HomeMy WebLinkAboutBOARD MINUTES 12-04-52 1 '} ,} MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE DISTRICT BOARD CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT HELD DEC~ffiER 4,1952 The District Board or Central Contra Costa Sanitary District convened in regular session at its regular place or meeting located at 1822 MOlli1t Diablo Boulevard, City or Walnut Creek, County or Contra Costa, State of California, on December 4, 195'2, at the hour of 8:00 o'clock p.m. The meeting was called to order by President Johnson. . . . . ROLL CALL PRESENT: Members Sa1ringere, Spieg1 and Johnson ABSENT: Member Roemer READING OF MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETINGS The Minutes for the meeting of November 6,195'2, were read and were aDproved as entered. The reading of the Minutes for the Special Meetin~held on November 12,195'2, and November 20,195'2, was waived and were approved as entered. LOCAL IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT NO. 26 President Johnson explained to Mr. Lance, President of tt.e Moraga Improvenlent ~ssociation, the-reason for requesting him to be present at this meeting, which was to discuss the feasibility of purchasing pumping equipment necessary for Local Improvement District No. 26 at this time in order to expedite the completion of the improvement dist- rict. ' Mr. Lance informed the Board that the Moraga Company and one other property owner did not indicate a willingness to participate in the purchasing of the pumping equipment in advance; he also stated that another property OIDler was undecided. Mr. Lance thanked the District Board and the Engineer for every- thing that had been done to expedite the work and the cooperation they had shOWn to the people in the Moraga Area. PROPOSED ORDINANCE ESTABLISHING CONNECTION TERMS The Attorney had a new draft of the proposed ordinance prepared for the Board's consideration. The Engineer expJai"ned ,to the Board that ror non-residential use or the sewers as set forth in the proposed ordinance, that Burns- McDonnell of Kansas City and Crocker Piping Hand Book would be used as a standard for measuring average daily flow. It was moved by Member Salfingere that the ordinance be referred to a future meetin~ for Giscussion and that we consider Item 6, connect- ion terms, as governed by this ordinance and get on to other business. There was no second. Consideration of the proposed ordinance establishing connection terms was continued. CONNECTION TERMS SET PACHECO AUTO COURT It was moved by Member Spiegl, seconded by Member Salfinr:ere, that connection fee ror the Pacheco Auto Court be rixed for 28 units based upon non-residential use and ,in accordance with the standard use and rlow tables; that the Engineer notify the applicants that connection wil: be permitted upon the paJ~ent ror 28 units, if they have no proof of the payment for the 18 original units claimed; if proof is 12 04 52 12,5 produced ror the prior payment ror the 18 units, the ree to be collected is for the 10 additional units only. Carried by the following vote: AYES: Members Salfingere, Spieg1 ffiîd Johnson NOES: None ABSENT: Member Roemer CAMBRA PROPERîY (ORINDA EXCAVATING & PAVING) It was moved by Member Salfingere, seconded by Nember Spiegl, that the Board accept the En~inßer's reconwendation and establish connection fee for t he Cambra. Property (Orinda Excavating and Paving) for one building containing two lavatories, two