HomeMy WebLinkAboutBOARD MINUTES 06-15-61 92 !!IIUTJiS or All ADJOURllED REGUlAR MEETIIG OF THE DIS'l'RICT BOARD CENTRAL CORTRA COSTA SAlUTARY DIS'!'RICT HELD JQE 15, 1961 The District Board or Central Ccmtra Costa San1 t817 District conTened in an Adjourned BegularSession at its recular place of a"tin¡ located at 1250 Spr1n¡brook Road, Walnut Creek,Count7 of Contra Costa, State or California, on .June 15, 1961, at 8:00 o.clock P.K. '!'he aeeting vas called to order b7 President Ifi. tchell. -......" I. ROLL CALL PIŒSEII'l': !leabers: Gibbs, RoeIler, Salt1n¡ere, Bo1III&n and Hitchell ABSENT : Helibers : Bone ll. APPROVAL C1F Jù8uTJ!iS The Hinutes of the .eeting of June 1, 1961, 118" approyed as presented. President lfi.tchell requested that a list of those who had been ¡inn cOllll1 wente prior to the Ell tiple use charle and notified in wri tin¡ ~ thq had thirt7 dqs 111 which to complete the cC8li taents be sent to each Haber of the Board. Ill. APPRpVAL OF BIW It vas aOYed b;y Haber Gibbs, seconded b;y Haber Bonan, that the bills, as audited b;y the Auditin¡ Cœld.ttee aDd &s sul:81tted b;y the District 1fanaPr- Engineer, be approyed, reference beiDa specificalq made to Sever Construction Vouchers B1DIbers 1257 to 1262, includT8, and RnnJ'lil1llxpense Vouchers 1f11abers 7584 to 7604, iDclusiTe. Carried b;y the follarlnc Tote: AYES: Haibers: Gibbs, Roemer, Saltingere, Bonum and Hitchell ROBS: Heabers I lone .ABSEIIT: Heabers: Ione ~ IV. BIDS lone. V. OW BUSmSS ~ ~C:~~~~~~~TirO:~IIS President Hitchell asked Mr. Rorstkotte, District Manapr-Engineer, it OTertime work vas to be allowecl under the proposed BDoIm and Caldnll contract. Mr. Borstkotte stated that Brown and Caldnll were to prepare the plans and specifications as rapid.q as possible without OTertiJRe. Møaber Gibbs stated that he felt sal&17 costs plus l~ was BCeS81ye when the salaries or the principals are included. Hr. Borstkotte stated that the rates set forth in the contract had been investil&ted and were the best obtainable under th1s type of colltract. ~ Keaber Bonan stated that warhead depends on the type of business and cited seTeral examples. 06 15 61 93 Upon the rec~tion of Mr. Rorstkotte that the contract be entered into .s nbdtted, it was aOYed 'bT Jf8aber Ro_r, seconded bT Xaber Boaan, that the President and SecretlJ7 be authori.ed to execute the contract with Brown and Caldwell for en¡ineer1ng of additional sed1- .entation basins at the Treataot Plant and .ocl1f'icatiøn of the Lower Orinda P1DIping Station. Carried b;y the following Tote: ~ AYES: Heabers: Gibbs, RD_r, Saltingere, :Boaan and Kitchell 11018: K88bers: Ione ABSEI'l': Keabers: Ione VI. JEW .smss . .. CORRJ:&"OáDIlCE FRO1I L. C. 0I'1'ØRIE~ JR.~ ORDnl A.SæoIATIOI'~ HE 1961-1'62 B8DOIT latter frGll Mr. L. C. Guthrie, Jr. W&8 presoted, requesting a cÐp7 of the 1,61-l~2 Bwiget &Del to be notified of the t1ae of Budget action. 1Ir. lIorstkotte, District Jfanager-lD¡iaeer, stated that Mr. Guthrie. s nae, &s had others who _de siJl1lar requests, were placed on the uil1q list to recei Te the qenùs for each .eetiDg. President Kitchell directed that Mr. Guthrie be notified by letter that he will receiri a cop;y or the Bwt¡et when the Bu.dcet C~ttee has prepared i t for action by the Board and prior to the aeetiq at which it will be under discussion by the run Board. ~ OF S. S. AD I. BlIWIE JlDIlASDG. DC. J'OR COIJ)EMIfA.!IOJf OF ~S ~ . -. !he :District Board was intoraed that, siace the request for coDCleanation action had been placed on the .,eDda, an &¡r88MJ1t had been sul:81tted whiCh 1ncticated the ...tter could be settled without actionhb;y the District Board. Arter a short discussion, 1Ir. Willi..., representing lIre John, Counsel for the District, retired rrom the meeting with the interested parties anc:t later reported that the easement to the District w.s to be cranted subject to the District.s qree1ng to certain conditions that were acceptable. It was moved by Member Roemer, seconded by Member Bowman, that the President and Secretary be authorized to execute the agreement setting forth the conditions under which easements will be granted by Mr. J8JœS A. McClain and Walter N. Hambleton of San Luis Court, Walnut Creek, subject to approval of Mr. Williams. Carried by the following vote: AYES: Members: Gibbs, Roemer, Salfingere, Bowman and Mitchell NOFß: Members: None ABSENT: Members: None ACCEPTANCE OF EASEMENTS It was moved by Member Bowman, seconded by Member Gibbs, that easements from Etalo P. Fassio, Eugene G. Hainlin, and Dos Rios Develop:rœnt Co. be accepted and their recording ordered. Carried by the following vote: AYES: - Members: NOES: Members: