HomeMy WebLinkAboutBOARD MINUTES 04-13-61 67 MINUTES OF AN ADJOURNED Ri!ßULAR MEETIm OF THE DISTRICt BOARD CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT HELD APRIL 13, 1961 ,-...¡ The District Board of Central Contra Costa Sanitary District convened in an Adjourned Regular Session at its regular place of meeting located at 1250 Springbrook Road, Walnut Creek, County of Contra Costa, State of California, on April 13, 1961, at 8:00 o'clock P.M. 'I'he meeting was called to order by President Mitchell. I. ROLL CALL PRESENt: Members: Roemer, Salfingere, Bowman and Mitchell ABSE.NT: Member: Gibbs Member Gibbs arrived at 8:05 o'clock P.M. II. APPROVAL OF MINUTES The Minutes of the meeting of April 6, 1961, were approved as presented. III. APPROVAL OF BILIS .None. IV . HEARINGS None. ~ V. 0 LD BUS :oo;ss DISCUSSION OF ORDINANCE 42 CAPACrl'Y CHARGES President Mitchell asked Mr. Horstkotte, District Manager-Engineer, to review the situation of inadequate sewer capacity in certain areas as a result of high density multiple units. Mr. Horstkotte stated that, when the District was first formed, limited f~ds were provided to sewer the District as. it existed on formation. '.L'he sewers installed in the various Local Improvement Districts were installed on the basis of the zoning existing at the time, which was generally on a single famiJ,y residential. basis. 'J.'he early District Boards were reluctant to expand the boundaries of the District and at one time refused to accept any further annexations, particularly after the failure to pass the bond issue in 1954. ~ 'J.'he Brown and Caldwell engineering report dated March 1, 1956, was prepared on the basis that the District woUld care for the sewer needs of the various watersheds in the Central ConDra Costa County area. Upon the successful passage of the $8,900,000.00 bond issue in 1956, the District Board established a poli~ of caring for the sewer needs in the areas set forth in the report. He stated that over the years more and more high density, multiple resi- dential areas have been zoned. l'he present policy of the District Board of providing for an expalKiing Dist.rict and the continued zoning of more high density, multiple residential a;reas has caused inadequate capacities in certain areas. Mr. Horstkotte proposed that a Dist.rict-wide capacity charge be established ranging from $25.00 to $100.00; the larger the number of units in a building, the smaller the capacity charge per unit. He proposed that the District install 04 13 61 .----...------.-........- ------.--- .--.---- 68 sewers to take care of the inadequacies as a result of added multiple units and that the capacity charge be worked out as nearly as practicable so that the iJistrict will recover, in time, the funds so spent. He stated that this may have to start on an experimental basis with adjustments as experience indicates. Mr. Horstkotte stated that extensions would continue under Ordinance 25 to connect to existing facilities or to facilities to be provided by the District Where inadequacies exist as a result of multiple zoned areas. Member Gibbs stated that the program should not result in additional costs for single family properties that provided for their sewers under Local Improve- ment lJist.ric'tS. Member Roemer stated that the only need for additional facilities is a result of more multiple zoned areas and they should pay the whole cost. ~ President. Mitchell stated that there should be a limit to the length of line the District would install under such a program so that the District would come out with a reasonable recovery. Present at the meeting and entering into the discussions werel Mr. Kermit Lincoln, builder; Mr. Holly, J!;xecutive Secretary of the Contractors' Association; Mr. Bailey, President of the Contra Costa Real bistate Board; Mr. Baronian, builder; and Mr. Lee :icarlett, real estate broker. Mr. Holly and Mr. Lincoln stated that the proposal was fair and adequate and offered to work with the District to straighten out any inequities. President Mitchell suggested that the staff work out something factual, using certain existing multiple zoned areas. Mr. Horstkotte stated that the staff was not in a position to investigate the over-all District problem but would take several selected areas in Walnut Creek and sit down with several interested individuals and work out the problem. ~ Mr. Holly, 1!;xecutive Secretary of the Contractors' Association, stated they would like to accept the invitation and work with the District. The District Board instructed Mr. Horstkotte to work out a capacity charge program and present it to the Board in the near future. VI. OO!.'W BUS IM!;SS !\lone. VII. REPORTS DI8'l'RIC'l' MANAGER-E1\IGI1IIEJæ PENDIl4G LEGmLATIO1\l Atill MEETING OF IATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF' COUft'I EJl'GDEERS Mr. Horstkotte, District Manager-Jmgineer, reported on pending legislation in Sacramento sponsored by the California Sanitary Districts Association and his recent 1rip to .New Orleans for the 1\Iational Association of County .I!algineers meeting. JOHtti HOPKOO UNIVERSITY STUDY Mr. Horstkotte stated that Johns Hopkins University had recommended to the }I'. H. A. that the District participate in their sanitary districts study program. ~ WATERSHED IMt'ORMATION President Mitchell ~tated that the simplified and condensed watershed information submitted to him was satisfactory, and requested that it be prepared for each Member of the Board. 04 13 61' 69 COUNSEL FOR 'I'HE DISTRICT CURRENT LrrIGATION Mr. Williams, representing Mr. Bohn, Counsel for the District, reviewed the current litigation. VIII. ADJOURNMENT ~ At 10:10 0' clock P.M., the meeting was adjourned by President Mitchell to April 20,1961. ¿~ presid~nt, 0 . D strict oard of the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District of Contra Costa County, State of California COUNTERSIGNJ!aJ: Se~or ihe Central Contra Co~ta San! tar,y District of . Contra Costa County, State of California ~ """" 0,4 13 61