HomeMy WebLinkAboutBOARD MINUTES 10-01-53 113 MINUTES OF A REGULAR IvIEE'I'ING OF THE DISTRICT BOARD CENTRAL C OJIITRA COSTA SANITARY DIS'TRICT HELD OCT. 1, 1953 The District Board of Central Contra Costa Sanitary District convened in a Regular' session at its regular place of meeting 10 cated at 1822 Mount Diablo Blvd., City of Walnut Creek, County of Contra Cost~, ~tate of California, on October 1, 1953. The meeting was called to order by President Spiegl. I. ROLL CALL PRESENT: Members Roemer, ~tanley,Spiegl Members Salfingere, Johnson A BSE;\Y'r : II. APPROVAL OF MIWuTES The IvI:i.nutes of the meeting of Sep temb er 10, 1953, were approved as presented. III. APPROVAL OF BILLS ----- It was moved by Member Roemer, seconded by l"lember Stanley, that the bills as audited by the 8uditing com..rrÜttee and as submitted by the Engineer be approved, reference being specifically made to ~ewf~ Construction Vouchers Nlli~bers 136-139, inclusive, and Running Expense Vouchers NUJnbers 7709-7801, inc Ius i ve. Carried by the fo1101"; ing vo to: AYES: Members Roemer, ~tanley, Spiegl ABSEnT: Members Salfingere, Johnson IV. OLD .:::1US I NESS .-.---..- SOUTE2W,' PUBLIC UTILrry DISTRICT DISCUSSION Mr. Horstkotte reviewed the engineering to date. It was pointed out that other utilities lying within the area planned for the sewer installation will cause a considerable increase in cost from that originally estimated. It was suggested that a larger area be con- sidered for annexation and a route along the Railroad right of way be . considered with a larger line. President Spiegl suggested that 1'1:C'. Ne jedly anå. Mr. Horstkotte meet wi th the Board of the D.anville group to deternÜne the best solution. \ The Danville area was represented by Mr. C. Horn and Mrs. Rockoff. CLAYTON V ALLE\'" Ii ISCnSS TON }1r. Dowell p:pesenteò a group of charts wi th. comments relative to t~e cost to t~e Clayton a~ea in comparison to the present District. It was suggested that Mr. Nejedly and Mr. Horstkotte meet with the Clayt~n group to õetermine if a reconsideration of terms shall be considered. APPHOVAL OF ASS.t:SS:'13l'JT DI.lH~RA:".1¡ L.I.D. 26 - RESOLUTION NO. ;;O3~ It "hT as moved by ¡"¡ember Stanley, Seconded by Ivlember Roemer, tr., t Resolution No. 803 approvin~ assessment diapram for Local Improvement District No. 26 be adopted. Carried by the following vote: AYES: I'Jlembers Stanle y, Roemer, Spi agl NO,:.S: None A:~SE:~'I': l\1embers Salfingere, Johnson Rasol~tion No. 803 on file in the orfice of the 8ecretary is hereby referred to and by reference made a part hereof. 10 01 53 .~ r'J ,~ 1 ~ "1"- APPROVAL Of ASSSSSNEN1' DIAGRA!\1 L.I.D. 28 - RESOLUTION NO. 804. I t was moved by Hember Stanley,. seconded by Hember Roemer, that Resolution No. 801.i- approving assessment diagram for Local Improvement District No. 28 be adopted. Carried by the following vote: AYES: Members Stanley, Roemer, Spiegl NOES: None ABSEWl': Members Salfingere, Johnson Eesolution No. 80L¡ on file in the office of the Secretary is hereby referred to and by reference made a part hereof. OXIDNl'ION PONDS Mr. Horstkotte reviewed the problem stating that an outfall line to Susiun Bay was an ultimate solution to the problem. It was stated that it was a matter of time until the biochemical oxygen de~l1and wculd increase in tl1.e ponds and they would become a health hazard. Mr. Horstkotte determined from the engineering to date that the outfall line could be constructed in steps to reduce, insofar as possible, a large initial expenditure. v. REPORTS E?WIHEER Mr. Horstkotte reviewed the expected results from the balance line installed at the Treatment Plant and men<.;ioned the inter'est of consulting engineers. AT'rORNEY None VI. NÐv BUSI NESS ORI~DA PUMP STAT ION MODIFICATION .._- No action was taken rela ti ve to memorandurn to Boar'd members for modification of facilities. Problem to be discussed with East Bay Municipal Utilit~ District. JAI\ŒS HILL REQUEST FOR EXTENSION OF TIME - L. I.D. 26 '-~'--"'- It was moved by I1ember Stanley, seconded by ìvlember Roemer, that an extension of time be granted to Hr. James Hill to Oetober 2R, 1953. Carried by the following vote: AYES: Members Stanley, Roemer, Spiegl NOES: None ABSENT: Members Salfingere, Johnson LEASE OF TREAT"~El'JT PLAN'l' LAND - MR. L. J. RAY It was moved by Member Stanley, seconded by Hember 110emer, that the request of I'ir. L. J. Ray for a 10 year lease of 'l'reatment Plant property be denied. It was agreed that the lease should be prepared on a one year basis. Ca,rried by the following vo te: AYES: Members Stanley, Roemer, Spiegl NOES: None ABSENT: Members Salfingere, J'ohnson 10 01 53 1: 'j ;... ::'~;J EAST BAY NUNICIPAL Ul'ILI~:Y DI::'jRIC II'S LETrlER REIll, TTVE TO OV ERFLUVJ ---.- .__.. . ..--.-.-.-.-,.-. ..-------' It was proposed that l"lr. Horstkotte meet with offic:i.als of the Last Bay Municipal Utility District for a discussion of the problem and to work out a solution.. Hr. John Haga representing the State bureau of Sanitation and Hr. Hc?forrow of the Contra Costa County Health Department expr(~ssed a desire for correction of the problem. Hr. Bors tkot. te was ins truc ted to wri te i'lr. IvicF'arland and s ugges t a meeting with ~tate, County, District and other interested parties to discuss and work out mutually acceptable solution. O'l'IŒR BUSINESS ADDED BY SUPFLJ:i;I'-Œ;NTAL AGENDA AFPOIN'l'I'ŒN'i' OF HO~F.f:J.~Pi~AESQN -::_.BESObUTION .J~J~.~,o.%.!, It was moved by Member Roemer, seconded by Member ~tanley, that Resoh:.tion No. ria':; appointing Robert P. Pearson to the posi tion of' Plant Operator bes.dopted. Carried by the following vote: AYES: l'lemberiJ .::;tanley, Roemer, Spiegl NObS: None ABSENT: IvIembers Salfingere, Johnson Resolution No. 805 on file in the office of the Secretary is hereby referred to and by reference made a part hereof. VII. AD JOUR EHE N'l' The meeting was adjourned by President Spiegl. tn be 1'ìF,1 C' ('.n r\love'~^jl-'er.5 10 r'..3 ..' ,-- OJ_....' .'-' , ,',/. Next meeting ('.-.. . (¿,-v~1 .) I r~:J / President of the District Board of Central Contra Costa SanitaFr District of Contra C os ta C O1.1,pty, Sta te ~f C aliforr!.ia CCUF~:ERSIGNi~D : ~~ - f!}f: (2 O~~ ~ Secretary of the District Board of Central Contra Costa Sanitary District of Contra Costa County, state ~f California 10 01 53