HomeMy WebLinkAboutBOARD MINUTES 08-03-61 .~.O!3 MINUTES OF A REGUlAR MEETING OF '!'BE D:ISTRICT BOARD CENTRA.L CONTRA cœn SAlUTARY D1BTRICT HEW AUGUST 3, 1961 , I The District Board cf Central Contra Costa Sanitary District convened in a Regular Session at its regular place or meeting located at 1250 Spring- brook Road, Walnut Creek, County of Contra Costa, State or California, on August 3,1961, at 8:00 o'clock P.M. The meeting was called to order by Pres ident Hi tchell. ,., I. ROLL CALL PRESENT: Members: Gibbs, Roemer, Salfingere and Hi tchell ABSENT : Member: Bowman II. APPROVAL OF MINUTF3 It was moved by Member Gibbl. that the Minutes of the meeting or JuJy 20, 1961, be approved subject to amending the last paragraph under IIVI. HEW BUSnmss, CORBISPOIlDENCE FRœ DR. H. L. BWMJ HEA.LTH OFFICERII tc read as follow: -President Mitchell stated that the Members or the Board wanted every effort put forth in obtaining annexation of all the properties prior to rorming the Local Improvement District. If this could not be accomplished, the Board will consider other .aDS to help property owners relieve their problem. II Motion amending the Minutes carried bT the following vote: r AYES: Membere : Gibbs, Roemer, Sallingere and Hi tchell NOE: Members: licne ABSENT: Member: Bowman Ill. APPROVAL OF BILlS It was moved by Member Gibbs, seconded by Member Roemer, that the bills, as audited by the Auditing Committee and as submitted by the District Manager- Engineer, be approved, reference being spec1.f'ically made to Sewer Construction Vouchers Numbers 1282 to 1292, inclusive, and R'I11')ning Expense Vouchers Numbers 7782 to 7945, inclusive. Carried by the folloving vote: AYBS: Members: Gibbs, RoBEr, Salringere and Mitchell 1lOES : Members: None ABSENT: Member: BoWJll8Jl IV. BIœ None. V. OLD BUSDIISS .~ PasTel Upon the recoJlllft8ndation or Mr. Horetkotte, District Manager-Engineer, and. Mr. Bohn, CoUD8èl for the District, it vas moved by MUlber Ro8ller, seconded by Member Gibbs, that the President and Secretary be authorized to execute the Deeds granting to the East Bay Manicipal Utili t;y District a portion or the old Sacra- mento Northern Railway right of vaT acquired by the District from Utah Construc- tion CODlp&!J1'. ~arried bT the following vote: AYES: Members: Gibbs, Roemer, Sallingere and Hi tchell NOES : Members: None ABSENT: Member: Bowman 08 03 61 '}'110 AUTHORIZATION FOR lOCUTION or GRANT DDŒ TO EAST BAY MUNICIPAL UTILm DISTRICT OF A PORTION OF THJ!; OLD SACRAMEJI'l'O NORtIWUl RAIDfAY RIGHT OF WAY mU.L!UU) HI THl!i DISTRICT FROM aLl VßIRA Upon the recommendation of Mr. Horstkotte, District Manager-Engineer, and Hr. Bohn, Counsel ror the District, it was moved by Member Roemer, seconded by Member Gibbs, that the President and Secretary be authorized to execute the Deed granting to the East Bay Municipal Utility District a portion or the old Sacramento Northern Railway right of way acquired by the District rrom Oliveira. Carried by the following vote: AYES : Members: Gibbs, Roemer, Salf'ingere and Hi tchell NOES: Members: None ABSENT : Member: B01illlaIl ~ C. V. Continued to August 24, 1961. BBPORT HE U1rl Dm8ITY USES AS RELu'm TO THE CONNECTION CHARGE ORDINANCE -- ELJERLI HOU5ING Contin1:led to August 24, 1961. VI. NEW BUS INISS U GONDA WAY DANVntE, PROPERTY œNBRS PROTIST BI TBI HIGH CasT or OBTAIN- ~sr~ bQuJli5TING SCIŒ U.LJ.I5lI" AID ~N IõULUATION OF $ VARIOUS DJSTRICT Members of