toilets and one drinking fountain, in the amount of $100.00, withthe consideration that the cost of extending public sewer to provide this service be at the property owner's expense. Carried by the following vote: AYES: Members Salfingere, Spiegl and Johnson NOES: None ABSENT: Member Roemer SIEGr:1AN PRO PER TY It l'J8.S mmred by Membe:e Salfincere, seconded by Hember E;piegl, th8.t the Board accept the EngiD.eer' s recom:.rnendation and establi sh connection fee for the Siegman Property in the amount of ~lOO.OO, in consideration of the fact that Siegmans granted an easement through their property to provide service to up-grade propsrties. Carried by the following vote: .^¡,Yf:;::: : IiJembers Salf'ingere, Spiegl and .Tohnson JlTO ;~~~ : None ABSaTT: r1ember Roemer c."lTI,r ',¡,^TI'¡'Y il,~IìTri'L (~\, "'RJ\ t'F\C'::1\T , ~ '::'_....:~~..::~-,:..:::"- "=-- ~:':". ,_::"T_':"";;'::':~~::':::',!. It Has moved b~T l"Iember :~,a,lf ingere, seco~lded by f'Iember Sri 8ßl, tha,t t":,e Bos.rd acc opt. the Engineer' s reco'~menòa tion and es tabl ish, connee t Lon fee for one add]. tione.l unit at t:',e Sun Valley I"Iotel in the amovnt of :~:100. 00, in cons ideration of the ezpens e of ~aking a highway crossing to serve his property and other up-grade properties. Cprried by t~e f'ollowin~ vote: ' A~'~'}¡;,C::, : ],'16':'1bers ~~'Ð.lL~ngere, ,Spiegl and Jobpson Frane y~O;~~: : A c:r.:T~'I' : l'le'Cr1,ber loerner AT,3i~;'q'l' r~. ~W'o!LT1'T PV,P¿~J.'Y ..---- It \-Tes ::1.oved by :5ernber E:,piegl, seconded by f'ie!11ber ?alfiniiere, th!?,t tr-e 30c:,réJ 8.cceDt the Engineer' s reco'~"nendat:i.on and Gste.blish connection f3e for t~e Albert C. Nowlin froperty, located on ,C'U"tTLt RO8.cJ., :in the amount of :"-100.00 for one builc1,i.n~~ site, 1¡Jith the consideration ttRt the cost of' exteD.dinc public sewer to provide this ser'li,ce ~Ftll be at tte exgense of H'e property miner. Carried by the followi~~ vote: AY;:;S: l'leCi'},bers 38lflngere, Spiegl and J'olmson l'~Ci~:::; : ~':one ).";:::;:,"'1': i"Ie','nber Hoemer LÞ, CU,':::::'L4 St'3D CTISIC:r I t was moved by dember ~piegl, seconded by l.'lember E: 8,lfin,;ere, the,t t~~E;; ?oard accept the Engineer I s recomrnendation and establish connection fE,es f'OT' La Cuesta Subdivision as f'olloHs: Ì'or the two building sites which can be served by existin~ sewers installed under Local Improvement Idstrict No. 12 proceedinr':s to be in the arnount of ':\L~63. 00 per bu~_lding site; for the bala,nce of the lots which 'Hill be served by ez:tension of public sewers installed at the expense of the subdivider to be in the amount of ~lOO.OO per builaing site. C arri ed by the .follow i,nc:' vote: 12 04 5 ,;;y.. f.d '1 1. ¡;:~ jL ]. \/ AY:¡;S: Hembers Salfingere, ['pie?l and Johnson NO~S: None AB.Si,;FT: Member Hoemer ACALAHE,'3 VALLEY, TnH'l' 6 It was moved by Nember ~:piegl, seconded by ¡'lember ;'alfing:ere, that the Board accept the EnD';ineer' s reconrm,endat5-on and establish connection fee for p,calanés Valley: Unit 6, in. tr-.e a..rnount of :'100.00 per building site, with the consideration that the expense of extending public sewers to provide this service be borne by the subdivider. Carried bv the follo1--Jing vote: AY}~S : Hembe:r's f alfingere, Spiesl and Johnson NOS:::: None ABSENT: Member Roemer SPRIN'}BROOK S UBDI'TISI CN --_. It was moved by I'/Iember Spiegl, seconded by Hember ~a1fingere, that the Board accept the Engineer's recomD1endati,on