HomeMy WebLinkAboutBOARD MINUTES 08-04-53 "1 C'O } ".) /j MI~roTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF 'l'HE DISTRICT BOARD CENTRAL C ON'l'RA COS~l'A SANI'l'ARY DISI}:-nICT HELL AUGUST 4, 1953 The District Board or Central Contra Costa Sanitary ~istrict con- vened in a Regular session at its regular place of me~ting located at 1822 Mount Diablo Blvd., City of Nalnut Creek, County of Contra Costa, State of California, on August 4, 1953. The meeting was called to order at 8:00 ?~. by President Spiegl. I. ROLL CALL F '~BSEj\TT: ABSENT: Members Stanley, Roemer, Spiegl rtembers Johnson, Salfingere II. APPROVAL OF MINUTES ...- The Minutes of the meeting of July 2, 1953, were approved as p:eesented. III. APPROVAL OP BILLS It was moved by Me~ber Roemer, seconded by Member ~tanley, that the bills as audited by the audi ting commi ttee and as snbmi t ted by tr,e Engineer be approved, reference bej.ng specifically made to Sewer Construction Vouchers Numbers 113-123, inclusive, and. Running Expense Vouchers Numbers 7~.92-7592, inclusive. Carried by the following vote: AYES: Members Stanley, Roemer, Spiegl NO]~S: None ABSErT: Members Johnson, Salfingere IV. OLD BI}SI NESS -_.- BIDS ON L.I.D. 28. Bids for Local Improvement Iistrict 28 were received, opened and de c 1 Sore d. RESOLUTION NO. '795 - AWARD OF CONTRACT L.I.D. 28. -_....- It was moved by Nember Stanley, seconded by lvìember Roemer, that the Board accept the bid of Lewis Dannels, low bidder, in the amount of r27,700.00. The unsuccessful bidders were: Richards & Miles - - - - - - - - - - - - $28,051.00 Prodonovich & Rodrigues- - - - - - - - - 29,805.00 James Hill - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 31,788.50 Kevry Construction Co., Inc. - - - - - - 34,020.00 Carried by the following vote: AYES: Members Stanley, Roemer, ~piegl NOES: None ABSENT: Members Johnson, Salfingere Resolution Number 795 on file in the otfice of the Secretary is hereby referred to and by reference made a part hereof. 08 OA 53 lCB CLATI'ON VALLEY ANNEXATION: Mr. Cardinet presented a chart and figures for a basis of annexE'.tion as a couEter proposa.l to terms as set forth by the District Board. Mr. Zwicker spoke for Mr. Dowell in favor of the Cardinet propose.l. The proposal wlll be studied by the Board; Mr. Horstkotte shall prepare a memorandum in reply thereto and Mr. Cardinet is to be informed of a date to be set for a meeting to discuss the proposal f1Jrther. OXIDATION PONDS Discussion on the oxidation ponds was set over to the October Regula.r meeting for .J;:;ngineer' s report. CHILTON A~.mE:.~rIION - RESOLUTION No. 793 It was moved by l"j.ember Roemer, seconded by .I'.lember Stanley, that Resolution #793 be adopted. Carried by tlle following vote: AYES: Members Stanley, Roemer, Spiegl NOES: None. ABSENT: Members Johnson, Salfingere Resolution #793 on file in the office of the secretary is hereby referred to and by reference made a part hereof. i¡.;AL\!U'I' CF~EK I'IEAT COI'lIPAEY Engineer proposed a connection fee of $1,000.00 and a use charge of 75 cents per 1,000 ~allons of waste, per month. It was moved by Member Roemer, seconded by Member Stanley, that the Engineer's proposal be accepted. Carried by the following vote: AYES: Me~bers ~tanley, Roemer, Spiegl NOI!;S: None ADS.tiN'}: Hembers Johnson, Salfinger'e Mr. Nejedly was instructed to prepare a Contract for Board Hpproval. FŒ.:?O-:~T O"r' ~:.ALARY COlIEHT'l':¿;E Mr. Roemer read a prepared report of the Salary Comr~ittee fixing a yearly schedule and bri~ging the salary review date into conformity Hi th the fiscal year. r.rhe following interim schedule 1r!as proposed: August 1, 1953, increases proposed by t~e District ~ngineer to ~e effective as to employees who were last increased in ;)eptember, 1952. December 1, 1953, increases proposed by the ßngineer to be affective as to employees last increased in Februarv, 19~3. September 1, 19Sh, general revieVl and adjustnent of salaries. July 1, 1953 and annually thereafter, a general review and adjustment of salaries shall be made. The foregoing proposal does not apply to salaries of employees in executive capacity which include District Engineer, District Attorney and D~strict Office Manager. The salaries of such executive employees shall remain subject to review and adjustment at the will of the 30ard of Directors. 08 04 b-- ~)- ,. ~ t.Jì ..