the District Board spent cons iderable time explaining the various District charges applicable to the area which included annexation rees, Local Improvement. District No. 30 asseSSJ8nt or equivalent charge upon division of a parcel of land, connection charges, rebate charges, and inspection charges. ~ After discussion, property owners in attendance were informed that the various charges given to them were normal charges ror their area and they could not expect ~ relief. RlSOWTION NO. l28.3~ FßTA.BLJSHDlG 1961-62 SALUY SCHIDU~ Arter an executive session ror rinal determination or salaries, it was moved by Member Gibbs, seconded by Member Salr1l3gere, that Resolution No. 1283 be adopted. Carried by the fcllowing vote: AYES: Members: Gibbs, Roemer, Salf1l3gere and Hi tchell NOm : Members: None ABSENT : Member: Bowman RESOWTION NO. 1284:. ESTABLISHING THE 1961-62 BUOOET President Mitchell asked Member Gibbs of the Budget Committee to make a statement regarding the recOJlllllended Budget. Member Gibbs, speaking to Mr. Bell and Mr. Guthrie of the Orinda Associa- tion whc attended- the meeting for the purpose of reviewing the Districtls Budget, went over the various iteo and pointed out their closeness to the figures ror the previous ;year. Member Gibbs stated that two new employees ¡¡ere being added to the Maintenance Department and the only salary changes were several promotional in the Maintenance Department and for those who have not reached the top salary step in their Civil Service classification and who will warrant the step increase during the year. Member Gibbs stated that the salary changes were careful]y studied am he complimented the starr on the accuracy of the Budget estimates. ~' President Mitchell reported that he had received a letter rrom Member Bowman, stating that he would be on vacation and he wished to go on record as favoring the Budget as submitted to the Board Members by the Budget Committee. 08 03 61 . /111 It was moved by' Member Gibbs, seconded bT Member Roemer, that Resolution No. 1284 be adopted. Carried by' the rollowing vote: AIlS: Members: Gibbs, RoeJlèr, Saltingere and Hitchell 1lO1S: Members: None AmENT : Member: Bowman Mr. Bell and Mr. Guthrie of the Orinda Association thanked the District Board ror the information they had requested about the District and the current Budget and which was rurnished to them. ~ < J RESOlUTION NO. 1285. APPOINT]B} WILLIAM D. AIBTIWm, JR., EWnaRIKi DRAFTSMAN . It was moved by Member Roemer, secomed by Member Salringere, that Resolution No. 1285 be adopted. Carried by the rollowing vote: A.YIS : Keabers : Gibbs, Roemer, Sal1'ingere and Hi tchell IOIS: Members: None .AæJ:NT: Kember: Bowman RESOUJTION NO. 1286. APPOINTOO ARDELL LAJiSONJ UTILITI MAN It was moved by Member Roemer, secomed by Member Gibbs, that Resolu- tion )foe 1286 be adopted. Carried by the rollowing vote: AIES: Kelibers: Gibbs, Roe_r, Salfingere and Mitchell IOl8 : Members: None ABSIH'l': Member: Bowman RISOmTIOll 10. l28~JJSHm BLIGIBIJ: L1ST POR JØ.INTDAO !WI ABD APPODr1'lJIlt HUlL v.. 