HomeMy WebLinkAboutBOARD MINUTES 05-27-54 I) (-; oj. ¿.. .,.: ~ HIrfüTES OF AN ADJOURNED MEETING OF THE DIStRICT BOARD CEnTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANI'l'ARY DISTRICT HELD ¡'-lAY 27, 195h . ---_._~ The District Board of Central Contra Costa ~anitary Dj.strict con- vened in an Adjourned Regular session at its regular place of ~eeting located at 1822 Mt. Li~blo Blvd., City of Walnut Creek, County of Contra Costa, State of California, on May 27, lq5~. The .Tleeting Ì^!as called to order by President Roemer. I. ROLL CP.LI, PRj-;~:Lt;'l' : 11.1)3 J'::';'l: : T:Iembers !:IacPbai. 1, Stanley, Spiegl, 3alfincero, Roeme I' [!()ne II. APfROVAL O~ MINUTES Tbe >TinlJ.tes of the :n.eetine of Hay 20, 195Ü, were appro7ec. as, nT'" '"' F'nte'~ '.-' ~".J -,.. , ~'. III. APPEOVAL UP DII,L~ TJone IV. OLD BUSn1E~S SEW:? U~E CHARGE HEARING Attorney, Mr. ~ejedly submitted sample oróinance. Hr. ~;.pi8g1 s tatc-;,J he 'nt;~n(:ec. to propose orë.inance at YlE,xt meeting after certain cnan~es are Made a~d the amounts to be charged are Óetermine 0.. . ~r. Stanley su~~Asted another bond election be discussed at next :neeting along \-IT:]. th represeDtati yes of the Pleasant lUll [croup. I-'ir. Roemer slJgges ted pas sing ordL!1a r~ce pending ele c tion. hr. Ivan GilmÐ.n of Pleasant Hill Cj_'ric Council stated they ,,"anted fac ts pri or to calling ele c tion, then s ufC..c lent time to ec~' c at(~ t~.,e public. Mr. NeJedly, Attor~ey, requested an answer at the next meeting as to Pleasant Hill attitude and the matter of the time element for a bond ::i.~sue. He:r;.ber t~acPhal.l asked that representatives fro;-:'! other areas be asked to next meetinE. to discuss sewer use charge. Carès to be sent to representative ~roups to attend héarin~. [~¡ß:NVILr.E A,n::l:'.':U'.'.lJOl'~ ~\Ir. I-Iorst;wtte, D:tstrict ['.'ianc'.ger, reported the basic cost of troftilc': Danv5.1le s evT8Ge delivered te Fev,¡ell Avenl).e to be ap?rox:i:rnately r¡=. ne~ 1.- 0,'.0 ¡,nljor!'" Tn ar'C!-it.jon '.."a-,-nr -1.Je -'-0 -incta"l 1.-J."'.e 0+' .\..'.-,~,.!.', '.."'.-..0>. --.'-"-'.....--",-,!.," - L, _..~..l .1" .1. S1.ìr.;~.:'.eient "~c:-'e, pFJ.7 ,;¡ll Loc91 Imp:£'ove snt District co~.:ts, pay ad,,:]'..n-i st:r'9tive oo,,1:s in -cheirDistrict, comply with and pay connection ~harges under Ordinance 22, pay all permit and inspection fees of this Dis tri c t, ')f?.y annexa t :1.on fees, com rac t to be revisvJeci evsry 12 months and to reflect actual costs of service. l'.Ir. Horstkotte, District l"Ianager, to report the aoove c::mä.itions in ti"'.eir sntj_rety to the lJanv:.lle group relative to a contra.ct to treat t~eir sewQ~e. 05 27 54 .C}?,':';: ~..I þr ..J< V. REFORrl'S ENG DEER None A~I.'TUU'T}:;Y l"!I'J.r'DRi,iif ELi,mADBS. FROP.::,;R'j-,y 'FROXvI ~i}lb DI~'IRIC'J: It was moved by ¡"{ember Spiegl, seconded by Ner:lber. Stanley, that the Attorney be authorized to proceed with the removal from the District of the W. S. Edmeades property located at the corner of the Arnold Industrial and ~,IIartinez High-ways at no cost to the Distr.ict. Carried by the following vote: A~~j;S: ?,Iembers Stanley, Spi ,sgl, Salfinuere, ~':,8.cPhai 1, Roer.1er ~:o~~s : None ABS2;,TT: N.'ne REPORT' Oli om;;: IDE ~I'TG nmL.:R FT} C Cl'!S¡_;I'l'A~n5 RBLA'1'!.V3 r~c A ~'.T.i::}fJ 3;:.'