and establish connection fee for Sprin~brook Subdivision in the amount of flOO.OO per builóing site, with the consjderation that the expense of extending public sewers to provide this service be borne by the subdivider. Carried by the followiY'-Z, vote: AYES: Hembers Salfin[ere, Spiegl and Johnson }W;::;S: None ABSE~T: Member Roemer 101'S 53, 64., 65, 66 and 67, ACALAFl!",S VALLEY, UNIT 5 It was moved by I'lember Spiegl, seconded by Member ~p.lfinf.ere, that the Board accept the Engineer's recommendation and establish connection I fee for Lots 53, 64" 65, 66 and 67, Ace.lanes Valley, Unit 5, in the a~r1ount of (~:lOO.OO per building 8i te, wi th the consideration that the expense of extending public sewer to prcvide this service be borne by the subdivider. Carried by the followinß vote: AY~S: Members Salfin~ere, Spiegl and Johnson }.JO ll~~) : None ABSEHT: Nember Roemer ROBERT PL~TT PROP~RTY It was moved by Member Spiegl, seconded by Member ~alfingere, that the Board accept the ßngineer's reco~nendation and establish connection fee for the Ì\obert Platt .Property, Upper llappy Valley, in the amount of ~'noo.oo per building si te, wi th the consideration that the cos t of extending public sewer to pro11ide service be at t:-e expense of the owner. Carried by the following ,vote: AYES~ Members Salfingere, spiegl and Johnson NO'!~S ,: None ABSETrr: Her.1ber Roemer LA CANYADA PARK SPBDIVISION It was moved by Member Spiegl, seconded by Member f'alfingere, that the Board accept the Engin~er's recommendation and establish connection terms for La Canyada Park i:::.ubdi vis ion as follows: F'or the two lots which can be ~erved by existinfl sewe~s installed under Local Improve- ment District No.3 proceedin!2's to be in the amount of ~~266.00 per bu:Llding si te; for t he balance of the lots which will be served by extension of public sewers installed at the expense of the subdivider to be in the amount of 4100.00 per building site. Carried by the follow- in? vote: ATI~S: Members Salfin~ere, Spiebl and Johnson N~3: None ~ ASSENT: Member Roemer 12 04, 52 ,; -1 ("" i 1 ¿ AYi-j'¿:, i'1embers ~alfingere, Spiegl and .Johnson !,TO.E:S : None ABf:E~~T: f:Iember Hoerner PRE~US;R HOh:L~., INC. (LB1VIS R. PETERSON) It Has moved by t/!ember ~alfingere, sec:-:>nded by lilember Spil~~l, that the 30ard accept the Bngineer's recommendation and establish connection terms for the, proposed subdivision by Premier Homes, Inc., in the mnount of ~100.00 per building site, with the con- sideration that the expense involved to extend public sewers to provide this service be borne by the subdivider. CArried by the f'ollowinp vote: A YE:S: ¡':IeJlbers Salfingere, Spie~!l and Johnson FO.',~;S: Fone ABsr~:1'!T: Hember Ho emer 1;;. ,f\. BU;{~:OF PHOPERTY, LOT 24, BLOCK_~?2._~IQKLJ:1S~AF'F\ TRACT It was moved by Nember S,alfingcre, seconded by Üember f;piegl,' that the Board accept the Engineer's reco~nendation and establish connection terms for Lot 24, Block 13, Bickerstaff îract, that had received a reduced assessment because it was considered that this property did not have gravity ~ervice, in the amount of ~199.00 which is the difference between the $266.00 unit of assessment in Local Improvement Vi stric t No.3 and'the $67.00 alr'eady assessed aga:Lns t the property. CBrried by the following vote: AY~S: Members Salfingere, Spiegl and Johnson NOES: None ABE::~':;N'l\: Hember Roemer vI. NnW~ PROPER'I'Y, LO'l' 3, GARRE~'T