordinances in conflict with this ordinance are re~ealed. Section 25. ~in!l effect. This ordinance shall be entered in the minutes of the Board, srall be published once in the ~alnut Kernel, a newspaper published in the District and shall take effect upon the expiration of the week of said publication. pASSED i,~'m AOOPTED by the Board of Directors of CentrD.l Contra Costa 3pnitêry District on the 2nd d~y of ~ovembcr, l~Cl, by tre followin3 vote, to-wit: I.YZS: ;~crr,bers: Gibbs, N~E3: Hcmbcrs: None ABSì!:NT: ~1embcrs: ì.'ione Roemer, Bowman, 3D.lfin3ere and Mitchell C :U~T=n.sJ-~ED: -.:>', .7 '--'~~¿.~- ~/~ ~ccretary of the District Board 'f Central Contra Costa Sanitary :',' \;:-ict of Contra CostA County, St to ~f C~lifornia. 11 02 61 135 v. OLD BUSINESS EXCllJSIVE FRANCHISE FOR GARBAGE COLLECTION LICElf3EES ~ President Mitchell asked the Members of the Board if they had any specific coDDnents on the proposed Ordinance and agreement sent to each Member of t,he Board by Mr. Bohn" Counsel for the District. After discussing various portions of the proposed Ordinance and the agreement" Member Roemer stated that" aside from the Ordinance and agreement" tþere ;was: the..general problem before the Board for its determination to grant the proposed five-year franchises with the option to renew. The Board determined it was agreeable to entering into five-year franchise agreements with the five garbage collectors based on their performance under license aDd the anticipated improvement in equipment. President Mitchell stated that the Ordinance as presented should have an alternate clause ror licensing along with fr~chise for possible need in the future as a result of any changes in service where the Board may wish to issue a license rather than a franchise. President Mitchell also stated that the franchising of the garbage collectors should be for control only and not as a revenue producing measure. Mr. Horstkotte" District Manager-Engineer, stated that the annual ree for each garbage collector should be $1,,000.00 which he felt would be sufficient to cover District costs for administering and policing. ~ After discussion" it was agreed the surety bonds should be $5"000.00,, bodily injury insurance carried in the amount of $100,,000.00 - $300"000.00,, and property damage $10,,000.00. ORDINANCE 45 J AN ORDINANCE DEFINOO GARBAGE AND 1mGUUTOO THE COLlECTION Am> DmFC&L OFGARB4~IX~ THÊ BAD'.S FOR COLlECTION AND DmPmu.L OF ~:~~c~~ÓT ~~TÅ AM> RlPEAtmnmJ)OOCE ,36 AND ALL 0'l1ŒH It was moved by Member Salf'ingere, seconded by Member Roemer, that Ordinance 45 be adopted. Carried by the rollowing vote: AYES: Members: Gibbs, Roemer, Salfingere, Bowman and Mitchell NOIS : Members: None AmENT: Members: None CONTRACTS WITH GARBAGE COLŒCTORS After discussion, it' was moved by Member Roemer" seconded by Member Salfingere, that the President and Secretary be authorized to execute agree- ments with Lafayette Garbage Disposal Service, Diablo Disposal Service, Pleasant Hill Disposal Service, Valley DiBposal Service, and Orinda Garbage and Refuse Disposal Service under Ordinance 45; said agreements to be subject to modification by the District for a period or 120 days. Counsel was directed to add this provision to the agreement. Carried by the following vote: AYES: Members: Gibbs, Roemer" Salfingere, Bowman and Mitchell NOES: Members: None ABSENT: Members: None ORDINANCE 28 ~ Continued to November 16,1961. LA. GONDA WAY REBATE AGHEEMENT The La Gonda Way rebate agreement, signed by the property owners, was presented. It was moved by Member Roemer" seoondeELby Member Gibbs, that the President and Secretary be authorized to execute the agreement ror the pur- chase of rebate rights with the La Gonda Way property owners and $3,800.00 from Sewer Construction General Funds be paid Lewis Dannels, ccntractor . 