HomeMy WebLinkAboutBOARD MINUTES 01-21-54 .... "", '>i lL;i 3.. MINUTES OF AN ADJOURNED MEErING OF THE DISTRICT BOARD CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANI'I'ARY DISTRICT HELD JANUARY 21,1954 The District Board of Central Contra Costa Sanitary District convened in an Adjourned session at its regular place of meeting located at 1822 Nt. Diablo Blvd., City of Walnut Creek, County of Contra Costa, State of California, on January 21,1954. The meeting was called to order by President Spiegl. I. ROLL CALL PRESENT : ABSENT: , Members Stanley, Roemer, Selfingere, Spiegl Member Johnson II. APPROVAL OF MINUTES The Minutes of the meeting of January 7, 1954, approved subject to correcting Buchanan field annexation motion to read as follows: "I t was moved by Member Stanley, seconded by l"lember Salfingere, that the terms for annexation would be $250.00 to cover the cost of the annexation; the area being considered as industrial property and not subdivision property. Connection charges would be charged on what would be considered a normal connection charge as well as refle c ting what would be a normal annexation fee." Carried by the, following vote: ÀYES: Members Stanley, Roemer, Salfingere, Spiegl NOES: None ABSENT: Member Johnson III. AFPROVAL OF BILLS None IV. OLD BUSINESS EMPLO-nTEN'I' OF KAISER & COMPANY AS CONSULTANT ON BOND ISSUE It was moved by Member Roemer, seconded by Member Stanley, that Kaiser & Company, the low bidder, be employed as consultant for the bond issue. Carried by the following vote: AYES: Members Stanley, Roemer, Salfingere, Spiegl NOES: None ABSEtff: Member Johnson E~~LOYMENT OF ORRICK, DAHLQUIET, H~RRINGTON, SU1CLIFFE AS LEGAL ADVISORS FOR BOND ISSUE It was moved by Member Salfingere, seconded by Member Stanley, that the firm of Orrick, Dahlquist, Herrington and Sutcliffe be employed as legal advisor for bond issue. Carried by the following vote: AYES: Members Stanley, Roemer, Salfingere, Spiegl NOES: None ABSENT: Member Johnson AUTHORIZATION '1'0 SPEND JlO,OOO FRON SEWER CONSTRUCTION, It was moved by Member Stanley, seconded by Member Roemer,that due to the emergency of holding a bond ele ction for the expansion of the District system the sum of ~lO,OOO.OO is authorized from the Sewer Construction expansion fund for the expenses to be incurred. Carried by the following vote.: AYES: Members Stanley, Roemer, calfingere, Spiegl NOES: None ABSENT: Member Johnson 0 1 2 1 54 1. !j 'ii SETTING ELECTION DATE Mr. Nejedly to consult with Kaiser and Company and Orrick, Dahlquist, Herrington and Sutcliffe and election date to be set at February 4,1954 meeting. ADMINISTRATIVE PLANNING Mr. Horstkotte's memorandum of December 29,1953 discussed with the following conclusions: 1. Board would consider the sale of the present office site for a figure between $70,000.00 and $80,000.00. 2. Danville area problem continued to February 4,1954 due to a meeting with County officials to discuss the problem. 3. Publicity campaign for bond election continued to February 4,1954 meeting. 4. Sewer rental charge. Mr. Nejedly reviewed recent legislation and after discussion he was instructed to prepare a sample ordinance setting forth various ideas for consideration. V. REPORTS ENGINEER Mr. Horstkotte reported that the storm saturday night and Sunday morning (Jan.. 16 & 17, 1954) caused the Lower Orinda plant to overflow. East Bay Municipal Utility District and State officials were notified and were present. PURCHASE OF CALCULATOR It was moved by Member Salfingere, seconded by Member Roemer, that $500.00 unused in the 1953-54 budget request for interest on funds that were expected to be borrowed be authorized to be used toward the purchase of. the calcula tor. Carried by the following vote: AYES: Members Stanley, Roemer, Selfingere, Spiegl NOES: None ABSENT: Member Johnson VI. NEW BUSINESS CIVIL SERVICE EXAMINATION FOR OFFICE ENGINEER It was moved by Member Stanley, seconded by Member Roemer, that examination be held for the position of Office ~ngineer to replace Mr. Clifford Hall who left the District service. Carried by the following vote: AYES: Members Stanley, Roemer, Salfingere, Spiegl NOES: None ABSENT: Member Johnson MA1'TERS FROM THE FLOOR None SUPPLEMENTAL AGENDA WATER SYS1'EM AT TREATMENT PLANT It was moved by Member Stanley, seconded by Member Roemer, that $1,000.00 be authorized from the Sewer Construction General Fund for plans and installation of water system at the Treatment Plant. Carried by the following vote: AYES: Members Stanley, Roemer, Salfingere, Spiegl NOES: None ABSENT: Member Johnson 01 21 54 .L~¿ REQUEST OF MR. TOLAND FOR GASOLINE BUSINESS A letter from Mr. Toland was read and taken under advisement. Mr. Horstkotte to report at February 4,1954 meeting. RESOLUTION 811 AYlliNDED Resolution 811 was amended to insert the proper selling agency. Amended resolution on file in the office of the Secretary is hereby referred to and by reference made a part hereof. SUGGESTION THAT BOARD MEET TWICE A MONTH Mr. Stanley suggested the Board meet regularly twice a month due to the amount of business ahead. It was suggested the third Thursday along with the first Thursday. VII. ADJOURNHENT The meeting was adjourned to February 4, 1954. , <':'J j 1 "'j /'.", r """ , " ~ ,~ ' jk--~ ( President of the Digtrict ard of Central Contra Costa Sanitary District of Contra Costa County, State of California COUNTERSIGNED: . ~~ "fi Secretary of the Distrlct oard of Central Contra Costa Sanitary District of Contra Costa County, State of California 01 21 54'