't.. RO.tWa tmooJiCodI:.. CŒOÔBl1cæ. ~ DORUf .. AID HI. 11. .no ~ It was moved b;y Member Gibbs, seconded b;y Meaber Roe_r, that Resolu- tion No. 1287 be adopted. Carried bT the following vote: AYES: Members: Gibbs, Ro8Jler, SalfiDgere and .MitcheJ.l NO!::) : Members: None ABSEN'l': Members: Bowman RESOlUTION NO. l288~TABLISHDJG ELIGIBlE LIST FOR ASS:ISTANT KADITENANCE MAIl AlfD .Arl'OllttIl«ì. Olf BoDo AlID GIRI.LD SMOTBDS . . . < . It was moved by Member Gibbs, seconded by Jleilber Roemer, that Resolu- tion No. 1288 be adopted. Carried by' the following vote: A.D:S: Members: Gibbs, Roemer, Salfingere and Kitchell IOIS : Members: None ABSENT: Kember: Bowman ACCEPTANCE OF IASEMINTS ~ It was moved by Member Roemer, seconded by Kember Gibbs, that easements rrom F. A. Marshall, Buton Building Comapny, and The Rancho Colorados Club be accepted am their recording ordered. Carried by the rollowing vote: AYES : Members: Gibbs, RoeEr, Saltingere and Mitchell NOES : Members: None ABSENT: Member: BoW8&n APPBOVAL OF PLüB üD SPICIFICAT.IOIS FOR RlSTORATIOI OF SUBMARINE OUTFALL SBDR CAPAC.LTI AID AUT!lóÌtIZIlÐ '1'BE CALL FóR BJJ.D' . . It was moved by Member Sal.fingere, seconded by Kember Gibbs, that the plans and specifications for Restoration or Submarine Outfall Sewer Capacity be approved and that the call for bids for the work be authorized. Carried by the rollowing vote: AYES: Members: Gibbs, Roemer, Salfingere and Kitchell NOES: Members: None ABSENT: Member: Bowman 08 03 61 ----.-..---..-------------.-.--.. .------.-.-------- .t~2 AUTHORIZATION FOR SERVICE CHARGE COLlECTION THROUGH SMALL CLAIMS COURT Mr. Horstkotte, District Manager-Engineer, reported that a Mr. B.A. Howkins, owner of retail business stores at 56 - 64 Moraga Way and 224, 230, 226,228, and 232 Brookwood Road, Orinda, had failed to. pay his service charges since June 20,1960, and requested authorization to file an action for collection in the Small Claims Court as recommended by Mr. Bohn, Counsel for the District; the delinquent amount being $102.72. It was moved by Member Roemer, seccnded by Member Gibbs, that the District file an action in the Small Claims Court in Walnut Creek ror the collection of $102.72 service charge delinquent for prcperties located at 56 - 64 Moraga Way and 224, 226, 228, 230, and 232 Brookwood Road, Orinda, owned by Mr. B. A. Howkins. Carried by the rollowing vote: "---' AYES: Members: Gibbs, Roemer, Sa1fingere and Mitchell NOES : Members: None AæENT: Members: Bowman VII . REPOR TS D1STRICT MANAGER-ENGINEER EAST BAY MUNICIPAL UTILITY DISTRICT WORK ON CHEn CRœSnÐ, LDæ A Mr. Horstkotte, District Manager-Engineer, reported that the East Bay Mnnicipal Utility District work on the Kepler property creek crossing, which was scheduled originally for completion in April or 1960, is not yet done. The four remaining sections in Line A must wait for this work to be finished which may require that Line A south or this area will have to be di- verted to the existing trunk temporariJ.y to provide service to Ygnacio Valley and to avoid downstream problems this winter. STATUS OF WATERSHED 27 WORK Mr. Horstkotte reported that Watershed 27 work was on schedule. ORGANIZAT IONALCHART ~ President Mitchell requested that the organizational chart be brought up to date and copies sent to each of the Directors. LABORATORY 1'&S'!S AT TREATMENT PUNT President Mitchell requested that information be sent to each Director relative to laboratory tests being made at the Treatment Plant. COUNSEL FOR THE D1STRICT M. MILlER COMPANY LITIGATION Mr. Bohn, Counsel ror the District, stated that his orrice is pressing to get the M. Miller Company case tc trial this year. VIII. ADJOURNMENT At 10:15 o'clock P.M., the meeting was adjourned by President Mitchell to August 24,1961. ~ COUNTERS IGNED : 08 03 61