¡ ~.'i iu':! It was moved by Member Stanley, seconded by Member Roemer, that the report of the Salary Committee be adopted. Carried by the follow- ing vote: AYES: Members Stanley, Roemer, Spiegl NOES: None ABSENT: Members Johnson, Salfingere It was moved by Member Roemer, seconded by Member Stanley, that Mr. Horstkotte, Bngineer, receive a $50.00 increase effective December 1, 1953. Carried by the following vote: AYES: Members Stanley, Roemer, Spiegl ~OES: None . A5SE~!T: ~'Iembers Johnson, balf'Lngere It was moved by Member Roemer, seconded by Member Stanley, that Mr. McPhee, uffice Manager, receive a $60.00 increase effective August. 1, 1953, $50.00 of which is for the additional duties of Secretary of the District Board. Ca~ried by the following vote: AYES: Members Stanley, Roemer, Spiegl NOES: None . ABSENT: Members Johnson, Salfingere "Report of Committee onsalaries" on file in District office. There was a discussion of Mr. McPhee's title and Mr. Horstkotte was instructed to give him a title more appropriate to his duties. RESOLL~ION NO. 794 - DISTRICT EMPLOYEES SALARIES It was moved by Member Roemer, seconded by Member Stanley, that Resolution No. 794 be adopted incorporating the above. Carried by the following vote: AYES: !'1ernbers Stanley, Roeme r, Spiegl HOES: . None ABSENT: Members Johnson, Salfingere PROTEST OF 'HR. BARNARD RELA'I'IVE TO CONNEC'I'ION 'TERMS Mr. Barnard's protest relative to the terms as set for his property was denied. It was explained to Mr. Barnard that the connection fee was in accord with Ordinance No. 22 of the District. v. REPOR'rs ENGINEER 'l'he Engineer explained the installation of a balance line presently bei,ng installed at the 'l'reatment Plant by the Maintenance Crew. A 1"I'ORNE": 1. Opinion relative to taxing E.B.M.U.D. property held in a proprietary capacity discussed. 2. Danv ille area sev.Jage pro blem di SC'~lS sed reI ati ve to annexation and relief of a bad health problem. The Attorney proposed that the critical health area in Danville be permitted to annex to the District, the area to construct a minimum line to the District system at its own expense through Local Improvement District proceed"io.ngs and that connections other than in such area be 08 04 53 1 ;:..:, ,'"" .J!. 'i./ ,;} charged a connHction fee of the unit cost in such Local Improvement Di s tr-i ct; the fup.cis tc be deri- ved to be us ed for the expansion of TYes tr Let fn.cili tie s. 'The Board sl;gges ted the matter be left open for a short time to allow an opportunity for other Danville areas to su'gest their inclusion if other areas so desired. VI. NСì Bl1~,I ~mss REQUli;ST' OJ? MR. ortIS H. I¡IIr';PI:i':LD pun RELL~F CF' ASS.t:SSì.IEW1' The request of Hr. Otis H. ~Hnfield for relief of assessment, L.I.D. No. 22 was denied. L~~"lER FROI-,1 !'m~,. SMITIJ.'EF' A letter of appreciation from Hrs. Srlitten was read to tl:e Board. CLAIM OF MR. STEINBÞCK IJ.lhe claim of Nr. .:3teinback for damages occas ioned by a main line stoDpage was discussed. Mr. ~teinback is to be informed that the District is investig8ting the sa'ne. 'The claim to be pr'esented to the District i~~urance carrier. PROPOSAl OF' 1'IR. I. 'I. ;:; CEREIBER '---- Mr. Schreiber, lie?.l Es ta te Broker, was denied an exclusive agency relative to selling the District's property and relocating the District offtces. r-IA'l'TEPS FROf1 '1'HZ FLOOR. None OIJ.'H£R BUSINLSS 1. Discussion of Overtime 1'-'Iember rloerner discussed the question of overtime and the require!'nent of prior approval of the .c.ngineer. The claim of Mr. Mott for overtime to be presented by the ~ngineer prior to the next regular meeting. Basis for District Taxation - Resolution No. 796 2. ASSeSSTIlent made by County Assessor to be basis for District taxation until revoked. It was moved by l'/Iember Stanley, seconded by l'vTenber Roemer that Resolution No. 796 be adopted. Carried b;," the £'ollovJing vote: ~~s: HaGberg ~tanley, Roe~er, Sniegl ED ES : I'Tone ABSENT: Me~bers Johnson, Salfingere Resolution No. 796 on file in the office of the Secretary is hereby referred t~ and by reference made a part hereof. "\ ;;. Release of claio.m §:&~in1?. t tv?-l ter l!?.Ì)}~ It was moved by IVIem.ber ~tanley, seconded by rvIember ROe:ller', that the Secretary execute a release of claim against Walter Noble. Carried by t2e following vote: A~S: Me~bers Stanley, Roemer, Spiegl NOES: None Þ_BSE~r'I: I',1errlbers Johnson, Salfinr;ere 08 04 53 ~Dg :o. If) "-' VII. ADJOTJRm'Œ~T'l The meeting was adjourned by President Spiegl. be held on August 2L~, 1953. Next meeting to ;:"'....~ ..# n/?, j j' L~~ )/~~ Pres id'ent - óf t::.e - - st;' ..," ~oard or-c er.. tral Co~tra Costa Sanitarv District of Contra Costa County, State of California C CLTN'l'ERS IG NED: ~~:£R~ -,-/~ -- Secretary of ,the Dis trict Board of Central Contra Costa Sanitary District of Contra Costa County, State of Celifornia 08 04 53