HomeMy WebLinkAboutBOARD MINUTES 09-07-61 t,1f1-8 MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE DISTRICT BOARD CENTRAL CONTRA CŒTA SANITARY DISTRICT HELD SEPTEMBER 7, 19 61 The District Board of Central Contra Costa Sani~ District convened in a Regular Session at its regular place of meeting located at 1250 Springbrook Road, Walnut Creek, County of Contra Costa, State of California, on September 7,1961, at 8:00 o'clock P.M. The meeting was called to order by President Mitchell. "--' I . ROLL CALL PRESENT: Members: Gibbs, Roemer, Salfingere, Bowun and Mitchell ABSENT : Members: None II. APPROVAL OF MINUTES It was moved by Member Gibbs, seconded by MeDlber Bowman, that the Hinutes or the meeting or August 24, 1961, be approved subject to changing the first two paragraphs under 8VII. RIPORTS. COONSEL FOR mE DJSTUCT. CALIFORNIA SANITARY DISTRICTS ASSOCIATIOIP to read as follows: "President Mitchell reported that the trip to Santa Monica for the Calirornia Sanitary Districts Association .~eting was instructive and pro- ductive. He stated that it takes a lot or til1e in watching legislation and that combined action can save this District a lot or money. He stated that he felt the California Sanita~stricts Association's most important function was following the legislative program. Mr. Horstkotte stated that 50% of the bills passed originated with this District and a lot was accomplished in a positive way. II ---- Motion changing Minutes carried by the following vote: ~ AYES : Members: Gibbs, Roemer, Salfingere, Bowman and Mitchell BOBS : Members: None ABSE1lT: Members: )fone III. APPROVAL OF BILLS It was moved by Member Gibbs, seconded by Member Bowman, that the bills, as audited by the Auditing Collllllittee and as subDdtted by the District Manager- Engineer, be approved, reference being specifically _de tc Sewer Construction Vouchers Numbers 1293 to 1309, inclusive, and Running Expense Vouchers Humbers 7946 to 8112, inclusive. Carried by the following vote: AYES: Members: Gibbs, Roemer, Salfingere, Bowman and Mitchell NOES: Members: None ABSENT : Members: None IV. BIœ None. V. OLD BUSINI'ßS REQUEST OF LINCOLN ENTERPRISES. INC. FOR REIMBUBSEMENT OF Em DŒERIlfGEIPEEE ~I~~O! ~~ Pll'l!i LINE TO BE INSTALLIW BElWEEN WAÌJroT BLVD. AND MAIN TlIJHK SEWER ON YGNACIO VALIEY ROAD '--' Mr. Horstkotte, District Manager-Engineer, reported that the District I s engineering staff estimated that the District could have produced the plans for $700.00. After discussion, it was moved by Member Roemer, seconded by MeDlber Bowman, that the Lincoln Enterpri8es, Inc. request for reimbursement or 09 01 61 119 ~ $1,500.00 for engineering expense for preparation of plans for the syphon and pipe line to be i.n8ta11ed between Walnut Blvd. and main trunk sewer on Ignacio ValleT Road be settled for $750.00; the $750.00 to be paid from Sewer Cons.truction General Funds when L1nèoln Enterprises, Ine. has paid to the District 80re than $750.00 in rees relative to connecting the aultip1e units at the comer of Walnut Blvd. and Ignacio Valley Road. Carried ~ the following vote: Am: Members: Gibbs, Roemer, Salfingere, Bowman and Mitchell NOES: Members: None ABSENT : Members: None PAIMDT or ~oo.oo TO LA 001mA VA.Y GROUP Di EJ:CHANGEFOR THEIR .BiD RIGHTS '1'0 DlSULUTION , J Mr. Horstkotte, District Manager-Engineer, stated that the line being installed by the La Gonda Way group would provide ror 44 direct connections, 4.3 by the group ins talling the sewer, and 150 indirect connections, each direct connection having a rebate value or $454.00 and each indirect con- nection . rebate value of $49.00. Member Gibbs stated that the request or the property owners that credit be given ror taxes paid to the District since annexation in 1955 should be ignored and that the only basis ror. rinanc1al help rrom the District at the present tille would be in exchange for their rebate rights. Members of the Board. and Counsel for the District agreed that this was a hardship case and would not be .etting a precedent as each case would have to be considered on its IIBrits. ~ President Mitchell stated that there was justification ror help rrom the District in the Local Improve.nt District 10. .30 area but nct outside. Mrs. Marian Horr;y, Treasurer of the La Gonda Vay group, stated that the voup was agreeable to releasing their rebate rights to the District for $.3,800.00. . RESOIIJTION NO. l29lJ PURCHASE OF THE LA. GONDA WAY BlBATI RIGHTS FOR $.3J~oo.oo . It was moved by Member Gibbs, seconded by Member Bowman, tbat Resolution 10. 1291 be adopted. Carried by the following vote: AYES: Members: Gibbs, Bowman and. Hi tchell NOES: Members: Roe.r and Salf1ngere A.BSBIlI': Melllbers t None President Hitchell stated that this was a specilal cue given con- sideration bT the Board. and does DOt establish a precedent. VI. NIW BUSDES ~UlST OF PAC1!:C~TRlC. CGŒüY .1OR IASIMIIT IBPORTION OF om ~ IIOJaIlAlUl lULJ.UII&.t RIGHT OF ví!';"'DFADTf!:JIm1GA ARIA. ¡ Continued to September 21, 1961. ACCEPTANCE OF W1TDSHED 27 AIJD AUTHORIZATIOIl TO Fm IIOTICI OF CŒPIE'l'IOll ~ Upon the recoJDaendation of Mr. Horstkotte, District Hauger-Engineer, it was moved by Member Gibbs, seconded bT Member Salfingere, that Water- shed 27 work be accepted, Mr. Horstkotte be authorized to flle Notice of Completion, and McGuire and Hester be paid the 10% retention BUll after the lien period if no claims have been filed with the District. Carried by the fcllowing vote: AYES: Members: Gibbs, Roemer I Salringere I Bowman and Mitchell NOES: Members: None ABSENT : Members: None 09 01 61 ,"""'ì\¡h i~\.1 APPROVAL OF PUll) AND SPECIFICATIOll) FOR LINE G, SECTION 10 Mr. Horstkotte, District Manager-Engineer, presented to the Board the final plans and specifications ror Line G, Section 10, for approval. It was moved by Member Roemer, seconded by Member Bowman, that the plans and specifications for Line G, Section 10, be approved. Carried by the following vote: AIlS : Members: Gibbs, Roemer, Salringere, Bowman and. Mitchell NOES: Members: None .ABSENT: Members: None TERMS FOR CONNECTnD TO LINE G, SECTION 10 Mr. Horstkotte, District Manager-Engineer, recommended that the water- shed charge for connecting to Line G, Section 10, be $198.00 per unit ror a residential connection and $200.00 per acre for non-residential use and $191.00 per acre annexation. fee. .......... It was moved by Member Salfingere, seconded by Member Roemer, that the watershed charges for connection to Line G, Section 10, shall be $198.00 per unit for residential use and $200.00 per acre ror non-residential use and the annexation fee shall be $191.00 per acre. Carried by the following vote: AIm: Members: Gibbs, Roemer, Salfingere, Bowman and Mitchell NOES : Members: None ABSENT: Members: None ANNEXATION TEmB FOR TIBRœ CORPORATION. 