ABSENT: Members: Gibbs, Roemer, Salfingere, Bowman and Mitchell None None ~ CANCELLATION OF ONE SURVEY MAN PœITION AND SUBSTITUTION OF ONE .ASSISTANT SURVEY MAN PœITION Mr. Horstkotte, District Manager-Engineer, stated that the open position of Survey Man would be filled with the lower position of Assistant Survey Man. It was moved by Member Roemer, seconded by Member Salfingere, that one Survey Man position be cancelled and replaced with the position of Assistant Survey Man. Carried by the following vote: AYES: Members: Gibbs, Roemer, Salfingere, Bowman and Mitchell NOES: Members: None ABSENT: Members: None '06 15 ..61 94 AUTHORIZE CALL FOR ORAL, PROMOTIONAL EXAMINATION FOR ASSISTANT SUR1ÆY !1AN It was moved by Member Roemer, seconded by Member Sa1fingere, that an oral, promotional examination be authorized for the position of Assistant Survey Man. Carried by the following vote: AYES: Members: NOES: Members: ABSENT: Members: Gibbs, Roemer, Salfingere, Bowman and Mitchell None None RESOWTION NO. 1280~AUTHORIZING THE PRESIDENT AND SECRETARY TO EXECUTE. THE EASEMENT AGREEMENT TH THE UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR FOR CROOSING OF THE CANAL IN WA'l'ERSHED 27 ~ It was moved by Member Sa1fingere, seconded by Member Bowman, that Resolution No. 1280 be adopted. Carried by the following vote: AYES : NOES: ABSENT: Members: Members : Members: Gibbs, Roemer, Sa1fingere, Bowman and Mitchell None None CLAIM OF W. H. WILSON FOR DAMAGES Mr. Horstkotte, District Manager-Engineer, reported that as a result of District work batter boards on Mr. Wilson's property were damaged. Letter from the District's insurance carrier stated that this was a reasonable and valid claim. Upon the recommendation of Mr. Horstkotte, it was moved by Member Roemer, seconded by Member Gibbs, that Mr. W. H. Wilson be paid $64.00 in settlement of his claim upon receipt of a Release and Waiver signed by him. Carried by the following vote: AYES: Members: Gibbs, Roemer, Sa1fingere, Bowman and Mitchell NOES : Members: None ABSENT : Members: None VII. REPORTS ... -- DISTRICT MANAGER-ENGINEER CORRESPONDENCE FROM MR. AND MRS. WESIEY KRUEGER Mr. Horstkotte, District MaI1?ger-Engineer, read a letter from Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Krueger relative to help they received from the District's maintenance staff. COMPLAINT OF MRS. F. G. SCHILLER Mr. Horstkotte read an inter-office memorandum regarding the complaint of Mrs. F. G. Schiller in order to inform the Board that further may be heafti of her complaint as to the condition of a sewer line in back and on the side of her property. WATER POLWTION CONTROL FEDERATION MEETING Mr. Horstkotte reported that he had been invited to address the Water Pollution Control Federation on the subject of "Large System Design" which would directly bear on the District's facilities. This would be in Milwaukee in October and probably a three day trip. It was moved by Member Roemer, seconded by Member Bowman, that Mr. Horstkotte be authorized to attend the Water Pollution Control Federation meeting in October in Milwaukee. Carried by the following vote: '-' AYES : NOES : ABSENT: Members: Members: Members: Gibbs, Roemer, Salfingere, Bowman and Mitchell None None STATUS OF WATERSHED 27 WORK Mr. Horstkotte reported that Watershed 27 work was progressing well. 06 15 61 ,95 REQUEST OF PACIFIC GAS & ELECTRIC COMPANY FOR EASEMENT Mr. Horstkotte reported that the Pacific Gas & Electric Company had requested an easement in the old Sacramento Northern Railway right of way in the Lafayette and Moraga areas and the District staff was working it out with them and advised that a right of entry might be granted prior to the execution of an easement. COUNSEL FOR THE DISTRICT LEGISLATION SPoœORED BY CALIFORNIA SANITARY DISTRICTS ASSOCIATION ~ Mr. Williams, representing Mr. Bohn, Counsel for the District, reported that Mr. Bohn was winding up the California Sanitary Districts Association legislation in Sacramento, and stated that all but one of the sponsored bills had been passed.. CITY OF LIVERMORE CONNECTION FEE CHARGE LITIGATION Mr. Williams stated that the brief had been filed with the State Supreme Court regarding the City of 11 vennore connection fee charge litigation. VIII. ADJOURNMENT At 9:25 o'clock P.M., the meeting was adjourned by President Mitchell to July 6, 1961. ~ President the istrict oard of the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District of Contra Costa County, State of California COUNTERSIGNED: Secre e District Board of the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District of Contra Costa County, State of California ,,--., 06 15 61