\)1) I:?SUE -- Letter from Mr. Ramseier,Engineer, reao. Burkland and Associates reed. Letter from McCandless, Mr. Ivan Gilman stated the Pleasant Hill group were not concerned with Mr. Horstkotte's figures. They were interested in any alternate methods and figures. Mrs. Eskied made a statement relative to the lack of information in Pleasant.-H:Lil."'. After dlscussio~ it was moved by Member Spiegl, seconded by l'ternber ,.!iacPhB.il, th8t the Attorney be authorized to ask the en::.ineers to investigate alternate methods of doing the wor~, the length of time necessary to accomplish alternate methods, what they are and their a::;Droximà te caE; t. The pUr1)o:~ e be ing to de terrnine if the pJ."esent propos £11 is best in the interest of the District as a whole. Carried by the folloHing vote: r;,n.'<"' . ,-¡. .L.Ll,ù . IvIembers Stanley, Spiegl, Salfin~~ ere, I\1acFhail, Hoem",r NOES: None .L\.3SEFT: None VI. NÐ:i BUSnrBSS .-.----- - ~~:TAHCE OF 'J.'ANCI~BDY, paERIO EASET'i[IU\f'l'S It was moved by Member Stanley, seconded by Member Spiegl, that the easement from J. L. Tancredy and J. J. poerio be accepted and recording ordered. Cprried by the following vote: AYE:::.: i-lembers StEIDl ey, Spi egl, ;:~ 8.J. fin ["ere, !.'.'lacPha iI, Roeme:c- NO:':;,~; : ]\Tone A3~{E7TIJ.': tTone LE'l;~)~Ii~:=,~oJ;'r:Œ. I3c.DE".T;~:,C HA'r¿-:., Pro ES., GP2GCRY :) ¿~L~~~2!~ I\IPF~'_::C~::.'lE1,r1 c L':!:~ Letter frmn IiiI'. Bodenscha tz rela.ti ve to appoLntment of new Dlrector read. 1'.11". l'olcl;'arland of Pleasant fUll also commented. President :to el"l1e 1" stated. that t~l.e appoint:rl1c:mtIrJ8.s ;:;ec8use of the imrnediate necessity of ;:'ettim:' someone 'w!J.o ItJas famiLts:L' Hith the District. Tl.""l'.'mIi'D .,;"or.,,!, T,¡r..{ J c: Lo~,rr,¡.ni'T I (' fJ.A TR'.ffl'\T "T,."r~ .,¡ C:'J.-."è,'P POLL r'O,',Tr.c Fl..' ~.-=.::-'..:..:.-=-~.~':::.:.:._::::~ "-~-...::..=.._, H ,.r" -,-,J' J, ..,.:=- _l=-:..::::'~.L._.~~~~:.':-_- '. v n 1. -~ ~ . Letter from Hr. J'. E'. Lanp'llell relative to progress reports was read. Mr. Borstkotte, District Manager, was instructed to answer. 05 27 54 ~"- .~ - ":-- J.;. ....' .' -' --' :.~., ÞJ~~ll~X~l~~IOlJ- OF' 125 ACRES - J3RO¡;.F~ P.. !'w Dì.;l\.P'IE P['WF ,¿R'I'Y It \lIaS rnoved by ì"Iember St&nley, seconded. by He'~:1be!' SHlí'in~: ere, th13.t tr,e tern,¡s for t';e annexation of the ~:;rown and Duarte prop(:: rty cons 1:=; t:Lr_g of 1?5 ,<Jcres be ~t;191. 00 per acre annexation fee pl'_ls $250.00 co~t of processing. Carried by the following vote: ~.,TŒ:.~ : :'Iem.ber>s Ivla.cPhail, ;::,tanley, Salfingere, Roemer He:-aber Spiegl AYT~S : 1\ B~ 1., ]"1.' : ~';on,,-: ¡~J;;.cn~~::,rJ~' 0-::- ~-m. A. L',c:FPTOSA '1'(: Ll~;Þ"E::£ /\13(")U'1' ET:Tl-T'l' ACRliS OF 'lHblÙ'\Ti,,"T1 F L^.\T'J: pro F E'RTY". -------- ----... .-.-- The request of Mr. (I E~pinosa was referred to Mr. Horstkotte, Distr:ic:tt"1arlageJ', for fl1rt1YH' :Lnformat:i_on. G':LA_J~' OF LtSE",':;Y"I' ~"E'=;"I EASrl' E3AY r-1U\TICTFAL U'l'TLI'IY DIS~.RIC'I' --.. .. .-.--- Gr,?,-..'.t of easenent from l!.;.~.j\lf. U.l.J. referred to i"lr. r~e jedly, Attorney, to work out. VII. ADJOUPN;{~Rl' --.-.-.---.-- '1,. - ,,-;~,-, ,';t ï ",';. lo~'.! 'l.::.e :~e¿~l,i:ng '.'.)E!.S "'.'.'<,IO.,ID8", 0 ,-un,_, -), /--,u. , S*~'Xo:,~ Fre s i àe'n t Of~istr i ct Boarà 0 t-c -en tr al Contra costa~~i~ary Listrict of Contra Costa County, state of Calirornia C C7T7~ :~p~; -=r:;":::U : -..-- _--L-~~;;~'~ -'?~;.~/~~- Se.cre"t-a-l'j 0.1 tbe Dis t:":i.ct BoG}1~1 of Central Centra Costa ~rnitary District of Contra Costa County, State of Califorria 05 27 54