HomeMy WebLinkAboutBOARD MINUTES 11-05-53 .~ "7 ¡~ .t~(. MINJTES OF A REGULAR TvŒETING OF THE DIS'l'RIC'I' BOARD CENTRAL CONTRA COS'I'A SANITARY DISTRIC'l' HELD NOV. 5, 1953 The District Board of Central Contra Costa Sanitary District convened in a Regular session at its regular place of meeting located at 1822 Mount Diablo Blvd., City of Walnut Creek, County of Contra Costa, State of California, on Novenilier5, 1953. The meeting was called to order by Member Roemer, President Pro te~. I. ROLL CALL PRESENT: ABS EN'l' : Members Roemer, ~tanley, Salfingere Member Johnson, all evening; Member ~piegl, until 8:10 P.K. II. APPROVAL OF HIJI:DTES The Iviinutes of the meeting of October 1, 1953, were approved as presented. III. APPROVAL OF BILLS It was moved by Member Stanley, seconded by Member Salfin~ere, that the bills as audi teè! by the auditing committee and as submi tted by the Engineer be approved, reference being specifically made to Sewer Con- otruètion Vouchers NvÆbers IhO-153, inclusive, and Running Expense Vouchers l-Jumbers 7802-7905, inclvsi ve ~ Carrled by the following vote: AYES: Members Roemer, Stanley, Salfingere NOES: None ABSENT: .Member Johnson, all evening; Member Spiegl, until 8:10 p.~. IV. OLD BUS -r:NE~:S .SOUTHERN PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT DISCUSSION A letter from Mr. Stanley R. Place, President of the Danville Community Services Distric:t was read and discussed relative to annexing to the District. President Spiegl was directed to wri te a letter explaining terrr..s and requirements of the District Board. CLAYTON VALLEY DISCUSSION A short discussion was held and continued to November 9, 1953, pending add:Ltional information from Nr. Nejedly and Hr. Horstkotte. V. REPOR'l'S ENG I I'JEER Mr. Horstkotte brought to the attention of the Boa:cd the~'jalnut Creek Cannery waste problem. He reviewed the various tests that had been made and the metering of the flow from the cannery and its effect on the system. Contin~ed for further report to the December regular meeting. . AT'rCHNEY None 11 02 53 }'11 VI. NEW BUSINESS ACCEPTAI',TCE OF LASl£"'l.1.:;l'J'lS GRAl\í'lED ~l'O T'lE DISTRICT -.--. It was moved by Hember S~d.fin[ere, seconded by Member Stanley, that the fclloVJing ease:llents grantf3d to the District be acce~pted: (1 ) (2) (3 ) ( I ) Lt., (5 ) ( ¡- \ 0) ( 7) ( " ) d / Eugene T. Marsh and Esther V. Marsh F'orrest E. Bertram a1"::6 Iva L. Bertra..rn Charlotte L. ïarr Bernard C. Goodwin and Alyce H. Goodwin Elmo Lombardi and Regina Lombardi Henry J. Kaiser Compa~y Hobe~t R. Platt and Flora C. Platt rJlelvin Sherman 8.nd LO1'I'8ine ~'1. Sherman Carried by tho followin~ vote: AYE::;: r/lembers Roemer, Stanley, S8lfincere, :::'piegl ~WE S: None ABS~NT: Member Johnson RESOLU'l'IOIJ NO. f~06 - (;JJI'I' CLAP1 TO e 01"TI,n.JNITY mC:TEODI: T CElmer; OF' LAFAYl2:'l'j'E It was mo'led by ["rember Roeme r, seconded by i"lember Stanley, that the Pres iëLerJt a Dd Sa oreta1'7 be authori 7.ed to execute (:1.:tÌ t Claim Deed to the Cor:lmlJ.n:1_ty Methodist Church of LR.í'ayette. Carrie d by the following vote: AYBS: JVIembers Roemer, Stanley, Salfincere, S.piegl NCES: None AiJSEF1: I.lemosr Johnson Resoln tieD 1.)0. 806 on f' 5.8 ire. the office of the Secretar.y is hereby refe:r'reÒ to a nd by y- eference maåe a part hereof. RESO LU'l'I 0 liT 1']0. 607 - QUIJ:' CIA I!"