rrRACT, UPP2R HAPPY VÞLLEY It was moved by Hember Salfingere, seconded by l';lember Spiegl, that the Board accept tb,e Engineer's recommedation and establish connection terms for Lot 3, Garrett rlract, in the amount of ~:;362.00 which was the unit of assessment for Local Improvement District No. 7. The cost o£ extendin~ private sewer to provide this service to be at the expense of the OHner. Carried by the rollowing vote: AYES: Hembers Salfingere, Spiegl and Johnson FŒ~S: Hone AB,3.:~~"T: HembrJY; Hoerr1er S. A. KOZA!-: PROPERTY, 185 sm~nT BOA.D, :;:AP,TT CREEK It was moved by Me~ber ~alfingere, seconded by riember Spiegl, th,!'\t the 30ard accept 'V."~e l~ngineer' s recommendation and establish connection terms for ~. A. Kozak Property, 185 Summit Hoad, '.!alnut Creek, in the amount of ~100.00 for one building site,with the consideration that the cost of extendi~g public sewer to provide this service vlill be borne by the owner. Carried by the followinß vote: l\Y¡i'¿;: Members Ealfin~):ere, Spiegl anå. Johnson NO~S : rone A3S~~T: ~ember ~oemer PA~;L T";tÌ'r:";r'-?B:~'::-r;. PPOPERTv UPF~"P. HAPP'.{ Vi~_LL,1;:'{ -'"._"'~".:'~" '_J,_\.. .~' -. -, ,L¡,L ..- It HD,S :noved by ¡-'¡ember Salfingere, seconded by .'~em,ber Spief!;l, that the 30ard accept' the Engineer's reco~~endation and establish connec tion terms for Paul lJ.a~:nlnerberg troperty, Upper happy Valley, in the amount of '100.00 per building site, 1.-1i th the considera,tion that the cost or extending public sewer to provide this service be borne by the owner. Carried by the following vote: AY'~:S: Hembers Sp,lfin['~ere, ;:piegl and Johnson };rc,,~ : ¡"'one AgS~MT: ~ember fioemer 12 04 ,,', ¿, ~~ ,i '¡ ¡",) .1" :,:' LOT 15, PA:R.A12~3E ACRES, UNIT 2 It was moved by Member 3a1fingere, seconded by ~ember Spieß1, that the Board accept the Bngineer's r-::>commendation and establish connection terms for Lot 15, Paradise Acres, Unit 2, in the arnount of ;i~lOO.OO for one building site. Carried by the following vote: AYE:S: Hembers ~a1fingere, Spieg1 and Johnson lTOES: None ABSVL'l': l'J!e1JJber .Koerner \'1. .II.. pnWR~,E PROPER'l'Y, 3182 ACALA'T~:S AVE;'TE, LAF'AYETTE It was moved by ~ember ~alfingere, seconded by Member Spiegl, that the l3oard accept the Bngineer' s recom...rnendation and establish connection terms for one building site at 3182 Acalanes Avenue, L8.fayette, in the aJ10unt of ~:,lOO.OO, Hith the consideration th2.t the cost of extenclin;;:; ~nblic seVIer to provide this service be at the expense-., of the oHler: Carried by the following vote: AYES: l'!¡embers Sali'ingere, ~riegl and J'ohnson NOES: Hone AB~;¡~F'l': "[ember Hoe':-:¡er DOl'T/ŒD L. RHßE'.~ PRCFERTY, D01'1Þ,LI; 1)~TV=, CRn'::" It was moveð. by l'.íember ~alfingere, seconded by ¡/lember Spiegl, that tl,1e .Board accept the mg5,neer's recommenclÐ.tion and ests,blish connection term,s for the .'Jonald Rheem Property, Donald Dr5.ve, "'rinda, in the amount of -"100.00 per buildin?; site, \-'lith the consideration that the cost of extend~ng public sewer to provide this service be at the prop- erty own(~r' s expense. Carr-:.ec1 by the followin::; vote: AY¿S: Members SalfinEere, Spiegl and Johnson HO::.'3: l'!one A "S;7;"T'l\: j~:œnber Hoerner LA~AYETTE SCHOOL DISTRICT It was moved by l\1ember Salfingere, seconded. by that the Board accept the ~Dgineer's reco~~endation connection terms for a 14 room school to be located 1s.fayette, In the amount of ë::llO.OO per class room. following- vote: ¡'lember .::-p:i.egl, and establish on ~cbDol Street, Carried by the AYBS: Members Salfingere, Spie~l anC Johnson NO: ',f::, : ï:lenlbers None l~?