11 02 61 136 for the work, in accordance with the tenus of the agreement. following vote: Carried by the AYES: Members: NOES: Members: ABSENT: Members: Gibbs, Roemer, Salfingere, Bowman and Mitchell None None VI. NÐi BUSINESS CHARGE OFF UNCOLLECTIBLE ACCOUNTS.. CHARlES HARNEY CæpANY $2.. 716.48 AND RALPH CHR1STIE COMPANY $692.00 Mr. Horstkotte, District Manager-Engineer, explained that, or the $8,198.33 charged on the books to Charles Harney Company as a result of damage to District facilities during the freeway construction, the Court allowed $5,481.85, leaving a balance of $2,716.48 to be charged off. Mr. Horstkotte explained that reimbursement for work done to provide sewers to the Glick's and charged agajnst Ralph Christie Company was un- collectible due to Mr. Christie's having moved from the area. Instructions have been given to the stafr that no permits are to be issued to his organization, if he should return, until the $692.00 is paid. ~ It was moved by Member Sali'ingere, seconded by Member Roemer, that the $2,716.48 balance carried on the books as due from Charles Harney Company and the $692.00 due rrom Ralph Christie Company be charged off. Carried by the ro11owing vote: AYES : Members: NOES : Members: ABSENT: Members: Gibbs, Roemer, Sa1fingere, Bowman and Mitchell None None SETTLEMENT FOR EASEMENT PARCEL 7, WATERSHED 27, OWNER PERRY Mr. Horstkotte, District Manager-Engineer, stated that the District staff and Counsel for the District recommended settlement of the Perry condemnation action for easement Parcel 7, Watershed 27, be settled in the sum of $2,100.00. He stated that nineteen walnut trees were removed, sixteen entirely on Mrs. Perry's property and three on adjacent rights of way which she cared for and harvested. ~ It was moved by Member Gibbs, seconded by Member Bowman, that the Perry condemnation action for easement Parcel 7, Watershed 27, be settled in the sum of $2,100.00 payable from Sewer Construction General Fund. Carried by the following vote: AYES: Members: Gibbs, Roemer, Sa1fingere, Bowman and Mitchell NOES: Members: None ABSENT : Members: None RESOWTION NO. ~ ."'. AUTHORIZIlÐ THE PRESmpT AND SECRETARY TO EXECUTE THE EASEMENT AGREEMENT WJ.TH THE SOUTHImN PACIFIC COMPANY... LINE G Mr. Horstkotte, District Manager-Engineer, stated that the Line G easement agreement with Southern Pacific Company provided for an annual payment of $275.00. It was moved by Member Bowman, seconded by Member Roemer, that Resolution No. 1296 be adopted. Carried by the following vote: AYES: Members: Gibbs, Roemer, Salfingere, Bowman and Mitchell NOES: Members: None ABSENT: Members: None ~ ACCEPTANCE OF EASEMENT FROM JACK KAHlE It was moved by Member Bowman, seconded by Member Roemer, that the easement from Jack Kahle be accepted and its recording ordered. Carried by the following vote: AYES: Members: Gibbs, Roemer, Sa1fingere, Bowman and Mitchell NOES: Members: None ABSENT: Members: None ).1 02 61 137 VII. REPORTS DISTRICT MANAGER-ENGDÆER LINE A WORK ~ , , Mr. Horstkotte, District Manager-Engineer, reported that the work to complete Line A would start the coming week and be completed by November 15, 1961. COUNSEL FOR THE DJSTRICT I j None. VIIT . ADJOURmmNT At 9:30 o'clock P.M., the meeting was adjourned by President Mitchell to November 16, 1961. President 0 D strict oard of e Central Contra Costa Sani~ District of Contra Costa County, State of California COUNTERSIGNED : r ! ) '1 11 02 61 \ .--..---...--------------------- -"'-..-----------...."".".-----..------..-----.-----.. - --'w -----,-_..--- -