159t ACRES NEA.R KELLY LANE SOUTH OF DANVILIE It was moved by Member Salfingere, seconded by Member Roemer, that terms ror annexing the Tibros Corporation I s 1591 acres near Kelly Lane south or Danville be $191.00 per acre plus the cost of processing and a watershed charge of $198.00 per residential unit and $200.00 per acre for non-residential use. Carried by the following vote: ~ AYJ!S: Members: Gibbs, Roemer, Salfingere, Bowman and Hi tchell NOBS : Members: None ABSENT: Members: None ACCEPTANCE OF RESTORATION OF SUBMARINE OUTFALL.SP.1IER CAPACITY AND AUTHORIZIlÐ THE FILING OF A NOTICE OF COMPLETION . , . Mr. Horstkotte, District Manager-Engineer, explained to the D1strict Board on a blackboard diagram the procedure used in removing the mud and barnacles from the submarine section or the Outfall Line. He stàted that the previous Monday he had entered the line about 200 reet from the ou trall end and round it sat1sfactory and recolDlllellded acceptance of the work and filing a Notice of Completion. It was moved by Member Roemer, secoDied by Member Bowman, that the "Restoration of Submarine Outrall Sewer Capacity" work be accepted and Mr. Horstkotte be authorized to file a Notice of Completion and the 10% retention sum paid to Lauritzen at the end of the lien period if no claims have been filed with the District. Carried by the rollowing vote: AYE: Members: Gibbs, Roemer, Salringere, Bowman and Hi tchell Nam : Members: None ABSENT: Members: None Member Bowman commended Mr. Horstkotte ror the supervisicn of the "Restoration of Submarine Outfall Sewer Capacity" work and his diving operations. '-i VII. REPORTS DISTRICT MANAGER-EIIUNEER AUTHORIZATION TO PURCHASE AN AGGREGATE BIN . . Mr. Horstkotte, District Manager-Engineer, explained the need for another aggregate bin and recommended its purchase. The cost of the 09 01 61 121 bin is $2,h12.00, plus tax, and to be installed by District personnel. After discussion, it was moved by Member Bowman, seconded by Member Gibbs, that another aggregate bin be purchased rrom Sewer Construction General Funds for $2,h12.00, ¡plus tax. Carried by the following vote: AYEß: Members: Gibbs, Roemer, Salfingere, Bowman and Mitchell NOES: Members: None ABSENT: Members: None " J AUTHORIZATION OF FUHDS FOR PERMUDT RECORœ LC7ølER ORnmA MODIFICA- TION, EIECTRIC HOIST FOR TREATMDT PLAIT, WA~HEœ :3, 2h AIID 27 Mr. Horstkotte, District Manager-Engineer, requested the rollowing authorization of runds for: ~ Permanent Records Lower Orinda Modification Electric Hoist ror Treatment Plant Watershed :3 Watershed 24 Watershed 27 $15,000.00 39.00 119.83 500.00 1,000.00 12,000.00 It was moved by Member Gibbs, seconded by Member Roemer, that the following funds be authorized from Sewer Contruction General Funds: Permanent Records Lower Orinda Modification Electric Hoist for Treatment Plant Watershed :3 Watershed 24 Watershed 27 $15,000.00 39.00 119.83 500.00 1,000.00 12,000.00 ~ Carried by the rellowing vote: AIlS: Members: Gibbs, Roe_r, Salfingere, Bo188l1 and Mitchell 10m: Mellbers : lone AæENT : Mellbers : None Mr. Horstkotte presented to the District Board and explained some of the completed Permanent Records system. ACCEPTANCE OF EASEMENT AGBEEMEIT FROM STATE OF CALIFORNIA . SHSR VI .ARIA It was moved by Member Roemer, seconded by Member Bowman, that the . President and Secretary be authorized to execute the easeaent agreement with the State of California for easement in the SHSR VI area. Carried by the rollowing vote: A.IJ:S: Members: Gibbs, Roemer, Saltingere, Bowman and Mitchell NOES : Members : None AæEIT: Members: None COONSEL FOR THE D:ISTRICT None. VIII. ADJOORIMENT ,...... At 10:30 o'clock P.K., the meeting was adjourned by President Mitchell to September 21, 1961. es en e tr c 0 Central ontra Costa Sanitary District of Contra Costa County, State of California COUNTERSIGNED: ~ of tIïe Central Contra Costa Sanitary' District of Contra Costa Count;y, State of California 09 0-' 'ti 1