~ErT: Ì'ievr.ber ,Hoerner HORl\.':A DE:! REY ELE?m~T'T A BY SCHOOL It 1.ras moved by dember' [':alfingere, seconded by i'lember ~piegl, tb,gt the Doard accept the ßngineer's recomnen~ation aDd establish connection terms for the Horap:,:a Del Rey Elementary ;:;chool in the amount of ~!~110. 00 per class room. Carried by the following vote: A'{!:;S: Hembers ,':alf1 nßere, Spieç:l and Johnson NO,'<:': None A3S;:'~1'T':r: ¡v¡ember ltoemer CHnrrr rr:r'.::ï: Kn!(} C.^.THOLIC CFURCH, GT~BG(:RY Lt VE; It Hasrnoved by l'1ember é;al,f incere, seconded by i'Iember :::';piegJ., that the Soard accept the ßngineer's recommendation and establish' connection terms for the first unit of the Church development in the Bf,rlount of :';'100.00, Hith the consideration that the cost to extend public seHer to serve this property be at the expense of tlJe o~mcrs. Ar-y subsequent units to be served by sevier is to be submi tted to the Board for additional connection terms. (,arried by the following vote: !\Y!~'S: Nembers Salfingere, Spiegl and Johnson NC.L;~S : IITone ABS~NT: Member Roemer 12 04 fi2 j 1 ~; Rl¡;ÇU:~S'I' POR A i\T1IP;XA'I'JOF OF PP.OFER~,'Y m!~;Elí BY DOPl.;'::;R, I~T AL 'l'he Board informed hr. 1:heodore i3eckett, representing l.Jop1er, et al, that the District could not consider annGxin~~ any properties until such thn~ :?s some provision has been made for the expansion of the ~istrict's facilities. W§;.': /:'1' FOR A t'T.J!~Xl\.'I'ION 0:1' PROPf.<R'l'Y 0" }T~D BY He Gl\H, 0' SIE<:A, PÞ.C;T-ŒCC'. CO. ~;:.HERATY T'ne '¿np;ineer \--1 as ins true ted to inform l'1c~ah, at a1, th[~ t the District could not consider 8,nnexing any addi tional property until such time as some provision has been made for expansion of the' District's facilities. T~i';(F,:~:ST BY jR. \:!YC=CO. 'F TO E~AS~ 20 AcnES, OF 'I'::'LJ,T':,::t.i:NT PLp.n PROPERTY 1-11'. ¡-lay, repres6ntinc C'r.'Jyckoff, requested that the lJistrict 1~8~e 20 acres o~ land at the Treatment Plant site for $5.00 per 8,(;re per year. .i.~e also requested th~_t the~-istrict e:ive him reasonable assurance that if the property was available at the end of the ~re8.r v.rhen the le8,s8 exp::,res that he W) uld be given first consideration to lease the property. The Attorney was directed to prepare a'scitable lease with a 30-d?y cancellation clause a~ well asa clause requirinc the lessee to carry liability inS1...~r8nCe to proteet the û:Lstrict from any poss ib10 daY'¡;.rJ-C,e suits. It was moved by Member Salfingere, seconded by Membe~ fpiegl, t.}.'.'..1.t tJ',? Presi::"ent ar.( SeCI'9tarJT be 8,utLorizecl to execute a leRsA on behalf of tbs ~istr~ct to rent 20 acres of land at the 'l'reatm,en t r::. ,:\nt to jJ:r¡. '¡!yckoff for the amo'.lnt of ::;"5.00 per acre per year. Carried by the following vote: AY:~S : J-Ierlbers :::8.1[:ln",:ere, :(:;piegl and Johnson FO~S : Fone ,:~3S'";,~"I': ~'Iem,bf>"'" hO8C:1er AFFnCr\T OF' 3ILTJ~ ::'011 FAY':,r:1\TT It wJ.s"-:1oveG by l'b;:-ilber ~:pioZl, seconded by nembsr :::'8.11.'i11;-:,ere, thp,t the bil}."! as checked by t'ne l::.ngineer' and approved b¡r the audi. tine com.:.,lÌ ttee be paid, reference being specifically made to :JavIer Constr~;.