! '10 F'ORRBS'l' E. Bl~Err'RAY; Þ.:mIVA L. SERtR.4J1 It H as moved by l\îember Roemer, seconded br Hember Stanley, that the President and Secretary be autl::orized to execute Cui t Claim Deed to FO1'rest E. 3ertram and Iva L. Bertram. Carried by the follovJ:i.ng vote: A'ri:~S : He>:nbers Hoerner, ~:.tanley, Salf ir..,'.!.; ere, Spie gl HOJ.;. S: No ne A3S.~-:::~'T: ¡vIsènber Johnson Resolution No. 807 on file in the o!~ice of the Secretary is horejy referred to end by reference made a part hereof. .~LSCUJT:C()H NO. nOs - C::Frr CLJÎ.l}i. TO ELl.;O LC".r3ARiJI Ai';£.: ;:l::',GII,T.'" LVJ:BArDr - -.- ._- It was moved by Member Roemer, seconded by Member ~tm1ley, that the Froside~t and Secretary be authori?ed to execute Quit Claim Deed to Ll!TIO Lombardi.. and Rer;ina Lombardi. Carried by the following vote: A.Y:ë,S: I'1embers Roemer, Stanley, Sa.lfingere, SpiEigl NOES: None ABSE~T: Member Johnson ~esolution Uo. BoB on file in the office of the ~ecretary is hereby referred to and by reference made a part hereof. R..'i:C.UES'l TO JOIN 'l'RE CALIFORNIA 3AHrl APY DIS'l'RICrl M'SCC IAT ION A letter from Hr. Nejeä.ly relE,tive to the District joining the California Sanitary District Association was read. It ':1 as moved by i-1ember Roemer, seconded by Member Stan.ley, the District join the association and authorized the payment of first yes.r dues of ~;;.50.oo. .Carried by the following vote: AYES: Members Roemer, Stanley, Salfingere, Spiegl NOES: None A5S.ì:~NT: Member Johnson that tho 11 02 ~~ .~ "r ;~ i v '~ OR'INDA AND DISTRICT STORM WATEH AND OVERFLO1rJ P110BLEfvI Letters from the following were read: (1) Mr. John S. Longwell, Chairman, Regional Water Pollution Control Board. (2 ) HI'. E. 1-\. Re inke, Chi ef, Bure au of Sani t ary Img i~e er ing . (3) Copy of letter from Mr. Lo~is Breuner, President of Board of Directors of Bast Bay Municipal Utility District to Mr. ~. A. Reinke, Chief, Bureau of Sanitary Engineering. The problem was discussed and revieHed by Hr. Horstkotte. Hr. HOI'stkotte instructed to talk over with Hr. Reinke '?Lnd b.ast Bay Municipal Utility District definite action to be take~ on Nòvember 9, 1953, by the District Board. AU'tTORIZA'l'IOE TO SPEND NONTES F'ROM ~: E~:!ER C DESTRUCTION EXP ANSI ON FU'NLS Mr. Horstkotte requested authorization for the spending of Sewer Construction Expansion Funds for the preparation of construction plans fop syst<3~n enlargement. It was moved by Member Roemer, seconded by Member Salfingere, that $10,000.00 be authorized for the preparation of construction plans for system enlargement. Carried by the following vote: AYES: Members Roemer, Stanley, Salfingere, Spiegl NOES: None ABSENT: Member Johnson LET'l'ER '1'0 C ITIZ.l.CNS COMfJIITTLE .---.. ----- ---- Mr. Spiegl, President" was instructed upon the suggestion of Mr. Roemer to write a letter to the Citizens Committee expressing the Board's appreciation for their services. TEmnNATION OF MR. CLIFFORD HALL ---, -- -", Mr. Horstkotte, Jr., called to the attention of the Board the leaving of Mr. Clifford Hall, Office ~ngineer, from the District. The Secretary was instructed to write Mr. Hall a letter of regret on his leaving and conr~ending him on his work. VII. AD JOUR rP,Œ NT -----.---.- -- The meeting was adjourned by President Spiegl to Novamber 9, 1953. p". Lt-' President-of he istric Board of; ë-ëntr'al"-'-- Contra Costa Sanitary Llstrict of Contra Costa County, State of Cplifornia COUN'.rERSIGNED: ~r ~Q ~ Secre aryof the District Board of Central Contra Costa Sm itary District of Contra Costa County, state of California 11 02 53