(;tion l~lt::.nd vouchers Numbers 82 to 86, incl1;.si,ve and '.'1.1.nnins ..:¡:pen~e ioucbers HuIllbe:rs 668L! to 6787, inch,'sive. Carried hy t~e followin~ vote: NOES: He~rlbers : :.alfin;::;ere, ,:;,piepl and Johns O:il ,~ ["Dna A',';: '<::; : ABSE~TT: 1,le:11ber Roemer :i:C'Ij:)"-SIOr O.~" TrHE rEO CŒ'1PV:':IE cC}~rlPA~ri) FOP. En-IP !~HD _~J':GPŒ þ,: SE:',F:TY ,-'\~' 'I-q.:':;ATJ'IE:NT PIÞ.r!T -------,------- -_.. It ;,;p,s ::~loved by j,;¡ember ;:'pie.:¿'J., seconded by .i.J.eTI~b'::r ;.)alfingere, t~at Frank 3each be granted an extension of time without penalty for the cO"!',lplct '.on of the contract to install Pump and bn:::ine ;~s ~,; '3~Î1J)ly at 1'rf':!1 t~ent Flant to December 31, 19::;2. Carriecì by the fol1m'!in? \Tote: AY'~S: ~,len:1)ers ,'::alfingere, Spiez~l and Johnson ~TO i~S : l'10ne j\.:3~~:~I,TT: :-Ie~rlber 1\03',ner '12 04 52 -'Ie" (>. 1 Z'i) f1EP A VI~T::; O£ì' ~ IDE E::E;~,'¡ER STnEi~;~[' Cr:~:'S r1'he Engineer informed the Board that side sewer contrac tars and paving contractors were not complying wi tb. the .Liis trict' s ordinance in the mo,tter of time allo¡",red to repave side seVIer street cuts. He suggested one of the fo110wincmeasures be approved: 1. r:Chat the ui stri ct a!1"!.end the ordinance to pro'll de that the District could let a ~id to one paving contractor to do all repavinc of side, sewer cuts within the vistrict; 2. Request the District Attorney of Contra Costa County to enforce the District'8 ordinance and take action against violators of the orc1inanc e . It was the decision of the Board that the rittorney request the District P.ttorney to enforce the .LJistrict' s ordinance and take action against violators and if it is not done for the .LJistrict to take action to force the District Attorney to abide by the provisions of the Sanitary ~istrict Act of 1923. Econmncs A TlTALYSIS FOR DI5TRIC'l I'-lember 3alfingere reported on the firms he had contacted in re~~ard to making an economics analysis for the .Liistrict. Member Salfingere was instructed to study the proposals and pick the three best qualified to make the analysis and request bids based on the specific information desired by the Board. CHRIE:TMAS PARTY :¡<'OR EnPLOY;;j:t~S OF 'l'HI; DISTRICT The President of the Board suggested that the hembers of the Board donate money to pay for a Christmas party for the employees of the District. This su;gestion was acceptable to the other members present SETTLElvTEwr OF DO",!NER CASE IN REGARD 'I'O DErrC IETTC rES-LOC AT H1PRCHE'!2FT DL~'I'RICT NO.3 ., ~ 1,lr. Nejedly requested the Board's per..:nission to settle the UOlrmer matter to the be3t interest of the .LJistrict. Member Spiegl requested that the Attorney be authorized to settle the suit as he thought best and in the manner that would be to the best intere¿t of the District. The Board concurred. OPPER OF AID }:<-¡ROH CITIZti:I\f:3 CGr-fìHTTE:E ~/lr. Harold Furf-;t addressed the District Board and stated that he represented Improvement Associations in the ~anitary .LJistrict. He asked' whether or not the Board would welcome the appointment of a l2-man committee to advise the District. The matter was taken under consideration by the Board. ADJOUR1\1J'1ß!\!'l' President Johnson adjourned the meeting to Dece,:nber 18, 1952, at 8:00 p.m. President of l Dlstrlc, oar orcentral Contra Costa vanitary District of Contra Costa County, State of California. ' COUl'J'I'ERSIGIf:m: ~¿:::~z;:.~.= ~-;ec~-fëit":tt1euištrict Board of Central Contra Costa Sanitary District of Contra Costa County, Etate of California 12 04 52